


Graphic design portfolio of Alistair CRaig

Transcript of Portfolio

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…to a selection of works from my portfolio of graphic design.Take a break from whatever important thing it is you are doing, grab a mug of coffee and some artery clogging donut goodness and have a browse.

Feel free to contact me via my website: seriousmedicine.co.nz to encourage me, castigate me or gainfully employ me.

Post Grad. Dip. Computer Publishing & Design

Post. Grad. Dip Peace & Confliuct Studies (Distinction)

Take it easy…

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1 Books

2 Magazines

3 Advertising

4 Newsprint

5 DVD’s

6 Banners

8 Logos








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Books are by far my favourite design projects with the balance of creative cover design/illustration and the challenges of typography.

Title: 2Graphic4Words

Description: A selection of poetry and images.

Client: Self.

Work: All text, illustration and graphic design.

Cover Spread

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Title: Serious Medicine in India & Serious Medicine in Cambodia.

Description: Photographic/poetry essays.

Client: Self.

Work: All text, originating photographs and graphic design.


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Title: The Third Portal

Description: A novel.

Client: Jonny Boom.

Work: Cover design and typesetting.


Title: The Sound of Worlds Colliding

Description: A collection of true stories.

Client: Kristin Jack.

Work: Book layout and typesetting.

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Cover Spread


Title: Poetry and Prophecy

Description: A collection of poems and images.

Client: Kristin Jack.

Work: Cover design, book layout and typesetting.

Title: The Sound of Worlds Colliding

Description: A collection of true stories.

Client: Kristin Jack.

Work: Book layout and typesetting.


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Title: Magnificent

Description: A childrens book

Client: Self

Title: Keys to God’s Healing & Deliverance

Description: A Theology Book.

Client: Bill Subritzky.

Work: Cover and typesetting.


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Title: Magnificent

Description: A childrens book

Client: Self




Description: Annual Handbook and study guides for conference delegates.

Client: Promise Keepers NZ.

Work: Full design, illustration and typesetting.

Issued To:



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Like books magazines provide a great palette for expressing design utilising image and type.

Title: Harvest / Running with Fire

Description: A biannual inhouse magazine and an international missions magazine.

Client: West City Christian Centre.

Work: All illustration and graphic design.



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Advertising requires good negotiating skills - clients usually desire to much content and designers want more simplicity...

Description: Landscaping business print ad.

Client: Pure Landscape Construction.

Description: Logo design & mail out card.

Client: Office Gopher.

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Description: Logo design & mail out card.

Client: Office Gopher.

Description: Poster, advert & Annual report.

Client: Bibles in Action. 5

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Description: Various point of sale posters.

Client: SleepMaker.

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Description: Brochures.

Client: SleepMaker.

Description: Banner.

Client: SleepMaker.

Description: Swing tags.

Client: SleepMaker.


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Description: Poster.

Client: Community Group.

Description: Youth event poster.

Client: Promise Keepers NZ.

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Description: Poster & brochure.

Client: Promise Keepers NZ.


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Description: Posters

Client: Community Group

Description: Montage for illustrating a motorcycle rally.

Client: Otago Daily Times.

For 5 years I have worked as an editorial artist for the Otago Daily Times, mainly producing information graphics, tabloid covers & feature illustrations.

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Description: Tabloid newspaper

Client: Promise Keepers NZ

Break Free • 8-9PK Events re-engineered for a fresh focus and even better results

Tama Tane Malosi - Mighty Men of Valour • 3 First ever Samoan Language Event

Refreshed & Released•5 New Pastors’ Conference and Breakout

Ministry with Men Webinars • 7New Webinars launched

During Hitler’s fire-bombing blitz on London during World War II my family were bombed out of their home and they moved to a council estate in Dagenham, where I was born. Down the road lived Twiggy, the world famous fashion model, and round the corner was the comedian Dudley Moore. Terry Venables, who became a well known football manager, was “one of the boys”.

My family were not Christians and I grew up being told that “seeing is believing”. So anything relating to God or the supernatural was not part of our worldview. Some years later when I became a Christian, it never dawned on me that the Bible was telling me something quite different. I assumed that when Jesus walked on water there must have been a sand bar under His feet.

