Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32...

Portfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 D-56070 Koblenz Phone +49 (0) 261-9285-0 Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.goerlitz.com (Status: 22.02.2016, Subject to modification)

Transcript of Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32...

Page 1: Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0)261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email:


GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0) 261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email: [email protected] • Internet: www.goerlitz.com (S


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Page 2: Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0)261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email:

With the volume of data growing ever larger and the number of processes increasing it is important to keep a clear overview. IDSpecto serves as central system and information platform for measuring at public utilities and energy companies. It guarantees automated and reliable acquisition, processing and qualification of metered data as well as market communication and balancing. Thanks to the modular structure, the whole system can easily be enhanced in accordance with your individual requirements.

IDSpecto”Being guided through tasks to be done is ideal for daily business. You can keep an eye on all important parameters of every single process. This saves time and prevents mistakes.“

For IDSpecto, the process philosophy is of primary importance. Every single event has been created as process in the system and realization is defined as Workflow. Our user interface IDSpecto.DAYOS offers full and extensive transparency of all tasks, events and processes within the system at any time. All relevant information is available at a glance and you are guided through tasks to be done interactively and purposefully. All changes within the system including their accompanying process context are carefully logged and stored in an audit-secure way. Information from every connected application is integrated into this process structure.

IDSpecto.ADMIN is used when technical details are required in the context of meter reading. You may use this module to, for example, store technical data of a meter type or define settings for communication with devices or configure interfaces to forward data to other systems.

In detail

• Dataandprocesshubforinformationprovided by any application

• RealizationofeveryEDMprocess such as balancing, market communication or data qualification

• Strictautomationapproach

• Fullflexibilitythankstomodularstructure

• Clearpresentation;processaswell as system status at a glance

• Integrationlayerforallutility applications via standard interfaces

Dirk Papalau Project Management/ Business DevelopmentCOUNT+CAREGmbH&Co.KG

Data and process hub IDSpecto: appropriate user interfaces for every task.

Process coreInterfaces data acquisition

Interfaces data forwarding

Metered exit quantities


Affected systems/ Market participantsSmart

metering systems

Recording IntegrationProcessing

Page 3: Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0)261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email:

Being able to communicate with various meters,HESsystemsaswellassmartmetergateways to come, and to process measured values precisely as well as forward them to downstream systems – these are the elementary requirements of our customers on metered data acquisition.

Metered Data Acquisition”Do you apply various devices and communication technologies in the field? With IDSpecto, everything can be managed via one user interface and so you remain flexible with regard to new purchases.“

Because of its modular concept and the flexible multi-HES adapter, we are able todesign tailor-made metering solutions that meet every individual demand. Thanks to automated procedures and standardized interfaces between ERP and other systems,mass processes such as commissioning at the roll-out or permanent operation of millions of meters can be comfortably managed even in the future.

This way, we do not only help you to optimize processes but also to set up a system that meets all requirements on constant, secure and reliable metered data acquisition.

In detail

• Severalhundreddriversformeters and support of various smart meter gateways guarantee extensive independence of manufacturers and communication technologies

• Almost100%ofdatacanbebilled

• High-performancecryptographyin compliance with the BSI‘s technical guidelineTR-03109thankstoour partnerMTG

• Visualizationofallprocesses required in accordance with Metering System 2020 by FNN

• Supportofelectronicdelivery note in accordance with FNN

ThorstenCausemann HeadofSales GÖRLITZAG

With IDSpecto, you can use manyHESsystemsviaoneuser interface








L+G Gridstream




Echelon NES

Page 4: Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0)261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email:

To administrate smart meter gateways and to guarantee their smooth and proper operation as well as data protection and security up to a high degree – these are the tasks of the gateway administrator. The BSI published comprehensive rules and regulations provided in protection profiles as well as the technical guideline TR-03109 todefine how these tasks have to be realized.

IDSpecto.GWA clearly visualizes allfunctions required for the role Gateway Administrator in one system based on the respective use case. You are therefore able to manage the new complexity of the energy market easily, securely and economically. All cryptographic operations demanded within smart metering system environments are realized in the back-end component by our partner MTG,Darmstadt, and their high performance securitysystemCryptoController.

Gateway Administration”Our solution for gateway administration intentionally relies on SMGW technology that is available today. However, the solution is continuously adapted to regulatory as well as market requirements and adaptations are provided to our users as updates.“

Required process chains can be represented interms of a meter-to-cash process and be tested practically. Complete operation in compliance with TR-03109 will be realized easily, as soonas smart metering systems are available, by updating the existing solution. This way you are able to assess the type and scope of changes to come and thus plan and implement the introduction of smart metering systems well-structured and without being rushed.

