poultry production amacs layer - Big Dutchman · log-on to your farm controller via remote ......

The user-friendly management and control system for modern egg production amacs

Transcript of poultry production amacs layer - Big Dutchman · log-on to your farm controller via remote ......

The user-friendly management and control system for modern egg production


amacs – management system for professional data collection, control and monitoring of the egg productionamacs is a modern control and manage-ment system for egg production. Modern network technology allows the farm manger to monitor and control all processes in the house no matter from which location - also via internet, smartphone or tablet PC. amacs is:✔ suited for small and large houses;

✔ designed as a modular system and can be adapted ideally to the conditions on site;✔ expandable at any time.amacs allows for continuous data collec tion, control and monitoring of traditional and alternative layer houses and entire farm complexes.

The house-customised visualisation of all data in the form of graphs and the tran s-mission of live pictures directly from the barn are further advantages. The perfor-mance range of amacs also includes alarm messages via e-mail, mobile phone, smartphone or tablet PC.

amacs controls and monitors all layer houses on the farm. Depending on the different requirements, up to 4 functional areas – environment control, production, egg collection and manure drying – can be monitored and controlled.

Via remote access by means of internet, it is also possible to access farms that are located in different places from one central location. Or do you need our help? No problem as our amacs specialists can log-on to your farm controller via remote

access and are thus able to provide fast help in case of trouble. The great flexibility of amacs sets new standards in terms of management systems.

amacs – consists of expandable hard and software

Network technology and modern communication technologies

Farm network (Ethernet)

Base unit

Farm controller

House bus

With amacs you have everything in view: all information can be called up at the farm controller, located in the service room


amacs – management system for professional data collection, control and monitoring of the egg productionThe hardware includes one base unit and different modules per house which communicate with each other by means of a house bus. Depending on the house size and the functional range, they are installed in one or more custom-built switch cabinets.The base unit includes connections for the house bus and farm network and is available without display or with a 10"

touch display. The individual base units are in constant contact with the farm controller. From there, data can be accessed via password-protected and encrypted internet access from the farm office PC or from s smartphone or tablet PC.

Start screen: overview of all connected houses

current system state

accessories, extra counters

live pictures from the house via network camera

adjustment and control of the entire house climate

recording of laid eggs and laying performance

total egg collection, egg-flow control

freely adjustable timers

diagrammatic visualisation of data

adjustment and control of feeding, feed weighing

settings for manure drying, control of air mixer

adjustment and control of water and light programs

production and poultry management, calculation of production data and poultry weighing

display and list of current alarms

The start screen of the farm controller shows an overview of the houses that are to be controlled. The individual areas such as climate or feeding can be accessed directly via the status symbols or via the function keys.Thanks to the simple menu navigation, amacs is also well-suited for inexperienced users.

✔ monitoring and control of the houses in real time;✔ central data management with evalu-

ations per bird; comparison with reference values that are stored in the system;

✔ continuous visualisation of the events from all houses on your farm controller;

✔ high flexibility thanks to different data interfaces for farm-based administra-tive evaluations;

✔ password-protected remote access to data and settings via DSL/internet;

✔ sophisticated Linux-based system with self-sustaining control inside the house; if modern glass-fibre network technology is used, the computers

will also reliably work in case of over-voltage;

✔ alarm system via e-mail;✔ integrated log and message system;✔ use of a network camera for image

transmission directly from the house (option);

✔ one-click language change.

The advantages at a glance:

Climate control via iPad

Control at 10" touch display

amacs determines the ventilation require-ments in your house with state-of-the-art technology. Controls all ventilation systems – from cross to tunnel ventilation – inclu d ing cooling and heating.

Functional area Climate with customised house illustration

CombiTunnel ventilation – the ideal ventilation system in case of large temperature fl uctuations

Balanced or high-pressure ventilation by means of Fumus

Temperature-controlled emergency opening MC 378 T


Pad Cooling

DOL 114 – humidity/temperature sensor

Negative pressure sensor

Exhaust air chimneys CL 600 and CL 920

Wall inlet CL 1200 / CL 1900

Flange inlet CL 1200

Ceiling inlet CL 15000

Wall inlet CL Flex


Wall fan

RGA gas heater

CL 75 servo motor

AirMaster with cone



Fresh air chimneys FAC / Fumus

Fresh air

Heating SensorsAlarm

Cooling Exhaust air

amacs controls your entire house climate

Sitting in your living room, using your iPad you are looking at the current climate situation in the poultry house and you would like to increase the temperature by 1°C. No problem. Simply enter the new value and the ventilation in the poultry house is reduced immediately.

