Popular Science - SpringerFall+POPULAR+SCIENCE.pdf · Curceanu Dai buchi neri all'adroterapia...

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Transcript of Popular Science - SpringerFall+POPULAR+SCIENCE.pdf · Curceanu Dai buchi neri all'adroterapia...

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Popular ScienceFrankfurt Book Fair 2013 - Title Selection

Springer Rights and Permissions | Springer-Verlag GmbH | Tiergartenstr. 17 |69121 Heidelberg | GERMANY | [email protected]

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Frankfurt Book Fair 2013 Title Selection

Popular Science

Abel Visual Lunar and Planetary Astronomy

Arnold Getting Started in Radio Astronomy

Backhaus Hurdle Race Marketing

Betti Storie e protagonisti della matematica italiana

Bordeleau Flags of the Night Sky

Bruaset Conversations About Challenges in Computing

Burgess Freedom 7

Carpenter Network Geeks

Carroll Alien Seas

Catena STUDENTI-RICERCATORI per cinque giorni

Cook The Hatfield SCT Lunar Atlas

Curceanu Dai buchi neri all'adroterapia

Cusinato La competenza relazionale

Dicati Stamping Through Astronomy

Emmi Le malattie rare del sistema immunitario

Fischer Relativity for Everyone

Fossheim Superconductivity: Discoveries and Discoverers

Frize Laura Bassi and Science in 18th Century Europe

Gendler Lessons from the Masters

Glaeser A Mathematical Picture Book

Goss Making Waves

Hartel Food Bites

Harvey China in Space

Inglis Observer’s Guide to Star Clusters

Jenkins Observing the Sun

Kanas Solar System Maps

Kanas The New Martians

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Kwok Stardust

Maharatna India’s Perception, Society, and Development

Marett-Crosby Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations That Changed the World

Mobberley It Came From Outer Space Wearing an RAF Blazer!

Olson Celestial Sleuth

Paolini Choosing and Using Astronomical Eyepieces

Peddie The History of Visual Magic in Computers

Privett The Constellation Observing Atlas

Rhee Cosmic Dawn

Seargent Weird Worlds

Seedhouse SpaceX

Shayler Manned Spaceflight Log II—2006–2012

Sivolella To Orbit and Back Again

Stevenson Extreme Explosions

Stevenson Under a Crimson Sun

Stocker Hear Where We Are

Tonioni Psicopatologia web-mediata

Vogel How to Gain Gain

Weinert The March of Time

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P.G. Abel

Visual Lunar and PlanetaryAstronomyWith the advent of CCDs and webcams, the focusof amateur astronomy has to some extent shiftedfrom science to art. The object of many amateurastronomers is now to produce “stunning images”that, although beautiful, are not intended to have sci-entific merit. Paul Abel has been addressing this issueby promoting visual astronomy wherever possible –at talks to astronomical societies, in articles for pop-ular science magazines, and on BBC TV’s The Sky atNight. Visual Lunar and Planetary Astronomy is acomprehensive modern treatment of visual lunar andplanetary astronomy, showing that even in the age ofspace telescopes and interplanetary probes it is stillpossible to contribute[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-7018-2

Softcover2013. XVI, 187 p. 54 illus., 29 illus. in color. (The PatrickMoore Practical Astronomy Series)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7018-2Erscheinungstermin: July 31, 2013

S. Arnold

Getting Started in RadioAstronomyBeginner Projects for the Amateur

Radio astronomy is a mystery to the majority of ama-teur astronomers, yet it is the best subject to turn towhen desirous of an expanded knowledge of the sky.This guide intends to instruct complete newcomersto radio astronomy, and provides help for the firststeps on the road towards the study of this fascinat-ing subject. In addition to a history of the sciencebehind the pursuit, directions are included for foureasy-to-build projects, based around long-term NASAand Stanford Solar Center projects. The first threeprojects constitute self-contained units available as

kits, so there is no need to hunt around for parts. Thefourth – more advanced – project encourages readersto do[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-8156-0

Softcover2013. V, 165 p. 59 illus., 45 illus. in color. (The Patrick MoorePractical Astronomy Series)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-8156-0Erscheinungstermin: September 30, 2013

K. Backhaus, Universität Münster, Münster, Germany

Hurdle Race MarketingThe Enlightenment - The Disillusionment - TheBreakthrough

In an amusing way Klaus Backhaus endeavours toexplain how much of what is sold in practice underthe guise of a pronounced market orientation isnothing more than the telling of a fairy tale. And sothe story takes its course. Despite a perceived mar-ket orientation the German engineering company“Deutsche Maschinenbau AG” is losing its marketshare. But instead of joining forces to systematicallyhunt down and identify the causes of these losses, allthose involved become entangled in a mutual blamegame. Not until the Marketing Manager has his say,does the tide seem to turn. Nevertheless, when itcomes to putting things into practice, it soon becomesclear that the devil is in the[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-3-658-02443-7

Hardcover2013. 82 p. 4 illus., 3 illus. in color.▶  19,99 €ISBN 978-3-658-02443-7Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

R. Betti, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; A. Guerraggio, S.Termini, Università di Palermo, Palermo, Italy (Eds.)

