Portfolio&C.V. - jing ding (en)

C . V . & P O R T F O L I O 2007 - the present Strategic Product Design Product Design



Transcript of Portfolio&C.V. - jing ding (en)

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C . V . & P O R T F O L I O2 0 0 7 - t h e p r e s e n t

S t r a t e g i c P r o d u c t D e s i g n

P r o d u c t D e s i g n

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Jing Ding

09.2007-06.2011 Bachelor degree, Hunan University, Industial Design 08.2011-08.2013 Master degree, Delft University of Technology, Strategic Product Design

[email protected]


ER Made in China with good quality

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Made in China with good qualityPRODUCT DESIGNSTRATEGIC

I did my bachelor of Industrial Design in Hunan University, China. After being interns in companies, I realized that only knowing design is not enough for today’s market, I have to improve myself from a business/strategy perspective. Therefore, I came to TU Delft and did the master program of Strategic Product Design. I developed skills for mastering strategic product development. Due to my product design background, I am able to have a good understanding of consumer need and market need, synthesize insights from different perspectives and transfer them into business strategies and design concepts.

All my internship and part-time job experience teach me how to cooperate and communicate with colleagues from different fields and how to conduct/lead a project. I am energetic, able to work on my own initiative and enjoy working under pressure. One of my biggest advantages is being self-disciplined, working efficiently and effectively. I am used to work in a multi-culture environment due to my study/working experience in China and the Netherlands. I can be a bridge between Chinese market and European market when it is needed.

Ding Jing

09/2007-06/2011 School of Design, Hunan University (Bachelor)GPA:86 Graduation grade: 89

09/2011-08/2013 Strategic Product Design, Delft University of Technology (Master)Graduation grade: 8.5


This study program focuses on the ‘fuzzy’ strategic stage that precedes the actual development of a new product or service. It covers the study of exploring market needs, the competitive environment, consumer preferences, corporate strategy, the existing product and brand portfolio, form and function.

Industrial design faculty of Hunan University was ranked 2nd among all the industrial design faculties in China during the time when I studied there. The program I was focusing on was product design, which includes market research, user study, concept development and modelling.

Research and Analysis:Market and trend analysis, consumer research, brand innovation, analysis of economic rationales, data analysis (SPSS), other skills and methods that can be used in New Product/Service Development.

Product Design and graphic design:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Adobe InDesign, NX Unigraphics (U-G), Keyshot, Sketching.

Language skills:English, Chinese, Learning Dutch

Working style:Good cooperative abilities and sense of responsibility in the teamworkWell self-disciplinedLike lists and getting stuff doneBe used to working in multi-culture environment


Family nameFirst nameAddressNationalityPlace of birthDate of birthPhone numberMarital statusE-mail address

DingJing Gouden rijderplein 56, 2645 EZ, Delfgauw, the NetherlandsChineseHangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China24/06/1989+31(0)[email protected]

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EXPERIENCECurrent job:Being a part-time content producer at Qelp (http://www.qelp.com) (08/2013 until the present)

Strategic Product Design related experience:Have internship experience gain from Priva (02/2013 until 09/2013)(http://www.priva.nl) I provided strategies for Priva to realise high performance buildings, which focuses on the lighting control system. It includes the research of the light aspects and human body system, internal analysis, competitor analysis, trend analysis and an experiment to explore how light influences people's working performance. The end-results are a lighting control system concept, strategies and a marketing plan for this product. The project got an 8,5 out of 10.

New product commercialization project for Easywalker (02/2012 until 06/2012)(http://www.easywalker.nl) The project was carried on for introducing Easywalker’s new stroller “June” to the Chinese market. It was conducted by a group of six students. I was in charge of most of the market and customer research in the Chinese market, since my culture and language were advantages for this project. We provided a complete marketing plan for the company in the end of the project.

Design strategy project for Schiphol Airport (11/2011 until 02/2012)(http://www.schiphol.nl) This project was aim at providing a better experience for passenger in the airport when waiting for flights by using Location Based Services. In the end, a strategic plan and an app design were developed and presented in Schiphol.

