Portfolio - Maria Gazabon


Transcript of Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

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Green RoomThe Tutored Chef

HEROof the


Identity Design - Various

Page 3: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

don’t you wish you could Love Here?

Advertising Campaign - The Bahamas

Page 4: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

Advertising Campaign - Save The Polar Bears

Page 5: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

Stationary Design - SuSu Stationary

Page 6: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

are you PREGNANT?

2008 elections

ABORTION&women rights


ABORTIONAbortion is not just a simple medical procedure. For many women, it is a life

emotional, and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion and its risks.

Manual Vacuum Aspiration: up to 7 weeks after last menstrual period (LMP)This surgical abortion is done early in the pregnancy up until 7 weeks after the woman’s last menstrual period. A long, thin tube is inserted into the uterus. A large syringe is attached to the tube and the embryo is suctioned out.

Suction Curettage: between 6 to 14 weeks after LMP This is the most common surgical abortion procedure. Because the baby is larger, the doctor must

Opening the cervix may be painful, so local or general anesthesia is typically needed. After the cervix is stretched open, the doctor inserts a hard plastic tube into the uterus, then connects this tube to a suction machine. The suction pulls the fetus’ body apart and out of the uterus. The doctor may also use a loop-shaped knife called a curette to scrape the fetus and fetal parts out of the uterus. (The doctor may refer to the fetus and fetal parts as the “products of conception.”).

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E):between 13 to 24 weeks after LMP This surgical abortion is done during the second

trimester of pregnancy. At this point in pregnancy, the fetus is too large to be broken up by suction alone and will not pass through the suction tubing. In this procedure, the cervix must be opened

is done by inserting numerous thin rods made of seaweed a day or two before the abortion. Once the cervix is stretched open the doctor pulls out the fetal parts with forceps. The fetus’ skull is crushed to ease removal. A sharp tool (called a curette) is also used to scrape out the contents of the uterus, removing any remaining tissue.

Dilation and Extraction (D&X) (partial-birth abortion):from 20 weeks after LMP to full-term This procedure takes three days. During the

using thin rods made of seaweed, and medication is given for pain. On the third day, the abortion doctor uses ultrasound to locate the legs of the fetus. Grasping a leg with forceps, the doctor delivers the fetus up to the head. Next, scissors are inserted into the base of the skull to create an opening. A suction catheter is placed into the opening to remove the brain. The skull collapses and the fetus is removed.

RU486, Mifepristone (Abortion Pill) Within 4 to 7 weeks after LMP This drug is only approved for use in women up to the 49th day after their last menstrual period.

pills to cause the death of the embryo. Two days later, if the abortion has not occurred, she is given a second drug which causes cramps to expel the embryo. The last visit is to determine if the procedure has been completed. RU486 will not work in the case of an ectopic pregnancy. This is.

what is it?

ABORTION procedures

are you PREGNANT?1. Nausea or morning sickness: Morning sickness is term to describe nausea and vomiting during preg-nancy. This occurs in approximately 50% to 95% of all pregnant women as early as the

probably got it’s name due to the fact that most of the nauseating symptoms start in the morning right after you get out of bed when your blood sugar levels are low. However, it may happen at any time of the day.

2. Headaches: If you have never experienced regular headaches before pregnancy, be prepared for some throbbing pain in your head and neck dur-ing pregnancy. Changes in your body’s hormonal patterns is the primary cause of headaches during pregnancy. Other condi-tions like lack of sleep, poor posture, stress, dehydration and low blood sugar levels may also worsen of cause headaches.

3. Dizziness and fainting spells: Due to the lowered blood pres-sure in your body during pregnancy, blood

fainting spells in serious cases.

4. Mood swings: With your hormones raging, it is common for women to feel moody during their pregnancy. All women have to go through a period of adjustment to settle into their new roles as a pregnant women and that takes time.