Storie e protagonisti dellamatematica italianaper raccontare 20 anni di "Lettera MatematicaPristem"

20 anni fa – anzi qualcuno in più – iniziava le suepubblicazioni “Lettera Matematica PRISTEM”,espressione di un gruppo di ricerca della “Bocconi”cui aderiscono anche docenti e studiosi di altre Uni-versità. La “Lettera” ha rappresentato un tentativocoraggioso di svecchiare la comunicazione matemat-ica, di renderla meno accademica e più giornalisticacon l’uso delle immagini, del colore e di un linguaggio

diretto. Un tentativo di inserire la Matematica nei piùampi processi che riguardano la scuola e la società.Inquesto libro, i tre direttori della rivista sfogliano le sueannate per ricordare storie e personaggi (matematici enon) attorno a cui la “Lettera” è cresciuta e che di[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-88-470-2777-0

Softcover2013. VIII, 324 pagg. (I blu)▶  24,69 €ISBN 978-88-470-2777-0Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

A.G. Bordeleau

Flags of the Night SkyWhen Astronomy Meets National Pride

Many national flags display astronomical features– Sun, Moon, stars – but are they really based onexisting astronomical objects? The United States flagsports 50 stars, one for each state, however none ofthem are linked to real stars. Further, the lunar cres-cent is often shaped like the Sun being eclipsed by theMoon. At times, stars are seen right next to the cres-cent, where the darkened disc of the moon shouldbe! This book will present true astronomical objectsand patterns highlighted on national flags and linkinformative capsules about these objects to the polit-ical reasons why they were chosen to adorn such animportant symbol.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0928-1

Softcover2013. XI, 276 p. 355 illus., 349 illus. in color.▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-0928-1Erscheinungstermin: September 30, 2013

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A.M. Bruaset, Simula Research Laboratory, Fornebu, Nor-way; A. Tveito, Simula Research Laboratory, Fornebu, Nor-way (Eds.)

Conversations About Challengesin ComputingThis text sheds light on how mathematical mod-els and computing can help understanding andprediction of complicated physical processes; howcommunication networks should be designed andimplemented to meet the increasingly challengingrequirements from users; and how modern engineer-ing principles can lead to better and more robustsoftware systems.   Through interviews with 12internationally recognized researchers within thesefields, conducted by the well-known science writerDana Mackenzie and the science journalist KathrineAspaas, the reader gets views on recent achievementsand future challenges.  

More on www.springer.com/978-3-319-00208-8

Hardcover2013. X, 101 p. 13 illus., 12 illus. in color.▶  32,09 €ISBN 978-3-319-00208-8Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

C. Burgess

Freedom 7The Historic Flight of Alan B. Shepard, Jr.

Inevitably, there are times in a nation’s history whenits hopes, fears and confidence in its own destinyappear to hinge on the fate of a single person. One ofthese pivotal moments occurred on the early morn-ing of May 5, 1961, when a 37-year-old test pilotsqueezed himself into the confines of the tiny Mer-cury spacecraft that he had named Freedom 7. Onthat historic day, U.S. Navy Commander Alan Shep-ard carried with him the hopes, prayers, and anxietiesof a nation as his Redstone rocket blasted free of thelaunch pad at Cape Canaveral, hurling him upwardson a 15-minute suborbital flight that also propelled

the United States into the bold new frontier of humanspace exploration.This[...]

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Softcover2013. XXVII, 282 p. 50 illus. (Space Exploration)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-3-319-01155-4Erscheinungstermin: September 30, 2013

B.E. Carpenter

Network GeeksHow They Built the Internet

The impact on modern society made by the Inter-net is immeasurable. Yet some questioned “why any-one would want such a thing” when the idea was firstintroduced.Part history, part memoir and part cul-tural study, Network Geeks charts the creation ofthe Internet and the establishment of the InternetEngineering Task Force, from the viewpoint of a self-proclaimed geek who witnessed these developmentsfirst-hand. With boundless enthusiasm and abun-dant humour, Brian Carpenter leads the reader on ajourney from post-war Britain to post-millenniumNew Zealand, describing how the Internet grew intotoday’s ubiquitous, global network, including the gen-esis of the World-Wide Web in the hotbeds[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4471-5024-4

Softcover2013. IX, 161 p. 15 illus.▶  21,39 €ISBN 978-1-4471-5024-4Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

M. Carroll, R. Lopes (Eds.)

Alien SeasOceans in Space

Oceans were long thought to exist in all corners ofthe Solar System, from carbonated seas percolat-ing beneath the clouds of Venus to features on theMoon's surface given names such as "the Bay of Rain-

bows” and the "Ocean of Storms." With the advent ofmodern telescopes and spacecraft exploration theseancient concepts of planetary seas have, for the mostpart, evaporated. But they have been replaced by thereality of something even more exotic. For example,although it is still uncertain whether Mars ever hadactual oceans, it now seems that a web of waterwaysdid indeed at one time spread across its surface. The"water" in many places in our Solar System is a poi-soned brew mixed[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-7472-2

Hardcover2013. XI, 119 p. 105 illus., 60 illus. in color.▶  32,09 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7472-2Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

L. Catena, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy; F.Berrilli, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy; I. Davoli,Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy; P. Prosposito,Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy (Eds.)