Retail design project for ABN-AMRO (03/2010 until 06/2010)(www.abnamro.nl) This project focused on providing strategies for ABN AMRO’s flagship retail shop, which can enhance trust perception of customers. Five students conducted it. In the end, a sketched design concept together with a development strategy was provided.

Leadership related experience:League branch secretary of the class (09/2007 until 06/2011)Vice chairman of public relationship department of Software Engineering Faculty (09/2007 until 09/2008)Team leader of cheering squad (09/2007 until 09/2008)

Other experience:Did a handmade jewellery business during the fourth year of the bachelor study (in the year of 2010)Worked for the career centre of Hunan University (in the year 2009)

Product development related experience:Worked for Biovista Bangladesh Ltd as a part-time designer (11/2012 until 05/2013)I worked as a graphic designer in this company. I designed name cards of the company and presentation materials, such as a product introduction flash and brochure.Have internship experience gained from Jomoo (02/2011 until 06/2011)(http://www.jomoogroup.com)In this project, I performed market research and user studies, designed a series of bath products, such as a toilet, a shower and some other bath accessories. The project got an 89 out of 100 as a graduation grade.Took part in the NOKIA workshop (03/2010 until 06/2010)I was a member of a three persons team. We designed a NOKIA mobile phone for school children.Took part in the provincial SIT project (Student innovation training) (04/2009 until 06/2011)I did the research about public fitness equipment together with the other two team-members. Have internship experience gained from a pottery company (in the month 07/2009)I worked as an intern designer in the pottery design department during the summer holiday. My job was assisting designers to develop a serious of products for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

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I AM AN SPDER08.2011-the present Delft University of Technology, Strategic Product Design

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SPDers are mainly involved in the Research & Product Launch stage during the New Product Development (NPD)process.

Research Detailed Design Testing & Re�nement Manufacture LaunchingConcept Generation Concept Development

LOGOContext Analysis (e.g. industry attractiveness, trend analysis)

Company Analysis (e.g. internal recourses, facility, product portfolio, market mix)

Competitor Analysis (e.g. competition level)

Consumer Analysis (e.g. target group selection)


Price Strategy

Sales Forcast

Distribution Strategy












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Customer Research in New Product DevelopmentWithin this course I performed a consumer research project in groups of five. With my group I went through a two-stage research project in which I learned to design, perform, analyze and report both a qualitative study (videography) and a questionnaire study. The topic for this research is “Emotions in high-tech products” and the object our group chosen is digital photo camera.

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Research Objective

A proposal/ design brief describing the needs for a new digital photo camera that would be emotionally appealing by listing what it should bring to the people who would use it.


Observation: Make observation plan, carry out the observation, analyze and report the findings.Interview: interview participants of the observation research.Questionnaire: Create a questionnaire according to the findings from the observation, administer the questionnaire. Data analysis (SPSS): Analyze the data from the questionnaire survey.

Observe behaviors when taking pictures One of the participants is taking pictures The relations between the desired features and emotions (SPSS data)


Proposals for designing a new digital photo camera Create a more interactive camera. More manual settings (more concentration) and special effects (more entertainment) can do the job. Design a camera phone that fits in the environment of parties to fulfil users’ needs and enhance their emotions when using it. Make users aware of the possibilities the phone is offering. Having short tutorials can challenge and inspire the phone photographers and the results will be better. Keep the portability in the strict sense of the term. Users do not want to carry many extra devices to have better pictures. Rethink the software for the storage of the pictures. Users could create folders, personalize them or maybe even upload an entire album.

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New Product EconomicsA case study about a beer company was conducted by a group of two. We made new product select decisions with the help of financial models. I learnt how to build a business case for different strategic new product directions, how to make a market and sales forecast, how to make use of financial models for estimating a new product's economic value and how to build a business case for new product selection decisions.

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Research Objective

Build a business case for the beer company to decide whether it is suitable to launch the new light beer or not.