5. Fatigue: If you feel tired and experience some or all of the symptoms mentioned in this article, you have a good chance of being pregnant. Hormonal changes are usually the main cause of fa-tigue followed by the additional weight you have to carry around.

6. Food cravings: Craving for food that you normally would not eat could be a sign that you are pregnant. Normally,

women report cravings for salty and sweet food during pregnancy while others report a uncommon desire for spicy or starchy food.

7. Weight gain and bloating: The combination of your baby’s growth and your increased food intake will cause you to put on weight and

inexplicable increase in size of your stom-


8. Heartburn: Hormones created during pregnancy may relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which opens the valve to allow stomach acids to

-ing sensation.

9. Lower back pain: As your baby grows in size, the additional weight pulls your spine to the front of your body and causes you to experience some back pain from time to time.

10. Constipation: Hormonal changes during pregnancy slows down the movement of food through your digestive

Are you pregnant? Check out the 18 pregnancy symptoms to see if you have been experiencing any of them.

system which results in constipation. This could be a sign of pregnancy if you do not experience constipation frequently.

11. Constant urination:Your growing baby in the uterus puts a lot of

yourself visiting the toilet more frequently than usual.

12. High Basal Body Temperature (BBT): If your BTT stays in the high temperature range for 18 days or more, you have a good chance of being pregnant.

13. Cramping: As the uterus grows and stretches, it is normal to feel cramps that feel similar to menstrual cramps.

14. Spotting: Slight bleeding oc-curs when the fertilized egg begins to implant itself into the uterus any time from 3 to 6 days after fertilization. This usually happens outside of a normal menstruation cycle so it should not be confused with a normal period.

15. Darkening of the areolas: Your areolas could darken and increase in diam-eter during pregnancy. This is caused by your body’s preparation for your breasts to produce milk.

16. Tender or swollen breasts: A lot of women experi-ence sore, swollen, tingly or ten-der breasts during pregnan-cy due to the increasing hormones that are used to prepare a woman for breastfeeding. This feels

of how your breast feels before your period.

17. Missed periods: If you have been sexu-ally active and you

missed a period, it is a good indication that are you are pregnant. A pregnancy test

-riod is really caused by your pregnancy.

18. Positive pregnancy tests: Only a positive urine test or blood test can give you solid indication that you are pregnant. The problem is, they may not be fool proof. Remember to visit a doctor to

It is important to remember that not all of -

nancy. When you have a positive pregnan-cy test, visit a doctor to get more tests done

ADOPTIONGrowing up is far from easy. As a teenager,

However, this time can also be exciting, heartbreaking and frustrating all at once as you leave your childhood behind and begin your new life as young adult.

taste of love, or you may have just gotten caught up in a moment when sharing a kiss turned into something much more. Now you

friends and others at school will react when

having sex, but you are now pregnant.

However, just because you are a teenager doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to make your own choice about your preg-nancy. You don’t have to choose between having an abortion and becoming a parent when you know you aren’t ready to - there is another option for you.

Adoption will allow you to know your baby, while still being able to do all of the things you had planned for your future before you found out you were pregnant. At American Adoptions you will be the boss - you will be able to do everything from picking a family to raise your baby to deciding what kind of future contact you will have with the adop-tive family as your baby grows up.

The adoption world is full of industry terms and language that can be confusing to many. As many couples quickly learn, there is a lot more to the adoption process than simply deciding whether or not to pursue an adoption plan -- including what type of adoption they wish to pursue.

One of the most confusing issues facing prospective adoptive couples is the varying types of adoptions. Adding to this confusion is the fact that nearly every adoption pro-

a closed, open and semi-open adoption entails.

Closed AdoptionsWhen many people think about adoption, they envision a closed adoption in which the adoptive family and birth mother remain

the placement of the child. For many gen-erations, it was common practice to keep adoptions closed. However, in the early 1980s, adoption began to shift toward more openness. Today, some people believe closed adoptions to be “safer,” mainly out of a fear that if the birth parents know where the adoptive family lives, that they will “take back” the child. While this fear has largely been perpetuated by television movies and sensationalized media reports, this is not true. Today’s adoption laws are very clear

-tive family is recognized as the child’s legal family.

