Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the...

J Established July 8, 1856. VOL. XXII, NO. 4163. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, IS95. PRICE 5 CENTS HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report i ".-- Jar Lahainalunas played thtir second game of ball witnessed by a large number of spectators. The game was closely contested and well played with Lahaina in the lead up to the seventh inning when an ex-play- er of Kameha meha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and shows that the Maui boys mean to play ball even if the school team does show a propensity tor "kicking" at the decisions of the umpire. Later on a squad of the Lahaina Rifles met at the range and shot twenty rounds, at 2h0 yards. The fo- llowing scores were not up to the aver aue: L. M Baldwin 7H, Dickenson 75, White 70, McCann nO, G. Haysehieu 66, Schmidt 42. T. Forsyth 33. Glory was the prize for which so many shot. A fishing party took advantage of the clay aud were fairly successful, bringing back nineteen of the finny tride, including three uluas. Messrs. Dunn, Hose and Judge Kahaulelio were of the arty. A few details may be of interest. The fishing ground is in the Pailolo channel, separating Maui, Molokai ami Lanai. The exact spot was located by Mr. Kahaulelio by means of familiar landmark? on each of the above named islands. The point of intersection of the three lines found, he ordered the anchor over and, to show how precise experienced fisherman become he stated that the depth was thirty-fiv- e fathoms. Veri- fication proved it true; the boat was evidently over a shoal. Every detail was explained for the benefit of the uninitiated. The hooks were baited with an opelu each and in addition to this each hook had a handful of chewed opelu bound around with part of the line and tied with a peculiar drawing knot. The line, lowered by means of the heavy leaden linker at- tached, Is given a sudden jerk when bottom is reached and this draws the knot ami releases the mixture. This lloats off on the current and being met by the fish is traced back to its source. Here awaits the shining opelu on the hook. A dart, a jerk, a long pull, and the fellow is safe in the hands of the jubilant fisherman. Chief Justice Juddand Justice Frear with Mr. Dickenson ami Judge Ka- haulelio ar:d others visited the water heads on Saturday, the 30th, in regard to the water case now before the courts. After business the Chief Justice went out with others on a short fish ing excursion. KVKNTSIIN itl iSUM) History of Thanksgiving Re- counted by Rev. Dr. Beckwith. ( ikchtcoi rtterm ai lahaina. Rejgnlar Monthly Meeting r Slakawao Literary and Social lab Tax Ap- peal Board Meeti Pala Plantation to open ti Store l'ookola Church. MAUI, Nov. 30 Last evening the pretty home of Mr. ami Mrs. H. P. Baldwin, of Haiku, received as guests the members of the Makawao Liter- ary and Social Club, the oceasiou be- ing the regular monthly meeting of that society. Without, the red tints of the veran- da lights nestling among the green vines showed with pretty etrect, de- spite the brilliancy of the mooulight. Within, during the early part of the evening the attraction centered around the tables upon which were displayed fancy articles offered for sale by the Ladies' Aid Society. Later on the following "Thanksgiv- ing Program by the Old Folks,"' in costume, was much appreciated: 1. Quartet -- "The Breaking Waves Dashed High' Recitation Miss Eva Smith "Thanksgiving in the Olden Time" Mrs. G. E. Beckwith Recitation Ethel Taylor Quartet "The Old House at . Home" Reading Mrs. Taylor Reading "The Microbite Isl and" Mr. Hardy Both (planets, rendered by Mrs. G. E. Be.k with, Miss Millie Beck- with, Messrs. E. G. and G. E. Beck- with, were received with encores. Mr. Beckwith's address was a pleas- ing resume of the history of the New England Thanksgiving, from the time of (he lauding of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock, from the time f Carver, Bradford, Standisb and Alden, to the present. During his remarks he expretsel a fervent wish that the fair peaks of Hawaii should soon be encircled by the broad laud of the stars and stripes a flag saluted by 15,000,000 of school children. At the conclusion of the regular program John Haheo, known to local fame as the Hawaiian dandy, made Ins little bow and gave an expert per formance on the Jew's harp. Nearly $100 was realized by the sale of fancy articles, which will more than pay for the proposed repairs on the Paia church organ. STRAY SC'KI HBLINGS. The Hana people and some from the Wailnku side of the island will take the Claudine this afternoon tor La- haina. The jury term opens on De- cember 4th, with forty-tw- o cases probably more) on the calendar, none, however, causing any great public interest. On Monday, the J"th, three appeals were beard by the Tax Appeal Board at Makawao court house, and during Tuesday, the 20th, two appeals were decided at the Wailuku court house The decisions rendered were generally compromises. Paia Plantation has recently pur- chased the large store building of the Quong Fong Company and have moved it to a position near their office at Puia. After refitting, th planta- tion will open a general store, whole- sale ami retail. The PookeJa native church of Maka wao has recently decided not to come under the administration of the Ha- waiian Board, but to remain inde- pendent. Thanksgiving Day was generally observed on Maui in a quiet w y. Family dinners were frequent. On Sunnay, December 1st. Dr. Beckwith will pleach hi annual "Tbankegiv-ing- " sermon at the Paia church I lie fork of th Spreckelsville and t.'. ....!.,: vr..i..., i,.. k.. .... .... cently moved a half mile or so toward Spreckelsville. This change will allo w tire plantation to u.-- e the gulch land to better advantage. Ths Kahului Railroad Company baa hnen making quitn an extensive addi- tion to their Wailuku depot. Tom Bochfort, Wailuku's popular and well known barber, has returned from his wanderings on the other islands and settled temporarily at Spreckelsville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Yan, prominent Chinese residents of Makwao, left for a visit to China last w-e- k. B b English, t- - e Kaha'ui pilot, Is getting bis steam launch Mol ea ready for the sugar season. A new boiler will he put in aud the engine repaired. Weather cooi and pleasant. LAHAINA NOUS. Thanksgiving i;iy Fittingly Ob- servedBaseball and Shooting. LAHAINA, Nov. 30. Thanksgiv- ing day aras fittingly obseived as a holiday by officials and plantations. During the day the Luhainas and f P ill imi Mill i Board of Health Makes Its Tour to Kalaupapa. PEOPLE HAPPY AND CONTENTED. Cat Indie Brothers Begin Their New Work r!;- iu'i: 'Hi Care or rh' 1 ii- - fori mmics-- 1 nspeofl inu Pari y s.ft' Bound Obliged to limn iiu- - I'M 11. For events extraordinary, combined with experiences of a decidedly un- usual character, the semi annual in- spection of the leper settlement by the Board of Health ou Saturday takes the palm from any previous expedi- tion of a similar character. Whether there was a Jonah on board or the elements conspired to give Mi s Field and other members of the new-pap- er fraternity something out of the usual line bad not been decided when the Ke Au Hou reached port with all hands well and happy at a little after 8 o'clock last evening. The trip up to the settlement on Saturday evening was a very quiet one so far as the action of the steamer was concerned, and if it had not been for the shark stories of Senator Wa-terho- use and Judge Wilcox there would have been very little of partic- ular interest to mark the first part of the journey. It in stated on good au- thority that Prof. Mustek Is aeriously considering abandoning his book on the islands and taking up the subject of sharks. The steamer proceeded slowly ami arrived off Kalaupapa about 2 o'clock in tin morning. A shower sent below those who had been making a desperate attempt to sleep on deck, and all hands turned out to tell BtorieS aud drink collee. Long before Buniise lights began to make their appearance about the settlement, giving evidence that the people were up aud about to pre- pare for their guests. After breakfast on board, the party set off for the landing, which was made with comparative ease. The band, with the new instruments sup- plied by Captain Cochrane and the AnvKKTisEK, was on hand, and a gathering of some two hundred people were clustered ahout the arch at the head of the lauding bearing the words 41 Welcome to Molokai." As Kate Field went up the walk she was greeted with patriotic American airs. The Bishop, with the Catholic Brothers who had come to minister to the poor unfortunates of the settlement, went immediately to the church, where a large congregation was gathered for the early morning service. The re- mainder of the party proceeded to Agent Reynold's house, where they deposited their goods and chattels and prepared for the work of the day. The Kalaupapa hand was stationed in the enclosure, While the Kalawao hand remained at the church. There was music galore, and all hards appeared in good spirits. If appearances were deceitful it was not the fault of Senator Henry Watei house, who was here, there ami everywhere with cheering word for everybody. He was by all odds the " biggest man in town." By 9 o'clock the usual cavalcade was formed for the trip to Kai iwao. This was the occasion for Miss Field's first attempt at horseback tiding in divided skirts. She decided that the old style is good enough for her. Ar- riving at the Baldwin Home in Kala- wao, the visitors found the boys lined n p in true military style to re- ceive them and hfter passing In re- view the boys marched away to Ka- laupapa to escort the Bishop and the Brothers, who had remained behind At the Baldwin Home, Brot her Dut-- t r 1 1 was found with his little medicine box making hi morning rounds among the sick. He greeted his visit- ors cordially butcould not give them hia time ail(, attention until he had visited all the Buffering ones of hia little community. With Brother Dut'on as with all those religious worker- - at the settlement the comron of the unfortunate under their cure -- trtiuls lust m th-- ir thought, isahi- - win Home is one of the most attrac- tive BpOt in the settlement. The dormitories, hospital ami school ar- ranged ioa hollow square enclose a pretty grass ploi dotted here and there with shrubbery and flowers. The grounds have been convene i from a rocky waste by the work of the boys, one hour each day under the direction of Brother Dutton. Tne party went through ail the buildings which weie found as clean and comfortable as Constant and careful eare can make them. Brother Dutton's workshop, dispensary and his liiile cottage home a- - well as tt e home of Sisteis Cres-centi- a and Vincentia were by no means least in the points of interest. These li'tle homes furnished with what seems to an outsider hardly the necessities of life ser in, by virtue of the loving, and self-sacrific- ing labors of the occupants almost like -- acred ground. And all about the Home is so scrupulously clean and Steam Engines, Boiler-- . 8uc:r Mill- -. - lr-- , Hni,t :ind "aT I iiur. And Machinery of every description made to ordrr. Particular attention paid to ships' iircksrnithing. Job work executeJ n the shortest notice. LEWER5 & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers in Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material, JJO. H KOKT ST11KET, HOKOLl'Ll'. H. JAOUEN, Practical -:- - Qunmaker, Will do anv kind of repairing to Firearms, lso Browning and Blueing and Restock- ing equal to factory work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Union Street, with C. Sterling. Painter. iraid Livery onfl Ming StoDles Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at ali our. TKI.KI'HONK 4MO. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Cor. Ktnur and Nuuunii streets. Just Received by the Australia a Fresh Invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters FOR CO( KTATLS. Telephone 805. KAHULUI HOTEL, Kahului, Maui. AM IM. - - - Proprietor. Special Attention to the Traveling Public. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. "HALF AND HALF" Is a Great Appetizer. Makes the weak stout and purines the blood. SOLD AT THE EMPIRE SALOON. Two for S5 Cent. BEAVER SALOON, Port Street, oppoelto Wilder fe Co.' H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. First-Clas- s Lunches 9ervei With Tea. Coffee. Soda Water. Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. CONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, 25 Queen Street, Honolulu, h. I. LEWIS & CO., lie ond Mil Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. Telephone -- 440. P. O. Box 2. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. ASSETS - - - S10,000,000. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. H. MAY & CO., Hole ond Dei Grocers, 98 FORT STREET. Telephone 2. P. O. Box 470. S. KIMURA, sols Dacler in Joooimse UQUOKS AM PROVISIONS. BAJa A SPEl I '. I Y. ALLEN STREE l . i ELEPHONE 704. B. 7. McCEESHEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers And Dealers in IBUt B m III una ,ida Agents Honolulu Soap Works Company sod h nohjftu Tannery. MB GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII H. M. Whitney, Publisher. Oiiiy Complete Guide Published. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 75c. Sale by Hawaiian News Co., Hoooloiu, llwatio Inland a. 42 i. r SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. i,.,,.7T7T. A. .,. i,,., Rooms 100 Alakea Sr.. between U'U'l.i Ilia ;tlld 1 Intel. Treatment of dead teeth and routs a specialty. Mlire hours, a. 111. to 4 o. in. Tel. 615. X. The Singer received r4 tirsr awards for sewing ma- chines and embroidery work at the World's Fair. Chicago, 111.. ing the largesl number of warns oDiamea iy an v exhibitor and more than double the num- ber given to all ether seeing ma- chines. For sale, lease and rent. Repairing done B. BERGENSEN, 113 Bethel st. Bedroom Sets. W ardrobes, Ice Hexes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps. Chiffoniers, Steamer and Veranda Chairs, lied Lounges, Sofas. Baby ribs. Clothes Baskets, Sewing Machines, W hatnots, Meat Safes, Trunks, Rugs, Iiureaus, etc., sold at the lowest Cash Prices at the L X. L., corner of Nuuanu and King streets. When you wish to discontinue housekeeping let Chas. Hawkins bid on your furniture in its en- tirety. It will avoid inconveni ence of selling in pieces or sale. King and Alakea streets. Charles Hawkins makes esti- mates on all classes of painting, wall papering and upholstering. All work guaranteed. King and Alakea streets. New and Second Hand furniture and all kinds of Second Hand books, jewelry and diamonds bought and sold. Contracts for painting. CIIAS. HAW K INS. For bargains in New and Second ,.,,, Furniture, Lawn Mowers. Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose, etc call at the I. X. L., corner of Nun-an- n and King streets. HAWAIIAN BOAT HOUSE, Foot of Richards street. Have fine pleasure boats of all descriptions for rent by the hour or day. Moonlight Hoating Par-- t is. fit' you want to soil out your Fur- niture in its entirety, call at the I. X. L. 'ity Carriage Company have re-mov- ed to the corner of Fort and Merchant streets; Telephone No. II"'.. First-clas- s carriages at all hours. JOHN S. AMUIA I E. G. K. Harrison. Practical Piano and Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Orders left nt the Hawaiian News Co. will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed to be the same as done in factory. Beach Grove, Waikiki, near Bishoi "s Switch Bathing and Picnic Resort. Reserves for fam- - ilios. Indies and children. Terms reasonable. i'H.s. F. WARREN, Manager. DR. RUSSEL, OFFK E: M.M)M( BUTUOrXG. Hour: U to 11 a.m. ami 3 to 5 p.m. Telephone 4S4. Residence: Hawaiian Hotel. Is no Robberv. In exchange for your dollars we will give you strictlv lN 1 FEED. A. L. MORRIS & CO., lideplioiif 1 Port Street. LORRiN a.thurston Attorney at Law, 118 Kaahnmanu r.. Honolulu. II. I. EDMUND P. DOLE, , Attorney at Law, 318 FORT STREET. Telephone 91. WILLIAM C. PAKE, a Attorney at Law AND Aigent to Take Acknowledgments. Office, 13 ... Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. y LYLE A DICKEY, Attorney at Law, 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. ( Telephone 845. A. S. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, In Office of J. A. Magoon, Old Capitol Building, next Postoffice, Honolulu. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Law, H1LO. HAWAII. DR. C.Clifford RYDER J j KoKMKKI.Y OK T1IK: I CALIFORNIA STATE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL ' Orrm: No. 73 Beretsnia street. Opposite the Hawaiian Hotel. TELEPHOS E 244. DR. J. K. SMITH, The Richelieu. Beretania Street. OFFICE HOURS: ? to 12 a.m. DR. J. UCH1DA, Physician and Surgeon, o KUKU1 LANE. Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m. Mutual Tel. 588. drTe7c7surmann Has Removed to Garden Lane. -:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- - DR. R. H. REID, Physician and Surgeon, WAIALUA. M.E.GRCSSMAH,D.D.S. J V Dentist 98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU. omce Honrs, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., HARDWARE. Cutlery and Glassware 307 PORT STREET. HACKFELD & CO.. Genera V Ulilllllwvl V II I I IJ U I II w I Vort am! on ten Sin Honolulu. 1 ERXAXDEZ, Notary Public and Typewriter. 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. p t. B x 39 Telephone 345. Daily Advertiser To cents month" Delivered by carrier. BACK SAFE AM) SOUND. Board of Health Party Had to Em- bark Leeward i Molokai. There was a great deal of genuine alarm throughout the city Sunday morning when it became known that the steamer Ke Au Hon, with the Board of Health party on board, had not arrived. Various were the con- jectures as to the cause of the vessel's delay, many of them being of a high- ly sensational nature, and which, now that the steamer has returned safe and sound, were most improbable and without the semblance of possibility. Government officials were, perhaps, more anxious than others, unless it was relatives of those included in the party. After some deliberation it was deemed advisable to send a steamer out to ascertain the cause of delay. At 9 o'clock the Afikahala, which had arrived but a few hours hefore, was dispatched for Molokai to render what ever aid was found to be necessary and bring the belated travelers back to Bono ulu. As the day wore on and no tidkiga of the first and last namel steamers were received, mm h genuine anxiety was felt. At 7:25 o'clock last nigbl the Diamond Head lookout reported the Ke Au Hou in sighr, and five minutes lat-- r the Mikahala, both vessels arriving and docking Bbortly afterward, when everything and everybody was found well. The delay was caused by a heavy swell from the north, which prevented embarkation at the regular landing on Molokai, the party having to climb the pali and leave from Kaunakokai, on the lee- ward side of the island, from whieh place a start was made for Honolulu at 3 p. m. Sunday afternoon. The Ke Au Hou did not see the Mikahala until about 4 o'clock, forthe reason that she made around the op posite side of Molokai and the Kalau-- 1 1a,a iati11"g A Quiet Weddin There was a quiet wedding in the parlors of the Catholic Bishop Saturday evening, when Peter Mc-Kinn- on and Mrs. Nott were made husband and wile. Both the con- tracting parties kept the matter secret in order t surprise their many friend-- . Mr. McKinnon is well known in Honolulu as among) the best mechanics, while the lady t whom he has joined his fortunes, j . i ; 1 is a somewnai recent arrival. The bridal couple are residing at tire corner of Fort and Beretania streets, where a repast in honor of the event was held shortly after the marriage ceremony. Albert Lucas was fined 18000 by .Indue Magoon Saturday morning. The tine was paid. n

Transcript of Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the...

