Portlets & jsr 168

Harnessing JSR 168 Assets, Portlets, & the Portlet Container Presented by Andrew Wills Unicon Academus Technical Lead [email protected]


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Transcript of Portlets & jsr 168

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Harnessing JSR-168

Harnessing JSR 168Assets, Portlets, & the Portlet Container

Presented by Andrew Wills

Unicon Academus Technical Lead

[email protected]

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Harnessing JSR-168

Portlets, uPortal, & Academus

October 2003Final Release, v. 1.0 of the Portlet Specification

April 2004uPortal v. 2.3 includes support for portlets

Fall of 2004Unicon develops Academus v. 1.5, featuring a

completely new Briefcase Portlet

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This presentation takes a look at creating a compelling portal based on the technology defined in the Portlet Specification v. 1.0

It examines life in the portlet container, then outlines patterns and practices geared toward flexibility, inter-operability, and success

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Part I: The Portlet ContractLeveraging the container to full advantage

Part II: Asset Pervasiveness©

Strategies for deeper integration

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Part I:The Portlet


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Portal, Portlet, & Portlet Container

“A portal is a web based application that – commonly – provides personalization, single sign on, [&] content aggregation […]” [PLT.2.1]

“A portlet is a Java technology based web component, managed by a portlet container […]” [PLT.2.2]

“A portlet container runs portlets and provides them with the required runtime environment.” [PLT.2.3]

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Significant Types

These interfaces shape your role in the container and resources available from the container

– Portlet– PortletConfig– PortletContext– PortalContext

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The Portlet Interface

package javax.portlet;

Public interface Portlet {

void destroy();

void init(PortletConfig config);

void processAction(ActionRequest req, ActionResponse res);

void render(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res);


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Portlet Interface Methods

Portlet interface methods are of two kinds:

Lifecycle Management– init()– destroy()

Request Processing– processAction()– render()

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Lifecycle Management: Initialization

Use the init() method to establish connections to backend services, read initialization files, etc

Don’t perform these tasks in constructors or static initialization blocks. The portlet is not guaranteed to be in a valid portlet runtime until the init() method is called [PLT.]

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PortletConfig at a Glance

“The configuration holds information about the portlet that is valid for all users.” [api PortletConfig]

• One per portlet definition

• Portlet init parameters

• Title & keywords (ResourceBundle)

• Access to the PortletContext

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PortletConfig Example

We used an init parameter from the PortletConfig to pass the location of a configuration file to the portlet

String settings = config.getInitParameter(SETTINGS_PATH);

This approach allowed us to define our portlet multiple times, each with a different configuration file

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PortletContext at a Glance

“The PortletContext interface defines a portlet’s view of the portlet application within which the portlet is running.” [PLT.10.0]

• One instance per portlet app.

• Context Init Parameters

• Context Attributes

• Access to Resources (Files)

• Request Dispatching

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PortletContext & ServetContext

“Context attributes set using the PortletContext must be stored in the ServletContext of the portlet application.” [PLT.10.3]

Use context attributes to share information between your portlets and servlets/JSPs in the same web application

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PortletContext Example

We used the PortletContext to access resources included with our portlet application

String path = context.getRealPath(settings);

It allowed us, for example, to learn the full, file system path of the configuration file indicated by the PortletConfig

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PortalContext at a Glance

“The PortalContext interface provides information about the portal that is invoking the portlet.” [PLT.13]

• Vendor and version information

• Portal properties

• Portlet modes & window states supported by the portal

• Available only within rendering cycles

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Request Processing

Request processing comes in two forms:– Action Requests

– Render Requests

To develop useful and interesting portlets, It is essential to understand the difference

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Request Processing

• Each client request invokes at most one action request

• Each client request may invoke any number of render requests, depending on layout, caching, and other factors

• A portlet may be rendered many times between action requests

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Request Processing: The Old Way

Browsers operate on the document model

Behavior & web applications have been ‘piggybacked’ or retrofitted to the web

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Request Processing: The New Way

The portlet contract does us a huge favor by making the distinction more formal

Unlike servlets, portlets are not bound to a logical location (URL) [PLT.3]