In detail

• Professionaladministration of smart metering systems

• High-performancecryptographyin compliance with the BSI‘s technical guidelineTR-03109thankstoour partnerMTG

• Clear,high-performancecertificate and profile management

• Visualizationofoperationalprocesses inaccordancewithTR-03109-1and Metering System 2020 by FNN

• Supportofelectronicdeliverynote in accordance with FNN

• Comprehensivemonitoringof complete infrastructure guarantees for standard operation

• SMGWadminlogservesforauditsecurity

• Completeintegrationinto existing system landscapesRüdigerHehner

Product Manager GÖRLITZAG


Page 5: Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0)261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email:

In detail

• Connectiontoanykind of grid control system

• Regulationofplantsinaccordance withGermanlaw(EEG)andswitching of decentralized consumers

• Technicalpriorityregulation for direct marketing

• Existingfieldandsystemtechnology may be used

• Moreefficientusageofthe communication infrastructure

• Project-specificcompensation management in accordance with GermanFederalNetworkAgency (BNetzA)

MartinFürst GeneralManager JuraEnergieGmbH

Building up a coordinated management by means of real-time and bidirectional communication between grid components, producers, storages, and consumers is essential for successful implementation of a smart grid. At the same time, new solutions must often be integrated into existing structures and systems.

Smart Grid”Systems by GÖRLITZ AG belong to the central nervous system of your IT. Direct marketing would hardly be possible without IDSpecto.“

Our products take this into account. We assist you in integrating renewable energies into your grids inanefficientandeconomicwaykeepingahigh level of supply security and quality at the same time. Of course, every regulatory and legal requirement has been met.

With our basic system and our various hardware and software components, individual scenarios can be composed flexibly: whether to control and regulatewindpowersystemswithaSCADAsystem,automatically calculate compensation payment in compliancewith German law (EEG) or introduceplants into direct marketing.

Example of a system structured for direct marketing

Priority switching for DSO (3)



Grid Control Centre

IDSpecto.scadalink or existing system

Information about 60% (4)

Ripple control receiver

Direct marketer

Plant load set to 60% (2)

Plant load set to 100% (1)

Control and communication

via Skalar and PRM


• Existing technology can be used for feed-in management

• Coordination not required as priority is regulated in the plant

Page 6: Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0)261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email:

In detail

• Reducedtotalcostsforoperation due to full integration

• Fullyautomatedprocessessupport concentrating on essential tasks

• AMIprocessescanberetraced in IDSpecto.DAYOS

• Uncomplicatedconnectionof heterogeneous metering environment

• Independentoftheversionofthe SAP AMI module in use

HelmutRatzenhofer GeneralManager GÖRLITZAustriaGmbH

Gridoperatorsaredependentonaquickandsmooth execution of the smart meter roll-out and reliable standard operation. This can be realized by automation and combining processes in the context of meter installation and operation with business processes.

IDSpecto provides the MDUS interface forusers of SAP® IS-U who want to addressthe measuring field via AMI processes. Supporting the SAP AMI functionality enables

Processes via MDUS”Whether you ask for a turnkey solution or would like to find an experienced SAP-MDUS partner: in any case our partner company DSC will give you competent advice!“

automatic processing of most of the operations required in the business system during roll-out and ensuingoperation;theseoperationsareprocessedfrom SAP directly in IDSpecto. Of course, diverse measurement technologies and various ways to transmit data are also supported.

Adaptations required within SAP IS-U can beoffered as service of our cooperation partner. Thus, coordination effort is minimized and you benefit from maximum synergy.

Master data



Notification of move/ Close account

Write off stock




... SAP®

Meter 1

Meter n


Meter 1

Meter n




Maximum flexibility for connecting field technology and SAP system

Page 7: Portfolio 2016 - goerlitz.comPortfolio 2016 GÖRLITZ Aktiengesellschaft August-Thyssen-Straße 32 • D-56070 KoblenzPhone +49 (0)261-9285-0 • Fax +49 (0) 261-9285-190 • Email:

Home Water GasElectricity

Guten Tag Dora Dettmann

Im Energieportal erhalten Sie einen Überblick über ihre aktuellen Verbrauchsdaten der Sparte Strom und können bequem und einfach durch ihre vom Smart Meter erfassten Messwerte blättern.