Page 1: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and


Established July 8, 1856.


HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report

i ".--


Lahainalunas played thtir secondgame of ball witnessed by a largenumber of spectators. The game wasclosely contested and well played withLahaina in the lead up to the seventhinning when an ex-play- er of Kamehameha took the box for Lahainalunaand somewhat changed the course f

events. The game stood h to jo atthe close in Lahainaluna s favor andshows that the Maui boys mean toplay ball even if the school team doesshow a propensity tor "kicking" atthe decisions of the umpire.

Later on a squad of the LahainaRifles met at the range and shottwenty rounds, at 2h0 yards. The fo-llowing scores were not up to the averaue: L. M Baldwin 7H, Dickenson 75,White 70, McCann nO, G. Haysehieu66, Schmidt 42. T. Forsyth 33. Glorywas the prize for which so many shot.

A fishing party took advantage ofthe clay aud were fairly successful,bringing back nineteen of the finnytride, including three uluas. Messrs.Dunn, Hose and Judge Kahauleliowere of the arty. A few details maybe of interest. The fishing ground isin the Pailolo channel, separatingMaui, Molokai ami Lanai. The exactspot was located by Mr. Kahaulelioby means of familiar landmark? oneach of the above named islands. Thepoint of intersection of the three linesfound, he ordered the anchor overand, to show how precise experiencedfisherman become he stated that thedepth was thirty-fiv- e fathoms. Veri-fication proved it true; the boat wasevidently over a shoal. Every detailwas explained for the benefit of theuninitiated. The hooks were baitedwith an opelu each and in addition tothis each hook had a handful ofchewed opelu bound around with partof the line and tied with a peculiardrawing knot. The line, lowered bymeans of the heavy leaden linker at-tached, Is given a sudden jerk whenbottom is reached and this draws theknot ami releases the mixture. Thislloats off on the current and being metby the fish is traced back to its source.Here awaits the shining opelu on thehook. A dart, a jerk, a long pull, andthe fellow is safe in the hands of thejubilant fisherman.

Chief Justice Juddand Justice Frearwith Mr. Dickenson ami Judge Ka-haulelio ar:d others visited the waterheads on Saturday, the 30th, in regardto the water case now before thecourts.

After business the Chief Justicewent out with others on a short fishing excursion.


History of Thanksgiving Re-

counted by Rev. Dr. Beckwith.

( ikchtcoi rtterm ai lahaina.

Rejgnlar Monthly Meeting r SlakawaoLiterary and Social lab Tax Ap-

peal Board Meeti Pala Plantationto open ti Store l'ookola Church.

MAUI, Nov. 30 Last evening thepretty home of Mr. ami Mrs. H. P.Baldwin, of Haiku, received as gueststhe members of the Makawao Liter-ary and Social Club, the oceasiou be-

ing the regular monthly meeting ofthat society.

Without, the red tints of the veran-da lights nestling among the greenvines showed with pretty etrect, de-

spite the brilliancy of the mooulight.Within, during the early part of theevening the attraction centeredaround the tables upon which weredisplayed fancy articles offered forsale by the Ladies' Aid Society.

Later on the following "Thanksgiv-ing Program by the Old Folks,"' incostume, was much appreciated:1. Quartet -- "The Breaking Waves

Dashed High'Recitation Miss Eva Smith"Thanksgiving in the OldenTime" Mrs. G. E. Beckwith

Recitation Ethel TaylorQuartet "The Old House at .

Home"Reading Mrs. TaylorReading "The Microbite Island" Mr. Hardy

Both (planets, rendered by Mrs.G. E. Be.k with, Miss Millie Beck-with, Messrs. E. G. and G. E. Beck-with, were received with encores.

Mr. Beckwith's address was a pleas-ing resume of the history of the NewEngland Thanksgiving, from the timeof (he lauding of the Pilgrims onPlymouth Rock, from the time f

Carver, Bradford, Standisb and Alden,to the present. During his remarkshe expretsel a fervent wish that thefair peaks of Hawaii should soon beencircled by the broad laud of thestars and stripes a flag saluted by15,000,000 of school children.

At the conclusion of the regularprogram John Haheo, known to localfame as the Hawaiian dandy, madeIns little bow and gave an expert performance on the Jew's harp.

Nearly $100 was realized by thesale of fancy articles, which will morethan pay for the proposed repairs onthe Paia church organ.


The Hana people and some from theWailnku side of the island will takethe Claudine this afternoon tor La-haina. The jury term opens on De-cember 4th, with forty-tw- o casesprobably more) on the calendar,

none, however, causing any greatpublic interest.

On Monday, the J"th, three appealswere beard by the Tax Appeal Boardat Makawao court house, and duringTuesday, the 20th, two appeals weredecided at the Wailuku court houseThe decisions rendered were generallycompromises.

Paia Plantation has recently pur-chased the large store building of theQuong Fong Company and havemoved it to a position near their officeat Puia. After refitting, th planta-tion will open a general store, whole-sale ami retail.

The PookeJa native church of Makawao has recently decided not to comeunder the administration of the Ha-waiian Board, but to remain inde-pendent.

Thanksgiving Day was generallyobserved on Maui in a quiet w y.Family dinners were frequent. OnSunnay, December 1st. Dr. Beckwithwill pleach hi annual "Tbankegiv-ing- "

sermon at the Paia churchI lie fork of th Spreckelsville and

t.'. ....!.,: vr..i..., i,.. k.. .... ....

cently moved a half mile or so towardSpreckelsville. This change will allo wtire plantation to u.--e the gulch landto better advantage.

Ths Kahului Railroad Company baahnen making quitn an extensive addi-tion to their Wailuku depot.

Tom Bochfort, Wailuku's popularand well known barber, has returnedfrom his wanderings on the otherislands and settled temporarily atSpreckelsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Yan, prominentChinese residents of Makwao, left fora visit to China last w-e- k.

B b English, t- - e Kaha'ui pilot, Isgetting bis steam launch Mol ea readyfor the sugar season. A new boilerwill he put in aud the engine repaired.

Weather cooi and pleasant.

LAHAINA NOUS.Thanksgiving i;iy Fittingly Ob-

servedBaseball and Shooting.LAHAINA, Nov. 30. Thanksgiv-

ing day aras fittingly obseived as aholiday by officials and plantations.

During the day the Luhainas and

f P ill imiMill i

Board of Health Makes Its Tourto Kalaupapa.


Cat Indie Brothers Begin Their NewWork r!;- iu'i: 'Hi Care or rh' 1 ii- -fori mmics-- 1 nspeofl inu Pari y s.ft'Bound Obliged to limn iiu- - I'M 11.

For events extraordinary, combinedwith experiences of a decidedly un-

usual character, the semi annual in-

spection of the leper settlement by theBoard of Health ou Saturday takesthe palm from any previous expedi-tion of a similar character. Whetherthere was a Jonah on board or theelements conspired to give Mi s Fieldand other members of the new-pap- er

fraternity something out of the usualline bad not been decided when theKe Au Hou reached port with allhands well and happy at a little after8 o'clock last evening.

The trip up to the settlement onSaturday evening was a very quietone so far as the action of the steamerwas concerned, and if it had not beenfor the shark stories of Senator Wa-terho- use

and Judge Wilcox therewould have been very little of partic-ular interest to mark the first part ofthe journey. It in stated on good au-

thority that Prof. Mustek Is aeriouslyconsidering abandoning his book onthe islands and taking up the subjectof sharks. The steamer proceededslowly ami arrived off Kalaupapaabout 2 o'clock in tin morning. Ashower sent below those who hadbeen making a desperate attempt tosleep on deck, and all hands turned outto tell BtorieS aud drink collee. Longbefore Buniise lights began tomake their appearance about thesettlement, giving evidence thatthe people were up aud about to pre-pare for their guests.

After breakfast on board, the partyset off for the landing, which wasmade with comparative ease. Theband, with the new instruments sup-plied by Captain Cochrane and theAnvKKTisEK, was on hand, and agathering of some two hundred peoplewere clustered ahout the arch at thehead of the lauding bearing the words41 Welcome to Molokai." As KateField went up the walk she was greetedwith patriotic American airs. TheBishop, with the Catholic Brotherswho had come to minister to the poorunfortunates of the settlement, wentimmediately to the church, where alarge congregation was gathered forthe early morning service. The re-

mainder of the party proceeded toAgent Reynold's house, where theydeposited their goods and chattels andprepared for the work of the day. TheKalaupapa hand was stationed in theenclosure, While the Kalawao handremained at the church. There wasmusic galore, and all hards appearedin good spirits. If appearances weredeceitful it was not the fault of SenatorHenry Watei house, who was here,there ami everywhere with cheeringword for everybody. He was by allodds the " biggest man in town."

By 9 o'clock the usual cavalcadewas formed for the trip to Kai iwao.This was the occasion for Miss Field'sfirst attempt at horseback tiding individed skirts. She decided that theold style is good enough for her. Ar-riving at the Baldwin Home in Kala-wao, the visitors found the boyslined n p in true military style to re-

ceive them and hfter passing In re-

view the boys marched away to Ka-laupapa to escort the Bishop and theBrothers, who had remained behind

At the Baldwin Home, Brot her Dut-- tr 1 1 was found with his little medicine

box making hi morning roundsamong the sick. He greeted his visit-ors cordially butcould not give themhia time ail(, attention until he hadvisited all the Buffering ones of hialittle community. With BrotherDut'on as with all those religiousworker- - at the settlement the comronof the unfortunate under their cure-- trtiuls lust m th-- ir thought, isahi- -

win Home is one of the most attrac-tive BpOt in the settlement. Thedormitories, hospital ami school ar-ranged ioa hollow square enclose apretty grass ploi dotted here and therewith shrubbery and flowers. Thegrounds have been convene i from arocky waste by the work of the boys,one hour each day under the directionof Brother Dutton. Tne party wentthrough ail the buildings which weiefound as clean and comfortable asConstant and careful eare can makethem. Brother Dutton's workshop,dispensary and his liiile cottage homea- - well as tt e home of Sisteis Cres-centi- a

and Vincentia were by nomeans least in the points of interest.These li'tle homes furnished withwhat seems to an outsider hardly thenecessities of life ser in, by virtue ofthe loving, and self-sacrific- ing

labors of the occupants almost like-- acred ground. And all about theHome is so scrupulously clean and

Steam Engines,Boiler-- . 8uc:r Mill- -. - lr-- , Hni,t

:ind "aT I iiur.And Machinery of every description madeto ordrr. Particular attention paid toships' iircksrnithing. Job work executeJ

n the shortest notice.

LEWER5 & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson,

Importers and Dealers in LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material,


H. JAOUEN,Practical -:- - Qunmaker,Will do anv kind of repairing to Firearms,

lso Browning and Blueing and Restock-ing equal to factory work. Satisfactionguaranteed.

Union Street, with C. Sterling. Painter.

iraid Livery onfl Ming StoDles

Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLESCarriages, Surreys and Hacks at ali


MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE,Cor. Ktnur and Nuuunii streets.

Just Received by the Australia a FreshInvoice of

Enterprise Beer and OystersFOR CO( KTATLS.

Telephone 805.

KAHULUI HOTEL,Kahului, Maui.

AM IM. - - - Proprietor.

Special Attention to the Traveling Public.


"HALF AND HALF"Is a Great Appetizer.

Makes the weak stout and purines theblood.


BEAVER SALOON,Port Street, oppoelto Wilder fe Co.'

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.First-Clas- s Lunches 9ervei With Tea. Coffee.

Soda Water. Ginger Ale or Milk.Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

Smokers' Requisites a Specialty.

CONSALVES & CO.,Wholesale Grocers and Wine

Merchants,25 Queen Street, Honolulu, h. I.


lie ond Mil Grocers,


OF LONDON.ASSETS - - - S10,000,000.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

H. MAY & CO.,

Hole ond Dei Grocers,

98 FORT STREET.Telephone 2. P. O. Box 470.

S. KIMURA,sols Dacler in Joooimse




Wholesale GrocersAnd Dealers in

IBUt B m III una,ida

Agents Honolulu Soap Works Companysod h nohjftu Tannery.


HAWAIIH. M. Whitney, Publisher.

Oiiiy Complete Guide Published.


PRICE 75c.Sale by Hawaiian News Co.,

Hoooloiu, llwatio Inlanda.

42 i.


i,.,,.7T7T.A. .,. i,,.,Rooms 100 Alakea Sr.. betweenU'U'l.i Ilia ;tlld 1 Intel. Treatment

of dead teeth and routs a specialty.Mlire hours, a. 111. to 4 o. in.

Tel. 615.

X. The Singer receivedr4 tirsr awards for sewing ma-chines and embroidery work atthe World's Fair. Chicago, 111..

ing the largesl number ofwarns oDiamea iy an v exhibitor

and more than double the num-ber given to all ether seeing ma-chines. For sale, lease and rent.Repairing doneB. BERGENSEN, 113 Bethel st.

Bedroom Sets. W ardrobes, IceHexes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps.Chiffoniers, Steamer and VerandaChairs, lied Lounges, Sofas. Baby

ribs. Clothes Baskets, SewingMachines, W hatnots, Meat Safes,Trunks, Rugs, Iiureaus, etc., soldat the lowest Cash Prices at theL X. L., corner of Nuuanu andKing streets.

When you wish to discontinuehousekeeping let Chas. Hawkinsbid on your furniture in its en-

tirety. It will avoid inconvenience of selling in pieces or sale.King and Alakea streets.

Charles Hawkins makes esti-mates on all classes of painting,wall papering and upholstering.All work guaranteed. King andAlakea streets.

New and Second Hand furnitureand all kinds of Second Handbooks, jewelry and diamondsbought and sold. Contracts forpainting. CIIAS. HAW K INS.

For bargains in New and Second,.,,, Furniture, Lawn Mowers.Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose, etccall at the I. X. L., corner of Nun-an- n

and King streets.

HAWAIIAN BOAT HOUSE,Foot of Richards street.

Have fine pleasure boats of alldescriptions for rent by the houror day. Moonlight Hoating Par-- t' you want to soil out your Fur-

niture in its entirety, call at theI. X. L.

'ity Carriage Company have re-mov- ed

to the corner of Fort andMerchant streets; Telephone No.II"'.. First-clas- s carriages at allhours. JOHN S. AMUIA I E.

G. K. Harrison. Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left nt the Hawaiian News

Co. will receive prompt attention.All work guaranteed to be thesame as done in factory.

Beach Grove, Waikiki, nearBishoi "s Switch Bathing andPicnic Resort. Reserves for fam- -

ilios. Indies and children. Termsreasonable.i'H.s. F. WARREN, Manager.


Hour: U to 11 a.m. ami 3 to 5 p.m.Telephone 4S4.

Residence: Hawaiian Hotel.

Is no Robberv.

In exchange for your dollarswe will give you strictlv


lideplioiif 1 Port Street.

LORRiN a.thurstonAttorney at Law,

118 Kaahnmanu r.. Honolulu. II. I.


Attorney at Law,318 FORT STREET.

Telephone 91.


Attorney at LawAND

Aigent to Take Acknowledgments.Office, 13 ...Kaahumanu St., Honolulu.



Attorney at Law,11 KAAHUMANU STREET.


Telephone 845.

A. S. HUMPHREYS,Attorney at Law,

In Office of J. A. Magoon, Old CapitolBuilding, next Postoffice, Honolulu.


Attorney at Law,H1LO. HAWAII.

DR. C.Clifford RYDERJ j



Orrm: No. 73 Beretsnia street.Opposite the Hawaiian Hotel.


DR. J. K. SMITH,The Richelieu. Beretania Street.

OFFICE HOURS: ? to 12 a.m.

DR. J. UCH1DA,Physician and Surgeon,


Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m.Mutual Tel. 588.

drTe7c7surmannHas Removed to Garden Lane.

-:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- -

DR. R. H. REID,Physician and Surgeon,




omce Honrs, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.


Cutlery and Glassware307 PORT STREET.


GeneraV Ulilllllwvl V I I I I IJ U I I I w I

Vort am! on ten SinHonolulu.


Notary Public and Typewriter.11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

p t. B x 39 Telephone 345.

Daily Advertiser To centsmonth" Delivered by carrier.


Board of Health Party Had to Em-bark Leeward i Molokai.

There was a great deal of genuinealarm throughout the city Sundaymorning when it became known thatthe steamer Ke Au Hon, with theBoard of Health party on board, hadnot arrived. Various were the con-

jectures as to the cause of the vessel'sdelay, many of them being of a high-ly sensational nature, and which, nowthat the steamer has returned safe andsound, were most improbable andwithout the semblance of possibility.

Government officials were, perhaps,more anxious than others, unless itwas relatives of those included in theparty. After some deliberation it wasdeemed advisable to send a steamerout to ascertain the cause of delay.At 9 o'clock the Afikahala, which hadarrived but a few hours hefore, wasdispatched for Molokai to render whatever aid was found to be necessaryand bring the belated travelers backto Bono ulu.

As the day wore on and no tidkigaof the first and last namel steamerswere received, mm h genuine anxietywas felt. At 7:25 o'clock last nigblthe Diamond Head lookout reportedthe Ke Au Hou in sighr, and fiveminutes lat-- r the Mikahala, bothvessels arriving and docking Bbortlyafterward, when everything andeverybody was found well. The delaywas caused by a heavy swell from thenorth, which prevented embarkationat the regular landing on Molokai,the party having to climb the pali andleave from Kaunakokai, on the lee-ward side of the island, from whiehplace a start was made for Honoluluat 3 p. m. Sunday afternoon.