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Action vs. Rendering

Keep a sharp distinction between action-related activities and render-related activities

Avoid invoking domain behavior in rendering cycles; avoid UI-bound reads in the action cycle

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Action Requests

Do:– Invoke domain behavior– Change member data in domain (business)

classes– Change portlet mode, window state, and

portlet preferences

Don’t:– Process rendering logic (e.g. paging)– Read data for display

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Render Requests

Do:– Process rendering logic (e.g. paging)– Read data for display

Don’t:– Invoke domain behavior– Change member data in model (business)

classes– Change portlet mode, window state, and

portlet preferences

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The Portlet Container


• One portlet instance per portlet definition per JVM

• Zero-argument constructor for portlets

• Request & response objects may be reused – behavior of references maintained across cycles is non-deterministic

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Summary: The Good News

The Portlet Specification improves our lives as portal developers

– It makes our applications portable, allowing us to work with competing containers & enabling us to package our technology as plugable components

– It gives us a better, more evolved paradigm for web applications

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Summary: The Other Good News

The Portlet Specification is tightly scoped. It’s silent concerning topics like

– Rendering technologies & frameworks– Data access APIs– Transactional (atomic) operations– Communication between portlets, portlet

apps, and other systems

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The Other Good News (cont.)

This approach gives portlet developers the flexibility to choose ‘best of breed’ solutions, or those that are appropriate to the circumstances

In the context of a portal, these issues deserve special emphasis; don’t let ‘content aggregation’ begin and end with the browser window

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Part II:Asset


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What is an Asset?

An asset is a collection of related data points that represent a single logical entity

Assets are the work-product that result from the actions of users upon your system

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Asset Examples

The following are all assets:– Files (images, documents, &c.)– Calendar Entries– Contacts (e.g. Addressbook)– News Items & Announcements– Email Messages– Learning Objects (e.g. Content, Tests,

Class Rosters)– Objects from 3rd Party Systems (SIS, CMS,


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What is Asset Pervasiveness?

Entities are created, managed, referenced, and consumed across tool (portlet) boundaries

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Importance of Asset Pervasiveness

A useful portal aggregates tools to work together, not simply appear together

Our experience is that application software doesn’t get adopted in discreet units. It should be bundled, inter-operative, inter-compatible, or all of the above

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Scenario Examples

The following are scenarios involving asset pervasiveness:– Send an email to someone in your contacts

list.– Post an image from your briefcase to a

discussion forum.– Reference (and link) a calendar entry

within an announcement.– Share a folder in your briefcase with all the

students in your class.

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Academus Briefcase

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In the process of developing of Academus 1.5, we used the following patterns & practices to make the most of our assets

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Focus on Assets

Create useful, meaningful entities that are not tool-bound

Maintain an asset-centric view of your technology

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Assets Before Tools

Design asset behavior and structures first

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Design Dependencies Carefully

Import asset types from UI types, never the other way around

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Keep it Clean

Avoid cross-tool imports (portlet-to-portlet)

Avoid hybrid structures (part model, part UI). For example, don’t include text-formatting utility methods on your entities

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Design Patterns

The following patterns come in handy for designing asset-based subsystems:

• Abstract FactoryAsset subsystems may have multiple implementations. Use abstract factories to

create entities that play well together

• AdaptorUse the adaptor pattern to make open source or 3rd party features appear like your

asset subsystems to your portlets

• FaçadeAggregate the services of a complex subsystem into a single point of contact for

your portlets

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Singleton Pattern

Be careful using the Singleton pattern

In most circumstances, asset subsystems don’t benefit from one-per-JVM restriction

Asset pervasiveness thrives on flexibility

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Design your assets for multi-server deployments– Query entities each

rendering cycle

– Plan subsystem boundaries carefully to for future implementations based on technologies like JMS & Web Services

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Assets in Portlets

• All users share the same portlet instance – provide a mechanism to access the appropriate assets by user or user session

• Invoke behavior in asset subsystems only in the action request cycle

• Refresh collections of assets during each request cycle – action or rendering

• When displaying asset information, read the actual asset in each rendering cycle

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