Functional area Production – feeding management

The comprehensive functional area production comprises the entire feeding management including weighed silo and feed logging. Also part of the functional area »Production« are light control, water consumption and water alarms as well as livestock management.The targeted supply of feed adapted to the age and the laying performance is a decisive factor for saving feed costs. Amacs allows you to analyse the feed consumption per tier, per bird and per day.The feed intake can be controlled auto-matically or manually by means of the freely-programmable feeding manager. The feed consumption can be determined by means of an electronic feed scale or silo weighing.In the case of silo weighing a delivery check is also possible. The feed supplier is informed whether the respective silo is cleared to be filled or not. Of course, amacs also records and saves all feed deliveries.

Recording of the feed consumption by means of the electronic batch weigher FW 99-B

Recording of the feed consumption by means of silo weighing

amacs controls your entire feeding management

Feed consumption Bird scale INCAS 2

Feed cart

Day hopper with mixing function

Feed scale FW 99-B

Delivery control

Feed scale Silo scale Sand bath control

Optimum water supply is very important for a high laying performance. Water consumption is recorded by means of up to 12 electronic water meters per house which record the water consumption in litres total or in ml/day/hen. Based on the installed water supply the water con-sumption can be measured either per tier or per row. The water consumption can be controlled by means of a clock relay.

The correct lighting programme has a decisive influence on the hens‘ behaviour, the laying performance, egg quality and feed conversion. Any desired lighting programme can be realised by means of freely programmable timers, dimmer function for up to 4 light groups and a sunrise/sunset simulation. An active (actual) light control can be established by means of a light sensor. Another

advantage is the so-called inspection light. This means that the light intensity is increased for a pre-defined period of time, during the inspection round, and auto-matically decreased subsequently. In alternative layer housing (ALH), amacs also controls the opening and closing of nests, popholes and folding grids.

Functional area Production – water, light, nest and free-range area

Insufficient water supply is immediately communicated. A red symbol indicates the location where the water level is not met.

Light and water control in a layer house Light and water control in an aviary house

Nest control

Control of the LED light

Control of moisture-proof lamps

Control of tube lamps

Water consumption in cage management

Water consumption in floor management

Water meter Water-level monitoring

Control of the folding grids

Control of the popholes

amacs controls the water supply, the light program and other details of ALH

Light control Control ALH

Water consumption

Functional area Egg collection – laying performance and much more...

The laying performance is recorded fully automatically by means of egg counters. The results are saved in a data base and are therefore available for protocols and graphs. Big Dutchman has several egg counters in its product range:✔ egg counters on the longitudinal or

cross belt✔ egg counters for different egg belt

widths✔ egg counting system EggCam with

additional functions such as egg size registration

A comparison with reference data, which are stored in the system according to the breed and age of the birds, immediately shows whether the laying performance is within the target range.With the standard program „egg opti-misation” the longitudinal belts can be controlled by means of frequency converters. The speed can be regulated manually, automatically (over an egg-per-

Egg counters per longitudinal egg belt register every egg Egg counters per longitudinal egg belt in ALH

EggSaver for safe rolling off of eggs onto the longitudinal egg belt

Weighed egg channel for automatic belt advancement

EggCam 140 at the egg cross belt, covers a width of up to 14 cm

EggCam 140 at the longitu-di nal egg belt

EggCam 750 at the slope conveyor

Egg counter EMEC for 20 -75 cm wide egg beltsEgg counter IR4-810 for up to 12 cm wide belts

EggCam 350 at the slope conveyor

amacs controls the entire egg collection

Control of egg quality

Egg counting in cage management Egg counting in ALH

hour control) or in combination with „Digital EggFlow”. Optional sensors can be installed to monitor the progress of the longitudinal egg belt collection. You can immediately see how many

eggs are produced in which loca tion. The system monitors and indicates whether the target numbers have been reached.

Digital EggFlow - optimal egg flow control up to the packer

Stepless cross belt control for perfect egg quality

With the amacs extension »Packer opti-misation« (patent pending) the egg belt speed is controlled on the basis of the number of eggs in all houses (optional). This makes it possible to optimally utilise the connected sorters and packers. Often, sorters and packers are not utilised to their full capacity because:– of waiting times at the start of collection;– some houses are started manually;– of permanent manual readjustments of

the speed of the longitudinal egg belts;– belts with a low filling rate are run until


With Digital EggFlow, these problems belong to the past as:✔ the belts are automatically started in

the morning, the egg flow stops directly at the packer;

✔ it is possible to create arbitrary collection groups that can be changed daily;

✔ all houses that belong to the same collection group finish the egg collection simultaneously – at maxi-mum filling rates;

✔ the eggs from the next collection group are transported to the cross belt subsequently;

✔ automatic stopping of the cross belt if a new collection group arrives at the packer is possible;

✔ with Digital EggFlow version 3 up to ten cross belts can be synchronised for up to four packers/sorting machines.