STUDENTI-RICERCATORI percinque giorniGli "Stage a Tor Vergata"

Il libro rappresenta la testimonianza del progettodidattico “Stage a Tor Vergata”, rivolto a studentidel IV e V anno della scuola secondaria di II gradocon l’intento di offrire loro non solo un percorso for-mativo, su discipline scientifiche moderne e di fron-tiera, ma anche un’attività di orientamento per sceltemature e consapevoli riguardo l’accesso alle facoltàuniversitarie e al mondo delle professioni. Il librodescrive con attenzione il punto di forza del progettoovvero l’inserimento di studenti motivati, e di inseg-nanti di area scientifica, in veri gruppi di ricerca attiviin settori di avanguardia della scienza dei materiali edelle sue applicazioni all’astrofisica[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-88-470-5270-3

Softcover2013. Ca. 180 pagg.▶  30,86 €ISBN 978-88-470-5270-3Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

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A. Cook (Ed.)

The Hatfield SCT Lunar AtlasPhotographic Atlas for Meade, Celestron, andOther SCT Telescopes: A Digitally Re-MasteredEdition

In 2004, it became obvious that Henry Hatfield’soriginal atlas wasn’t suitable for all current commer-cially-made amateur telescopes.  Newtonian tele-scopes and astronomical refractors – for many yearsthe only choice for amateurs – invert the observedimage.  The standard Hatfield Atlas therefore followsthe IAU (International Astronomical Union) conven-tion of  having maps (and photographs) with South atthe top and West on the left: an inverted image. How-ever, the current ranges of Schmidt-Cassegrain andMaksutov telescopes – that’s most of those manufac-tured by Meade, Celestron, and many others – don’tinvert the observed image but instead reverse it left-for-right.  That’s with[...]

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Hardcover2014. XII, 100 p. 180 illus.▶  53,49 €ISBN 978-1-4614-8638-1Erscheinungstermin: October 11, 2013

C.O. Curceanu, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Frascati,Italy

Dai buchi neri all'adroterapiaUn viaggio nella Fisica Moderna

Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sulla fisicamoderna ma non avevate nessuno a cui chiederlo!Questo libro vi conduce in un viaggio affascinanteattraverso i misteri della fisica moderna e delle suetantissime ricadute nella società, presentando anche lericerche attualissime, le strade che si aprono davantia noi: a volte ampi viali illuminati a giorno, altre voltesentieri appena accennati. Dove ci porteranno? Lagrande forza della scienza, nonché il suo motore,è la curiosità che ci ha spinto a guardare in alto, inprofondità ma anche dentro noi stessi. Indagandoabbiamo trovato veri tesori. La fisica ci spiega cosa

succede nell’atomo ma anche nell’Universo, unmondo che va[...]

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Softcover2013. XII, 324 pagg. (I blu)▶  25,72 €ISBN 978-88-470-5240-6Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

M. Cusinato, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy

La competenza relazionalePerché e come prendersi cura delle relazioni

La competenza relazionale di ciascuno noi dipendedalle abilità specifiche che sappiamo esprimererispetto alle relazioni più profonde, consente di indi-viduare le modalità adatte per rapportarci ai contestidi vita e ci permette di costruire la nostra identitàcome il prodotto delle relazioni più significative; inaltre parole, la competenza relazionale è sinonimodi personalità. Questo volume, che intende proporrea un pubblico più vasto una trattazione finora man-tenuta in un ambito strettamente tecnico, esplorala natura delle relazioni, da quelle più occasionalia quelle più profonde, e cerca di fare chiarezza suiloro presupposti e sulle loro conseguenze.Le relazionifamiliari[...]

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Softcover2013. XIV, 250 pagg. 10 figg.▶  28,80 €ISBN 978-88-470-2810-4Erscheinungstermin: luglio 31, 2013

R. Dicati, Unione Stampa Filatelica Italiana, Milan, Italy

Stamping Through AstronomyStamps and other postal documents are an attrac-tive vehicle for presenting astronomy and its develop-ment. Written with expertise and great enthusiasm,this unique book offers a historical and philatelic sur-

vey of astronomy and some related topics on spaceexploration. It contains more than 1300 color repro-ductions of stamps relating to the history of astron-omy, ranging from the earliest observations of thesky to modern research conducted with satellites andspace probes. Featured are the astronomers and astro-physicists who contributed to this marvelous story –not only Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Her-schel, and Einstein but also hundreds of other minorprotagonists who played[...]

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Hardcover2013. XI, 373 p. 277 illus. in color.▶  42,79 €ISBN 978-88-470-2828-9Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

L. Emmi, AOU Careggi Firenze, Firenze, Italy (Ed.)

Le malattie rare del sistemaimmunitarioUna guida per i pazienti

Condizione cronica, aumentata mortalità e disabil-ità gravi sono i principali problemi socio-sanitari cheaccomunano le malattie rare del sistema immuni-tario, la cui bassa frequenza le rende spesso poco noteai medici, con conseguenti difficoltà e ritardi diag-nostici. Una recente indagine nazionale, relativa allatotalità delle malattie rare, ha rilevato che oltre il 50per cento dei pazienti ha ricevuto una diagnosi più diun anno dopo l’insorgere dei sintomi e che il 18 percento ha dovuto attendere anche dieci anni.Questovolume è dedicato nello specifico alle malattie rare apatogenesi immunologica: dopo un breve inquadra-mento generale, le singole patologie vengono dis-cusse[...]

