
[email protected] 412-638-9824 Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. Please note that all images are very low resolution to keep the file size to a minimum. As a result, this file is not meant to be printed. High resolution copies of all artwork are available upon request. This is not only an introduction, but the first piece. I created the type effect used in my name myself by printing it, altering it, scanning it, then altering it again with the computer. I used the same method for the background of my resume. Once again, I appreciate your time. Enjoy.


This is my digital portfolio, feel free to browse it or download it

Transcript of Portfolio

Page 1: Portfolio

[email protected] 412-638-9824

Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. Please note that all images are very low resolution to keep thefile size to a minimum. As a result, this file is not meant to be printed. High resolution copies of all artwork are available upon request. This is not only an introduction, but the first piece. I created the type effect used in my name myself by printing it, altering it, scanning it, then altering it again with the computer. I used the same method for the background of my resume.

Once again, I appreciate your time. Enjoy.

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This is a piece I did in one of my studio classes. The assignment was to listen to a song, then make a design about that song. I tried to capture a feeling of emptiness and loneliness, and a sense of being lost.

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This is another piece from a studio class. This assignment had the same premise, only this time, design a poster in the Dada style. I wanted to capture the raw, distorted sounds from the music in this piece.

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This is a logo that I designed for a production company that one of my friends is starting. I decided to emphasize the negative space between the numbers because it is far more interesting that the numbers themselves.

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This piece was done as an exercise in creating movement on the page. I decided to model it after the official World Cup 2010 poster, as if it were part of a series of posters. This piece was selected for the Robert Morris University media archives.

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This was originally a concept piece. It started as an illustration, but I decided to make it an advertisement for the table top game Warhammer 40,000 by Games Workshop since the tanks are modeled after the tanks in that game.

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Robert Morris University recently opened the Educational Technology Center as a training center for all of the latest technological gadgets. One of my studio classes was asked to design a logo for it, and this is my design. The “e” represents e-mail, e-commerce, and other technological themes, while the symbol behind it represents a global approach to communication.

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This is a poster I designed for the musical “Hair” as part of a series of musicals, documentaries, and other events that would encompass the Revolutionary, Civil, and Vietnam wars. The series was titled “Revolution in America.” Although my design was not chosen as the branding for the series at Robert Morris University, it was chosen to be in the AIGA Context show in 2008.

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This is the logo that I designed for Bishop Canevin High School’s 50th Anniversary. Over fifty years, the “Canevin C” has been the one thing that has not changed, so I decided to make it the main focus of the logo.

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Atoms to Atoms55 McGovern Blvd.

Crescent, PA 15046


Mr. H. S. Runner1112 Princeton RoadPittsburgh, PA 15205

Dear Mr. Runner:


Adam CartierPresident

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam ut dui ut lectus egestas porta. Etiam egestas. Quisque imperdiet libero sit amet nisi. Pellentesque tellus. Cras facilisis justo et tellus. Suspendisse adipiscing tempus dui. Praesentfacilisis mauris id nunc. Sed sodales neque sit amet quam. Nam condimentum tincidunt nulla. Etiam erat.

Sed nec ipsum ut pede blandit dapibus. Etiam pretium ullamcorper dolor. Donec arcu turpis, iaculis in, egestas sit amet, placerat tempus, sem. In id risus. Integer eu ligula nec eros mattis ultrices. Duis fringilla lacus in ligula. Pellentesque tincidunttincidunt elit. Quisque nec mauris. Donec varius tincidunt massa. Suspendisse sitamet felis id nisi viverra dictum. Maecenas lacus. Maecenas luctus, lectus a rhoncuslacinia, sapien turpis condimentum erat, non pellentesque lorem augue sed nunc.Nulla suscipit, orci non ultricies pulvinar, elit risus scelerisque nunc, facilisis euismodlectus ipsum vitae est. Cras placerat ante ac enim semper viverra. In lobortis aliquetnulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Suspendisse adipiscing hendrerit orci. Praesent eget sem. Curabitur id tortor euurna porta tempor. Integer pede enim, bibendum sed, lacinia quis, tristique vitae, dui. Maecenas ante ligula, euismod ac, cursus ac, imperdiet id, quam.

Atoms to Atoms55 McGovern Blvd.Crescent, PA 15046

Mr. H. S. Runner

1112 Princeton RoadPittsburgh, PA 15205

This is a corporate identity that I designed in one of my studio classes. It was made for a theoretical company that would recycle hazardous waste so that it would not be harmful to the environment. I designed a hybrid of the radioactive and recycling symbols and used the color green to make people think of the environment.

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This is a logo that I designed for a friend who is starting a production company. I designed something that was fresh and clean, that had a lot of movement in it.

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Mind’s Eye

This is the movie poster that I designed for Sinister Dream Productions’ latest film. I did the photography myself. I wanted to present an image that would stay with the audience, so I decided to keep it simple.