Also available, optional, is a stepless cross belt control. Congestions of eggs due to disadvantageous transfer from the cross belt to the packer are recognized thanks to the egg pressure sensor. The longitudinal egg belt and the cross belts are immediately, automatically slowed down. To do this, it is however necessary to install additional frequency converters along the entire transport distance.Amacs offers you additional monitoring possibilities such as location-dependent

alarm messages on:✔ possible congestion from all egg

transfers✔ emergency off in case of chain-breaks

(only possible under the condition of chain-break sensors installed per drive)

✔ adjustable egg guiding unit at the transfer from the elevator to the cross belt

Egg pressure sensor for egg quantity control

Switch cabinet with 17" touch display for the egg flow control towards the packer

The farm overview shows the egg-flow of altogether 9 houses on three cross belts towards the packer. The farm manager sees the egg-flow and can make a plan in which sequence the eggs are to be collected.

On the basis of the outside temperature and the manure drying temperature as well as humiditiy levels, amacs regulates the air mixers, heat exchangers or radial fans. This ensures good and uniform manure drying. Automatic filters – if installed – are also started, of course.The system can control up to 8 air mixers

per house. As with almost all amacs-controlled drives, direct manual operation is easily possible via the PC interface.The amacs module »Manure drying« also allows you to control the two belt drying systems OptiSec and OptiPlate. For this purpose a separate base unit is installed in a separate control cabinet. The

operating data can be directly displayed on the touch screen. All data can optio-nally also be transferred to the amacs farm controller.

Functional area Manure drying – fresh air, low NH3-emissions

Installation of an air mixer at the gable in cage management

Control of the OptiSec belt drying system

Switch cabinet for the OptiSec belt drying system

amacs guarantees uniform manure drying

Belt drying system OptiSec with up to 14 tiersAir mixer

Radial fan Plate belt drying system OptiPlate with up to 2 x 5 tiers

Production of dry manure

Analysis and graphical illustration of all house and production data

Use of farm terminals for multiple use

Comprehensive data collection for optimal production results !amacs collects many different types of data that can easily and quickly be analysed at the PC, no matter whether it concerns feed conversion, laying performance, mortality, bird weighing, operating hours, amacs-controlled drive units or the entire climate control. All data can be analysed in tabular or graphical form. They can also be displayed and freely combined on the screen in forms of curves via mouseclick (drag & drop).

Alarm and message log – on the safe side thanks to amacs

Power failure, deviations in regard to temperature, water and feed consumption as well as minimum feed levels in the silo are important reasons for an alarm. With amacs you are definitely on the safe side as all alarms can also be transferred to the mobile phone by means of e-mail services. The amacs alarm option does however not replace the self-sustaining alarm

system that is required in any case!Thanks to a chronological message history, failures can be recognised and tracked more easily. Event filters allow to select certain alarms, for example in case of production problems or climate alarms. The message log is also a farm operation log.

Farm-based analysis with BD-Copy for WindowsBD-Copy is a data base conversion pro-gramme. With this programme developed by Big Dutchman you can easily import your amacs data into all standard Micro-soft Office applications such as Excel or Access and create your own analysis or diagrams. Furthermore it is possible to activate an automatic download of farm data at a pre-set time.

Big Dutchman will be happy to assist you in creating house- or farm-based analyses based on your requirements (optional).

Message history

Message history Message history

The farm terminal (max. 20 PCs or laptops) provide access to amacs from different locations on the same farm. Based on the licence installed, up to 50 users with individual profiles can be created. This also allows to track all actions carried out on the farm system. The standard version includes 2 user profiles.

A network camera suitable for in-house use allows the transmission of live pictures directly from the house to the farm controller via Ethernet or directly to the office PC. You can therefore keep track of the processes in the house, also visually.

Use of a network cam for direct image transmission from the house

Picture transmission via web cam Monitoring of the egg transport via web cam

FarmPower-Manager – a unique tool for energy consumption monitoring

FarmPower-Manager is a new software for monitoring of the entire energy con-sumption on the farm. This also includes a price rate-based analysis of costs as well as forecasts for the future consumption of energy.To record and display energy consumption details on the farm is a fi rst prerequisite to save energy in the long run. To be able to analyse possible savings potentials and to avoid expensive power peaks, you have to know how much energy the individual

processes consume, such as feeding, egg collection or manure removal. The software does not only register the individual consumption but connects it to other data, such as breed, quantity and age of the birds. This also allows for a comparison of consumption data per bird, per house or per system. It is also possible to register and include in the calculation weather data from internet services, data of climate sensors or energy generated by wind, solar or biogas plants, by means of

additionally installed energy metres.A generator can produce additional energy once certain consumption limit values have been reached. A profi tability analysis on the basis of consumption helps the farm manager to plan future investments.