The Ke Au Hou did not see theMikahala until about 4 o'clock, forthereason that she made around the opposite side of Molokai and the Kalau-- 1

1a,a iati11"g

A Quiet WeddinThere was a quiet wedding in

the parlors of the Catholic BishopSaturday evening, when Peter Mc-Kinn- on

and Mrs. Nott were madehusband and wile. Both the con-

tracting parties kept the mattersecret in order t surprise theirmany friend-- . Mr. McKinnon iswell known in Honolulu as among)the best mechanics, while the ladyt whom he has joined his fortunes, j

.i ; 1

is a somewnai recent arrival.The bridal couple are residing attire corner of Fort and Beretaniastreets, where a repast in honor ofthe event was held shortly after themarriage ceremony.

Albert Lucas was fined 18000 by.Indue Magoon Saturday morning.The tine was paid.


Page 2: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and



pfl fplnlp fyphnnnplull LOUu LAu II IG,


General Staple TELEPHONE 139.

AND 308 Merchant Street.

Our HOLIDAY STOCK i second to nonethi- - year, including a heautiful

assortment of

Celluloid GoodsGftOMSaild Xmii- - Books for etiIMren.

A new consignment of beautifully BOUNDBO JKs ny tin- - standard authors.


Toils! and Mani'Min- - Sets,Xmw Tree le-.'rti:i'- .

Fancy Dry Goods.

well appointed in general imut-men- tthat it is only the sadly dis-

torted bodies of the sic--k that bring!one to a realization of the fact of beingamong a people suffering a livingdeath. In rear of the Home is agarden plot which hai been denied ofrocks by the boys and will soon i fundr cultivation. On every handwere evidences of the effort- - of thereligious workers to make life asbright and happy as poMibln.

At the church built by FatherDamien and nar whim la thegrave of that noble man, FatherConradi was found awaiting thearrival of the t'atholir Brother-- .Fattier Coaiadl vpokfl of ti- - proposeddeparture with regret. He, like biflco-worker- .", has come to look upon thesettlement as pic nl home.

On the return to Kalaupapa thevisitor witneseel a most interestingand pathetic sight a pro Motion ofsome 300 men, women and childrenformed in line to eort the Brothersto the place where they were to con-tinue the good work of the 8iten.The Kalawao bond led the way, tolowed by the hoys from the BaldwinHome. Then followed the Bishop,Father Damien, Father Val-entine and the Brothers in

n 11 i

Tenders will be received at the AttorneyGeneral's otficetili 12 o'clock noon on MON-

DAY. December 2d. 1866, fr furnishingthe Oahu Prison for one year beginningfrom Monday, December 2d 1895. with thefollowing supplies at --.uch times and in

OCfa 'iuanuties as may be required.The Marshal or such other officer as he

may de-ij.Mia- te, will make the requisitions,and all -- applies will be subject to his in-

spection and approval.The amounts set opposite certain items

in the Schedules are the approximate re-

quirements per month, but all the suppliesare to be furnished as required by theMarshal.

The contractor Will be required to furnish-- unable bond for the faithful performanceof hi- - contract.

All tenders must be distinctly markedTenders for .Supplies. Oahu Prison."The Attorney General does not bind

inru fin l Houseifurili lisUlUbbMUO. I Ml 111 mib. uiiYear Cards,Christmas and New

'! :tr an 1 .'!.:! New Goods Constantly Arriving.Musical Instruments

Good Corner Lot. Wilder A venue. I5x240.Corner Lot, Makiki. 360zS00.

Wilder Avenue and Piikoi. UX)xl50.

House ami Lot on Yonnp street. 50x150.

House ami Lot on Punchbowl street,near Heretania street.

Beautiful Residence and Lot on Thurs-ton Avenue.

House ami Lot on Thurston Avenue;Lot 75x900 feet; bounded by ThurstonAvenue. Magazine and Spencer streets.

Splendid Basiness Corner on Kin street.In business portion of the city.

Beautiful Residence on Punchbowl street,above Mormon Church.

The Good-wi- ll ami Furniture of a first-clas- slodging house of IS rooms, situate on

Hotel street, near Alakea. is offered forsale at a sacrifice. Furniture consists of15 bedroom set, oak and ash. with mat-tresses umi bedding for same. Mosquitoproof doors and blinds, matting and rugs.In fact ever) thing ready for business.

Parties wishing to buy furniture separatecan do so.

We are prepared to supply all kinds ofstationery, etc.. etc.

re purchasinga 1 a

QUEEN gTREET gTORESNew Prints, Ginghams, Ducks. Denims, Towels.Napkins, Marseilles Quilts. Navy Blue Serges.

Navy and White Sweaters, Ladies Clott,

aim rie convin pi.4163-l- m

himself to accept the lowest or any bid.

HENRY E. COOPER,Attorney General, ad interim

Attorney General's office. Nov. 1895.LIST OF LETTERS

- HEI'l LE. Gents' Kangaroo Gloves, Pearl Buttons in great varietyKeiuainiiifiT in the General PostoAeeup to November 80, 1J'.". Fresh meat, per lb.

Hard brea-1- , medium, per lb. (with

carriages. Bringing up the rear werefully 100 men and women of the set-tlement ou horseback. The processionmade frequent stops along the way,that the more unfortunate might notbecome exhausted by what was tothem a long journey. The people,dressed in their best and decked withle -- , were enjoying their gala day asonly those can who receive visitorsfrom the outside world only twicea year. When the proceosion reached Kalawao the littlechurch wa filled to overflowing withthose gathered to take part in the ser-vices, after which the Brothers wereinstalled in their new homes.

About noon the party accompany


Alexander. W Mrs All of the above properties will be soldat a bargain. For pricts, terms, etc.,apply to


Real Estate Dealer,808 MERCHANT STREET.

flew Stock of groceriesSalmon in Barrels and 1- -2 Barrels.FULL LINE OF CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.Shelf Hardware, Enamel and Granite Ware,Pure Prepared Paints in leading Colors, Princess Metalic Paint,Oils, Turpentine, California Lime. Etc., Etc.


The Newest ! The Latest ! The Best f

Austin. E Mr-- . ( i)Andrews. MrsBen tier. K MrsBaker. G MrBrown, E M r- -

Clark, 0 Mrs (2)Cooley, MrsClunev. C MrsCampbell. M MrsDonley, MrsFisher. J Mrsdilliland. F MrsGeorge, L MittHugo. MrsHildebrand, M rsHopkins. C MrsHhjgins.T MrsLex ton. Mrs

Brandt. L MrsBertilua, H Mrs

Cudiin?. EllenCarter. MissChristensen, N MrsChristian 2

Duncan, Miss

Good. Mrs

Herbert. H MrsHart. E MrsHoppin, MissHit-ke-

Lu scorn b. Mrs


cases.)Bread, fresh 1 lb loaves, per loaf.Salmon, (red), (i to 7 bbls per month.)Tea, per lb, (in boxes.)Coffee, per lb, ( Kona in bean )

Beans, per lb. (red.)Potatoes, per lb.Onions, per lb, in crate.Bice, No. 1. per lb.Bar soap, (brown) per lb.Sugar, No. 2, per lb.M ilk. per quart.Straw hat-- , per doz.Blue denim. !i oz Amoskeag, per yard.Brown denim, 9 oz Amoskeag. per yard.Canvas, No. 1. (No. 1 sail duck.) per

yard.Blankets, per pair.Kerosene oil, per case.Galvanized iron buckets, per doz, 13 and

14 inch.Yar i brooms, rattan, per doz.Shoes, (brogans), per pair.California wheat hay. large bale, per ton.Oats, (good white oats), per ton.Sole leather, per lb. 4161--2t


FORT STREET STOREMcKinley.M Miss (2) Meek. MrsYourrioney.

ing the Board of Health returned toKaltiupapa, where they found a some-what seusatioual state of affairs awaitiug them. The surf, which was run-ning low in the morning, had becomedecidedly formidable, and one of thesteamer boats that had brought thelunch on shore had been capsized,dashed against the rocks and CaptainThompson treated to a narrow escapefrom orowning. How to get the sec-ond boat safely through the surf wasthe next question. The captain andPurser Kelley waited their oprtun-it- y

and, with the five sturdy nativeboys, took the boat safely through thebreakers 'mid the cheers of the crowdthat had gathered on the shore Afterluncheon and a trip through theBishop home for girls, where the lov-ing labors of the Sisters were againevidenced, the visitors began to thinkof getting home. To get to the steam-er from the regular landiug was im

Milton. M MrsMulk v. Mrs

mti--i.v.riuj.iii , w i i v. i y , iivn nv-- t i i i ajt yj vvy i tuff 1 lniTt j, JULrTT.MAMS,and SEERSUCKERS, ZEPHYRS in stripes and checks.CREPE GRENAMNMaltese, Platte and Valenciennes Laces, Ladles' Swbde, mcl LISUB

McCurry, FloraParis. Miss

Kaupp, G Mrs

Stums, MrsSumner, MissThomas, Mrs

1 AhhfcTA ULOVES awl OAUNTLETS, blLKS and SURAHS, alack, PWn,and htrured. Whit? SWISS Ml'SI.iNS. RlarLc Whit arwl Prm PASCfiumn nBEADING, S4LK GIMPS. Ladies' and Gents-


Cotton and LlSLB H06B, SWBATRSBoys and Men in Navy Blue and White, SILK BBLTtNOS.

Micheit, C MrsPetzold, C MrsParker, M MissKichardson. E MrsHose, J MrsSwinton, S Mrs.S win ton, H MrsTilcombe, MissTaylor, L MissVosy.T MrsWilson. MrsWalker. T Mrs (2)Writers, E MrsWalker, T Mrs

Weir. MrsWallace. MrsWhite. M Mi-Will- iams,


The odd cents is what counts. I

can save you from 25 to 35 per cent,

on your clothes and guarantee a fit andperfect satisfaction In every respect.

I make friends of my customers,and customers of my friends. Do notbe deceived by a grand display. Finegoods well-mad- e is half the battle.

Once tried you will come again.Latest designs constantly received.

I must have room for my new stock.If you are need of clothes, now is yourtime to see me.

ANNOUNCEMENTExaminations for Teachers' Primary

Certificates, will be held on FRIDAY,January 3d, and SATL'RDAY, January 4,18;, at the following places: Honolulu,Oahu; Hilo. Hawaii; Wailuku, Maui, andLihue, Kauai.

Bv order of the Board.

GENTLEMEN.Akant, AAndrews. T

Owing to the delay in the completion of the von Holt Block, I

have concluded toA L AT A U T. ATKINSON.I. G. S.

1709-3- t OPEN TEHPORARILY02S December 2d4 157-- 1 w

possible, and it was decided to attemptto get off at Waikolu. Hikiau, anative, volunteered to swim out tothe steamer and act as pilot. Hisdaring struggle through the breakerswas a feat seldom equalled even inthis country of daring and expertswimmers. After the steamer wasunder way the visitor? agaiu mountedtheir horses, rode back to Kalawaoand beyond Waikolu ouly to tin i

the conditions such as to makeembarking a dangerous perform-ance. Home of the men got to theboat, but it was out of the ques-tion to tbi:ik of the ladies making theattempt. There was nothing to dohut stay all night and hope for thebreakers to go down.

Fifteen of the party remaining onshore returned to Kalaupapa and prepared to make a night of it. For foot!there was some of the luncheou leftover and plenty of canned goods at


Asing, JAlexander, FAuld, H WBacon, F AMaker. CBooth, JHolster, J HBellen D (2)Beck J PB rke. TBrown. JMo, F F

CadelL N MCooper. W HCocke tt. 0 B

lunev. 'aptClark, J'ralins. J

CraiiMoun, JDarrell, JDawson, E MHouglas. R W

Store Formerly Occupied by W. E. Foster on Fort Street, W. W. Ahana.FOR THE SALE OF!


u. II). DE!

It is the intention of the Board ofEducation to open a free night school forpupils above the age of 15. The schoolhours will be frpni 7 to 9 p. m. daily,except Saturdays ami Sundays. Thesession will commence J anuary 6, 1896, atthe Fort-stre- et School. Pupils desirousof entering should apply at the Board ofEducation.

The Board would like all teachers whoare desirious of teaching in the nightschool to send in their names. From thelist so obtained a selection will be made.

Bv order of the Board.


BANKERS,Honolulu, H. I.,

Sight and Time Bills of Exchang,w Cory mercial and Travelers' Letters

Ciedtt on the principal parts of the world.Purchase approved Bills.



Barbara, MrBarber, Ctlosh, M RBoyd, TBeihune, FBurget, I ABuckle, estateBray. ACavanagh. G

ainpbe I. T JCorrigon. M r( liamberlain, HClan, C Hl.'rowningberg, D (2)Crowell, J

Davis, JDeleman. Mrnougias. n

Evans, WErieksondFoster. E

Gannon, Fireene. R

G riggsHart. C LHagen. H rHoll-e- n. PHubert. J

Johnson, (' (4)Johnson. B C

Kinney. G

Lyman, M CLewis. R PLawrence, ALee, R E (2)

Marks. JMendola. JMichelMidler, dMidler. A E WMcDonald. PMcLain, A WMcGnire, T C

1157-l- w

Royal Worcester Porcelain,Royal Crown Derby Porcelain,

Copeland's China, Limoges Ware,

Statuary, Fancy Glass, American Cut GlassFancy Lamps, Onyx Tables,Five O'Clock Teas, Chafing Dishes, Etc., Etc.


lrev. L (2)Edsmon, AErickson, GPoster, H AFullerton, A H( Gallagher, BGoodwin, FOreen. JBall. CHasting. WHal stead W HHolland. WBendfix. B E R (3)Jacobsen. V (4)Johnson, FJohn-on- , K

Keike. JKenyon. TLane. rLcrvev, PLusconib, H H (2)

ve deposits on ODcn account andHAVING JI'ST RETURNED FROMJapan, where 1 have beeo m the interests Merest on terra deposits.of the labor supply for our plantations, Iam prepared to furnih anv number of laborers under the only practicable plan yet w. w. DIMOND.put forth.

M Y PLAN as set forth in the prospectus

Attend promptly to collections.

I gMg Btatoj Easiness TrasMtti


Queen Street. Honolulu, H. I.

of Vtrura A ( o.. repnres the planters to pavthe passage money f the laborer to this place

the store. The evening was passedvery pleasantly. Prof. Richards andSenator Waterhouse held a largelyattended meet iug at the Y. M. C. A.and those remaiuingat the house wereserenaded in true Hawaiian style.Beds were msde up on the floor andby 10 o'clock the exiled Board ofHealth with a good portion of theguests were joining their nasal forcesin a first-clas- s snoreata.

When morning came the surf wasworse than during the previous even-ing. The ouly way out cf the placewas to scale the pali aud takethe steamer on the other side of theisland. A light breakfast was servedand the party set out ou its Sabbathday jouruey up the cliff. Nativeswent ahead to prepare the trail, audby 9 o'clock the top of the pali wasreached. The climb was a new experience for many, ami the beautifulview gained from the heights amplyrepaid the extra exertion of the over-land journey. Arriving at Mr. Meyer'shouse the wanderers were most cor-dially received and treated to a splen-did dinner. Horses were furnished forthose who wished, ami the journey toKauuakakai was resumed.

By 3 o'clock in the afternoon allhands were on board the steamerbound home. They were a little theworse for wear, but asserted that theywould not have missed the experiencefor worlds. Kven thoe who wererolled about all uight iu the steamersaid they had a good time. Afterpassing the Molokai lighthouse theMikahala was sighted, but it was notuntil the arrival at Houolulu that theparty were positive that the Honolulupeople wanted to know their where-abouts.

Mai y words of praise and gratitudewere forthcoming as a recognition of

Seasicknessa id other expenses after arrival, $25 pas-sage money tor each male and $20 for eachfemale.

After investigation of the subject, I amsatisfied that it is the only plan by whichlaborers can be recruited for this place andbe reasonably sure of obtaining them.

I most respectfully request mat your or-ders be placed with me as soon as p ssiblein order to secure the approval of the au-thorises here and to enable me to have thelaborers recruited quicklv.

G. E. BOARD MAN.41"!-l- w 1709-- 1 m Agent for Otrura & Co.



AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, OnomeaSujcar Company, Honomu Sugar Company,Wailuku Sugar Company, Waihee SugarCompany, Makee Sugar Company, Hale-aka-la

Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch-Planter-s'

Line San Francisco Packets,Cias. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Under


List of Officers:P. C. Jones, president; Geo. H. Robert-am- ,

Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer andSev etary; Col. W. F. Allen, Auditor; C.M. H ke, H. Waterhouse, A. W. Carter,

$100 REWARD.

Lee, rLee, EMartin. J OMarble, GMid re. II MMeek KstateMurdock, W OMcCandless. JMcKay, A WMcCartney, M

Parker. C HPringle.J R PBedwine, W M (2)Beial, H GRichardson, ProfRichards. T HRobbel ORooks, MrRobinson, JSmith. A T (4)Smith, Capt J-- n ith. ASchmidt, RSargeant. Mr

J TScholz. WSheridan. JSpencer. O Bb pence r, FTalor.STeleiioholan. MrTrak. AThompson. RThorp. F

Peterson, HParis, WReist. AReis MRichards fc SchoenRocher, CRuthkeRobinson J D (estate)Robinson, H PSmith. G WSmith, WSmith. J TSamuel. M ASan ford. A FScott. J Asteward, TSpencer. CSpencer, C GSiemson. ETeison. WTrask. TThomas, JThomas. H


The Only Known Specific that will InvariablyPrevent "Mai de Mer."

L ST FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22d. Agentleman's tn leather Card Cae contain-ing a LEfTER WRITTEN IN OCTOBER,1890. a RECEIPT from the .KTN A LIFEINaURANCfei COMPANY for 18l 35, to-gether with ONE OTH KK RECEIPT andfV PAPERS, all of which are of novalue t any one except the owner.