Open AdoptionsWhile many adoption professionals have

adoption is, it typically means that the birth parents and the adoptive family speak prior to and even after the child is born. This may include phone calls and face-to-face visits. Some adoptions of this nature are very open, with the adoptive family and birth parents exchanging contact information

types ofADOPTION

and it doesn’t STOP thereAbortion and Preterm Birth:Women who undergo one or more induced

risk of delivering prematurely in the future. Premature delivery is associated with higher rates of cerebral palsy, as well as other complications of prematurity (brain, respiratory, bowel, and eye problems).

Abortion and Breast Cancer:Medical experts are still researching and debating the linkage between abortion and breast cancer. Here are some important facts:

to full term gives protection against breast cancer. Choosing abortion causes loss of that protection. A number of reliable studies have concluded that there may be a link between abortion and the later development of breast cancer. A 1994 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found: “Among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”

Emotional and Psychological Impact:There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in both emotional and physical health. For some women these negative emotions may be very strong, and can appear within days or after many years. This psychological response is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Some of the symptoms are:

Eating disordersRelationship problemsGuiltDepressionFlashbacks of abortionSuicidal thoughtsSexual dysfunctionAlcohol and drug abuse

Spiritual ConsequencesPeople have different understandings of God. Whatever your present beliefs may be, there is a spiritual side to abortion that deserves to be considered. Having an abortion may affect more than just your body and your mind -- it may have an

impact on your relationship with God. What is God’s desire for you in this situation? How does God see your unborn child? These are important questions to consider.

Editorial Design - Chik Magazine

Page 7: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

Question:I adore chocolate but my fiancé is highly allergic to it. Can we have two wedding cakes?

Answer:Absolutely. In fact, you can give a nod to tradition and have both a bride’s cake (with chocolate layers and fillings) and a groom’s cake (order his favorite flavor), suggests Tasha Brachen, a wedding consultant with Simple Details, in Newton, Massachusetts. Because the latter is usually

Wedding Etiquette F.A.Q.

names need to appear on the invitation. (For example, “Terry and Carrie Farkas request the honor of your presence at the marriage of…”). If you want to include both sets of parents’ names on the invite, but don’t want to imply that both sets are paying, simply add your fiancé’s parents’ names after his (“...at the marriage of Cynthia Farkas and Scott Goethals, son of Robert and Ann Goethals…”).

However, if you and your fiancé feel that both sets of parents deserve top billing, then by all means do it. Just make sure that both sets are okay with it before sending the wording off to the printer. Also, you might consider less-traditional wording so the invite doesn’t necessarily imply that both sets of parents are paying. For example, “Please join Terry and Carrie Farkas and Robert and Ann Goethals in celebrating the marriage of Cynthia Farkas and Scott Goethals.”

Question:My fiancé and I are both physicians and want to be referred to as doctors on our invitations and in the introductions at the reception. How do we do this?

Answer:As far as the invitation goes, it depends on the formality of your wedding. For example, if the invitation would normally list the groom as “Mr. Jack Smith,” writing “Dr. Jack Smith” is entirely correct. Each of your names will be on separate lines of the invitation, so you’ll need to restate your titles (Dr. Lisa R. Walsh to Dr. Jack Smith). When you enter the reception, have the band leader say, “–introducing for the first time as man and wife, the Doctors Smith,” or some variation thereof.

Question:How do we un-invite someone who assumes she’s coming to our wedding?