Stay informed with amacs. With enough information, you can make better plans and react more quickly.As a result you will receive top results and reduce production costs!

Farm controller

HistoryAnimal data

Consumption house 3Sensors


Power generatedPrice rate information

Total consumption

Weather data

Consumption of functional areas

- Monitoring and limit values- Analysis- Forecasts- Costs and rates


Base units

Farm network (Ethernet)

Feeding ClimateMilling


Main counter




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USA: Big Dutchman, Inc.Tel. +1 616 392 5981 · [email protected]

Brasil: Big Dutchman (Brasil) Ltda.Tel. +55 16 2108 5300 · [email protected] www.bigdutchman.com.br

Russia: OOO “Big Dutchman”Tel. +7 495 2295 171 · [email protected] · www.bigdutchman.ru

Asia/Pacific: BD Agriculture (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.Tel. +60 3 33 61 5555 · [email protected] · www.bigdutchman.com

China: Big Dutchman (Tianjin) Livestock Equipment Co., Ltd.Tel. +86 10 6476 1888 · [email protected]

Germany: Big Dutchman International GmbHPostfach 1163 · 49360 VechtaTel. +49(0)4447 801-0 · Fax [email protected]

Overview of the most important amacs connection and control functions

Climate control per house• negative pressure ventilation as side-, cross-, tunnel-,

ceiling-, CombiTunnel ventilation .................................................yes• balanced pressure ventilation ......................................................yes• natural ventilation ...........................................................................yes• control based on windchill in tunnel mode ................................yes• optimisation of operating hours of fans ......................................yes• negative pressure sensor ................................................................. 1• humidity sensor ................................................................................... 2• outside temperature sensor ............................................................. 1• inside temperature sensor .............................................................. 12• CO2 sensor for control of minimum ventilation .............................. 1• sensor for NH3 ..................................................................................... 2• sensor for air speed ........................................................................... 1• sensor for wind direction and speed............................................... 2• fan groups .......................................................................................... 16• fan groups stepless ............................................................................ 3• butterfly valves .................................................................................... 3• ridge flaps ............................................................................................ 6• fresh air inlets• fresh air fan for FAC and FUMUS, controlled• servo motor for FAC and FUMUS• tunnel air inlets• heating groups .................................................................................... 6• heat exchanger Earny ........................................................................ 2• spray cooling with FoggingCooler ................................................... 2• pad cooling with RainMaker ............................................................. 1• thermostat function for special functions

(analogue or (on/off) ........................................................................ 10• display of emergency opening .....................................................yes

Feeding• groups feed registration .................................................................. 12• groups sand bath control ................................................................ 12• feed cart/row ....................................................................................... 4• silo scales, two houses share one scale ........................................ 8• batch scale FW 99-B .......................................................................... 1• day silo ................................................................................................. 1• pulse scale ........................................................................................... 1• No. of cross augers ............................................................................ 4

Animal weigher• bird scale INCAS 2 ........................................................................... 12

Light• light groups on/off or dimmable ....................................................... 4

Water per house• water metre ........................................................................................12• solenoid valve for time control and shut-off .................................12

at high flow rates ............................................................................ yes• water alarm in case of values higher/lower than values

of the previous day ......................................................................... yes• water level monitoring at the ventilation lines ........................... yes

Functions particularly for alternative layer housing (ALH)• control of nest ejection with position feedback .............................1• control of folding grid with position feedback ................................1• control/monitoring popholes with feedback ...................................1

Manure drying• air mixer ................................................................................................8• centrifugal fan groups ........................................................................8• temperature- and humidity sensors .................................................8• control of OptiSec manure drying tunnel.................................... yes• control of OptiPlate plate belt drying system ............................. yes

Egg counter and egg collection• egg counter ......................................................................................288• longitudinal egg belt collection groups ...........................................4• sensor for longitudinal egg belt ........................................................4• pulling forward the longitudinal egg belts: - time-controlled .. yes

- over egg channel scale ......8• EggSaver-groups .................................................................................4

Multi-house egg flow control with Digital EggFlow• sorting machine / packer ...................................................................4• cross belts .........................................................................................10• control of cross belt stepless ....................................................... yes• egg pressure sensors/packer for stepless control cross belt .....4• monitoring chain break per cross belt (optional) .........................40• monitoring egg transfer per per cross belt (optional) .................40• shut-off of partial belts .....................................................................40

FarmPowerManagement• energy counter for house-wide or individual measurements ....10

Special functions• alarm input fire alarm system ....................................................... yes• alarm input phase monitoring ....................................................... yes• freely adjustable timers (e.g. outside illumination) ......................10• freely adjustable day counters (e.g. gas meter) ...........................10• operating hour counter for all drives........................................... yes• free alarms for each functional area (e.g. RCCB-release)

switch cabinet, motor protection switch) .....................................10

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