APFor their return t'thi office, theabove reward of $100 will be given and noquet ons asked. 4160-t- f

GUARANTEED PERFECTLY HARMLESS. nmDtiATinuAi iony unni'oHiLnnnuunni mun huim4

the kindness of the Board of Healthand Mr. Meyer's family; also of theSisters ami others at the -- ' t lenient,who diii everything within theirpower to assure the comfort of themembers of the expedition.

Thomas, C M Queen Street,FOR LEASE.Thornton, Capt W H Between alakea and Richards Sts.Benson, Smith & Co.,AGENTS FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.

Victor. JWagner. C HWashington. GWinkler, 0 TWilson. JWust. FrYeoward. D

. 21, f. X 1 ftHawaiian

Walter. PWallace, JWilev. J LWright. WWelele. H


-:- - AND -:- -

Iron CastingsHousework a Specialty.


A LARGE DWELLING HOUSE IN Acharming location, one mile fromthe postoffice. containing 8 rooms,bath room,tC., partlyfurnished. Outbuild-ings consisting of servants' house, stable,carriage house.etc.etc. The grounds com-prise 2 large paddocks, nnd a garden, con-taining fruit trees and choice plants.Apply to D. LAM h.At office ol J. Alfred Mngoon. Honolulu.


14.479 Thomas Von Kroner.Woven Wire Mattresses and Iron Beds


WOVEN WIRE BAILEY, - - Queen Street, Honolulu.Parties inquiring for letters in theAt the following prices, carriage jam to any steamboat landing in these Islands, termscash with order.

above list will please ask for " Adverti-e- dLetters.'"

JOS. If. OAT.Postmaster-fienera- l.

General Postoffice. Honolulu. November

holding Woven Wire Cot, wood frame $r; t olding Single Iron Beds and Woven attention paid to Ships' Black- -

Doctor Tucker Wire Mattress, complete. $7 ;

$9; Folding Full size Iron Beds.Folding Iron Beds and Woven Wire Mxttress, completeand WovenWire Mattresi,complete.$10. Your English IronMattresses: Single $4.50; $5; Full Hze $5.50. Woven


A THERE WILL BE A STATEDmeetiDfiof Hawaiian Lodge No. 21.P. A: A M.. at it-- . Hall. MasonicTemple, corner of Hotel ami Alakea

streets. THIS (Monday) EVENING,December 21. at 7:30 o'clock.


Members of Pacific Ldce. Lodge le Pro-gre- s

and all sojourning Brethren are frater-nally invited to be present.

By order of the W.-- . MT. E. WALL.

4163-- lt eecretary.

Furnished Cottage to Rent.TWO ROOMS. COMFORTABLY FI

suitable for married couple or twogent emen. Apply on premises. No. 31rie retania street between Nuuanu andFort. 4P.3-t-f

Beds, fitted with ovm ireWire Mattresses "Duplex :" Single $;; $5.50: Full Size $J Woven Wire Mattresses"Ordinary:" Single $1; 4$4.50; Full Size $5.

These to fit any American made beds. In anv case it is better to cive length and Lynn & Patterson,Has taken the house on the corner of Nuu-anu and School streets recently occupied by

Mr. Hoiiry Wnterhouse,until he can secure a uit-ibl- office, cen-trally located, his office will be at his

width (inside)of any wood or iron bed. for English bed slats are entirely dispensed with Proprietors.wire bed sits inside iron frame and covers entire surface of bed and cannot move out ofplace. I ron Bedstead with slats made to order ; positivelv unbreakable : int thp rW'htarticle for schools arid institutions. Hospital, etc. Prices quoted by return mail. Anysize, kind or description of Iron Bed and Woven Wire Mattress made to order

IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MISS DORO-THEA LAMB is authorized to transact

all matters of business for me and to signmy name. J. ALFRED MAGUOX,

Office: Old Capitol Building, next Post-offic- e,

Honolulu. lTOiKit

J. BAILEY, Maker of Woven Wire Beds which will not rust : Drv Earth Plnpti11- -4 to 5- -7 to ord Hammocks. E:c Etc.. Honolulu. H. I. Upholsterers Sprint's rerv rhean toOffice Hours, 9 to

8. Telephone 427. the trade any size. AT GAZETTE OFFICE.

Page 3: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and

. -





Friendly Contest Among Members.Shool Next Week Gold Medals.

The Sharpshooter-- ! were out infull force Saturday afternoon toshoot a friendly match amongthemselves. There was more thanusual intere-- t taken in this match,for the reason that the three teamsshot on the handicap allowance aearranged for the gold medal con-

tests which will hejrin in January.The tir-- t team of ten scored 11 1

points. The nd summed upwith handicap allowance A'l'lneinte. and mu h to evervixxlv- -



Will have an announcement in

this space in a few days that will


snrprise the third team averaged , intere-- t huyers of44.8, or a total of points.

A member of the handicapping HeadquartersHOLIDAY (iO0IS.

FOR mi:

committee accounted for this largedifference by pointing out a few"unknown quantities" in trie thirdteam which surprised even them-selves. He acknowledged that thecommittee should have worked out


WINDMILLthe averages by algebra, instead of

Is new in this country, but in theUnited States, thousands are in

use, and on account of their superior strength and easv

arithmetic.After the match-shootin- g at 200

yards was over, practice at the oOO-ya- rd

target wa- - taken up hy somefor the first time. This practicewill le continued next Saturday.A week later the movable targetwill be in order and some great-- M.rt is expected by the wingshot-- . Evidently


the Sharp-hoo- t-

i i 1

lstGrade,Price$6 00

2d Grade, Price 4 50

3d Grade, Price 3 50ers are quietly at worK ana meanto be an ellicient body of men. INFANT

running qualities, they have taken first rank amongwindmills.

We have just received a car load of Mills and can fur-nish on short notice steel galvanized mills of 8, 10, and1 2-f- oot diameter and wood mills of 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18-fo- ot

diameter. We have direct motion windmills forplaces where thereare steady strong winds, and geared millswhich will run in very light winds, but cannot pump so fastas the direct motion mills. Some of our mills have oiledbearings of the most approved kinds, and some the cele-brated graphite bearings.which will run for years with

FOODSDressmaking iit Killers'.

The ladies of Honolulu will bepleased to learn that Mrs. I. Frei-man- n

assumes tlie management ofB. F. Khler.-- dressmaking parlorsthis morning, after an absence ofseveral month-- , during which timeshe has been carrying on a success-ful trade on her own account. Mrs.Freimann is highly appreciated bythe Kliler- - establishment and thelarge Dumber of patrons of that



Wholesale and Retail Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

out any oil: also steel gavanized towers,$0 and 40 feet high.

SEND FOR THEPerkins Catalogue

It does not do to changethe diet of infants when afood is found to agree withthem. We therefore aim to And read the description of the geared mills

for farmers and stockmen. With the use ofshafting and pulleys they can be made togrind corn or barley, cut fodder, turn a grind-stone and saw your wood.

Wooden Towers can be erected if pre-ferred, and we give directions for the thetimber and erection. We have also Gould's

keep a full supply of foods.Here are some we have:

Bartlet's Food



house in the dressmaking lineThose who have orders for dressesappropriate for the holidays canret assured of having them madeup in the latest and most becom-ing styles.

The popularity of the Richelieuwill not be interfered with by theabsence of Mrs. Freimann, as thecui.-in- e and management of thathostelry will be in the hands of

V. S. liartlett, who rank- - withouta peer as a caterer.

Lifting and Force.

punps for house or windmilluse. We can furnishredwood tanks, also,

For TwentyYears

We have been tailoring at moderateprices.

Twenty years of experience toprofit by.

Our KNOWLEDGE of CLOTHES forSTYLE, FIT, and WORKMANSHIP, havestood the test as the liberal patronagewe have received assures us of thatfact.

We have just received our fallstock of woolens, which we areoffering at prices that will aston-ish you.

i of all sizes from 600 gallons to 10,000 gallonsmade in the best way and of the best clearredwood.

The perfect satisfaction that the Perkins

Horlick's Malted Milk

Mellin's Food

Lactated FoodLacto-Prepara- ta

Imperial Granum

Nestle's Food

Ridge's FoodLacto-Cere- al


Windmills and the ( ioulds Pumps have given whereverthey have been used and properly adjusted is a guaranteeof their success. Try the Perkins Mill and get somethingthat will stand the strongest wind and yet work well inthe lightest Southerly wind.

A Good EntertainmentThe entertainment of the Young

Hawaiian' Institute deserved alarger attendance than was presentat the V. M. C. A. hall Saturdayveiling. The affair was for the

purpose of raising sufficient fundsto enable the Institute to start alibrary. The music was a raretreat and those that attended spenta very enjoyable evening. Theprogram was under the able direc-tion of Prof. Berger. E. 0. Hall & Son, Limited,

AGENTS.Died Suddenly

a horse dropped dead in front of You are sure of getting anythe Hobron Drug Company early of the Standard infant foodsSaturdav ev niiitr. Its owner. M. ' from us.


WHAT TO DRINK.iiB. Silva, rode up to the door of thestore and went inside to make apurchase. While he was doing sothe animal suddenly reeled andfell over dead. It is not knownwhat caused the death of the horse.Mr. Silva purchased the animalbut a few days before for 150.


THE-:- - -:- -

75 Cents a Month.liii Pianiers' Monthly, 1ft II I1 1.

Country Store

for Sale. II. M. WHITNEY Editor.

Table Nov- -of Contents forember, 1S95.

Delivered by Carrier.A GREAT SUCCESS

All Fountains in city supplied by them are filled with

water which has been

PsdSslteJSs Hyatt Process.Have You Tried It ?


Tlu former plantation store t Papaikonnow leased from the Onomea Sugar Com-pany ty OtsuLi A: Company is now otteredfor

In addition to store and -- t n k there is anew dwelling house on the premises.

The outstanding aooounta and othermeta aril! he sold with the store or

separately.The business oilers a tine chance for one

or more acttrc men9W For particulars apply t K. M.

Bindt at I'apaikou or toH . W. SCHMIDT.

Assignee of the K-ta- te of Otsnki fc Co.4K.1-I- I

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.


Notes on Current Topics.Rice in Texas.Well Stated.To Kill Animals With a Spike.Sum filing Opium m lemerara.Indigo 1'iant.Electricity in the Air.The Sileer-swor- d.

Strength of Wood.The American ttagar Bounty,T;ixes in France.Cuba.With Our Readers.Canaigre on Tanners' Dock.To Guard Igainst Epidemics.Wages in Japan.Sugar Industry in Hawaii.Tillage of the fcjoU

Pane Cutting and Its Cost.t 'nr Bark Oak.European Embargo on Food Products.Diseases of Plants.Sugar Prices for Four Years.Meteoric Hypotheses.' cos Curing, Notes on

Avoid l'ebt.


it mmrii 111 r 1 iisti ii

Cooked Rolled Oats 711 elepnOlie 71A




DELICIOUS. Out of Door Life

The plcasantest, quietest, shadiest andii(.-- r at pointed sea-id- e resort ontlie Island. It is .nly tour miles from thehsail of the eitv arid within ea-- y read) ofthe tramcars, which run every twentyminntes or oftener. Elegantly furnisheddetached COtfgeS or rooms are obtained oneay terms The table is superior to thaiof any of the eity hotels ami all the modernConveniences are provided.

Picnics and bathing prties ran obtainextra accommodations bv telephoning inadvauee.

The bathing facilities of Sans Souci aresuperior to those of anv place on thebeech. 4157-t- f



'For sale by all leading Grocers. as airv and comfortable as all out doors.Can build you a house thnt will beConsult me before building.


G. W. LINCOLN,Contractor and Builder of Anything

NF! SECONDHAND FIRE PROOFde; medium sue. Addiess P. O. Box si.

414.'Mt 1 nbllshei

Page 4: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and


Jimely fopiS HT THAT STORElilt M : ON :

THE 441 Queen Street(Commercial 3Umti$rr. - ONLY A.XOTTTER NAM E FORAERMOTOR


-- orts and conditions of men is notwithout it- - supposed remedy evenin our condition-- . The well-kno- wn

American theory is that all havingthe same chance to get on top, allwill get OO top. If this really hap-

pened we should have the deadlevel of equality indeed: but a greatmany do not ''et on to so manyof the gentle, the kind, the good,

that it may le questioned whetherthe summit would not have its dis-

pleasures for people of taste,whetherone would altogether like to be

seen there. It appears that thispe itk- - no longer cure-- , then: and

if inequality is a malady, an evil,we must seek some other medicine

l. b. kerr's,.M N I A V I)K KMI'.Ki: --'. lKr.

A new tWO-Sto-ry houe on Ha!--intre- r

-- treet. about ready to be occupied, is offer-ed for sale, and if not sold will be otter-ed for rent.

This house i fitted ur with all the modernimprovements, including electric lights; La

situated in healthy, quiet and respectableneifchborho d and a very desirable pro-perty to purchase.

Price and terms reasonable.

-:- - ANDBecause that popular store is the central point in that classic

neighborhood, without which it would be classic no more.Steel Tower.Tiik n "l f an inter-i-fla- nl cable

has ajrain lfn emphasized in thenon-arriv- al of the steamer Ke AnHot! from Molokai cm Saturdayni'ht. a- - planned. While no oneanticipated any mishap to her, acable message would have made

Scores and ten of scores shop there daily, and they do it because they find it good.For particular, applv to

THE The woman with a dollar to spend finds that dollar worth a dollar and a half, and theman who can plank down Five dollars for anything you like, is pleased to discoverHawaiian Safe Deposit he worth of another two and a half dollars added to his w ealth, and so it is whetherthat will be many

to saw but few toknown the cause of detention and for it. Whatremoved the nec --i- ty for Bending will le ready the money disbursed be silver or gold, large sums or small sums, there is at the finish

the Happy Thought that the more there is spent, the greater the Amount Saved.AND-:- - -:- -

Investment Company,'ins Street.

10-Jv- v

Fort4161 I

prove. Perhaps we shall bechanged by the slow process of theyears, and by a pne--- s no morevisible in the present than themovement of the hand upon theclock, but destined to a greater andneater swiftness in the future."

r -.-A i b 1 m BRUCE GARTWRIGHT SHOP AT L. B. KERR'S,The Headquarters for Dress Fabrics from the Finest to the Cheapest

out a steamer to ascertain why -he

was detained. This occurrence BOg-L"--- t-

that the laying of the inter-islan- d

cable might n; effected be-fo- re

that of the Ion; span betweenHawaii and the continent. Thework attending this section can liedone in a few days, whenever thecable is ready for it, and with asmall steamer, without waiting forthe completion of a long line.



uN- -Especial facilities for handling Estates,

Trusts, Guardianships and Private Busi-ness. Moneys carefully invested. Loansnegotiated, Rents, Dividends and Interestscollected. Property sold or leased for asmall commission.

General Manager for the Hawaiian

"KOMBI" and Pocket Kodak.Queen Street. In as much as most of ourremarks have been confined

the pumoincr Aermotor we Elands for the following Insurance Com- -to

A close examination of the con-

ditions at Kalaupapa cannot failto impress the visitor with the factthat the people of this country arefar in advance of all others in theirattempts to solve the problem ofthe proper method of dealing withthose diseased unfortunates who, atthe present time, have no hope ofrecovery. Segregation has its fear-ful and pathetic side, and, at thesame time, it may be regarded as a

On Saturday, Dec. 7AT i LO K NOON,

At S tie-roo- m, I will sell at Public Auc-tion. That


Wish to call your attention tniS Equitable Life Assurance Society of feeUnited States, assets $185,044,310 06week the motor fortO geared Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.,

Every one who saw our "NO. 2 BULLET" was more than pleased with the workdone by them. The only fault we had to find was that we did not have enough ofthem to satisfy the demand. Come and look at the

POCKET KODAK $5.50.barns. Undoubtedly some- - of London, assets $16,517,786 OOImperial Insurance Company, Limited, of

London, assets $0,362,020 00Lion Fine Insurance Company, Limited, ef

London, assets $4,125,000 OOThe Board of Underwriters of New York.The National Board mi Mm Under

writers of New Yofk.

On Queen Street,Directly opposite the Kapuniwa Building,

and adjoining the warehouse of Messr.--.

Loaded for Twelve Pictures.

Makes pictures large enough to be good for contact printing andenlarge to anv reasonable size. "One button does it. You press it.'five ounces. HERE ! ANOTHER!

good enough toWeighs only

. t . Peacock &. Lo. lhe Propertyhas been divided into three

tine business sites.No. 131. 15 feet on Queen street,and from

si to 98 feet deep. Contains 254U square feet.No 2 31. 15 feet on oieen street and fromto SI feet dee)). Contains 23MJ square feet.

No. 3 30.30 on Lane and from 54 feet to55.5 feet deep. Contains 1830 square feet,together with the Cottage thereon.

This la an unusual opportunity to obtainValuable Business Property, adjacent tothe Government Building and within ashort distance of the New .larket.

Kombi! Kombi! Kombi!Loaded for Twenty-fiv- e Pictures.

This little camera can be carried in the pocket. Nothing is left undone to make Ita perfect little gem of a camera. Can be used as a snap shot or time exposure. Sosimple that a boy or a girl can use it. Twenty-fiv- e perfect exposures one loading.Every KOMBI guaranteed.