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Softcover2013. XII, 196 pagg. 8 figg., 3 figg. a colori.▶  23,65 €ISBN 978-88-470-5393-9Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

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K. Fischer, Tokyuama College of Technology, Shunan-Shi,Japan

Relativity for EveryoneHow Space-Time Bends

This book explains the theory of special and generalrelativity in detail, without digressions such as infor-mation on Einstein's life or the historical background.However, complicated calculations are replaced withfigures and thought experiments, the text being for-mulated in such a way that the reader will be able tounderstand the gist intuitively. The first part of thebook focuses on the essentials of special relativity.Explanations are provided of the famous equivalencebetween mass and energy and of why Einstein wasable to use the theory of electrodynamics as a tem-plate for his "electrodynamics of moving bodies", sim-ply because besides the speed of light, the electriccharge[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-3-319-00586-7

Softcover2013. XIII, 129 p. 114 illus., 2 illus. in color.▶  32,09 €ISBN 978-3-319-00586-7Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

K. Fossheim, Norwegian University of Science, Trondheim,Norway

Superconductivity: Discoveriesand DiscoverersTen Physics Nobel Laureates Tell Their Story

This book is about the work of 10 great scientists; whothey were and are, their personal background andhow they achieved their outstanding results and tooktheir prominent place in science history. We followone of physics and science history's most enigmaticphenomena, superconductivity, through 100 years,from its discovery in 1911 to the present, not as a his-tory book in the usual sense, but through close ups ofthe leading characters and their role in that story, theNobel laureates, who were still among us in the years2001-2004 when the main round of interviews was

carried out. Since then two of them already passedaway. For each one of the 10 laureates, the author tellstheir[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-36058-9

Hardcover2013. XIII, 140 p. 12 illus., 11 illus. in color.▶  64,15 €ISBN 978-3-642-36058-9Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

M. Frize, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Laura Bassi and Science in 18thCentury EuropeThe Extraordinary Life and Role of Italy'sPioneering Female Professor

This book presents the extraordinary story of a Bolog-nese woman of the settecento. Laura Maria CaterinaBassi (1711-1778) defended 49 Theses at the Univer-sity of Bologna on April 17, 1732 and was awardeda doctoral degree on May 12 of the same year. Threeweeks before her defense, she was made a member ofthe Academy of Sciences in Bologna. On June 27 shedefended 12 additional Theses. Several of the 61 The-ses were on physics and other science topics. Laurawas drawn by the philosophy of Newton at a timewhen most scientists in Europe were still focused onDescartes and Galen. This last set of Theses was toencourage the University of Bologna to provide a lec-tureship to Laura, which[...]

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Softcover2013. XIX, 196 p. 17 illus., 7 illus. in color.▶  42,79 €ISBN 978-3-642-38684-8Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

R. Gendler (Ed.)

Lessons from the MastersCurrent Concepts in Astronomical ImageProcessing

There are currently thousands of amateurastronomers around the world engaged in astropho-tography at a sophisticated level. Their ranks far out-number professional astronomers doing the sameand their contributions both technically and artisti-cally are the dominant drivers of progress in the fieldtoday. This book is a unique collaboration of indi-viduals world-renowned in their particular area andcovers in detail each of the major sub-disciplines ofastrophotography. This approach offers the reader thegreatest opportunity to learn the most current infor-mation and the latest techniques directly from theforemost innovators in the field today. “Lessons fromthe Masters” includes a[...]

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Softcover2013. XII, 387 p. 265 illus., 237 illus. in color. (The PatrickMoore Practical Astronomy Series, Band 179)▶  48,14 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7833-1Erscheinungstermin: August 31, 2013

G. Glaeser, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria; K.Polthier, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany

A Mathematical Picture BookHow can one visualize a curve that fills the entireplane or all of space? Can a polyhedron be smoothlyturned inside out? What is the projective plane? Whatdoes four-dimensional space look like? Can soap bub-bles exist that are not spherical? How can one betterunderstand the structure of vortices and currents?In this book you will experience mathematics fromthe visual point of view, discovering fascinating andnever previously published images that offer illustra-tive examples to the above questions. Every picture isaccompanied by a brief explanatory text, references tofurther reading, and a number of web links where you

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can obtain further information. This book is intendedfor[...]

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Hardcover2013. XII, 339 p. 1000 illus. in color.▶  64,15 €ISBN 978-3-642-14647-3Erscheinungstermin: August 31, 2013

M. Goss, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro,USA

Making WavesThe Story of Ruby Payne-Scott: AustralianPioneer Radio Astronomer

This book is an abbreviated, partly re-written ver-sion of "Under the Radar - The First Woman in RadioAstronomy: Ruby Payne-Scott." It addresses a gen-eral readership interested in historical and sociologi-cal aspects of astronomy and presents the biographyof Ruby Payne-Scott (1912 – 1981). As the first femaleradio astronomer (and one of the first people in theworld to consider radio astronomy), she made clas-sic contributions to solar radio physics. She alsoplayed a major role in the design of the Australiangovernment's Council for Scientific and IndustrialResearch radars, which were in turn of vital impor-tance in the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World WarII. These radars were[...]

