POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ......

POLYMORFI 2008 ISSN: 1236-4002 1458-5820 (pdf)

Transcript of POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ......

Page 1: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


ISSN: 1236-4002

1458-5820 (pdf)

Page 2: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for



9.00 Ilmoittautuminen ja aamukahvi

9.30 Niina Kivikero

(FFY, Helsingin yliopisto)

Symposiumin avaus

9.45 Pekka Teppola


Lähi-infrapunaspektroskopian (NIRS) ja kemometrian

sovellukset lääketeollisuudessa

10.30 Pekka Keski-Rahkonen

(Kuopion yliopisto)

HPLC – principles of operation and use in pharmaceutical


11.15 Posteriesittelyt

11.45 Lounas ja posterinäyttely

13.15 Kirsi Jouppila

(Helsingin yliopisto)

Termoanalytiikka tuotekehityksen työkaluna

14.00 Kahvi

14.30 Niklas Sandler


In-line and off-line particle size measurement in the

pharmaceutical industry

15.15 Timo Tuomi


Analysis of pharmaceutical samples with the help of FT-

IR microscopy, FT-IR imaging and micro-Raman

15.35 Mikko Tenho

(Turun yliopisto)

Novel pharmaceutical x-ray diffraction methods

15.55 Jari Leskinen

(Kuopion yliopisto)

Moisture detection of granulation processes by

electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

16.15 Symposiumin päätös

16.30 Fysikaalisen farmasian yhdistyksen vuosikokous

Vaihtoehtoisena ohjelmana vapaa pääsy Heurekan

tiedenäyttelyyn (koko päivän ajan)

18.00 Illallisbuffet (Sokos Hotel Vantaa) ja parhaan posterin


Fysikaalisen farmasian XIX vuosittainen symposium:

Analytical Methods in Pharmacy -

Industrial and Novel Applications


Page 3: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Page 4: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


PÄÄTOIMITTAJAN PALSTA ........................................................................................................ 7

ESITYSABSTRAKTIT ..................................................................................................................... 9

HPLC – Principles of operation and use in pharmaceutical analysis ................................................ 10

Termoanalytiikka tuotekehityksen työkaluna .................................................................................... 12

In-line and off-line particle size measurement in the pharmaceutical industry ................................. 13

Analysis of pharmaceutical samples with the help of FT-IR microscopy, FT-IR imaging and micro-

Raman ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Novel pharmaceutical X-ray diffraction methods ............................................................................. 15

Moisture detection of granulation processes by electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) ............... 17

POSTERIABSTRAKTIT................................................................................................................ 21

New method to calculate true density and Heckel equation for pharmaceutical powders ................ 22

Controlled stabilization of traceable sol-gel silica (nano)particles via surface engineering ............. 23

Processing of powder particles by using a pulsatile application of pressurized hot steam ............... 24

Development of chitosan microparticles for mucosal vaccine delivery ............................................ 25

Compatibility screening of mesoporous silicon and silica based drug carriers with poorly soluble

drugs .................................................................................................................................................. 26

Solubility determinations of four NSAIDs - Effect of pH on total dissolved amount and dissolution

rate ..................................................................................................................................................... 27

Surface pressure measurements in interaction studies of pharmaceutical nanoparticles .................. 28

Viscosity and physical stability of amorphous citric acid and paracetamol blends upon consecutive

shearing .............................................................................................................................................. 29

Teaching of physical pharmacy in Department of Pharmaceutics at the University of Kuopio:

Cyclodextrin complexation as an example ........................................................................................ 30

Fluid bed granulations in Multipart Microscale Fluid bed powder Processor (MMFP) ................... 31

Monitoring solid state changes of theophylline-excipient binary formulations during drying ......... 32

Quantitative analysis of solid-state changes using vibrational spectroscopy and partial least squares

regression ........................................................................................................................................... 33

Failure of MTT as a toxicity testing agent for Si particles ................................................................ 34

An optical in situ dissolution rate determination method for fast dissolving drugs .......................... 35

A desiccant system to control the internal humidity of drug containers ........................................... 36

Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ................................................................... 37

Granule water content prediction during fluidized bed granulation .................................................. 38

Raman spectroscopy as a tool for detecting isomorphic dehydration transitions .............................. 39

In situ monitoring of processing-induced phase transformations using optical microscopy ............. 40




Page 5: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Adsorption of two model drugs into mesoporous silicon microparticles ........................................... 41

Effect of in vitro release method on drug release from mesoporous silicon particles ....................... 42

Effect of formulation parameters and drug - polymer interactions on drug release from starch

acetate matrix tablets .......................................................................................................................... 43

Surface tension measurements as a promising method for fast solubility determinations in a 96-well

plate .................................................................................................................................................... 44

Granule size determination during fluidization in a fluidized bed granulator ................................... 45

Characterization of enzymatic degradation of oxazoline modified poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL-O) by

enzyme inhibitors and mass spectrometry ......................................................................................... 46

Tomography imaging of dissolution test ............................................................................................ 47

Preheating of granulator improved fluid bed granulation .................................................................. 48

Solid state transformation of erythromycin A dihydrate during drying monitored by near infrared

spectroscopy ....................................................................................................................................... 49

In vitro studies of mesoporous silica/silicon microparticles: Toxicity and dissolution ..................... 50

Better understanding of dissolution behavior of amorphous drugs .................................................... 51

Fundamental understanding through simulations? ............................................................................. 52

Investigations on physicochemical properties of glycerides and glyceride-based extrudates ........... 53

Preferred orientation affects the intrinsic dissolution of tolbutamide and acetylsalicylic acid

compacts ............................................................................................................................................. 54

Detection of defensins from biological matrices with HPLC-ESI-MS .............................................. 55

Quantitative analysis of natural cyclodextrins using HPLC and pulsed amperometric detection

method ................................................................................................................................................ 56

Sublingual administration of fast-dissolving perphenazine formulations .......................................... 57

Teaching of physical pharmacy in Department of Pharmaceutics at the University of Kuopio:

Emulsions as an example ................................................................................................................... 58

Crushing strength of tablets measured by FT-near infrared spectroscopy ......................................... 59

VÄITÖSKIRJOJEN TIIVISTELMÄT.......................................................................................... 61

From polymorph screening to dissolution testing – Solid phase analysis during pharmaceutical

development and manufacturing. ....................................................................................................... 62

Cyclodextrins in intraoral delivery of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol ...................... 63

Development of LC-MS methods for quantitative and qualitative analyses of endogenous

compounds, drugs, and their metabolites to support drug discovery programs ................................. 65

Polymeric carriers in non-viral gene delivery: a study of physicochemical properties and biological

activity in human RPE cell line .......................................................................................................... 67

Significance of crystallographic properties in pharmaceutical compacts .......................................... 69

Corneal epithelial cell culture model for pharmaceutical studies ...................................................... 70

Studies on thermosensitive poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) based polymers for pharmaceutical

applications ......................................................................................................................................... 71

GRADUJEN TIIVISTELMÄT ....................................................................................................... 73

Syklodekstriinien vuorovaikutukset biologisten membraanien kanssa .............................................. 74

Jauheiden sekoittuminen, erottuminen ja jauheseosten homogeenisuuden mittaaminen .................. 75

Page 6: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Development of cell-based (Caco-2) screening method for substrates of MRP2 efflux proteins ..... 76

Lääkeaineiden adsorptio muovisiin säilytysastiamateriaaleihin ja käsiteltyyn polystyreeniin ......... 77

Hydrofiiliset polymeerimatriisit / nopeasti liukenevien perfenatsiinipartikkelien stabiilisuus ja

formulointi ......................................................................................................................................... 78

Development of preformulation method for drug-containing siloxane matrices .............................. 79

Biorelevantit dissoluutiomenetelmät ................................................................................................. 80

Studies on wet granulation and roller compaction of inulin .............................................................. 81

Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for poorly water-soluble compounds ........................................... 82

II vaiheen metabolia Caco-2-soluissa ................................................................................................ 83

Farmaseuttisten binaariseosten kvantitatiivinen faasianalyysi röntgendiffraktiomenetelmin ........... 84

Kvantitatiivinen analyysi ja kidekoon määritys jauheröntgendiffraktiolla ....................................... 85

Viruksettomien geeninsiirtokompleksien biofysikaalinen karakterisointi ........................................ 86

Change of physicochemical characteristics of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in a suspension

product ............................................................................................................................................... 87

Lääkemolekyylien adsorptiosta mesohuokoiseen piihin ................................................................... 88

Tabletoitavien jauheiden prosessikäyttäytyminen ja tablettirakenne ................................................ 89

Prosessiparametrien vaikutukset leijupetirakeistuksessa ................................................................... 90

Mesohuokoisten materiaalien ja lääkeainemolekyylien välisten vuorovaikutusten spesifiointi

spektroskopisin ja kalorimetrisin menetelmin ................................................................................... 91

Kitosaani ja kvatemääriset kitosaanijohdokset peptidien ja proteiinien imeytymisen edisteinä ....... 92

Askorbiinihappo-isomeerien faasidiagrammin sekä kuivattujen marjamehujen C-

vitamiinipitoisuuden määritys DSC-menetelmällä ............................................................................ 93

Screening anticancer activity: Apoptosis based methods and validation of automated SRB assay .. 94

Huokoisen piin liukeneminen simuloituihin kehonesteisiin .............................................................. 95

Pehmitevalinnan ja proteiinin kuumennuksen vaikutukset heraproteiinikalvojen mekaanisiin

ominaisuuksiin ................................................................................................................................... 96

Pintajännitykseen perustuva liukoisuuden määritys: mikrotensiometri- ja ravistelumenetelmien

tulosten vertailu ................................................................................................................................. 97

Kiinteät dispersiot veteen niukkaliukoisten lääkeaineiden formuloinnissa ....................................... 98


SANALAATIKKO ........................................................................................................................ 105

OSALLISTUJAT ........................................................................................................................... 106

Päätoimittaja: Elina Turunen, Kuopion yliopisto

[email protected]

Julkaisija: Fysikaalisen farmasian yhdistys ry


Page 7: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Tervehdys yhdistyksen jäsenet ja Fysikaalisen farmasian XIX symposiumin osallistujat!

Tämänvuotinen Fysikaalisen farmasian symposium on kerännyt ennätysmäärän ilmoittautuneita.

Symposiumin aiheena olevat analyyttiset menetelmät ovat herättäneet mielenkiintoa useilla

farmasian aloilla niin yliopistoissa, lääketeollisuudessa kuin viranomaissektorillakin. Tällä kertaa

symposiumissa esitellään sekä tuttujen analyyttisten menetelmien teollisia sovelluksia että

uudempia farmaseuttisessa tutkimuksessa käytettäviä analyysimenetelmiä.

Ensi vuonna Fysikaalisen farmasian yhdistys juhlii 20-vuotista taivaltaan juhlasymposiumin

merkeissä. Juhlavuoden symposiumin tieteellinen tarjonta liikkuu myös analyysimenetelmien

parissa: aiheena ovat lääketeollisuudessa ja -tutkimuksessa tällä hetkellä erittäin ajankohtaiset

prosessianalyyttiset tekniikat. Kuluneen toimikauden aikana Fysikaalisen farmasian yhdistys alkoi

jo valmistautua tulevaan juhlavuoteen erilaisin uudistuksin: yhdistyksen sääntöjen lisäksi

päivitettiin yhdistyksen internet-sivut. Käy tutustumassa Fysikaalisen farmasian yhdistykseen ja

lukemassa viime vuosien Polymorfi-lehtiä osoitteessa www.fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi!

Tämänvuotinen Polymorfi tarjoaa tuttuun tapaan mahdollisuuden palata myöhemminkin

symposiumissa käsiteltyihin aiheisiin luento- ja posteriabstrakteja lukemalla. Vuoden aikana

valmistuneet, fysikaalista farmasiaa sivuavat väitöskirja- ja gradutiivistelmät Helsingin, Turun ja

Kuopion yliopistoista tarjoavat katsauksen alan tämänhetkiseen tutkimukseen Suomessa. Lehden

loppuosasta löytyy myös jo lähes perinteeksi muodostunut, yleisön hartaasti odottama aivopähkinä.

Toivotamme kaikille symposiumin osallistujille mukavia ja opettavaisia hetkiä symposiumissa ja

Polymorfin parissa!

Kuopiossa 20.1.2008

Elina Turunen


Page 8: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


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Page 10: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The advent of column chromatography in the beginning of the twentieth century, followed by its

refinement into a technique know today as high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC,

proved to be one of the most significant methodological achievements in the field of

pharmaceutical analysis. The theory and foundations of the HPLC was laid in the 1960s and 1970s

and rapid spread of the technique was seen beginning in the latter decade [1]. Today it is

undoubtedly the most used method in the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, which

can be seen in the number of published methods in journals as well as in the contribution in the

compendial analysis such as in the monographs of the United States Pharmacopoeia [2].

The operating principle of a HPLC instrument is simple. It is based on the original idea of column

chromatography, where sample constituents are being separated in a particle-filled tube or column

by flushing it with suitable solvent. As the solvent flushes the column, it elutes the sample

compounds depending on their physicochemical properties. The resulting separation results from

the different affinities of the compounds to the column packing; some compounds will stay in the

column longer than the others. The elution of the compounds is controlled mostly by the properties

of the eluting solvent. There are different modes of liquid column chromatography used in HPLC,

depending on the packing material inside the column. With these modes, the compound retention

can be based on either hydrophobicity, size, ionic properties, affinity or some other phenomenon.

The most used mode is reversed phase chromatography, in which the column is filled with non-

polar species and retention is affected mostly by the Van der Waals interactions between the

analytes and column packing.

Modern HPLC instrument (Figure 1) is build around the column, comprising pump for solvent

delivery, automated injector for sample introduction and detector for monitoring the elution of

analytes from the column. The pump is capable of maintaining adjustable and stable solvent flow

rate and the injector can be programmed to perform precise and accurate sample injections

according to a pre-defined timetable. Column temperature, which plays a significant role in the

separation, is usually controllable and detection of the eluting compounds can be performed with

different types of detectors, depending on the requirements of the analysis or the physicochemical

properties of the compounds. The most used detector is based on UV absorption of the analytes as

they pass an in-line flow cell. Other types of detectors can be based on fluorescence or light

scattering as well as refractive or electrochemical properties of the chemicals. Recently, the

coupling of mass spectrometer to the HPLC instrument, a technique known as HPLC-MS, is

gained popularity as it enables highly sensitive, mass-specific detection of compounds, even from

very complex matrices, such as body fluids and tissues.



Pekka Keski-Rahkonen

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland

[email protected]

Page 11: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Column Pump





Direction of solvent flow

Figure 1. Schematic drawing of HPLC instrument

The HPLC based methods used in the pharmaceutical research are usually divided in two groups –

pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. The former covers the applications to the analysis of

pharmaceuticals in raw material and drug product levels, such as drug purity and stability studies

and quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry, where the HPLC has much replaced the

previously used but poorly selective UV-VIS methods. The latter of the two groups comprises of

methods aimed at the analysis of compounds from biological matrices like in the studies on

pharmacokinetics, therapeutic monitoring and metabolic profiling. Both types of methods are based

on the same basic principles of HPLC separation, mainly the amount of sample preparation and the

effort required to produce an adequately performing method is different. Also for the method

validation, different directions and requirements are set by authorities.


[1] Sándor Görög, Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 26 (2007) 12.

[2] USP, United States Pharmacopoeia XXIX. USP Convention Inc., Rockville, Maryland, USA, 2006.

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Termoanalytiikkaa käytetään elintarvikkeiden ja niiden ainesosien ominaisuuksien ja fysikaalisen

tilan sekä niissä tapahtuvien muutosten tutkimukseen. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää esimerkiksi

prosessointi- ja säilytysolosuhteita valittaessa ja optimoitaessa sekä tuotekehityksen tukena.

Yleisimmin käytettyjä termoanalyyttisiä laitteita ovat differentiaalinen scanning-kalorimetri (DSC),

dielektrinen analysaattori (DEA), dynaamis-mekaaninen analysaattori (DMA) ja

termogravimetrinen analysaattori eli termovaaka (TGA).

Termoanalyyttisiä menetelmiä on perinteisesti käytetty rasvojen, proteiinien ja tärkkelysten

faasimuutosten ja ominaislämmön tutkimiseen. DSC:lla on tutkittu mm. rasvojen sulamis- ja

kiteytymisominaisuuksia, proteiinien denaturoitumista ja tärkkelyksen liisteröitymistä. Uudempi

termoanalyyttisten menetelmien sovellus on amorfisten materiaalien tutkimus, joka käynnistyi

1980-luvulla elintarviketutkimuksessa ja -tuotekehityksessä.

Amorfisten materiaalien karakterisoinnissa määritetään materiaalin lasisiirtymälämpötila eri

vesipitoisuuksilla, jotta saadaan selville, mikä on materiaalin fysikaalinen tila erilaisissa

säilytysolosuhteissa. Kun tunnetaan materiaalien fysikaalinen tila, materiaalille voidaan määrittää

kriittinen vesipitoisuus, joka on se vesipitoisuus, joka laskee amorfisen materiaalin

lasisiirtymälämpötilan siihen lämpötilaan, josta kulloinkin ollaan kiinnostuneita (Roos, 1993).

Säilyvyyttä tutkittaessa tämä lämpötila on useimmiten huoneen lämpötila. Useille amorfisille

hiilihydraateille on määritetty kriittinen vesipitoisuus huoneenlämmössä (Jouppila ja Roos, 2008).

Kun materiaalin vesipitoisuus on suurempi kuin kriittinen vesipitoisuus, materiaalin

lasisiirtymälämpötila on säilytyslämpötilaa matalampi, jolloin molekyylien liikkuvuus

materiaalissa lisääntyy ja materiaalissa voi tapahtua erilaisia muutoksia. Tällaisia muutoksia ovat

jauheiden tahmeutuminen ja paakkuuntuminen, amorfisten sokereiden kiteytyminen ja ei-

entsymaattinen ruskistuminen. Näistä muutoksista esimerkiksi amorfisten sokereiden kiteytymisen

ja ei-entsymaattisen ruskistumisen kinetiikkaa on tutkittu DSC:lla eri lämpötiloissa. Ei-

entsymaattista ruskistumista voidaan tutkia myös termogravimetrisesti, jolloin seurataan

reaktiotuotteena syntyvän veden sekä muiden haihtuvien komponenttien poistumista näytteestä


Termoanalyyttisen elintarviketutkimuksen haasteena on löytää uusia sovelluksia perinteisten

laitteiden sekä uusien menetelmien, kuten TOPEM-DSC:n, hyödyntämiseen.


Jouppila, K. & Roos, Y.H. 2008. Crystallization: measurements, data and prediction. Teoksessa: Food Properties

Handbook, 2nd

Ed. Rahman, M.S. (Ed.). In press.

Roos, Y.H. 1993. Water activity and physical state effects on amorphous food stability, J. Food Process. Preserv.



Kirsi Jouppila

Helsingin yliopisto, elintarviketeknologian laitos

Page 13: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Particle size measurement of raw materials (API and excipients) and intermediate products

(granules) plays a key role in pharmaceutical development. Particle size information is essential for

decision-making in process-optimisation trials and often defines important quality attributes of raw

materials and intermediates. Particle size data often also provide indispensable information for

predictions of material behaviour in a unit operation.

For the drug substance the ICH Q6A guideline sets acceptance criteria for the particle size

distribution in terms of dissolution, solubility, bioavailability, processability, stability, appearance

and content uniformity. With regard to excipients one has to be able to relate their particle size

distributions to any functionality related characteristics. In addition to raw material sizing

intermediate particle size measurement during processing can often be advantageous enabling in-

line granule growth monitoring e.g. of wet granulation processes.

Various techniques for measuring the particle size distribution of powders exist and the choice of

method has to be made carefully based on material characteristics and type information required.

Kelly and Lerke have recently systematically covered the selection criteria of off-line particle size

analysis methods in the pharmaceutical industry and listed strengths and limitations of different

techniques [1].

This presentation will discuss the importance of particle size in pharmaceutical solid dosage form

development and will also demonstrate examples of at-line/on-line measurement e.g. in milling of

API with laser diffraction. The significant advances in imaging technologies and computing power

have had an impact on recent developments of new image analysis applications including devices

with automated sample preparation and real time process analysis systems for particle size

measurement. An image based system (QicPic, Sympatec, Germany) in granule size and shape

determination is shown and how it can support pharmaceutical development with key data. Other

techniques are also briefly covered including chord length distribution measurements. Emphasis in

the presentation will be put on the data analysis of particle size information. Multivariate

techniques provide powerful possibilities to extract relevant information from particle sizing data

measured with any given technique.


[1] Kelly R.N. and Lerke S.A.. Particle Size Measurement Technique Selection Within Method Development in the

Pharmaceutical Industry. American Pharmaceutical Review. Nov/Dec 2005.



Niklas Sandler

Process Engineering & Material Science, Product Development, AstraZeneca R&D, UK

Page 14: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


In analytical chemistry, there is a demand to get information from smaller and smaller objects and

preferably without any, or as little as possible, sample preparation. The progress in modern FT-IR-

and Raman-technoly gives many possibilities to fulfil the demand.

In FT-IR microscopy new ATR objectives and imaging detectors give possibility for good lateral

resolution and possibilities to look at specific kinetic reactions. Micro-Raman systems give

possibilities for analysis of small objects with spatial resolution of one micron. Also confocal

analysis and fast polymorph screening is possible with modern dispersive Raman systems . FT-IR

with high throughput reader can effectively be used for fast screening purposes of synthesis

products. The modern systems are also equipped with advanced software, containing powerful

chemometric capabilities. Some Bruker Optics FT-IR systems and practical examples are





Matthias Boese1, Anders Nilsson

2 and Timo Tuomi


1 Bruker Optik GmbH, D-76275 Ettlingen, Germany,

2 Bruker Optics Scandinavia AB, SE-187 66 Täby, Sweden

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X-ray diffraction is traditional measurement technique in the field of physical pharmacy. Through

the decades, it has been successfully applied for investigating crystal structures, crystallinity,

polymorphism and crystallite properties. Moreover, x-ray diffraction is a powerful method in

qualitative and quantitative analysis. Although the x-ray diffraction is an old technique, it still has a

great potential in the field of pharmaceutical materials research. By utilizing modern

instrumentation and innovative measurement procedures with the ever improving data analysis

methods x-ray diffraction offers a very powerful research tool for pharmaceutical physicists.

Whole Profile Fitting Methods

Various whole profile fitting procedures are increasingly applied when interpreting x-ray powder

diffractograms. These methods are based on the calculation of the ideal diffractogram of the sample

from its known crystal structure. The calculated powder pattern is then convoluted with

instrumental function, and compared with the measured diffractogram. After that, the calculated

pattern is refined to match the measured diffractogram. The refinement procedure can be used to

achieve information about the crystallite size and strain, texture and crystal structure of the sample,

for example. The whole profile fitting techniques are also very efficient in quantitative analysis.

The most widely used whole profile fitting procedure is the Rietveld method [1]. In order to

calculate the reference diffractograms, crystal information can be retrieved from different various

databases. The most used databases in the field of pharmacy are the Powder Diffraction File (PDF)

and the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). For the crystal structures of inorganic compounds,

the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) is used.

Texture Measurements

The preferred orientation of crystallites, i.e. texture, often disturbs the qualitative and quantitative

determinations performed with x-ray powder diffraction [2]. Texturization may occur when the

crystallites of the powder sample are not truly randomly oriented. In the diffractograms, the effect

of texture is shown by the abnormal intensity of some diffraction maxima. Texture of

pharmaceuticals has been studied only recently, and these studies have been revealed that sample

texture will not only disturb the data analysis but also affect on the properties of pharmaceuticals.

Texturized pharmaceutical compacts have been found to have different mechanical and dissolution

properties [3,4].

Depth Profiling of Crystallographic Properties

By using so called grazing incidence diffraction (GID) geometry, the x-ray diffraction data can be

obtained as a function of depth. With GID basically all crystallographic properties can be depth

profiled. So far, GID has been utilized for studying crystal disorders (amorphicity) and phase

transitions on the surface of tablets [5,6].


Mikko Tenho

Laboratory of Industrial Physics, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland

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Pair Distribution Function in Crystallography

The traditional crystallographic tools do not work on nanoworld. However, the Pair Distribution

Function (PDF) analysis goes beyond crystallography [7]. The PDF can be obtained from x-ray

diffractogram through a Fourier transform. Once obtained, it can be used to investigate the crystal

structure of the sample. PDF analysis is also applied for determining the size of the nanoparticles.

PDF also tells whether the sample is amorphous or nanocrystalline.

References [1] Rietveld, H.M., A Profile Refinement Method for Nuclear and Magnetic Structures. J. Appl. Cryst. 2, 65-71


[2] Stephenson, G.A. et al., Characterization of the solid state: quantitative issues, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 48, 67-

90 (2001).

[3] Koivisto, M. et al., Correlation between texture and tabletting properties of some pharmaceutical tablets, Z.

Kristal. Suppl. 23, 563-568 (2006).

[4] Tenho, M. et al., Effect of texture on the intrinsic dissolution behaviour of acetylsalicylic acid and tolbutamide

compacts, J. Appl. Cryst. 40, 857-864 (2007).

[5] Koivisto, M. et al., Depth profiling of compression-induced disorders and polymorphic transition on tablet

surfaces with grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, Pharm. Res. 23, 813-820 (2006).

[6] Debnath, S. et al., Use of glancing angle x-ray powder diffractometry to depth-profile phase transformations

during dissolution of indomethacin and theophylline tablets, Pharm. Res. 21, 149-159 (2004).

[7] Billinge, S.J.L. et al., Beyond crystallography: the study of disorder, nanocrystallinity and

crystallographically challenged materials with pair distribution functions, Chem. Comm. 7, 749-760 (2004).

Page 17: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


In 2004 U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Process Analytical Technology

concept (PAT-Framework for innovative pharmaceutical manufacturing and quality assurance)

[1]. It is described "A system for designing, analyzing, and controlling manufacturing through

timely measurements (i.e. during processing) of critical quality and performance attributes of raw

and in-process materials and processes, with the goal of ensuring final product quality." European

Union and national agencies have pronounced their keen on cheaper medicines and better care

response, too. At same time research and development of more accurate pharmaceutical molecules

and medicines is becoming more expensive. The calculated cost of a newly invented

pharmaceutical molecule has tripled. For example, the total expenses of European, American and

Japanese pharmaceutical research has doubled in ten years and in 2004 they were over 50 billion

euros [2]. As guidance for industry, PAT does not restrict the way of understanding but, finally, it

should restrict the process expenses.

Granulation is a widely used part of pharmaceutical manufacturing process. Small sized powder

particles are processed into granules by spraying a binder solution towards the fluidized particles.

In fluidized bed granulators fluidizing motion is controlled by a heated air flow through the powder

bed and is affected by numerous physical parameters. To understand the granulation process, we

should be able to measure these parameters in real-time.

Process parameters may include temperature, relative humidity of air, air flow velocity and air

pressure, but they do not provide direct information of the granule size or moisture content (Fig. 1).

However, granule size distribution can be measured by sieving of separate samples gathered from

granulator and free water content of the sample can be measured by Karl Fischer titration. These

methods do not meet the PAT ideology of "timely measurements". However, real-time moisture

estimation is done everyday in other fields of engineering. Electrical impedance measurements are

used routinely to detect unwanted water content within the structures (walls, buildings etc.).



Jari Leskinena, Mikko Hakulinen


aDepartment of Physics, P.O.Box 1627, FIN-70211 University of Kuopio

bDepartment of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio

Page 18: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Figure 1: Two process parameters used for monitoring of granulation process. Relative humidity

of the outlet air, RHout, can explain up to 54 % and granule bed temperature, T(mass), up to 62 %

of the variation of the moisture measurement.

We have used electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to measure non-invasively water content of

fluidized bed granulation process in-line (Fig. 2). Electric impedance can be measured by from the

dielectric response of the material during small alternating current input. By measuring the

response of different frequencies of the input, spectrum can be collected. This spectral data can be

used to estimate material's moisture content.

Figure 2: Typical granulation process monitored by EIS. Moisture content measured in-line and

compared to reference method. Dotted line stands for relative granule size. Starting point of the

drying stage was in 22 minutes and optimal end point at 35 minutes. [3]








0 10 20 30 40

Time (min)



re c



t (%

) In-Linemeasurement











0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00

Moisture [w/w%]

T(mass) [C]

RH out [%]

Page 19: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


In first experimental tests we found a good correlation (r = 0.7) between water content and EIS

method. By using density compensated algorithm during fluidization, the correlation was increased

up to r = 0.9. In industrial applications fluidization is used periodically during the granulation

because the filters in the chamber tend to clog up by fluidizing powder. By using EIS between

fluidization periods, the correlation was increased up to r = 0.98 (Fig. 3).

Figure 3: Water content of granule bed as a function of parallel capacitance. Data for parallel

capacitance was collected during granulation.

