Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

POSSIBLE CONTENT AREA LITERACY ASSIGNMENTS This collection provides teachers a set of assignment templates for implementing the Indiana Content Area Literacy Standards into the content areas. These templates/assignments are intended to demonstrate to teachers assignments that can be created to meet the literacy challenge set by the Indiana Content Area Literacy Standards. The templates are fill-in-the-blank “shells” that allow teachers to insert the texts to be read, the writing to be produced, and the content to be addressed. When filled in, these templates create high-quality student assignments that develop reading, writing, and thinking skills in the context of learning social studies, science, CTE , etc. content. The templates are built off of the Content Area Literacy Standards. The templates may also include additions (Level 2 and Level 3) that can be used or omitted to vary the task demands of the assignment. These templates support two of the three writing types specified by the Content Area Literacy Standards; argumentation (persuasion) and informational/explanatory text. They also provide opportunities for work with nine text structures. These are: definition, description, procedural-sequential, synthesis, analysis, comparison, evaluation, problem-solution and cause-effect. A typical assignment is designed for students to develop their responses over a period of time. An actual assignment appears below each template. Teachers should feel free to edit these assignments to best fit their own classroom needs. Below each assignment you will see that space Taken from Template Task Collection 1 | © Literacy Design Collaborative, November 2011

Transcript of Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

Page 1: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

POSSIBLE CONTENT AREA LITERACY ASSIGNMENTSThis collection provides teachers a set of assignment templates for implementing the Indiana Content Area Literacy Standards into the content areas. These templates/assignments are intended to demonstrate to teachers assignments that can be created to meet the literacy challenge set by the Indiana Content Area Literacy Standards.

The templates are fill-in-the-blank “shells” that allow teachers to insert the texts to be read, the writing to be produced, and the content to be addressed. When filled in, these templates create high-quality student assignments that develop reading, writing, and thinking skills in the context of learning social studies, science, CTE , etc. content. The templates are built off of the Content Area Literacy Standards. The templates may also include additions (Level 2 and Level 3) that can be used or omitted to vary the task demands of the assignment. These templates support two of the three writing types specified by the Content Area Literacy Standards; argumentation (persuasion) and informational/explanatory text. They also provide opportunities for work with nine text structures. These are: definition, description, procedural-sequential, synthesis, analysis, comparison, evaluation, problem-solution and cause-effect. A typical assignment is designed for students to develop their responses over a period of time.

An actual assignment appears below each template. Teachers should feel free to edit these assignments to best fit their own classroom needs. Below each assignment you will see that space has been provided to insert specific Indiana Academic Standards, Content Area Literacy Standards and the Resources Needed for the assignment.

Additional resources are located at the end of this document. These include a Depth of Knowledge Chart and a method for using primary sources effectively (APPARTS).

Finally, most of the credit for these templates must go the Literacy Design Collaborative. LDC created the templates and the assignments; Indiana Academic Standards and Indiana Content Area Literacy Standards can be integrated with their work.

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Page 2: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

Argumentation Template Tasks

1. Template: After researching ________ (informational texts) on ________ (content), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) that argues your position on ________ (content). Support your position with evidence from your research. L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. (Argumentation/Analysis)

Social Studies Example: After researching acade m i c ar ti c l e s on censorsh i p , write an ed it o ri a l that argues your position on t h e us e o f filt er s b y s choo l s . Support your position with evidence from your research. L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. (Argumentation/Analysis)

Science Example: After researching t echn i ca l an d acade m i c ar ti c l e s on t h e us e o f pes ti c i de s i n agr i cu lt ur e , write a s peec h that argues your position on t h e us e o f pes ti c i de s i n m anag i n g cro p produc ti o n . Support your position with evidence from your research. L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. (Argumentation/Analysis)



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Page 3: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

2. Template: [Insert question] After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. (Argumentation/Analysis)

ELA Example: W ou l d yo u reco mm en d A W ri nk l e i n T i m e to a m i dd l e schoo l reader ? After reading t h i s sc i enc e fi c ti o n nove l , write a rev i e w that

addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text. (Argumentation/Analysis)

Social Studies Example: H o w d i d t h e po liti ca l v i e ws o f t h e si gner s o f t h e C on stit u ti o n i m pac t t h e Am er i ca n po liti ca l s y st e m ? After reading Fo und i n g B r o t he rs : Th e Re v o l u ti ona r y G ene r a ti o n write a repor t that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text. (Argumentation/Analysis)

Science Example: D oe s gene ti c t es ti n g hav e t h e po t en ti a l t o s i gn ifi can tl y i m pac t ho w we tr ea t d i sease ? After reading s c i en tifi c s ou r ces , write a repor t that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. (Argumentation/Analysis)