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Softcover2013. XX, 262 p. 87 illus., 27 illus. in color. (Astronomers'Universe)▶  42,79 €ISBN 978-3-642-35751-0Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

R.W. Hartel, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA;A. Hartel, Northland College, Ashland, USA

Food BitesThe Science of the Foods We Eat

Food Bites is an easy-to-read, often humorous bookon the scientific basis of the foods we eat, and answersthose pesky, niggling questions such as: Is the qual-ity of beer really affected by the type of water used?and Processed foods: good or bad? Readers will becaptivated by this superbly written book, especiallyso as their guides are Richard Hartel, professor ofFood Engineering at UW-Madison, and his daugh-ter, AnnaKate Hartel. Professor Hartel has for the lastfour years penned a witty and illuminating columnon all aspects of food science for the Capital Timesof Madison, and his weekly wisdom has now beencollected into a single publication. With a huge andgrowing interest in[...]

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Softcover2013. IX, 190 p.▶  21,39 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7563-7Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen. May 28,2013

B. Harvey

China in SpaceThe Great Leap Forward

Rockets were invented in China, the home of manymodern inventions, including ancient astronomy,and were used originally for military purposes inthe 13th century. The Chinese space program wasfounded in October 1956 by the father of Chineserocketry, Tsien Hsue Shen, who lived in Californiain the 1930s until his expulsion as a Chinese spy. Inrecent times there have been three manned space-flights, highlighting China’s ambitious space programand generating worldwide interest. Future missionsare planned, including a mission to go to Mars.Theexplosive growth of China’s innovative and rapidly

developing space program in recent years has made ita "hot" topic in international space[...]

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Softcover2013. XV, 399 p. 149 illus., 109 illus. in color. (SpaceExploration)▶  48,10 €ISBN 978-1-4614-5042-9Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

M. Inglis

Observer’s Guide to Star ClustersAmateur astronomers of all expertise from beginnerto experienced will find this a thorough star clusteratlas perfect for easy use at the telescope or throughbinoculars. It enables practical observers to locate theapproximate positions of objects in the sky, organizedby constellation. This book was specifically designedas an atlas and written for easy use in field conditions.The maps are in black-and-white so that they can beread by the light of a red LED observer’s reading light.The clusters and their names/numbers are printed inbold black, against a “grayed-out” background of starsand constellation figures. To be used as a self-con-tained reference, the book provides the[...]

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Softcover2013. XIII, 282 p. 69 illus. (The Patrick Moore PracticalAstronomy Series)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7566-8Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

J.L. Jenkins

Observing the SunA Pocket Field Guide

“Observing the Sun” is for amateur astronomers at allthree levels: beginning, intermediate, and advanced.

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The beginning observer is often trying to find a nicheor define a specific interest in his hobby, and thecontent of this book will spark that interest in solarobserving because of the focus on the dynamics of theSun. Intermediate and advanced observers will findthe book invaluable in identifying features (throughphotos, charts, diagrams) in a logical, orderly fashionand then guiding the observer to interpret the obser-vations. Because the Sun is a dynamic celestial bodyin constant flux, astronomers rarely know for certainwhat awaits them at the eyepiece. All features of[...]

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Softcover2013. XV, 242 p. 85 illus., 12 illus. in color. (Astronomer'sPocket Field Guide)▶  32,09 €ISBN 978-1-4614-8014-3Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

N. Kanas, University of California, San Francisco, San Fran-cisco, USA

Solar System MapsFrom Antiquity to the Space Age

In recent years, there has been increased interest inour Solar System. This has been prompted by thelaunching of giant orbiting telescopes and spaceprobes, the discovery of new planetary moons andheavenly bodies that orbit the Sun, and the demo-tion of Pluto as a planet. In one generation, our placein the heavens has been challenged, but this is notunusual. Throughout history, there have been a num-ber of such world views. Initially, Earth was seen asthe center of the universe and surrounded by orbit-ing planets and stars. Then the Sun became the centerof the cosmos. Finally, there was no center, just a vastarray of galaxies with individual stars, some with theirown retinue of[...]

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Softcover2013. XXX, 331 p. 163 illus., 59 illus. in color. (PopularAstronomy)▶  48,14 €ISBN 978-1-4614-0895-6Erscheinungstermin: August 31, 2013

N. Kanas, University of California, San Francisco, USA

The New MartiansA Scientific Novel

The year is 2035, and the crew from the first expedi-tion to Mars is returning to Earth. The crewmembersare anxious to get home, and ennui pervades the ship.The mood is broken by a series of mysterious eventsthat jeopardize their safety. Someone or something isthreatening the crew. Is it an alien being? A psychoticcrewmember? A malfunctioning computer? The truthraises questions about the crewmembers’ fate andthat of the human race.  In this novel, the intent isto show real psychological  issues that could affect acrew returning from a long-duration mission to Mars.The storyline presents a mystery that keeps the readerguessing, yet the issues at stake are based on the[...]

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Softcover2013. I, 164 p. (Science and Fiction)▶  21,39 €ISBN 978-3-319-00974-2Erscheinungstermin: September 30, 2013

S. Kwok, Faculty of Science, Hong Kong, China, People'sRepublic

StardustThe Cosmic Seeds of Life

How did life originate on Earth? For over 50 years,scientists believed that life was the result of a chem-ical reaction involving simple molecules such asmethane and ammonia cooking in a primordial soup.Recent space observations have revealed that old starsare capable of making very complex organic com-pounds. At some point in their evolution, stars ejectthose organics and spread them all over the MilkyWay galaxy. There is evidence that these organicdust particles actually reached the early Solar System.Through bombardments by comets and asteroids, theyoung Earth inherited significant amounts of stardust.