Both of these Cameras can be loaded or film changed in daylight. We have onexhibition an assortment of pictures taken with these cameras which are perfect inevery detail.


time in the past you have con-

cluded to equip your mill withshafting for grinding of cornand feed for your stock, andperhaps attach a grind stoneand buzz saw, and sent awayfor a catalogue for estimatedcost and the location of yourbuilding for horizontal andvertical shafting, but finallycame to the conclusion thatthe cost and difficulties of constructing were too great towarrant the expenditure. Nowhere is where the Aermotordoes away with all those great

blessing to those who fall victimsto the disease. When allowed tomingle with the people of thecountry they are constantly shun-ned, and the terrible features oftheir conditions are as constantlybrought vividly to their minds.When separated from the outsideworld, however, the' form a littleworld of their own, where everymember meets on a common groundand all that is possible is done tocare for their Ixxlies and diverttheir minds from the misfortunesof the life.


the West side of Jndd street, on the Waiki-- ki

side of the residence of C. Bolte, Ksq.This affords one of the finest building sitesin the city. A long lease on moderateterms to a desirable tenant.



lot on Young street, near ThomasSquare. Desirable location near the resi-dence of L. Dee. Price $2200.


Molokai. Price $2?.x One-ha- lf expenseof deeds.

NO. 8. 1 ACRE OF PINE TARO LAND,all in taro. located at Kamakela; waterright goes with the land. Last year's tarocrop sold for over 9300. Price $1300. One-ha- lf

expense of d ed-- .


JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

H0LL1STER DRUG COWPANY.ValuableLeasehold obstacles and petty annoy- -


W. I). Howells discussed the sub-

ject of social equality to considerFOi: SAI.K ItY ances. Vtntro Falarua, 50xlo teet. on Aala lane, rncein our pian you nave 511(H( one-ha- lf expense of deeds. TELEPHONE 604. TELEPHONE 604.

W.S. Luce, Auctioneer NO. 10. 2 LOTS. BACH WITH TWO-stor- vhouse , at Aala. Palama. Price to-

gether $1650, or singly $1000 and $750. One- - Cash Stpxehalf expense of deeds.ONPEOPLE'S STORE.

only to secure the vertical 8x8mast in position, put the Aer-motor on one end and thegrinder on the other. Themast then holds it all. Youcan belt to different machinesand drive your pump and feed


NO. 11. LOT WITH COTTAGES ONPunchbowl street, below Queen street, nearwater front, will ulum;iielv become finebusiness property. Price $3500. One-ha- lfexpense of deeds.

NO. 13. 328 ACRES GRAZING, COF-f- ee

and feed lauds at Honokua, SouthKona, Hawaii.

NO. 14. LAND AT PUIWA, NUUANUHotel Street, Opposite Arlington Block.

able length in the November Cen-tur- v,

taking for his text the remarkof a Shaker elder that if good soci-

ety were what it appeared to be onthe surface thete could be no faultfound with it. j If people in soci-

ety would lH?haye toward one an-

other, from motives of real kind-ness, as they behave now frommotives of politeness, society wouldbe the image of heaven. The trou-ble is that their behavior is merelya convention and not a principle;they behave beautifully from po

grinder at one time. The feed vaiiey, mauka of -- Hanai a Kamaiamaj Queen Kmma s old residence; area 3 -- 100

grinder is always in position. I a,cesvJanted to strawberries and taro. CHOICE FRESH GROCERIES.Just opened a full and complete assortment of the

By order of the Trustees off the SailorsHome Society, I shall offer for rale on thegrounds at 10 am. on THURSDAY, le-eemb- er

19th. 1 "!'". a 30 vears' lease fro nthe 1st doy of January. 189, of a part of thepremise, viz:

110 feet alotiK Alakea street by 75 feetJnep aloiu; Halekauila street, thence alongthe lt 121 feet 5 inches to ro;i iway. thence75 feet to Alakea street, upon the followingconditions:

This lease is ottered at an upset price of

luxuries and delicacies from every civilized nation.You have only to turn a handscrew to adjust the lower

NO. 16. HOUSE AND PREMISES ONthe west corner of Hotel and KekaulikeStreets. Area 1425 square feet. House has

grinding ring SUrhciently Close rare business opportunity. Deed, stamps.... . . .1 and acknowledgments at expense of pur- -

and it is already lor use, or in chaser. Price $1200.$.J0) thirtv dollars per month rent 1 from

January 1- -t, ls'J, rent to he paid quarterly

wmch win ce sola lower than the lowest.

Fresh California Creamery and Island ButterFAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY.

All Goods delivered promptly. Civility and every attention given to customers at


in advance.The p rchaser of the lease agreeing t

erect within nine (9) months from JanuaryNO. 17. THOSK KXiKKll ELY DKSIR-abl- e

premises centrally and conveniently,nearly opposite Kmma Square, Honolulu,next door and maukn of the residence of

an instant you can put on abelt to run any other machine.The saving of power effectedby havinor all bearings rigidly

.1 . M. Oat. Ksq. Certainly a bargain. Forparticulars apply to the undersigned.

1st. isyo, a brick r stone two-stor- y DUilc-

ling to cost about fifteen thousand dollars($15 .COO), plans of which are to be submit-ted to and approved by the Trustees of theSailors' Home Society.

The b lildins and all erection"! Besides the above I have other desirableconnected in one casting and property for sale and kase. Fw informa--

therefore in proper place, is tion cafl at tbe oflk'no less important than the Cartwrigbt Block. Rlerduurt Stmatter ot convienence allowedtoo. The Aermotor runs in BRUCE CARTWRIGHT

and improvements to revert to theSociety at expiration of this lease. The avto contain the following condition : "Thatno intoxicating liquors shall be sold ordrank on the preniie; no woman of lewedcharacter admitted, no gaming allowed. norany other disorder tolerated.

The land i near the new Fish Market andis well located for retail stores as it is di-

rectly on the line of travel. A deposit ofthree (3) months rent to be paid on the fallof the hammer.

A plan off the property to be ottered maybe seen at the office of the Hawaiian safeDeposit and Investment Company.

il'or particulars, apply to P C.Jones,Beq . Treasurer Sailors' Home Society.

half the wind required by -other mills, and regulates in a THE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT

TO ALL WHO USE PAINT:The undersigned, L. C. Abies and H. P.Walton, purchased from Charles J.Wagner,

the inventor of Peerless Preserving Paint the exclusive right to manufacture, useand sell the PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINT in the Hawaiian Islands.

Patent for Peerless Preserving Paint.On the 2r,th day of September. S15, theKepublic of Hawaii granted to I.. C.Abies and

H P. "Walton, a Patent No. 11( , granting to them the exclusive right to make, use andvend Peerless Preserving Paint throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Trade Mark for Peerless Preserving Paint.The Republic of Hawaii has also granted to L.C.Abies and H.P.Walton the exclusive

use of the words Peerless Preserving Paint as a trade mark throughout the Republic ofHawaii for the term of 20 years.

Imitations.Certain parties in San Franrisco have recently been sendine to Honolulu under the

name of Peerless Preserving Paint a spurious article not only inferior to the genuinepaint, but one which is positively injurious to any metal to which it may be applied.

Beware of Fraud.We hereby warn all persons against being defrauded into using anv but the genuine

Peerless Preserving Paint, which can be obtained only of Abies and Walton.Warning Against Infringement.

We also hereby warn a) persons against buying, selling or using any article unde.t he name of Peerless Preserving Paint, except that sold by us as such buying, sellingo r using will be a di-ec- t infringement of our Patent and Trade Mark, and a violation ofour rights, subjecting the persons buying, selling or using such paint to a claim fordamages bv us in with the Hawaiian Law. L. C. AIJLES.

Honolulu. October 19, l.Oo. H. P. WALTON.

w. S. LUCE,Auctioneer

Ili2-t- d

strong wind as well as in amild wind. It handles thepump the smoothest of anymill made. An eight inchstroke Aermotor will throwmore water with less windthan any of the old style mills.

If you are in need of a millbuy an Aermotor and yourneighbors will congratulateyou on your foresight.

liteness and not from kindness.Mr. Howells savs he was struck

with the philosophy of the state-ment, but he finds that althoughsociety is the stronghold of theprejudices which foster inequality,it is at the same time the veryhome of equality. He believes thatthe ideal of society is equality, be-

cause to the more enlightened, in-

equality is offensive and irksome."Your soul is always seeking thelevel of your companions, and soci-

ety formulates and expresses thisinstructive desire of equality."Furthermore, the good quality ofsociety is determined by the degreewith which formality is shunnedand ease and freedom is sought.One of the strange features present-ed by the facts of daily life is thatmany people should fear the great-est blessing of good society and willnot allow its greatest charms to beimparted to the whole of life.

'Men have believed that therewas something to be gained by set-

ting themselves apart from othermen: and they have actually attimes believed that those whomthey excluded and depressed le-liev- ed

this, too, because they suf-

fered it. But the inferior never be-

lieved, even in the depths of slav-

ery, that inequality was a gain tohim, whatever it might be to thesuperior, and he suffered it becausehe must. It never was a gain tothe superior except in some advan-tages of food, clothing and shelter.The disparity between the different

Notice of Election.

And Investment CompanySTOCKS HAVE BEGUN TO MOVE!

The favorable weather daring the pastsummer give promise of a large crop for1K96, and with an estimated shortage of theworld's production of One Million Tons ofSugar, higher prices are looked for.

Persons alive to the situation are begin-ning to purchase now. During the presentmonth we have made more sales of First-Cla- ss

Stocks than for the pat twelvemonths.

We are now buying and selling the fol-lowing:

Hawaiian Sugar Company Stock,Ewa Plantation Company Stock.Haiku Sugar Company Stock.Honomu Sugar Company Stock,Hawaiian Agricultural Company Stock.Paia Plantation Company Slock."Mutual Telephone 8tock,Hawaiian Electric Company Stock.Also Hawaiian Government Bonds, and

Plantation first Mortgage Bonds.We have some very secure boxes in the

Safe Deposit Vaults to let by the month orby the year at very reasonable rates.


Importers and Dealers inTHEFar tarttealars apty to

AT THE ADJOURNED ANNUALmeeting of the stockholders of the OnoineaBngar Company held on the 87th in-t.- . att!i- - office t f . rlrewer it I'o. Lt'd . the fol-lowing officers were elected to serve for theeiiumg year:

J. B. Atherton PresidentCha. M. Co ke . .

Vice-Preside- nt

W. A. Bowen Secretaryieo. H. Robertson Treasurer

Oeo. P. Castle AuditorThe above named officers also constitute

the tfoard of Directors.VM. A BOWKS.

4163-- lt Seeretarv Onoinea Susrar Co.

W. C. T. U. LUNCH ROOMFor Lndtoa ami Gentlemen,

At 111 King street."l.iiiuli from 1 1:30 to 1:30p.m.

ur attractions are home-mad- e foo l, acool neat room and satisfactory attendance.Table a la carte. 4Pi3-lt- u

The Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth. Delivered bv carrier.

the Hawaiian safe deposit Groceries Provisions and Feed.And Investment Company, J

ro' flffllllfvl J I I VI b

408 Fort Street, Honolulu.ew ana Fresh Goods received by every packet from Calif omla, Easter

and European Markets.Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables. Fruits and Fish.Goods delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed.Island trade solicited.

COMPANY, L'D.,Opposite Spreckels Bank,


Page 5: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and


i'I'm.oum N I K I The Beauty Ex Warrimoo.Awarded

Highest Honors World's Fair,Gold Medal .Midwinter Fair.


Is only "case deep." It is mucheasier to make a handsome case thanit is to put music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the one the otherrequires the best thought of a muskalartist. The


Excellent ProKnun t He Renderedat Emma Square Tonight.

Those desiring to spend a fewpleasant hour- - tin- - evening andenjy the beautiful moonlightshould attend the full-moo- n con-

cert by the Hawaiian Hand at Em-ma Square. An excellent programbar len arranged. Among thenumber of selections to be renderedare several favorite P rtu'i;e-- - air-- .Jn honor of the 2'Joth independenceof that country the Portuguese an-them will le given. Program:

PART LL Overture "Ksmeralda"... Hermann

Waltz -"- Oporto" Waldteufel







Laces, Insertions and Ribbons.13. March "Belle of New York"Free i ClarkeA rre Grape Cream of Tartar Powder

I g i

lin si1. .Selection " N abueco".. .. Verdi

I' ART II.". Fantasia "Portuguese Tattoo''

All have handsome, tasteful, durablecases, but in their factory constant,careful, studious attention is given tothe production of a perfect and lastingtoae. The beauty and honesty of aKroger begins with the varnish onthe case and goes straight through tothe iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside of aKroeger.


Old Instruments Takes ta Part Payment.

Toataf aa4 &pirtc a Specialty.

from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In a!l the great Hotels, the leadingC , a:: i the homes. Dr. Price's CreauBaking Powder holds its supremacy

Years the Standard...Meyerlles

.. Dance 'Manzanillo" Rosas M. S. LEVY,7. Waltz " Sidewalks of NewYork" Beyer

S Marvn "Mauoalua" .FrettasPortuguese Anthem and Hawaii Poooi. 1 OKI STREET IIONOI.l'l.r.


LEWIS & CO.,Ajfntn. Honolulu. H. I.

Denial by Mr. Walker.Mk. Editor : I venture to a.k

that the same opportunity whichvour columns on Saturday affordedfor the publication of a professedreport of the meeting last Thursdayevening of the Diocesan .Synod of


Woodward Gets One Year.Edward Woodward, a young

man who has been before the court-o- n

a serious charge, was -- entencedby Judge Magoon Saturday to oneyear at hard labor. Woodward wasgiven an opportunity to escapepunishment by marrying the young


-:- - DEALERS IN -:- -the Anglican Church may be per Pi 3 Imm gi I LADIES'mitted to me. ts a witness of the

proceedings, for an unqualified de Reol si. Bullingnial of the statements made in that

lady in question, which he offeredto do. but the girl positively re-fus- ed,

fearing that the young manwould not treat her right after mar-riage.

Judge Whiting has sustained thedecision of the lower court in thelotterv cases of Kauhane. Keawe

rejort. both as to the proposals and HOUSES AND LOTSAND


as to the transactions 01 tne meet-ing, at which no such "charges"and "trial "as those spoken of inyour report were even mentioned. Shirtand three Chinamen. The menWhat object has been in view of Parties wishing to dispose of their pro-

perties are invited to call on us.were found guilt v and fined byCREPEJudge Perry for playing che fa.

503 FORI STREET. NEAR KING STREET.AN D - -An Important Office. WaistsTo properlv fill its office and func

tion, it is important that the hlood be

the writer of the piece of fiction towhich I allude, unless that of cau.ving annoyance and pain to the per-son mentioned, or that of attempt-ing injury to the church generally.I cannot imagine.

Thanking you for allowing the in-

sertion of these lines. I remain, Sir.your obedient servant,

Thomas Rain Walkkr.Honolulu, Nov.

pure. When it is in such a condition, mthe body is almost certain to behealthy. A complaint at this time is


Cheap for Cash !

Every Day ! Why ?

Because the demand is so great we can donothing else.


catarrh in some of its various forms.A slight cold develops the disease inthe head. Droppiugs of corruptionpassiug into the lungs bring on con- -,

sumption. The only way to cure thisdisease is to purify the blood. The Flower Materials,

New Mouldings,

Sheet : Pictures,most obstinate cases of catarrh yieldto the medicinal powers of Hood's t$&r-sapari- lla

as if by magic, simply be-cause it reaches the seat of the disease,and

.by purifying

.and vitalizing the

i ft i W a

oiooci, removes me cause, not ouiydoes Hood's Sarsaparilla do this but it

lie Notes F.xcertioiis.Mr. Editor : Your account in

this morning's issue of the Angli-can Church Dio'v-a- n Synod wa9 acurious mixture of fact and fiction.At the nu-eting- s alluded t in yourcolumns there wAs no trial, neitherwas there any mention made ofturning anyone out of office.

I am yours, very faithfully.Alex. Mackintosh.

XnvetnWr 2'K !'..--.

gives renewed vigor to the whole sys-tem, making it possible for goodhealth to reign supreme. HobkonDrug Co., wholesale agents.

-:- - AGENTS FOR -:- -

Popelton's Home-mad- e BreadFresh every morning. Prompt delivery.


VOELLER & CO.,Waring Block, Fort and Beretania Streets.


Jeweler and Watchmaker,515 FORT STREET.


B. F. Ehlers & Co.JUST RECEIVED,

MANILA CIGARS,A Large Invoice,

Your Stock BIS i iSupplies, 1 I


Will do bettor onFIRST-CLAS- S FEED Hawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry


Souvenir Spoons at Very Low Prices.




Is the very best at theVERY LOWEST PRICE&

P. O. Box 355.


Japanese show.A pavilion is being erected at

the corner of Merchant and Rich-

ards streets, adjoining the livery-- table of James Carty, which willbe used for three months as atheatre. A troupe of Japanese per-formers, recently arrived from theOrient, will give entertainments inthe building. It is said they areone of the best acrobatic aggrega-tions ever organized. The per-formances will be varied in char-acter, embracing all kinds of jug-glery, balancing and daring featson the trapeze. Thomas Evanswill have charge of the troupe,which is a sufficient guarantee thatthey will be what is claimed forthem. Further announcement willbe made in a day or two.


ill.ahrij h rrrrv rinimsiuf Ull ll ilflUL

UHHfi I W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Hollister & Co.,iNuuanc an Queen Streets. CARRIAGE BUILDER

TOBACCONISTS.AND REPAIRER.TELEPHONE iai,If you can have a fit for the same as a

misfit ,why not have a fit.For particulars, see

MEDEIROS & CO.,S. Decker, Manager,

TAILORS.Hotel street, opposite King Rros.


All orders from the other islands In theCarriage Building, Trimming and PaintingLies will meet with prompt attention.

P. O. Box 891.


Bins Properly in Koli




Alakea and Richards Streets, near Queen, Honolulu, H. L

When most needed it is not unusualfor your family physician to be awayfrom home. Such was the experienceof Mr. J. Y. Scbenck, editor of theCaddo, Iud. Ter., Banner, when hislittle girl, two years of age was threat-ened with a severe attack of croup.He "My wife insisted that I gof r the doctor, hut as our family phy-sician was out of towu I purchase : abottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem-edy, which relieved her immediately.I will not be without it in the future."50 ceut bottles for sale by all dealers.Benson, Smith & (' , atrents for H.I.