Four scenarios were made according to all the researches. Scenario 1: Stick with Lager Beer. Scenario 2: The worst possible. Introducing Light might decrease the brand awareness and kill the core brand. Scenario 3: On the edge. In this situation, launching Light will not decrease the brand awareness.Scenario 4: In this ideal situation, introducing Light will increase the brand awareness.

After comparing the pro’s and con’s of this four scenarios, the final suggestion is “the company should introduce the new light version beer. And there are some advantages and risks, which are introduced in the business case report.


Qualitative analysis:Analyzing brand equity, potential cannibalization of the existing product and identifying the pro’s and con’s of introducing the new light beer.

Quantitative analysis:Break even analysis5 year cash flowCalculation of the NPV, IRR, and payback period based on the 5 years cash flowChallenge the assumptionsA sensitivity analysis by creating several scenarios

Sales volume of Lager beer based on the decline rate and cannibalization caused by launching Light.

The cash flow of Light beer without hurting the sales of Lager beer.

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New Product CommercialisationThe project is provided by a Dutch stroller company – Easywalker, which was conducted by a group of six students. The topic of our group is introducing the new stroller “June” to the Chinese market. By doing this project, I learnt the knowledge of marketing and introduction plan, how to acquire and use information for writing marketing and introduction plan, different methods for analyzing competitors, customers, market and sales forecasting, research methods applicable to product, price, distribution and promotion.

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Project Objective

Provide Easywalker with valuable information on how to deal with the marketing dilemmas they are facing.


Interview: interview staff of other stroller brand, Questionnaire: survey among target group.Calcultation of 5 year cash flow, etc.


A business plan with the following content: Market Analysis: Industry definition (market sizes, economy, trends and developments)Company analysisConsumer analysisCompetitor analysisObjectives and PositioningProduct differentiation strategyDistribution strategyPricing strategy PromotionSales and Market Forecast: Potential of the product in the first five years

Field research on the Chinses market Competition levels Concepts of promotion way in the Chinese market

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This project was provided by Amsterdam airport – Schiphol and conducted by a group of six students. The topic of this project was Location-Based Services. The groups act as if we were a strategic design consulting agency. During the course, I have developed the skills in project management, presentation, visualization, communication and consulting.

Design Strategy Project

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Project Objective

Develop a plan on how to apply technologies to improve the passenger experience. The propositions should improve the process transparency & can be used for marketing and entertainment purposes.


Questionnaire surveyVIP methodBrainstormingConcept sketchingDecision matrix

Location-Based App for Schiphol

RoutingPeople will get a route based on preferences and the remaining time. This route is realtime updated in order to be sure that people will be in time at the gate.

Push notificationThe app checks the time and current location continuously and will send push notifications if people have to hurry, with some tolerance, to be sure.

Pop-upsIf people did not disable popups they will get suggestions for interesting offers in shops and interesting things to do.

LBS gamingDuring stages of the journey specific games will pop-up, based on current location. These games distract passengers from waiting.

Personal & privacySchiphol needs to know the flight in order to be able to lead the passenger through the whole journey.

ProfileThe user sets up a profile, in order to get preference based suggestion for the route.

Destination checklistDid you bring everything? Check it here. The app will put the shops where they can buy forgotten stuff into the route, relevant to the passenger´s destination.

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SPD research methodology This course teaches the methodology of qualitative and quantitative research. In the qualitative part, I learnt how to conduct an interview, which includes making an interview guide, the skills of asking questions during the interview, etc. Besides, I also gained the knowledge of data analysis, for example, coding the quotes. The main knowledge I have gained about the quantitative part is the skill of using SPSS to analyze the data from questionnaire or other research. Moreover, after the study, I am also able to compare relevant data collection and analysis methods, both qualitative and quantitative, which can be used in research.

SPD research project

The topic of this research project is “The influence of the visibility of the functional attributes in the product’s appearance on the quality perception of consumers with various product knowledge levels”. The stimulis used in this research are the game mouse and Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens (EVIL) camera. This research was conducted by a group of two students. Through this project, I learnt how to apply the method I have learnt in the course “SPD research methodology” in the real study, for example, designing a questionnaire, analyzing data gained from questionnaire by using SPSS as well as reporting the data and findings.

