Portrait Studio Lights

Name ______________ Hour ____ In-class Portrait and Studio Light Exercise Below you will document the location of your subject and lights for 3 poses. You will need to take a minimum of 30 photos but the more will help you grow as a Photographer.


Portrait Studio Lights

Transcript of Portrait Studio Lights

Name ______________ Hour ____In-class Portrait and Studio Light ExerciseBelow you will document the location of your subject and lights for 3 poses. You will need to take a minimum of 30 photos but the more will help you grow as a Photographer.

Artist Statement

Please right a 10 sentences paragraph about your experience with studio lights and portraits. Think about your placement, what worked and what did not.

You will need to edit and show a minimum of 10 images. Minimum of 3 will be placed on the weebly.com portfolio per teacher approval. You may always place more.