Was the development of life assisted by the arrival ofthese[...]

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Softcover2013. XXII, 267 p. 74 illus., 50 illus. in color. (Astronomers'Universe)▶  42,75 €ISBN 978-3-642-32801-5Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

A. Maharatna, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Econom,Pune, India

India’s Perception, Society, andDevelopmentEssays Unpleasant

There has been, of late, a growing realisation thatthe pace and pattern of economic development ofa country can hardly be understood and explainedcomprehensively in terms of the straitjacket of eco-nomics discipline alone. India is a prime example ofthe importance of the part played by a country's his-tory, culture, sociology, and socio-cultural-religiousnorms, values, and institutions in its developmentprocess. This book, with its assorted essays of vary-ing depths of scholarship and insightful reflections,attempts to drive home this point more forcefullythan ever before. In its search for the non-economicroots of India’s overall sloth and murky progress in itsbroad-based[...]

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Hardcover2013. XVII, 183 p. 1 illus.▶  106,99 €ISBN 978-81-322-1016-0Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

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M. Marett-Crosby

Twenty-Five AstronomicalObservations That Changed theWorldAnd How To Make Them Yourself

"Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations ThatChanged the World" takes twenty-five journeysthrough space, back in time and into human history.We begin with the simplest sight of the Tycho Crateron the Moon, through a repeat of Galileo's observa-tions of Jupiter's moons, and then move out towardsthe nebulae, stars, and galaxies. The astronomicalobservations repeat the original groundbreakingdiscoveries that have changed our understandingof science and ourselves. This title contains gradedobserving challenges from the straightforward tothe more difficult (in chapter order). It offers clearobserving tips and lots of practical help, presuming noprior in-depth knowledge of[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-6799-1

Softcover2013. XIV, 318 p. 126 illus., 83 illus. in color. (The PatrickMoore Practical Astronomy Series)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-6799-1Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

M. Mobberley, Denmara, Cockfield, United Kingdom

It Came From Outer SpaceWearing an RAF Blazer!A Fan's Biography of Sir Patrick Moore

To British television viewers, the name ‘PatrickMoore’ has been synonymous with Astronomy andSpace Travel since he first appeared on The Sky atNight in 1957. To amateur astronomers he has been asource of inspiration, joy, humour and even an eccen-tric role model since that time. Most people know thathis 55 years of presenting The Sky at Night is a worldrecord, but what was he really like in person?  Whatdid he do away from the TV cameras, in his observa-

tory, and within the British Astronomical Association,the organisation that inspired him as a youngster?Also, precisely what did he do during the War Years,a subject that has always been shrouded in mystery?Martin Mobberley, a[...]

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Softcover2013. XXVI, 655 p. 80 illus., 30 illus. in color.▶  42,79 €ISBN 978-3-319-00608-6Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

D.W. Olson, Texas State University, San Marcos, USA

Celestial SleuthUsing Astronomy to Solve Mysteries in Art,History and Literature

For a general audience interested in solving myster-ies in art, history, and literature using the methodsof science, 'forensic astronomy'  is a thrilling newfield of exploration. Astronomical calculations arethe basis of the studies, which have the advantage ofbringing to readers both evocative images and a bet-ter understanding of the skies. Weather facts, vol-cano studies, topography, tides, historical letters anddiaries, famous paintings, military records, and thefriendly assistance of experts in related fields add vari-ety, depth, and interest to the work. The chosen top-ics are selected for their wide public recognition andintrigue, involving artists such as Vincent van Gogh,[...]

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Softcover2013. XV, 310 p. 165 illus., 113 illus. in color. (PopularAstronomy)▶  42,79 €ISBN 978-1-4614-8402-8Erscheinungstermin: September 30, 2013

W. Paolini

Choosing and Using AstronomicalEyepiecesA valuable reference that fills a number of nichesincluding that of a buyer's guide, technical desk refer-ence and observer's field guide. It documents the pastmarket and its evolution, right up to the present day.In addition to appealing to practical astronomers -and potentially saving them money - it is useful bothas a historical reference and as a detailed review ofthe current market place for this bustling astronomi-cal consumer product. What distinguishes this bookfrom other publications on astronomy is the involve-ment of observers from all aspects of the astronomi-cal community, and also the major manufacturers ofequipment. It not only catalogs the technical aspectsof the[...]

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-7722-8

Softcover2013. XVIII, 442 p. 268 illus., 51 illus. in color. (The PatrickMoore Practical Astronomy Series)▶  48,14 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7722-8Erscheinungstermin: August 31, 2013

J. Peddie, Jon Peddie Research, Tiburon, USA

The History of Visual Magic inComputersHow Beautiful Images are Made in CAD, 3D, VRand AR

If you have ever looked at a fantastic adventure orscience fiction movie, or an amazingly complex andrich computer game, or a TV commercial wherecars or gas pumps or biscuits behaved liked peopleand wondered, “How do they do that?”,  then you’veexperienced the magic of 3D worlds generated by acomputer.3D in computers began as a way to rep-resent automotive designs and illustrate the con-struction of molecules. 3D graphics use evolved tovisualizations of simulated data and artistic represen-

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tations of imaginary worlds. In order to overcome theprocessing limitations of the computer, graphics hadto exploit the characteristics of the eye and brain, anddevelop visual tricks to[...]