Zur leichteren Navigation können Sie zwischen unterschiedlichen Zeitintervallen wählen und ihre Zählerstände und Verbräuche tages-, wochen-, monats-und jahresweise abrufen.

In der Gesamtansicht finden Sie ihre aggregierten Verbräuche der letzten Jahre und können ihre Verbrauchsentwicklung im Vergleich sehen.Um zu Ihren Energiedaten zu gelangen wechseln Sie im Hauptmenü zur Sparte Strom:


Geräte, an denen permanent ein Licht brennt, und Netzteile, die warm sind oder brummen, verbrauchen auch permanent Strom. Deshalb am besten beim Kauf auf echte Ausschalter achten oder eine Steckdosenleiste mit Schalter oder eine funkgesteuerte Steckdose nutzen. Wichtig: Besonders billige Geräte verbrauchen im Standby oft sehr viel Strom! Über die Lebensdauer gesehen sind solche Energieverschwender dann teurer als effiziente Geräte.


© 2014 - IDSpecto.enVIEW.Portal Impressum Kontakt Links

< ••• >

Verzichten Sie auf Standby

In detail

• Webportalforcustomersto visualize all sectors – consumption of electricity, gas and water as well as feed-in of energy

• Consumptiondataandcostsare displayed, tariffs are considered

• Optimizedforallcommonbrowsers and mobile devices

• IntegratedintoIDSpecto

• Meetstherequirementsofthe AustrianDAVID-VO

• Adaptabletocustomer-specificCI

• Addressandeffectivelybindcustomerswith dynamic content

Home Water GasElectricity

Guten Tag Dora Dettmann

Im Energieportal erhalten Sie einen Überblick über ihre aktuellen Verbrauchsdaten der Sparte Strom und können bequem und einfach durch ihre vom Smart Meter erfassten Messwerte blättern.

Zur leichteren Navigation können Sie zwischen unterschiedlichen Zeitintervallen wählen und ihre Zählerstände und Verbräuche tages-, wochen-, monats-und jahresweise abrufen.

In der Gesamtansicht finden Sie ihre aggregierten Verbräuche der letzten Jahre und können ihre Verbrauchsentwicklung im Vergleich sehen.Um zu Ihren Energiedaten zu gelangen wechseln Sie im Hauptmenü zur Sparte Strom:


Geräte, an denen permanent ein Licht brennt, und Netzteile, die warm sind oder brummen, verbrauchen auch permanent Strom. Deshalb am besten beim Kauf auf echte Ausschalter achten oder eine Steckdosenleiste mit Schalter oder eine funkgesteuerte Steckdose nutzen. Wichtig: Besonders billige Geräte verbrauchen im Standby oft sehr viel Strom! Über die Lebensdauer gesehen sind solche Energieverschwender dann teurer als effiziente Geräte.


© 2014 - IDSpecto.enVIEW.Portal Impressum Kontakt Links

< ••• >

Verzichten Sie auf Standby

Peter Sinowatz GeneralManager NetzBurgenlandStromGmbH NetzBurgenlandErdgasGmbH

Stylish and modern design, clear and easy to use as well as easy to access via browser, smartphone or tablet computer: with the multi-sector-capable web portal designed for end consumers to visualize energy consumption and feed-in, your customers have an eye

Visualization”IDSpecto.enVIEW did not only help us to meet legal requirements but also to impress our customers with a very professional and useful solution. Energy consumption becomes more transparent and traceable.“

on their personal energy consumption data, feed-in quantities and costs. IDSpecto serves as database for this value added service.

The dashboard provides an overview on the user‘s consumption. Apart from that, the user may also view a consumption forecast, download values and summaries or order them per email. Actual costs are indicated provided tariffs have been stored by the supplier. Sums of feed-in values can be visualized likewise.

Thus, accounting becomes more transparent. Your customers can be given recommendations how to sustainably deal with energy and may save money by influencing their consumption habits. So, you have a valuable instrument at hand to bind customers on a long-term basis.

Browser,smartphone,tabletcomputer.Consumersmay retrieve their energy data anywhere

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Depending on at which place and for what purpose data has to be communicated, requirements on the device to be used may vary remarkably. Our portfolio has been oriented towards these demands and with Skalar, we offer a product providing a modular design that can be flexibly configured to communicate energy data.

