Polk County News and The Tryon Bee. (Tryon, NC) 1919-04...

I pnik County A ElvefiXkLi m?&mrSmmm For itz i llcce .... .... ..-- -, kin. wr...v. f- - :..nnn -- t - J3ggfegSMWA .rf.ffjfl ftM-ad- , Vf AIND THE TRYON BEE : TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY APRIL 18; 1919: YEAR OVER; THE COUNTT FULL REPORT OF THE ' The grand jury completed the task assigned , that body, made its report to Judge Long, Wednesday, and was discharged. - The jury did its work . So well that u compiimentea tne labor, w mat uoay ana endorsed its action So P 4? ?Ult- - , He, w?nt eYn furthe.r by 'ordering tne report opii upon tne recoraSi oi tne court for eighteen months so that each sue- - ceeding judge mirfht be able to see it. arid to ascertain if anything was be- ing done. to oarry out the recommen- dations of that body. He aiso order- ed a copy sent to the Board oi' County Comrnissinoners for their informa- tion. , ' , We hope to be able toN secure the Honorable Court's comments vpon the re'port and publish same in our next issue. the Polk county soldiers and of course Columbus would be the. natural selec- tion for such a monument,' but so lit- - tle care is taken of anything around the court house grounds that he peo ple who are willing to donate for that purpose want to know first if V any! care is to be taken of the monument after it is erected. If not, then some other site will be selected. After the report hal been read, Mr. A. DeVere Turner, a member from Saluda, addressed the Court and said ... Al X. J". AT i-- vxiau uie jury -- xeit xuiuxir umi proper custodian should be employed, one who would be held responsible for iC Fi u6 vi wxc wuxv o fl"u ful reading of the report will be bet ter. It follows: r . s Report of Grand Jury. To His Honor, B. F. Long, Judge Pre siding: .. , ..V; : General changes recommended. The grounds about the court house build ing should be cultivated and when the proper time comes should be sown 4.t!i to erass. and the trees witnin tne grounds should be protected about the roots with rocks lying close by, and proper walks prepard leading ; txv the court house from different directions. We recommend ' that the county v,oiumpus;TO ouuiin wau;rv iiw nf a A Fdwards' , Sunday after-byyreamwth- at- , ; . . rfafng'and 'they should be sup to keep the building in proper or- -. der. We have ascertained that' he coun- ty owns ,an undivided half interest in 229 acres about one mile southeast of the court house and that this land is very well adapted to a county, farm, ana we would suggest that steps be taken' to" have this land divided so that tho rnnnfv rri k rv required for a" county hom: , It is a well known fact that: the roads all over he county are in very bad condition and we request - that- - some steps be taken to put- - them in order or to have the proper road com- missioners informed that they aust take steps thereon, ' . v TM. A. PACE, Foreman Grand Jury. FISHTOP. - Nice weather seems to be i n hand for court week. . I .W. Bishop and wife Posey Hen- - are in attendance at court this week. The prospects for fruit are first-clas- s, so far, for peaches, . apples, plums, pears, etc. ; There has been little planting done yet.- - ..::..- - Rye and wheat look well, but there was not enough sown. We understand the law says that each road treasurer in the county,' shall make an annual settlement with : the County Commissioners, also : that they shall publish a report showing where the money came from, to whom and for what paid out. So far we K - done v Why not comply with the law and let the taxpayers know what is done with their money? They are certainly entitled. o this informa-tiao- n, to say the least. . .. MILL SPRING ROUTE X The farmers of this : seecion are very busy getting ready to plant their crop. Lewis Phillips, a brave young .sol- -. I dier who has recently returned from I T7I ' ' li 1 J- - n 4- - r ranee, -- is suenuing several uays " J. T. Edwards'. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffin, of Shel by, visited the former's parents last week. ywr 9nH.',lW White- - Mu lllu? "l ja"M: ""S .uc,"Plft' 00vvu , ,'. f, 0ol .f Mrs Rnccpll at Pea- - to give Mrs.RusselI up,' but . she's to a better place. The bereaved family has our deepest' sympathy. CROSS KEYS. The little five months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Barnev , Cantrell- - was . laid xo rest, r naay, au vireeua , Mr. ttrastus Mcpityre- - ana wixo sTiPTit the week-en- d with the . formers - T .a parents; Mr. and -- Mrs. ; McEntyre, or ii i T7i4... Ln !i,n .afnm. tniS DiaCC. jIld,SUUS llASt JUSt- - liuiu- - ed from France with the 30th Divis- - Mrs Ehas Cantrell and daughters, Bertha and .Margaret, l of Landrum, 5Tl"Tir. MlTlfiaV in LUIS V1C1UU Jf H: j . - S Jackson and Basil ; uusn were welcomed home from r t ranee, . m i lJL1 T? Z week. Some more ot tne JUtn jlivib- - . . . ion bOVS. ' . " t 1 j i J A proving at Greens Creek, we naa 19.fi mitiils nresent. Sunday, against 84 on the preceding Sunday. uope , to have more Easter .Sunday. Every- - tr Sunday. Come and bring your fl I fripnds. d I ' Af-- r and Mrs. Claude Jolly were at Greer, S. C. "POLK" COUNTY RED CROSS I Some months aeo the Red Cross jhad a' gift of a piano to be sold. at auction. It brought in eighty-fou- r dollars. ; a most welcome addition ,to J the treasury. At the next 'meeting nf the executive commitee the secre- - tary was authorized to send a letter. i expressing , the appreciation ana j thanks of the committee but tne gu beintr anonvmous the secretary now; uses these columns as the only.chan- - nei f or reaching the donor and ex- - nrpssinc this rratitude. Mrs Lindsey