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Page 4: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

3. Template: After researching ________ (informational texts) on ________ (content), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) that compares

________ (content) and argues ________ (content). Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. (Argumentation/Comparison)

Social Studies Example: After researching h i s t or i ca l source s on A aro n Bur r an d A l exande r H a m ilt on , write an essa y that compares t he i r po liti ca l ph il osoph i e s and argues w h o ha d t h e m or e l a sti n g i m pac t o n t h e Am er i ca n po liti ca l s y st e m . Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. (Argumentation/Comparison)

Science Example: After researching t echn i ca l an d sc i en tifi c source s on s o i l t ypes , write an ar ti c l e f o r a l ocal pape r that compares d iff erent s o i l t y pe s and argues w h i c h d iff eren t t ype s ar e be s t f o r gro w i n g po t a t oe s , m ar i go l ds , an d orang e t ree s . Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. (Argumentation/Comparison)



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Page 5: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

4. Template: [Insert question] After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) that compares

________ (content) and argues ________ (content). Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. (Argumentation/Comparison)

ELA Example: W ha t m akes s o m e t h i n g f unny ? After reading s e l ec ti on s fr o m M a rk T w a i n an d D av e Ba rr y , write a rev i e w that compares t he i r hu m o r and argues w h i c h t yp e o f hu m o r w ork s f o r a con t e m porar y aud i enc e an d w hy . Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. (Argumentation/Comparison)

Social Studies Example: Do P r es i den ti a l po li c i e s r ea ll y m ak e a d iff e r enc e i n t h e li ve s o f Am e ri can s ? After reading pr i m ar y and secondar y s o u r c e s , write an essa y that compares J oh n F . K ennedy ’s N e w Fron ti e r s oc i a l po li c i e s w it h Lyndo n J ohn s on ’ s G rea t Soc i e t y s oc i a l po li c i e s and argues w h i c h ha d a m o r e si gn ifi can t i m pac t o n Am er i can s . Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. (Argumentation/Comparison)

Science: W h i c h i s t h e be tt e r energ y source ? After reading s c i en tifi c s ou r ces , write an essa y that compares t h e phys i c s i nvo l ve d in nu cl ea r ene r g y a nd f oss i l f ue l s and argues w h i c h i s t h e be tt e r energ y s ourc e f o r urba n co mm un iti e s . Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. (Argumentation/Comparison)



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Page 6: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

5. Template: After researching ________ (informational texts) on ________ (content), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) that discusses

________ (content) and evaluates ________ (content). Be sure to support your position with evidence from your research.(Argumentation/Evaluation)

Social Studies Example: After researching ar ti c l e s an d da t a on you t h - re l a t e d cr i m e i n you r c ity , write an ar ti c l e that discusses t h e da ta and evaluates a progra m t ha t c l a i m s t o de t er cr i m e . Be sure to support your position with evidence from your research. (Argumentation/Evaluation)

Science Example: After researching t echn i ca l ar ti c l e s on w ay s t o con t ro l dr i nk i n g w a t e r qua lit y , write an essa y that discusses t h e i m pac t o f che m i cal an d b i o l og i cal con t a m i na ti o n and evaluates m easure s t o pro t ec t w a t e r qua lit y i n you r co mm un ity . Be sure to support your position with evidence from your research. (Argumentation/Evaluation)



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Informational or Explanatory Template Tasks

6. Template: After researching ________ (informational texts) on ________ (content), write a ________ (report or substitute) that defines

________ (term or concept) and explains ________ (content). Support your discussion with evidence from your research. L2 What ________ (conclusions or implications) can you draw? (Informational or Explanatory/Definition)

ELA Example: After researching ar t i c l e s on m o d e r n i s m i n A m e r i ca n lit e ra t u r e , write a repor t that defines “ m o d ern i s m ” and explains it s i m pac t o n con t e m porar y ar ts . Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Definition)

Social Studies Example: After researching ar ti c l e s an d po liti cal docu m en t s on govern m en t l obby ists , write a repor t that defines “ l obby i ng ” and explains w h o an d w ha t l obby ist s ar e an d t h e ro l e t he y p l a y i n ou r po liti ca l s y st e m . Support your discussion with evidence from your research. L2 What conc l us i on s can you draw? (Informational or Explanatory/Definition)

Science Example: After researching s c i en tifi c a rti c l e s on m ag ne ti s m , write a repor t that defines “ m agne ti s m ” and explains it s r o le in t h e p l ane t ar y sys t e m . Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Definition)



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Page 8: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

7. Template: [Insert question] After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay, report, or substitute) that defines ________ (term or concept) and explains ________ (content). Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s).