Answer:No wedding would be complete without one assumed invite. You have a couple of options, depending on when this wanna-be guest decided to invite herself. If you just announced your engagement and

haven’t made any decisions on budget and guest count yet, warn the assuming friend that your budget will be tight and you might have to opt for a smaller wedding. This way, when the invitations go out and hers is not among the signed,

sealed and soon-to-be-delivered, she won’t be surprised. If she requested a spot at your gig after hearing about your 300-person celebration, it’s a bit trickier. It’s hard to tell someone you can’t fit one more

when you’re having a big party.

At this point, consider how much this friendship means to you. If you decide to leave her off the guest list, she might feel slighted and it could result in a strained or ended friendship. However, wait until you start receiving your first RSVP cards before you break any news to her. You might get more declines than you expected and decide in the end that you do have an extra spot for her. If that’s the case, send out her invite as soon as possible, so that her B-list status won’t be apparent.

Question:My fiancé wants to invite his ex-girlfriend, who he’s still close with, to the wedding. I really don’t want him to. Am I wrong?

Answer:This is never an easy situation. On one hand, your fiancé wants to include someone who’s important to him; on the other hand, it’s testing your comfort level. But at the end of the day, if she’s a friend, he has every right to invite her. If you feel threatened by their current friendship, you need to come clean with your fiancé. Have a serious discussion with him before the invite is in the mail. Chances are he’ll put your mind at ease.

If you’ve never met his ex, suggest that the three of you get together for a drink or dinner—not only will this make the three of you feel more comfortable, it should also reinforce that you have absolutely nothing to fret about.


“My fiancé wants to invite his ex-girlfriend, who he’s still close with, to the wedding. I really don’t want him to. Am I wrong?”

much smaller, stash a sheet-cake version in the kitchen (out of view of guests) so everyone can indulge in both versions.

Question:Should we include my fiancé’s parents’ names on the invitation even though they aren’t paying for the wedding?

Answer:This is your call. If your parents are solely paying for the big day, then only their

everAfter -- Fall 2009 everAfter -- Fall 2009 16 17

Ingredients¾ Ounces fresh lemon juice1 piece of fresh ginger, about the size of a nickel1 ½ ounces vodka1 ½ ounces strawberry-lychee syrup½ strawberry with greens, for garnish

PreparationPour the lemon juice into a Boston glass cocktail shaker and add the ginger; muddle well. Add the vodka and strawberry-lychee syrup; shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with the half strawberry.

Ingredients2 or 3 strawberries, cleaned and hulled¾ ounce fresh orange juice1 ½ ounces Plymouth Gin1/4 ounce Maraschino Liqueur1 ounce Domaine de Canton Ginger LiqueurDash Velvet Falernum, optional½ fresh strawberry with greens, for garnish

PreparationMuddle the strawberries with the orange juice. Combine the remaining ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Add the muddled ingredients and shake well. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with the strawberry by making a cut on the bottom and perching it on the rim of the glass.

Ingredients1 ½ ounces Finlandia Grapefruit Vodka½ ounce St.-Germain Elderflower Liqueur ½ ounce fresh lemon juice¾ ounce agave syrup (agave nectar mixed with an equal amount of water)¾ ounce fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice½ grapefruit slice, for garnish

PreparationCombine the ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with the half grapefruit slice. Notch the grapefruit so that most of the fruit is in the drink.

Ingredients1 ounce sweetened passionfruit puree¾ ounce strawberry puree½ ounce your favorite vodka3 ounces champagne½ strawberry with greens, for garnish

PreparationCombine in a pitcher the two purees and the vodka and stir to blend; try to find the large glass pitchers that are wider at the top—that will allow you to pour the champagne gently down the side of the pitcher while carefully pulling the puree up from the bottom with a long bar spoon. Pouring gently helps to avoid losing the bubbles. Strain into a champagne flute and garnish with the half strawberry.

(This recipe serves a wedding party of 120 people. Serve in large goblets or highball glasses, over ice.)