Special Attractionsfor thk

128 and 130 FORT STREET.

POI I POI ! MOULDINGS -- :E. Van Doom & Co., Fort Street r

We offer for sale two tracts of lan 1 in Ka-h- hi

for sale a follows:One Lot of 17 40-10- 0 acres of land hav-

ing a valuable water right.One Lot of 13 10-1- 00 acres of very rich

land upon which the Government water islaid on.

Both of thee tracts can be cut up forbuilding lots at a handsome profit.

The owner desires to dispose of the pro-perty a a whole, and we are authorized tosell the same upon very reasonable terms.

. For particulars,


Next Lucis' Planing Mill, will havefre-- everv day


KAL1HI POI FACTORY,Which will be sold to families in large or

small quantities. No Contain-ers PtnunsHKD.

Store open evenings.

TURNED AND SAWED WORK530 Fort M rt ri. Honolulu.

TELEPHONE : 5.Prompt attention to all orders.

Trains will leave on Saturdays at 9:15A. M. and 1:45 P. M., arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 P. M. and 5:26 P. M.

Train will leave on Sundays at 9:15 A.M.arriving in Honolulu at 5:26 P. M.


W L. WILCOX,Proprietor Kalibi Poi Factory. TEL. 560. P. O. BeK. ISOSHIMA,Round Trip Tickets:

Handsome Piano LampNow exhibited in the window

WILL BE GIVES AWAYTo the one th it i: - iic.i-t- -: :.n:a rof eeis in the pumpkin. A guessing blankjpven with every dollar purchase.


INVESTMENT -:- - COMPANYNo. 106 Fort Street.

41il-t- w



SECOND CLASSJ. KB, Formerly Occupied by Nan Yu Shosha, Honohiru, H. L

Fine Japanese Goods,TIMES IN THE TROPICS. WATCHMAKER.THE BIG DOLLin the Millinerv window WILL BEJI VF.N . V Y to the ne that holds thejygm number of COOpon. A couponPVMI with every 5ocent purchase

Watches sold for the very lowest of ca.--h

prices or on ea-- y payments.What thfl matter w h breakfast this

morning, the cook has overslept again,hev '.' (ju down to

F. C. SMITH,General Passenger and Ticket Agent.

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealers la


WWeh we win sen at the very lowest marketrates.

Telephone No. 414.

Brown & Kubey's Watches -- : RepairedS1LYER.HATAND BELT PINSWill be given away in the Millinery De-

partment to purchasers.DO YOUR SHOPPING



We have just received from Japan a fine assortment ofCrepe Shirts, Straw Hats, Silk and Cotton Pajamas,Kimonos, etc. Very lowest of prices.

Read the ADVERTISER.Workmanship guaranteed and prices

verv reasonab.e.

And buy one of those "MUST LET UP"Alarm Clocks that rinsr for five minutes:whi'e you are there look at the cutleryand jewelry, witches and silverware, youcan ret me a pair of spctacles to aid me inniv detective work.


N. S. Sachs. Corner Fort andMerchant Streets.

Page 6: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and







Partial list per Amy Turnerof Goods just received

from New York.

Wheel Barrows,Road Scrapers,

Ox Bows,Hoe Handles,

Barbed Wire,Asbestos Cement,

MATTOCKS,Feed Cutters,Lawn Mowers,Forges,Blacksmiths' Bellows,Machinists' Drill, Vises,

Charcoal Irons,Refrigerators,



Harflwore and Genero




Ruling Market Rate.This Lime is the genuine article, pure and

simple. No foreign substances used.

Ring up 247 andLeave Your Orders.


unnnimii in Uil nm ui viaCOMPANY.

MISS D. LAMB,Lawyers' Clerk


Notary Public,Office: With .1. A. Magoon.

J. T. LUND,.88 and 180'Foxi St., opp. Club Stables,


NICKEL, PLATING A SPECIALTYB cylea repaired, rented or f-- r aie.

--Nesiir t-'- i- -r .starts nas, aunng --Ti years, grown in favor witn both doctors andmothers throughout the wor'd. and is n..v un-'- i

questionably nut only the best substitute formothers' milk, but the f- - d which arrets Wi btiie lur,tbi percentage of in'u:.:s. It g:strengtb and st.nnina to resist the wcaV"- - twe:Tctsof h-- t weather, and h.s saved the livthousands of infants. To any mother sendin.her and mentioning this pjper. '.if wV

H nd samples and deacriptw n "f Xest.c Fuod"i A-- '..., Aar'ts. 29 Murray St



Holiister Drug Company, Limited,

5U3 Fort Street, Honolulu, II. I.

Hiirlinamc Ruled off Haytrict for Polling Amurino.

From all anount-- . the Hawaiianhr-- - are not doing very well atthe Oast. Thorn who ought toknow say it i- - owing to the way inWhid they are managed, whileothers are ju-- t as certain that thehorse- - are not in it a little hit withthose of the Coast. Be that as itmay. it is a sure thing that theowners of Autonomy. Lolokalaniand Amarino are not making a for-

tune ut of their venture. In theopening race five and a half fur-longs at the Hay District trackon Xovemher loth, Autonomy, withHurliuirame as iockev, startedninth and finished in the sameplace, betting opening at 10 andclosing at 40 to 1.

In the third race, six furlong-- .Amarino. ridden by Burlingame,started fifth and closed in aboutthe same place. The betting open-ed at 0 and closed at 1 to 1. Thenwas a tierce rush to get aboard inthird race at six furlongs. Amarinoshowed good form, but was fright-fully ridden by Burlingame, whichis construed to mean that the horsewas pulled. It fa -- aid of the Ha-waiian horse- - that they cannot getin and win when the odds are big,and invariably lose the race-the- y

ought to win.Burlinsame was ruled off the

track and heavily fined for pullingAmarino. That jockey has had agreat deal of trouble with the man-agement of the Bay District track,and he will likely do most of bi-

nding at Ingleside in the future.

IKM.IDAV OPENING.Wall. Nichols Company Ready for

Business I hi Morning.Th? Wall, Nichols Company

opens this morning with a largestock of holiday goods. Amongthe many suitable and useful articies lor V hn-tm- as pn-sent-

s arehandsome hound hooks ly popularand standard authors. In toys thevhave anvthinr and everything thatis wanted.

l lie new firm will make a specialty of mttsicaJ instruments andsheet music. This department isin charge of Willie Herriek, who iswell versed in and especiallyadapted for handling that cla ofgoods. In the Iiegma music boxesthe Honolulu public may lie sureof seeing and hearing somethingreally new. These boxes are madein several size-- , and furnish mosicequal to a full band. They are soconstructed that an endless num-ber of selections can be played, indentation lieing made in a circularpiece of zinc, which can le renewedwhen desired and a different onesubstituted. Not the least amongthe large number of attractions intheir stock is the Symphony organ,which can be made to produce worksof the great masters. Call and inves-tigate their goods. Store in Re-

public block. King street.

Rnnawaj Without Damage,L. C. Abies had an experience

with a fractious horse Saturdayafternoon that would have resultedseriously had not that gentlemanshown extremely good presence ofmind. The animal, recently re-

ceived from the Coast. leing some-what spirited became unmanagea-ble while being driven along Kingfemes, near Waikiki turn, and

started to run. Mr. Abies wrappedthe lines around his hands, andconstant pulling on the reins ren-dered them partially useless. Thehorse, hitched to a surrey, dashedalong the road, barely escapingcollision with several wagons andcarriages: but Mr. Abies held tothe rein and managed to keep therunaway animal to one side of theroad until the end of King streetwas reached, where the horse wasgotten under control. No damageresulted.

Coffee Planters' ReunionT 1 m

ine second annual reunion oitin Hawaiian Co li re rsssociation was heMView House. Olaa. last Saturdayawning. A large mini Iter of peo-ple attended, many being presentfrom Hilo end surrounding dis-tricts. After dancing till nearmidnight to the music of an excel-lent string Land, a eomptootui re-

past was served. The occasion vrasa success and greatly enjoyed.

The Hoard of Tax Appeal hadanother sitting Saturday afternoon.No eases .f great importance wereconsidered.

J. F. Clay has had another andsevere attack of ism sincearriving at San Francisco. At Jaslaccounts lie was improving inhealth. Mr. and Mrs. Clay are ntexjected to return home for twomonths.

People who demand the bestlcan be had for money. TYm

lection of our roods - undersupervision of experiencedwho have made it their

FANGY DECORATED Mm$4.oo and up.

Silk Ditvss (;.h,k New Patera CLadles' Fiirnlshlnjr,Gents' Furnistilujs, Men's Straw

We guarantee our prices to be aslow, if not lower than the others.

S. OZAKI,311 King Street, Corner oC

Smith Street.

I CordiallyInvite YouTo call and see my new imrorUtloa f

nmm nnroo nnI HI OiitOO OIL

Which have just been nethmt,.Connoisseurs will greatly tdmm.these goods. They are beaaHUtNo duplicates.

It ShowsThat every item of my advertise-

ment is read by men and women.My Silk counters have been areal beehive.

Aside from this I received m

large consignment of

Gents' Fancy Shirts,Gents' Fall Dress Shirts,

Gents' Plain Shirts.

UNDERWEARIn Cotton, Balbriggan, Flexible Seaaie

and Silk.



Wide Brim Straw Hats, 75c etcfe.

Don't Overlook Me In the Rush.

K. FURUYARobinson Block, Hotel Street.




Ladies' wide-bri- m low crown Straw HaUBamboo Balcony Screens, 8x10, 9x10 and10 x 10. Bamboo Portieres, Lunch aDdTraveling Baskets.

IWAKAMI,Hotel Street. Robinson Block

I LAN IWAII la- - boon Leased 1- - the

Hawaiian HotelAnd will again open as a




have located on King street Wai-kiki of J. Ii Atherton. and wtll t .! pnptlflfor tuition in Pianoforte and 6inging. Tele-phone 886. 4t'4i)


HomeIf there's one wav of inducing

a man to stay at home, it's tomake home comfortable for him.

Just imagine papa, hubby or

brother trying to resist the temp-

tation to lay of on one off our


He simply can't do it, andwhen you own up to him thatyou only paid

$ 1 2.oofor it, if it's hubby, he will passoft into a dream of his bachelordays, only to awake and otterthanks for the great change andcomforts of home.

Sit beside him in one of ourhandsome


Tell him you bought it for only

$5.50and you will awaken an interestin him for the comforts of life.You will be surprised at theeffect.


HOPP & CO.,Furniture Dealers,


Weak Lungsare usually brought on by a stub-born cough. Then how importantit is that a cough, even thoughslight, should not be neglected.


(Practice 11y Tasteless),the Food-Medicin- e, is healing andstrengthening to all m;icous sur-faces. It will cure a cough, nomatter of how long standing, andthereby prevent weak lungs, bron-chitis, and consumption.

It will build up the generalhealth, put flesh on the bones,strength in the muscles, and en-ergy and vim into life.

50 Cents :irul $z.oo of Trtiiiiists.


b 10 mmAND OTHERS.

Tin- - Honolulu Iron Works Company bav-i- n

renewed their connection with theNational Tube Works Jompant of

Nkw York and are constituted


Hawaiian IslandsFor all the various lines of manufacture

such as

Steam Pipe,Artesian Well Tnbe and asinjc,The 'onverse Lock-Joi- nt Water Pipe of


sti-'l- . :iiil Iron Boiler Tabes, Etc.,TOGETHER WITH

Valves. Cocks, and all Kinds of Steam, Waterand Gas Fittings.

And trill henceforth carry a large stock ofai 1 Go icN in UonOialn, to enable them to

till all ordinary orderson short notice and :it

Prices Hitherto UnknownIN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.


Hi I

Always LeadIn bringing More the puDiic, me r.cwrsianJ most frn-hine- - wares in our var ouslines.

WUI UUUMo wi cai even jujpawall former efforts: embracing a few linesnot heretofore carried, but which are socloselv connected with the finer jewel rvtrade that we thought it best to add themto our stock.

First and foremost is the largecollection of


Art Potterywhich though new to this market is notentirely unknown to our connoisseurs. Insome respects it closely resembles severalof our Enlish Potteries: yet it possessescharacteristics in colorings and decorationsso distinctively its own that you see atonce its difference from other makes. Theassortment is unusually large, and containsabsolutely NO DUPLICATES, affordingevery one an opportunity to provide forthemselves a choice piece, without thefear of finding another dozen of the identi-cal pattern, in as many homes.

But the GREAT CONSIDERATION is thelowness of price.

Whilst it grades with the finest pot-teries produced, we can afford to sell it atBARELY ONE-HAL- F the price of simi-lar wares in other makes. That is a mat-ter which you cannot afford to overlook.



Following this line closely, comes ourimmense assortment of choice pieces andcuttings in American cut glass.

Having in stock only the very bestmake, and this in a very complete variety,we feel justified in saying that it is possi-ble for us to give you the choicest of thechoice, and in such varieties of shapes,that many of the large houses in theStates could not better supply vour wants.WE CLAIM that out make of Cut Glassis the WHITEST and most BRILLIANTproduced, taking the highest awards atthe Paris Exposition, where it came incompetition with every make of cut glassin the World. The enormous sales dur-ing the past two years fully convince usthat there is no doubt in your minds as tothe metit of our goods.

We are also showing a new assortmentof tine leathers, with and without mountings, notaniv among wnicn are somehandsome chatelaine bags in Seal. Lizard,Kangaroo and Morocco. You well knowthe difficulty of trying to purchase a reallyhandsome bag, and we feel sure you willappreciate the addition of this line

We will enumerate a few more of ournew specialities in our next "ad." In themeantime it will be well to have vourpick of those lines spoken of. You knowthere is always a choice, and the tirtcomer gets that.




Large Hats,small Toqaefl in Felts and LetrJioraa,

Ch''ldrer Hat.Wi iiu . l:rls ami ther fine Trimmings.

MISS CAHILL,Arlington itiek. - - Hotel Street.


Life and Fire

r surance Ag'ts.AGENTS FOR

New England Mutual

1 insurance mmOf Boston.

Cffl n rirn In onrnj nit; ii Mill III c


: 1 1

II till .

Of Hartford.


Choice Maui PotatoesAT

VERY LOW PRICE,And They are Superior

To Anything. Imported.


During these hot, closedays what is nicer than a

free burning non-combusta- -ble

Kerosene Oil Stove ord .k,-- k -- o K,,c,i tn: " wiuuicaiicook your meal, extinguishedand placed One Side untiltime rTor ur next meal. VW

carrv them in all sizes fromthe batchelor to the familysize.



You can make your icecream for any quantity ofpersons in almost as short atime as it takes to say it withone of our


Ice Cream Freezers.

Among the many interest-ing things we are expectingto arrive will be Piano, Ba-nquet and parlor Lamps inthe very latest designs justcompleted by the factory forthe holiday trade.

SILK SHADESIn the newest of designs, 7 to21 inches.

Full line of


Etchings iiml t rip EtchingsPicture Mouldings



SurreysThai Have Kvcr l :t--- imported.

They are of Eastern make, and are builtof the best selected and seasonedmaterials.

Remember that what at first cost is aCHEAP Carriage, invariably proves to be apoor investment. Our Carriages are not as

HEAP at first cost, as a great deal of theAUCTION POLLING STOCK, that isbeing offered the public nowadys, but wjwill guarantee that in tbe LONG KI N

what we sell is the CHEAPEST, and thebest investment for your money towardhaving a vehicle that gives satisfaction,particularly in respect to its durability. andthe saving made in not having continualliiil to pay for repairs.

APCome and see for yourself at theShow Rooms over our Store.


Queen Street.NOTICE.

HAVING SEPARATED FROM MYwife. Victoria Tnz i trta l Fernaniiezfor just and lejral reasons, I hereby givenotice to tbe public not to pive credit bomy said wife on n.y account and credit,a- - I will not be responsible for any d-b- ts

whatsoever contracted by her from this

(8inied PEDRO FEIlN ANDKZ.4154-1-0t



Kep .blic of Hawaii. Lee Wai will have 'i'

dit-f-- v under Power of Attorney, of alltbe business and affairs of the firm of BuiOn Tai. LEKSUE.

(Signed) BUI n TAI.Dated Honolulu. Nov. --'2. 195.


NOTICE.NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN TO ALLcreditors ot the K-ta- te M. Goldberg,thatpayment must be made on or before Ie-cember- lst

next. r s-- will be brought inthe District 'ourt for the recovery of thesame. T. C. PORTER,

K. i. TKN.NKY.Executors Estate M. iollherg.

Honolulu, H. I.. November 7th 185.4145-t- d

Page 7: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and


List of advertised letters remain- - THIS STOVE DON'T SMOKE.


Full moon thi evening.The Judtl boy? have returned

from Maui.cmia ana wile. imam r.a-r-i- -.

Hand concert at hmma Square L. A. Thurston and wife. Francisthis evening. Gray and Charles Gay were return-Cor- n

jetition for Great Seals ing passengers from Kauai yester- -

closes today, day.Dr. Peterson, of Ewa, was in the Marie Collin Yee was granted a

citv Saturday. divorce frm Pac Yee by JudgeChristmas goods are displayed in Whiting Saturday morning. Yee

the had no answer to make to themanv of stores.charges of desertion and non-Saturd- ay

and Sunday were quiet support,days in police circles. ,

ing in the genera post-offic- e uj toNovember 30th is published thi?morninff.

Mr. K. li. Hendry. it .rje Fair- -

2500 tons, will be due at this portfroni Portland, Oregon, for theOrient, on or about the 21st of this7

month. rheo. EL Davies & Co.,Ltd.. are the ajrents.

