Powerpoint - CANHEIT

Network Modelling Software: Managing the Physical Layer and below Label B ldg N am e P ath BEF/TC TC FP Eqm t.Location FP -078-132 Innis C ollege 078-006-132 B sm tm ech rm 14 B sm tm ech rm 14 FP -078-104 150 S t.G eorge S t. 078-006-132-104 B sm t Rm S 10 FP -078-103 158 S t.G eorge S t. 078-006-132-104-103 B sm trm 01B B sm trm 01B FP -078-088 123 S tG eorge S t. 078-006-132-104-103-088 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-038 W oodsw orth C ollege 078-006-132-104-103-088-038 B sm trm 3 B sm trm 5 FP -077-135 P arking G arage 077-138-006-078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -077-133 Innis R esidence 077-138-006-078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-133 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-034 M assey C ollege 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-608-034 B sm t B sm tE elec FP -078-134 Rotm an C entre 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-134 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-115 97 S t.G eorge S t. 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-115 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-084 CUIT Radio 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-115-084 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-089 Admissions 078-006-132-104-103-088-089 B sm t B sm trm 9 FP -078-110 121 S t.G eorge 078-006-132-104-103-088-110 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-138 C aretaking 078-006-138 B sm t M ain E ntrance FP -078-077 21 S ussex A ve 078-006-138-077 B sm trm ? B sm tC orr@ rm 23 FP -078-009 S anford Flem ing/G albraith 078-009 SF Hub rm 1018 1stflrR m 1011 FP -078-001 U niversity C ollege 078-009-001-001' Tunnel B sm trm D 006 B sm tM ech rm 1A FP -078-002 H artH ouse 078-009-001-002 S B rm 21A B sm trm 164B FP -078-029 SirDanielW ilson 078-009-001-029 ?? B sm trm 52 FP -078-023 U .C U nion 078-009-001-029-023 ?? B sm tE .,S tair(rm 19) FP -078-013 W hitney H all 078-009-001-029-023-013 ?? B sm trm 8 FP -078-120 SAC 078-009-001-120 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -077-003 Sigm und S am uelLibrary 077-138-006-078-009-003 LevelA R m 116A LevelA R m 107 FP -078-008 W allberg 078-009-008 1stflrR m 124 1stflrR m 126 FP -078-026 C um berland H ouse 078-009-008-026 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-027 PhysicalG eography 078-009-010-027 B sm trm 4 B sm trm 4 FP -078-039 TransitionalYrP rogram m e 078-009-010-027-039 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-019 21 K ing's C ollege C ircle 078-009-010-575-019 B sm trm 47? B sm tRm 52 FP -078-043 65 S t.G eorge S t 078-009-010-575-019-043 B sm trm b51 M ain Foyer FP -078-172 63 S t.G eorge S t. 078-009-010-575-019-043-172 B sm t M ain Foyer FP -078-007 M ining 078-009-022-007 rm 107 S B rm S 105 FP -078-005 M SB 078-009-022-020-005 rm 1321 Level1 M ech rm 1201 FP -078-004 M cM urrich 078-009-022-020-005-004 B sm tM ech rm 3 B sm tM ech rm 3 FP -078-025 Fitzgerald 078-009-022-020-005-025 S B rm 47 SB M ech rm 4 FP -078-011 Tanz 078-009-022-020-005-025-011 B sm trm 23 B sm trm 17 FP -078-024 H aultain 078-009-022-024 2nd floorrm 206 B sm trm 53 FP -078-097 M edievalS tudies 078-009-501-407-097 2nd floorrm 206 M ain Foyer FP -078-040 Flavelle H ouse 078-009-600-040 B sm trm 136 B sm trm 140 FP -078-A 30 V arsity A rena 078-009-600-040-A 30 ?? ?? M ain office FP -078-051 E dw ard Johnson 078-009-600-040-051 B sm trm 27E SB Rm 95 FP -078-050 FalconerH all 078-009-600-040-051-050 B sm t Bsmtcorridor FP -123-111 246 B loorS t.W . 123'-123- 111 B sm trm 44 M ain Foyer FP -123-014 Education 123'-123- 111-014 Bsm trm .16A B sm t FP -123-125 703 S padina 123'-123-111-014-125 B sm t B sm trm 13 FP -123-142 713 S padina 123'-123-111-014-125-142 B sm t B sm trm 01 FP -078-123 O ISE 078-009-600-040-111-123 1stflG-147 1stfl@ G-105 FP -078-018 C entralS team Plant 078-018 M ain rm D ieselR m FP -078-044 BCIT 078-018-067-044 B sm trm 47 B sm trm 60 FP -078-067 215 H uron S t 078-018-067 B sm trm 47 B sm trm 60 FP -078-028 A rchitecture 078-018-067-028 rm 68 (corridor) N E entry (m ezz rm 68) FP -078-105 Fields Institute 078-018-067-028-105 B sm trm 5 M ain Lobby FP -078-143 K offlerS tudentC entre 078-018-067-028-105-143 B sm tcage 2nd flrm 240? 2nd flrm 230 FP -078-079 Pharm acy 078-018-067-079 B sm trm 60A B sm trm 60A FP -078-021 E ngineering A nnex 078-021 rm .201 rm .201 FP -078-093 M etallurgy 078-021 rm .201 rm .201 FP -078-036 Nursing 078-036 B sm tlockerrm . B sm tM ech rm 67 FP -078-057 BancroftHall 078-057 B sm t 1stflrm 103A 1stflrm 109A FP -078-056 G raduate S tudents U nion 078-062-056 B sm trm b105 M ech rm 8 FP -077-062 Earth S ciences 077-138-006-078-062- 062' B sm trm 135 B sm trm 114A B sm trm 114A FP -078-A 61 North B orden 078-062-A 61 Bsm t? 2nd floorrm 216 1stflrm 102A FP -078-054 1 S padina 078-062-A 61-054 B sm trm 16A B sm trm 20 FP -078-061 S outh B orden 078-062-A 61-061 B sm t NW E ntrance FP -078-145 KofflerPharmacy 078-062-A 61-145 2nd flrm 208 B sm trm 2 FP -078-069 U ofT P ress 078-062-074-069 B sm t M ain Lobby FP -078-076 Food & B everage 078-062-074-069-076 B sm t M ain Lobby FP -077-073 Lash M iller 077-138-006-078-073 1stflCorr@ 129 1stflCorr@ 129 FP -078-033 S idney S m ith 078-073-033 S B rm 52 SB M ech rm 82 FP -078-A 68 W arren S tevens 078-073-033-072-A 68 B sm trm 53A B 55S FP -078-032 W etm ore H all 078-073-033-072-A 68-032 rm 59 B sm trm 94 (via rm 95) FP -078-A 32 W ilson H all 078-073-033-072-A 68-032-A 32 SB Rm 515B SB Rm 515B FP -078-063 New G raduate R esidence 078-073-033-072-A 68-063 M ain rm . T.B.A.