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Softcover2013. XLI, 448 p. 369 illus., 226 illus. in color.▶  48,14 €ISBN 978-1-4471-4931-6Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

G. Privett, K. Jones

The Constellation Observing AtlasDesigned for anyone who wishes to learn the con-stellations or observe the best and brightest deep skyobjects and double stars, this book contains an alpha-betical list of constellations complete with star maps,historical background, and highlights of deep skyobjects. Each entry contains position and physicalinformation on enough stars to support astronomersin star-hopping, swinging the telescope from star tostar to star to arrive at a faint target. It provides a care-fully selected list of accessible and rewarding deep skyobjects. Full-color maps show the constellations, withstar types (spectral and physical) indicated by the col-ors used on the map. Extended objects such as[...]

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Softcover2013. X, 160 p. 121 illus., 108 illus. in color. (The PatrickMoore Practical Astronomy Series)▶  32,09 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7647-4Erscheinungstermin: August 28, 2013

G. Rhee, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

Cosmic DawnThe Search for the First Stars and Galaxies

This book takes the reader on an exploration of thestructure and evolution of our universe. The basis forour knowledge is the Big Bang theory of the expand-

ing universe. This book then tells the story of oursearch for the first stars and galaxies using currentand planned telescopes. These telescopes are marvelsof technology far removed from Galileo's first tele-scope but continuing astronomy in his ground break-ing spirit. We show the reader how these first starsand galaxies shaped the universe we see today. Thisstory is one of the great scientific adventures of alltime.

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Softcover2013. XI, 291 p. 96 illus., 79 illus. in color. (Astronomers'Universe)▶  42,79 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7812-6Erscheinungstermin: August 31, 2013

D.A.J. Seargent

Weird WorldsBizarre Bodies of the Solar System and Beyond

“Weird Worlds” is the third book in David Seargent’s“Weird” series. This book assumes a basic level ofastronomical understanding and concentrates on the“odd and interesting” aspects of planetary bodies,including asteroids and moons. From our viewpointhere on Earth, this work features the most unusualfeatures of these worlds and the ways in which theyappear “weird” to us. Within our own Solar System,odd facts such as the apparent reversal of the Sun inthe skies of Mercury, CO2-driven fountains of duston Mars, possible liquid water (and perhaps primitivelife!) deep within the dwarf planet Ceres, and a vari-ety of odd facts about the planetary moons are all dis-cussed. A special[...]

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Softcover2013. XIII, 309 p. 51 illus., 23 illus. in color. (Astronomers'Universe)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7063-2Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

E. Seedhouse

SpaceXMaking Commercial Spaceflight a Reality

This first account of commercial spaceflight’s mostsuccessful venture describes the extraordinary featsof engineering and human achievement that haveplaced SpaceX at the forefront of the launch indus-try and made it the most likely candidate for trans-porting humans to Mars. Since its inception in 2002,SpaceX has sought to change the space launch para-digm by developing a family of launch vehicles thatwill ultimately reduce the cost and increase the relia-bility of space access tenfold. Coupled with the newlyemerging market for governmental, private, andcommercial space transport, this new model will re-ignite humanity's efforts to explore and develop space.Formed in 2002 by Elon[...]

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Softcover2013. XVI, 206 p. 86 illus., 42 illus. in color. (SpaceExploration)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-5513-4Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

D.J. Shayler, M.D. Shayler

Manned Spaceflight Log II—2006–2012“Manned Spaceflight Log” discusses over 40 recentspaceflights from September 2006 through Septem-ber 2012, a time of great change in human spaceflighthistory. Following on from “Praxis Manned Space-flight Log 1961-2006,” the authors continue the storyuntil the end of September 2012, with new chaptersdetailing the development and accomplishments ofhuman spaceflight, expanded tables and additionalphotographs, many in color, throughout. The bookopens with a new foreword by Colonel Alfred M.Worden, USAF Retired, NASA Astronaut and CMPof Apollo 15, which reflects on the changing history of

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human spaceflight and the prospects for future opera-tions. The first chapter explains how[...]

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Softcover2013. XXXVIII, 392 p. 34 illus., 18 illus. in color. (SpaceExploration, Band 158)▶  48,14 €ISBN 978-1-4614-4576-0Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.

D. Sivolella

To Orbit and Back AgainHow the Space Shuttle Flew in Space

The Space Shuttle has been the dominant machine inthe U.S. space program for thirty years and has gen-erated a great deal of interest among space enthu-siasts and engineers. This book enables readers tounderstand its technical systems in greater depththan they have been able to do so before. The authordescribes the structures and systems of the SpaceShuttle, and then follows a typical mission, explain-ing how the structures and systems were used in thelaunch, orbital operations and the return to Earth.Details of how anomalous events were dealt with onindividual missions are also provided, as are the recol-lections of those who built and flew the Shuttle. Manyphotographs and[...]