There will be a meeting of theHonolulu Amateur Athletic Asso-ciation at the Y. M. C. A. at 2 to discuss matters in connec-tion with tlie coining held dav to the

SPECIALTIES:houses, stobjcs,Rnti n cr OFFICKS, STC

I can find you a tenant or rent youwhat you want.



K vxi want to buv call on rae. If youwan: to sell list your property with mi.

Notary Public,Hnkfratft. Gene ml liaslnewiAccident Insurunoe, Sf'?s Sftfs

C. D. CHASE,406 Fort Street. Tel. 184,


'LvtHWARESterling Silver or only marked so. Everyhousewife has heard of the Gorhama,ouvcrsniiins. w nen they stamp anyarticle sterling silver you can rest assuredthat it is sterling silver.

We invite the public (tourists especiallyto make a thorough examination of ourstock and prices in Sterling Silverware,Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware, Watchesand Diamonds. Native Jewelry manu-factured in unique designs and to order.

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

Wonner & Co.'s Old Stand.


Closing Out Sale.WONDERFUL :- - SACRIFICE!

Half of Original Cost for

cotton sisETC., ETC. ETC. ETC.

S. MSHIMURA,Foster Block, Nuuanu Street.

W. J. STODDART,(Successor to Farrer & Co. )

Wooii anii iRepairs of Every Descrlptlou.

Wire Jewelry made to order,Musical Boxes repaired,


First --class Work. Moderate Prices.

CARE OF T. LINDSAY,Merchant Street.

Hand-ma- de and imported Harries-- , Sad-dles, Bridles and all Horse and CarriageGoods. Prices are right.


C. R. COLLINS,P. O. Box 49G. 337 Kiny street.

4079 near Nuuanu.

CRITERION SALOONFort, Near Hotel Street,

Have just received a consignment ofthe famous


Malting Company's Beer in BulkTRY IT.

Popular Brands of straight Goods al-ways 011 hand.

c. J. McCarthy,Manager.


13 ACRES ORANGE GEOVE; ALL INgood bearing; one mile from centre of town j

and situated at corner of Main street andOntario avenue. The above is in a high j

state of cultivation, well watered and inone of the most beautifnl localities in Call- - j

fornia. The party owning the same is nowresiding in these islands, and needing j

reaiy money, is willing to dispose of at abargain for cash, or in exchange for cityproperty, rarties wisning to purchase winbe furnished with good references at River- -

side. Full particulars will be cheerfullygiven by calling or addressing

GEO. A. TURNER,Real Estate and General Business Agent,

308 Merchant street. 409-t-f


Tiles for Floors and for Dec-orating Purposes.


FLO U RHas gained tlie

ridence or an e


Prices below asfother No. 1 Stand

Flour in the mar-




Theo. H.Davies&Co.,

Sole Agent,

Mutual Tel. 266. P. O. boxWING WO TAI & CO..

214 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Importers and Dealers la

General Merchandise, Fine Manila Cigan,Chinese and Japanese Crockerywart,Mattings, Vases of all kin Js, Camphor-Woo- d

Trunks, Rattan Chairs. A FinAssortment of Dress Silks, ChoicestBrands of Chinese and Japanese Toas oflatest importations.

Inspection of New Goods respectfully solicit.

Commercial Saloon,Cr. Nuuanu and Beretania 8ta.

T. KEVEN, Manager.

COOL FRESH BEEROb Draught and the Standard Braaelt

of Bottled Beer.Pine Whiskies. Brandies. Wines and Preach



a thirst on (Thurston).


Wan. G. Irwin President and ManageClaw Spreckels - Vice-Presida- rt

W. M. Giffard Secretary and TreasureTheo. C. Porter ...... Audita



Oceanic Steamship CompamOf ton Fretnctaoo, Cad.


Pirtt-Cla-ss Market in Every eeciBesides carrying a Full Line of Masts

we make a specialty of





Maui, will not rag responsible tor anydebts incurred in hiASme without writtenorder from him.

CAPTAIN 1). TAYLOR.October 12, 1895. Lahaina, Maui.

4l22-3- m

Daily Advertiser 75c. a month.

.. . .

Lastie & COOKe, Liasole Aironts. - - Hawaiian Islands.


Best CorsetIn the World for the Money.

NO OTHER corset is made with steelprotectors and TWO EXTRA side staysthat is sold for

75 Cents.Our KM) Sonnette can't be eoualed. If

you are long waisted, get a pair ofour Sonnettes,

d O Olvp.O.If vou are stout, we can fit you with

a pair of real whale bone Sonnettes,

$3.00.If you want a FAfcCY DRESS CORSET,

we have them in SILK. Fancy em-

broidered in colors. If you want aBLACK COLOR, the Sonnette is justthe thing. A pure whale-bon- e corsetwith fancy silk etchings, or plain ifyou wish it,

$3.50.fact, anything you may wish in the,t line, you can find it in our stock of

SONNETTES. For the benefit of thosewho have not tried the Sonnettes, wewould like EVERY LADY in Honolulu totake a pair of them home and tit them.

Whether you need a corset or not, seehow perfect they fit. You can returnthem.

We guarantee every pair.

CP ANrSf A 1J J L-jVl-i-lle



dur m t


Elaimer ?




Graduated from Dr. S. Rodgers'Perfect Emnalming School in San 0Francisco, California, in 1S90. Hahal twenty-fiv- e years' experience in 0Honolulu. in the UndertakingBusiness.

Hearses and Carriages for funerals.

Headstones 1 MonumentsOffice Telephone 84J: Resi

dence and night call 849.

I L Cornei Is Out M245 Is Our Telephone.


We move Furniture by the job'or $2 toby the load, according to quality or dis-

tance, and we guarantee all work done bv

Intending passengers on island or foeign steamers will find us prompt and up

all details in handling, marking andchecking baggage.

All work superintended bv compeUotmen.

WILLIAM LARSEN,Proprietor Larsen's Express.


Building and Loan Association.


will be held at the Chamber of Com-merce on MNI.Y EVENING. December

1M5. at 7:30 o clock.Payments are required in Gold.

A. V. GEAR.416t-2- l Secretarv.

Dai Nippon will announce holi- -

day goods in a few days.Tl, f.ill farm .f tli f'i w-iii- t fnr-- t1 1C 1U11 IV A i IHV r 4 VUll V VU4 V

was concluded on Saturday.The Loyal Legion meets in Cen-

tral Union Church this 2 p.m.Read special attractions for the

holidays announced by Sachs.Chief Justice Judd has returned

from official business at Lahaina.The streets were crowded Satur- -

da evening with parties.The French dinner at the Riche-

lieu Saturday evening was a suc-cess.

Castle A Cooke, Ltd., are soleagents for New Process gasolinestoves.

Portuguese residents celebrated..i .i.i-- t. : i i .1ineir --- mi inuepenuen uaj y- -

terday.A comfortable furnished cottage

of two rooms on Beretania street istor rent.

Several hunting parties left townSaturday evening. Good success isreported.

Newly elected stockholders of the( lomea Sugar Company appearelsewhere

wlia 'innnii ncp; liitr lmrffMiii- - inworstcf dress i?nods. trimmed mil- -

linerv etc "'

The Miowera is due today fromthe Colonies en route to BritishColumbia.

T. S.Kay, manager of the Ko--hala Sugar Company, is stoppingat the Kichelieu.

Several companies of the Citi-zens Guard were out for targetpractice yesterday.

Hegular monthlv meeting of thePioneer Building and Loan Asso-ciation this evening.

Morgan will sell valuable realestate on Queen street at his sales-room next Saturday at noon.

A number of Portuguese airs willbe played by the Hawaiian Bandat Emma Square this evening.

linue Cartwright and Judgerr.rr were incoming passenger.- - bythe Claudine Sunday morning.

Koolou, for assaulting a China- -

man, wa furnished lodgings at thepolice station Saturday evening

t?tatel meeting of HawaiianLodge No. 21, F. & A. M., thisevening at 7:o0. Election of offi-


A nolle prosse has been enteredin the case of J. Kahananui,charged with burglarizing the residence Kama.

Professor Lyons predicts showery

quence of a heavy northern swellalong the coast.

The band concert at EmmaSquare Saturday afternoon waswell attended: the music was ex-

ceptionally good.Iron fronts, just completed, gives

the stores of Hollister Drug Com-pany and Lewis v Co. a decidedlyimproved appearance.

The steamer J. A. Cummins willnot receive freight for Waimanaloand Koolau until Tuesday morn-ing, delivery at Oceanic wharf.

The next mail for the Coast willbe by the City of Peking, due hereon the ',th. The Australia will bedue from San Francisco on the 9th.

The W. C. T. U. have opened alunch room at 111 King street.Home-mad- e food, cool and neatroom and satisfactory attendanceare the attractions.

Judging from the activity atKapiolani Park, and the numberof horses in training there, theraces on New Year s Day gives pro-mise of Wing successful.

N. S. Sach advertises big bar-gains in worsted dress goods andserges. His stock of trimmed mil-linery is complete. Don't fail toread his new ad today.

William Bell, a Scotchman, diedvery suddenly at Bay View Satur-day morning." Me had been afflict-ed with dropsy for several years.leceased was t0 years of age.

The new race course at Ingleside.San Francisco, will be opened to-day. The Hawaiian horses at theCoast are to le removed there, andwill take part in the opening races.

PERUVIAN BITTERSAre not a new remedy, but an oldand valued medical discovery whichhas cured thousands of malaria,malarial fever, indigestion, weakand impaired stomach and lostenergy.

The Perfect Tonic.For sale by all druggists and

dealers. Take no substitue.HACK & CO., Sole Proprietors,

San Francisco, Co.1.

HOBRON DRUG GO.Excivusrv e a ; e n ts .

E. VANDOORN & CO.,Dealers In

1 Domestic QtQQfS

W also carry a full line of Tobaccos,Pipes, etc.

Ice Cold Drinks a Specialty.S4p In n your way to the city front

and ftt a arid drink and a good cigar.



JONES & SIMPSON,Accountants and Commission Agents.


mi Mb I.

Conveyancing and Legal documents drawnup. Drawing and tracings made. Trans-

lations la French, German, Spanish, Por-

tuguese, Dutch, Italian and Hawaiian,Bills collected and accounts adjusted.

Office: 308 Merchant St,


91 Nuuanu Street,SOOO-m- en daily to drink the-50- (0

FAMOUS SEATTLE BEER,Ice Cold on Draught.

EDWARD HARRY,Postoffice Box 475, Honolulu.



A. HARRISON,Castle &, Cooke's New Warehouse, Bet he!

Street. 4141-t- f

STORE TO LET,King street, near Fort. Apply to


FOR SALE.Fine black horse, perfectly soand Ap- -


TO LET.Fine stable accommodations, one tothree stalls. Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS.4141-t- f


IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MISSDorothea Lamb is authorized to transact allmatters of business forme and to sign myname. J. ALFRED MAGOON,Office: Old Capitol Building, next Post-offic- f.

Honolulu. 4141-t- f

Sanders' Express,TELEPHONE 86.

Pianos and Furniture moved by men of10 to 15 years' experience. Baggagemarked in our care delivered at once.

R'ibbish cartel for 50c. and upward permonth by the only private concern in town.

OtHce No. 7 King street, near Fort.

F. H. FOSTER,Manager.


THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ONstreet. No. 99, at present oc-

cupied by A. M. Snroull. Esq., and contain,ing 6 rooms, kitchen and bathhouse, beside sou thoues.

4121-t- f H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.

be given by the association.The American Minister and Mrs.

Willis will hold a reception inhonor of Consul-Gener- al Mills andMrs. Mills on Thursday, Decemberoth, at 4 o'clock, to which thepublic is cordially invited.

The Hawaiian News Companyannounce a holiday stock second to

T iV.-- l 1 11none. ieauiiiui ous in eeiiu- -, ,

, MmM mr 7 7. , hlinilrH,ifi of othpr

nspfiil nrpsents. Their music de- -

partment is complete.Nineteen members and proba- -

tioners were admitted to the FirstMethodist Episcopal Church Sun- -

day. A reunion meeting of memlers and probationers will be heldnext,Sunday morning, The churchw prospering in every sense of theword.

J. M. Vivas and J. M. Teixeirasentenced byJudgy Magoon

Saturday to pay 950 andf'io respectively. The men werefound guilty of criminal libel by ajury last Friday. Notice of appealwas given, the defendants being re- -

leased on bail and given thirtylu lu U1C U1



DfAJfovD Hkad,DSCKMBSE 1. 1895. li

Weather clear; wimi liht N.

Big bargains in worsted dress

piajd dfess QodSj doublejd , j ts a

"J 'yard. Solid COlor, all WOOl

dreSS goods, double width,rn AnA An r(nt :i vrdSerge, serge, serge, don't !ifail to see our new allwool double width sere at f90 cents a yard. Trimmed

, 1: 1 1 : a 1 t.ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l i v. rui eieant a- - a

sortment of trimmed hats,bonnets and toques: a tine $assortment of childrens trim- - i $

0HTieu natS at

N. S. Sachs, 520 Fort street, Honolulu.

tV l'NTiNCiX




Republic Budding. King Street.

SPECIAL -- : HOLIDAYAnnouncement ! $5

us.We have the mot complete and freshestline of ho LID Y JOODS

in Honolulu.


In everything one can ask for.Our line of BOOKS in single volumes and

sets of Holiday Edition comprise works bythe popular and standard authors of theday ami is the most extensive in Honolulu.

IN TOYSWe have a line of the choicest andmost durable to be had. NO TRASH.


Equal to a fud band and plays 1000tunes. Not to be compared with the'Swiss" boxes as the mechanism is en-

tirely different.SYMPHONY ORGAN.

A child four vears old can operate it andproduce the works of the great masters.No tov. Investigate for vourselves. 2.



Page 8: Practical - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edumeha took the box for Lahainaluna and somewhat changed the course f events. The game stood h to jo at the close in Lahainaluna s favor and




t "5 IIISSi.-A- .M. -A.W Mb P.M.

Honolulu. 6:40 ;18 1:4ft 8;1C

Prl City. 7.V tat 5:83" E MSU 9:10 II 01 3:49 14

v wjne 10:84 3.24 4J

asx.- 5

aS)sQ IA.M. P.M P.M.

UV, WUtaM.... : 141 ?:47Swt Mill, 7:19 9:10 4:.'2r ll 'lty. . 7:50 :4e 8 4:'2

kj. Honolulu.... Ml 10:; sai 5-- J6

On Sundays train will leave Waianae at3:47 p.m. instead of 1 :.'i2 p.m. arriving inHonolulu at :'2 p.m.

Freight Trains will cirry "nwsenger ac-commodations

O. P. Dekiboh, F. O. ftMiTH,frionn'ondftnt. 'ipn. Pass A Tkt. Atrt.



I. iiIkt, 1 .";.


t S S Bennington. Pignian. Hilo.MtB HANTMC.

fThli Hat doe not tnclnde coaatem.jW H Dimond, Nflson, .San Francisco.Bark Don Adolfo. harden. Newcastle.Bark C Allen. Thompson. Bui Francisco,ier bark H Hackfeld. Barber. New York.

ftfhr Robert Lew rv (joodman. Hilo.Bk Coloma. Noves. Portland.Bri' W Irwin. Williams, ftan Francisco.Arn bark Mohican, Johnson. Callao.Bk City of Adelaide, Williamson, New'csle.Schr Aloha. I'abel. ftan Francisco.

rKKIO VBI KL.H KIPICTKIVlmcUi. Where from.

3er bk J 0 PHutrer . Bremen .... Duej B bk Aldergrove. . Liverpool. . . Dae

Bk Edward May Bo-to- n ... King yru-- . Newcastle. . . . . . Duer'.k fteringa Newcastle. . Due' A 8 B M iowera. Colonies Dec 2

O ft OS8 City of Peking China Dec088 Anstrah . ftp Dec JK M B S Alameda Colonies Dec 12R II s ft MonowaL. .8 F . . ..Dec t9'"A S Vtarrimoo . aruou v-- r Der 24O .V ft City of Peking ft F . I ec 28Bk Paul laenberR. . . Liverpool . Dec 30

KKI i.1.9.Satc-rda- Nov 3(.

tatmr Waialeale. Gregory, from Kauai.stmr Mokolii, McUregor. from MoiOKai.

Sunday. Dec. L.

Stmr Claudine, Cameron, from Maui amiHawaii.

fttmr Mikahala. Haglund. from Kauai,ftrnir Ke Au Hou. Thompson, from

special trip to Molokai.

dki'a kti ke.Satcrday. Nov 30.

Stmr Kauai. Brown, for Kauai.Stmr Kilauea Hou, Weir, for Maui

and Hawaii.

V LRA UM. T'l a .

Stmr Kaala, Thompson, for circuit otOahu.

Bark City of Adelaide, Williamson, forPort Townsend.

Il POKTH.Per Claudine '.',U head cattle. ."2 hogs, 30

cord- - wood. 292 .sks potatoes, 103 sks corn.) pki,'- - sundries.Per Aloba 12 pkgs steel pipe. 6010 lbe

middlings. 7J." bis hay. 212." bbls Hour.1468 lba beans. 100 cs salmon. 1150 lb-te- a.

11.227 I- I- bran. " cs soap. 24 Vil jral-win- e,

12.2o0 lbs lard. ;27 cs canned meat-- .844 c- - crackers. 350 gals beer, 15.531 lb-co- rn,

'XVCt lhs rolled oats. 4" i'h -- tarch. 9 CSboot- - and -- hoes. 2.55 c- - canneil good.--. 5IOcscoal od, 5200 In- - meat, --ooo s sugar, 7 cswhi-U- y. -.- " c- - candle-- . ;!" lbs butter, in --

brandy. 43c-- hardware. 35 kgs nails, 2 csbook- -. 25 cs ammunition. 1 - irun- -, 7 i ktr- -

' household good-- . 2-- -o il,- - oats. l'o gals oil,I"o c- - beef, 12. V. 2 lb- - eracked corn. 1 --

hams ami bacon, 4! 122 ibs cracked barley,50 lbs salt. 10 cs coffee. 9 bis bags. 500 lbsdried fruit, 53.5s5lbs barley . 22 ry goods.

