POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?

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Transcript of POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?




    Mark Meynell

    LAbriFriday 24 October 2014

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    I. Impediments to the Gospel

    Intrinsic: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25

    Jews demand signs and Greeks look forwisdom, but we preach Christ crucified:a stumbling-block to Jews andfoolishness to Gentiles

    but to those whom God has called,

    both Jews and Greeks, Christ the powerof God and the wisdom of God. For thefoolishness of God is wiser than humanwisdom, and the weakness of God is

    stronger than human strength.

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    I. Impediments to the Gospel

    Intrinsic: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25

    Extrinsic: 1 Corinthians 10:31-33So whether you eat or drink or whateveryou do, do it all for the glory of God. Donot cause anyone to stumble, whether

    Jews, Greeks or the church of Godeven as I try to please everyone in everyway. For I am not seeking my own goodbut the good of many, so that they may

    be saved.

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    II. SO whats new?

    Philosophical: Suspicion of ideologies

    every philosophyalso conceals aphilosophy; every

    opinion is also ah i d i n g - p l a c e ;every word is alsoa mask.

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    II. SO whats new?

    Philosophical: Suspicion of ideologies

    Historical: Masked power abuse

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    II. SO whats new?

    Philosophical: Suspicion of ideologies

    Historical: Masked power abuse

    Sociological: Institutional power


  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    a purely functional critiqueof the psychological, politicaland social effects of thisfaith

    not whether it is true orfalse, but only whether it hasthe function of oppression or

    l iberation, al ienation orhumanization.

    Jrgen Moltmann(1926- )

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    III. Power Plays in the Church

    Scandalous Protection of Child Abusers

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    U2 Songs of Experience (2014)

    4. Hope is where the door isWhen the church is where the

    war isWhere no one can

    feel no one elses pain

    Sleep Like A Baby Tonight

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    U2 Songs of Experience (2014)

    Youre gonna sleep like a baby tonightIn your dreams, everything is alright

    Tomorrow dawns like a suicideBut youre gonna sleep like a baby


    Sleep Like A Baby Tonight

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    III. Power Plays in the Church

    Scandalous Protection of Child Abusers

    Cardinal Bernard LawEx-Archbishop of Boston

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    III. Power Plays in the Church

    Scandalous Protection of Child Abusers

    Unchallenged Drift into Cultic Practice

    AuthoritarianismElitismEnds justifying


  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    IV. Gospel Responses

    Intrinsic: Within the gospel already

    US: Realistic but not despairing about

    human nature

    JESUS: The Truth about Absolute Power

    in the safest hands

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    In my vision at night I looked, and

    there before me was one like ason of man, coming with thec l o u d s o f h e a v e n . H eapproached the Ancient of Days

    and was led into his presence. Hewas given authority, glory andsovereign power; all nations andpeoples of every languageworshipped him. His dominion isan everlasting kingdom that willnot pass away, and his kingdomis one that wil l never bedestroyed.

    The Ancient of Dayssetting a compass

    to the EarthWilliam Blake (1794)

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    In my vision at night I looked, and

    there before me was one like ason of man, coming with thec l o u d s o f h e a v e n . H eapproached the Ancient of Days

    and was led into his presence. Hewas given authority, glory andsovereign power; all nations andpeoples of every languageworshipped him. His dominion isan everlasting kingdom that willnot pass away, and his kingdomis one that wil l never bedestroyed.

    The Ancient of Dayssetting a compass

    to the EarthWilliam Blake (1794)

    I, Daniel, was troubled in spirit,

    and the visions that passedthrough my mind disturbedme.

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    IV. Gospel Responses

    Intrinsic: Within the gospel

    US: Realistic but not despairing about

    human nature

    JESUS: The Truth about Absolute Power

    in the safest hands

    Extrinsic: Demanded by the gospel

  • 8/10/2019 POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL - The New Gospel Impediment?


    POWER ABUSE & BETRAYAL: A New Gospel Impediment?

    on sale forAMAZONpreorder