Transcript of Powerpoint - CANHEIT

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Network Modelling Software:Managing the Physical Layer and below

Label Bldg Name Path BEF/TC TC FP Eqmt. LocationFP-078-132 Innis College 078-006-132 Bsmt mech rm 14 Bsmt mech rm 14FP-078-104 150 St. George St. 078-006-132-104 Bsmt Rm S10FP-078-103 158 St. George St. 078-006-132-104-103 Bsmt rm 01B Bsmt rm 01BFP-078-088 123 St George St. 078-006-132-104-103-088 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-038 Woodsworth College 078-006-132-104-103-088-038 Bsmt rm 3 Bsmt rm 5FP-077-135 Parking Garage 077-138-006-078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-077-133 Innis Residence 077-138-006-078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-133 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-034 Massey College 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-608-034 Bsmt Bsmt E elecFP-078-134 Rotman Centre 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-134 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-115 97 St. George St. 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-115 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-084 CUIT Radio 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-115-084 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-089 Admissions 078-006-132-104-103-088-089 Bsmt Bsmt rm 9FP-078-110 121 St.George 078-006-132-104-103-088-110 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-138 Caretaking 078-006-138 Bsmt Main EntranceFP-078-077 21 Sussex Ave 078-006-138-077 Bsmt rm ? Bsmt Corr @rm 23FP-078-009 Sanford Fleming/Galbraith 078-009 SF Hub rm 1018 1st flr Rm 1011FP-078-001 University College 078-009-001-001' Tunnel Bsmt rm D006 Bsmt Mech rm 1AFP-078-002 Hart House 078-009-001-002 SB rm 21A Bsmt rm 164BFP-078-029 Sir Daniel Wilson 078-009-001-029 ?? Bsmt rm 52FP-078-023 U.C Union 078-009-001-029-023 ?? Bsmt E., Stair (rm 19)FP-078-013 Whitney Hall 078-009-001-029-023-013 ?? Bsmt rm 8FP-078-120 SAC 078-009-001-120 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-077-003 Sigmund Samuel Library 077-138-006-078-009-003 Level A Rm 116A Level A Rm 107FP-078-008 Wallberg 078-009-008 1st flr Rm 124 1st flr Rm 126FP-078-026 Cumberland House 078-009-008-026 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-027 Physical Geography 078-009-010-027 Bsmt rm 4 Bsmt rm 4FP-078-039 Transitional Yr Programme 078-009-010-027-039 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-019 21 King's College Circle 078-009-010-575-019 Bsmt rm 47? Bsmt Rm 52FP-078-043 65 St. George St 078-009-010-575-019-043 Bsmt rm b51 Main FoyerFP-078-172 63 St. George St. 078-009-010-575-019-043-172 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-007 Mining 078-009-022-007 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-005 MSB 078-009-022-020-005 rm 1321 Level 1 Mech rm 1201FP-078-004 McMurrich 078-009-022-020-005-004 Bsmt Mech rm 3 Bsmt Mech rm 3FP-078-025 Fitzgerald 078-009-022-020-005-025 SB rm 47 SB Mech rm 4FP-078-011 Tanz 078-009-022-020-005-025-011 Bsmt rm 23 Bsmt rm 17FP-078-024 