L2 What ________ (conclusions or implications) can you draw? (Informational or Explanatory/Definition)

ELA Example: W ha t i s a “ m e t aphor” ? After reading The H ou s e o n M ang o S tr ee t an d dra w i n g f ro m o t he r w ork s you ’ ve read t h i s yea r , write an essa y that defines “ m e t aphor ” and explains ho w au t hor s us e i t t o enhanc e t he i r w r iti n g . Support your discussion with evidence from the texts. (Informational or Explanatory/Definition)

Social Studies Example: W ha t d i d t h e au t hor s o f t h e A m e ric a n Con stit u ti o n m ea n b y “r i gh t s” ? After reading t h e B il l o f R i gh t s , write an essa y that defines ”r i gh ts ” and explains “r i gh ts ” as t h e au t hors us e i t i n t h i s f ounda ti ona l docu m en t . Support your discussion with evidence from the text. L2 What i m p li ca ti on s can you draw? (Informational or Explanatory/Definition)

Science Example: C a n “ t a l en t ” b e l e ar ne d ? After reading s c i en tifi c s o u r c e s , write an es sa y that defines “ i nna t e ab iliti e s ” and explains it s re l evanc e t o “ t a l en t. ” Support your discussion with evidence from the texts. (Informational or Explanatory/Definition



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8. Template: After researching ________ (informational texts) on ________ (content), write a ________ (report or substitute) that describes

________ (content). Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Description)

Social Studies Example: After researching govern m en t an d h ist or i cal docu m en t s on t h e e l ec t ora l co ll eg e , write an ar ti c l e f o r you r l ocal ne w s pape r that describes t h e h i s t or i ca l s i gn ifi canc e o f t h e e l ec t ora l co ll eg e . Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Description)

Science Example: After researching cook i n g gu i de s an d ar ti c l e s on “k it che n che m ist ry ,” write a m anua l f o r t h e genera l pub li c that describes in d e t a il ho w t o us e co mm o n produc t s t o so l v e a n everyda y prob l e m suc h a s c l ean i n g f res h produc e . Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Description)



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Page 10: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

9. Template: [Insert question] After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay, report, or substitute) that describes ________ (content) and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s). (Informational or Explanatory/Description)

ELA Example: H o w doe s E s peranz a dea l w it h h er cha ll enges a s a n i mm i g r ant t o t he U n it ed S t a t es ? After reading E s pe r anz a R isi ng , write an es sa y that describes her cha ll enge s and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text. (Informational or Explanatory/Description)

Social Studies Example: In w ha t w ay s d id t h e er a o f t h e co w bo y ( m i d t o l a t e 1800 s ) i n fl uenc e Am er i ca n cu lt ure ? After reading h i s t o r i ca l docu m en ts , write an essa y that describes t h e i con i c Am er i ca n co w bo y and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the texts. (Informational or Explanatory/Description)

Science Example: H o w d o phy si ca l t ra it s s erv e li v i n g t h i ng s ? After reading a boo k abou t bu tt er fli es , write an ar ti c l e that describes t h e f e a t u r e s o f t hre e bu tt er fly t ype s and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text. (Informational or Explanatory/Description)



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10. Template: After researching ________ (informational texts) on ________ (content), write a ________ (report or substitute) that relates how

________ (content). Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Procedural-Sequential)

Social Studies Example: After researching h i s t o r i ca l doc u m en t s , doc u m en t ar i es , a nd m a p s on t h e w e s t w ar d t r av e l s o f t h e D onne r - Ree d par t y , write a repor t that relates how t h e D onne r- Ree d par t y surv i ve d it s ordea l dur i n g t h e w i n t e r o f 1846 - 47 . Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Procedural-Sequential)

Science Example: After researching ho w -to g u i d e s on s a f e t y i ss ue s in a sc i en c e l a b , write a m a nu a l that relates how to sa f e l y c on d u c t a fl a m e t e st . Support your discussion with evidence from your research. (Informational or Explanatory/Procedural-Sequential)



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Page 13: Possible Content Area Literacy Assignments

Primary Source Analysis: APPARTS Answer these questions when using Primary Documents

Title of Document: Author

Who created this? What do we know about the author? What might influence their opinions?Place

Where and when was it created? Prior Knowledge

What do we know about where this was created? What have we learned about this topic or society that may be relevant?Audience

Who is the intended audience? How might they receive this? – use quotes to support your claims.

Reason for Creation

What is the purpose of this document? Read between the lines, and support claims with a quote.

The Main Idea

(Support with quotes!)


How does this relate to the big picture? What can it tell us?

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