Before the whole granulation process, including wet agglomeration, granule drying and optimal

end point, can be controlled, the part processes should be understood. In our approach, we have

developed non-invasive methods to monitor granulation parameters in-line. It is shown that the

water content of the processed fluidizing bed could be determined by EIS. EIS technique has been

successfully applied to other fields of industry (e.g. wood industry [4]) and our preliminary results

shows that EIS can also offer valuable information on granulation process. The EIS technique may

not replace the traditional direct measurements in pharmaceutical manufacturing process but it

provides a good tool towards complete process understanding.


[1] http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/6419fnl.htm

[2] http://www.pif.fi/tiedostot/LTK_LTkalvot2006_suomi.pdf

[3] Leskinen et al: In-Line Process Monitoring with Electrical Impedance Measurement: Preliminary Fluid Bed

Granulator Studies, 3rd International Granulation Workshop, Sheffield, UK 2007.

[4] Markku Tiitta: Non-destructive Methods for Characterization of Wood Material, PhD thesis, University of Kuopio,

Finland 2007.

EIS moisture estimation

N = 11

r = 0.9864









1.00E+00 1.20E+00 1.40E+00 1.60E+00 1.80E+00

Cp Ratio



re w


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Page 22: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


In this study is introduced a new mathematical formula, which can represent very accurately

densification of powder bed as a function of compression pressure. By means of the parameters of

the new formula it is possible to calculate the limit value (true density) toward which the powder

will densify as the compression pressure increases. Two medicaments: acetylsalicylic acid and

ibuprofen were direct compressed in an eccentric tablet machine. Both substances densified under

high compression pressure clearly over the true density, measured by helium densitometer. The

porosity of the powders became thus apparently negative at high pressures. Explanation to this

phenomenon is that the true density is not constant, but depends from compression pressure. In this

study we represent a method to calculate the true density as a function of compression pressure. It

is not possible to draw Heckel plot for acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen for a wide pressure range

if we assume a constant true density values for those materials. We represent a modified Heckel

equation were we assume that the true density is a function of compression pressure. The new

method give clearly different results for yield values to the tested materials compared to the

traditional method. This is because the shape of the Heckel plot is very sensitive to the right value

of the true density.



Antikainen O., Pietarinen T., Yliruusi J.

University of Helsinki, Pharmaceutical Technology Division, Helsinki, Finland

Page 23: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Nanoparticles can be used in diverse biological applications, for example as fluorescent markers in

vitro and in vivo, for clinical diagnosis and drug delivery1. Silica nanoparticles are emerging as a

promising and versatile alternative to polymer-based counterparts, as they can be produced with a

tunable particle size and pore structure. Silica particles are biocompatible and chemically inert in a

wide range of conditions2. Furthermore, functionalization of the silica surface is relatively

straightforward using well-documented methods. This is an essential part of any state-of-the-art

formulation, as the surface functions serve as anchoring points for further functionalization, and

also control the extent of particle aggregation under given conditions. This is especially important

under biological conditions where the salt concentration is normally high, which puts a limit to the

possibility of utilizing electrostatic forces as the basis for dispersion stability. Here, we demonstrate

the successful use of surface modification of nonporous sol-gel derived silica particles based on

hyperbranching ―dendritic‖ surface polymerization using aziridine as the poly(ethylene imine)

precursor. The surface concentration of functional amino groups achievable is much higher than

normally obtained by surface functionalization by silanization. This leads to a marked increase in

the nanoparticles dispersion stability. The quantity, and thus also the thickness, of the PEI layer,

can be controlled simply by changing the aziridine/silica ratio in the surface functionalization step.

Furthermore, targeting of specific cells in drug delivery applications requires that additional

functions, such as specific antibodies, are introduced to the particle surface. The linking chemistry

is often relying on amine-carboxylate interactions, and thus the presence of amine or carboxylic

acid functions on the outer particle surface is of special interest. We demonstrate that the outermost

amino groups of the PEI can be ―converted‖ to carboxylic acid functions or used for conjugation

reactions as such, thus allowing full flexibility for further functionalization of the particles by

standard linking chemistry used in biochemistry. The introduced methodology also offers means

for fine-tuning of the effective surface charge of the particles at a given pH, which is one of the key

parameters for dispersion stability. The attachment of labeled fluorescent streptavidin is

demonstrated utilizing this exact linking chemistry, and imaging of the particles is demonstrated by

confocal fluorescent microscopy as well as SEM and TEM. Due to the exceptionally high affinity

of streptavidin to its water-soluble ligand biotin (vitamin H) it is easy to be bound to a wide variety

of biotin-antibody complexes enabling the targeting of nanoparticles to cell receptors of interest.

References 1 Lin, Y-S.; Tsai, C-P.; Huang, H-Y.; Kuo, C-T.; Hung, Y.; Huang, D-M.; Chen, Y-C.; Mou, C-Y. Well-Ordered

Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Cell Markers Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 4570-4573 2 Schiestel, T.; Brunner, H.; Tovar, G.E.M. Controlled Surface Functionalization of Silica Nanospheres by Covalent

Conjugation Reactions and Preparation of High Density Streptavidin Nanoparticles. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2004, 4,




Lotta Bergmana, Jessica Rosenholm

a, Anna-Brita Öst


Alain Duchanoya, Mika Lindén


aDepartment of Physical Chemistry, Åbo Akademi University, Porthansgatan 3-5, 20500 Turku, Finland

bDepartment of Biochemistry, Medicity, Tykistökatu 6A, 20520 Turku, Finland

*to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]

Page 24: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for



The aim of this study was to test a novel hot steam based technique for processing powder

particles. The method is based on a pulsatile application of pressurized hot steam on to the powder



Lactose monohydrate and glucose anhydrate were used as test materials and caffeine anhydrate as a

model drug in a hot steam processing. The sugars or drug powder were mixed in a fluidized bed

device and exposed to a pulsatile flow of pressurized hot steam sprayed at a constant pressure of 6

bar and at a temperature of 160°C inside the boiler (Figure 1). The batch sizes were 200-500 g and

the processing time was 10-30 min. Special interest was focused on the effect of spraying amount

of hot steam. The hot steam treated and untreated powders were evaluated with respect to yield,

moisture content, flow properties, particle surface morphology (stereomicroscope), as well as

particle size and size distribution (sieve analysis).


It was observed that hot steam exposure flattened the surface of lactose and caffeine powder.

Treated glucose particles appeared to be slightly larger, but more equidimensional in size. The

disappearance of fine powder was observed in both cases. In comparison with original sugars, an

improvement of powder flow properties was evidenced. The instant changes in particle and powder

properties of drugs were obviously due to a superficial dissolution of fine species, which

recrystallized in the fractures of the bigger particles during the period between hot steam injection.


In conclusion, the present hot steam technique is capable of rapid influence on particle surface and

size characteristics of pharmaceutical sugars.

Figure 1. A laboratory-scale fluidized bed device equipped with a hot-steam generator: (1) Heater,

(2) Reactor chamber, (3) Temperature display, (4) Pipe for outlet air, (5) Channel blower, (6)

Frequency inverter and (7) Steam generator.



N. Geninaa;b

, J. Heinämäkia, P. Veski

b, J. Yliruusi


aDivision of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, P.O.Box 56, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

bDepartment of Pharmacy, University of Tartu, Nooruse 1, 50411 Tartu, Estonia

E-mail address: [email protected]

Page 25: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


In recent decades, mucosal vaccination has received a great deal of attention as alternative for

systemic vaccines. Unlike systemic vaccination, mucosal one is non-invasive and does not require

trained personnel for administration. This would lead to lower cost and better patient compliance.

Chitosan (polysaccharide obtained by deacetylation of chitin) has been widely used as antigens

delivery systems because of its biocompatibility, biodegradability, mucoadhesiveness, low cost,

and its ability to open intercellular tight junctions. Chitosan can also be used to prepare

microparticles or nanoparticles. In the present study, biodegradable microparticles formulation for

mucosal antigen delivery was developed and evaluated based on chitosan. The microparticles were

prepared by emulsion (water/oil) and solvent evaporation technique, and Bovine Serum Albumin

(BSA) was used as a model vaccine antigen. A central composite design was used to optimize

microparticles preparation. The process parameters evaluated were stirring rate during emulsion

preparation and amount of surface active agent. Both, unloaded and loaded microspheres were

evaluated respect size, shape, antigen encapsulation efficiency and release properties. When the

amount of emulsifier agent or stirring rate increased, microparticles size was lower, being between

5 and 15 µm. Inclusion of BSA in the formulation also resulted in microparticles with uniform size

and shape and low batch-to-batch variation, similar to unload microparticles. The encapsulation

efficiency of BSA was 51.3 % ± 1.8. The protein release from microparticles occured during the

first 20 minutes. In conclusion, microparticles with appropriate characteristics were obtained to be

used as mucosal vaccine.



L. González1, J. Heinämäki

2, C. Peniche

3, M.A. Barrios

1, J. Yliruusi


1Institute of Pharmacy and Foods, University of Havana, 11400, Havana,Cuba. [email protected]

2Faculty of Pharmacy, Division of Pharmaceutical Technology,

University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 56, (Viikinkaari 5E), 00014, University of Helsinki, Finland. 3Biomaterials Center, University of Havana, 10600, Havana, Cuba.

Page 26: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


User-friendly administration of poorly water soluble drug compounds over the oral route (as pills

or tablets) is an ongoing, but still largely unmet goal of the pharmaceutical industry. In recent

studies, drug delivery systems based on novel mesoporous silica/silicon materials have shown great

potential for overcoming the problems associated with the oral delivery of drugs. This is due to

their high drug load capacity, rapid drug release property as well as drug solubility and

permeability enhancing properties in the intestinal lumen models [1, 2]. These properties are

realized by housing individual drug molecules in the nanoscale (2-50 nm) pores of the solid carrier,

thereby enabling the dispersion of drug in its highly active amorphous (but still stable) form after

ingestion. The absolute in vivo safety and biocompatibility of any pharmaceutical product is of

outmost importance. Therefore, when designing drug formulations based on mesoporous materials,

the compatibility between the mesoporous solid and the applied drug has to be considered, also

taking into account the long-term stability of the product. Degradation of the loaded drug

compound can be induced by chemical reactions between the mesoporous solid, the drug and/or the

solvent used in the loading process, as well as by unfavorable treatment conditions (high

temperature etc.) of the formulation during production or storage.

In the present study, ATR-FTIR (Fig. 1), HPLC and IMC methods were used for preliminary

mapping of the reactions between several combinations of mesoporous material, solvent and poorly

water soluble model drug compounds, in order to improve the understanding of the factors

affecting drug stability and compatibility. The mesoporous materials studied were based on silicon

(AAPSi, TOPSi and TCPSi) and silica (MCM-41 and SBA-15). The compatibility of several

solvents (e.g. chloroform, acetone, acetonitrile, methanol and ethanol) was tested in combination

with various poorly water soluble model drugs (e.g. indomethacin, furosemide, griseofulvin,

beclomethasone dipropionate). The results indicate that many combinations of drug and solvent

exist that are likely to produce degraded products when applied with a mesoporous solid. Further

development of pure formulations based on mesoporous materials can be achieved by avoiding

these combinations in the processes.

1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000








1240 cm-1




nce (


Wavenumber (cm-1)

1. EtOH





6. EtOH/BDP/SBA-15

7. EtOH/BDP/MCM-41

Fig. 1. ATR-FTIR liquid phase spectras of pure

ethanol (EtOH), beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP)

dissolved in EtOH, and with the mesoporous materials

(AAPSi, TOPSi, TCPSi, SBA-15 and MCM-41).

Features indicating incompatibility were detected in

the BDP/silica spectras at 1240 cm-1



[1] Heikkilä et al., Evaluation of Mesoporous TCPSi, MCM-41, SBA-15 and TUD-1 materials as API carriers for oral

drug delivery, Drug Delivery 14 (2007), 337-347.

[2] Kaukonen et al., Enhanced in vitro permeation of furosemide loaded into thermally carbonized mesoporous silicon

(TCPSi) microparticles, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 66 (2007), 348-356.




T. Heikkiläa, d

, J. Riikonena, E. Mäkilä

a, J. Salonen

a, J. Saarela

a, N. Kumar

b, D.Yu.

Murzinb, T. Salmi

b, H. Santos

c, L. Peltonen

c, J. Hirvonen

c, V-P. Lehto


a Laboratory of Industrial Physics, Department of Physics, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland

b Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, PCC, Åbo Akademi University, FI-20500 Turku, Finland

c Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland

d Graduate School of Materials Research, Turku, Finland

Page 27: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Poor solubility is one of the most common and frustrating problems in the drug development.

Ibuprofen, ketoprofen, indomethacin and piroxicam are all classified as BCS (Biopharmaceutics

classification system) II drugs meaning that they have poor solubility. There are several compound

properties which affect the solubility. It is known for example that salts, solvates and polymorphs

of the same drug have different solubilities. It is well documented in the pharmaceutical literature

that all the model compounds in this study do exist at least two different polymorphic forms.

Changes from one polymorph to another during solubility determinations is a problematic

phenomena which is highly compound dependent. The aim of this study was to analyse the

solubility behavior of the four model compounds in different media and detect the changes on the

dissolved amount.

The solubility tests were made by the shake flask method at room temperature. As the media was

used water and aqueous buffer solutions at pH 1,2 and 6,8 (1). The assays were performed after 1h,

2h, 3h, 4h, 5h, 24h and 30h. The assays were analyzed by the UV-spectrophotometry (LKB

Biochrom, Ultrospec II).

The results showed that all the model compounds had the highest total solubility at pH 6.8. At pH

1.2 the solubility was the lowest, except for piroxicam it was the lowest in water. The highest

solubility was reached within the first 4 hours, except for piroxicam and indomethacin at pH 1.2

and 6.8 the peak value was achieved at later time-points. The colour of piroxicam was changed

during the test indicating polymorphia.

Both the circumstances of the environment (e.g. the pH of the GI tract) and the physicochemical

properties of the drug(s) affect the solubility and cause variety in the solubility results. For reliable

solubility testing it is of outmost important to perform exact physicochemical characterization of

the drug material in question.


(1) The United States Pharmacopeia and national formulary, 26th

edition (2003)




Tiina Heikkiläa, Marjo Yli-Perttula

b, Arto Urtti

c, Krista Ojala


Jouni Hirvonena and Leena Peltonen


aDivision of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland

bDivision of Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics, University of Helsinki, Finland

cDDTC, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki

, Finland

dOrion Pharma Oyj, Espoo, Finland

Page 28: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The aim of this study was to investigate the applicability of surface pressure measurements,

Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) deposition and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in stability

evaluation of pharmaceutical nanoparticles in different environments.

Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanoparticles were spread on aqueous surfaces of different pH or

electrolyte concentration. The nanoparticles were compressed and the values of surface pressure (π

vs. A isotherms) were recorded and evaluated. The particle layers on aqueous subphases were

visualized by SEM after the LS deposition on silica plates.

At neutral pH, the PLA nanoparticles were electrostatically stabilized by their high surface charge

(δ-potential). When the pH was decreased, the nanoparticles started to aggregate due to the

lowering of the surface charge, which caused steepness (resistance towards compression) in the π

vs. A isotherms [1]. When the nanoparticles were prepared with a surfactant, Poloxamer 188, the

surfactant molecules located on the nanoparticle surface created a steric barrier that resisted the

compression at longer distances compared to the surfactant-free nanoparticles. This could be seen

as an earlier increase in the surface pressure during the compression. The surfactant, i.e. steric

stabilization, protected the nanoparticles against pH-induced aggregation. Increased surface charge

(δ-potential) and, thus, increased repulsion between the surfactant-free nanoparticles, induced by

electrolyte addition, caused a rise in the surface pressure values. The aggregation due to the pH

decrease resulted in percolated particle networks [2], if the surfactant was not present. With

surfactant, or if the surface charge was high enough as a result of electrolyte addition, the

formation of networks was prevented and the aggregates remained as clusters.

Surface pressure determinations together with visual observations provided useful and descriptive

information about the stability and the aggregation mechanisms of the PLA nanoparticles in

different environments.


[1] Hirsjärvi S., Peltonen L., Hirvonen J. (2008). Int. J. Pharm. 348, 153-160.

[2] Robinson D.J., Earnshaw J.C. (1992). Phys. Rev. A. 46, 2045-2054.



Samuli Hirsjärvi, Leena Peltonen and Jouni Hirvonen

Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, P.O. Box 56, 00014 University of Helsinki

Page 29: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


In the present literature there are only a few papers handling about viscosity of amorphous drugs

(1-2). The viscosity is one of the most important physical parameter of an amorphous material. The

viscosity of the glassy material is accounted to be approximately 1012

Pa s, but it may vary between

different systems.

In this study the main aim was to compare the effect of preparation method of amorphous sample

on viscosity and crystallisation tendency upon consecutive shearing. Amorphous samples were

produced by melting or ethanol (EtOH) evaporation method. Materials used were pure citric acid

and paracetamol (PARA) or blends of them. Viscosity measurements were measured by controlled

stress rheometer from the samples. The melt flow activation energy was determined according to

Arrhenius equation. Material parameters were determined using the Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher

equation. X-ray powder diffraction was used to confirm physical stability.

The composition of the samples affects the viscosity, the viscosity increases with increasing PARA

content. Furthermore, it was found that the melt-processed samples show slightly higher values of

moduli and viscosity than the corresponding EtOH samples having the same composition. All the

samples behave as Newtonian liquids. Upon shearing none of the EtOH samples crystallised during

the measurement, although the melt-processed samples with other compositions than 50% (w/w)

tended to crystallise. All samples can be described as "fragile" according to Angell's classification.

The main finding was that composition and processing method has an impact on physical stability

and viscosity of amorphous sample.


[1] B. C. Hancock, Y. Dupuis, and R. Thibert (1999). Pharm. Res. 16: 672-675.

[2] V. Andronis, and G. Zografi (1997). Pharm. Res. 14: 410-414.




Pekka Hoppu,a Sami Hietala,

b Staffan Schantz,

c Anne Mari Juppo


a Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy,

Fin-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland b Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, Department of Chemistry,

Fin-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland c AstraZeneca R&D, S-431 83, Mölndal, Sweden

d Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy,

Fin-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland

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As an example of physical pharmacy teaching in the Department of Pharmaceutics, the laboratory

work included in Advanced Physical Pharmacy course (4th year) is presented.

Materials and methods

Solubility of ibuprofen with and without 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (2-HP-β-CD) was

determined in acetate buffer (pH 4.5) and in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Complexation constant of

ibuprofen-2-HP-β-CD complex was determined from the phase-solubility diagram and by

microcalorimetry. Vacuum-dried ibuprofen-2-HP-β-CD complex and physical mixture of ibuprofen

and 2-HP-β-CD were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier

transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The influence of 2-HP-β-CD on the in vitro permeability

of ibuprofen was determined in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) using poly-ε-caprolactone as a

membrane. Sink conditions were maintained and samples were analyzed with reverse phase HPLC

(isocratic conditions, acetonitrile:water 70:30 with 0.1 % TFA; 1.0 ml/min). The effect of 2-HP-β-

CD on surface tension of aqueous sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) solution was examined by


Results and discussion

Ionization of ibuprofen (pKa 5.2) strongly affected complexation: complexation with 2-HP-β-CD

increased solubility of ibuprofen more at pH 4.5 than at pH 7.4. Solubility of ibuprofen (2.5 mM)

was increased linearly at pH 4.5 when complex formation had occurred. At pH 4.5, ibuprofen is

mainly in unionized form, thus complexation with cyclodextrin improves solubility by means of

solubilization [1-3]. Stability constant K1:1 at pH 4.5 was 9124 M-1

. ΔG values obtained from the

microcalorimetry were -20.965 kJ*mol-1

, -19.38 kJ*mol-1

and -15.50 kJ*mol-1

at pH 3.0; 5.2 and

7.4, respectively. Change in Gibbs free energy (ΔG) can be used in estimation of spontaneity of

complexation reaction [1]. Solid-state complexation was confirmed by IR and DSC. The IR spectra

of ibuprofen exhibited a peak at 1722 cm-1

. The corresponding peak was not observed in the IR

spectra of the complex that explains the complex formation. In the DSC thermogram of the

complex the melting peak of ibuprofen was disappeared. Complexation slightly decreased

permeability of ibuprofen at pH 7.4. Surface tension of aqueous SDS solution (6.02 mM) was

increased when cyclodextrin was added into solution because the complexed SDS was not able to

lower the surface tension.

Students´ feedback

According to feedback, the students were pleased with the course. The project work was interesting

and helped to understand the theory of physical pharmacy.


[1] Sinko P J: Martin´s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5th

ed, 2006

[2] Perlovich G L et al: Driving forces and the influence of the buffer composition on the complexation reaction

between ibuprofen and HPCD. Eur J Pharm Sci 20: 197-200, 2003

[3] Higuchi T, Connors K A: Phase-Solubility Techniques. Adv Anal Chem Instr 4: 117-212, 1965




Maiju Järvinen, Marko Kuosmanen, Kristiina Järvinen,

Ossi Korhonen and Tarja Toropainen

Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio, P.O. Box 1627, FI70211 Kuopio

Page 31: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Multipart Microscale Fluid bed powder Processor (MMFP) has been developed for fast

characterization of pharmaceutical materials. Miniaturized devices are advantageous especially in

formulation development studies during the expensive drug development process. The purpose of

this study was to clarify the key parameters of fluid bed granulation in microscale using

electrostatic atomization for addition of the granulation liquid.

The experiments were performed in the MMFP with a special nozzle which was connected to a

high voltage supply. In electrostatic atomization an electric field is applied at the granulation liquid

surface and strong coulombic forces disrupt the liquid surface so that droplets form. It is not

possible to use the pressurized air to generate the droplets in this device because the pressurized air

would destroy the fluidization with low air flow rates.

The model substance granulated was lactose monohydrate and granulation liquid consisted of

polyvinylpyrrolidone and water. After the granulation in MMFP, the granules were transferred for

drying to another fluid bed column due to insufficient adjustment speed of the air conditioning unit

used. The variables in this study were the binder quantity, pumping speed and atomization voltage

of the granulation liquid. The relative humidity of the inlet air was also controlled. The particle size

of the granules was determined by sieve analysis.

The preliminary results indicate that pumping speed and binder content of the granulation liquid

had the strongest positive effect on the granule size. The relative humidity of the inlet air had no

effect on granule size and the effect of atomization voltage remained unclear. In this study, only

simple linear relationships could be generated between the variables due to the large variation in

the analytical methods for small samples.

Electrostatic atomization is a good technique for generating droplets in MMFP. The granulation

process in MMFP is a delicate method and vulnerable to disturbances like cleaning of the device.

Despite the challenges, it was shown to be possible to predict the processability in fluid bed

granulation of pharmaceutical material with MMFP.

Figure 1. The nozzle



N. Kivikeroa, B. Ingelbeen

a, M. Murtomaa

b, O. Antikainen


E. Rasanend, J-P. Mannermaa


a Industrial Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland,

bLaboratory of Industrial Physics, University of Turku, Finland,

cDivision of Pharmaceuticla Technology, Unversity of Helsinki, Finland,

dSouth Carelian Hospital Pharmacy, Lappeenranta,Finland,

eVerman Oy, Jarvenpaa, Finland

Page 32: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Miniaturization has been an ongoing trend in pharmaceutical development for years. One of the

main reasons for miniaturization in addition to reduced cost, is the limited amount of the active

pharmaceutical ingredient in the early stages of formulation development. The purpose of this

study was to compare the Multipart Microscale Fluid bed powder Processor (MMFP) with other

drying methods using theophylline-excipient mixtures as a model material. The effect of excipient

on the solid state change and the appearance of the metastable form were also evaluated.

Theophylline anhydrate was mixed with one excipient at a time in a planetary mixer. The

excipients included the most common excipients in formulations, e.g. lactose monohydrate, starch,

low substituted hydroxypropyl cellulose and mannitol. Water was used as the granulation liquid.

The water amount for the granulations was determined beforehand. After the granulation process,

the granules were dried at fixed temperature just above the onset temperature of the dehydration in

the MMFP, tray drier and x-ray powder diffractometer (XRPD). Before, during and after the drying

procedure, the granules were examined with near infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy and

multivariate analysis. The moisture content of the granules was measured with Karl-Fischer

titrimetry. Because polymorphic changes can be time-dependent, the measurements were repeated

after one hour and 24 hours in triplicate.

NIR and Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics were succesfully used to monitor the

solid state transitions in the MMFP. Drying method and excipient selection had an influence on the

conversion of the theophylline structure and the appearance of the metastable form. The water

content during the granulation process also significantly affected the solid state forms.

NIR and Raman spectroscopies combined with multivariate analysis are powerful tools for

monitoring solid state changes on the molecular level. MMFP is a practical tool for understanding

of solid state changes during drying.

Figure 1. The score plot of the principal component analysis of the SNV corrected NIR spectra (A)

and loadings (B) of drying process containing granules made of TP.



N. Kivikeroa, C. Strachan

b, J. Aaltonen

c, S. Airaksinen

c, M. Karjalainen


J. Yliruusic, A. Juppo


a Industrial Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland,

b Drug Discovery and Development Technology Center, University of Helsinki, Finland,

c Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland

Page 33: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


It has been estimated that every third active pharmaceutical ingredient is capable of forming a

hydrate. Mechanical or thermal stress on a system during pharmaceutical manufacture may induce

the dehydration of hydrates and alter the physicochemical properties of a solid form. Furthermore, if

the hydrate form is present in the final product the quantification becomes an important tool in solid

state investigation.

The aim of the study was to perform quantitative analysis of the solid-state changes during

dehydration using in situ near infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy combined with partial least

squares (PLS) regression modeling.

In situ NIR and Raman spectroscopy were used to monitor isothermal dehydration of piroxicam

(PRX) and carbamazepine (CBZ) hydrates at variable temperatures. Calibration models were

constructed after qualitative partial least squares discriminant analysis, and using all known forms

that occur during dehydration at these conditions. PRX monohydrate transformed directly to

anhydrous PRX form I, whereas the dehydration of CBZ dihydrate (CBZDH) included several

solid-state forms (amorphous, forms III and I). In this study, PLS regression was performed to

quantify these forms. Several pre-treatment and scaling methods were trialed. External test set

validation was utilized to determine the model quality.

The best models were obtained using standard normal variate transformation and mean-centering.

For PRX, the root mean square error of predictions (RMSEP) for the hydrate form were 2.2% and

2.9%, for NIR and Raman spectroscopy, respectively. For CBZ, RMSEP values for the hydrate

form were 3.9% and 4.0%, for NIR and Raman spectroscopy, respectively. It was demonstrated

that both NIR and Raman spectroscopy combined with PLS allowed quantitative analysis of the

dehydration. However, NIR spectroscopy models could quantify the forms in the binary system

(PRX), but were unable to quantify all the forms in the quaternary system (CBZ). Raman

spectroscopy models on the other hand could quantify all four solid-state forms that appeared upon

isothermal heating of CBZDH. This showed that Raman spectroscopy was particularly sensitive to

structural changes, whereas NIR spectroscopy was very sensitive to water of crystallization but less

sensitive to alterations in the structure.

This study demonstrates the utility of two complementary spectroscopic techniques (NIR and

Raman) combined with PLS regression to perform quantitative analysis of multiple solid-state

forms during the dehydration. This provides a basis for real time process monitoring during

pharmaceutical manufacturing.




Karin Kogermanna,b

, Jaakko Aaltonena, Clare J. Strachan

c, Kati Pöllänen

d, Jyrki

Heinämäkia, Jouko Yliruusi

a, Jukka Rantanen


aDivision of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland

bDepartment of Pharmacy, University of Tartu, Estonia

cDrug Discovery and Development Technology Center, University of Helsinki, Finland

dDepartment of Chemical Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

eDepartment of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Page 34: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for



Porous Si and SiO2 microparticles (PSi) have been proposed as possible new drug carrier materials.

Before widespread use, information about their toxicology must be obtained. However, testing

them with the standard MTT indicator could be faulted. MTT testing relies on the enzymatic

reduction of MTT in living cells. Unfortunately, unprotected Si will easily form a red/ox pairs with

MTT and cause dramatic shifts in the observed toxicity. These reactions are studied here.

Figure 1. Schematic presentation of reduction at a PSi surface.


MTT and Si/SiO2 microparticles are mixed in a range of pH solutions and the resulting formation

of purple formazan is monitored spectrometrically. The amount of MTT converted to formazan is

estimated from UV-vis spectra. Caco-2 cells were used to model the toxicity of the particles for

oral drug delivery.


From the measurements, it is clear that PSi particles indeed reduce MTT directly to formazan,

causing a false non-toxic signal in cell tests. The extent of the reaction is largest for as-anodized

PSi particles and lower for thermally oxidized and carbonized PSi particles. As expected, SiO2

particles did not react with MTT, since SiO2 cannot be further oxidized and form red/ox pairs with

MTT. Comparable experiments done in a cell culturing solution, where the real toxicity test would

be carried out, showed similar trends: All Si particles were able to reduce MTT and SiO2 particles

were completely non-reactive.