asks that all children's socks be turned m as soon as pos sible, as Atlanta headquarters are calling f or the knitting. ; Remember to call on the Red Cross for any. help needed by our returned soidiers and their families. WHAT DID THE 30TH DO? . I 1 " j swear . oy reranin. FB 1 OUR FRIENDS some items. of General Interest Gathered ' - - Sectins f WARRIOR MOUNTAIN Mr; V. G. Jones Sunday with Rev. J. B. Arledse. . Mr, Govan Constant was' in .our ; community recently. - . r. . U hisses Kena, Ula and Dosie Thomn- - son were pleasant4 callers of Miss Ab- - wit- - Ai ieuge ounaay. v mr.v Kegan , Thompson, of Virginia, was m this section visiting friends and relatives. - - : Mr. George Foster has sold nart of his farm but we have not learned the name of the' buyer. Miss Irene Salley . was un looking after business interests recentlv: We were glad to see her out again. we are the proud possessor of six teen thoroughbred Rhode Island Red thickens, obtained through County Agent Sams. , MAPLE GROVE Mr. Wheeler Odel visited Mr Sid- - ney McGuinn, last Friday. Messrs. bampson Smcer and Vireril McGuinn, went to Hendersonville last Saturday. - - V . ... Ihe little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. H. M. Ruff. ', Mr. Claude Wilson was the cruest of Mr. U. S. Gibbs last Sunday.' Miss Uma Gibbs "visited Miss Leon Burnett one, day last week.; ; Mr. Tolbert Odel was . a caller at Mr. M. N. Burnett's Sunday, r ; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Corn spent Sunday night with't Mrs. Ellen Searcy. Misses Thurcy and Bessie Burnett visited Mrs. Fred Wilson, last Tues- day. : ' I Messrs. Sampson Spicer and Virgil and Misses Vada Haynes ,ahd Eva Spicer motored to Hepdersonville one day last week. " Misses Leon arid Mabel Burnett visited their grandmother, Mrs. ', Whit Wilson, one day last week. Mr55 Zach Searcy has returned home from Great Falls, j S. C. r : cross keys ingtime i e andtneTfarm--- f ers are busy turning their land and getting ready for planting. , , L. D. Bridges and wife spent Satur- day with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. P. Welborn, near Sandy Plains. - Mr. Wilbur McGinnis, Miss Gladys Smith and Miss Cantrell, "of Melvin Hill, N. C, were seen in this vicinity Sunday afternoon. Miss Gladys Flynn and friend, Walter Edwards, called on Miss Nora Welborn Sunday afternoon. Mr. Roscoe Hall also called on Miss Nora Welborn Sunday evening ,; , Mr. and Mrs. J. D Weaver and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Weaver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Flynn. r ! : A Sunday school was organized at the Sandy , Plains school 'house Sun day morning. . L. D. Bridges and wife called at the home" of Mv. and Mrs. Flynn, Sunday last. ' Dr. Head has the "spiff" under iiis control around Greens Creek vicinity o MILL SPRING School closed Friday. Everybody seemed to enjoy the program given Saturday night. The , children did their part extra well, under the ex- cellent training, .of our faithful teacher, Miss Dalton. r A play, en- titled "Topsy Turvy," was given by the young boys and girls of Mill Spring. We Were sorry we could not accommodate the people with plenty of room and seats, but we hope we may be able to do so next ye"ar. Miss Dalton accompanied... by Miss Lethea Barber, Messrs. George Bar ber and Robert -- Foster, left for her home at Chimney Rock Sunday af-terfno- on. After a, pleasant 'visit , and a. 'cold , climb on the" rock, Monday morning, the party bid farewell to Miss Dalton and returned to their homes ; Monday afternoon. Miss Gladys Gibbs, Messrs. Claude Lewis and Robert Foster spent a few social hours with Miss . Lethea Bar- ber Saturday night. . i V Miss Lethea Barber and Mr. Joe Hall spent the day, Sunday, with Mr. Hall's sister, Mrs. Ed Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster and son: Robert, went to Landrum and Spar- tanburg Sunday, returning Monday evening. ' ;" v t: - SALUDA There-wa- s a debate in the Presby- terian church on Friday night of last weeki subject, Compulsory - Military Training. , The affiirmative; was rep- resented by Miss Clara Thompson, and Master Ernest Thompson, of, Saluda Seminary, and the negative by Messrs. , Galloway and Westby, of Brevard Institute. The judges decid-0- a in favor of the negative. vn : Mr and Mrs. li. ' W. iieeves. - oi g erviU have made a short visit I to their summer, home in Saluda, to 5whev will r eturn later, for the :,r--' Tho rntiaVe beloncring to u Mrs. riora Rarbour. formerly of this io.0; hnt-no- w ' a : resident of Tana wccoa' Fla .V has been rented to Mr. DePau. of South Carolina, ' for the '' 's summer. ; '.r " iMrs. Kinlaw has aub:rented the cot ORDERS KOAD TRUSTEES AR. . RESTED. yhSFw'a Fd made its condemning the' con-dita- on of the publia roads ?2 k asked Solicitor & i J1 naa a Ust of the nams L StSel' "an? Mr Huffman Vve' but. could procure same. The udge told him to do so and that he, would have writs issued for thearrest of these officials and ascertain why the roads of the county were aUowed to be in sch a shape. l he time has- - arrived when the peo pie of the county ; demand better roads. . No doubt some of the trus- tees can give the Judge ample and sufficient reasons why the roads are the condition they are now in while others will have a merry old time con- vincing Judge Long. , In tns connection we desire to call the attention of the jroad treasurers the fact that not a single one in Polk county has complied with the law by publishing their reports in a newspaper in Polk county. The law plainly states that you SHALL do so. What are you hesitating about? One correpondent asks the question in this issue and wants to know why the reportsvhave not been published. We hope this will be sufficient no- tice to these treasurers, and ' that no unpleasant" steps will be necessary to compel them v to publish their reports conformity with the requirements the law. MAPLE GROVE; Mr. Wlieeler Odel visited Mr. Sid ney McGuinn, last Saturday night. ' Wedding bells are rinirin!? in thif? section.' Mr. Badere ADDlev ar.H Miss Lula Haynes were married last Sat- - uraayevning. ' Mrs. Fred Wilson v visit.fH Mrs George Price, last Sunday. xvjssrs. u. s. uiDbs, yjill Corn and M. N Burnett are attending court " this- - week. , ' Mrs. U. S. Gibbs visited Mrs. C. R. Gibbs, Sunnday. Mrs. W. Wilson was the miest of Mrs; B. Laughter, Sunday last. neiio, faunny View. Glad to know you think our. name sounds good. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lemon visited the tatter's-parent- s, Mr. and - Mrs. E. .L3IcGuinn. last Sundav. - rivir. U7 xr. vy usonr leit, lastMonoay, ior kock mil, wnere he will spend tew months. - Mr. Virgil McGuinn visited at Mr. L. bpicers, Sunday last. Mrs. King Stepp and Bonnie Corn visited at U. S. Gibbs. Monday after- noon. . , . Mrs. U. Sr Gibbs visited her mother Mrs. N; L. Lynch, one day last week, Miss Lola Gibbs spent Thursday night with Mrs. Bonnie Corn. Miss Ethel Ruff- - spent Saturday night with Miss Esther Wilson. . ' t MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. . 5 Mrs. Laura Searcy, of Arcadia, S. C, visited relatives in Red Mountain section, Saturday and Sunday. Mis Esther Wilson spent Wednes- day with Miss Arkansas Jackson, near Sunny View. i Mrs. J. H. Laughter was made hap- py when her son, King, arrived home safe from "over there." Mr. Laugh- ter was in the 119th infantry of the 30th Division, , and participated in some of the famous fights on the Hindenburg line. - ' Private Ralph Jackson visited his lister, Mrs. Zira . Smith, of' Campobel-l- o, S. C, last week. Misses Annnie Wilson and Mattie Mhe Williams spent several hours with Mrs. F. R. Obggin, last Sunday. Sorry to note that Mr. Frank Jack- son is very ill .with the flu. - - Mr. Claude Wilson was a caller in Maple Grove section, last Sunday, Mr. Andy Wilson, from Sandy Plains visited . relatives on the rpute, ' last week. - . Private R. R. Wilson, who is witn ncr.unation reports that they would leave Germany-o- n April 12th. ' ' , , Let's not forget our Sunday scriooi at Cooper Gap. Uur - supsnntenuem, is so faithful. : . . . V Rev. N. L. Wright spent oaiumaj night at W. W. Gibbs'. . Wi D. Helton maae a uusmcoo "'i-t- o Tryon last Saturday. RALLY DAY AT COLUMBUS. ThprA will be an all-da- y rally held by the church at Columbus, next Sunday April 20th : An esting program has-be- en epared for the occasion, which ; v- - pelled to leave out on accuuni, "?Many interesting addresses, recita tions songs, etc., will avurg -t- he program. Atnoon ;dmne spread on tne grouiiv. rvCj a most enjoyab time anfacipated invitation to come ana brgSfilled baskets is extended to everybody ... : t will be" subject to the munkipatax. Ats: vards and, terminal facilities have heretof ore been assess ed 'as a part of tJTVmnl distributed -- on mam.nne ,",rIW":Vr fltrp..so that with a few sngiu, 1 hfiSls taxes pmy vu f vft c6r of main .line miieagc ( y""V"irtr Under the nextvear the value of all ja be subject o town will of city or municipal taxei. - " . THE FUNDA-J6SI.TAk- ATION t0 As.. Difficult Prop.rti dard or vuc m i i j P-- r Cent of Conservative I Hi Revaluation Is for Ben- - ent V ludein , i 1 Governments- - A or en Heal for Cities and iowns. Square (By A. J. Maxwell.) ," last article covered the organ- ise evaluation of real es- - zation i , act except Spe- - state The act authorized W Zx.: to employ for the lav wz. 1 nvnwiinflK! tft QCQlct ? appraU of properties the value in . is difficult ;0 ascertain. This 01 anticipates that in so far as , fnH nraT rn exnerts in m h maV D- - wunu -- x - 2Ky will be. employed with; the g that all property of feach. bf classes wm J- - such ..n,r annraised m all parts of the to Capitalization of enterprises State. . I H !An in W 1111 AJ I1M vmtih .u has been nanuicu ""r, r that it furnishes m many ;LS a totally inaccurate index of the value of the property represent a The success of the revaluation rlan will depend upon the thoroughn- ess accuracy and-fairne- s with which it is done, and it will not do to ass- ess at full value the classes of prop- erty the value of which will be within the knowledge of the assesor and -- to take a poor guess at. the value of in other properties as to the , value of of which he will have little knowledge. The Standard or value I. The standard of value is 100 per cent, or as expressed in the act, what the property would sell for at ordi- nary sale for cash. Forced sales, auction sales, and sales on: "the ext- ortion plan," or the allurments , of time prices are to be eliminated as a matter of course. The actdoes not anticipate that unnaturally inflated values shall be used, even when supp- orted by some conditions of sale. The rule is plain enough; the difficulty-i- s in the application: - That element of value is in every case a matter of sound judgment and discretion; based upon accurate knowledge of the prop erty. A very small percentage of , property has actually changed hands by recent sale, and even as to this small percentage s there is ! in every case -- room for investigation of Hthe character and ' cori3itiovns . of. the ale to ascertain if the price represents actual fair value. The judgment of a well-inform- ed men will - in ' almost every case differ. The one thing that will be insisted upon is that the as sessing officer in every case, as to each piece of property, large or small, get all the available facts not take for granted, but take the trouble to investigate and after , acquiring all the knowledge that can reasonably he gained in a proper way, exercise an in telligent, conservative- - judg ment as to actual, stable value, and then apply 100 per cent of that'judg-men- t as the basis of value. . To use any. other basis 95 or 99 per cent would be like" knocking a chock from behind the wheel of a car stand: mg cn a steep incline it would set tle right back to the old levels, with a different rule applying, -- in , each county, and with inequality the gen- - mi rule. Revaluation for Benefit of Counties and Cities Thfe Etate. tax rate has been re- duced this year 11 2-- 3 cents. . The average tax rate in the counties: in eluding special taxes f or various local purposes was 1.08 tier cent in 1918 In most of the larger cities in rthe ole tne total rate is around 3 per cent. So that about 10 per; cent of the taxes collected in tbe counties from Drcmertv will hp for tht nse of the State, and less than , 5 per cent f total taxes collected from prop- erty in the cities is for the use of the State. The State is pursuing a poncy oi receding from the property ldX ana looks now definitely to complete abandonment of the nror rty tax for its revenue, except for 11 distributed back to the counties. Sq that the chief purpose. of the revalua- tion act is to furnish a more accu- se, efficient and equitable means of me local neeas oi we counties and cities of the StateJ . hey win be the chief beneficiaries i its success. A Square Deal for' the Cities ine tax burden bears , especially JJfavy in municipalities where so ny modern improvements have ceen provided at public expense. It is in the cities especially that we f;far the complaint thatx high tax are confiscating income from Foperty, and a very great-reducti- on Clty .tax rates is essential to the successful administration of the full I e ..Property tax system. . The re- valuation should leave the total com- bined tax rate in the highest taxed S m the State TiSte dose around on!Per cent. , inere are three nroviirn tnat will tior, ?!? teffective under the ' revalua-larwat.wl- U be interesting particu-w- n t0he municipalities, and that itend lower their rates. onaroo 1 .... . hpf 1 &LOCK lri their banksnave .otore h&p-- j;crutA wa vPr l of the shareholder, where-stor- v llved' Now all the shares of whero 1? e1very bank " be taxed banV r b,ank is Seated, against the be ;?? d .theref ore a11 the stock will located pallty where the bank Real "'"i vi vcicy- - on Ll.mpa.mes have been distributed W wnTliager Ail such within a munlcipaUty Bv Our ti Fmm VLim Polk County J. J, . - . .. tage occupied by-h- er since February, and has rented and , moved into one of the Wilkes; cottages, for the sum-me'- r. " JCHK -- y - ; Mr. and MrsV "Julian Ravenel and little daughter are "visiting' relatives in Savannah, Ga. x C ; - Mrsi R.v B. Little and small son are visiting relatives and friends "in Spar--tanbur- g. r - Miss Louise' Lane spent Sunday in Hendersonville with her aunt Mrs. La Motte; ' - ; . Mr. Parler, of this place, is now in Baltimore recovering from anopera-tion- , at -- Johns Hopkins Hospital. Judge'jA; S.' Moore is now in Saluda where he-resid- ed for several years, and i is stopping at 'the Caro- lina House. r ;. v . Mr. and Mrs. Corwith took a long drive to Pacolet ; valley, on Sunday, and report Vegetation ' much further advanced than m and about Saluda. Mrs. E.jM. Salley and Mrs,, H. P. Locke; both had a- - fair, percentage of chicks- - from their recent hatch; but Mrs. Mark Wilson has an old hen whose recent achievement beats the incubator all to smash. She was set on 20, eggs and hatched them all, and is busy scratching for 19 at this time. Mrs. Walter Jones' music class en- tertained their parents and friends last week by giving a musicale, much enjoyea by all present. - .,;ri r TRYON ROUTE 1. Oh yes Mr. Lynn, we will second the motion to erect a monument in mem ory of.- - the boys- - who made " the su preme sacrifice. We suggest that it should be erected at the court house square in Columbus, and the name of the one wha lived nearest to the court house to be the first on the monument then' the next . nearest and so on ; date and battle field on which they gave their lives should also be added.' Many passed on the route, Sunday, to attend the burial ; services , of the aged father Levi Bishop. . Messrs. Clark - and Brannon and families, of New Prospect; S. C,v were gMjQtfiMiss Salue and MrP Jpmv Carpenter. Sunday. Mr. Frank Edwards has a severe case of inflammatory rheumatism. , Rev. Mr..Noblet and wife, of Chim- ney Rock, were visitors on the i Route, '' :' recently. 'v'r - Mr. Joe- - Carpenter is in from Ten- nessee, visiting his boyhood nome. Hoy, hoy, what has become f the railroad prospects for this great out-of-doo- rs; wooded land part of : the county ? Will we have to wait until the smallest boy can . grow a long, grey beard? j : COLUMBUS. Superior Court convened t Monday, with Judge Long presiding. Messrs. Sol Gallert, Smith and Spainhour are among the out of town attorneys. Mr. Joe Hall, , who has returned from overseas, was in. town Monday.; Mrs.- - C. D. Elliott had the misfor- tune to fall and fracture her collar bone, last week. Messrs. Lucian Hicks - and Dewey Owens were visitors at Stearns High School, Monday. A play will be given at tne .fctearns Vfifrh School auditorium. Saturday night, April 19, at 8 p. m., by the pri- mary and grammar grades. Mrs. J. W. Jack and Mrs. T. M. jonnson, teachers." ' ; A: Mrs. Elizabeth Spivey was a dinner guest of Mu. and Mrs. J. W. -- Jack, Sunday. , . Mis Lizzie Dalton. of Mill Spnng, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. F. M. Burgess. - , Mr. Jasper Guffey, of Stearns nign School is visiting his parents in Ruth. erf ordton, this week. ; : . ' a immoTi's Missionary union was . . A. X. VUibMl W ,"r tr a ore-anize- d at . the , Columbus Baptist . H T" hi V.i.., .linrrh Snnriav g aiternOOni. . . miss . 1 Axm- - A. . nie Aridge was elected president, Mrs; Chas. Davenport vice presmcm,, and Mrs. H. H. Edwards secretary-treasure- r. ' . .., - c. AT r--c Trtlvn : . femitn. - OI , Ol ATX X. Jm U VlUt - ' - i-- y o r orivwl to sDend tne summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W." Newman. . . N. Attorney Spears, trom uaaen, o4- - tun-i- crnool debated m tne L AnUct with Saluda t . and Lriiinii uiiii. utu"v . n iCVUU Te-ntntA- . iiai.-- j Fndav . . evening; . , i Aoril 4th: The negative woe T-- "f question W-flW- S ,"XT.H theiive by Miss Ada Tallant and Miss Thelma Mills.oi rAinmKiie ! There were kuuu "6- - v.At h sides, however the de bv the affirmative. rm - TToTira.tives at ure .j r-nrA- n-n Johnson and vara were wn. i, ; offif Mr. Ernest McMurray, n4 .a arna rpnresevted by Mr, tX and Sir. J. K. Matthews, Jr. The Stearns High School also tho decision af Brevard Institute We are very proud of the. success pi the seniors of Stearns. Narrow Escape. One morning theiyoungest: pupils mAM KHfrori to sit upon a' rsovable hpnrh tn recite : soon thert was a com motion in the midst: of which; Edtth wvd ner hand excitedly ana saw: Teacher, Johnnie tipped the seal; and I almost fell off , the class rv" t Dmimngs;can-w?suppuea;wui.rn?- . lets and lavatories can be Put in the l. DUllOingS. t 1 . WhPn tliis ia rinnp suitable drainage can be supplied, to carry off th Vwrtf Wfe find that the building is inadequately furnished as there is no seating capacity m any oi tne jury rooms or desks in any of the offices. We .would , recommend that proper seating capacity" be provided for not only the jury rooms but the court room throughout; that the soutnriy end of the court room be. raisd on a platform on : either side .of of the main aisle so that the seating in the vai, nf n- - .nr. irio tho I I lt-- l rV 1 Idl 1 III lL LC1.11 LJK 111 V T ' WHVi I rlprkr that th clerk's desk Jo. . .... I voicoH nr at lonct hwi Cons WThlPh 1 platform should extend to the east I chair and iurv box for twelve seats. nnd twt. tViP iurv - spats should be y.vl,t ninnrl. HAinm thio . t TYiafO v,.. cV.nii hA r I Tallinn. KotwAPT. ho. witness ....,. rhair and I X .ivvn vwm I the, str.s lpadino- - tn , thp. iudtrp bench v ,w. o i nn . hnth cidps sind a rniliTio" in front of I wuvu ,v. 0 - i .lie tiei r uc. 1 The hardware for the several doors 1 o,inni;ri wTiptp npppssarv! shades nro - 1 vided for the windows, especially in the court room, and many lights ot boay is inviw.a u, - glass throughout the building fur-- . Rev. G. G.. Oneai will fill his regu-nis"hp- d - .Wp dn , not recommend lar anointment a Greens L,reext Jas- - ki.-ir.- .. nri ih nniidincr hut ; shadps in- - 1iIUVUJ v- r- .-- ; w -- Q ' ' inA ' , ; . . vH VXIU ivnci xiwx r x wvi-vAi- A ...- - that the hall-wa- y be built s from v the pleasantly surprised, ; Sunday after-fro- nt door back ,to the sheriff's office noon, when a party of .. old "enff with a door into the sherifTs . office- - called on them from their old ahd into the Board of Educaion room, the rooms on either side, of this hall-- ? way to be used as rquired m the fu ture. r The vault rooms in the recorder s office and in the clerks office should be made into fire-pro- of rooms - by blocking up the two large - windows that now open "into these rooms and strenrthenine the walls so that they will be absolutely fire-- ., rocf and safe for papers and booics. incre re some galvanized guter j neeaea to ue reDlaced on the main roof of the building. . v - We . are intormod . that tne uoun cy nomTnissioners -- ire raaxinc: arrange- - mnts to have the building painted in- - side, but if this is not done we tnmK it should be done as early, as possioie. . We made a visit to tne jau ana find that the prisoners are kept on, the third floor of the building the first and second floors being occupiea Dy , .vne family of the jailer; that the roof of the building is in very bad condition it beintr a shingle roof. .1 he ceilings and some of the partitions down , One Polk county soldier who has through the building , are made of just returned home, a member of the wood and we consider very dangerous famous 30th" division,' says -- the boys with - the shingle roof in case of fire, did something over there that did not There should be some new steps lead- - meet . with the pleasure1 of General ing out of the front porch as some- - Pershing, and he sent them word that body is liable to be injured n going they were: "Not worth a . dam; up and down these steps. We recom- - wouldn't even make good trench mend that a metal roof be put on the diggers.' But after they severed Mr. building in place of the shingle roof, Hindenberg'sf little line General Per-an- d that a more sufficient number at. shjng relented and sent them word cots or hammocks be provided for the that he , took it all back, and; that prisoners, and that the jailer be re- - they were about the proper soldiers, quired to keep the place, m a more The Polk county says he never did sanitary condatioii than we. found .it learn what raised 'General Pershing's when we made our visit there. There ire- - but that all the same "the -- havn t .. .f -lfi.- i.-!ni-.Tini in are many ugnts wj. gi.oa -o- -& s