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Softcover2013. XXII, 503 p. 245 illus., 95 illus. in color. (SpaceExploration)▶  48,14 €ISBN 978-1-4614-0982-3Erscheinungstermin: July 31, 2013

D.S. Stevenson

Extreme ExplosionsSupernovae, Hypernovae, Magnetars, and OtherUnusual Cosmic Blasts

What happens at the end of the life of massive stars?At one time we thought all these stars followed simi-lar evolutionary paths. However, new discoveries haveshown that things are not quite that simple. This bookfocuses on the extreme –the most intense, brilliantand peculiar– of astronomical explosions. It featureshighly significant observational finds that push thefrontiers of astronomy and astrophysics, particularlyas before these objects were only predicted in theory. This book is for those who want the latest informa-tion and ideas about the most dramatic and unusualexplosions detected by current supernova searches.It examines and explains cataclysmic and unusualevents[...]

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Softcover2013. XVI, 358 p. 61 illus., 59 illus. in color. (Astronomers'Universe)▶  42,79 €ISBN 978-1-4614-8135-5Erscheinungstermin: September 30, 2013

D.S. Stevenson

Under a Crimson SunProspects for Life in a Red Dwarf System

Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star some 20.3 light yearsfrom Earth. Red dwarfs are among the most numer-ous stars in the galaxy, and they sport diverse plane-tary systems. At magnitude 10, Gliese 581 is visibleto amateur observers but does not stand out. So whatmakes this star so important? It is that professionalobservers have confirmed that it has at least four plan-ets orbiting it, and in 2009, Planet d was described inthe letters of The Astrophysical Journal as “the firstconfirmed exoplanet that could support Earth-likelife.”  Under a Crimson Sun looks at the nature of red

dwarf systems such as Gliese as potential homes forlife.  Realistically, what are prospects for life on[...]

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Softcover2013. XIV, 324 p. 60 illus. in color. (Astronomers' Universe)▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-8132-4Erscheinungstermin: August 31, 2013

M. Stocker

Hear Where We AreSound, Ecology, and Sense of Place

Throughout history, hearing and sound perceptionhave been typically framed in the context of howsound conveys information and how that informa-tion influences the listener.  "Hear Where We Are"inverts this premise and examines how humans andother hearing animals use sound to establish acousti-cal relationships with their surroundings. This simpleinversion reveals a panoply of possibilities by whichwe can re-evaluate how hearing animals use, produce,and perceive sound. Nuance in vocalizations becomesignals of enticement or boundary setting; silencebecomes a field ripe in auditory possibilities; preda-tor/prey relationships are infused with acoustic decep-tion, and sounds that have[...]

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Softcover2013. XIV, 184 p. 31 illus., 12 illus. in color.▶  37,44 €ISBN 978-1-4614-7284-1Erscheinungstermin: August 31, 2013

F. Tonioni, Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy

Psicopatologia web-mediataDipendenza da internet e nuovi fenomenidissociativi

Il concetto di psicopatologia web-mediata nasce dallanecessità di distinguere la dipendenza da internet,

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intesa come dipendenza patologica comportamen-tale, da dinamiche disfunzionali più complesse checoinvolgono bambini e adolescenti nativi digitali.Questo libro, che rappresenta un tentativo di com-prensione di tali dinamiche, affonda le sue radicinell’esperienza clinica svolta, presso il PoliclinicoGemelli di Roma, su pazienti con forme morbose cheespandono i confini della clinica psichiatrica classicae che quindi lasciano pensare all’acquisizione di basimentali diverse.La crescita inarrestabile delle relazioniinternet-mediate, destinate nel tempo a prevalere suicontatti[...]

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Softcover2013. XX, 186 pagg. 15 figg., 5 figg. a colori.▶  25,71 €ISBN 978-88-470-2816-6Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen.

B. Vogel, Lab 6-11, Stuttgart, Germany

How to Gain GainA Reference Book on Triodes in Audio Pre-Amps

The 34 chapters of the 2nd edition of How to GainGain give a detailed insight into a collection (54) ofthe most common gain producing, constant currentgenerating possibilities, and electronic noise creationof triodes for audio pre-amplifier purposes. Thesechapters also offer complete sets of formulae to cal-culate gain, frequency and phase responses, and sig-nal-to-noise ratios of certain building blocks built-up with this type of vacuum valve (tube). In all casesdetailed derivations of the gain formulae are also pre-sented. All what is needed are the data sheet valvecharacteristic figures of the triode's mutual conduc-tance, the gain factor and the internal plate (anode)[...]

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Hardcover2013. XIV, 862 p. 536 illus.▶  106,95 €ISBN 978-3-642-33032-2Erscheinungstermin: July 31, 2013

F. Weinert, University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom

The March of TimeEvolving Conceptions of Time in the Light ofScientific Discoveries

The aim of this interdisciplinary study is to recon-struct the evolution of our changing conceptions oftime in the light of scientific discoveries. It will adopta new perspective and organize the material aroundthree central themes, which run through our historyof time reckoning: cosmology and regularity; stasisand flux; symmetry and asymmetry. It is the physi-cal criteria that humans choose – relativistic effectsand time-symmetric equations or dynamic-kinematiceffects and asymmetric conditions – that establish ourviews on the nature of time. This book will defend adynamic rather than a static view of time.

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Hardcover2013. IX, 284 p. 71 illus.▶  42,75 €ISBN 978-3-642-35346-8Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen.