งานPowerpoint ลูกศร2

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  • 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. PowerPoint 13. PC 9203 14. 1 15. ( Data)( Information)( Knowledge) 16. 17. 2 1.( Primary Data) 2. (Secondary Data) 18. (Information Technology : IT) 19. Communications media,(Telecoms),(IT) 20. , , 21. ( Communication networks) ICT 22. 1 . ( SensingTechnology ) ( image scanners ) ( bar code scanners) ( Sensor s) 23. 2. (CommunicationTec. hnology) (LAN) 3 .(Analyzing Technology) HardwareSoftware4 . (Display Technology) 24. 25. ( ) 26. (Alexander Graham Bel) 27. ( ) 28. 29.




33. 34. 1. . . . 35. 2. . . . 36. 3. . . . 37. 4. . . . 38. 5. . . . 39. 2 3 4 5 2 40. 1 2 3 4 5 41. 1 2 3 4 5 42. 2 43. 6 44. 1. , , , 45. 2. , , , 46. 3. 47. 4. , , 48. 5. , 49. 6. , , , 50. 51. 52. 3 1. (business) 53. 2. (graphic and multimedia) 54. 3. (web and communications) 55. ( Video Projector) 56. - CAI ( Computer - Assisted Instruction ) ( Multimedia) 57. - ( Web-based Instruction)( Web-based Trainning)( www-based Instruction)( e-learning) 58. - 600 59. - 2 60. - ( Video Server) 61. - World Wide Webwww.http HTML Compossor FrontPage Marcromedia DreaWeaver 62. - 300 63. 1. . 5 . 6 . 7 64. 2. . . . 65. 3. . Business . Web and communications . Graphic and multimedia 66. 4. .CAI .e-learning .Video Server 67. 5. . . . 68. 3 2 3 4 5 69. 1 2 3 4 5 70. 1 2 3 4 5 71. -http://dusithost.dusit.ac.th/~librarian/it107/C1.html -http://www.thapra.lib.su.ac.th 72. 3 73. ( Data Communications) 74. ( Noise) 75. 1. ( source) 76. 2.( sink ) 77. 3. (channel) 78. 4. ( encoding) 79. 5. ( decoding ) 80. 6. ( nois e) ( filter) 81. 82. 1. decoding . . . 83. 2. . . . 84. 3 . . . . 85. 4. . . . 86. 5.

  • 4
  • . 5
  • . 6

87. 2 3 4 5 4 88. 2 1 3 4 5 89. 2 1 3 4 5 90. 4 91. 92. Network " Home Network LAN ( Local Area Network) 93. 1. 2. 94. 3. Network Home NetworkHome Office 4. Network ADSL 95. 3 1. LAN (Local Area Network Network10 96. 2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 97. 3. WAN (Wide Area Network) World Wide ( Media) ( dial-up /Leased line / ISDN) (lntegrated Service Digital Network ) 98. 99. Peer To Peer ( Distributed System) Windows for WorkgroupPersonal Netw are 100. Peer To Peer 101. Client / Server Distributed Processing 102. Client / Serve r 103. LAN Topology 104. Bus1 Node (Node A)( Node C) Node C Node C 105. BUS 106. StarHub HubUTPFiber OpticHub( Repeater)Switch 107. star 108. Ring RingIBM Token RingIBM 109. ring 110. Hybrid Bus,Ring Star Hybrid NetworkHierarchicalTre 111. Hybrid 112. 3 1. ( Local Area Network: LAN ) 2. ( Wide Area Network: WAN ) 3. ( Metropolitan area network : M AN ) 113. - ( Controller area network) : CAN )( Micro Controller unit: MCU )- ( Personal area network) : PAN ) 114. ( Server) . 115. ( Client) ( Switch)2 116. ( HUB) ( Repeater) 117. ( Router) 3( Address)( Header) ( Routing Table) 118. (Bridge) (LAN Segments) LAN Data Link Layer 119. ( Gateway) ( PC) ( MAC) 120. 121. 1. ( Resources) 122. 2. ( Receiver)( Transmitter) ( UTP) (STP) 123. 3. ( Workstation or Terminal) (Workstation) 124. 4. ( Network Interface Card :NIC) 125. 5. Windows NT , Linux , Novell Netware , Windows XP ,Windows 2000 , Solaris , Uni 126. (MODEM) MODEMModulator DEModulator 127. (Multiplexer) ( Point to Point) 802.3 128. (Concentrator) 129. ( Controller) 130. (HUB) ( LAN) IEEE 802.3 131. FEP (Front-End Processor) FEP FEP( RAM) 132. (Emulator) 2 PC PC 133. (Gateway) 2 ( Connectivity) 134. (Bridge) IWU (Inter Working Unit)( Local Area NetworkLAN) 2 135. (Router) (Internet) ( Subnetwork) IWU (Inter Working Unit) 136. (Repeater) 137. 138. Unicast Unicast 11One-to-One ( Router) Unicast ( Network Load) LANW AN 139. Multicast Multicast 1 One-to-NN0 140. 141. 1.Home Network . . . 142. 2.Home Network . WAN (Wide Area Network) . LAN (Local Area Network . MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 143. 3. . 3 . 4 . 5 144. 4. . (Emulator) . ( Gateway) .( Router) 145. 5. BUS .1 .10 .11 146. 2 3 4 5 5 147. 1 2 3 4 5 148. 1 2 3 4 5 149. 150. 151. 152. 1. ( system software)2. ( application software 153. 154. 1. ( System Software) 155.