Per Mikahala 697 sks paddy, 2 horses, 12blls hide-- , 2 bull- - and pkgs sundries.

ARRIVALS.Prom San Prancisco, per schr Aloha.ov .jo 1 isankhansen.Prom Kauai, per stmr Mikahala, Iec 1

L A Thurston, wife, child and nurse; GPalrchild and wife. Francis (Jay, CharlesOay, William Eassie, Mr- - V. R Hendry andchild. A lio-- a, J L Kaulukou. ( Hayne.Claoey Kine. Sintr Pook. A McCtiirn. LowYat and wife, Mis.s J Johnson and 53 ondeck.

Prom Hawaii and Maui, per stmr Claud-ine. Ppc 1 0 Bolte. E .1 Benjamin, L MZnmwalt, H Loui-so- n. J K losepa. MissAlice Kunalalu. Miss A Renter. i Kodick.A (J Brodie. Mrs Co burn. Miss Grace Col-bur- n.

Bruce Cart wright. Judge Prear. Mas-ter H Judd. F Mfri. Mrs Wagner. MastersAnderson (2). K W Hutchinson, J J Prum-mon- d.

A F Judd, Master Allen Judd and 31on deck.

Pl'NAIKM Weatheb Report.Dec. 1. 9 p. m. Teniperaturf, 7( :

dew point, 57 : barometer, 30.12.Diamond Head, Iec. 1, 10 p. m.Weather, clear : wind, light N.Two horses and two hulls were

among the cargo of the eiaiuiinc ami ilavlpjht ar- -

rived at the same hour yesterdaymorning.

The steamer Kahului. from SanFrancisco to Sydney, is about due1at this port.

The hark Archer, with a cargo oflumber, leaves San Francisco forHonolulu this week.

The steamer J. A. Cummins isoeing overnauiea n tne marinerailway. She will not receive freightat the Oceanic dock until to-morrow.

The bark City of Adelaide wasunable to get wind enough to leaveyesterday. She will probably sailthi morning. Her destination isPort Ulakelv. Wash., where shewill load lumber for the Colonies.

Seran, the unfortunate sailor ofthe hark Coloma, did no! ail withthe vessel Friday, as was stated.The poor man is still in a precari-ous condition, and will not be ableto leave the hospital for a monthyet.

The Aloha brought two destituteHawaiians who have been on a twyears3 whalins trip in the ArcticI ni(kTt ivr lit ill ..ft i S1'!! 11

Cisco with but single dollar, andappealed t Cn-u- l ililer for assistance t return t the islands.The spouting whale has no moreattractions f,r the two.

Did You Ever ThinkThat you cnan d i. well unless youhave pure, rich blood? It you atewvak, tired, langnid snd all run down,k : because your blood is impover-ished am' lak-- ' vitality. These trou-bles my - overcome Hciod'a 3ar-sapari- lla

liecaoee Hood's Sarsaparillamakes pore, rich blood. It is, inrath the irre tt l 1 . I purifier.

Hood's Pills cure liver ills, con-stipations, biliousness, jaundice, siek

adache, lodlgesUon. HobbohDklu Co., wholesale ageuts.

A Coid Water Paint Especially

Designed for Inside Work on

Factories and Public


It Is a drv powder which can be pre-

pared for use by simply stirring in COLDW ATER, and can be applied by any oneanJ will always produce good work.

iris VERY VH1TE. extremely reflec-

tive an J hardens on a wall like stone andwill take any tint.

It will last for years and Is unaffectedby gases.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forall classes of work, even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work,

Such as Fences, Outbuildings and Lahor-

e's' Quarters. It is a thick paste to bed iluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as well as oil paint, and costsbat a fraction as much.

UUlu Rn LnnriLuuiliiiiLAdapted for Dwellings, Offices and PublicDwellings, or any other place whereKALSOMINE is used. It will not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

boiled; is superior to linseed, and coverswith one-thir- d less lead and pigment to thegallon

P. and B. Compounds and Papers.


HI G. te '3 d MsAgents for the Hawaiian Islands.


?pp nnrt rnn Dnnnpx0 bo 111 U HI lill you,


Ilousekeeping Goods,AND


Agate Ware, Rubber Hose,



Ilffl, GCDDOr I VhoQl Iran Wnrbauiioui nun I


New Goods, New GoodsAT

goo Kim s, 411 Nuuanu street,Importer and Dealer in


Dry and Fancy Goods.By the latest vessel we received a Full

Line of Gents' White and Brown PanamaHats and a Fuil Line Lawns, Ginghams,and Trimmed and Untrimmed Ladies' Hatsin Latest Patterns, etc., and a Full Line ofBest Black and Green Chinese Tea inpoands or boxes. Call on us for your fineS tings. We guarantee a fit. Pricesm rderate. GOO K!., Proprietor.

Miled m Iyafar Mforks Co..


Esplanade, Cor. Allen and Fort Sts.

HOLLISTER & CO., A-e- nts.

Prof. W.I1. Peek, who makes a Bpecialty or tp:. i- - w. '. treated .! '.'.!:. thanany.iv.uiri'hy-- .' :.m;h- - We

..' !..' :

h v.- -

hhewnds with alarebottleof hi absolute care, free toany auffeV r wlm'msv enl theb BxpMM -

vi'e advi-- e anvnneProfcW. II. PEKKE.F. P., 4 Cedar St.. New York.

For Yokohama and Honkonfi.

THE o. R


6 i Mount Lebanon,"3500 tons.

Ill M)KV MasterWill be due at Honolalafrom Portland.Or.

u or abont

DECEMBER 21st,And will have immediate dispatch tor;ib ve port'

For Freight and t t ;t lt apply 'T f l El . H. DAVIE8 tv: CO . LTD.,

1162-- td General Agents.


Steamer "Alliance.

Length 125 feet, beam 27 feet, depthof hold 12 feet, doub'e decks, rapacity900 ton, accommodations for 75pas--enf- r.

! knot-- , consump-

tion of coal. 1 ton- - daily .

Steamer "Dolphin."

Length -- 7 tVet. beam 22 feet, capa- -

ciiy h o ton-- , -- peed 9 knots.

Photos of the vessels and informa-tion in retrn d to price i ves e - delivered atHonolulu can be obtained at my office.

Jas. F. Morgan.4161-6- 1




January 1, 1896- -

1st BICYCLE RACK. E.O. Hall Trophy.V 'ee for all,

2d BICYCLE RACK. One-ha- lf mile Ju-venile. Open to all non-winne- rs underl; veara . '

3d BICYCLE R ACK. Prise not decided.Arrangement to be made later.

4th RUNNING RACK. Prize $100 Purse.One-hal- f mile and repeat. WeiHit forage.

5th TROTTING RACE Prize $100 Purse.S minute class ; mile heats, best 2 in 3.For Hawaiian bred horses.

6th TROTTING BACE. Prize $100 Purse.2:40 class; one mile heats, best 2 in 3.Free for all.

7th ON K M ILK NOVELTY RUNNINGRACK. Prize $100. Free for nil.First horse reaching thequarter to receive $25. Fir-- th'r-- e reaching the half to receive $l.".Pir.-- t horse reaching the three quarterto receive $25. First horse reachinghome to receive $25.

Thi- - race will be of -- pecial interest as itwill allow admittance of both long amishort distance runners.

Entrance fee to trotting and runningraces n he ten (10) per cent of the amountot the purses.

All trotting and running race HawaiiaiJockey I lub rules to govern,

h ut ries to close December 15.For further iuforiiiamion. addre S

CHARLES DAVID,P. O. Pox 177 Manager

4149-t- d

Assignee's Notice.THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENduly appointed assignee in bankruptucy ofthe estate of s Kasamatsn, notice is hereby given to all persona to present ly

their claims against the ParitTrading Company of Honolulu and SnnriseStore of Honoinu. duly authenticated, tothe undersigned at the office of Messrs. U.HackfeJd And all persona indebted tos:id estate are hereby requested to makeimmediate payment to the andersidned.

C. BOSSE,Assignee. Estate of S. Kasamatsn.

4157 HiQtMf

NOTICEDNOTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THATthe undersigned have this day formed apartner-hi- p unrlor the tirm ran e of "Inter-national Iron Work-.'- " and will continuebusiness at the old stand on Queen street

(Signed) F K. LYN N.1161-- lts . L. PATTERSON


Contains 301.865 Vocabulary Termsir-.r- e than twite the number of terms inany other single volume Dictionary, and75.000 more than in any other Dictionanof the language.

AJdress: B. P. FOSS,Soliciting Agent. P. O. Box j8o.


Costa's Coffee Pulpers,Simple, efficient machines for hand power

are for sale hv

ROBT. CATKIN.4!"7 17o9-ln- i (jneen St re t. ETOnoluln.

Daily Advertiser 7--5 cents a

month. Delivered b- - carrier.

Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above line, running in

connection with the CANADIAN PACIFICRailway Company between Vancouver,3. C, and Sydney, N. S. W.. and calling4t Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Su(Fiji),

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, via:

Pfosi Sydney oik! Suva, tor fict&rlc

and NKfflN. B. o..ft", s. "MIOWEBA" Decern be 2ft - V R KIM " January 1 , '96s. s. "MIOWERA" . . Febrnarv 1

ft. s. " WARRIMl N ' March 3

.r u; i if r ft IHMfpra mm. u. c. roi

8, ft. MIOWF.R S"... . December 24a. s. W KRl MOO" January 24, "96ft. ft. MIOWEB . . . February 248. S. uWARRiaiOO" March 24

Through tickets issued from Honoluluto Canada, United States and Europe.

For Freight and Passage and all generalinformation apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



ttiPii Smb.

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Ai Stee! Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company wiMbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-

land on or about

DECEMBER 12th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco onr about

DECEMBER 19thAnd will have prompt dispatch with Mailsand Passengers for the above ports.

The Undersigned Are Now Preparedto Issue

Throagh Tickets to All PointsIN THE UNITED STATES.

For further particulars regarding FreightPassage apply to

urn n inurm n nn iTTt

General Agents.





S.S.AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.Dec. ! Dc.16Jan. 3, '96.. .. ....Juti. ,

Jan. --J7, .. .. Feb. 1, '96Feb. 21, '96 ... .. Fet. 26, 96

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Svdney for

Sydney. S. F.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.aI iposa... Nov. 11 Monowai... Nov. 14

Monowai... Dec. P Alameda.... Dec. 12Alameda Jau 16, '96 &fari osa Jan u, '96Mariposa Feb 13 '96 Monowai Feb '96

Hawaiian LimeAT RETAIL.


Including container 50 CENTSper Bucket.


CSpecial terms on large lots for shipment.) '


A Model Plant is not complete withetrtElectric Power, thus dispensinc witJksir. dl engines.

Whv not generate your wwer fromCENTRAL Station ? One generator canfurnish power to your Pumps, CentrPfugals, Elevators, Plows, Railways ;o4Hoists; also furnish light and power fefa radius of from i s" to 20 miles.

Electric Power being used saves thelabor of hauling cul in your field,water, and Joes away with high-prio- al

engineers, and only have one engine telook alter in your mill.

Where water power Is available it costsnothing to generate Electric Power.

The Hawaiian electric c ompanyis now ready to furnish Electric Plantsand Generators of all descriptions at shortnotice, and also has on hand a largestock of Wire, Chandeliers and all Elec-trical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt atten-tion, and estimates furnished for Lightingand Power Plants: also attention is givesto House and Marine Wiring.


G. WEST,(InmmivQinn MnrphifUUIliilliUUiUII III WUI 1 J

Importer and Dealer Is

Carriage MaterialsOf Every Description, including


Spokes, all sizes; Savern Wheels.Wood Hub Wheels, Sawed Felloes,

Bent Rims front1 1 to 2$ inches.Dump-Car- t Shafts, Wagon Poles,

Double Trees, Single Trees,Wagon and Cart Hubs, all sices,

And a Full Assortment of

Trimmers' Materials,Carriage Hardware. Norway iron,

and Steel Tires.

Having a long experience In the carrias:e business I am prepared to supplycarriage builders, plantations, etc., withfirst-cla- ss materials, personally selected, attiie very lowest cash prices.

All Island orders will receive promptattention.

MASONIC BLOCK,Corner Alakea and Hotel Streets

Telephone He. 350.

Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar is what you want usa

FERTILIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company aa&

just received per " Helen BrewerSO Tons Soft Phosphate Florida,

150 Tons Double Superphosphate,300 Tons Natural Plant Food,25 Tons Common Superphosphate

Also per Martha Davis" and otbsrvessels,

Nitrate of Soda,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulphate of Potash,Muriate of Potash & Kainrt

High-Gra- de ManuresTo any analysis always on hand er

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.

8-40- -4

THIS IS THE TELEPHONE Nl'M BEEto ring up if yon wanl any Plumbing orTin work done pr mptly and pr- - p rly.

I am prepare I t di all kinds wrk inmy line t the Lowes! Possible Pates.

Jobbing a Speciality.Estimates furnished and all work and

material Guaraht ed.I ' ve me a call on v 1 1 nd convince s our- -

JAS. NOTT, JR.,Tinsmith and Plumber.

work speais.Ploiner Thon OIK

M. Tn. W. Tb. Fr. HOON'l PBAMKD.

"T a I 4 5 6 Fall MoonDietT 9 !0 11 12 ISI" r y.

16 16 17 18 19N w Moon

Dec 16.32 23 34 Hi 26 27rimt 4ia'r

! C 24.



teamshipe will leave for and arrivefrom San Francisco, Vancouver ami

ydnev on the following dates, till thealoae of 1895.I . 4.r H OtiOLCLC Lbave HosoLULrI . - rco Cob Haa Fravciscc

' a VjrcotrvB oa VaucoutbbOn o Abmtf On or About

Austrrlia Dec. ' Warrimoo. . .Dec. 2Monowai . . . Dec. 19 Citv Peking Dec. 6varnikui. Dec. 24 j Alameda .... Dc. 12

Utty Peking.. Dec. 28 Australia . Dec. PiIM.

finwera . Jan. 1

1tfrologlral Kecord .


THBIlMoat- eB B v 3j ma 93 M B

3 rsnr: 21 .10 ! 03 8n 0 0 7. - BW-- B 1--0

MonKHir- hi on 64 1 ms I 2Tue U i ) i'l 72 79 7o 2-- SE 2- -0

W1 27 JO 11 30 01 82 .1 74 a MK 2ThU Js :) 12 30 f.8 84 .00 75 0 8 1-- 0

PH. 29 30.12 30 04-.

HJ 00 2-- 4 mv 1

Sat. 180 'O 1130 01' 65 sjI oj 74! 1 SNK I

Barometer corrected fr temperature and eleation, but not for latitude.

T San and Moon.X.

b s30 S

Day. - --r --r wft


A.m. p.m. p.m. a m.Mod 3.56 3 30 9. 3 11 24 6.22 517 5 45

pan.Tuea .. 4.3 4 17 9 40 12 11 6.23 6 17 6 19Wed 5.17 5.11 10.21 12 9 6 ft 5 18 7.53Thnra . 6. 2 6 16 11.10 1.41 6.24 ft 18 8.57Frld... 6.48 7.SS! 2-2-4 .25 5 18 10. 0

a.iu I

Sat ?S 8 58 3 . 7 0 12 6.35 Lis 11. 1

Bun . 8.32 10.1'J 3 4S 1.37 6.26 5.18

Lost quarter of the moon on the Stb, at b.3iu. p. m.

Time whistle blows at 12 br. 0 uin. 0 mec.(mldnl(bt l.reenwlcb n.ean tltte. wbicb In 1 br.28 min. 34 sec. p. m. of Honolulu mean time.

CHAS. BREWER & co. s

The Bark 4Molani"Will go on the lerTh :n Nt y Yrt on

or ;lout January 1- -t. and -- ail forthis iKrt on or about

FEBRUARY 1st. 1895.If sulbctent inducement offers.

For particmar-- . c.d! or add rerl . BRKWEB ,V ('..i Kdhv -- treet. Bo-to- n, or

0. Brewer ,V Co., L'i..Agent- - Honolnln.

Election of Officers.AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEPepeekeo Company. h:d thi day .

the followiinr . Deem were" elected lor theen-ui- ng vear.

Alex. Young ... Pre-ide- n

W. F. Allen ... Vi - Pr--ide- r t

F. M. Swanv . TreasurerW. H. p. iird SecretaryT. R. Kevworth. auditor

W. H. BAIRD,erretHrv.

Honolulu. Nov. 27. 1865.

Election of OfficersAT THE ADJOURNED ANSI .

met-tiu- g of the Koliala Miirar foniO'iHeld 'ri tne tli nit.. at llic "lin e ! aIir,v 'Mke. Limited, the following ofBoerswere re-eleet- ed t- - serve lor the ensuingvear:B. C Allen PreijJentM. P. Robhnon. Vice-Pre- si den1

J. 13. Atbeti ri TreasurerV. A Bon .Secretary

l '. SI. Cooke . .

The above named officers also constitutethe Board ot Directors.

W. A. BOWEN,n; Oecretarr Kohaia Sugar . SECOND-HAN- D DELIVERYWagon t cany abont SOU) pounds. AddressP. o. Box M. 41ia tf

HONOLULU, H. L Julv 20. 1SQ5.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that C. Akkna has

made several suits of clothes for me and theworkmanship has been of the best. I takepleasure in rcemmending him and hiswork to any and all.

Respectfully Yours,James b. oberteuffer,

Seattle, Wash., U. S. A.