Transcript of Polk County News and The Tryon Bee. (Tryon, NC) 1919-04...

Page 1: Polk County News and The Tryon Bee. (Tryon, NC) 1919-04 ...newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn94058240/1919-04-18/ed-1/...I pnik County m?&mrSmmm A ElvefiXkLi For itz i llcce..---, kin.


pnik County

A ElvefiXkLi

m?&mrSmmm For itzi llcce

.... ......-- -, kin. wr...v. f-- :..nnn -- t - J3ggfegSMWA.rf.ffjfl ftM-ad-, Vf




' The grand jury completed the taskassigned , that body, made its reportto Judge Long, Wednesday, and wasdischarged. -

The jury did its work . So well thatu compiimentea tne labor,

w mat uoay ana endorsed its actionSo P 4? ?Ult- -

,He, w?nt eYn furthe.r

by 'ordering tne reportopii upon tne recoraSi oi tne courtfor eighteen months so that each sue- -ceeding judge mirfht be able to see it.arid to ascertain if anything was be-ing done. to oarry out the recommen-dations of that body. He aiso order-ed a copy sent to the Board oi' CountyComrnissinoners for their informa-tion. , '


We hope to be able toN secure theHonorable Court's comments vpon there'port and publish same in our nextissue.

the Polk county soldiers and of courseColumbus would be the. natural selec-tion for such a monument,' but so lit- -tle care is taken of anything aroundthe court house grounds that he people who are willing to donate for thatpurpose want to know first if V any!care is to be taken of the monumentafter it is erected. If not, then someother site will be selected.