It is shown that the common toxicity indicator, MTT, will fail to predict the toxicity of

formulations containing PSi particles. This is due to the spontaneous red/ox reactions where the

MTT is reduced and the PSi particle surfaces are oxidized simultaneously. It is strongly suggested

that other forms of toxicity indicators be used with any drug formulation testing involving PSi




Timo Laaksonen, Hélder Santos, Leena Peltonen, Jouni Hirvonen

Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, P.O. Box 56 (Viikinkaari 5E), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland.

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 35: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The existing in vitro drug dissolution test methods have limitations, such as long sampling times of

30-60 seconds, considering fast dissolving drugs. They also require relatively large amounts of

dissolution medium and time consuming sample preparation. There is a clear need for resource-

sparing assays of the dissolution and measurement methods that could monitor fast dissolution on-

line and would enable better simulation of the conditions e.g. in buccal cavity with smaller

dissolution medium volumes.

In this study, a method based on scattering of laser light from particles in a liquid medium is

evaluated for dissolution rate determination of two fast dissolving drugs (anhydrous caffeine and

propranolol hydrochloride). The measuring system consisted of a laser power supply, a light

detector, an oscilloscope, a magnetic stirrer and a sample vessel (Figure 1). The intensity of laser

light transmitted through the dissolution medium was recorded and displayed by the oscilloscope.

The dissolution tests were performed in 100 ml of dissolution medium varying the medium pH,

temperature and the amount of drug sample. The resulting raw data curves were fitted with Noyes-

Whitney equation and compared to the dissolution curves obtained by a traditional dissolution

method in the same conditions. The measurement system offers a fast, reproducible and accurate

on-line monitoring of fast dissolution processes with sampling interval of 0.2 s. However, the

method is not suitable for drug particles with poor wettablility. Furthermore, with this method it is

not possible to measure dissolution profiles of two or more drugs simultaneously or dissolution of

drugs formulated with excipients.

Figure 1. Assembly of the optical measuring system used for dissolution rate determination (left)

and the sample beaker showing the laser beam passing through the sample containing medium




Riikka Laitinena,, Jani Lahtinen

b, Pertti Silfsten

b, Erik Vartiainen


Jarkko Ketolainena

a Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio, P.O.Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland

b Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Lappeenranta, P.O.Box 20, FI-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland

Page 36: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The most common way to protect moisture-sensitive pharmaceutical powders is to utilize

protective packaging. However, the most convenient package materials are all permeable to water

molecules to some extent and limited protection is normally achieved with this arrangement even

though desiccants are employed. In this study a novel system is introduced that can regulate the

internal humidity of the containers used with solid dosage forms for a desired time at a requested

level [1]. Instead of the widely used solid adsorbents the system utilizes saturated salt solutions

loaded in desiccant bags made of various polymer materials with appropriate permeation

properties. By utilizing salt solutions the size of the desiccant bag can be further reduced compared

to the conventional solid adsorbents. A wide variety of commonly used powder chambers and

desiccant bags has been tested in the study, proving the effectiveness of the introduced system

(Figure 1).

Figure 1. The mass increase (Δm) and the internal humidity (RHch) as a function of storage time at

75% RH for the polycarbonate (PC) chambers containing silicone, polyvinylchloride (PVC) or

latex desiccant bag loaded with MgCl2 solution.


The author thanks Orion Pharma Oy (Finland) for donating HDPE chambers.


[1] V-P. Lehto and I. Erling, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. 33:1233-1239 (2007).



Vesa-Pekka Lehto

Laboratory of Industrial Physics, Department of Physics, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland

Page 37: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The objective of this study was to determine the thermal stability of model proteins lactase and

lysozyme (Lys). Proteins, that are thermally labile, were exposed to extreme temperatures, and

differences in their secondary and tertiary structure were measured. Sucrose (S), trehalose (T)

and/or mannitol (M) were added to formulations to prevent structural changes.

Protein formulations were freeze-dried. Thermal stability, such as cold and hot denaturation, glass

transition (Tg) or denaturation temperatures (Tm), of formulations was analyzed with DSC.

Corresponding heat-treatment was applied to dry (160˚C, 18 h) and reconstituted (90˚C, 18 h)

samples. FT-IR and fluorometry were used to study a protein secondary and tertiary structure,

respectively. Measurements were performed to dry, and dissolved untreated protein, to dry and

reconstituted freeze-dried formulations, and to dry and reconstituted heat-treated formulations.

The glass transition temperatures of excipient-protein formulations increased in comparison to the

Tg of pure sugars. This implies that excipients and protein have formed a continuous matrix (only

one Tg was detected). Furthermore, this indicates a higher thermal stability of formulations due to

the slower molecular movement at room temperature. Denaturation temperatures of lysozyme-

solutions were also higher than of the native (Table 1). Mannitol seemed to be the most efficient in

preventing denaturation (Tm ca. 74,5˚C) whereas Tg of trehalose formulations were the highest (ca.

129˚C). Regardless of the stabilizing excipients, the supportive methods showed alterations in the

protein structure levels. Sugar addition itself caused perturbations in the overall shape of secondary

structure, thus it is difficult to evaluate the impact of changes. Tertiary structures of formulations

were compared. Freeze-dried excipient containing formulations were more alike with the native

form than with the pure freeze-dried proteins.

In conclusion, it was observed that excipients contribute to protein stability regardless of

temperature range. Combination of trehalose and mannitol seemed to stabilize lysozyme the best.

Table 1. The effect of excipients on entalphy change (ΔH %) and denaturation temperature change

(ΔTm) of pure proteins and freeze-dried proteins-excipient formulations.

Formulation Measured

Δ H (Jg-1



Δ H (Jg-1)

Δ H % (Measured Δ H/

Calculated Δ H)*100% ΔTm (°C)

Lys (native) 3,2 3,2 - -

Lys 3,04 3,2 95 - 0,23

MLys 0,79 0,8 98,8 3,11

SLys 1,37 1,6 85,6 1,95

TLys 1,27 1,6 79,4 1,99

MSLys 0,51 0,64 79,7 3,25

MTLys 0,53 0,64 82,8 3,39



Katri M. Levonen, A. Penttonen, J. Ketolainen and O. Korhonen

Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio, Finland

Page 38: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The fluidized bed granulation is a complex and multivariate process in nature like any other

process1 and it must be handled in a multivariate way. Until recently granulation has been followed

by recording separately few process parameters, e.g. in - and outlet air humidity and temperature2.

Separate parameters give information of the process based on the earlier experiments using the

same process conditions, and the end-point of the granulation could be estimated using the

experience gathered from these process parameters and conditions which have led to a desired end

product. However, separate process variables do not give a comprehensive picture of the

granulation process and such operating methods, which are ultimately based on users experience,

do not fit well into the high-quality product manufacturing proposed in FDA's PAT initiative. Thus,

developing more sophisticated controlling and monitoring systems for fluidized bed granulation is


Binder content of the fluidized bed affects the granule growth rate, granule size and eventually,

yield. An even distribution of the aquous binder produces narrow granule size distribution, while

over wetting the mass can lead to a bed collapse. Thus, the granulation process could be followed

by tracing the water content of the fluidized mass. A common technique for water content

measurement is Karl Fischer titration, but it requires the removal of the sample from the process

line, and obtaining statistically reliable results could be cumbersome. Near-infrared spectroscopy is

a capable tool in determining water content during granulation3, but collecting representative

spectra can be problematic due to the probe or window contamination. Passive acoustic emission is

a technology, which have been used in a wide variety of chemical engineering processes4. As the

moisture content changes during granulation, so does the elastic properties of the material,

affecting the acoustic emissions caused by particle impact. Also, since the water content of the

mass depends heavily on the process parameters, taking account of the parameters is important for

the water content prediction.

Our study aimed to develop a model for real-time quantification of the water content of the powder

mass during the granulation. For the model, we combined the knowledge from the process

parameters and acouctic emission using PLS regression. As a result the water content of the

granule mass can be followed using acoustic emission and process parameters. The relative

humidity of ambient air is crucial for determining the water content of granules and it is of

importance to be able to stabilize its effect in the model. The data analysis were carried out using

PLS_toolbox5 version 4.0. More detailed results will be provided in the poster



Sanni Materoa, Sami Poutiainen

b, Jari Leskinen

c, Mikko Hakulinen

b, Maija Lahtela-

Kakkonena, Antti Poso

a,Jarkko Ketolainen

b, Reijo Lappalainen

c, Kristiina Järvinen


aDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

bDepartment of Pharmaceutics

cDepartment of Physics

University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland, FIN-70211

*[email protected]

Page 39: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Dehydration of a hydrate is a common solid-state reaction that can be facilitated by pharmaceutical

unit operations. The solid-state changes resulting from dehydration are reflected as altered physical

and chemical properties of pharmaceuticals, with potential effects on their processability,

dissolution rate and bioavailability, and stability. The ability to detect these changes as well as the

knowledge of dehydration mechanisms are, therefore, prerequisites to controlling the

manufacturing process and storage conditions of a drug product. Lattice channel hydrates, which

are capable of forming isomorphic dehydrates, comprise a challenging class of hydrates from

analytical standpoint and hence the development of analytical tools to ensure the appropriate solid

state of the pharmaceuticals is clearly requested.

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to investigate the potential of Raman spectroscopy to

detect isomorphic dehydration transition and (2) to obtain molecular level insight into dehydration

mechanism of a model drug, erythromycin A dihydrate. Based on the multi-technical approach

(variable-temperature X-ray powder diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry,

thermogravimetry and hot-stage Raman spectroscopy), solid-state dehydration of the model drug

was verified. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that, for any isomorphic dehydration transition,

Raman spectroscopy provides a powerful tool to detect the transition. Finally, the experimental

data were combined with molecular modeling tools in order to postulate the mechanism involved in

the solid-state dehydration of erythromycin A dihydrate.



Inna Miroshnyka, Sabiruddin Mirza

a, Jukka Rantanen

a,b, Jyrki Heinämäki

a and

Jouko Yliruusia,b

a Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland

b Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry,

The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Denmark

Page 40: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Pharmaceutical unit operations are well known to facilitate phase transformations of active

ingredients and/or excipients. Since the quality and performance of a pharmaceutical solid

formulation depend on solid state of the drug and excipients, a thorough investigation of these

transformations is required. The aim of this study was on the physical phenomena taking place

during (1) recrystallization of anhydrous baclofen from water and (2) formulation of erythromycin

dihydrate solid dispersion with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 by melting method.

Optical microscopy was utilized for in situ monitoring of phase transitions during these processes.

X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and Raman spectroscopy were used as complementary analytical

techniques to verify solid-state changes.

The process visualization using optical microscopy revealed that both model drugs undergo a

solvent-mediated phase transformation that involves dissolution of the initial phase and formation

of a new solid phase with characteristic morphology. The phase transitions (specifically, baclofen

anhydrate baclofen monohydrate and erythromycin dihydrate erythromycin dehydrate

erythromycin anhydrate) were further verified by XRPD and Raman spectroscopy.

In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that optical microscopy is a fast tool in obtaining an

insight into the physical phenomena taking place during processing of pharmaceuticals, which

enables better understanding and control of the process.



Sabiruddin Mirzaa, Inna Miroshnyk

a, Jyrki Heinämäki

a, Jukka Rantanen


Jouko Yliruusia,b

a Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland

b Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry,

The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Denmark

Page 41: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Figure 1 Ibuprofen adsorption

isotherms into TCPSi and TOPSi

from chloroform solution

One of the most promising applications of mesoporous silicon (PSi) is in the field of drug delivery. The

mesoscale dimensions induce solid-state restructuring of the drug adsorbed inside the pores into a more

disordered state, which has been shown to improve drug dissolution and permeation.

However, in order to benefit from the improved pharmacokinetic properties of the drug, a suitable and

easily controlled method for loading the drug inside the pores has to be chosen. The most common choice is

adsorption from solution, which provides several controllable parameters, such as solution concentration,

the choice of solvent and temperature. The physicochemical properties of the drug molecule and the

influence of the particle surface chemistry also have a considerable effect to the outcome of the adsorption.

As the improvement of the drug properties requires the drug molecules to reside inside the pores, the amount

of drug molecules that crystallize on the outer surface of the porous material has to be minimized, in order to

avoid erratic and unpredictable behavior of the delivery method.

The present study outlines the effects of the solvent and solution concentration on the adsorption of the

drug into PSi. Adsorption isotherms with two BCS-II class model drugs, ibuprofen and griseofulvin, were

determined with various organic solvents. The effect of PSi surface chemistry was obtained by stabilizing

the porous silicon by thermal carbonization (TCPSi) and thermal oxidation (TOPSi). Employing

thermoanalytical methods in the drug load characterization, the separation of the actual drug load inside the

pores from the crystallized surface fraction of the drug was possible. Interactions between the drugs and the

solvents were characterized with FTIR.

The results obtained indicate, that beside the solution concentration, drug-solvent and drug-surface

interactions have significant effect on the adsorption process. For ibuprofen, adsorption from less polar

solvents provides an isotherm where the initial slope of the isotherm is steep, and high drug loads are

achievable with low relative concentration. However as can be seen from Fig. 1, at higher concentrations the

quickly increasing surface fraction blocks the pore entrances

resulting in diminishing of the actual drug load. In contrast,

reaching the maximum drug load required slightly higher

concentrations of the loading solution when highly polar alcohols

were used. However, the surface fraction was negligible compared

to the less polar solvent providing a Langmuir-type isotherm with a

clear plateau. In the case of ibuprofen, the choice of solvent does

not affect the actual drug load, as much as it does the surface

fraction. This can be partly explained by differing tendencies of the

solvents to cleave the ibuprofen dimeric structure, which can be

observed in the solution FTIR spectra. Thus, in some cases

crystallization on the outer surfaces becomes less favorable.

Adsorption of griseofulvin was considerably lower, as the

maximum drug loads obtained were less than half compared to

ibuprofen. Also notable was the complete lack of surface

crystallization. Other difference was the greater affinity of

griseofulvin towards carbonized (TCPSi) surface, which appears to be consistent with the behavior related

to oxide surfaces, as griseofulvin payloads in mesoporous silica (SiO2) have also remained quite low in

similar loading tests. Adsorption was also more dependent on the solvent properties. The highest drug loads

were obtained with solvate-forming solvents, emphasizing the important role of drug-solvent interactions.

Through concentration and solvent selection, the adsorption can be optimized to provide maximum drug

load inside the pores without significant amount of crystallized drug on the outer surfaces. The extent and

nature of interactions has decisive effect on the outcome of the adsorption, however the outcome seems to

be situation-specific, making them either beneficial or detrimental.



Ermei Mäkilä, Joakim Riikonen, Teemu Heikkilä, Jarno Salonen,

and Vesa-Pekka Lehto

Laboratory of Industrial Physics, Department of Physics, University of Turku, FI-20014, Turku, Finland

0 200 400 600 800 10000








g load [w


Concentration [mg/ml]

Drug inside pores (TCPSi)

Total drug load (TCPSi)

Drug inside pores (TOPSi)

Total drug load (TOPSi)

Ibuprofen-chloroform solution

Page 42: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Different methods have been employed to investigate in vitro release from microparticles but so

far, no standard method has been estabilished.1 The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of

two in vitro release methods, centrifuge and cell culture inserts in 6-well plates, on the drug release

profiles of mesoporous silicon microparticles.

Model drugs were ibuprofen and antipyrine that were loaded into the thermally carbonized porous

silicon (TCPSi) microparticles (<38 µm) as described earlier.2 The loading degrees were

determined by thermogravimetry3 and they were 57.9 % w/w and 48.6 % w/w for antipyrine and

ibuprofen, respectively. In the centrifuge method, 1 mg loaded particles or drug powder was

suspended in 1.5 ml of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.4 and test tubes were placed in the

water bath shaker (+37 ˚C and 120 rpm). Samples were centrifuged for 2 minutes (13 000 rpm,

17 000 g) at the pre-determined time intervals, followed by the supernatant collection and

replacement by fresh PBS. When using 6-well plates, 2 mg particles, 1 mg unloaded drug or 0.67

mg/ml drug solution was placed in the donor compartment. Volumes of the donor and acceptor

compartments were 1.5 ml and 2.75 ml PBS, respectively, and they were separated by polyester

membrane (pore size 0.4 µm, membrane area 4.7 cm2 and 4x10

6 pores/cm

2). 6-well plates were

placed on the orbital shaker (+37 ˚C and 130 rpm) during the study. Drug concentrations were

analysed with UV-spectrophotometer.

The release rates of ibuprofen and antipyrine were fast when the centrifuge method was used but

when employing 6-well plates, the release seemed to be considerably slower (Fig. 1, shows

ibuprofen data). Despite of method or drug, the release profiles of loaded drugs were similar to the

release profiles of the corresponding unloaded drug or drug solution. The polyester membrane

creates a diffusion barrier, thus delaying the mass transfer from the donor to the acceptor

compartment. Therefore, this method does not only describe the drug release from the particles but

also the drug diffusion through the membrane. In contrast, drug can be released freely to the buffer

in the centrifuge method. In conclusion, this study shows that different in vitro methods can result

in dissimilar release profiles.


The authors thank Timo Korjamo for

assistance and advice. The financial

support from the Finnish Academy is

acknowledged (PEPBI consortium #



[1] D’Souza and Deluca. Pharm. Res. 23

(2006) 460-474

[2] Salonen J, Laitinen L, Kaukonen A.M,

Tuura J, Björqvist M, Heikkilä T, Vähä-

Heikkilä K, Hirvonen J and Lehto V-P. J.

Control. Release 108 (2005) 362-374

[3] Lehto V-P, Vähä-Heikkilä K, Paski J

and Salonen J. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.

80 (2005) 393-397



Juha Mönkärea, Joakim Riikonen

b, Elina Rauma

a, Mika Pulkkinen

a Jarno Salonen


Vesa-Pekka Lehtob and Kristiina Järvinen


a Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland

b Laboratory of Industrial Physics, Department of Physics, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland

Figure 1. Ibuprofen release from TCPSi microparticles:

centrifuge and 6-well plate method.












0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (min)




g (


Ibuprofen pow der


TCPSi + Ibuprofen


Ibuprofen solution (6-w ell


Ibuprofen pow der (6-w ell


TCPSi + ibuprofen (6-w ell


Page 43: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Reservoir and matrix type tablets are the most commonly used orally administrated sustained

release preparations. In particular matrix tablets, which are produced by direct compressing using

hydrophobic polymer, are sufficiently fast and easy to manufacture. The functionality and the

safety, i.e. drug release properties, of the product can be determined by in vitro dissolution tests. In

order to achieve desired in vitro drug release properties for drug compound in question different

formulations can be utilized. However, due to large variation of drug compounds, it is not always a

simple task to achieve well working formulation.

Starch acetates (SA) are modified starches produced by acetylating native starch. The modification

converts starch into a more hydrophobic derivative, as the average degree of substitution (DS)

increases from 0 up to 3.0. Starch acetate is a suitable excipient for controlling drug release from

tablets when DS is greater than 2.1. Although starch acetate is not anymore a novel biopolymer,

studies focused on interactions between drug compound and polymer, which affect in vitro drug

release, have not been performed. Therefore, it should be examined, whether there are interactions

between drug and starch acetate and how they affect the drug release. Furthermore, it should be

determined, which are the most important formulation parameters, e.g. porosity or structure of the

tablet, which have the greatest impact as the formulation for desired drug release profile is


In this study six different drug compounds, allopurinol, acyclovir, metronidazole, paracetamol,

salicylamide and theophylline, were used in different formulations with starch acetate as a filler

binder in order to explain the interactions and to specify their impact. The drug compounds were

fully characterized in order to achieve an adequate overview of their properties. Furthermore, nine

different formulations were occupied for one drug compound in order to determine how different

formulation parameters affect the drug release and which of the parameters are the most important.

Due to the complex nature of the setup, i.e. large number of formulations and properties of drug

compounds, multivariate data analysis, namely partial least squares projections to latent structures

(PLS), was utilized.

Results indicate that formulation parameters describing the structure of the matrix, such as

porosity, compaction force and the particle size fraction of the starch acetate, have the strongest

impact on drug release. The importance of drug property based variables is not as high as

formulation parameters, but they can not be overlooked. The importance of water solubility and

solubility rate of the compound are obvious, but there seems to be other significant parameters,

which describes the hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of the molecule, that affect the drug

release. This can be seen especially with salicylamide: compound seems to have a strong and

sufficiently great hydrophobic region that interacts with starch acetate and impairs the drug release.




Jari Pajandera, Maria Laamanen

a, Eeva-Leena Ryynänen

a, Ian Grimsey


Ossi Korhonena, Bert van Veen

c, and Jarkko Ketolainen


aDepartment of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland

bSchool of Life Sciences, University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom

cOrion, Finland

Page 44: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of microtensiometric measurements as a fast

(HTS) analytical tool for solubility determinations of poorly soluble drug substances.

Solubility properties of a poorly soluble model drug, ibuprofen, were measured in different media

both with microtensiometry (Delta-8 multichannel microtensiometer, Kibron Inc., Finland) and

traditional shake flask -method. Microtensiometric measurements were performed in a 96-well

plate system, and the sample volume was 50 μl. The system contains eight probes that are used to

measure the surface activity/surface pressure properties of the solution/suspension tested. The

measurement is based on Du Nouy ring method.

According to the results, microtensiometric measurements could be a feasible new predictive tool

in solubility measurements. Changes in the values of surface tension were caused by precipitated

drug material in the well plate. These changes were repeatably seen from the surface tension vs.

ibuprofen concentration curves. Due to the small sample volume, the accuracy of the results was

not as good as with shake flask -method, but the results correlated clearly with the traditional

method. Easily volatile liquids may also cause problems due to the small sample volume.

Microtensiometric measurements provide a very promising method for fast and predictive

solubility screening. At present, accuracy of the method may not necessarily be high enough for

determinations of absolute solubility values, but for comparative and classifying solubility

screening it fits nicely.




Leena Peltonen, Saila Taskinen, Jouni Hirvonen

Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy,

P.O. Box 56, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 45: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for



Building quality into pharmaceutical systems has been a big issue in recent years, notably after the

launching of the FDA's PAT initiative. As stated, quality should be a build-in feature of the end-

product, resulting from the understanding and controlling of the process. Fluidized bed granulation

is a common size-enlargement process in pharmaceutical industry, in which a fine powder is

agglomerated using liquid binder to give larger granules. However, fluidized bed granulation is a

complex process in nature, and is hard to control due to the strong interactions between different

process variables. Since the granule size distribution is one of the main characteristics of the

evolution of the granulation process, there is a need to design process controlling methods which

aim to characterize the size distribution. Several applications of image analysis have tackled this

problem in recent years.1,2

During granulation the size and the pore saturation of the granules alter due to coalescence and

consolidation. They have an effect on the elastic properties of the granules, which in turn affects

the acoustic emissions caused by the granule impacts. Our previous results showed the potential of

the passive acoustic emission technique in monitoring the fluidized bed granulation process3, and

the extension of this technique as a process control method seems prospective. In this study, the

applicability of the acoustic emission technique in characterizing granule size during fluidization

was examined. Several granulations were carried out in a custom made top-spray granulation

chamber. The granular end-products were sieved in eight fractions. The acoustic emissions were

collected by fluidizing each size fraction separately at different bulk volumes and fluidization gas

flow rates. Several models were developed from the emission data using multivariate data analysis.

The results showed that acoustic emission technique can be used in determining granule size during

fluidization. As expected, the fluidization gas flow rate as well as the amount of fluidized material

both have significant effect on the acoustic emission. These effects between divergent granule size

fractions must be taken into a carefull consideration when developing model for the granule size

determination. The data analysis was carried out using SIMCA-P5 version 11. More detailed results

will be provided in the poster.


We thank The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES) and all collaborating companies in

PATKIVA-project for supporting the work financially.

References 1 Watano S et al. Powder Technol. . 1995, 83, 55-60

2 Laitinen N. et al. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. 2002, 62, 47-60

3 Poutiainen, Leskinen, Matero, Hakulinen, Lappalainen, Lahtela-Kakkonen, Närvänen, Järvinen, Ketolainen. The 5th

International Symposium on Solid Oral Dosage Forms Stockholm Sweden 2007 4 Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogies, versio SIMCA-P 11, Umetrics,

http://www.umetrics.com/default.asp/pagename/software_simcap/c/3%5B16 [17 August 2007]



Sami Poutiainena, Sanni Matero

b, Laura Piispanen

a, Jari Leskinen

c, Mikko

Hakulinena, Reijo Lappalainen

c, Kristiina Järvinen

a, Jarkko Ketolainen


aDepartment of Pharmaceutics

bDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

cDepartment of Physics

University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland, FIN-70211

Page 46: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Our previous results have shown that new 2,2’-bis(2-oxazoline)-linked poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL-

O) degrades by enzymatic surface erosion, and the erosion rate can be controlled by the PCL block

length [1,2]. The aim of the study was to evaluate the responsible enzymes for enzymatic

degradation of PCL-O and characterize the enzymatic degradation products by mass spectrometry.

The enzymatic degradation and erosion (weight loss) of solvent cast PCL-O films were studied in

the presence of pancreatin (1%), with and without enzyme inhibitors. To identify the

biodegradation products, a new liquid chromatography mass spectrometry method was developed.

The chromatographic separation was performed by Xterra reversed-phase column (2.1 x 150 mm,

3.5 µm, C8). Gradient method (5 mM ammonium acetate and 2-90 % ACN in 37 min, 200 µl/min)

was used for separation. Measurements were performed with a LTQ quadrupole ion trap mass

spectrometer equipped with an ESI ion source. Before analyzing, the samples were purified by

size-exclusion filter (Mw 30000) coupled with centrifuge.

The presence of the lipase inhibitors, paraoxon-ethyl and tetrahydrolipstatin delayed the weight

loss of the PCL-O films. This indicates that lipase was mainly responsible for the enzymatic

erosion of the PCL-O films. LC-ESI-MS/MS method was successfully used to characterize

enzymatic degradation products of PCL-O polymer. The enzymatic degradation of PCL-O

produced a complex mixture, however, main biodegradation products (about 20) were effectively

separated within 30 min (Fig. 1). Results suggest that oxazoline link remained intact in the

degradation products, which is confirming that lipase was mainly responsible for the enzymatic

degradation of PCL-O as it is primarily cleaving ester bonds.


[1] Tarvainen T, Malin M, Suutari T, Pöllänen M, Tuominen J, Seppälä J, Järvinen K. J. Control. Rel. 2003; 86: 213

[2] Pulkkinen M, Malin M, Tarvainen T. Saarimäki T, Seppälä J, Järvinen K. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2007; 31: 119




Mika Pulkkinena, Joni J. Palmgrén

b, Seppo Auriola

b, Minna Malin


Jukka Seppäläc, Kristiina Järvinen


a Department of Pharmaceutics,

b Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

University of Kuopio, P.O.B. 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland c Department of Chemical Technology, Laboratory of Polymer Technology,

Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland

Page 47: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Traditionally drug concentration in dissolution testing is monitored by taking a set of samples with

a sample cannula. The collected samples are analyzed e.g. with a spectrophotometer. This method

is therefore intrusive and offline. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a

tomography based method for dissolution testing. Tomography techniques are nonintrusive and

usually online.

The proposed method is based on electrical impedance tomography (EIT). In EIT, an array of metal

electrodes is attached on the boundary of the dissolution vessel and a set of alternating electric

currents is injected through these electrodes and the resulting voltages are measured. By using

sophisticated mathematical algorithms, an approximation for the spatial/temporal distribution of the

electrical conductivity within the vessel can be estimated based on the known currents and

measured voltages. Drug concentration distribution can be estimated if relationship between

electrical conductivity and concentration is known or empirically determined.

Method was tested with a cylindrical testing tank and a USP II dissolution testing vessel without a

rotating paddle. To get clear changes in electrical properties sodium chloride tablets were used as

sample drugs and water was used as dissolution medium. It was found that EIT is a suitable method

for imaging of tablet dissolution. Two-dimensional conductivity distribution was calculated inside

the cylindrical tank and changes in conductivity due to dissolution were noticed. Also dissolution

induced changes in a voltage across the USP II vessel were observed.

In the future the proposed method will be tested with more realistic drugs and dissolution mediums.

Also the USP defined rotating paddle will be included. Aim is to estimate three-dimensional

concentration distribution during USP II dissolution testing.


Authors wish to thank The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES) and the collaborating

companies in PATKIVA project for financial support.