Haultain 078-009-022-024 2nd floor rm 206 Bsmt rm 53FP-078-097 Medieval Studies 078-009-501-407-097 2nd floor rm 206 Main FoyerFP-078-040 Flavelle House 078-009-600-040 Bsmt rm 136 Bsmt rm 140FP-078-A30 Varsity Arena 078-009-600-040-A30 ?? ?? Main officeFP-078-051 Edward Johnson 078-009-600-040-051 Bsmt rm 27E SB Rm 95FP-078-050 Falconer Hall 078-009-600-040-051-050 Bsmt Bsmt corridorFP-123-111 246 Bloor St. W. 123'-123-111 Bsmt rm 44 Main FoyerFP-123-014 Education 123'-123-111-014 Bsmt rm. 16A BsmtFP-123-125 703 Spadina 123'-123-111-014-125 Bsmt Bsmt rm 13FP-123-142 713 Spadina 123'-123-111-014-125-142 Bsmt Bsmt rm 01FP-078-123 OISE 078-009-600-040-111-123 1st fl G-147 1st fl @G-105FP-078-018 Central Steam Plant 078-018 Main rm Diesel RmFP-078-044 BCIT 078-018-067-044 Bsmt rm 47 Bsmt rm 60FP-078-067 215 Huron St 078-018-067 Bsmt rm 47 Bsmt rm 60FP-078-028 Architecture 078-018-067-028 rm 68 (corridor) NE entry (mezz rm 68)FP-078-105 Fields Institute 078-018-067-028-105 Bsmt rm 5 Main LobbyFP-078-143 Koffler Student Centre 078-018-067-028-105-143 Bsmt cage 2nd fl rm 240? 2nd fl rm 230FP-078-079 Pharmacy 078-018-067-079 Bsmt rm 60A Bsmt rm 60AFP-078-021 Engineering Annex 078-021 rm. 201 rm. 201FP-078-093 Metallurgy 078-021 rm. 201 rm. 201FP-078-036 Nursing 078-036 Bsmt locker rm. Bsmt Mech rm 67FP-078-057 Bancroft Hall 078-057 Bsmt 1st fl rm 103A 1st fl rm 109AFP-078-056 Graduate Students Union 078-062-056 Bsmt rm b105 Mech rm 8FP-077-062 Earth Sciences 077-138-006-078-062-062' Bsmt rm 135 Bsmt rm 114A Bsmt rm 114AFP-078-A61 North Borden 078-062-A61 Bsmt? 2nd floor rm 2161st fl rm 102AFP-078-054 1 Spadina 078-062-A61-054 Bsmt rm 16A Bsmt rm 20FP-078-061 South Borden 078-062-A61-061 Bsmt NW EntranceFP-078-145 Koffler Pharmacy 078-062-A61-145 2nd fl rm 208 Bsmt rm 2FP-078-069 U of T Press 078-062-074-069 Bsmt Main LobbyFP-078-076 Food & Beverage 078-062-074-069-076 Bsmt Main LobbyFP-077-073 Lash Miller 077-138-006-078-073 1st fl Corr @129 1st fl Corr @129FP-078-033 Sidney Smith 078-073-033 SB rm 52 SB Mech rm 82FP-078-A68 Warren Stevens 078-073-033-072-A68 Bsmt rm 53A B55SFP-078-032 Wetmore Hall 078-073-033-072-A68-032 rm 59 Bsmt rm 94 (via rm 95)FP-078-A32 Wilson Hall 078-073-033-072-A68-032-A32 SB Rm 515B SB Rm 515BFP-078-063 New Graduate Residence 078-073-033-072-A68-063 Main rm. T.B.A.FP-078-068 Clara Benson 078-073-033-072-A68-068 ?? Bsmt Elec rm 62FP-016-071 Gynecology 016-071 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-016-090 Speech Pathology 016-071-090 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-022 Mechanical 078-009-022 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-020 Rosebrugh 078-009-022-020 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-138 Robarts 078-006 Bsmt Main EntranceFP-078-010 Simcoe Hall 078-009-022-010 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-075 Faculty Club 078-131-075 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-038 Woodsworth College I 078-006-132-104-103-088-038 Bsmt rm 25A Bsmt rm 5FP-078-038 Woodsworth College II 078-006-132-104-103-088-038 Bsmt rm 25A Bsmt rm 5

In total 81

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Infrastructure management systems

• History, common practices, experience

• System features and requirements

• Comparative analysis of commercially available network modeling systems

• Implementation, practical results and challenges in infrastructure management

a.k.a. Cabling management software (CMS), a.k.a. Network modeling software (NMS),a.k.a. Physical Layer Management (PLM)

are meant to store enterprise-wide information on network equipment along with details of cabling usage and availability.

Page 3: Powerpoint - CANHEIT

What this presentation is NOT:

• A comprehensive analysis of the PLM software market

• An effort in promoting or advocating of any product mentioned

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Label Bldg Name Path BEF/TC TC FP Eqmt. LocationFP-078-132 Innis College 078-006-132 Bsmt mech rm 14 Bsmt mech rm 14FP-078-104 150 St. George St. 078-006-132-104 Bsmt Rm S10FP-078-103 158 St. George St. 078-006-132-104-103 Bsmt rm 01B Bsmt rm 01BFP-078-088 123 St George St. 078-006-132-104-103-088 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-038 Woodsworth College 078-006-132-104-103-088-038 Bsmt rm 3 Bsmt rm 5FP-077-135 Parking Garage 077-138-006-078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-077-133 Innis Residence 077-138-006-078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-133 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-034 Massey College 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-608-034 Bsmt Bsmt E elecFP-078-134 Rotman Centre 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-134 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-115 97 St. George St. 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-115 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-084 CUIT Radio 078-006-132-104-103-088-038-135-115-084 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-089 Admissions 078-006-132-104-103-088-089 Bsmt Bsmt rm 9FP-078-110 121 St.George 078-006-132-104-103-088-110 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-138 Caretaking 078-006-138 Bsmt Main EntranceFP-078-077 21 Sussex Ave 078-006-138-077 Bsmt rm ? Bsmt Corr @rm 23FP-078-009 Sanford Fleming/Galbraith 078-009 SF Hub rm 1018 1st flr Rm 1011FP-078-001 University College 078-009-001-001' Tunnel Bsmt rm D006 Bsmt Mech rm 1AFP-078-002 Hart House 078-009-001-002 SB rm 21A Bsmt rm 164BFP-078-029 Sir Daniel Wilson 078-009-001-029 ?? Bsmt rm 52FP-078-023 U.C Union 078-009-001-029-023 ?? Bsmt E., Stair (rm 19)FP-078-013 Whitney Hall 078-009-001-029-023-013 ?? Bsmt rm 8FP-078-120 SAC 078-009-001-120 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-077-003 Sigmund Samuel Library 077-138-006-078-009-003 Level A Rm 116A Level A Rm 107FP-078-008 Wallberg 078-009-008 1st flr Rm 124 1st flr Rm 126FP-078-026 Cumberland House 078-009-008-026 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-027 Physical Geography 078-009-010-027 Bsmt rm 4 Bsmt rm 4FP-078-039 Transitional Yr Programme 078-009-010-027-039 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-019 21 King's College Circle 078-009-010-575-019 Bsmt rm 47? Bsmt Rm 52FP-078-043 65 St. George St 078-009-010-575-019-043 Bsmt rm b51 Main FoyerFP-078-172 63 St. George St. 078-009-010-575-019-043-172 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-007 Mining 078-009-022-007 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-005 MSB 078-009-022-020-005 rm 1321 Level 1 Mech rm 1201FP-078-004 McMurrich 078-009-022-020-005-004 Bsmt Mech rm 3 Bsmt Mech rm 3FP-078-025 Fitzgerald 078-009-022-020-005-025 SB rm 47 SB Mech rm 4FP-078-011 Tanz 078-009-022-020-005-025-011 Bsmt rm 23 Bsmt rm 17FP-078-024 Haultain 078-009-022-024 2nd floor rm 206 Bsmt rm 53FP-078-097 Medieval Studies 078-009-501-407-097 2nd floor rm 206 Main FoyerFP-078-040 Flavelle House 078-009-600-040 Bsmt rm 136 Bsmt rm 140FP-078-A30 Varsity Arena 078-009-600-040-A30 ?? ?? Main officeFP-078-051 Edward Johnson 078-009-600-040-051 Bsmt rm 27E SB Rm 95FP-078-050 Falconer Hall 078-009-600-040-051-050 Bsmt Bsmt corridorFP-123-111 246 Bloor St. W. 123'-123-111 Bsmt rm 44 Main FoyerFP-123-014 Education 123'-123-111-014 Bsmt rm. 16A BsmtFP-123-125 703 Spadina 123'-123-111-014-125 Bsmt Bsmt rm 13FP-123-142 713 Spadina 123'-123-111-014-125-142 Bsmt Bsmt rm 01FP-078-123 OISE 078-009-600-040-111-123 1st fl G-147 1st fl @G-105FP-078-018 Central Steam Plant 078-018 Main rm Diesel RmFP-078-044 BCIT 078-018-067-044 Bsmt rm 47 Bsmt rm 60FP-078-067 215 Huron St 078-018-067 Bsmt rm 47 Bsmt rm 60FP-078-028 Architecture 078-018-067-028 rm 68 (corridor) NE entry (mezz rm 68)FP-078-105 Fields Institute 078-018-067-028-105 Bsmt rm 5 Main LobbyFP-078-143 Koffler Student Centre 078-018-067-028-105-143 Bsmt cage 2nd fl rm 240? 2nd fl rm 230FP-078-079 Pharmacy 078-018-067-079 Bsmt rm 60A Bsmt rm 60AFP-078-021 Engineering Annex 078-021 rm. 201 rm. 201FP-078-093 Metallurgy 078-021 rm. 201 rm. 201FP-078-036 Nursing 078-036 Bsmt locker rm. Bsmt Mech rm 67FP-078-057 Bancroft Hall 078-057 Bsmt 1st fl rm 103A 1st fl rm 109AFP-078-056 Graduate Students Union 078-062-056 Bsmt rm b105 Mech rm 8FP-077-062 Earth Sciences 077-138-006-078-062-062' Bsmt rm 135 Bsmt rm 114A Bsmt rm 114AFP-078-A61 North Borden 078-062-A61 Bsmt? 2nd floor rm 2161st fl rm 102AFP-078-054 1 Spadina 078-062-A61-054 Bsmt rm 16A Bsmt rm 20FP-078-061 South Borden 078-062-A61-061 Bsmt NW EntranceFP-078-145 Koffler Pharmacy 078-062-A61-145 2nd fl rm 208 Bsmt rm 2FP-078-069 U of T Press 078-062-074-069 Bsmt Main LobbyFP-078-076 Food & Beverage 078-062-074-069-076 Bsmt Main LobbyFP-077-073 Lash Miller 077-138-006-078-073 1st fl Corr @129 1st fl Corr @129FP-078-033 Sidney Smith 078-073-033 SB rm 52 SB Mech rm 82FP-078-A68 Warren Stevens 078-073-033-072-A68 Bsmt rm 53A B55SFP-078-032 Wetmore Hall 078-073-033-072-A68-032 rm 59 Bsmt rm 94 (via rm 95)FP-078-A32 Wilson Hall 078-073-033-072-A68-032-A32 SB Rm 515B SB Rm 515BFP-078-063 New Graduate Residence 078-073-033-072-A68-063 Main rm. T.B.A.FP-078-068 Clara Benson 078-073-033-072-A68-068 ?? Bsmt Elec rm 62FP-016-071 Gynecology 016-071 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-016-090 Speech Pathology 016-071-090 Bsmt Main FoyerFP-078-022 Mechanical 078-009-022 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-020 Rosebrugh 078-009-022-020 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-138 Robarts 078-006 Bsmt Main EntranceFP-078-010 Simcoe Hall 078-009-022-010 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-075 Faculty Club 078-131-075 rm 107 SB rm S105FP-078-038 Woodsworth College I 078-006-132-104-103-088-038 Bsmt rm 25A Bsmt rm 5FP-078-038 Woodsworth College II 078-006-132-104-103-088-038 Bsmt rm 25A Bsmt rm 5