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Research Objective

Use quantitative research methods to test the hypothesis that was made at the beginning of the project.

Hypothesis:The visibility of the functional attributes has more influence on consumers withlow product knowledge than experts, when judging the product quality.


Questionnaire surveyData analysis by SPSS


As expected, the participants with less product knowledge, compared to subjects with high product knowledge, tend to rate the quality of the highly visibly attributed product higher than the neutral looking product. On the contrary, experts tend to rate the quality of the neutral looking product higher than novices.

It is important for companies to keep in mind that the product appearance is not only used for aesthetics reasons, but can also convey the functional attributes to consumers, especially when companies want their product to have a high quality impression. Besides, the companies should also consider the product knowledge level when setting the target group.

Pictures and descriptions used in the questionnaire of camera Pictures and descriptions used in the questionnaire of game mouse

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TACTILITYThrough this course, I gained knowledge about insight in the the tactual experience of users, skills in communicating about the tactual experience and skills in applying the acquired insights in product design. The final assignment is redesigning an object that I do not like. The object is the light switch in my room. The unpleasant feeling is caused by the rough feeling when I am touching it. Besides, it is very hard to catch the rope when I am not conscious after waking up.

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A light switch system with a combination of soft feeling and tough (stone) feelings, which can control the lights through the sense of my foot, is an ideal design that can comfort me first and then make me conscious. The interaction with this light switch system can be divided into three parts. First, when I am waking up, I sit on the edge of my bed, as soon as my foot touch the “soft stone” part, the weak light will be turned on. Before standing up, I can play with the gentle stones on the cushion, which makes comfortable and give the pleasant feeling. After standing up, I go though the “hard” part, step on the stones switches one by one. The feeling of the foot will become stronger, together with the changing light. This experience can make me become conscious and feel fresh.

Experience objects in my life: exploring the tactual part of the objects that I like as well as those I do not like and Explore the behaviours of the objects in my life and find the common part between the objects and myself .

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A �ag retail shop for ABN AMRO bank the project was designed to base on the trust perception of consumers. Based on this design core, the touch points of the retail shop were developed as well as the layout of the store. The core value of trust and therefore its purpose of regaining trust should be translated into strong, clear and stable. Its layout or the materials themselves should be open, transparent and direct, means easily accessible, so that it gains the trust of consumers. Besides, the brand also should be perceived as adventurous and taking part in ever day life. It is supposed to be interesting for the whole family, which results in an entertaining and interactive environment. Last but not least flexibility in Layout and installations has to be maintained to ensure easy adoption to changing exhibitions and different store-layouts.

Fundamentals of Retail Design

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SECRET KEEPERDo you have a secretyou just want to get ridof? Feed the shredderand free yourself.

THE ENTRANCEThe entrance welcomes people and is veryrecognizable through its extruded roof.

PLANT HOTELWe help you take careof what is valuable foryou. Leave your plantswith us while you’reaway.

MONEY JOURNEYDiscover where yourmoney travels in afun and enlighteningjourney!

TRUST MEproductsNot sure whether toget that investment?Try it out it with oursimulation games.

KEY SAFELost your key? Comeanytime by our store’sKey Safe and retrieveyour key copy.

THE EXHIBITIONThe exhibition area is the flexible part ofthe branch and is changed frequently tokeep visitors attracted.

CIRCLE OF TRUSTPlease have a seat andopenly discuss ABNproducts and serviceswith our ombdusman.

1. Research

Qualitative interviews with stakeholders. Analogy cases in the market. Bank customer behaviour analysis Future of banking analysis Context analysis

2. Concept development

Brain storming session How to differentiate our concepts

3. Experience development

Using Retail Toolkit Touch points design

4. Design development

Brand Design Materials Interior Design

LOCKERSStore whatever youwant in these transparentlockers. Don’t worry,they turn opaquewhile used!


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09.2007-02.2011 Bachelor degree, Hunan University, Industial Design


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湖南大学 Graduation project

Bath Product

Nowadays, bathroom space occupies an

increasingly important role in people's

home life, For people, it is not only the

demand of cleaning, but also the pursuit

of quality of life. Bathroom products are

mainly divided into two parts—ceramic

products and hardware products.

My graduation project is the project of

bathroom products design for Jomoo.The

company is China's large domestic

manufacturer of sanitary ware products.

This subject is done for series products of

Jomoo. The design process including

design research, brainstorming,

computer modeling, model making,

structure determining, etc. The aim is to

put Chinese culture and Chinese

elements into the toilets, basins, faucets,

showers, accessories and other products,

to form a set of bathroom products with

Chinese characteristics, thus, people can

enhance the quality of life through the

culture use in the bathroom.

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ACCESSORIES 配 件 斗拱挂件 TOILETS 喷射虹吸式连体座便器 晶钻

Double Toilet Ring:

This ring is designed for children,When children want to use the toilet, they just need to put the small ring down. This ring is much suitable for children’s ergonomics.

Toilet Lid:

The gap between the lid and the toilet can helpuser open the lid easily

The source of creativity: Diamond

The source of creativity: Bracket system of chinese architecture The bracket system of chinese architecture is used to support the building, it represents the symbol of power and stableness.

The design is much more fashionable and modern after simplifying.


Tissue Box

Towel Rack Towel Rack

Toilet Table

Toilet Brush Holder

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Orthographic Views Section Drawings












& S

















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1 2 3


the electric drill on the market have the internal structure

Sketch Modeling

Electric hand drill

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The Cancer the design of electric hand drill

Household electric drill design

This is a home hand drill design, insp-

ired by the crab, its two large pincers

give us a sense of power, I used them

on the drill, so that the handles can be

felt much stabler. Besides, the handles

that are designed on both sides can be

better to bear the weight of the drill, and

easier to be picked up. The shape of a

crab make the drill looks more interest-

ing,and release tension.

Electric hand drill

Tutor:Yang Xiongyong SOLO WORK

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0° 45° 90°

The special design of handle makes it

more convenient to use the drill, the h-

andles can be transfer from 0°to 90°.




d dr


1、Direction adjustment

2、Air vents

3、Power switch

4、The switch of handle

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Nokia workshop

1 2 3




Analysis & Summary Sketch

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Class Mode shortcut key



big screen

Nokia workshop

This cellphone is designed for children

today.It has a combination of cellphone

and learning machine.We use the pho-

ne to build a platform for children in the

same class,they can have the interacti-

ve study with their teachers,so that the

teacher can get feedbacks from childr-

en in time.Besides,the interaction mak-

es it more interesting for students to le-

arn things.

Tutor:Feng Gaohua TEAM WORKMy part :Investigation,Analysis,Modeling,Rendering,UI Dedign.

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Nokia w




In this day and age,the concept of phone is becoming vaguer.It more like the portable equipment with a variety of functions.Considering

the protection of children’s eyes,we put a big screem in the phone.It also has two shortcut keys to make the switching more convenient.

And it is easier for children to operate with the flat shape.

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System of water






Propose concept

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System of water

E-House is a small ecosystem which is i-

ntelligent,users can cultivate the small pl-

ants in the greenhouse through saving w-

ater.It has sunshine,rains and nutriment

like the nature.By comparing with the no-

rmal water consumption,the more water

the user save,the better those plants will

be cared.It makes the water-saving beh-

avior more interesting through the visual

feedback of the plants.

Tutor:Yi Jun TEAM WORK

My part :Investigation,Concept,Modeling,Rendering

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em o

f wat


The water meter will send the information of water consumption to E-House via Bluetooth every 24 hours.Than the information will be

changed to the energy value to irrigate plants.

The light can provide “su-nshine”,and the system u-sed to water plants.

The roof which is full ofwater

Three buttons used to co-ntrol “sunshine”,water and nutriment.

The water meter whichcan reflect the water-saving information.The volume is 400ml.

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Calendar Design

LUNAR PHASE works following the rules

of lunar phase.It has no figure,no form.But

it reminds us to slow down to enjoy the n-

ature and life.When the new moon shows,

a new start begins.This electric calendar

helps reducing paper wasting in a more

interesting way.

Tutor:Li Hui SOLO WORK

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r Des


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Calendar D


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Batik DIY Design

Tutor:He Renke SOLO WORK

Girls in the past hoped that one day they

could print beautiful patterns on the clot-

hes.Because there had no chemical paint

at that time,they created a special kind of

paint which was made by plants,and pai-

nted with wax.The way that using natural

materials comes down to the modern tim-

es,we simplify the process of batik to let

you have a special experince of culture

and make it a more fashionable souvenir.

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We found that tourists like national souvenirs and the DIY con-cept very much through the investigation on the net.It must be more interesting that let people participate in making souvenirs for themselves.

Batik is a culture which has long history.Ancient people created a special kind of dye which was made by plants,and painted wi-th wax. The materials were all took from nature.Some features like "natural" and "handmade" are becoming increasingly attra-ctive in today's society which is low-carbon and environmental friendly.Batik becomes a symbol which is environmental and cultural.

制作蜡染的植物:蓼蓝 染上靛蓝色 民间蜡染

DIY越来越收青睐 游客最喜欢有名族风情的旅游品

What we should do is making the culture of batik more widespread and making the process more simple so that it can be publicized better.It is a fashionable souvenir which can let people make by themselves.Than this "Hunan Dyeing" is born.

创意来源 Inspiration

设计草图 Sketches


ik D




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Batik D

IY Design


Hunan Dyeing



Girls in the past hoped that one day they could print beautiful patterns on the clothes.Because there had no ch-emical paint at that time,they created a special kind of paint which was m-ade by plants, and painted with wax.The way that using natural materials comes down to the modern times,we simplify the process of batik to let y-ou experience a special culture.

Travel in Hunan to experience special scenery and culture.

Feel the culture by yourself and use "Hunan Dyeing" to

make batik.

Send "Hunan Dyeing" to your friends.

Your friends recieve this special present.

Know the story sbout "HunanDyeing" and the culture of batik.

Learn more about batik and how to use "Hunan Dyeing"

on the website.

Use "hot pen" to melt wax and fill it into the cloth with your

favourite patterns.

Put the cloth into "Mini dye vat".

Put natural dye and water into"Mini dye vat",Cover

the cap,and wait for 24 hours.

Take the cloth out after 24 hours,than a beautiful batik

shawl is done.

使用说明 Instruction 尺寸说明 Dimension Figure

color box

package box

sideview topview

sideview topview

hot pen








1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10

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Light Design

Shadow moves under the sunshine,itstra-

jectory is so erratic. Lights and shadows

depend on each other, and the light of s-

undial tell a story of time,its a special mo-


Tutor:Ou Jing SOLO WORK

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Light Design

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Drawing board for the Blind

C-Smell is a drawing board which is a

specialized design for the visually imp-

aired person.Users can change the co-

lour by touching the colour bar,and re-

cognize it by the smell sent from the w-


Tutor:Yi Jun SOLO WORK

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ing board for the Blind

shade bar

colour bar

Considering the switch of the colours, users can

change it by touching the colour bar. When the

colour is activated, the driver of the drawing bor-

ad will transfer the commands to the smell pen,

making the smell mixer to combine the correspo-

nding odour and send it out. Every colour is mat-

ching a unique smell and all of these smells are

based on the fruits and plants which can make

people pleasant and contented.

At the bottom of the draw broad has a line of raised scale which has a peak in the

middle of it. This is convenient for the blind to identify the layout of the painting.

As the matter of blind person, C-Smell has a user friendly design which is providing

three types of buttons with different raised symbols. These buttons are convenient

for power switch, reselecting the colours and cancel switch respectively.

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Design of Currency Detector

Customer Research

Product Analysis

345 300




Exploded View

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Other works

Icons for pleasure, anger, sorrow, joy

Posters of YellowSubmarine

Posters of my friend

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Other w


Advertising Photography

Craft works

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er w


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T H E E N DC o n t a c t : k a t h y . d i n g . h z @ g m a i l . c o m