Ville Rimpiläinena, Lasse Heikkinen

a, Anssi Lehikoinen

a, Arto Voutilainen


Marko Kuosmanenb, Kristiina Järvinen

b, Jarkko Ketolainen


aDepartment of Physics, University of Kuopio, P.O.B. 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland

bDepartment of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio, P.O.B. 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland

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The aims of this study were to optimize the whole fluid bed granulation process of ibuprofen

formulation and also to optimize the particle size distribution of final granules. If the particle size

of granules is small, the granules also dry faster. The materials used in the fluid bed granulations

(Glatt WSG 5, Germany) were ibuprofen, alpha-lactose monohydrate and polyvinylpyrrolidone

(PVP). The variables of experiments were the preheating of granulator before fluid bed granulation

and the humidity of process air (inlet air) during fluid bed granulation. Humidity of inlet air was

either the ambient inlet air (i.e. ~20-30% RH) or wet inlet air (~75-95% RH). Granule particle size

was determined by sieve analysis and laser diffraction method. Ibuprofen has low melting point

(~70 °C) and therefore high drying temperatures in granulation process were impossible to use.

Ibuprofen is a hydrophobic compound and its wettability is poor. This resulted to the large particle

size distribution of final granules especially when the moisture content of the inlet air was high

(> 70% RH). The preheating of granulator proved to be useful technique to minimize the variability

in particle sizes of different granule batches especially at high humidity of the inlet air. The size

distribution of final granules was uniform and narrow when preheating technique was used. This

narrow distribution is beneficial when granules will be used at subsequent processes, like tabletting

and mixing. Preheating of the granulator decreased also the amount of oversize granules

(sized > 3200μm) at high humidity. The preheating technique produced more optimal granules in

spite of granulation conditions.



Räikkönen Heikkia, Lipsanen Tanja

b, Airaksinen Sari

a, Yliruusi Jouko


aUniversity of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;

bOrion Pharma, Espoo, Finland

Page 49: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Solid-state transformations have caused problems during manufacturing of many active

pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). One example for a drug that changes its solid state during

processing is the antibiotic erythromycin (EM). Erythromycin dihydrate (EM.DH) incorporates two

easily removable water molecules in its lattice channels. The lost of the two incorporated water

molecules in erythromycin dihydrate results in the hygroscopic and isomorphic erythromycin

dehydrate (EM.DD). The aim of the present study was to detect the conditions under which this

transformation occurs.

The pellets, contained 50% (w/w) erythromycin dihydrate and 50% (w/w) microcrystalline

cellulose, were produced by extrusion-spheronisation. The pellets were dried with a microscale

fluid bed device at 30°C, 45°C and 60°C. An in-line NIR was applied to monitor the fluid bed

drying process. Principle component analysis was used to characterise changes in solid-state

properties. Phase purity of the pellets was analysed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD).

At a drying temperature of 30°C no changes occurred for both drying techniques. For the drying

process in the oven tray drier at 60°C and the fluid bed drier at 45°C transformation to

erythromycin dehydrate was only detectable for one batch. For both batches dried in the fluid bed

at 60°C dehydration was detectable by in-line NIR and XRPD. During fluid bed drying

transformations to the isomorphic dehydrate form of erythromycin dihydrate are induced.

Erythromycin dehydrate was observed at the moisture content of 1.4% [w/w] while at 1.8% [w/w]

neither XRPD nor NIR were able to detect dehydration of the hydrate form. Transformation to

erythromycin dehydrate is strongly depended on the moisture content of the pellet formulation.

Figure 1:

XRPD pattern of single

crystal data (NAFTAV),

experimental reference

substances and

Figure 2:

Unit cell of erythromycin


Figure 3:

Scores plot of the first two principle components of

the near infrared data (SNV corrected, Savitzky

Golay first derivative smoothing, mean centred)


Römer M et al. Eur. J Pharm Biopharm 2007 Aug; 67(1):246-52.




Meike Römera, Jyrki Heinämäki

a, Inna Miroshnyk

a, Niina Kivikero

a, Niklas Sandler


Jukka Rantanenc, Jouko Yliruusi


a Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Helsinki, Finland

b AstraZeneca Process Pharmaceutical & Analytical Research & Development, Macclesfield, United Kingdom

c Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry, Copenhagen, Denmark

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The convenient and preferred route for the administration of drug compounds is via oral delivery.

However, many existing and new drug molecules have low oral bioavailability due to the low

solubility of the drug in the intestinal lumen and/or poor permeability across the intestinal


Recent in vitro studies showed a clear improvement in the dissolution profiles of poorly dissolving

drug compounds when using mesoporous silicon (PSi) and silica microparticles [1–3].

Interestingly, it was recently reported that PSi microparticles also have a permeability enhancing

effect on furosemide across Caco-2 cell monolayers [4]. Furthermore, it was shown that

mesoporous carriers can also be used to reduce the pH dependence of ibuprofen dissolution [2].

Literature data on the in vitro quantification of cellular toxicity of mesoporous PSi microparticles is

scarce, because many of the traditional assays used for the determination of cellular toxicity, such

as MTT or LDH assays fail to correctly predict the effect of the PSi particles in cellular toxicity

due to the redox reactions between those chemicals and PSi surfaces [5].

In the first part of this study the dissolution profiles of PSi and silica (SiO2) microparticles loaded

with poorly water-soluble model drugs (BCS classes II and IV) were investigated, and in the

second part cell toxicity of the PSi particles using Caco-2 cell cultures was studied.


Financial support from the Academy of Finland (HUMALA-project number 211048) and ComPSi-project number

122314, is gratefully acknowledged.


[1] T. Salonen, et al., J. Control. Rel. 108 (2005) 362–374.

[2] T. Heikkilä, et al., Drug Deliv. 14 (2007) 337–347.

[3] V. Ambrogi, et al, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 32 (2007) 216–222.

[4] A. M. Kaukonen, et al., Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 66 (2007) 348–356.

[5] T. Laaksonen, et al., Chem Res. Toxicol. 20 (2007) 1913–1918.



H.A. Santos1*, T. Heikkilä

2, J. Riikonen

2, T. Lautenschlager

1, L. Peltonen


J. Salonen2, N. Kumar

3, D.Y. Murzin

3, T. Salmi

3, M. Kemell

4, M. Ritala


V.-P. Lehto2, J. Hirvonen


1Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland;

2Laboratory of Industrial Physics, Department of Physics, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland;

3Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Process Chemistry Centre, Åbo Akademi University, FI-20500 Turku, Finland; 4Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland

*email: [email protected]

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Formulating a drug in the amorphous form is commonly suggested as a solution to enhance the

solubility of poorly water soluble drugs. However, in order for the dissolution rate of the active

pharmaceutical ingredient to improve, it has to remain amorphous during the dissolution in the

body. The aim of this study was to use in situ Raman spectroscopy to monitor solid-state transitions

during dissolution testing of a model drug indomethacin.


Amorphous indomethacin was prepared by cooling the melt. The dissolution tests of the

amorphous samples and the crystalline α- and γ-polymorphs were carried out in a channel flow

intrinsic dissolution test apparatus with a sight window for Raman probe. Two different dissolution

media were used: water-ethanol mixture 50% (m/m) and phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). A partial least

squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) of the Raman spectra was used to gather qualitative

information about the solid-state transitions. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) was used to analyze

the solid state of the samples before and after the dissolution testing.


As expected, the dissolution rate of amorphous indomethacin was several-fold higher than from the

crystalline counterparts. However in both dissolution media, the dissolution rate of indomethacin

from the amorphous sample slowed down significantly during the duration of the experiments.

Based on the Raman spectra, crystals of α-polymorph were formed on the surface of the amorphous

sample at that time. PLS-DA analysis showed that the amorphous indomethacin converted directly

to the α-form. Thus, the transition did not go through the γ-polymorph.


In situ measurement of solid-state transition using Raman spectroscopy offers a valuable tool to get

a better insight into the phenomena that occur during the dissolution of an amorphous drug. PLS-

DA enables the monitoring of multiple solid-state forms that might appear during dissolution.



M. Savolainena, A Heinz

a, b, c, J. Aaltonen

a, L. Peltonen

a, C. Strachan

b, J. Yliruusi


aDivision of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland

bDrug Discovery and Development Technology Center (DDTC), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland

cSchool of Pharmacy, University of Otago, New Zealand

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Pharmaceutical powder and granule systems are complex, but they are so important in formulation

and process research that more attention should be paid on their theoretical understanding. In many

cases direct measurements and observations from powder systems are limited. In such cases

computer simulations, which are especially designed for pharmaceutical systems can increase our

understanding of pharmaceutical powders. The applicability of such simulations is very versatile

ranging from basic educational needs to model powder flow to fundamental understanding of

complex nanotechnological structures of new drug delivery systems.

The purpose of this study is to develop new simulation software based on Newtonian mechanics.

Particle properties taken into account at this stage include size, density, friction coefficient,

elasticity of collisions and stiffness. Similar properties of container were also considered, and

conservation of energy throughout the simulation is tracked. Effects of different parameters could

be studied by changing one parameter at a time. To ensure that given parameters are realistic,

comparison with measurements is required. For example, when particle size gets smaller, electric

forces start to contribute significantly to particle arrangement. Comparison helps to find the

minimum particle size in which it is not necessary to take other interactions into account. Our

simulations have so far been performed in normal table-top PC-computer. Systems containing up to

few thousand particles can be modeled in reasonable time with such hardware. Further studies aim

to simulation of segregation, mixing and compaction phenomena. Through these simulations it

would be possible to understand which physical properties are essential in powder flow, mixing

and packing.



Simo Siiriä, Jouko Yliruusi

Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki.

[email protected]

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To characterize the solid-state structure of different triglycerides and a partial glyceride in

powdered form and as extrudates and investigate their complex behaviour during processing and



Different types of powdered glycerides (Dynasan, Imwitor) and their mixtures were extruded

below their melting ranges. Extrusion was also performed with theophylline anhydrate (50%) as a

model drug. The physical structure of powders and extrudates was examined using differential

scanning calorimetry (DSC), x-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), vibrational spectroscopy (ATR-IR,

Raman, NIR) and Raman microscopy.


Examination of the pure triglycerides (Dynasan) revealed a chain length dependant behaviour of

the fatty acids. Powders were in the stable -form before extrusion. Dynasan 112 and Dynasan 116

also stayed in the -form after extrusion. Dynasan 118 was partially changed to the -form after

extrusion depending on the processing temperature, and the amount of -form remained stable

during storage in ambient conditions for 3 months. Extrusion of the partial glyceride Imwitor

showed no solid-state changes. The addition of the model drug theophylline anhydrate showed no

change in crystal structure before and after extrusion and even after storage no transformations

could be noticed. Spatial analysis with Raman microscopy showed that the crystalline drug

particles are randomly distributed within the lipid matrix. There was no evidence of interaction

during extrusion between triglycerides and theophylline. Although the crystal structure appeared

unchanged thermoanalysis results suggest a limited interaction of theophylline with the partial

glyceride Imwitor during extrusion. Mixture of Dynasan 118 and Imwitor resulted in interactions

of the glycerides during processing.


The solid-state behaviour of glycerides and their extrudates during extrusion and storage strongly

depends on the glyceride composition. Triglycerides show no interaction with the model drug,

whereas the partial glyceride appears to interact with the drug. In the mixture partial glyceride and

triglyceride interact. The combination of XRPD, DSC and vibrational spectroscopy including

Raman microscopy gives new insight into the solid- state properties of glycerides and glyceride-

based extrudates.



Maike Stiersa,b,c

, Clare J. Strachanb, Peter Kleinebudde


aInstitute of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, Germany

bDrug Discovery and Development Technology Center (DDTC), University of Helsinki, Finland

cDivision of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland

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Preferred orientation of crystallites, i.e. texture, often occurs when the particles of the sample

powder are needle or plate-like. Assuming that different crystal planes possess different energetics,

and therefore also different dissolution properties, there could be differences in the intrinsic

dissolution rates of the compacted samples having different type of texture. The purpose of this

study was to clarify the effects of preferred orientation in tolbutamide and acetylsalicylic acid

compacts on the intrinsic dissolution.

In order to obtain particles with different habits, various crystallization methods were used. The

preferred orientation of the compacts was measured with several different methods using both

ordinary and texture x-ray diffraction goniometer. The channel flow technique was used to

determine the intrinsic dissolution rate of the samples. Moreover, the crystal plane attachment

energies were calculated theoretically.

All the crystallographic parameters of the samples except texture were comparable. Acetylsalicylic

acid samples had different type of texture whereas the texture of the tolbutamide compacts was of

similar nature and only the amount of preferred orientation varied between the samples. The results

of the intrinsic dissolution studies indicated that the most texturized compacts had a clearly lower

intrinsic dissolution rate than the compacts with a lower degree of preferred orientation (Fig. 1.).

The calculated energy values were in good agreement with the results of the texture and intrinsic

dissolution determinations. Moreover, it was found that by using the results of the texture

measurements the habit of the compacted powder could be predicted (Fig. 2.).

Based on the present study in the case of acetylsalicylic acid and tolbutamide, the preferred

orientation should be taken into account when interpreting the results of the intrinsic dissolution

studies. Moreover, there could be a possibility to modify the dissolution behavior of

pharmaceuticals by modifying their texture.

Fig. 1. Channel flow intrinsic dissolution

profiles and the intrinsic dissolution rates of

the acetylsalicylic acid samples. Error bars

indicate the standard deviation of the results.

Fig 2. Predicted crystal habits of the acetylsalicylic acid samples

compared with the SEM micrographs of the powders.




Mikko Tenhoa,c

, Jaakko Aaltonenb, Paula Lehto

c, Leena Peltonen


and Vesa-Pekka Lehtoa

a Laboratory of Industrial Physics, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland

b Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland

c Orion Pharma, PO Box 65, FI-02101 Espoo, Finland

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Defensins are cationic, 3-6 kDa molecular weight peptides that are found in most human tissues

and fluids. They are part of the innate immunity system and have direct antibacterial, antifungal

and antiviral properties and can indirectly enhance the immune system. There is a lot of research of

the properties of defensins and several methods to measure the activity of the genes, but there is

very little development of qualitative and quantitative methods for the peptides in different

biological fluids. In this study a pre-treatment and detection method was developed for different

biological samples: human saliva and pancreatic juice and rat ileum. The pre-treatment of a

biological sample consists of gel permeation chromatography and reversed phase chromatography.

Detection was done with mass spectrometry.

Samples were treated with 30% formic acid to precipitate large proteins. The first separation was

done with gel permeation chromatography: TSKgel 4000 and 2000 in a series, isocratic 20%

acetonitrile +0,1% trifluoroacetic acid. The fractions acquired were separated again with RP-

HPLC, using a silica C4 column with 300Å pore size. LTQ linear ion trap mass spectrometer was

used to detect the peptides.

Different columns were tested for RP-HPLC, and C4 with 300Å pore size was found to be the best.

The reason for this is, that there's a significant carryover of peptides in columns with larger side

chains and smaller pore sizes. This is probably due to the smaller active surface of the column,

which can strongly bind the cationic peptides.

Human neutrophil defensins (HNP) nos. 1, 2, and 3 were detected in human saliva. HNPs 1, 2, 3

and 4 were detected in human pancreatic juice. Rat neutrophil defensins 2 and 4 were detected in a

sample of rat intestine (ileum). Next target will be colostrum, which contains a lot of antibacterial

components. Also a quantitation method is being developed. This enables the studying of the effect

nutrition or illnesses to the level of defensins in humans and animals.



Jussi Tervonen, Ilpo Jääskeläinen and Seppo Auriola

University of Kuopio, Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Kuopio, Finland

[email protected]

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The aim of the present study was to develop simple and quantitative methods for analysis of natural

cyclodextrins (α-CD, β-CD and γ-CD) in aqueous sample matrices from the Calu-3 cell permeation

studies of CDs.


As a pretreatment method, C-18 solid phase extraction was used to remove the interfering

compounds (i.e. glucose and inorganic salts) of the sample matrix. An aliquot of 450 µl of the

sample was washed with 1.0 ml of water and the analytes were eluted with 2.0 ml of

methanol:water (75:25). The samples were analyzed with HPLC using a mobile phase of

acetonitrile:water (4:96 V/V for α-CD or 7:93 V/V for β-CD and γ-CD, respectively) with a flow

rate 0.65 ml/min. Zorbax SB-Aq column was used for α-CD analyses while Zorbax SB-Phenyl

column was used for β-CD and γ-CD analyses. A pulsed amperometric detector (PAD) with a gold-

plated surface electrode was used for the detection of CDs and therefore, the pH of the mobile

phase was alkalised (pH>12) by infusing 0.5 M NaOH (0.65 ml/min) via a post-column t-piece.

The CD analysis methods were studied for specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision and

repeatability at the concentration ranges of 4-975 µg/ml (α-CD), 4-1150 µg/ml (β-CD) and 4-1300

µg/ml (γ-CD). Accuracy and precision were determined at three concentration levels (n = 3 at each

concentration level) and the repeatability was evaluated on three separate days (n = 3 /day).

Results The sample pretreatment recovery of the CDs was > 90% (while that of glucose was < 0.5 %). All

the CDs were eluted within 4 minutes with a peak symmetry of 0.9 and with a sufficient resolution

to glucose (2.9, 3.2 and 2.7 for α-CD, β-CD and γ-CD, respectively). The methods showed good

linearity (r ≥ 0.999) and accurary (90-107 %). The RSD values indicated an acceptable intra-day

precision (RSD< 11 %) and inter-day repeatability (RSD < 15 %). The limits of quantitation for α-

CD, β-CD and γ-CD were 0.78, 0.46 and 0.52 µg/ml (RSD < 20 %, n = 4-5), respectively.


In conclusion, rapid and sensitive HPLC-PAD methods have been developed for quantitative

analysis of natural CDs in aqueous matrices containing glucose and inorganic salts. The present

method has been applied to analysis of samples from cell permeation studies (involving the

pretreatment step) and dissolution studies (without the pretreatment step).




Tarja Toropainena,b

, Marko Lehtonena, Pekka Jarho

a, Pekka Keski-Rahkonen


Heli Raatikainena and Tomi Järvinen


a Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kuopio, Finland

b Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Kuopio, Finland

Page 57: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Perphenazine (PPZ) is a drug with relatively poor oral bioavailability due to first-pass metabolism.

The first-pass metabolism can possibly be avoided using sublingual administration route. However,

the sublingual absorption of PPZ may be limited due to its poor aqueous solubility. Two

formulation approaches were investigated in order to improve the aqueous solubility and

bioavailability of PPZ in sublingual delivery.

The effects of cyclodextrin complexation and solid dispersion formation on the aqueous solubility

and dissolution rate of PPZ were investigated. Solid formulations were prepared by spray-drying or

freeze-drying. The absorption of PPZ (1 mg/kg) was studied in rabbits after sublingual

administration of solid PPZ/cyclodextrin complex, PPZ/polymer solid dispersion and plain

micronized PPZ, and after oral administration of aqueous PPZ solution.

The aqueous solubility and dissolution rate of PPZ were increased by both formulation techniques.

The AUC(0-360min) values (mean±SD, n=3-5) after sublingual administration of

PPZ/cyclodextrin complex, PPZ/polymer solid dispersion and plain PPZ were 5530±1730,

7070±1120 and 8650±3590 ng min ml-1

, respectively. After oral administration of PPZ solution,

the AUC(0-360min) value was 1090±877 ng min ml-1


In conclusion, the absorption of PPZ could be enhanced using the sublingual administration route.

However, cyclodextrin complexation and solid dispersion formation did not improve the sublingual

absorption of PPZ when compared to plain PPZ, possibly due to lower wettability and larger bulk

volume of these formulations.



Elina Turunen1, Janne Mannila

1, Riikka Laitinen

2, Kristiina Järvinen


Tomi Järvinen1, Jarkko Ketolainen

2, Pekka Jarho


1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

2Department of Pharmaceutics

University of Kuopio, P.O.Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland

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Topics related to physical pharmacy are mainly taught in the following courses:

Physical Pharmacy (1st year)

Preparation of Dosage Forms (1st year)

Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry I (2nd


Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry II (3rd


Advanced Preparation of Dosage Forms (3rd


Advanced Physical Pharmacy (4th


As an example, Formulation of an Emulsion in the course of Advanced Preparation of Dosage

Forms is presented.


An emulsion consists of two immiscible liquid phases, usually water and oil phase. In oil -in-water

-emulsion small oil droplets are dispersed throughout water phase and in water-in-oil -emulsion the

situation is vice versa. The phase that forms droplets is called disperse phase and the other phase is

called continuous phase. The third component necessary to stabilize the emulsion is emulsifying

agent. The function of the emulsifying agents is to form an interfacial film around the dispersed

droplets i.e. to stabilize the emulsion. However emulsions typically are thermodynamically

unstable: flocculation, phase-inversion or creaming may occur. (1)

Formulation of Emulsion

In the course the students have to formulate an emulsion using given materials. They have to plan a

composition for oil-in-water, water-in-oil -emulsion or an oral emulsion. Each emulsion contains

water and oil phases and two emulsifying agents (one in oil phase and one in water phase). They

use the HLB-values of oil phase ingredients to calculate the required hydrophile-lipohile balance

value, RHLB, for the formulation and the amounts of two emulsifying agents (2). The students

prepare the emulsion according the basic principles that includes that both phases are liquids with

same temperature when the phases are combined.

Characterisation of Emulsion

The students have to determinate the emulsion type of the emulsion they formulated. They use

three methods: 1. a miscibility method, 2. a staining method and 3. a conductivity method.

1: The emulsions are mixed either with water or oil. 2: An oil-in-water -emulsion dyes evenly

when using of a water soluble methyl blue solution and water-in oil -emulsion is respectively

evenly coloured with an oil soluble Sudan solution. 3. Oil-in-water emulsion conducts electricity.

The students follow during one week the physical stability of their emulsions.

Students' Feedback

In conclusion: "This is a great lab work"


1. Aulton ME: Aulton's Pharmaceutics The design and manufacture of medicines, 3rd

ed. Churchill Livingstone,

Elsevier 2007, pp 70-97

2. Sinko PJ: Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5th

ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006, p





Jaana Veki, Outi Raunio, Kristiina Järvinen, Päivi Harjunen

University of Kuopio, PO Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio

Page 59: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The purpose of the study was to find correlation between crushing strengths of theophylline tablets

and spectra measured by FT-NIR spectroscopy. Theophylline was granulated with fluid bed

granulator. The composition of the granules included theophylline anhydrate and

polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, Kollidon K25) as a binder. The granules were mixed with 0.5 % (w/w)

magnesium stearate for 3 minutes in Turbula mixer with mixing speed of 46 rpm. The tablets were

compressed with single punch eccentric tableting machine with rotating speed of 36 rpm using a

feed shoe. The tablet weight was 250 mg. The tablets were compressed so that the crushing

strengths of the tablets were 30, 60, 80, 100 and 125 N. The crushing strengths were measured with

indirect diametral compression apparatus. Three parallel tablets from each crushing strength group

were measured using FT-NIR spectrometry. The distance between tablet and fiber-optic probe was

adjusted by measuring trough the bottom of a sapphire glass vial. The gained spectra were

normalized at the wavelength of 1054 nm. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was used for

modeling the FT-NIRS data with SIMCA-P software (Umetrics, Umeå. Sweden). The range of

whole spectra (1000-2500 nm) was used in the modeling. The correlation between crushing

strength and FT-NIR spectra was observed. Both the R2 and Q

2 value were above 0.9 which means

that the correlation for these theophylline tablets was very good.



Satu Virtanen, Osmo Antikainen, Heikki Räikkönen,

Sari Airaksinen, Jouko Yliruusi

Division of Pharmaceutical Technology, 00014 University of Helsinki, P.O Box 56, Helsinki, Finland

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Solid materials can exist in different physical structures without a change in chemical composition.

This phenomenon, known as polymorphism, has several implications on pharmaceutical

development and manufacturing. Various solid forms of a drug can possess different physical and

chemical properties, which may affect processing characteristics and stability, as well as the

performance of a drug in the human body. Therefore, knowledge and control of the solid forms is

fundamental to maintain safety and high quality of pharmaceuticals. During manufacture, harsh

conditions can give rise to unexpected solid phase transformations and therefore change the

behavior of the drug. Traditionally, pharmaceutical production has relied on time-consuming off-

line analysis of production batches and finished products. This has led to poor understanding of

processes and drug products. Therefore, new powerful methods that enable real time monitoring of

pharmaceuticals during manufacturing processes are greatly needed.

The aim of this thesis was to apply spectroscopic techniques to solid phase analysis within different

stages of drug development and manufacturing, and thus, provide a molecular level insight into the

behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) during processing. Applications to polymorph

screening and different unit operations were developed and studied. A new approach to dissolution

testing, which involves simultaneous measurement of drug concentration in the dissolution medium

and in-situ solid phase analysis of the dissolving sample, was introduced and studied. Solid phase

analysis was successfully performed during different stages, enabling a molecular level insight into

the occurring phenomena. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was utilized in screening of

polymorphs and processing-induced transformations (PITs). Polymorph screening was also studied

with NIR and Raman spectroscopy in tandem. Quantitative solid phase analysis during fluidized

bed drying was performed with in-line NIR and Raman spectroscopy and partial least squares

(PLS) regression, and different dehydration mechanisms were studied using in-situ spectroscopy

and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). In situ solid phase analysis with Raman

spectroscopy during dissolution testing enabled analysis of dissolution as a whole, and provided a

scientific explanation for changes in the dissolution rate. It was concluded that the methods applied

and studied provide better process understanding and knowledge of the drug products, and

therefore, a way to achieve better quality.




Jaakko Aaltonen

Dissertationes bioscientiarum molecularium Universitatis Helsingiensis in Viikki, 9/2007, 41 pp.

Page 63: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Modern drug development programmes can identify many highly potent drug candidates. However,

many promising drugs end up discarded due to their unfavourable pharmacokinetic properties such

as inadequate bioavailability. Poor bioavailability may result from high first-pass metabolism

and/or instability of the drug in the GI-tract.

Intraoral drug delivery can be utilized for the avoidance of the conditions in the GI-tract and to

circumvent first-pass metabolism. However, in order to gain access to the systemic circulation

through the oral mucosa, the drug molecule must first dissolve into the saliva. Due to the small

volume of saliva, dissolution enhancers must be applied in cases of poorly soluble drugs.

Cyclodextrins (CDs) are known to solubilize lipophilic compounds since they can for water soluble

inclusion complexes with lipophilic drug molecules and/or the lipophilic parts of larger

compounds. However, few questions remain to be answered before one can recommend using CDs

in intraoral formulations, e.g. what is the effect of CDs on formulation bulk mass and what is the

rate at which the drug is released from CD.

In the present study, two cannabinoids, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD),

were used as model compounds. Cannabinoids such as THC and CBD originate from Cannabis

sativa and have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. Two of the main

cannabinoids in marijuana, THC and CBD have been recognized as being useful in the treatment of

various medical conditions such as nausea, AIDS associated wasting, anorexia, multiple sclerosis,

pain and glaucoma. The per oral use of THC and CBD is, however, limited by their substantial

first-pass metabolism and low aqueous solubility. The intraoral drug delivery route in combination

with CD technology may be useful when administering compounds such as cannabinoids.

The general aim of the present study was to improve intraoral absorption of THC and CBD by

using CDs. The detailed aims were: (1) to develop GC-MS method for the analysis of THC and

CBD from rabbit plasma, (2) to develop an in vivo rabbit model for the evaluation of intraoral

cannabinoid/CD formulations, (3) to increase aqueous solubilities and dissolution rates of THC and

CBD by using CD, (4) to efficiently prepare CD-complexes of THC and CBD and (5) to study the

sublingual absorption of THC and CBD after intraoral administration of cannabinoid/CD

complexes in vivo in rabbits.

A sensitive and accurate GC-MS method was developed for monitoring the two cannabinoids THC

and CBD from rabbit plasma: the method was validated over the range of 0.3–530 ng/ml for THC

and 0.2–450 ng/ml for CBD. The aqueous solubilities of THC and CBD were markedly improved

using CD-derivatives. For example, RM-β-CD (10%; w/v) improved the aqueous solubilities of

THC and CBD by 10000 and 60000-fold, respectively. With β-CD, THC and CBD formed

complexes with limited solubilities, enabling the use of the precipitation complexation method.

Based on the solubility studies, RM-β-CD and β-CD were selected for the preparation of solid THC

and CBD complexes. The amounts of RM-β-CD complexes corresponding to 1 mg of THC and

CBD were 26 and 12 mg, respectively. With β-CD, the corresponding values for THC and CBD

were 125 and 8 mg. The dissolution studies showed that the dissolution rates of THC and CBD

were significantly (p < 0.05) improved by CD-complexation. The in vivo absorption studies were

performed by administering cannabinoid/CD formulations or plain cannabinoids either under the

tongue, per orally via a catheter or intravenously. The absolute bioavailabilities of THC after

intraoral administration of THC/CD complexes were increased by 9-fold (RM-β-CD) and by 12-

fold (β-CD), when compared to per oral absorption of ethanolic THC. The absorption of CBD after



Janne Mannila

Kuopio University Publications A. Pharmaceutical Sciences 101. 2007. 90 p.