Brian France

Continued on page 4

When He fed the 5,000, the loaves and fishes must have provoked the people to get out their sandwiches. When He restored sight to the blind, well, I never worked that one out and I never thought the day would come when I would receive a miracle. I was serving as a Platoon Commander in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s during the time of the “Troubles” when the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was endeavouring by force of terrorism to have the six Northern Counties reunited with the rest of Ireland. Two-thirds of the people didn’t want reunification and so the terrorism with its bombings, snipers, petrol bombs, sectarian murders, kneecappings and bloodshed continued.

The Royal Air Force Regiment had been deployed in Northern Ireland as part of the peacekeeping forces for some years and this was my third tour of duty there.

I was now responsible for the security of the Walled City of Londonderry. It was early March, the weather was cold and damp, but I felt no sympathy for my men who were on the streets providing mobile and standing patrols. They searched cars and pedestrians alike, looking for weapons and explosives, whilst all the time running the risk of sniper fire, petrol bombs and stone-throwing mobs. They were on duty twelve to fourteen hours a day in all weathers and stoically did everything that was asked of them. Saturday morning dawned fine and clear. The city was in the process of coming to life, shops were starting to open, people were beginning to move around, and then the bombs started to explode. By the time the third bomb had detonated and three buildings had been destroyed, leaving a number of casualties, I realised the IRA were targeting my sector and were looking to give us a real

The Breakers basketball team is the most

successful NZ franchise to ever participate

in any Australian league. At the heart of that

success is Calvin Thomas Bruton Jr, also

known as CJ.

Many people take sport

very seriously, but is it

often a matter of life and

death? That’s the question

that confronted CJ when

an armed robber pointed

a pistol at his face! Before

CJ arrived in Venezuela, a

soccer player had been shot

in the leg, so he was advised

to remain as inconspicuous

as possible. “How can I do

that when I’m carrying three suitcases?” he thought.

As CJ left the airport terminal, he was met by his

driver and then a car pulled up alongside. The driver

jumped out holding a gun. Another robber jumped

out of the back seat. The boot popped open and a

third man climbed out of there! They grabbed

CJ’s suitcases and other bags, then when one

robber stepped forward to try and frisk him,

CJ slapped his hands away. That’s when the

robber pointed a pistol at his face and started

shouting. CJ’s driver was shouting back. Then

the robbers jumped in

the car and sped

away. CJ was left

shaken, and with

only $200 and his

driver’s licence in

his back pocket.

His passport and

everything else had

been stolen.

They made their

way to the hotel

and the car entered the grounds through

heavily locked gates. CJ’s wife Jessica had

planned to join him, so he phoned her and

told her not to come.

That night he went for a walk in the area

around the hotel. He thought, “I’ve got

nothing left to get stolen anyway.” As he

walked the streets, he saw poor people

everywhere. The thought came to him

that the thieves had taken his stuff to

survive. The team owner flew in later

and told CJ that he had been the

90th person to be robbed that

day. He was in Venezuela to play

a series of four games. The

series outcome depended

on the last game. Before

the game, someone told

him, don’t eat the food

in the hotel, but he was

hungry and went ahead

and ate. The food was

poisoned, but the next

day CJ still played and won

anyway. The owner gave him a bag

of cash in

Promise Keepers

Men’s EventsTruly Alive Muscular Christianity

Tama Tane Malosi

Samoan Men’s Event



That’s when the

robber pointed a

pistol at his face and

started shouting

Image courtesy of Photosport NZ


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Description: Feature illustrations & information graphics.

Client: Otago Daily Times.

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I seem to have done a myriad of DVD and CD covers.

Here is a small selection.

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Like the other stuff - only larger.

Description: Pop up banner for conference displays.

Client: Bibles in Action NZ.

Description: 3 panel backdrop display

Client: Sleepmaker

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11Description: Pop up banners to advertise various fund-raisers for overseas projects.

Client: Dunedin Lions Club.

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Fun to craft, logos are an exercise in refinement.

Description: Logo for a softwarel firm.

Client: Geddes Software

Description: Logo for a product

Client: SleepMaker

Description: Logo for Promise Keepers Represnttatives

Client: Promise Keepers NZ

Description: Logo for an architectural firm.

Client: Morrison Architects

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12Description: Logo for a product

Client: SleepMaker

Description: Logos for bed models

Client: SleepMaker

Description: Logo for an architectural firm.

Client: Morrison Architects

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Alistair Craig is a freelance graphic designer based in Dunedin, New Zealand. View his website: www.seriousmedicine.co.nz