In total 81

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Garbage In:

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The good…

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Convocation Hall to Rothman Centre path CH-Rothman

Location FROM eqipment # Cable # TO equipment

Rm. 142 USER-306 1A STPATCH 1B PAA-0134-01F-01PAA-0134-01F-01 1A 0134F-02B-01F-01(1) 13A F24-0134-02B-04

Rm. 272 F24-0134-02B-04 13B STPATCH 3B F24-0134-02B-01F24-0134-02B-01 3A 0135F-0134-03(3) 3A F24-0135-1BA-03

Rm. 124 F24-0135-1BA-03 3B STPATCH 37B F48-0135-1BA-01F48-0135-1BA-01 37A 0038F-0135-01(37) 37A F48-0038-1BA-01

Rm. 25A F48-0038-1BA-01 37B STPATCH 55B F96-0038-1BA-01F96-0038-1BA-01 55A 0038F-0088-01(7) 7A F24-0088-1BA-01

bsmt F24-0088-1BA-01 7B STPATCH 15B F96-0088-1BA-01F96-0088-1BA-01 15A 0088F-0103-01(15) 15A F96-0103-1BA-01

bsmt NEMA F96-0103-1BA-01 15B STPATCH 61B F96-0103-1BA-01F96-0103-1BA-01 61A 0104F-0103-01(13) 13A F96-0104-1BA-01

bsmt cage F96-0104-1BA-01 13B STPATCH 3B F24-0104-1BA-01F24-0104-1BA-01 3A 0104F-0132-01(3) 3A F24-0132-1BA-03

bsmt rm.14 F24-0132-1BA-03 3B STPATCH 5B F24-0132-1BA-01F24-0132-1BA-01 5A 0006F-0132-01(5) H5 F96-0006-01A-01