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intraoral administration of a solid CBD/β-CD complex was comparable to intraoral absorption of

ethanolic CBD. The bioavailability of CBD after per oral administration of ethanolic CBD was

markedly lower than that after intraoral administration. The critical factors in the absorption of

THC and CBD from intraoral CD-formulations were assumed to be the rate of dissolution and the

rate of release of cannabinoids from the CD complex.

The results indicate that CD-complexation in combination with intraoral delivery can be utilized in

the development of novel cannabinoid delivery systems.

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Drug discovery and development is a long and expensive process. In order to decrease drug

development cycle time and costs pharmaceutical industry is searching methods to ease the

decision making and speed up the development processes.

Introduction of atmospheric pressure ionization (API) tehcniques allowed direct coupling of liquid

chromatography (LC) to mass spectrometer (MS). Over the past decade LC-MS has emerged as

preferred analytical tool for many pharmaceutical and bioanalytical applications because of its

sensitivity, selectivity and ease of automation.

The general aim of the present study was to develop LC-MS methods for identification and

quantitation of synthesis products, endogenous compounds, drugs and their metabolites to support

drug development programs. The specific aims of the study were (a) to develop method for

identification of trinucleotide synthesis products, (b) to develop method for quantitation of

endogenous acyl-CoA compounds, and (c) to develop methods for quantitation and identification

of drugs and their metabolites.

Trimeric nucleotide building blocks have been found to be valuable in synthesis of randomized

oligonucleotides for creating peptide libraries to support drug discovery programs. In this study a

LC-MS method for quality control of protected trinucleotides was developed.

The characterization of metabolism profile of a drug candidate is essential to evaluate its efficacy

and toxicity.The metabolism data needs to be available as soon as possible in order to support drug

development process. In this study methods for metabolite identification were developed. New

techniques for sample collection, sample handling and mass spectrometric detection were

implemented. This study also presents a strategy for drug level determination and detection of

metabolites using dried blood spots for sample collection. In addition, new scan modes of hybrid

quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer were evaluated. Furthermore, an approach to

metabolite identification that leverages the fast scanning and high mass accuracy of hybrid

quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry was developed.

The usefulness of a high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometer (FAIMS) for

quantitation of low level prostaglandins was evaluated. FAIMS combined with LC-MS was found

to be able to separate the analytes from co-eluting compounds in biological samples. Furthermore,

separation of interconverting anomers was achieved.





Timo Mauriala

Kuopio University Publications A. Pharmaceutical Sciences 103. 2007. 126 p.

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The ability to deliver the drug to the patient in a safe, efficacious and cost-effective manner

depends largely on the physicochemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in

the solid state. In this context, crystallization is of critical importance in pharmaceutical industry, as

it defines physical and powder properties of crystalline APIs. An improved knowledge of the

various aspects of crystallization process is therefore needed. The overall goal of this thesis was to

gain better understanding of the relationships between crystallization, solid-state form and

properties of pharmaceutical solids with a focus on a crystal engineering approach to design

technological properties of APIs. Specifically, solid-state properties of the crystalline forms of the

model APIs, erythromycin A and baclofen, and the influence of solvent on their crystallization

behavior were investigated. In addition, the physical phenomena associated with wet granulation

and hot-melting processing of the model APIs were examined at the molecular level. Finally, the

effect of crystal habit modification of a model API on its tabletting properties was evaluated.

The thesis enabled the understanding of the relationship between the crystalline forms of the model

APIs, which is of practical importance for solid-state control during processing and storage.

Moreover, a new crystalline form, baclofen monohydrate, was discovered and characterized. Upon

polymorph screening, erythromycin A demonstrated high solvate-forming propensity thus

emphasizing the need for careful control of the solvent effects during formulation. The solvent

compositions that yield the desirable crystalline form of erythromycin A were defined.

Furthermore, new examples on solvent-mediated phase transformations taking place during wet

granulation of baclofen and hot-melt processing of erythromycin A dihydrate with PEG 6000 are

reported. Since solvent-mediated phase transformations involve the crystallization of a stable phase

and hence affect the dissolution kinetics and possibly absorption of the API these transformations

must be well documented. Finally, a controlled-crystallization method utilizing HPMC as a crystal

habit modifier was developed for erythromycin A dihydrate. The crystals with modified habit were

shown to posses improved compaction properties as compared with those of unmodified crystals.

This result supports the idea of morphological crystal engineering as a tool for designing

technological properties of APIs and is of utmost practical interest.



Sabiruddin Mirza

Dissertationes bioscientiarum molecularium Universitatis Helsingiensis in Viikki, 25/2007, 64 pp.

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Gene therapy is a promising new tool to treat some diseases that currently are incurable such as,

genetic disorders, cancer diseases and some retinal diseases, but it has still not become an

established practice in medicine mainly because of either insufficient efficacy or safety problems.

The basic idea in gene therapy is straightforward: the failure to produce some protein coded by a

defective gene is overcome by delivering a new intact gene into the nucleus of the cells. Since

naked DNA as such is not usually efficiently internalized by cells, a carrier system is needed for

gene delivery. The first systems were based on modified viruses. However, the safety issues of

viral gene delivery systems generated a new research field, non-viral gene delivery systems. A

battery of different kinds of alternatives has been generated but none have achieved ultimate

success: non-viral gene delivery systems are still less effective than viral systems.

The objective of the present study was to develop new kinds of gene carriers and to study their

suitability for gene delivery purposes, and also to study cellular mechanisms/properties involved in

gene delivery. Systematic physicochemical and biological characterization of plasmid DNA

(pDNA) carriers and mechanistic studies can help in designing new more efficient non-viral

carriers. We investigated the role of structural properties (shape, PEGylation, molecular weight

(MW)) of poly-L-lysine (PLL) gene carriers, and the influence of biological processes and

properties (cell cycle, intracellular kinetics, glycosaminoglycans, (GAGs)) on polymeric DNA

delivery into a cultured human retinal pigment epithelium (hRPE) cell line, D407. This is important

cell line, since RPE maintains the function of photoreceptors and eyesight, and therefore, is a

potential target for gene delivery. Physicochemical and biological structure-property relationships

of PLLs (3–20 kDa) exhibited no clear correlations between the tested physicochemical properties

(condensation, relaxation, zeta-potential, size and shape of the polyplexes) and biological activities

(cell uptake, transgene expression and cytotoxicity of the polyplexes). Most PLLs (20 kDa)

condense DNA (linear, grafted, branched > dendritic) and condensation is not decreased if the

polyethylene glycol (PEG) content is about 60 % or less (fraction of MW). PEGylated PLLs (20

kDa) form sterically stabilized toroidal or rod-like complexes with diameters of 27–123 nm, but

they are not totally protected from interacting with polyanionic chondroitin sulphate. Further

studies with two carriers with different gene delivery properties, PLL 200 kDa and PEI 25 kDa

(polyethyleneimine), demonstrated a relationship between cell cycle phase (G1, S, G2, M) and

transfection efficiency. The transgene expression of the polyplexes is influenced by cellular uptake

and transcription, and both processes are cell cycle-dependent. Cellular uptake of the polyplexes

was at its highest during the S phase (80–90 %) and lowest during the G1 phase (5–30 %). PEI 25

kDa was a more efficient as a transfection agent than PLL 200 kDa. Furthermore, all promoters

(CMV, SV40, tk, PDE-β) and reporter genes (β-galactosidase, luciferase) showed dependence on

the cell cycle. However, as expected, only a small fraction of the pDNA was found in the nucleus,

partly carrier-bound, but having been accumulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Interestingly,

the gene expression after PEI25 kDa mediated transfection was 1–2 orders of magnitude higher

than after PLL mediated delivery even though the gene transfer into the nuclei was approximately

the same. This indicates that there is higher transcriptional efficacy after PEI transfection. Finally,

since it is possible that interactions with endogenous polyanionic GAGs could interfere with

cellular uptake or transgene expression, the GAG profile of synchronized D407 cells was

determined. However, we found that the GAG contents alone do not explain the transfection

efficiencies, since major changes occur simultaneously in the general rate of fluid-phase

endocytosis, and nuclear access of the endocytosed pDNAs.




Marjo Männistö

Kuopio University Publications A. Pharmaceutical Sciences 102. 2007. 65 p.

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In conclusion, the present study indicates that the physicochemical properties of PLL polyplexes

can differ to some extent without this having any great impact on biological activity. Also, a

knowledge of cell cycle-dependent variation in gene transfer can hep promote targeting in gene

therapy into uncontrollably dividing cells in diseases such as proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR)

and retinal generations, or different types of cancer diseases. Nonetheless even greater

understanding of the intracellular kinetics of polyplexes and underlying molecular mechanisms of

the diseases is needed before of non-viral gene therapy can become a clinical reality.

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This doctoral thesis discusses the significance of crystallographic properties in pharmaceutical

compacts. The term crystallographic properties here stands for crystallinity, polymorphism,

crystallite size and defects, and texture. The main emphasis of this study is on the formation,

characterization and effects of preferred orientation of crystallites, i.e. texture. The measurements

were mainly made using different x-ray diffraction techniques.

The main objective of this study was to clarify the effects of texture and other crystallographic

properties on the dissolution of pharmaceutical compacts. Since the texture of pharmaceuticals has

not been a subject of wide research prior to this study, another important goal of this study was to

study the texturization of pharmaceuticals and the parameters affecting it.

According to the results, most crystalline pharmaceutical powders will texturize in compression.

The major properties, which affect the degree of texture, were found to be the tabletting behaviour

(described by the yield pressure) of the material, and the size and habit of the sample crystallites.

Plastic materials were found to texturize strongly in compression, whereas substances with elastic

tabletting behaviour did not notably texturize. Strong texture is likely to be found in samples with

large needle or plate-like particles. The compaction pressure and time were not found to have a

major effect on texturization. Moreover, based on the results, the texture of pharmaceutical

compacts is more likely to be unhomogenous.

By performing some theoretical calculations and combining them with the texture measurement

results, it was found that energetic properties of the surface of highly texturized compact differ

from the properties of the sample with less preferred orientation. This was shown in the dissolution

studies indicating that the compacts with less texture had a higher intrinsic dissolution rate than the

samples with a higher degree of preferred orientation. Therefore, when performing dissolution

studies from samples with strong texture, the results should be analyzed and interpreted with great

care. Since the nature of texture of the samples could be modified by modifying the habit of the

particles to be compacted, there is a possibility to modify the dissolution properties of

pharmaceuticals by modifying their texture.

The classical properties affecting the dissolution behaviour of pharmaceuticals are polymorphism

and amorphicity. In the present study, several methods for characterization of amorphicity were

investigated. Amongst others, x-ray powder diffraction proved to be a good method for studying

crystallinity. Moreover, by utilizing x-ray diffraction, it is also possible to get information about the

polymorphic purity and crystallite properties of the sample. In this study, the grazing incidence x-

ray diffraction method was used to study these effects as a function of distance from the sample

surface. The results indicated that the compaction process induced disorders (e.g. amorphicity and

small crystallite size) on the surface of the compacts. These disorders were dependent on the

compaction pressure, and diminished as a function of depth.

Although x-ray diffraction is an old measurement technique, it still has great potential to become a

more effective characterizing method in the field of pharmaceutical materials research. By utilizing

the modern measurement methods, such as texture goniometry and grazing incidence diffraction,

its potential increases even further. Combining modern instrumentation with the ever improving

data analysis methods, including whole profile fitting methods, x-ray diffraction offers a powerful

research tool for pharmaceutical physics.



Mikko Tenho

Annales Universitatis Turkuensis A I 375, University of Turku, 2007, 108 p.

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In general, drug absorption into the eye from eye drops is limited. Only 17% of the dose

eventually reaches aqueous humor since corneal epithelium effectively limits drug delivery into the

eye. Gene therapy offers new therapeutic possibilities in ophthalmology, but delivery is an

important issue in this case. Ocular drug delivery experiments require sacrification of at least five

animals at each time point in the drug concentration profile. Improved corneal cell culture model

would therefore be useful in ocular drug and gene delivery experiments, and might reduce the need

for animal experiments.

The aim of the study was to develop a cell culture model of corneal epithelium for pharmaceutical

studies. The cell culture model was tested as a tool in drug and gene delivery experiments.

Immortalised human corneal epithelial cells (HCE) were grown on collagen or laminin covered

permeable support filters with or without feeder fibroblasts. After airlift the cells stratify and

differentiate forming epithelium approximately seven cell layers thick with flattened superficial

cells, tight junctions and microvilli. In the optimised cell model the penetration of β-blockers

increased with lipophilicity following an almost similar sigmoidal relationship with that of excised

rabbit cornea. Paracellular permeability in the HCE-model was generally found to be slightly

higher than in the excised rabbit cornea. The HCE-model has larger paracellular pores at lower

density than the excised cornea, but overall paracellular space was fairly similar. The HCE-model

has esterase activity.

Rabbit corneal epithelium in vivo was transfected using non-viral liposomes (1,2-dioleoyl-3-

trimethylammonium-propane; DOTAP and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine

DOPE) to secrete transgene product (SEAP; a secreted form of human placental alkaline

phosphatase) into the tear fluid and aqueous humor. Furthermore, suitability of the differentiated

corneal epithelial cell culture for transfection studies was evaluated with DOTAP/DOPE and

cationic polymer (polyethyleneimine; PEI). The transfection levels decreased with the increased

differentiation of HCE cells. PEI was particularly effective in transfecting the dividing cells but

ineffective in the differentiated cells. DOTAP/DOPE also showed high activity in differentiated

cell cultures. Significant SEAP expression was seen for at least three days after in vivo transfection

in the tear fluid and aqueous humor. Rates of SEAP secretion to the basolateral side of

differentiated HCE-cells and into the aqueous humor in vivo were in the same range showing the

predictive applicability of the cell model.

In conclusion, the morphology, physical barrier and permeability properties demonstrate that the

HCE-model closely resembles those of the excised rabbit cornea. Corneal epithelium can be

transfected topically to reach prolonged protein secretion into the tear fluid and aqueous humor,

and the levels of this protein secretion can be predicted correctly with the cell culture model.



Elisa Toropainen

Kuopio University Publications A. Pharmaceutical Sciences 100. 2007. 81 p.

Page 71: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Polymers as drug carriers provide benefits and means for controlled drug release applications, like

sustained circulation time or cellular targeting of a drug. At all stages of the drug delivery process

the polymeric carrier system has to be safe and biocompatible and, at the same time, maintain or

improve the efficacy of the medical treatment. Several new implications for the polymeric drug

delivery devices have been proposed; among others are the polymers, which are responsive to

temperature changes. These materials require a signal, i.e. critical temperature, which triggers their

phase transition, when water-soluble and hydrophilic polymers become hydrophobic and collapse.

The drug release from these polymers can then be regulated in response to the changes of


In this study, the properties and behaviour of a thermosensitive polymer, poly(N-

vinylcaprolactam), PVCL, was evaluated. The phase transition temperature of this polymer is near

the physiological temperature, thus it can be considered as a potential candidate for pharmaceutical

use. The toxicity of PVCL was evaluated by two colorimetric methods using in vitro cell cultures.

The results did not show evidence of cellular toxicity: the cell membranes were found to remain

intact and the cells viable. Fluorescently labelled model particles with thermosensitive PVCL

coating were used in cellular interaction studies. Enhanced cellular attachment was achieved with

PVCL-shell around the particles. This was found to be due to the polymer’s ability to bind to the

cellular surfaces. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), PNIPAM, another thermosensitive polymer with

similar characteristics, was compared to PVCL with respect to cellular interactions. It was found

out that the attachment of PNIPAM coated particles to the cellular surfaces was inhibited,

presumably by steric repulsion created by the PNIPAM-chains. Release profiles of different model

drugs from the PVCL hydrogels were estimated, and the effect of physical cross-linking to the

loading and release of drugs was further evaluated. Hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic

interactions were found to be strongly involved in the loading and release of the drugs and the

inhibitory effect of the increasing temperature on drug release was clearly demonstrated. Also,

physico-chemical properties of the drugs and the surrounding environment affected the loading and

release. By physical crosslinking, stable thermosensitive hydrogel particles could be obtained by

creating a tight net, which affected also the drug release. As hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide),

PEO, is known to improve circulation time and to increase the biocompatibility of polymeric

systems, the in vitro cellular studies were performed also with the PEO-macromonomer grafted to

the PVCL polymer or to the fluorescent model particles. It was concluded that the cellular

interactions of PVCL were diminished when grafted with the PEO-macromonomer, presumably

again by the creation of steric repulsion. The release of drugs from the physically cross-linked

hydrogels containing PEO-grafts was also inhibited because of the ability of PEO to interact with

the cross-linking agent by forming tight hydrogen bonds.




Henna Vihola

Dissertationes bioscientiarum molecularium Universitatis Helsingiensis in Viikki, 20/2007, 53 pp.

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Page 74: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Syklodekstriinit (CD) ovat rengasrakenteisia sokereita, jotka koostuvat kuudesta (α-CD),

seitsemästä (β-CD) tai kahdeksasta (γ-CD) glukoosiyksiköstä. Renkaan sisäpuolelle jää lipofiilinen

onkalo, jonka sisälle hydrofobiset vierasaineet hakeutuvat muodostaen inkluusiokompleksin.

Syklodekstriinin ulko-osa on hydrofiilinen, ja siksi syklodekstriini on hyvin vesiliukoinen. Tämän

takia syklodekstriinin ja vierasaineen muodostama inkluusiokompleksi liukenee myös hyvin


Syklodekstriinejä käytetään farmasiassa apuaineina lipofiilisten lääkeaineiden annostelemisessa.

Elimistöön joutuessaan syklodekstriinit kuitenkin pystyvät reagoimaan myös elimistön omien

lipofiilisten rakenteiden kanssa. Yksi tärkeimmistä lipofiilisista rakenteista on solukalvo, jonka

oikea toiminta on tärkeä solulle ja sitä kautta myös kudoksen ja koko elimistön toiminnalle.

Syklodekstriinit pystyvät liuottamaan solukalvosta erilaisia lipidejä. Sen seurauksena solukalvon

kestävyys kärsii ja samalla myös joidenkin proteiinien toiminta häiriintyy.

Vaikka syklodekstriineillä on suoria vaikutuksia solukalvon toimintaan, syklodekstriinilääkintä on

kuitenkin turvallista. Sopivia syklodekstriinejä mahdollisimman matalilla pitoisuuksilla

käyttämällä saavutetaan syklodekstriinilääkinnän edut samalla haittoja välttäen.

Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin hydroksipropyyli-β-syklodekstriini/hydrokortisonikompleksin (HP-

β-CD/HC) aggregaatiota Loftssonin ym. artikkelin pohjalta. Artikkelin mukaan toistettiin

faasiliukoisuus- ja permeaatiokokeet, ja lisäksi liuosten partikkelikokojakauma määritettiin DLS-

laitteella. Artikkelissa todettiin hydrokortisonin permeaation hidastuvan puoliläpäisevän

dialyysikalvon läpi syklodekstriinipitoisuutta kohotettaessa. Hidastumisen selitettiin johtuvan

aggregaattien syntymisestä. Artikkelin mukaisia kokeita toistettaessa faasiliukoisuuskokeiden

tulokset olivat verrattavissa artikkelin tuloksiin. Myös hydrokortisonin permeaatio hidastui

artikkelin mukaisesti, mutta koejärjestelyssä huomattiin muutamia virheitä, jotka korjattiin.

Korjauksien jälkeenkin hydrokortisonin permeaatio hidastui artikkelin tulosten kaltaisesti

syklodekstriinipitoisuutta kasvatettaessa, eikä se noudattanut faasiliukoisuuskuvaajan lineaarista

muotoa. Hidastuminen voi johtua joko aggregoitumisesta tai syklodekstriiniliuoksen kasvavasta

viskositeetista. DLS-laitteen herkkyys ei riittänyt pienen partikkelikoon määrittämiseen.

Suoritettujen kokeiden perusteella ei kuitenkaan pystytä luotettavasti sanomaan syntyykö

syklodekstriiniaggregaatteja kokeen aikana.



Hanne Ahtiainen

Farmaseuttisen kemian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

Page 75: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Kiinteät aineet sekoittuvat pääasiassa kolmella eri mekanismilla: konvektiolla, diffuusiolla ja

leikkausvoimilla (shear). Sekoittuminen on usein näiden kolmen mekanismin yhdistelmä

tasapainossa segregaation kanssa.

Segregaatio on ilmiö, joka on läsnä kaikissa partikkelisysteemeissä. Segregaatio on termi kiinteiden

aineiden erottumiselle. Segregaatio johtuu partikkelien fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien

eroavaisuuksista. Näitä ominaisuuksia ovat muun muassa koko, muoto, pinnan ominaisuudet ja

kitka. Partikkelien välinen ilmakin voi aiheuttaa segregaatiota. Segregaatio vaikuttaa suuresti

partikkelien sekoittumiseen ja sekoitinvalintaan. Sekoitinvalintaan vaikuttavia muita tekijöitä ovat

esimerkiksi jauheseoksen koheesiivisuus ja valumisominaisuudet.

Jauheseosten homogeenisuuden määrittämisen on sanottu olevan enemmän taidetta kuin tiedettä.

Teollisuudessa käytetyt nykymenetelmät ovat lähinnä invasiivinen näytteenotto ja off-line -

analyysi. Prosessianalyyttiset tekniikat tarjoavat mahdollisuuden non-invasiiviseen, non-

destruktiiviseen ja nopeaan in-line - analyysiin. Tämä edesauttaa prosessin tehokkuutta sekä

parantaa prosessien yleistä ymmärtämistä. Kaksi tavallisinta prosessianalyyttisten tekniikoiden

mittausmenetelmää ovat lähialueen infrapuna- ja Raman-spektrofotometria.

Työn kokeellisessa osassa kehitettiin menetelmä jolla on mahdollista seurata yksittäisen

kohdehelmen liikkeitä 2000-4000 vertikaalisesti ravistellun lasihelmen systeemissä. Ensimmäisen

lähestymistavan lähtökohta oli päällystää kohdehelmi fosforoivalla maalilla ja kuvata systeemi

pimeässä kahdesta kulmasta, jotta saataisiin määritettyä tarkka kolmiulotteinen sijainti

kohdehelmelle. Kohdehelmen oli tarkoitus näkyä kuvissa pimeässä hohtavana alueena.

Ensimmäinen lähestymistapa ei ollut menestyksekäs johtuen lasihelmen maalaamisen validoinnin

vaikeudesta ja riittämättömästä fosforöinnista ja valokuvauskalustosta.

Toisen lähestymistavan perusta oli systeemin voimakas valaiseminen ja lasihelmen päällystäminen

valoa läpäisevällä värillä. Valokuvaaminen tehtiin samaan tapaan kuin ensimmäisessä

lähestymistavassa, muttei pimeässä. Valokuvamateriaali analysoitiin käyttäen MatLab-

tietokoneohjelmaa. Ohjelma laski kohdehelmen tarkat koordinaatit jokaisesta kuvasta 66

mikrometrin tarkkuudella. Menetelmä osoittautui toimivaksi tietyin rajoittein. Edelleen kehiteltynä

menetelmä voisi tarjota tietoa, mikä edesauttaisi segregaation yleistä ymmärrystä ilmiönä. Saadusta

informaatiosta voisi myös olla hyötyä parannettaessa olemassa olevia partikkelisysteemien




Henrik Ehlers

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Page 76: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Drugs and nutrients are absorbed across intestinal epithelium via one or more routes. The transport

may occur by passive transcellular or paracellular mechanism, active carrier mediated route or by

transcytosis. A variety of transporters are expressed in the small intestine. They mediate the influx

and efflux of endogenous and exogenous compounds. Together with metabolizing enzymes efflux

transporters limit drag absorption and bioavailability of orally administrated drugs by transporting

compounds back to lumen br via circulation to excretive organs. Efflux proteins are also present in

many other tissues, like liver, kidney and brain where they control the fate of drag by affecting

absorption, distribution and elimination processes. In cancer cells efflux proteins located in cell

membranes limit the absorption of anticancer drugs and facilitate resistance against anticancer agents.

Endogenous or exogenous compounds may regulate the function and activity of efflux proteins.

The main physiological role of MRP2 is to limit the absorption of xenobiotics in the intestine, secrete

compounds into bile and facilitate the excretion by transporting xenobiotics to liver and kidney.

MRP2 localizes to the apical membrane of enterocytes and polarized cells. MRP2 can transport a broad

range of endo- and exogenous compounds.

Screening of compounds that bind to efflux proteins is beneficial during drag discovery and

development as efflux proteins can limit the oral bioavailability and lead to drag interactions. Caco-2

cells can be used to predict the intestinal drag absorption via different routes and as a screening method

for substrates of efflux proteins.

The aim of this experimental Pro gradu was to develop a screening method for drags that bind to MRP2

efflux protein using Caco-2 based screening method. The screening method was based on measuring

the fluorescense caused by a marker transported by active efflux proteins while the cells are exposed to

drags. A non-fluorescent promoiety of the marker was applied to passively permeate thröugh cell

membranes and hydrolyze to fluorescent marker by intracellular esterases. The effect of compounds

on the fluorescense of marker and hydrolysis to the fluorescent form was determined before cell

experiments. The specificity and sensitivity of screening method was improved by minimizing the

background fluorescence. The results were compared to the known MRP2 inhibitor, probenecid. The

binding of the drag to the MRP2 efflux protein decreased the transport of the fluorescent marker and

the detected fluorescence. The method underestimated the activity of efflux proteins for poorlj

permeable drags. Compounds with high permeability prevented the efflux of fluorescenl marker by

binding to MRP2-transporter.



Jenni Hannukainen

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Page 77: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for



Adsorptiolla tarkoitetaan atomin tai molekyylin kiinnittymistä kiinteän aineen pintaan ja se voi

aiheuttaa hävikkiä lääkevalmisteissa ja virhettä laboratoriotyöskentelyssä. Lääkeaineen ja astian

välisen interaktion todennäköisyys on suurin liuosmaisilla lääkemuodoilla. Molekyylit ja atomit

voivat kiinnittyä kahdella tapaa kiinteille pinnoille, fysikaalisesti (van der Waalsin voima) ja

kemiallisesti (kovalenttinen- tai ionisidos). Liuosadsorptio on yleisimmin yksikerroksinen ja siten

luonteeltaan kyllästyvä. Muovisten lääkeastioiden tulee olla mahdollisimman inerttejä

soveltuakseen lääkkeiden säilöntään. Lääkeaineilla on havaittu hävikkiä pääasiassa PVC-muoviin,

jossa adsorptiolla on kuitenkin vain pienehkö osuus kokonaishävikeissä. Lääkeaineiden adsorptiota

säilytysastioihin tutkitaan perinteisesti määrittämällä pitoisuuden erotus näytteen ja alkuperäisen

konsentraation välillä. Lääkeainesorptionäytteitä on analysoitu yleisimmin UV-spektrofotometrillä.

Kuitenkin UV-menetelmillä on omat rajoituksensa herkkyyden ja selektiivisyyden suhteen. HPLC-

MS/MS-laitteisto soveltuu havaitsemaan pieniäkin yhdistemääriä heterogeenisistä seoksista ja

soveltuu siten hyvin myös lääkeainehävikin tutkimiseen.


In vitro soluläpäisykokeissa käytetty kuoppalevymateriaali, käsitelty polystyreeni, muodostaa

pintaominaisuuksiensa perusteella mahdollisen virhelähteen lääkeainehävikille. Työssä kehitettiin

ja validoidoitiin tarkka ja luotettava HPLC-MS/MS-analyysimenetelmä adsorptionäytteiden

analysoimiseen ja suunniteltiin koejärjestelyt materiaaliadsorptiokokeille. Erilaisten lääkeaineiden

materiaalihävikkiä käsitellyssä polystyreenimateriaalissa verrattiin lasiin ja polypropyleeniin

puhdistetussa vedessä ja puskuriliuoksessa. Lasiin ja polypropyleeniin ei havaittu merkittävää

hävikkiä yhdelläkään tutkituista lääkeaineista. Erivarauksellisista lääkeaineista vain positiivisesti

varautuneilla lipofiilisillä emäslääkeaineilla havaittiin huomattavaa hävikkiä vedessä käsiteltyyn

polystyreeniin. Merkittävimmät hävikit havaittiin 4,5 tunnin kuluttua metoprololilla (64,7 ± 6,8 %),

medetomidiinilla (38,4 ± 9,1 %, propranololilla (31,9 ± 6,7 %) ja midatsolaamilla (23,5 ± 6,1 %).

Puskuriliuoksessa adsorptiohävikkiä ei havaittu, syynä tähän pidettiin puskuriliuoksen kumoavaa

vaikutusta materiaalin pintavaraukseen. Käytettäessä lääkeaineilla suurempia konsentraatioita

havaittu suhteellinen hävikki väheni, joka viittaa käsitellyn polystyreenin omaavan vain rajatun

määrän interaktiopaikkoja. In vitro olosuhteissa (suuret konsentraatiot, puskuriliuos)

lääkeaineadsorptio soluläpäisykokeissa käytettyyn polystyreenimateriaaliin on merkityksetöntä.