Ingredients1 ½ liters Tommy Bahama White Sand Rum1 ½ liters Tommy Bahama Golden Sun Rum1 Liter Bols Orange Curacao4 quarts fresh squeezed orange juice*3 x 46 ounce cans or 4 liters of Dole Unsweetened Pineapple Juice1 liter simple syrup (Dissolve a liter of water in a liter of granulated sugar. Warm to dissolve)1 liter fresh squeezed lime juice*1 liter of grenadine8 ounces Angostura BittersSlice of orange, pineapple, and a lime slice garnish in each glass

PreparationStir all ingredients together in a large container and taste; adjust the sweetness with simple syrup or fresh lime juice. The drink is best when shaken, get a hold of a gallon jar with a top, the type they use for institutional size may do. Sterilize in a dishwasher. When it comes time to serve the cocktail, have the staff prepare the goblets by filling ¾ with ice and then garnish with pineapple, orange, and lime slices. Fill the gallon jug halfway with ice cubes and then fill with the punch. Secure the top well and shake. A spring bar strainer fits nicely over the top of the gallon jug, pour out into a pitcher and then fill the glasses from the pitcher. Note: It is critical to the quality of the punch that the juices be fresh squeezed, and the lime must be squeezed the day of the function.

everAfter -- Fall 2009 everAfter -- Fall 2009 20 21


Bride: Kaylee KnoppersGroom: Mike ValsezLocation: Santa Barbara, CATheme: Seaside wedding

Kaylee chose a strapless romantic gown (it “comfortable and very me,” she says); the groom wore a comfortable formal outfit as well.

Santa Barbara is about as glorious a wedding town as you can find—Pacific bluffs, brilliant sunshine, the scent of flowers in every breeze. So when Kaylee, a Chicago native who attended college in the area, and Mike, from nearby Orange County, got engaged, it made perfect sense for them to marry at the beach side hot spot where they met and fell in love.

This low-key couple set up camp at the Bacara Resort & Spa, a luxurious property fronting the ocean. With a relaxed itinerary—just the rehearsal dinner and wedding itself—the 100 guests had plenty of time to tour wineries and get massages on their own. “We wanted everyone to feel like they were on vacation, without a schedule to keep,” Kaylee says.

At the reception, floor-to-ceiling windows framed a backdrop of crashing waves and soaring seagulls. The toasts were many, heartfelt and humorous, and the dancing took place on an adjacent terrace under the stars. “We wanted our wedding to be a relaxing and fun time with the people we love most,” says the bride. Well done! —Nancy Mattia

Our Favorite Things

From the Heart: Guests wrote personal messages to the couple on the tiles that were used as place cards. Later, they were assembled in a large mosaic and framed—guest book as wall art.

Game on: On the wedding eve, Kaylee’s dad challenged Mike to a round of golf, joking that he’d have to win in order to marry. Mike, who’d never out-played the older man before, actually won!

Family Moves: Instead of separate father-daughter and mother-son songs, Kaylee and Mike danced with their parents at the same time, to Sam Cooke’s “Nothing Can Change This Love.”

A Little Bit Country: The reception high point came when everyone—including the bride’s 87-year-old grandmother—clapped and stomped to “Calling Baton Rouge.” Says Kaylee, “And we didn’t even have that ‘country’ a crowd!”

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everAfter -- Fall 2009


Fall 2009|Issue 3

Editorial Design - EverAfter Magazine

Page 8: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon


Editorial Design - Chosen Forward Catalog

Page 9: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

The IslanderVol.14,No. 4 October, 2004

Welcome to Honeymoon Island State Park! Spring is upon us and the weather is finally cooling down! Hikes along the nature trail are perfect this time of year. Our Saturday Ranger guided tours will begin soon, so please keep checking the website for the dates. Caladesi Island, was recently named the #1 Beach in America by Dr Beach! This along with the 1 million plus visitors that Honeymoon Island sees a year may cause for longer lines into the park. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to shorten the amount of time you spend in line! When bringing your dog out to Pet Beach please make sure that you allow everyone (including you and your dog) to enjoy the beach safely by keeping your dog on a 6 foot hand-held leash and under your control at all times. To enhance your experience, visit the Rotary Centennial Nature Center. Open daily from 9am to 5pm, the observation deck provides a spectacular view of the St. Joseph Sound, as well as the Gulf of Mexico. Inside you will learn more about the natural communities and history of Honey-moon and Caladesi Islands. - Pete Krulder, Park Manager

