Post production sound

Post- Producti on Sound

Transcript of Post production sound

Post- Producti


Shooting and recording sound

During filming it was important that we made sure dialogue was clear and any unnecessary sound was not heard. It was important that we used the boom pole to control sound before post production.

Here’s an example of how sound was controlled in post-production, In the beginning I made sound fade in and out towards the end by the use of key frames.

Choosing the soundtrackAs a group we knew we wanted a soundtrack that related to our primary target

audience. After listening to the Kidulthood soundtrack we decided to find one similar or perhaps one with an artist who is well known with our target group.

Bashy was responsible for the song associated with the film Kidulthood, named Kidulthood. The film would also attract people who are interested in his music

Lethal Bizzle’s music attracts an audience similar to the one we want to attract.

To see what music suit our trailer best, we played our choices out on a separate computer whist simultaneously playing our trailer.

We chose ‘99 Bars Of Revenge (instrumental)’ this being because the beat went with the shots in our trailer and It was kind of music our target audience would be into.

How I edited soundI used the software final cut pro to edit sound, this was an appropriate means to edit sound because I

was able to not only fad in and out but I was also able to merge sounds, so two things would be heard at once an example of this being dialogue and the soundtrack played in the background.

I made sure the volume for the dialogue was turned up, this was of important relevance to the uncovering of the storyline in the trailer.

Diegetic and non diegetic soundSimilarly to Kidulthood, I tried to make sure dialogue was clear whilst the main soundtrack was heard also in the background, to do this I had to adjust the volume and experiment with fades. Dialogue which is diegetic sound was the primary sound that needed to be heard so this was altered to be louder.

Building tension with soundAfter audience feedback, I found out that our trailer lacked tension or build-up. Rather than change the editing of the shots, I decided to build tension through sounds.

1) To build tension with sound, I faded out the soundtrack that played throughout the trailer.

2) After the fading of the soundtrack music, I then made the diegetic music the main sound heard. This editing shows the significance of the dialogue.

3) Straight after the foreboding dialogue, I then faded in a heartbeat and made the shots shorter. This would give lea way to the build up of the trailer making the audience feel tense.