rm. 1069 F96-0006-01A-01 61B STPATCH 7B F24-0006-01A-01F24-0006-01A-01 7A 0006F-0033-01(7) 7A F24-0033-1BA-01

rm. 52 F24-0033-1BA-01 7B STPATCH 5B F96-0033-1BA-02F96-0033-1BA-02 5A 0033F-0073-03(5) 17A F96-0073-01A-01

rm. 129A F96-0073-01A-01 17B STPATCH 5B F96-0073-01A-01F96-0073-01A-01 5A 0073F-0078-03(5) 17A F96-0078-03A-02

machine rm. F96-0078-03A-02 17B STPATCH 11B F96-0078-03A-01F96-0078-03A-01 B3 0036F-0078-01(23) 11A F24-0036-GRA-01

Lockers F24-0036-GRA-01 11B STPATCH 65B F96-0036-GRA-01F96-0036-GRA-01 65A 0036F-0009-01(17) 17A F96-0009-1BA-04

The Hub!! F96-0009-1BA-04 17B STPATCH 3B F72-0009-1BA-01F72-0009-1BA-01 A3 0009F-0010-01(3) 15A F24-0010-1BA-01

rm. 3 F24-0010-1BA-01 15B STPATCH 1B F24-0010-1BA-04F24-0010-1BA-04 1A 0010F-A010-01(1) 1A PAA-A010-1BA-01

bsmt PAA-A010-1BA-01 1B STPATCH 1A PAA-A010-01A-01Stage PAA-A010-01A-01 1B STPATCH 1A USER-080

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… the not so good…

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… the ugly

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CENTRE Fibre Route: International Students Centre --> Wallberg Rm 29 --> SF Hub --- Annex Rm 201 ISC - Basement (Student Office) fibre (13/14 ) Wallberg - Rm 29 (fibre - blue wrap - green/brown) Sandford Fleming Hub fibre (green tube - red/black) Router - Annex Rm 201 ISC Project Contact: Elizabeth Paterson - Director of ISC (978-5646) Requirements: 1. Test hub on UTC/CNS network. 2. Configure hub IP - Subnet - (32 addresses) - can use addresses between 1 & 30 - 0 & 31 are the network & broadcast numbers - 1 is the router address - 2 is the test address - 3 is the hub address Router - Community Name: UTC/CNS community name Password to switch - UTC/CNS password 3. Kam has a map (provided by Tom) of the 15 utp drops. 4. Enter information onto Madhaus. 5. Send information to Vladimir ([email protected]) and Doug Carson (carson@utcc). Thanks - Marvin

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… Digging It Out

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List of system requirements

A network modeling software (NMS) is supposed to integrate equipment management and cable management functions. Accordingly to these tasks, NMS should have features as follows (in order of importance):


• ability to manage both equipment and cable inventory in compliance with ANSI/TIA/EIA 606 (Administration Standard for the Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings) http://www.cablemgmt.com/tia.htm

• graphic capabilities to represent campus maps and building floor plans along with equipment layout and cable tunnels, conduits, pathways etc.

• use an internationally supported, multi-user ODBC SQL Server relational database as a repository to all information pertinent to the network infrastructure

• scalability (should not impose any limits to inventory database expansion or shrinkage)

• well-developed standard GUI with options to be customized by user

• multiple users with concurrent access

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CAD graphics capabilities

• the system should be capable of being used with or without CAD files or a mixture of both

• the system should import and export CAD files supporting both the latest AutoCAD file formats (.DWG and .DXF)

• avoid the necessity to have a CAD application present or any CAD experience to use the system (CAD systems are typically very complex)

List of system requirements

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• the application should have a full and open Application Programming Interface (API)

• the GUI is totally customizable by the user

• the system is capable of defining any number of item types (i.e., patch panel, faceplate, workstation or port)

• the system should be capable of creating a custom property window for each type of item with any number of user-defined fields for recording data about an item

List of system requirements

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List of system requirements

Desirable extras

• SNMP-based network auto-discovery and auto-mapping

• Means of documenting wireless infrastructure

• Integration with other operational support systems (OSS) such as help desk (e.g., Remedy ARS) and logical network managers (e.g. Cabletron’s Spectrum, HP Open View)

• Web interface

• Ability to look up and retrieve data from any third-party database or file over a TCP/IP network

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Comparative analysis of network modeling software: narrowing the search

A. The legacy system:

• Cambio Networks Inc. COMMAND 5.1 – a legacy system U of T used, along with netRunner - a new product run on Windows rather then UNIX platform

• Command 5.0 version adopted by Pinacl, an UK company

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B. A whole class of products that are meant mainly for equipment inventory management. Some of them may be of interest per se but would require a serious work on customization to integrate cable management facilities, e.g.