Thanks to the wide range of interface options there are hardly any restrictions on connecting meters and communication routes: whether different manufacturers, mediums or mounting options – devices of the Skalar family always offer a suitable solution.

Skalar basic – our basic version – has been designed to cover the majority of standard applications. Skalar Devices, however, provide the most comprehensive options. In case demands change, you are able to flexibly adapt our devices and enhance them with additional software and hardware modules. Skalar DR, for example, has been designed for DIN-rail mounting and Skalar ZMF can be integrated intodevicesbyLandis+Gyr–E350orZMF120.

Hardware”The device family Skalar provides a large number of modules and options. Thanks to this variety you will always be able to find the most economic solution in compliance with your requirements.“

The extension modules PRM62 and PRM44provide inputs for pulse recording and outputs for switching actions that can be used for direct marketing, for instance.

The latest member of this family is Skalar.pro. The device offers the tried and tested functions of the Skalar device family based on up-to-date technology; these functions arecompleted with current security features such as up-to-date encryption procedures and electronic signatures to proof authenticity. Furthermore, Skalar.pro devices fulfil all demands placed on IP-based communication, thus creating independencefromtheCSDservice,andguaranteemaximum investment protection thanks to their future-proof platform.

Apart from that you benefit from increased performance, high memory capacity and easy operation.

In detail

• Comprehensiveinterfaceoptions to connect meters

• Supportofdifferent communication routes

• Independentofthemedium

• Flexibleadaptationbymeans of hardware and software modules

• Reliablecommunicationofmassdata

• New!IPtechnologynotonly guarantees investment security but also independence from the CSDservice

JürgenBach HeadofHardwareDevelopment GÖRLITZAG

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Coordinatedwith the project,we take care for installation,commissioning, configuration and maintenance of the GÖRLITZsystematyoursite.Apartfromthat,ourexperiencedproject engineers advise you on concept and design of your internal processes. We only regard a project as completed when everything has been implemented in accordance with your specific requirements. Even after realization of a project, do not hesitate to contact us should questions or problems arise;wearehappytosupportyouineverywaypossible.

In our seminar centre you will learn everything that is required and important for your daily work with our products and solutions. Our experienced trainers draw on their high level of expertise and provide you with skills and knowledge, our up-to-date training computers serve for practical exercise and so, after the training, you are well prepared to apply the acquired know-how on your own system efficiently and profitably. Depending on the scope of topics, seminars last one or several days and can be combined as you like.

Training and Project Services

”We are committed to a holistic service and a project is only regarded complete when you are satisfied and content because your processes run smoothly.“

In detail

• Company-specificprojectservices

• Comprehensivesupport

• Practicalknow-how

• Widerangeoftrainings

• Tailor-madetrainingunits; either at your premises or in our seminarcentreatKoblenz

AndreasPfüller HeadofProjectPlanning GÖRLITZAG


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Over the past years, introducing smart metering systems into the market has been a big issue – and this will not change in 2016. We focus on the market and pursue its development with determination by aligning our product development accordingly. This way you will always be able to cope with latest requirements.

GÖRLITZ AG is specialized in automation of software andhardware solutions in the field of energy metering. We focus on technical implementation of systems and processes to collect, qualify and communicate metered data as well as energy data. This broad range of services and our comprehensive customer support round off the portfolio.

Grid operators,meter operators, suppliers or othermarketroles – no matter what your part is on the market, we offer solutions customized to your requirements. Apart from that, we guarantee that a specific solution can not only be integrated smoothly into the existing system environment but also be enhanced flexibly.

Company Profile”Our flexible and practical solutions support many participants on the energy market. You too can benefit from our many years of experience in the metering sector.“

We are completely aware that our systems are applied at a highly sensitive point within the process chain of energy generation and energy supply that is data acquisition and data communication. This is why we place the greatest emphasis on data being provided reliably and in due time. Our customers appreciate that. Today, metering systems by GÖRLITZ are responsiblefor daily remote meter reading of several million metering points in more than 800 projects.

Being part of IDS group means we are integrated into a strong cooperate network, whose product and service portfolio is oriented to all aspects of technical grid operation, geographic-based information management and metering.

In detail

• Flexibleadaptationof scalable metering systems

• Smartmeteringsystems

• IntegrationofprocessesviaMDUS

• Solutionstointegrate renewable energies

• Meteringandcommunication technologies

• Trainingandprojectservices

Jörg Figge Member of the Board GÖRLITZAG