        • 2.
        • 3.

156. - - 157. 1. ( Operating System:OS ) ( Disk Operating System:DOS )( Windows )( OS / 2 )( UNIX ) 158. 1. 2. 159. 3. 160.


    • 3 )
    • 4 )

162. 8 16 ( Microsoft Disk Operating System : MS-DOS)( Personal Computer Disk Operating System : PC-DOS) ( Control Program/Microcomputer : CP/M) 163. 16 8088 2.0 2.0 164. 95 95 ( icon) 165. 166. 2.( Application Software)

167. 6.3 168.

    • 1.
    • ( package )


    • 5
    • - ( word processing software )
    • - ( spread sheet software )
    • - ( data base management software )
    • - ( presentation software )
    • - ( data communication software )


171. 2 ) 172. 3 ) 173. 4 ) 174. 5 ) 175.

    • 2.


177. CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) CAI CAI AuthorwareToolBook 178. web.ku.ac.th/schoolnet/snet1/software/software/index.html www.edtechno.com 179. 180. 1. . . . 181. 2. . . . 182. 3. .CAI . Author ware . Tool Book 183. 4. . . . 184. 5. . 2 . 3 , . 4 , , 185. 2 3 4 5 6 186. 1 2 3 4 5 187. 1 2 3 4 5 188. 6 network 189. 190. ( computer network) , network 191. (Network) network 192. 3 1.( Local Area NetworkLAN) 193. 2.( Metropolitan Area NetworkMAN) MAN 194. 3.( Wide Area NetworkWAN) 1 195. ( ) 4 ( Input Unit) ( Central Processing Unit : CPU)( Output Unit)( Secondary Storage) 196. 2 - ( Operating System) - ( Translator) 197. ( Operating System) MS - DOS , UNIX , Windows 95 ,Mac System 7 198. ( Translator) ( object code) 199.

    • - ( Assembler)
    • - ( Interpreter)
    • - ( Compiler)