• N/A - ClickNet 4.0 from ClickNet Software Corp.

• http://www.netsuite.com/: NetSuite from NetSuite Development Corp.

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C. A number of products specifically designed and profiled for telecommunications service providers (with special emphasis on WAN facilities management). They are not cost-effective in our case because of those specific features:

• Cable-Master from Angeles Group, Inc.

• http://www.architel.com/: Objectel from Architel Systems Corp.

• http://www.xiox.com/: FMS for Windows by XIOX Corp.

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D. GIS-focused or fully functional AM/FM/GIS products, for which the cost of customization may be high. Still a few of these should be considered viable choice for the campus NMS

• http://www.enghouse.com/ : CableCAD and GeoNet from Enghouse Systems Ltd. Also they recently announced a number of industry applications (NetWORKS, etc.) worth attention. Markham, Ont. based.

• CX-P21-CM from Cadix International, Inc.

• http://www.adc.com/ : FiberBase 4.0 - fibre network management software from ADC Telecommunications.

• http://www.cadtel.com/: SpatialBASE - network documentation and engineering tool

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E. The last class of NMS products, which can be conventionally called Office-focused. These products feature maximal integration with common office tools like MS Office, Visio and AutoCAD

• http://www.uwo.ca/its/projects/archive/docit.html/ - docIT product distributed in Canada by CMS International. Was implemented by University of Windsor (CANHEIT 2003 presentation)

• http://www.itracs.com/ - (former Cablesoft product called Crimp) by now developed

into iTRACS v7.0

• http://www.systimax.com/ - iPatch System Manager Software; like the above product is a part of a complex cable management system

• http://www.rittech.com/ - RiT PatchView is a physical layer management solution. Allows to monitor mission critical connections and all networked devices

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Products in this intermediate list were assessed and compared regarding the following system requirements


• cost effectiveness (complex issue to be defined and discussed separately), • functionality: comprehensive infrastructure support including horizontal systems,

backbone/riser systems and campus systems, • "open concept" design (a simple scripting engine for customization and additional

functionality), • quality 24x7x365 technical support

Desirable add-ons

• cable test result storage and management, • cable lengths calculation, • circuit information, • cable Path information, • moves, Adds and Changes Management, • multi-floor designs.

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The shortlist of CMS was comprised of A, D and E groups from the above and be read as follows:

• PatchView (RiT Technologies)

• docIT (CMS Intl.)

• iTRACS (Cablesoft)

• NetWORKS (Enghouse)

• iPatch (Systimax)

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The shortlist of CMS was comprised of A, D and E groups from the above and be read as follows:

• PatchView (RiT Technologies)

• iTRACS (Cablesoft)

• iPatch (Systimax)

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Implementation notes

• Defining infrastructure model: time consuming but pays in the end

• Porting data from legacy systems: CSV files vs. SQL programming/scripting • Customizing infrastructure model: a big effort (schema, datastores, graphic,

equipment templates etc)

• Training users: a good investment

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• A robust long term infrastructure management plan is a serious investment, $30-100k

• For large infrastructure inventories, cost-effective management system are end-to-end architectures: termination hardware, connectivity monitoring tools, cabling management software. This appears to be a global industry trend.

• Buying from partner companies: VAR benefits vs. product becoming too ‘vendor specific’

• Best available PLM products tend to “runtime” (as opposed to authoring) or integrate common applications under one umbrella, thus minimizing proprietary code and TCO.

• A centralized service model seems to be a good solution for large institution. UTCNS is ready to offer infrastructure management services to other departments.

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Thank You

Vladimir Kouptchinski

Ph. 416 978-5448

[email protected]