Anssi Hassinen

Farmaseuttisen kemian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

Page 78: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Säädellysti lääkeainetta vapauttavilla hydrofiilisillä polymeerimatriisivalmisteilla voidaan

saavuttaa lääkeaineen tasainen pitoisuus plasmassa. Muita hydrofiilisten polymeerimatriisien etuja

on yksinkertainen ja taloudellinen valmistusteknologia. Hydrofiiliset selluloosajohdokset ovat

yleisimmin käytettyjä polymeerejä matriiseissa. Ulkopuolisen nesteen tunkeutuessa hydrofiiliseen

polymeerimatriisiin, matriisi turpoaa ja sen ympärille muodostuu geelikerros. Muodostunut

geelikerros hidastaa lääkeaineen vapautumista ulos matriisista. Hydrofiilisistä

polymeerimatriiseista lääkeaineet vapautuvat diffundoituen geelikerroksen läpi ja/tai erodoitumalla

matriisin ulkoreunalta. Geelikerroksen paksuuden pysyessä vakiona lääkeaine voi vapautua

noudattaen 0. kertaluvun kinetiikkaa. Geelikerroksen paksuus, stabiilisuus ja geelikerroksessa

tapahtuvat muutokset vaikuttavat merkittävästi lääkeaineen vapautumiseen. Geelikerroksessa

tapahtuvia muutoksia lääkeaineen vapautumisen aikana on tutkittu yleisimmin tekstuurianalyysillä

ja kuva-analyysillä.

Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kylmäkuivattujen kiinteiden dispersioiden stabiilisuuttaja niitä

sisältävien tablettiformulaatioiden ominaisuuksia. Dispersiot sisälsivät eri suhteissa perfenatsiinia

ja polyetyleeniglykolia tai perfenatsiinia ja polyvinyylipyrrolidonia. Dispersioita tutkittiin

isotermisellä mikrokalorimetrillä (IMC), differentiaalisella pyyhkäisykalorimetrillä (DSC) ja

materiaalin hygroskooppisuutta mittaavalla HMA-laitteella. Stabiilein dispersio tutkimusten

mukaan oli 1/5 perfenatsiini/PEG. Tästä dispersiosta ja vastaavasta PVP-dispersiosta valmistettiin

tablettiformulaatioita, jotka suunniteltiin suussa hajoaviksi tableteiksi. Tableteissa käytettiin

täyteaineena mannitolia ja hajotusaineina krospovidonia ja kalsiumsilikaattia. Hajotusaineet ja

niiden määrät vaihtelivat formulaatioissa suhteessa toisiinsa. Tabletteja puristettiin kahdella eri

puristusvoimalla. Tableteista tutkittiin hajoamisaika, murtolujuus ja perfenatsiinin vapautuminen.

Lisäksi verrattiin differentiaaliselta pyyhkäisykalorimetriltä saatuja tablettimassan ja tablettien

termogrammeja. Tableteista tehtiin myös säilyvyysseurantaa säilyttämällä niitä 60 % suhteellisessa

ilmankosteudessa yksi kuukausi ja tutkimalla ne sen jälkeen samoilla menetelmillä kuin

vastavalmistetut tabletit. Suussa hajoavien tablettien tulee hajota nopeasti, mutta toisaalta niiden

tulee olla riittävän lujia kestääkseen valmistuksen, pakkauksen ja käsittelyn. Tällaiset ominaisuudet

todettiin olevan tableteilla, jotka sisälsivät stabiileinta dispersiota ja krospovidonia.





Kristiina Heikkilä

Farmasian teknologian ja biofarmasian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

Page 79: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin preformulointimenetelmä lääkeainetta sisältäville siloksaani-

matriiseille. Arvioimalla useita menetelmiä, pyyhkäisykalorimetria (DSC), dynaaminen mekaaninen

analyysi (DMA) ja reometria valittiin sopivimmiksi menetelmiksi. Näitä käytettiin tutkimaan

peroksidi- ja platinakatalysoituja siloksaanimatriiseja, jotka sisälsivät joko levonorgestreelia,

estradioli hemihydraattia, traneksaamihappoa tai mefenaamihappoa. DSC:llä analysoitavat

ominaisuudet olivat yksittäisten aineiden yhteensopivuus sekä siloksaanimatriisien

ristiinsitomisentalpia. Reometriaa käytettiin selvittämään silloittamattomien näytteiden G’/G"

risteämisfrekvenssi ja moduli, geeliytymispisteen lämpötila ja moduli, sekä silloittumisnopeus.

Silloitettujen näytteiden lasipistettä, sekä niiden elastista modulia eri lämpötiloissa selvitettiin DMA:n


DSC:llä nähdyt yhteensopimattomuuden korreloivat varsin hyvin näytteiden mekaanisten

ominaisuuksien kanssa. Heikompiin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin johtavat yhteen-

sopimattomuudet havaittiin aina lääkeaineen ja reaktiokatalyytin välillä. Tästä syystä DSC-analyysit

voitaisiin keskittää koskemaan ainoastaan lääkeaineita ja reaktiokatalyyttejä tutkittaessa suurta

lääkeainejoukkoa. Elastomeerien silloittumisentalpiat eivät korreloineet niin selvästi lopputuotteiden

mekaanisten ominaisuuksien välillä, joten pelkästään näillä tutkimuksilla ei saada tarpeeksi tietoa

lopputuotteen ominaisuuksista. Reometrialla huomattiin, että kaikki lääkeiaineet nostivat

elastomeerien mekaanista lujuutta. Lääkeainetta sisältävien näytteiden G’/G" risteämisarvot tai

geeliytymispisteen arvot eivät poikenneet suuresti toisistaan, silloittumisnopeuksien välillä oli selviä

eroja. Tämä saattaa kuitenkin johtua suuresta hajonnasta silloittamattomien ja silloitettujen näytteiden

G'-arvojen välillä. DMA:lla havaittiin selviä eroja silloitettujen näytteiden E'-arvojen välillä, joita ei

muilla menetelmillä havaittu. Näin ollen lopputuotteen elastisuutta voitiin arvioida tehokkaasti.

Lasipisteen ilmenemislämpötilalla ei kuitenkaan havaittu olevan selkeää yhteyttä käytetyn lääkeaineen

kanssa. Lisäksi näytteet, joilla ei havaittu silloittumista reometrin avulla, eivät soveltuneet

analysoitaviksi DMA:lla. Käytetty preformulaatiomenetelmä pystyi selkeästi tekemään eron

yhteensopivien ja yhteensopimattomien siloksaaninäytteiden välille.

Käytetyt kolme menetelmää tukivat toisiaan, ja kaikki tuottivat tietoa mitä muut menetelmät eivät

tuottaneet. Tästä syystä kaikkia kolme menetelmää tulisi käyttää myös tulevissa siloksaanimatriisien

preformulaatiokokeissa. DSC:llä tulisi tutkia lääkeaineiden ja katalyyttien yhteensopivuutta,

reometrillä tulisi tutkia silloittumisen nopeutta ja lämpötilaa, ja DMA:ta voisi käyttää tutkimaan niiden

näytteiden mekaanisia ominaisuuksia, jotka ovat silloittuneet reometritutkimuksissa. Lisäksi, mikäli

DSC:llä havaittaisiin termodynaaminen reaktio siloksaanien ekstruusiolämpötiloissa, XRPD:tä

voitaisiin käyttää tutkimaan muutoksia näytteiden morfologiassa. Tämä menetelmä ei keskittynyt

analysoimaan lääkeaineen vapautumista matriiseista, joten tulevissa tutkimuksissa tulisi paneutua

näihin ominaisuuksiin.



Ville Petteri Heljo

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Page 80: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Suun kautta nautittavan lääkeaineen päätyminen valmisteesta elimistöön vaatii monia tapahtumia.

Lääkeaineen on mm. liuettava ruoansulatuskanavan nesteisiin, ennen kuin se pystyy imeytymään.

Keskeisiä tekijöitä lääkeaineiden liukenemiselle ruoansulatuskanavassa ovat mm. sisällön pH,

pintajännitys, solubilisoivien sappisuolamisellien määrä ja muu nautittu ravinto. Joissakin

tapauksissa lääkeaineen dissoluutiota ruoansulatuskanavassa voidaan arvioida in vitro -kokeiden

avulla, mitä voidaan käyttää hyödyksi mm. tuotekehitystarkoituksessa.

In vitro -dissoluutiota tutkitaan erilaisilla väliaineilla ja laitteistoilla. In vivo/in vitro -korrelaation

saavuttamiseksi on kehitetty biorelevantteja väliaineita, jotka sisältävät ruoansulatuskanavassa

esiintyviä pinta-aktiivisia aineita. Ne ovat kuitenkin kalliita ja analytiikaltaan haastavia, ja eivät

siksi sovi lääketeollisuuden rutiinikäyttöön.

Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää synteettisistä surfaktanteista uusia dissoluutioväliaineita ja

verrata niillä tehtyjen dissoluutioajojen tuloksia aikaisemmin käytettyihin väliaineisiin.

Väliaineiden ominaisuuksia tutkittiin mittaamalla niistä pintajännitys, lääkeaineen liukoisuus ja

tutkimalla dissoluutiota. Pintajännitys on ruoansulatuskanavan nesteissä alhainen, mikä nopeuttaa

kostumista ja dissoluutiota. Lääkeaineiden tasapainoliukoisuus tutkittuihin väliaineisiin

määritettiin. Dissoluutiota tutkittiin läpivirtausdissoluutiolaitteella, jossa lääkeaine liukenee

valmisteesta väliaineeseen avoimessa systeemissa.

Lääkeaineen luonne määrää sen käyttäytymisen; ionittuvan lääkeaineen dissoluutiota ohjaa lähinnä

väliaineen pH, ionittumattoman dissoluutiossa keskeinen tekijä on pinta-aktiivisten aineiden määrä.

Malliaineiksi valittiin ionittuva ibuprofeeni, lipofiilinen spironolaktoni ja erittäin lipofiilinen

danatsoli. Tutkimus tuki käsitystä, että tasapainoliukoisuuden dynamiikka on hyvin erilainen

verrattuna dissoluutiotapahtumaan. Siksi lääkeaineen tasapainoliukoisuus ei anna suoraa viitettä

lääkeaineen dissoluutiokäyttäytymisestä, vaikka väliaine olisi sama.

Danatsolille onnistuttiin löytämään dissoluutioväliaine, jossa dissoluutio vastasi aiemmin käytettyä

sappisuolaliuosta. Danatsolin keskeisin dissoluutiomekanismi on solubilisaatio, ja pinta-aktiivisen

aineen määrällä havaittiin olevan suora vaikutus dissoluutioon. Ionittuvana lääkeaineena

ibuprofeeni käyttäytyi pikemminkin väliaineen pH:n kuin pinta-aktiivisen aineen määrän

mukaisesti. Spironolaktonin käyttäytyminen vaihteli erilaisissa liuoksissa epäennustettavasti.

Spironolaktonille voisi kuitenkin olla mahdollista löytää pinta-aktiivinen aine, jossa dissoluutio on

ennustettavampi. Tutkituista surfaktanteista tällainen voisi olla natriumlauryylisulfaatti.


Liisa Itkonen

Farmasian teknologian ja biofarmasian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

Page 81: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Inulin is physiologically inert, non-toxic long-chain fructose and interesting for its potential use in

pharmaceutical applications e.g. as a filler-binder in tablets. The purpose of the study was to

evaluate the suitability of inulin in wet granulation and roller compaction processes. The main

process parameters affecting the properties of the granules were determined. The usability of the

inulin granules produced by these two granulation methods was investigated in tablet compaction.

Three inulin qualities were characterised to find out the most suitable inulin quality for wet

granulation. Frutafit® TEX! was the quality with the best wet mass consistency measured on mixer

torque rheometer and a laboratory-scale high-shear granulation and therefore it was chosen for further

granulation experiments. Frutafit® TEX! had the highest degree of polymerization and was less

sticky on nature that the other two qualities as water was added to the granulation process.

Scanning electrone microscope pictures showed that Frutafit® TEX! consisted of spherical and

hollow particles.

Full factorial experimental design for three variables at two levels was performed both for

granulation on a laboratory-scale high-shear granulator and a roller compactor to investigate their

effects on the properties of the granules. Frutafit® TEX! was granulated in a laboratory-scale high-

shear granulator using water as granulation liquid. Process variables were water amount, impeller

speed and wet massing time. The granules were tray-dried and milled. Roller compaction was

performed after blending inulin with lubricant, sodium stearyl fumarate. Process variables were

pressure, roll speed and screw feeder speed. Roller compacted flakes were milled.

Granules produced on both of the methods were characterized by performing a sieve analysis, bulk

and tap density measurements and tablet compaction experiments on all the batches. Porosity

measurement was performed on a mercury porosimeter of the extreme points in regard to porosity.

Scanning electron microscope pictures were taken of the extreme and the center points.

The properties of the dry granulated granules were found to be mostly affected by pressure. The

granules produced at high pressures had the highest bulk densities and the lowest tablet hardness

values. The properties of the wet granulated batches were mostly dependent on the amount of water

added into the granulation process although no strong correlations were found.

It was found that Frutafit® TEX! was not a suitable excipient to be used as a single excipient in

we1 granulation with water as granulation liquid because of its equipment stressing sticky nature, the

low water absorption capacity and the poor liquid distribution abilities. Frutafit® TEX! was well

processable on roller compaction due to its good flowability and binding properties. However

there was a remarkable loss of flowability and compactability of the granules in comparison with the

original powder as the spherical, hollow structure of the original particles was altered by the roller

compaction process.



Henna Juvonen

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Page 82: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Nowadays an increasing amount of the drug candidates are lipophilic and poorly water-soluble,

which is problematic, because the drug has to be dissolved before it can be absorbed. Fatty food or

lipid based formulations are known to increase the bioavailability of many poorly water-soluble drugs.

For several different reasons there are, however, not many oral lipid based formulations on the market.

This Master´s thesis deals with solid lipid based dispersions as carriers for poorly water-soluble

compounds. The literature review covers different types of lipid formulations, methods for

analysing the solid state, the use of triglycerides as excipients and polymorphism. The emphasis

is on the production and analysis of solid dispersions. The physical characteristics of the carrier and

the drug plays an important role in the functionality of the lipid based solid dispersion. The aim of

the experimental part was to study the phase behaviour of three model lipids (trimyristin, tripalmitin

and tristearin) and a hydrophobic model drug (phytosterol). The effect of the chosen lipid, drug

content and production method on the physical state of the dispersion, for example crystallinity and

polymorphism, was studied. The triglycerides were known to exist in several different polymorphs, of

which the α-, β'- and β -forms are the most important. β-sitosterol, the main component of

phytosterol, was known to exist as an anhydrate, hemihydrate and monohydrate. The water content of

these three forms is different. Solid lipid based dispersions were prepared at several different mixture

ratios by crystallizing the components from the melt or from solution (antisolvent method). Physical

mixtures were prepared for comparison by grinding the components in a mortar. Ali dispersions were

analysed by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and X-ray powder diffractometer (XRPD). Some

of the dispersions were also analysed by Raman and Infrared spectroscopy.

The triglycerides and phytosterol crystallized separately at ali tested compositions. On the DSC scan

the melting of both components was seen separately and the X-ray diffraction patterns consisted of

peaks originating from the pure components. The components showed no or insignificant solid solubility,

vvhich could be because of the sizes of the molecules. The results obtained with the different methods

were mostly consistent, which shows that DSC, XRPD, Raman and IR-spectroscopy are feasible

methods for the analysis of solid lipid based dispersions. The research provided preliminary

information about possible production methods for solid lipid based dispersions in the laboratory scale

and problems associated with the methods.



Johanna Laiho

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Page 83: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Peroraalisesti annosteltujen lääkeaineiden pääasiallinen imeytymispaikka on ohutsuoli, jonka

enterosyyteissä on sekä endogeenisten yhdisteiden että lääkeaineiden ja muiden elimistölle

vieraiden aineiden metaboliaan osallistuvia entsyymejä. Näin ollen lääkeaine altistuu ensikierron

metabolialle jo imeytymisvaiheessa. Lääkeainemetabolialla tarkoitetaan kaikkia niitä kemiallisia

reaktioita, jotka lääkeaine käy läpi elimistössä ennen erittymistään. Hyvin hydrofiilinen tai

hydrofobinen lääkeaine voi erittyä elimistöstä myös sellaisenaan. Metaboliareaktiot voidaan jakaa I

ja II vaiheen reaktioihin. II vaiheen reaktioita ovat erilaiset konjugaatioreaktiot, kuten

glukuronidaatio, sulfonaatio, asetylaatio, metylaatio ja glutationikonjugaatio. Lääkeaineelle

tapahtuva metabolia vaikuttaa usein sen farmakokinetiikkaan ja sillä voi olla vaikutusta myös

lääkeaineen farmakologiseen tehoon ja toksisuuteen, minkä vuoksi lääkeaineen metaboliareittien

tunteminen on tärkeää. Lisäksi metaboliareittien tunteminen auttaa välttämään lääkeaineiden

yhteisvaikutuksia, jotka usein aiheutuvat metaboliaentsyymien induktiosta tai inhibitiosta.

Caco-2-solulinja on laajasti hyväksytty in vitro -malli ohutsuolessa tapahtuvan imeytymisen

ennustamiseen ja sen hyödyntämistä ohutsuolessa tapahtuvan ensikierron metabolian tutkimisessa

selvittävät tällä hetkellä useat tutkimusryhmät. Caco-2-solut ovat peräisin ihmisen paksusuolen

syöpäkasvaimesta ja ne erilaistuvat spontaanisti ohutsuolen enterosyyttejä muistuttavaksi

soluiksi kasvatusjakson aikana.

Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää Caco-2-solulinjan käyttökelpoisuutta II vaiheen metabolian in vitro

tutkimisessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa keskityttiin tutkimuksiin, joissa on selvitetty II vaiheen

konjugaatioentsyymien ekspressiota ja aktiivisuutta Caco-2-soluissa. Lisäksi selvitettiin kuinka

hyvin Caco-2-solulinja vastaa II vaiheen metabolian osalta in vivo olosuhteita eli metaboliaa

ohutsuolessa. Kokeellisessa osassa Caco-2-solujen soveltuvuutta II vaiheen metabolian tutkimiseen

selvitettiin entsyymiaktiivisuus- ja kulkeutumiskokeilla. Entsyymiaktiivisuuskokeiden tulokset

viittasivat erilaistuneiden Caco-2-solujen sisältävän enemmän metaboloivia entsyymejä kuin

erilaistumattomat Caco-2-solut. Kulkeutumiskokeissa muodostui glukuronidi- ja

sulfaattikonjugaatteja, mikä osoitti Caco-2-soluissa olevan aktiivisia UGT- ja SULT-isoformeja.

Muodostuneiden glukuronidi- ja sulfaattikonjugaattien erittymiseen Caco-2-soluista osallistuivat

sekä apikaali- että basolateraalikalvolla sijaitsevat MRP-effluksiproteiinit.

Caco-2-solut vaikuttavat kehityskelpoiselta menetelmältä ohutsuolessa tapahtuvan II vaiheen

metabolian ennustamiseen. Menetelmän käyttökelpoisuutta rajoittaa Caco-2-solujen

karakterisoinnin keskeneräisyys, erityisesti eri UGT-isoformien ekspression osalta, sekä Caco-2-

solujen heterogeenisyyden aiheuttama vaihtelu tuloksissa laboratorioiden sisällä ja eri laboratorioiden



Laura Laine

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Page 84: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erilaisten binääriseosten kvantitatiiviseen faasianalyysin kehitettyjen

röntgendiffraktiomenetelmien luotettavuutta, ja toisaalta pyritään määrittämään kulloisenkin

seostyypin kannalta mielekkäin ja tarkoituksenmukaisin datankäsittelymenetelmä. Seostyypit olivat

saman yhdisteen kahden polymorfin, polymorfin ja amorfisen muodon, kahden kiteisen yhdisteen

sekä polymorfin ja pseudopolymorfin väliset seokset.

Tutkielmassa tutkittiin karbamatsepiinin III-polymorfin faasiosuuksia erilaisissa binääriseoksissa

röntgendiffraktiomenetelmin. Kvantitaviisen faasianalyysin tekemiseen käytetyt röntgendiffraktio-

menetelmät olivat suoran vertailun, Wakelinin, sisäisen standardin ja Rietveldin menetelmät.

Tutkittavat yhdisteet olivat karbamatsepiinin III-polymorfin binääriseoksia karbamatsepiinin I-

polymorfin, amorfisen muodon, karbamatsepiinin dihydraatin seka kalsiumvetyfosfaattidihydraatin


Suoritettujen analyysien perusteella päädyttiin suosittelemaan tiettyjä menetelmiä eri

binääriseosten faasianalyysiin. Yleisesti kahden kiteisen aineen seoksissa hyödyllisimmat

menetelmät ovat Rietveldin menetelmä tai suoran vertailun menetelmä. Jos seoksen muodostavilla

yhdisteillä on sama lineaarinen absorptiokerroin, saadaan Wakelinin menetelmällä myöskin hyviä

tuloksia, tämän tutkielman perusteella parempia kuin suoran vertailun menetelmällä. Yhdisteen

kiteisyysastetta määritettäessä suoran vertailun menetelmä on parempi kuin Wakelinin menetelmä,

ja menetelmänä varsin luotettava, kunhan kiteisyysaste on kohtuullinen. Polymorfin ja

pseudopolymorfin välisten binääriseosten tarkastelussa lienee syytä huomioida tekstuurin vaikutus.

Tässä tutkielmassa sitä ei tehty.



Kimmo Lehtinen

Fysiikan laitos, Turun yliopisto

Page 85: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Röntgendiffraktiolla voidaan faasiseoksista identifioida sen sisältämät faasit ja määrittää eri faasien

suhteellisten massojen suuruudet. Teofylliini- ja tolbutamidi-lääkeaineiden tableteista tutkittiin

dehydraatiokinetiikkaa sekä polymorfisten muotojen faasimuutoksia massaosuuksineen yhteistyönä

Kuopion yliopiston kanssa. Katalyyteistä Pt/Al203 ja Ni/SiO2 mitattiin, yhteistyönä Åbo

Akademin kanssa, diffraktogrammien piikin profiilista platina- ja nikkelifaasin keskimääräisiä


Tolbutamidin polymorfisia muotoja identifioitiin jauheesta ja tabletista. Tavoitteena oli selvittää,

muuttuuko tolbutamidin IV-muoto tabletissa puristuksen aikana eri polymorfiseksi muodoksi.

Tolbutamidi-mittaukset todensivat kylmäkuivausmetodilla valmistetun tolbutamidi IV-muodon

jauheen muuttuneen II-muodoksi. Tolbutamidin IV-muodosta puristetuissa tableteissa havaittiin II-

muodon lisaksi pieni määrä III-muotoa. On mahdollista, että III-muotoa on syntynyt puristuksen


Teofylliinin metastabiilimuodon jauheen faasimuutosta tutkittaessa havaittiin anhydraatin II-

muodon määrän kasvavan koko 22 % RH:n säilytyksen ajan. Metastabiilin III-muodon määrä

väheni koko säilyttämisen ajan. Muodon III nopeamman vähenemisen aikana monohydraatin

massaosuus kasvoi 23 %:sta 41 %:iin. Tämä kasvu todistanee, että III-muoto voi muuttua II-

muodon lisaksi myös monohydraatin suuntaan.

Teofylliinin röntgendiffraktiomittauksissa tutkittiin myös teofylliinin neljästä eri muodosta eri

puristuspaineissa valmistettuja tabletteja. Selvitettävänä oli, kuinka stabiileja neljästä eri

teofylliinimuodosta valmistetut puristeet ovat ja miten mahdolliset transitiot etenevät, kun tabletteja

säilytetään kuivassa ympäristössä. Teofylliinin monohydraattitableteissa havaittiin suuntaus, että

korkeammilla puristuspaineilla valmistetuissa tableteissa faasimuutos kohti II-muotoa oli edennyt

pidemmälle kuin alhaisemmilla puristuspaineilla. Teofylliinin anhydraatin III-muoto todettiin

erittäin epästabiiliksi vallitsevissa olosuhteissa. Metastabiilin III-muodon tableteista havaittiin, että

III-muodon pitoisuus väheni ja II-muodon pitoisuus kasvoi puristuspaineen kasvaessa. Voidaan

olettaa, että paineen nostaminen nopeuttaa huomattavasti transitiota muoto III -> muoto II.

Teofylliinin anhydraatin I-muodon tableteissa havaittiin I-muodon hidas transitio kohti II-muotoa.

Muodon II havaittiin olevan stabiili vallitsevissa olosuhteissa.

Katalyytin Pt/Al2O3 mittaussarjassa tutkittiin kahdella eri tavalla valmistettua katalyyttiä.

Analyysituloksena havaittiin platinan keskimääräisen kidekoon kasvavan platinan massaosuuden

mukana. Kidekoko oli suurempi H2PtCl6(4H20)-liuoksella valmistetussa katalyytissä kuin

Pt(NO3)2-liuoksella valmistetussa. Katalyytissä Ni/Si02 nikkelin keskimääräisen kidekoon

havaittiin kasvavan nikkelin massaosuuden mukana.



Tero Lehto

Fysiikan laitos, Turun yliopisto

Page 86: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Geeniterapia on lupaava tulevaisuuden hoitomuoto, joka mahdollistaisi lukuisien sairauksien

hoidon ja ennaltaehkäisyn. Sen edut nykyisiin hoitomuotoihin verrattuna ovat kiistattomat, mutta

ongelmana on edelleen se, ettei riittävän tehokasta ja turvallista geeninsiirtomenetelmää ole

löydetty. Tämän vuoksi myöskään formulointiin ei ole toistaiseksi kiinnitetty juuri huomiota.

Geeninsiirtoon käytettävistä menetelmistä virusperäiset geeninkantajat ovat jo teholtaan varsin

hyviä, mutta niiden ongelmana on turvallisuus. Viruksettomat kantaja/DNA-kompleksit puolestaan

kärsivät heikosta biologisesta tehosta.

Viruksettomien geeninsiirtokompleksien biofysikaalisella karakterisoinnilla pyritään selvittämään

kompleksien biologisen aktiivisuuden taustalla olevat fysikaaliset ominaisuudet. Korrelaatioiden

löytäminen helpottaisi osaltaan riittävän tehokkaan viruksettoman kantaja/DNA-kompleksin

kehitystyötä. Mahdollisia tutkimusmenetelmiä on useita. Yhdistämällä mikroskopisia,

spektrometrisia, kalorimetrisia ja valonsirontaan perustuvia menetelmiä, pyritään saamaan tietoa

siitä, miten esimerkiksi kompleksien koko, pintavaraus, rakenne tai lämpöstabiilius, vaikuttavat

niiden biologiseen aktiivisuuteen. Korrelaatioiden löytäminen on vielä toistaiseksi ollut vaikeaa,

mutta eri menetelmillä on jo nyt saatu paljon hyödyllistä tietoa kompleksien fysikaalisista


Tutkielmaan kuuluneessa erikoistyössä selvitettiin apu aineiden vaikutuksia viruksettomien

geeninsiirtokompleksien biologiseen aktiivisuuteen in vitro. Apuaineiden vaikutusta geeninsiirron

tehokkuuteen tutkittiin kahdella eri geeninkantajalla.. Lisäksi selvitettiin apuaineiden pitoisuuden

merkitystä ja seurattiin eri formulaatioiden biologisen tehon säilyvyyttä ajan funktiona.

Erikoistyöhön sisällytettiin lisäksi biofysikaalinen tutkimus, jonka tarkoituksena oli selvittää

formulaatioiden ominaisuuksien merkitystä niiden lämpöstabiiliudelle ja sitä kautta biologiselle

aktiivisuudelle in vitro. Tutkimus toteutettiin differentiaalisella pyyhkäisykalorimetrialla.

Erikoistyön tulokset osoittavat, että apuaineilla voi olla suuri merkitys kantajan geenin siirron

tehokkuudelle lyhytkestoisesti. Apuaineet eivät kuitenkaan riitä ratkaisuksi suspensiomuotoisten

formulaatioiden stabiilius- ja säilyvyysongelmiin.



Anna Lukkarinen

Farmasian teknologian ja biofarmasian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

Page 87: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


The goal of this study was to find out the physicochemical characteristics of Trimethoprim and

Sulfamethoxazole. This research is important because former studies have made it clear that these drugs

have weaker and variable bioavailability when treating infants and small children with suspensions.

The aim of this study was find out in vitro characteristics of these drugs as pure substances and

compare these results with results of suspended drugs. After this study it could be possible to develop a

product which has a repeatable and reliable absorptive amount.

There might be many reasons why Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole have diminished availability.

One reason might be that former pharmacokinetic studies have been made in developing countries,

where malnourished children are not rare. Malnutrition might incur pathological changes and change

the absorbed amounts of drugs. Another reason could be normal physiological changes in the body

during the first months of life. It's also possible that some changes happen in the physicochemical

characteristics of drugs during storage in product or in the gastrointestinal tract.