200. 201. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 202. 203. 1. . . . 204. 2. CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) . . . 205. 3. . . . 206. 4. . . . 207. 5. .MS DOS .object code .Compiler 208. 7 2 3 4 5 209. 1 2 3 4 5 210. 1 2 3 4 5 211. 7 212. 213. 3 1. ( printed materials) 2. ( non-printed material) 3. ( electronic database) 214. 1.( printed materials) 2. 215. - ( manuscript) - ( audio materials) - ( visual materials) - ( audiovisual materials) 216. - ( microforms) - ( electronic materials) 217. 2 3. 218. 1. ( Offline Database) ( CD-ROM) 2. ( Online Database) 219. 2 1 . 2. IEEE/IEEACM 220. 1. 2 . 221. Readme.txt. txt 222. . asp= Active Server Page asp htm, html Text Editor .avi = Video Windows Media Player,Quick Time, ACDsee .bak= Back up .bat= Batch text 223. . bmp= Bitmap .cda= Wave WaveMP3CD Audio.com= Execute .dat = VCD Power DVD, Windows Media Player 224. .dbf = Database Dbase,Foxpro, Access,Excel .divx= avi DivXSubtitle subtitle subtitle .doc= Document word MS Word, WordPAD.dwg= drawing fileAutoCAD.exe= Execute 225. .fla= VectorMacromedia Flash - .fly= 3 gp .gif= .hqx= Mac 226. .ini = INI configurationwindows NotePad, Wordpad, Editor .jpg, .Jpeg = .lnk = Link MS Windows MS Windows .log = Log NotePad, WordPad, Editor .htm, html= Hypertext Markup Languageweb site BrowserNetscape, IE, OperaBrowser Text Editor 227. .mid= MiDi ,Winamp, Sonique, Windows Media Player .mov= Quick Time.mp3= MP3 Wave8-10 Winamp, Sonique, Windows Media Player 228. .mp4= MP4 Avi .ogg= OGG MP3 Winamp, Sonique, FreeAmp .pdf= PDF Adobe Adobe Acrobat Reader .ppt= Powerpoint MS Powerpoint 229. .png= .prg = Program TextNotePad, WordPadtext editor .psd= PSD ( Retuching)Adobe Photoshop .rar = Winzip, Pkzip, Winrar 230. .ra= Real Player Wave .rm, .rmv = Real Player .scr= Screen Saver MS Windows .swf= Flash File Macromedia Macromedia Flash supportFlashMovie 231. .tif = Tiff ( DesktopPublishing) .txt= Text NotePad, WordPad, Wordtext editor .wav= Wave Winamp, Sonique, Windows Media Player .wma= Windows Media AudioMP3 MP3MP3 232. .xls, xlw = Excel MS Excel .xvid= Open Sourcemp4DivX .zip= Zip Winzip, Pkzip, Winrar.3gp= 233. 1. 2 - - 234. 2. 3 2 235. 236. ( , ) , 3D 237. 238. 1. . . . 239. 2 . . . . 240. 3. . . . 241. 4. . . . 242. 5. 2 . . . 243. 8 2 3 4 5 244. 1 2 3 4 5 245. 1 2 3 4 5 246. 8 247. 248. Search Engine Search Engine KeywordSearch BoxEnter Search Engine Search Results 249. Search Engine 1.Crawler Based Search Engines Search Engine 250. 2 1.Crawler Based Search Engine 2.Serch Engine SpiderWeb CrawlerSearch Engine Robots 251. 2.Serch Engine SpiderWeb CrawlerSearch Engine Robots 252. 2.Web DirectoryBlog Directory Blog 253. 3.Meta Search Engine Search EngineMeta TagHTML Tex EditorHTML Meta Search Engine Search Engine Index Server ? 254. OPACOPACOnline Public Access CatalogOnline Catalog( Machainereadable format)Terminalworkstation 255. OPAC 1)OPAC 2) 256. 3) 12 4) 257. 5) ( date due) 258. OPAC ( Bibliographic description) -( Author) -( Title),,,, -( Imprint)( Edition)( Place) 259. -( Note) -( Location) -( Subject) -( ISBN) 260. -( Publisher)( Year of publication) -( Status) Due 12-06-04 ,( Check shelves)( On order) ,( Cataloguing) ,( Repair) ,( Libuse only) , 261. -( Call number) -( Description) 262. 263. 1.Crawler Based Search Engines . . 264. 2. Information access . . . 265. 3 .( Call number) . . . 266. 4. OPAC .Online Public Access Catalog .Online Database .Blog Directo ry 267. 5. .Web DirectoryBlog Directory .Meta Search Engine .Check shelves 268. 9 2 4 3 5 269. 1 2 3 4 5 270. 1 2 3 4 5 271. 9 272. , , 273. - - 274. - 275. 276. 1. . . . 277. 2. . . . 278. 3. . . . 279. 4. . . . 280. 5. . . . 281. 2 3 4 5 282. 1 2 3 4 5 283. 1 2 3 4 5