COASTAL CLEANUP Date: Saturday, October 18th - 8:30AM to Noon Description: Be a part of the solution while getting some fresh air and excersize by helping to clean up the beach. Wear closed toed shoes and sunscreen. Bags, gloves and water provided. Meet in front of Café Honeymoon. Fees: Free entry for those volun-teering. Contact: Call the park at (727) 469-5942

RECYCLING DRIVE AT HONEYMOON ISLANDDate: November 15, 2008 - 10:00AM - 4:00PM Descrip-tion: Help us recycle 2008 pounds! BringPlastic Bottles Aluminum and steel cans Mixed paper Newspaper Rechargeable batteries Clothes and shoes Cell phones Printer cartridges Come celebrate America Recycles Day with your family, friends, and neighbors. Play recycling games and learn more about protecting the environment. You'll get free entry to the park when you bring a bag of items to recycle. Fees: Free entry when you bring a bag full! Contact: Call 727-298-3215 ext: 24

ANIMAL FOLKLORE & WISDOM WORKSHOPS Date: November 17-20, 2008- 11:00AM - 3:00PM. Description: Animal Folklore & Wisdom Workshops, Learn the folklore of the animal and experience guided imagery and journaling in this fun filled, thought provoking workshop. Motivational speaker and hypno-therapist, Khrys Kantarze will skillfully lead you during the first part of the workshop. During these interactive workshops you’ll learn what attributes the ancient cultures gave the animal; from the Native American’s to the Celtic people. Discover the wisdom the animal holds and how the lessons learned can apply to the fast past of today’s world. Then join award winning fabric artist, Sue Ruda and create a beautiful work of art celebrating the beauty and knowledge of the animal’s wisdom. Let your creativity flow as Sue shows you easy techniques that create beautiful works of art. You’ll create and keep your own personal work. The first class you’ll create a journal cover and receive a journal you can take notes or write

inspirations as you participate in this Animal Wisdom Workshop Series.

Join Khrys and Sue the 4th Tuesday of the following months and explore the folklore of various animals native to our land. Fees: This event is free. Contact: For

more information, 386-397-2733.

A message from The Manager

Events Calendar

4TH ANNUAL OLD TIME MUSIC WEEKENDDate: December 5th – 7th, 2008. Friday, December 5th registration begins at 11:00 a.m. Description: Come enjoy a week-end of music and fun at the Suwannee Old Time Music Weekend on December 5-7, 2008 on the beautiful oak-covered grounds of the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park in historic White Springs, Florida. This three-day event offers participants instruction for guitar, vocal, fiddle and banjo in begin-ning, intermediate and advanced levels. Expect to see new faces as well as familiar friends from Florida and beyond. This year’s special guests –The Haywire Gang: Mac Benford, Paula Bradley & John Hoffmann – will arrive at the banks of the Suwannee from all the way up in Ithaca, N.Y. These three gentle souls have been living and breathing old time music for a LONG time! They started playing together at festivals like Mt. Airy & Clifftop, placed in a few contests along the way, had more fun than they could shake a stick at and twice as many laughs! Joining them will be Florida favorites Chuck Levy, Chuck Anton, Fay Baird & Lloyd Baldwin, all teaching beginner and intermediate level classes. Friday evening is the Florida Masters Concert featuring Tom Paley, an original New Lost City Rambler and George Gibson, a Florida resident who grew up steeped in the banjo tradition of Knott County, KY. Saturday evening is the Instructor’s Showcase Concert. Download the registration form. Fees: An entire week-end of pickin’ and fun only costs $215.00, which includes concerts, workshops classes, jam sessions and meals. A spouse program is also being offered, which includes two concerts, jams and meals for $75.00. Friday and Saturday concerts are open to the public for $10.00 each. Contact: For more information, call 386-397-4478.

CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL OF LIGHTSDate: December 13th, 2008. Description: Celebrate the holiday with an evening bonfire & festive lighting of the park as part of the White Spring

Annual Christmas Parade. Check back to this website for informa-tion updates. Fees: TBA Contact: For more information, call


PEACE AT LAST CONCERTDate: December 31, 2008. Description: Celebrate the New with a peaceful gathering on the banks of the Suwannee River.

Check back to this website for information updates. Fees: TBA Contact: For more information, call 386-397-2733.

CAMPGROUND PROGRAMSSaturdays, October through May. Park rangers present one-hour programs on local history, Black Seminole history, knot tying, the carillon tower bells, and more. Call (386) 397-2733 for more details.

WORKING CRAFTSMEN AND CLASSES IN CRAFT SQUARECall park for dates and times. Learn Florida traditions from the artists and craftsmen who keep old ways alive through blacksmithing, quilting, pottery and more. Call Craft Square at (386) 397-1920 for information. Call (386) 397-4331 for more details.

FIRST SATURDAY COFFEEHOUSECall park for dates and times. Songs, stories, music or poetry may be presented at this open microphone night held the first Saturday of each month. Coffee and desserts for sale. Call (386) 397-4331 for more details.

ART IN THE PARKFirst Saturday of each Month. Crafters will demonstrate the art of pottery, fabric arts, stained glass, quilting, jewelry making and many other crafts. Workshops will also be available for several of the crafts for a small fee. The workshops are first come, first served. The event will be free with paid park admission of $4.00 per vehicle up to 8 persons. Call 386-397-1920 for more details.

DRIVING DIRECTIONSHoneymoon Island State Park is located at the extreme west end of S.R.586, north of Dunedin. From I-75 (north of Tampa): I-75 south to I-275 south towards Tampa. Follow I-275 south to Hillsborough Ave west (SR-580). Take SR 580 west to SR-586 fork then left. Follow SR-586 into park. From I-75 (south of Tampa): I-75 north to I-4. I-4 to I-275 north. I-275 to Hillsborough Ave west (SR-580). SR-580 west to SR-586 fork then left. Follow SR-586 west into park.

Editorial Design - HoneyMoon Island State Park Newsletter

Page 10: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon


09/12/09 at 10:00 am

4401 N. Himes Ave. Tampa, Fl 336141.866.703.3277SET FREEYOUR CREATIVE

09/12/09 at 10:00 am

4401 N. Himes Ave. Tampa, Fl 336141.866.703.3277


4401 N. Himes Ave. Tampa, Fl 336141.866.703.3277

Promotional Flyers - The Art Institute of Tampa

Page 11: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

Promotional Flyers - Art Basel Miami Beach


Art Basel Conversations offers the show's audience access to first-hand information on important aspects of the international artworld. It is a forum that encourages a lively exchange of ideas, through a series of platform discussions that can range from single artists exploring their practice to larger panels that include the leading players within various scenes and fields of artistic activity.

ARTARTBASELThe Art Institutions section is dedicated to non-profit organizations. Art Basel Miami Beach invites organizations and museums in order to give them a platform as institutions. In addition, specialized publishers exhibit in the same area, alongside the cities of Miami and Basel, which provide information on their cultural institutions.

The Art Institutions section is dedicated to non-profit organizations. Art Basel Miami Beach invites organizations and museums in order to give them a platform as institutions. In addition, specialized publishers exhibit in the same area, alongside the cities of Miami and Basel, which provide information on their cultural institutions. The Art Institutions and Bookstores are located in the Art Guest Lounge, Entrance D, Miami Beach Convention Center. Basel Tourismus and Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) are located in the Lobby of Hall D.

Art Institutions • Art loss register • T14 Art Metropole/Printed

Matter • T5 Fondation Beyeler • T4 MAM Miami Art Museum • T11 Prospect.1 New Orleans • T12 Sheikha Manal Art Exchange Program • T13

Bookstores and Publishers • D.A.P. Distributed Art Publishers • T8 Taschen America • T1 The Miami Herald • T15 Visionaire • T3

Art Guest lounge • Lounge Hosts Davidoff • T10 Davidoff outdoor Cigar lounge Fontainebleau • T9 Singapore Art Services • T2

Art Collectors lounge • Lounge Hosts UBs Cartier netJets AXA Art Island Gardens Dellis Cay Moët Hennessy Zumtobel


All Art Basel Conversations panels take placein theArt Guest Lounge, Entrance D, Miami Beach Convention Center

Daily from Thursday, December 4, until Sunday, December 7, 2009 10 – 11 a.m. Panel Discussion 11 – 11.30 a.m. • Meet the PanelistsOpen to the public, free admission.

What is Art Basel Conversations?By staging public encounters between leading cultural figures, Art Basel Conversations offers the show’s audience access to first-hand information on importantaspects of the international art world. It is a forum that encourages a lively exchange of ideas, through a series of platform discussions that can range from singleartists exploring their practice to larger panels that include the leading players within various scenes and fields of artistic activity.

The themes of Art Basel Conversations focus on producing, collecting, and exhibiting art. Distinguished artists, art collectors, museum directors, curators, critics, gallerists, publishers, and others active in the cultural sphere take part. Presenting their current and

upcoming projects, reporting on their experiences andcommenting on the challenges they face, these speakers provide an insider’s view and open up the opportunity for dynamic and inspiring dialog. After each Art Basel Conversation, there is time allotted for the audience to approach the panel in a more informal fashion.

Thursday • Dec 4 • Premiere • Artist talk

Speakers • Chuck Close Artist, New York Vik Muniz Artist, New York

Moderator • Richard Flood Chief Curator New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York

Friday • Dec 5 • the Future of the Museum • Africa, America and the World

Speakers • Eungie Joo Keith Haring Director of Education and Public

Programs, New New York; Commissioner, Korean Pavilion, 2009 Venice Biennale Glenn Ligon Artist, New York Raphael Chikukwa Independent Curator, Harare/London

Co Moderators • Thelma Golden Director and Chief Curator, The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York Hans Ulrich Obrist Co-Director of Exhibitions and Programmes and Director of International Projects,Serpentine Gallery, London

Saturday • Dec 6 • Public/Private • the Artist as Philanthropist

Speakers • Charles C. Bergman President and CEO, Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York

Jack Cowart Executive Director, Roy Lichtenstein Foundation, New YorkJack Flam President, The Dedalus Foundation, New YorkChristine J. Vincent Director, National Study of Artist-

Endowed Foundations, The Aspen Institute, Washington D.C.Nicholas Fox Weber Executive Director, Josef & Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany, Connecticut

Moderator • Andras Szanto Author, consultant to arts and philanthropic organizations, New York

Sunday • Dec 7 • Artistic Production • Los Angeles

Speakers • Billy Al Bengston Artist, Venice, California Sterling ruby Artist, Los Angeles Paul Schimmel Chief Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

Moderator • Russell Ferguson Chair, UCLA Department of Art, Los Angeles Further panelist to be confirmed.


Page 12: Portfolio - Maria Gazabon

Promotional Posters - Art Basel Miami Beach



December 3-6, 2009 • Miami Beach Convention Center • Miami Beach Florida, USA • Daily from noon to 8pm • www.artbaselmiamibeach.com




December 3-6, 2009 • Miami Beach Convention Center • Miami Beach Florida, USA • Daily from noon to 8pm • www.artbaselmiamibeach.com