Theoretical part goes into special features of a child's gastrointestinal tract and is about normal in

the development of a child's gastrointestinal tract. There are discussed about some theoretical

physicochemical characteristics of Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole. The final part of work is

about methods used to analyze physicochemical characteristics of drugs. First in the practical part of

the research was to find out the behaviour of pure and separated or mixed Trimethoprim and

Sulfamethoxazole. Many methods were used to analyze these drugs, for example XRPD and FTIR.

The aim was to find out something about crystal structure and solubility's in different pH-values, like

hydrate or polymorphic forms.

In this study it was found out that the crystal structure of Trimethoprim was without any crystal

water and there were no molecular changes in suspended Trimethoprim. The crystal structure of

Sulfamethoxazole was as dry substance in polymorphic form I. The same form was also analyzed

when it was suspended in citrate buffered solution, but there was strong evidence that some part of

Sulfamethoxazole turned into semihydrate form. In Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole mixtures (1:5)

there was no evidence of semihydrate nor complex forming. pH-solubility profile of Trimethoprim

studies exposed that its solubility increases surprisingly close to pH five. There was no explanation to

clarify this phenomenon. pH-solubility profile of Sulfamethoxazole was like it should be according to

theory of ionization. The solubility increases when pH increases. Solubility studies didn't expose any

findings that could support complex forming in mixtures.

According to previous studies and the results of the present study it seems that failure of bioavailability

of Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole exists because physicochemical changes of substances

happen later in the gastrointestinal tract. Another possibility is that malnutrition is incurred

pathological changes. In this study behaviours of these medicines in the circumstance of the

gastrointestinal tract were not studied.




Iiris Mainio

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Page 88: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Eräs huokoisen piin (PSi) uusimmista sovelluksista on lääkeaineen kantajamateriaalina

toimiminen. Huokosrakenteen tuoma suuri ominaispinta-ala ja huokostilavuus mahdollistavat

erilaisten lääkemolekyylien adsorption huokosiin. Adsorption tapahtuessa halkaisijaltaan vain

muutamia kertoja lääkemolekyyliä suurempiin huokosiin, jää lääkeaine epäjärjestyneeseen tilaan,

jonka on havaittu parantavan lääkeaineen vesiliukoisuutta sekä permeaatiota.

Edellytys toimivalle lääkeannostelumenetelmälle on lääkeaineella täytetyn materiaalin

tasalaatuisuus lääkeaineen latausasteen ja vapautumisnopeuden suhteen. Pyrittäessä

mahdollisimman korkeaan latausasteeseen voi huokosten ulkopuolelle jäädä huomattava määrä

lääkeainetta, joka kiteytyy pinnalle. Niukkaliukoisten lääkeaineiden tapauksessa huokosten

ulkopuolelle kiteytynyt osuus tekee lääkeaineen vapautumisesta ennakoimatonta.

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää voidaanko lääkeaineen latausastetta ja pinnalle kiteytyvää

osuutta hallita adsorptioon vaikuttavien parametrien kautta. Lääkeaineen latausmenetelmäksi

valittiin adsorptio liuoksesta, sillä tämä mahdollisti eri parametrien helpon kontrolloinnin.

Adsorboituneen lääkeaineen määrä selvitettiin termogravimetrisesti, josta voitiin erottaa

differentiaalista pyyhkäisykalorimetria käyttäen pinnalle kiteytynyt osuus. Tutkimuksessa

mallilääkeaineina käytettiin niukkaliukoisia ibuprofeenia ja griseofulviinia, joita ladattiin termisesti

karbidoituun (TCPSi) ja termisesti oksidoituun (TOPSi) meso-huokoiseen piihin. Molemmille

mesohuokoisen piin pintakäsittelyille määritettiin lääkeaineen adsorptioisotermit eri liuottimia

käyttäen. Mahdollisia vuorovaikutuksia lääakeaineen ja liuottimen välillä tutkittiin FTIR-


Ibuprofeenilla havaittiin, että liuoksen konsentraatiota säätelemällä oli mahdollista saavuttaa

korkea latausaste, huokosten ulkopuolelle kiteytyneen osuuden silti jäädessä mitättömäksi.

Ibuprofeenilla havaittiin myös liuottimen ja lääkeaineen välisten vuorovaikutusten roolin olevan

merkittävä suurilla konsentraatioilla. Erityisesti TOPSi tehosti ibuprofeenin adsorptiota johtaen

suureen pinnalle kiteytyneeseen osuuteen. Seurauksena korkeasta pintaosuudesta havaittiin

huokosten osittainen tukkeutuminen, mikä heikensi adsorptiota huokosiin. Griseofulviinin ei

puolestaan havaittu kiteytyvän huokosten ulkopuolelle adsorptiossa käyteillä liuottimilla. Korkein

latausaste saavutettiin poikkeuksetta suurimmalla liuoksen konsentraatiolla.

Jatkossa tutkimusta tulisi laajentaa ottamaan huomioon entistä tarkemmin eri vuorovaikutuksia ja

niiden merkitystä latausasteelle. Erittäin tärkeää olisi selvittää myös huokosissa olevan lääkeaineen

vakaus ja säilytysolosuhteiden vaikutus vakauteen.



Ermei Mäkilä

Fysiikan laitos, Turun yliopisto

Page 89: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Tablettirakenne syntyy jauhepartikkelien muodostaessa välilleen sidoksia pysyvien

muodonmuutosten keinoin. Muodostuvaan rakenteeseen vaikuttavat jauheen ominaisuuksista

partikkelikoko ja -muoto sekä jauheen todellinen tiheys. Jauheen käyttäytymistä tabletoinnin

aikana voidaan tutkia tabletointiominaisuuksien avulla, jotka jaetaan tabletoitavuuteen,

puristuvuuteen ja puristettavuuteen. Myös erilaisten puristusyhtälöiden avulla saadaan arvokasta

tietoa jauheen käyttäytymisestä puristusprosessin aikana. Tablettirakennetta voidaan kuvantaa

esimerkiksi pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskopian tai tietokoneavusteisen röntgensädekerroskuvauksen

avulla, jotka antavat visuaalista käsitystä muodostuneesta tablettirakenteesta.

Kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli tutkia kahdesta eri lääke aineesta ja tärkkelysasetaatista

muodostuvien matriisitablettien rakennetta ja tablettien puristuksessa käytettyjen jauheiden

tabletointiominaisuuksia. Tabletoitavia materiaaleja analysoitiin tabletoitavuuden, puristuvuuden,

puristettavuuden ja modifioidun Heckelin yhtälön avulla. Tablettien kuvantamiseen käytettiin sekä

pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskopiaa että tietokoneavusteista röntgensädekerroskuvausta.

Pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskopian avulla pystyttiin tutkimaan aineiden pintarakennetta, kun taas

tietokoneavusteisella röntgensädekerroskuvauksella saatiin parempi käsitys tablettien

sisärakenteesta ja tiheyseroista tabletin sisällä.

Tutkimusten perusteella puristuksessa käytetyistä aineista ja seossuhteista riippuen tabletteihin

muodostuvat erilaiset tablettirakenteet. Modifioidun Heckelin yhtälön avulla tutkittiin jauheiden

todellista tiheyttä ja muodonmuutosominaisuuksia. Tällöin tiheyden arvot kuitenkin vaihtelivat

verrattuna heliumpyknometrillä määriteltyihin arvoihin, eikä tulosten oikeellisuutta voitu varmistaa

ilman lisätutkimuksia. Jauheiden muodonmuutosominaisuudet olivat kirjallisuuden mukaisia

lukuun ottamatta atenololia sisältäviä jauheita, joiden osalta tulosten varmistamiseen tarvitaan




Suvi Nurro

Farmasian teknologian ja biofarmasian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

Page 90: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Leijupetirakeistuksessa rakeistusneste sumutetaan pisaroina ilmavirran avulla leijuvien

rakeistettavien hiukkasten päälle. Rakeistuksella parannetaan lähtöaineiden käsiteltävyyttä,

valuvuutta ja tabletoitavuutta. Rakeisiin saadaan haluttuja ominaisuuksia muokkaamalla

rakeistusprosessia. Rakeistusprosessiin kuuluu prosessiparametrien lisäksi materiaaliparametrit ja

laiteparametrit. Rakeiden laatuun voidaan vaikuttaa erityisesti säätämällä prosessiparametreja.

Prosessiparametrit voidaan jakaa rakeistusnesteen lisäämiseen ja leijuttavan ilman ominaisuuksiin

liittyviin parametreihin. Koska useat prosessiparametrit vaikuttavat yhtä aikaa rakeiden

ominaisuuksiin, yksittäisten parametrien vaikutusten erittely on haastavaa. Rakeistuksen

suunnittelussa pystytään hyödyntämään rakeiden ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia tärkeimpiä

parametreja, kun kaikki prosessiin vaikuttavat parametrit ja niiden yhteisvaikutukset on analysoitu.

Prosessiparametrien tunteminen on edellytys prosessin muokkaamiselle, hallinnalle ja


Kokeellinen osa kuului suurempaan tutkimuskokonaisuuteen, jonka tarkoituksena on kehittää

leijupetirakeistuksen prosessinaikaista seurantaa. Prosessia voi seurata esimerkiksi niin sanotun

prosessi-ikkunan avulla. Prosessi-ikkuna mahdollistaa rakeistuksen ja raekoon seurannan ja

tulkinnan akustisella emissiolla häiritsemättä prosessia sekä rakeistuksen optimoinnin ja hallinnan

prosessiparametrien avulla. Menetelmän tulee olla reaaliaikainen, jotta lopputuote vastaa asetettuja

laatuvaatimuksia. Tässä työssä selvitettiin akustisen emission yhteys rakeiden kokoon

analysoimalla tehdyt määritykset monimuuttuja-analyysin avulla. Monimuuttuja-analyysillä

määrityksistä voitiin löytää oleellisin tieto. Pääkomponenttianalyysia (principal component

analysis, PCA) käytettiin raekokofraktioiden visualisointiin ja erikokoisten rakeiden

mallintamiseen ja rakeiden kokoa ennustettiin PLS:llä (partial least squares, osittainen pienimmän

neliösumman regressioanalyysi), jota voidaan pitää PCA:n regressiolaajennoksena. Lisäksi työssä

tutkittiin rakeistusnesteen lisäämiseen liittyvien prosessiparametrien vaikutuksia rakeiden saantoon

sekä rakeiden kokojakaumaa ja kosteuspitoisuutta. Tulokset ovat samansuuntaisia kuin muissakin

tutkimuksissa saadut, eli rakeistettavan massan kosteuden lisääminen kasvattaa raekokoa.



Laura Piispanen

Farmasian teknologian ja biofarmasian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

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Mesohuokoisten materiaalien soveltuvuutta lääketeollisuuden tarpeisiin tutkitaan parhaillaan

maailmanlaajuisesti. Tutkimuksissa on muun muassa havaittu, että monilla niukkaliukoisilla

lääkeaineilla liukoisuus on merkittävästi parantunut huokoiseen materiaaliin lataamisen jälkeen.

Myös lääkeaineiden vapautumiskäyttäytymiseen ja stabiilisuuteen pystytään vaikuttamaan

lataamalla niitä huokoisiin materiaaleihin. Yhtenä tavoitteena laajoissa tutkimuksissa olisi saada

kehitettyä annostelumenetelmä, joka vapauttaisi lääkeainetta tasaiseen tahtiin ja myös mahdollisesti

vähentäisi lääkkeenottokertoja pitkävaikutteisuutensa ansiosta.

Tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena oli mesohuokoisten materiaalien ja lääkeainemolekyylien välisten

vuorovaikutusten spesifioiminen. Päämittalaitteena oli FT-IR-spektroskooppi, jonka antamia

mittaustuloksia varmennettiin IMC:lla. Tutkimuksen toisena tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten

hyvin FT-IR-spektroskopia yhdessä isotermisen mikrokalorimetrian kanssa toimi

tutkimusmenetelmänä tämäntyyppisessä tutkimuksessa. Tutkielman viisi ensimmäistä lukua

keskittyvät mittalaitteiden ja vuorovaikutusten teorioihin sekä aineiden karakterisointiin. Kuudes

luku käsittelee mittaustuloksia ja viimeinen, eli seitsemäs luku pitää sisällään tutkimuksen

päätulokset ja johtopäätökset.

Molemmilla mittalaitteilla mitattaessa havaittiin vuorovaikutuksia eri yhdisteiden välillä. FT-IR- ja

IMC-mittaukset eivät kuitenkaan tukeneet toisiaan kovinkaan hyvin, sillä usein FT-IR:llä havaittua

vuorovaikutusta ei havaittu IMC:llä tai toisinpäin. Pääsyy ristiriitaisiin tuloksiin oli

todennäköisimmin se, että FT-IR ja IMC keräsivät tietoa näytteestä pääasiallisesti eri ajankohtina.

FT-IR mittasi näytettä lähes välittömästi näytteen lisäämishetkestä ensimmäisen tunnin ajan, kun

IMC alkoi kerätä realistista tietoa tutkittavasta näytteestä vasta noin tunnin kuluttua näytteen

lisäämisestä. Lisäksi FT-IR havaitsee ainoastaan kemialliset vuorovaikutukset, kun IMC havaitsee

sekä kemialliset että fysikaaliset vuorovaikutukset.

Tutkimuksen päätulokset olivat, että mesohuokoisten materiaalien ja lääkeaineiden välillä

löydettiin lukuisia vuorovaikutuksia. FT-IR ja IMC eivät kuitenkaan soveltuneet hyvin yhdessä

käytettäessä vuorovaikutusten spesifioimiseen. Parhaiten huokoisten materiaalien lataamiseen

lääkeaineilla soveltuivat ne yhdistekombinaatiot, joilla ei (adsorptioita lukuunottamatta) esiintynyt






Jukka Saarela

Fysiikan laitos, Turun yliopisto

Page 92: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for


Proteiini- ja peptidilääkkeitä on perinteisesti annettu injektiona, koska imeytyminen muiden

antoreittien kautta, kuten esimerkiksi oraalisesti tai nasaalisesti, on hyvin vähäistä. Viimeksi

mainittujen antoreittien käyttö, jossa imeytyminen tapahtuu epiteelipinnalla, vaikeutuu erilaisten

esteiden takia. Imeytymisen esteet kuten entsymaattinen hajoaminen, lääkkeiden pääsyä

epiteelipinnalle hidastava limakalvo ja hydrofobinen solukalvo pienentävät proteiinien ja peptidien

biologista hyötyosuutta. Vaikka proteiinit ja peptidit välttäisivät entsymaattista hajoamista ja

saavuttaisivat epiteelipinnan, on solukalvo silti suurin este näille suurikokoiselle ja usein hyvin

vesiliukoisille molekyyleille. Tämän esteen ohittamiseksi on ehdotettu erilaisia imeytymisen

edisteitä, joista eniten on tutkittu kelatoivia aineita, rasvahappoja ja pinta-aktiivisia aineita. Vaikka

nämä edisteet ovat parantaneet proteiinien ja peptidien hyötyosuutta, niiden toksisuudesta

imeyttävään solupintaan nähden ei ole yksiselitteistä näyttöä.

Vaihtoehdoksi edellä mainituille edisteille on ehdotettu biopolymeerien käyttöä. Eräs niistä on

kitosaani. Tällä luonnon polymeerillä on paljon hyödyllisiä ominaisuuksia farmaseuttisen

lääkekehityksen kannalta. Kitosaani on biohajoava, ei-toksinen ja hyvin siedetty polymeeri. Sen on

todettu edistävän proteiinien ja peptidien parasellulaarista imeytymistä sekä in vitro - että in vivo -

kokeissa. Tämän lisäksi kitosaanilla ei ole havaittu toksisia sivuvaikutuksia imeyttävään

solupintaan. Kitosaanin imeytymisen ediste -vaikutus on erilainen verrattuna aikaisempiin

proteiinien ja peptidien imeytymisessä käytettyihin edisteisiin. Kuitenkin kitosaanin käyttöä

imeytymisen edisteenä rajoittaa kitosaanin huono vesiliukoisuus fysiologisessa pH:ssa. Kitosaani

liukenee vain happamiin vesiliuoksiin sen emäksisen aminoryhmän protonoituessa. Kitosaanin

synteettisellä muokkauksella on saatu kvatemäärisiä ammoniumjohdoksia, joilla on kitosaania

parempi vesiliukoisuus. Näilläjohdoksilla on kitosaanin tavoin kyky edistää proteiinienja peptidien

imeytymistä. Kvatemäärisistä ammoniumjohdoksista trimetyylikitosaania (TMC) on tutkittu eniten.

TMC:n valmistusmenetelmä ja -olosuhteet vaikuttavat sen imeytymisen ediste -ominaisuuksiin.

Imeytymistutkimuksissa kvatemääriset kitosaanijohdokset ovat osoittautuneet turvallisiksi

imeytymisen edisteiksi.



Rustam Safin

Lääkeainekemian koulutusohjelma, Luonnontieteiden ja ympäristötieteiden tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

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C- vitamiini eli askorbiinihappo on luonnossa esiintyvä ihmiselle hyvin hyödyllinen antioksidantti,

jolla on runsaasti parantavia ominaisuuksia. Aikuisen ihmisen suositeltava päivittäinen C-

vitamiiniannos on n. 60 mg. C- vitamiinin puute saattaa aiheuttaa keripukkia.

Askorbiinihapolla on yhteensa neljä stereoisomeeriä, joista ainoastaan L-muodolla on keripukkia

ehkäisevä vitamiiniaktiivisuus. Askorbiinihapon diastereomeeriä, Disoaskorbiinihappoa, lisätään

kuitenkin ruokiin sen antioksidanttisten ominaisuuksien vuoksi. C-vitamiiniaktiivisuudesta sillä on

vain 5 % L-muodon aktiivisuudesta.

Differentiaalinen pyyhkäisykalorimetria on tekniikka, jonka avulla pystytään helposti havaitsemaan

aineessa tapahtuvat faasimuutokset. Tässä työssä differentiaalista pyyhkäisykalorimetria hyväksi

käyttäen määritettiin C- vitamiinin L- ja D-muotojen sulamislämpötila faasidiagrammi. Perkin

Elmerin tehokompensoivan DSC 7 laitteiston avulla mitattiin yhteensa 18 näytettä, jotka kattoivat

tasaisesti koko konsentraatio välin 0 - 100 % L-muotoa, lämpötilavälillä (125 - 225) C /

(130 - 205) C.

Sulamislämpötilafaasidiagrammin avulla määritettiin askorbiinihapon L- ja D-muodon

muodostavan eutektisen konsentraation seossuhteella 39,4 % L-muotoa. Eutektinen sulaminen

tapahtuu lämpötilassa Te = 155,08 C.

Kuivattujen tyrni- ja mustaherukka mehujen askorbiinihapon L- ja D-muodon osuuksia pyrittiin

määrittämään kuivattujen mehujen sulamiskäyrien avulla. Sulamiskäyristä ei kuitenkaan pystytty

havaitsemaan minkään yksittäisen aineen sulamista, joten myöskään askorbiinihapon

esiintymisestä kuivatuissa mehuissa ei voida sanoa mitään.




Tuomas Salonen

Fysiikan laitos, Turun yliopisto

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The SRB assay demonstrated to have a good linearity. It seems to be sensitive enough to detect

both the lowest and the highest cell concentrations and the antiproliferative action of the

compounds tested. The SRB assay is easy to perform and it is cheap. It requires several steps but

they can be easily automated as we have shown. Indeed the SRB assay allows the evaluation of the

total amount of protein that can be easily related to the proliferation ability of the cells and to the

growth inhibition effect of the drugs.

The Caco-2 cells are part of a very resistant cell lines due to their ability to synthesize the P-gP

efflux pump. The future project is to validate the SRB assay against others cell lines that are more

sensitive to anticancer treatment like one of the leukemia cells lines and one of the prostate cancer

cell lines. The idea is to validate the SRB assay against a panel of cell lines, even if small. This

could allow the use of the assay in the screening of a library of new compounds with supposed

anticancer activities.



Cristina Sempio

Università degli Studi di Pavia, Facoltà di Farmacia, Dipartimento di Chimica Farmaceutica, Italy

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Tutkielmassa on perehdytty huokoisen piin (PSi) käyttäytymiseen kolmessa simuloidussa

kehonesteessä. Työn teoriaosuudessa on käsitelty PSi:tä, sen ominaisuuksia, valmistusta,

bioyhteensopivuutta ja teollisia sovelluksia. Tutkimuksen pääasiallisena tavoitteena oli selvittää

liukeneeko eritavoin pintakäsitellyt PSi:t simuloituihin kehonesteisiin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa

testattiin uutta menetelmää PSi:n liukenemisen seuraamiseen piihapon avulla ja laskettiin

näytteiden oksidoitumisen aktivaatioenergiat Arrheniuksen yhtälön avulla.

Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Fourier-muunnos infrapuna (FTIR) spektrometriä (Perkin Elmer), jolla

mitatut spektrit analysoitiin. Lisäksi käytettiin differentiaalista pyyhkäisykalorimetria (DSC)

(Perkin Elmer), jolla pyrittiin selvittämään voitaisiinko mittauksilla saada nopeasti tietoa näytteiden

liukenevuuskäyttäytymisestä ja oksidoitumisesta. Käytetyt liuokset olivat simuloitu kudosneste

(SBF), simuloitu aivoneste (CSF) ja simuloitu suolineste (SIF). Liukoisuusmittaukset tehtiin

pitämällä PSi partikkeleja eri liuoksissa, kahdessa eri lämpötilassa (37C ja 80C) ja tarkkailemalla

niiden massojen muutoksia eri aikavälein. Useimmista partikkeleista oli kaksi eri kokoluokkaa:

<38 um ja 38 - 75 um. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekä käsittelemättömiä että käsiteltyjä PSi

näytteitä. Käsitellyt piinäytteet olivat termisesti oksidoituja, termisesti karbidoituja (sekä

oksikarbidoitu että hydrokarbidoitu) ja viinihappohappokäsitelty (TAPSi).

Partikkelien kokoluokalla tai lämpötilalla ei havaittu olevan suurta merkitystä naytteiden

massanmuutoskäyrien muotoihin. Sen sijaan lämpötilan kohotessa useimpien näytteiden

oksidoituminen ja liukenemisaika nopeutui. PSi:n liukenemisen seuraaminen piihapon avulla

epäonnistui, sillä mitattavaa määrää happoa ei näyttäisi muodostuvan. DSC-mittauksilla sen sijaan

on mahdollista saada tietoa naytteiden oksidoitumisesta, mutta ei liukenemisesta.



Mauri Sinkkonen

Fysiikan laitos, Turun yliopisto

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Hera on meijeriteollisuuden sivutuote, joka - huolimatta heraproteiinien monipuolisista

ominaisuuksista ja ravintoarvosta - jää suurelta osin ilman jatkojalostusta. Viime vuosina onkin

alettu etsiä heraproteiineille uusia käyttösovelluksia. Heraproteiinikalvojen tutkimus on tapahtunut

pääasiassa elintarviketutkimuksen parissa osana ns. syötävien kalvojen tutkimusta.

Proteiinirakenteisten lääkeaineiden kehitystyön edetessä lisääntyy myös tarve kehittää näihin

yhteensopivia päällystysmateriaaleja. Lehmänmaidosta saatu hera sisältää 4—7 g/1 proteiineja.

Heraproteiinit ovat ryhmä keskenään melko erityyppisiä, globulaarisia proteiineja, joita ovat β -

laktoglobuliini, α-laktalbumiini, seerumin albumiini, immunoglobuliinit, sekä eräät pienemmän

molekyylikoon omaavat peptidit, β -laktoglobuliini on tärkein heraproteiini, noin 50 %

heraproteiinista on β-laktoglobuliinia. Heraproteiinien etuihin voidaan lukea vesiliukoisuus,

heraproteiini-konsentraatin hyvä saatavuus ja edullinen hinta, sekä mahdollisuus muokata kalvon

ominaisuuksia denaturoimalla heraproteiineja.

Erikoistyön kokeellisen osuuden tarkoituksena oli tutkia erilaisten, osin uusien

pehmitevalintojen vaikutusta heraproteiinikalvojen mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin valamalla valmistettuja

vapaita kalvoja käyttäen. Kalvojen mekaanisista ominaisuuksista tutkittiin vetolujuutta ja venyvyyttä.

Käytetty kalvonmuodostaja oli heraproteiini-konsentraatti, joka sisälsi 77 % heraproteiineja, käytetyt

pehmitteet olivat glyseroli, akaasiahunaja ja fruktoosin ja glukoosin yhdistelmä. Kalvoja valmistettiin

sekä kuumennetusta, että kuumentamattomasta heraproteiiniliuoksesta. Lisäksi tutkittiin suppeammin

kalvoliuoksen pH:n muuttamisen vaikutusta kalvojen mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin, kalvojen

vesihöyryn läpäisevyyttä sekä kalvojen dispergoitumista veteen.

Heraproteiinikal vojen venyvyydet lisääntyivät ja vetolujuudet pienenivät, kun pehmitteen määrää

lisättiin. Vetolujuudet olivat pääsääntöisesti korkeampia akaasiahunajaa tai monosakkarideja, kuin

glyserolia käytettäessä. Vetolujuudet olivat suurimmillaan, kun käytettiin kuumennettua

heraproteiinia. Toisaalta proteiinin käyttö kuumentamattomana mahdollistaa laajemman vaihteluvälin

kalvoliuoksen proteiinipitoisuudessa sekä pH:ssa. Heraproteiinikalvojen vetolujuuteen voitiin

vaikuttaa säätämällä kalvoliuoksen pH:ta. Tutkittujen kalvojen vesihöyrynläpäisevyys oli

suurinta, kun pehmitteenä käytettiin glyserolia. Heraproteiinikalvojen dispergoituvuutta veteen

voitiin säädellä sekoittamalla kuumennettua ja kuumentamatonta proteiinia sopivassa suhteessa.

Heraproteiinin hydrofiilisyys antaa sille hyvän vesiliukoisuuden, mutta lisää toisaalta

kalvojen vesihöyrynläpäisevyyttä ja tekee ne herkäksi ympäristön kosteuden vaikutukselle.

Sakkaridien käyttö heraproteiinikalvojen pehmitteenä näyttäisi tarjoavan hyvän vaihtoehdon

yleisemmin käytetylle pehmitteelle, glyserolille.




Jussi Soininen

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

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Työn kirjallisessa osassa käsitellään lääkeaineiden liukoisuuden ja liukoisuuteen vaikuttavien

tekijöiden merkitystä farmasiassa. Suuri osa lääkevalmisteista annostellaan elimistöön kiinteässä

olomuodossa. Lääkeaineen on ensin vapauduttava valmisteesta ja sen jälkeen liuettava elimistön

nesteisiin, ennen kuin se voi imeytä biologisten kalvojen läpi ja kulkeutua vaikutuspaikkaansa.

Liukoisuudella on yhdessä permeaatio-ominaisuuksien kanssa suuri vaikutus lääkeaineen

hyötyosuuteen elimistössä. Liukoisuuden selvittäminen lääkekehityksen alkuvaiheessa on tärkeää,

jotta aikaa ei tuhlata ei-lääkkeenomaisten yhdisteiden tutkimiseen.

Monet erilaiset fysikaalis-kemialliset tekijät vaikuttavat lääkeaineiden liukoisuusominaisuuksiin.

Valtaosa lääkeaineista on heikkoja elektrolyyttejä, jotka voivat ionisoitua elimistön

vesiympäristössä. Ionisoitunut muoto liukenee yleensä huomattavasti ionisoitumatonta muotoa

paremmin, ionisoitumisasteeseen vaikuttaa ympäristön pH. Lääkeaineen korkea lipofiilisyys

heikentää tavallisesti liukoisuutta. Toisaalta imeytymisominaisuudet paranevat, jolloin

niukkaliukoisuus ei välttämättä rajoita tai estä yhdisteen käyttöä vaikuttavana lääkkeenä. Kiinteän

aineen liukoisuutta parantavia tekijöitä suuren ionisaatioasteen ja matalan lipofiilisyyden lisäksi

ovat pieni molekyylikoko, kyky muodostaa vetysidoksia liuottimen kanssa, matala sulamispiste,

amorfisuus, pieni partikkelikoko sekä tavallisesti lämpötilan kasvattaminen. On kuitenkin

muistettava, että liukoisuusominaisuuksien parantaminen johtaa usein imeytymisominaisuuksien

heikentymiseen. Liukoisuuden parantaminen kaikin keinoin ei ole tarkoituksenmukaista, vaan

pyrkimys tasapainon löytämiseen näiden ominaisuuksien välille.

Liukoisuuden määrittämiseksi on kehitetty useita erilaisia menetelmiä. Ne ovat kuitenkin

huomattavasti hitaampia kuin yhdisteiden biologisen aktiivisuuden selvittämismenetelmät.

Liukoisuuden määrittäminen on lääkekehitystä hidastava vaihe, joten uusia ja nopeita menetelmiä


Työn kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena oli kehittää pintajännityksen mittaamiseen perustuva

liukoisuuden määritysmenetelmä. Se perustuu ilmiöön, jossa näyteliuosten pintajännitys alkaa

pitoisuuden kasvaessa laskea lähestyttäessä liuotetun yhdisteen liukoisuusrajaa. Liukoisuusrajan

ylittymisen jälkeen pintajännitys pysyy muuttumattomana, vaikka pitoisuutta kasvatettaisiin

edelleen. Työssä liukoisuus määritettiin pisteestä, jossa pintajännityksen pieneneminen lakkaa ja

tasaantuminen alkaa. Tuloksia verrattiin perinteisellä liukoisuuden määritysmenetelmällä,

ravistelumenetelmällä, määritettyihin tuloksiin. Tutkimusaineena käytettiin ibuprofeenia, jonka

liukoisuutta tutkittiin erilaisissa olosuhteissa. pH:n vaikutusta tutkittiin pH:ssa 1,2, 7,0 ja 9,0.

Liukoisuutta tutkittiin myös erilaisten pinta-aktiivisten aineiden ja suolojen vesiliuoksissa sekä

pelkässä vedessä. Pintajännitysmenetelmällä määritetyt liukoisuudet olivat kaksi - kolme kertaa

suurempia kuin samoissa olosuhteissa ravistelumenetelmällä määritetyt liukoisuudet. Menetelmällä

voitiin määrittää siis vain suuntaa antava liukoisuus. Se voisi soveltua lääkkeiden aikaisen

kehittämisvaiheen liukoisuuden määritysmenetelmäksi, sillä menetelmä on nopea eikä tarkkaa

liukoisuusarvoa vielä siinä vaiheessa tarvita. Kokeissa tutkittiin lisäksi erilaisten esiliuottimien

vaikutusta liukoisuustuloksiin. Dimetyylisulfoksidi osoittautui jatkotutkimusten kannalta

lupaavimmaksi esiliuottimeksi.




Saila Taskinen

Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

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Useiden lipofiilisten lääkeaineiden liukenemisnopeuden on havaittu parantuvan, kun lääkeaine on

dispergoitu vesiliukoiseen kantajaan. Kiinteässä dispersiossa lääkeaine ja kantaja voivat säilyttää

omat kiderakenteesta tai ne voivat muodostaa yhtenäisen kiderakenteen eli molekulaarisen

dispersion (kiinteä liuos). Lääkeaineen nopeampi liukeneminen kiinteästä dispersiosta on

mahdollista, koska kiinteissä dispersioissa lääkeaine on hienojakoisina partikkeleina ja

mahdollisesti amorfisessa muodossa. Lisäksi kantaja voi lisätä lääkeaineen liukoisuutta ja parantaa

sen kostumista. Useimmiten kiinteissä dispersioissa kantajina on käytetty hydrofiilisiä polymeerejä

kuten polyvinyylipyrrolidonia (PVP), polyetyleeniglykolia (PEG), hydroksipropyylimetyyli-

selluloosaa (HPMC) tai pinta-aktiivisia aineita kuten polysorbaatti 80:a, Vitamiini E TPGS:ä ja

Gelucirea. Kiinteitä dispersioita on alunperin valmistettu sulatus-tai haihdutusmenetelmillä, mutta

viime aikoina niiden valmistukseen on pyritty käyttämään paremmin teolliseen mittakaavaan

sovellettavia menetelmiä kuten ylikriittistä nesteuuttoteknologiaa tai kuumasulapuristusta.

Kiinteiden dispersioiden liukoisuusnopeutta lisäävästä vaikutuksesta huolimatta kaupallisia kiinteä

dispersio sovellutuksia on markkinoilla vain vähän. Se johtuu muun muuassa lääkeaineen huonosta

stabiilisuudesta kiinteästä dispersiossa, jossa lääkeaine on useimmiten ainakin osittain amorfisessa


Kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena oli parantaa veteen heikosti liukenevan perfenatsiinin

liukenemisnopeutta muodostamalla siitä ja polyvinyylipyrrolidonista (PVP) tai

polyetyleeniglykolista (PEG) kiinteitä dispersioita. Partikkelit valmistettiin sumu (PVP).:tai

kylmäkuivaamalla (PVP ja PEG) kolmella eri seossuhteella (5: 1, 1:5 ja 1:20). Partikkeleille tehtiin

tyypillisimmät karakterisointitutkimukset; FT - IR, SEM -kuvaus, XRPD-mittaukset, säilyvyyskoe

rasitusolosuhteissa (45°C, RH 75 %) sekä liukoisuuskokeet pH:ssa 6,8. Perfenatsiinin

liukeneminen nopeutui formulaatiosta riippuen noin 1O-35-kertaiseksi käsittelemättömään

perfenatsiiniin verrattuna. Perfenatsiini oli partikkeleissa amorfisessa muodossa ja sen

partikkelikoko pieneni huomattavasti kiinteässä dispersiossa. Tosin useimmat kiinteä dispersio

formulaatiot eivät kestäneet 30 päivän säilyvyyskokeita, koska perfenatsiini oli kiteytynyt

partikkeleissa eri polymorfiseen muotoon.



Kaisa Toukola

Farmasian teknologian ja biofarmasian laitos, Farmaseuttinen tiedekunta, Kuopion yliopisto

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Matkailu avartaa – työelämässäkin. Post doc -tutkijana Uudessa-Seelannissa työskentelevä

Jaakko Aaltonen sekä lääketeollisuudessa Iso-Britanniassa ja Ruotsissa työskentelevät Niklas

Sandler ja Pirjo Luukkonen kertovat Polymorfin lukijoille työskentelystään ulkomailla ja

antavat vinkkejä ulkomailla työskentelyä harkitseville.

Jaakko Aaltonen


FaT, Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto, 2007

Proviisori, Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto, 2003

Nykyinen työ:

Post doctoral fellow, School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, Dunedin, Uusi-Seelanti

Mitä työnkuvaasi ulkomailla sisältyy?

Työskentelen professori Thomas Radesin johtamassa kiinteän tilan tutkimusryhmässä.

Työnkuvaani kuuluu oman tutkimusprojektini lisäksi tohtoriopiskelijoiden ohjausryhmiin

kuuluminen. Tällä hetkellä olen mukana kolmessa väitöskirjaprojektissa, jotka kaikki liittyvät

enemmän tai vähemmän amorfisiin kiinteisiin lääkeaineisiin. Väitöskirjaprojekteista kaksi on vielä

alkutekijöissään, joten minulla on ollut tilaisuus päästä vaikuttamaan niiden (tulevaan)

sisältöönkin. Kolmas projekti alkaa olla jo loppusuoralla, joten sen ohjauksessa minun roolini on

enemmän painottunut tulosten käsittelyn ja raportoinnin tukemiseen.

Miten päädyit työskentelemään ulkomaille? Mitä kautta paikka avautui?

Ulkomaille työskentelemään lähtö on kiinnostanut minua farmasian opintojen alusta lähtien, mutta

kuukauden vierailua Kööpenhaminan yliopistoon lukuun ottamatta en ole aikaisemmin saanut

toimeksi lähteä ulkomaille opiskelemaan. Väitöskirjatyön loppupuolella aloin kartoittaa minulle

parhaiten soveltuvia ulkomaisia tutkimusyksiköitä. Muitakin kiinnostavia vaihtoehtoja oli, enkä

tehnyt valintaa täysin ammatillisin perustein – Uusi-Seelanti asuinpaikkana vaikutti huomattavasti

mielenkiintoisemmalta kuin esimerkiksi USA:n Keskilänsi.

Helsingin yliopiston farmasian teknologian osastolla tein tiivistä yhteistyötä Otagon yliopistosta

valmistuneen Clare Strachanin kanssa. Häneltä sain paljon tietoja nykyisestä kotiseudusta ja

työpaikasta. Teknon osastolla ja täkäläisellä tutkimusryhmällä on viime vuosina ollut tiivistä

tutkijanvaihtoa: FFY:n jäsenistä Niklas Sandler ja Marja Savolainen olivat jo käyneet täällä

tutkijavaihdossa ennen minua, ja myös Otagon yliopiston tutkijoita on käynyt Viikissä.

Oletko ollut tyytyväinen oloosi ulkomailla? Miten arkielämä, harrastukset ym. ovat sujuneet


Uuteen-Seelantiin asettuminen on sujunut oikeastaan helpommin kuin osasin kuvitella. Dunedinin

kaupunki on mukavan kokoinen kaupunki (n. 120 000 asukasta). Kaupungissa on paljon

opiskelijoita ympäri maailman joihin paikalliset ovat tottuneet, joten ulkomaalaisen on helppo

asioida täällä. Kansainvälisyyden ja suuren opiskelijamäärän vuoksi kaupungissa on kokoonsa



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nähden hämmästyttävän hyvä ravintola- ja kahvilatarjonta, joten lounaspaikoista ei ole pulaa.

Harrastusmahdollisuuksista sen verran, että Uudessa-Seelannissa voi tehdä kaikkea ulkoiluun

liittyvää, ja viikonloput ovatkin kuluneet kotimaan matkailua ja erilaista ulkoilua harrastaessa.

Miten työskentely ja työkulttuuri ulkomaisessa työpaikassasi eroaa Suomessa työskentelystä?

Työskentely ei hirveästi eroa suomalaisesta muuten kuin että ihmiset luonnollisesti puhuvat

enemmän toistensa kanssa. Tämä heijastuu myös palavereihin ja seminaareihin, joissa keskustelu

on runsaampaa ja värikkäämpää kuin yleensä Suomessa. Tutkimusaiheet ja -työ luonnollisesti ovat

melko samanlaisia kuin muuallakin, mutta on hyvä nähdä, miten asioita tehdään muualla.

Laboratoriot ja laitekanta eivät täällä ole ihan yhtä korkeatasoiset kuin Viikissä.

Miten työpaikka on auttanut sopeutumisessa ja käytännön järjestelyissä?

Työpaikka tarjoaa työpisteen ja laboratoriot käyttööni. Työhön perehdytys, kuten oikeastaan kaikki

muukin tämän lisäksi, on ollut oman aktiivisuuden varassa. Rahoitukseni tulee Suomesta, joten

työpaikan panos paperiasioihin ja muuhun byrokratiaan on ollut kutsukirjeen lähettäminen.

Asunnon löytäminen ei ollut ihan helppoa, mutta sopiva kämppä löytyi lopulta reilun viikon

etsimisen jälkeen. Suomalaiset asuinkelpoisuusstandardit täyttävien kalustettujen perheasuntojen

tarjonta ei täällä ole järin suurta.

Millaisia vinkkejä ja neuvoja antaisit ulkomailla työskentelystä haaveileville tai sitä jo

suunnitteleville alan ihmisille?

Kannattaa varata aikaa asioiden järjestelyyn, nimittäin viisumien ja apurahojen hankkiminen on

aikaavievää puuhaa. Suosittelen myös tutustumaan kohteeseen etukäteen, ettei tule kovin pahoja

pettymyksiä paikan päällä. Kun nämä asiat ovat järjestyksessä, ei muuta kuin avoimin mielin

matkaan vaan. Tärkeintä on lähteminen, sen jälkeen asiat yleensä etenevät omalla painollaan.

Terveisiä kaikille FyFan symppariin osallistujille, antoisaa seminaaripäivää ja vielä

antoisampaa iltaa!

Niklas Sandler


Dosentti, Farmasian teknologia, Helsingin yliopisto, 2007

FaT, Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto, 2003

Proviisori, Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto, 1998

Nykyinen työ:

Senior Scientist, AstraZeneca, Iso-Britannia

Kerro hieman itsestäsi Polymorfin lukijoille.

Nimeni on Niklas Sandler ja työnantajani kesästä 2006 asti on ollut AstraZeneca. Toimin

senioritutkijan roolissa AstraZenecan tuotekehityksessä ja tarkemmin sen prosessikehitysosaston

materiaalitukimusyksikössä. Valmistuin Helsingin yliopistosta proviisoriksi vuonna 1998 ja

farmasian tohtoriksi vuonna 2003 pääaineenani farmasian teknologia. Minut nimitettiin farmasian

teknologian dosentiksi Helsingin yliopistoon vuonna 2007. Väitöskirjani käsitteli pääasiassa uusien

kuva-analyysitekniikoiden ja monimuuttuja-analyysin hyödyntämistä partikkelikoon mittaamisessa

ja partikkelikoon monitoroinnissa kostearakeistusprosessin aikana. Väitöksen jälkeen vuonna 2005

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matkasin post doc -tutkijaksi Uuteen-Seelantiin (University of Otago), jolloin tutkimukseni

painopistealueina olivat polymorfiset faasimuutokset ja niiden tutkiminen erityisesti Raman-

spektroskopian avulla.

Mitä työnkuvaasi ulkomailla sisältyy?

Kuulun materiaalitutkimusryhmään (Material Science), jonka tehtävänä on tukea uusien lääkkeiden

kehitysprojekteja lääkeaineisiin ja apuaineiden ominaisuuksiin liittyvällä asiantuntemuksella. Olen

itse vastuussa myöhäisessä vaiheessa (faasi 3) olevan syöpälääkevalmisteen prosessikehitysosaston

projektia tukevien toimintojen koordinoinnista ja lääkeaineen sekä apuaineiden materiaalitutkimus-

strategiasta. Minun tulee varmistua siitä, että me hallitsemme projektissa käytettävien materiaalien

fysikaaliset ominaisuudet ja niiden vaikutukset lääkevalmisteen prosessointiin ja laatuun.

Osallistuin hiljattain kyseisen tuotteen teknologiansiirtoon tuotantomittakaavaan (technological

transfer ja scale-up) tehtaaseemme Väli-Amerikassa. Työ on monipuolista ja eri osaajien kanssa

työskentelyä, ja projektityön lisäksi työnkuvaan kuuluu myös yrityksen sisäisiin strategisiin

teknologian kehitysohjelmiin osallistuminen.

Miten päädyit työskentelemään ulkomaille?

Suunnitelmissa oli koko ajan, että jossain vaiheessa olisi mukavaa ja kiinnostavaa muuttaa

muutamaksi vuodeksi työskentelemään ulkomaille. Noin vuosi väitökseni jälkeen oli sopiva aika

aloittaa tutkimusrahoituksen järjestelyt, ja lopulta päädyimme perheeni kanssa ensin Uuteen-

Seelantiin Otagon yliopiston School of Pharmacyn Solid State -tutkimusryhmään. Vaikka

viihdyimme Uudessa-Seelannissa erinomaisesti, teollisuusura kiinnosti. Hain avoinna olevia

paikkoja lääketeollisuudesta Englannista, ja minut kutsuttiin haastatteluun AstraZenecalle. Minut

valittiin työhön ja muutimme Manchesterin lähelle syksyllä 2006.

Oletko ollut tyytyväinen oloosi ulkomailla? Miten arkielämä, harrastukset ym. ovat sujuneet


Ensimmäinen muutto Uuteen-Seelantiin oli erittäin helppo ja elämä leppoisaa mahtavissa

maisemissa ja rennossa ilmapiirissä. Akateemisen post doc -työn vapaus ja uudenlainen vaihe

elämässämme teki ensi vaiheista ulkomailla todella nautittavia. Englantiin muutto oli yllättäen

vaikeampi kuin luulin. Ihmisten ja autojen paljous ja yhteiskunnan sosiaalinen jakautuminen olivat

joitakin asioita, jotka olivat jonkinlainen kulttuurisokki, ja asettuminen kesti kauemmin kuin luulin.

Harrastuksina ovat pääasiassa 1, 3,5 ja 5-vuotiaat lapset, joten vapaa-ajanongelmia ei ole ollut.

AstraZeneca on järjestänyt työntekijöilleen erittäin hyvät urheilumahdollisuudet: mm. kuntosaleja

ja palloilulajeja on helppo harrastaa töiden jälkeen tai lounastauolla.

Miten työskentely ja työkulttuuri ulkomaisessa työpaikassasi eroaa Suomessa työskentelystä?

En ole huomannut selkeitä eroja työkulttuurissa sinänsä suomalaiseen verrattuna. Töistä sovitaan

selkeästi ja ihmiset ovat ahkeria ja aikaansaavia. On kuitenkin ollut mielenkiintoista työskennellä

yrityksessä, jossa teemme monikansallista yhteistyötä Englannin, USA:n, ja Ruotsin tuotekehitys-

organisaatioiden välillä. Eri alueiden työskentelytavoissa havaitsee usein erilaisuuksia.

Miten työpaikka on auttanut sopeutumisessa ja käytännön järjestelyissä?

Koska siirryin Englantiin yrityksen palvelukseen, paperiasiat, pankkitilin avaamiset ja asunnon

löytäminen oli osaltani hoidettu varsin jouhevasti. Näistä pienimmistä käytännön asioista syntyy

useimmiten suurimmat kultturishokin ainekset, kun asiat eivät toimi, kuten on tottunut: esimerkiksi

jos puhelinasentajaa saa odottaa kuukauden, jotta saa internet -yhteyden avattua, tai jos yrittää etsiä

asuntoa, jossa ei olisi kokolattiamattoa kylpyhuoneessa…

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Millaisia vinkkejä ja neuvoja antaisit ulkomailla työskentelystä haaveileville tai sitä jo

suunnitteleville alan ihmisille?

Jos asia on vakavasti mielessä, kannattaa lähteä yrittämään, muuten se voi jäädä kokonaan

tekemättä ja se voi harmittaa loppuelämän. Vaikka perheen kanssa lähteminen voi tuntua

hankalalta, niin vaikka se on kieltämättä haastavampaa, me olemme selvinneet mainiosti ensin

kahden ja nyt kolmen lapsen kanssa maailmalla.

Pirjo Luukkonen


Dosentti, Farmasian teknologia, Helsingin yliopisto, 2005

FaT, Farmasian teknologian osasto, Farmasian TDK, Helsingin yliopisto, 2001

Nykyinen työ:

Associate Principal Scientist, AstraZeneca, Mölndal, Ruotsi

Kerro hieman itsestäsi Polymorfin lukijoille.

Olen peruskoulutukseltani proviisori, väittelin farmasian teknologiasta Helsingissä 2001 ja sain

dosentuurin Helsingin yliopistossa 2005. Työskentelin yliopistolla kokonaiset 9 vuotta, joista

väitöskirjaa tein aktiivisesti reilut neljä vuotta. Tein osan kokeellisesta osuudesta Kööpenhaminassa

Torben Schæferin ohjauksessa ja osan Lontoossa Mike Newtonin ohjauksessa. Muutama viikko

väitöksen jälkeen aloitin työskentelyn AstraZenecan farmaseuttisessa tuotekehityksessä

Mölndalissa (lähellä Göteborgia).

Mitä työnkuvaasi ulkomailla sisältyy?

Työskentelen Material Science –ryhmässä, ja tittelini on tällä hetkellä Associate Principal Scientist

Powder Processing -alueella. Vastuualueenani on Ruotsin kolme tuotekehityssitea; Mölndal, Lund

ja Södertälje. Työnkuvaan kuuluu tuotekehitysprojektien auttaminen oikean prosessin ja

apuaineiden valitsemisessa sekä vaikuttaminen siihen, että projektit työskentelevät Quality by

Design -mallin mukaisesti. Työskentelen paljon myös raaka-ainevariaation, prosessiaikaisten

mittausten sekä väli- ja lopputuotteiden karakterisoinnin parissa. Toimin myös globaalin tutkimus-

projektin vetäjänä sekä kuuluun AstraZenecan sisäisiin verkostoihin.

Miten päädyit työskentelemään ulkomaille? Mitä kautta paikka avautui?

Minut rekrytoi professori Anne Juppo, joka silloin työskenteli ryhmäpäällikkönä AstraZenecalla.

En ollut kuvitellut muuttavani Ruotsiin, sillä osasin ruotsia kovin huonosti, mutta kun tilaisuus

tarjoitui, en voinut jättää sitä kokeilematta.

Oletko ollut tyytyväinen oloosi ulkomailla? Miten arkielämä, harrastukset ym. ovat sujuneet


Olen ollut tyytyväinen tekemääni päätökseen lähteä ulkomaille. Tietenkään elämä ei aina ole ollut

ruusuilla tanssimista, mutta harvoinpa se on. Pidän itseäni suhteellisen sosiaalisena ihmisenä, joten

ennen muuttoa en hetkeäkään epäillyt, etten saisi Göteborgista uusia ystäviä. Mutta uusien

ystävyyssuhteiden solmiminen ei ollut niin helppoa kuin kuvittelin.

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Miten työskentely ja työkulttuuri ulkomaisessa työpaikassasi eroaa Suomessa työskentelystä?

Työkulttuuria täällä ja Suomessa on vaikea verrata, sillä Suomessa olen työskennellyt vain

apteekissa ja yliopistolla. Ruotsalaiset tykkäävät pitää kokouksia, ja niinpä minunkin työajastani

menee suurin osa kokouksissa istumiseen. Kahvitauot eli fikapaus ovat myös hyvin tärkeässä

asemassa ruotsalaisessa työkulttuurissa.

Mikä ulkomailla työskentelyssä on ollut haastavinta, mikä parasta tai palkitsevinta?

Haastavinta aluksi oli ruotsin kieli. Vaikka AstraZeneca on kansainvälinen yritys, jonka virallinen

kieli on englanti, kaikki Ruotsin sisäinen toiminta tapahtuu ruotsiksi. Parasta työssäni on se, että

saan tehdä juuri sellaista työtä, johon olen saanut koulutuksen. Työn tekee erittäin

mielenkiintoiseksi työskentely monien eri ammattiryhmien välillä.

Miten työpaikka on auttanut sopeutumisessa ja käytännön järjestelyissä?

AstraZeneca maksoi muuton ja järjesti vuokra-asunnon, jossa sain asua ensimmäiset kolme vuotta.

Samoin sain apua alussa paperiasioiden hoitamiseen.

Millaisia vinkkejä ja neuvoja antaisit ulkomailla työskentelystä haaveileville tai sitä jo

suunnitteleville alan ihmisille?

Minun neuvoni on lähteä rohkeasti ulkomaille. Kukaan ei ole seppä syntyessään, mutta työpaikka

ja siellä hankittu kokemus opettavat sen, mitä peruskoulutuksessa kenties on jäänyt paitsi.

Paikallinen kieli kannattaa toki opiskella ja aloittaa sen käyttö mahdollisimman nopeasti, se auttaa

huomattavasti myös sosiaalista sopeutumista.


1. Polymorfi 2. Pintajännitys 3. Formulaatio 4. Raman 5. Amorfinen 6. Rakeistus 7. Monohydraatti 8. Leijupeti

9. Triglyseridi 10. Adsorptio 11. Kemometria 12. Kromatografia 13. Offline 14. Ohutsuoli 15. Katalyytti

16. Segregaatio 17. Diffraktogrammi 18. Infrapuna 19. Dispersio 20. Interaktio 21. Pehmite 22. Faasi 23. PAT 24. Miselli

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Etsi sanalaatikosta alla olevien vihjeiden perusteella 24 fysikaaliseen farmasiaan liittyvää sanaa.

Sanat voivat sijaita vaaka- tai pystysuorassa. Sanat voivat olla kirjoitettuna myös oikealta

vasemmalle ja alhaalta ylös.




















1. Kidemuoto

2. Johtuu nesteen molekyylien välisestä


3. Tuotekehityksen tulos

4. Sirontaa hyödyntävä spektroskopian laji

5. Järjestäytymätön kiinteä aine

6. Mm. valuvuutta ja puristuvuutta parantava

farmaseuttinen prosessi

7. Sisältää yhden kideveden

8. Rakeistuksessa käytettävä laite

9. Muodostuu glyserolista ja kolmesta


10. Pintaan tarttuminen

11. Tilastomenetelmiä ja tietotekniikkaa

hyödyntävä kemian tieteenhaara

12. Aineiden erottelumenetelmä

13. Onlinen vastakohta

14. Lääkeaineiden yleisin imeytymispaikka

15. Nopeuttaa kemiallista reaktiota

16. Seoksen komponenttien erottuminen

17. XRD-laitteesta saatava kuvaaja

18. Säteily, jonka aallonpituus on välillä

750 nm–1 mm

19. Voi olla molekulaarinen, kolloidaalinen

tai karkea

20. Vuorovaikutus

21. Parantaa kalvopäällysteen elastisuutta

22. Olomuotoalue

23. Valmistusprosesseihin liittyvä

ajankohtainen lyhenne

24. Surfaktanttimonomeereistä koostuva

pallomainen rakenne


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Osmo Antikainen Helsingin yliopisto

Seppo Auriola Kuopion yliopisto

Lotta Bergman Åbo Akademi

Henrik Ehlers Helsingin yliopisto

Natalja Genina Helsingin yliopisto

Noora Gisselberg Orion Pharma

Lisette Gonzáles Helsingin yliopisto

Maria Hagman Lääkelaitos

Maija-Riitta Halonen Orion Pharma

Teemu Heikkilä Turun yliopisto

Tiina Heikkilä Helsingin yliopisto

Petteri Heljo Helsingin yliopisto

Pekka Hoppu Helsingin yliopisto

Samuli Hirsjärvi Helsingin yliopisto

Minna Holopainen Orion Pharma

Johanna Husman-Piirainen Orion Pharma

Kirsi Jouppila Helsingin yliopisto

Anne Juppo Helsingin yliopisto

Kristiina Järvinen Kuopion yliopisto

Maiju Järvinen Kuopion yliopisto

Marko Kaija Orion Pharma

Tarja Kankkunen Lääkelaitos

Esko Karkkonen Malvern

Alma Kartal Helsingin yliopisto

Pekka Keski-Rahkonen Kuopion yliopisto

Jarkko Ketolainen Kuopion yliopisto

Niina Kivikero Helsingin yliopisto

Karin Kogermann Helsingin yliopisto

Ossi Korhonen Kuopion yliopisto

Karin Krogars Lääkelaitos

Marko Kuosmanen Kuopion yliopisto

Timo Laaksonen Helsingin yliopisto

Riikka Laitinen Kuopion yliopisto

Eija Lauronen Orion Pharma

Vesa-Pekka Lehto Turun yliopisto

Johanna Lehtonen Orion Pharma

Tuula Leskelä Orion Pharma

Jari Leskinen Kuopion yliopisto

Katri Levonen Kuopion yliopisto

Tarja Limnell Orion Pharma

Juha Lintunen Orion Pharma

Tanja Lipsanen Orion Pharma

Anchang Liu Helsingin yliopisto

Tinna Lücke Orion Pharma

Petteri Lyytinen Orion Pharma

Saara Mahlamäki Orion Pharma

Janne Marvola Helsingin yliopisto

Fysikaalisen farmasian XIX symposium


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Tuuli Marvola Helsingin yliopisto

Inna Miroshnyk Helsingin yliopisto

Sabiruddin Mirza Helsingin yliopisto

Matti Murtomaa Turun yliopisto

Mika Myrskyranta Orion Pharma

Ermei Mäkilä Turun yliopisto

Juha Mönkäre Kuopion yliopisto

Tero Närvänen Orion Pharma

Satu Paalanen Orion Pharma

Jari Pajander Kuopion yliopisto

Leena Peltonen Helsingin yliopisto

Sami Poutiainen Kuopion yliopisto

Heli Puintila Orion Pharma

Mika Pulkkinen Kuopion yliopisto

Anu Pulliainen Lääkelaitos

Joakim Riikonen Turun yliopisto

Ville Rimpiläinen Kuopion yliopisto

Heikki Räikkönen Helsingin yliopisto

Meike Römer Helsingin yliopisto

Kirsti Saarnivaara Orion Pharma

Henri Salokangas Orion Pharma

Minna Salonen Fennolab

Niklas Sandler AstraZeneca

Hélder Santos Helsingin yliopisto

Terhi Santtila Lääkelaitos

Marja Savolainen Helsingin yliopisto

Kari Seppälä Orion Pharma

Simo Siiriä Helsingin yliopisto

Heidi Sjögren Orion Pharma

Maike Stiers Helsingin yliopisto

Clare Strachan Helsingin yliopisto

Marjo Taive Orion Pharma

Veli Pekka Tanninen Orion Pharma

Mikko Tenho Turun yliopisto

Pekka Teppola VTT

Jussi Tervonen Kuopion yliopisto

Saara Tiittanen Orion Pharma

Tarja Toropainen Kuopion yliopisto

Timo Tuomi Bruker

Elina Turunen Kuopion yliopisto

Kari Vahervuo Orion Pharma

Bert van Veen Orion Pharma

Jaana Veki Kuopion yliopisto

Tetta Venäläinen Kuopion yliopisto

Henna Vihola Vitabalans Oy

Satu Virtanen Helsingin yliopisto

Page 108: POLYMORFI - fysikaalinenfarmasia.fi · Thermal stability of lysozyme and lactase formulations ... and their metabolites to support drug ... Solid lipid dispersions as carriers for