After the report hal been read, Mr.A. DeVere Turner, a member fromSaluda, addressed the Court and said

...Al X. J". AT i--

vxiau uie jury -- xeit xuiuxir umiproper custodian should be employed,one who would be held responsible for

iC Fi u6 vi wxc wuxv o

fl"uful reading of the report will be better. It follows: r . s

Report of Grand Jury.To His Honor, B. F. Long, Judge Pre

siding: .. , ..V; :

General changes recommended. Thegrounds about the court house building should be cultivated and when theproper time comes should be sown


erass. and the trees witnin tnegrounds should be protected about theroots with rocks lying close by, andproper walks prepard leading ;

txv thecourt house from different directions.

We recommend ' that the county

v,oiumpus;TO ouuiin wau;rv iiw nf a A Fdwards', Sunday after-byyreamwth- at-

, ;

. . rfafng'and 'they should be supto keep the building in proper or- -.

der.We have ascertained that' he coun-

ty owns ,an undivided half interest in229 acres about one mile southeast ofthe court house and that this land isvery well adapted to a county, farm,ana we would suggest that steps betaken' to" have this land divided so thattho rnnnfv rri k rvrequired for a" county hom:, It is a well known fact that: theroads all over he county are in verybad condition and we request - that- -

some steps be taken to put- - them inorder or to have the proper road com-missioners informed that they austtake steps thereon, '



TM. A. PACE, Foreman Grand Jury.


Nice weather seems to be i n handfor court week. .

I .W. Bishop and wife Posey Hen--

are in attendance at court this week.The prospects for fruit are first-clas- s,

so far, for peaches, . apples,plums, pears, etc. ;

There has been little planting doneyet.- - ..::..- -

Rye and wheat look well, but therewas not enough sown.

We understand the law says thateach road treasurer in the county,'shall make an annual settlement with :

the County Commissioners, also : thatthey shall publish a report showingwhere the money came from, to whomand for what paid out. So far weK -

done v Why not comply with the lawand let the taxpayers know what is

done with their money? Theyare certainly entitled. o this informa-tiao- n,

to say the least. . ..

MILL SPRING ROUTE XThe farmers of this : seecion are

very busy getting ready to plant theircrop.

Lewis Phillips, a brave young .sol- -.

I dier who has recently returned fromI T7I ' ' li 1 J- - n 4--r ranee, -- is suenuing several uays "J. T. Edwards'.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffin, of Shelby, visited the former's parents lastweek.

ywr 9nH.',lW White- -

Mu lllu? "l ja"M: ""S.uc,"Plft' 00vvu , ,'.

f, 0ol .f Mrs Rnccpll at Pea- -

to give Mrs.RusselI up,' but . she'sto a better place. The bereaved

family has our deepest' sympathy.


The little five months old baby ofMr. and Mrs. Barnev , Cantrell- - was .

laid xo rest, r naay, au vireeua ,

Mr. ttrastus Mcpityre- - ana wixosTiPTit the week-en- d with the .formers-T .aparents; Mr. and -- Mrs. ; McEntyre, orii i T7i4... Ln !i,n .afnm.tniS DiaCC. jIld,SUUS llASt JUSt-- liuiu- -ed from France with the 30th Divis--

Mrs Ehas Cantrell and daughters,Bertha and .Margaret, l of Landrum,5Tl"Tir. MlTlfiaV in LUIS V1C1UU Jf H: j . - S

Jackson and Basil ; uusnwere welcomed home from r t ranee,

.m i lJL1 T? Z

week. Some more ot tne JUtn jlivib- -. . .ion bOVS. ' .


t 1 j iJ A

proving at Greens Creek, we naa19.fi mitiils nresent. Sunday, against84 on the preceding Sunday. uope ,

to have more Easter .Sunday. Every--

tr Sunday. Come and bring yourflI fripnds.

d I ' Af-- r and Mrs. Claude Jolly were

at Greer, S. C.


I Some months aeo the Red Crossjhad a' gift of a piano to be sold. atauction. It brought in eighty-fou- rdollars. ; a most welcome addition ,to

J the treasury. At the next 'meetingnf the executive commitee the secre- -tary was authorized to send a letter.

i expressing , the appreciation anaj thanks of the committee but tne gubeintr anonvmous the secretary now;uses these columns as the only.chan- -nei for reaching the donor and ex--nrpssinc this rratitude.

Mrs Lindsey asks that all children'ssocks be turned m as soon as possible, as Atlanta headquarters arecalling for the knitting.

; Remember to call on the Red Crossfor any. help needed by our returnedsoidiers and their families.


.I 1 "

j swear . oy reranin.


some items. of General Interest Gathered' - - Sectins f


Mr; V. G. JonesSunday with Rev. J. B. Arledse.

. Mr, Govan Constant was' in .our ;

community recently. -. r. . U

hisses Kena, Ula and Dosie Thomn- -son were pleasant4 callers of Miss Ab- -wit-- Ai ieuge ounaay. v

mr.v Kegan , Thompson, of Virginia,was m this section visiting friendsand relatives. - - :

Mr. George Foster has sold nartof his farm but we have not learnedthe name of the' buyer.

Miss Irene Salley . was un lookingafter business interests recentlv: Wewere glad to see her out again.

we are the proud possessor of sixteen thoroughbred Rhode Island Redthickens, obtained through CountyAgent Sams. ,


Mr. Wheeler Odel visited Mr Sid- -ney McGuinn, last Friday.

Messrs. bampson Smcer and VirerilMcGuinn, went to Hendersonvillelast Saturday. - - V . ...

Ihe little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Barney Wilson is staying with hergrandmother, Mrs. H. M. Ruff. ',

Mr. Claude Wilson was the cruestof Mr. U. S. Gibbs last Sunday.'

Miss Uma Gibbs "visited Miss LeonBurnett one, day last week.; ;

Mr. Tolbert Odel was . a caller atMr. M. N. Burnett's Sunday, r ;

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Corn spentSunday night with't Mrs. Ellen Searcy.

Misses Thurcy and Bessie Burnettvisited Mrs. Fred Wilson, last Tues-day. : ' I

Messrs. Sampson Spicer and Virgiland Misses Vada Haynes ,ahd EvaSpicer motored to Hepdersonville oneday last week. "

Misses Leon arid Mabel Burnettvisited their grandmother, Mrs. ',WhitWilson, one day last week.

Mr55 Zach Searcy has returnedhome from Great Falls, j S. C.

r : cross keysingtime i e andtneTfarm--- f

ers are busy turning their land andgetting ready for planting. , ,

L. D. Bridges and wife spent Satur-day with the later's parents, Mr. andMrs, D. P. Welborn, near SandyPlains. -

Mr. Wilbur McGinnis, Miss GladysSmith and Miss Cantrell, "of MelvinHill, N. C, were seen in this vicinitySunday afternoon.

Miss Gladys Flynn and friend,Walter Edwards, called on Miss NoraWelborn Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Roscoe Hall also called on MissNora Welborn Sunday evening ,;

, Mr. and Mrs. J. D Weaver andchildren spent Sunday with Mrs.Weaver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Flynn. r !


A Sunday school was organized atthe Sandy , Plains school 'house Sunday morning. .

L. D. Bridges and wife called atthe home" of Mv. and Mrs. Flynn,Sunday last. '

Dr. Head has the "spiff" under iiiscontrol around Greens Creek vicinity


School closed Friday. Everybodyseemed to enjoy the program givenSaturday night. The , children didtheir part extra well, under the ex-

cellent training, .of our faithfulteacher, Miss Dalton. rA play, en-titled "Topsy Turvy," was given bythe young boys and girls of MillSpring. We Were sorry we could notaccommodate the people with plentyof room and seats, but we hope wemay be able to do so next ye"ar.Miss Dalton accompanied... by MissLethea Barber, Messrs. George Barber and Robert --Foster, left for herhome at Chimney Rock Sunday af-terfno- on.

After a, pleasant 'visit , anda. 'cold , climb on the" rock, Mondaymorning, the party bid farewell toMiss Dalton and returned to theirhomes ; Monday afternoon.

Miss Gladys Gibbs, Messrs. ClaudeLewis and Robert Foster spent a fewsocial hours with Miss . Lethea Bar-ber Saturday night. . i V

Miss Lethea Barber and Mr. JoeHall spent the day, Sunday, withMr. Hall's sister, Mrs. Ed Edwards.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster and son:Robert, went to Landrum and Spar-tanburg Sunday, returning Mondayevening. '

;" vt: -


There-wa- s a debate in the Presby-terian church on Friday night of lastweeki subject, Compulsory - MilitaryTraining. ,The affiirmative; was rep-

resented by Miss Clara Thompson, andMaster Ernest Thompson, of, SaludaSeminary, and the negative byMessrs. , Galloway and Westby, ofBrevard Institute. The judges decid-0- a

in favor of the negative. vn :Mr and Mrs. li. ' W. iieeves. - oi

g erviU have made a short visitI to their summer, home in Saluda, to5whev will return later, for the


Tho rntiaVe beloncring to u Mrs.riora Rarbour. formerly of thisio.0; hnt-no- w

' a : resident of Tanawccoa' Fla .V has been rented to Mr.DePau. of South Carolina, ' for the

' ' 'ssummer. ; '.r" iMrs. Kinlaw has aub:rented the cot


yhSFw'a Fd made itscondemning the' con-dita- on

of the publia roads?2 k asked Solicitor& i J1 naa a Ust of the namsL StSel' "an? Mr Huffman

Vve' but. could procuresame. The udge told him to do soand that he, would have writs issuedfor thearrest of these officials andascertain why the roads of the countywere aUowed to be in sch a shape.

l he time has--arrived when the peopie of the county ; demand betterroads. . No doubt some of the trus-tees can give the Judge ample andsufficient reasons why the roads arethe condition they are now in whileothers will have a merry old time con-vincing Judge Long. ,

In tns connection we desire to callthe attention of the jroad treasurersthe fact that not a single one inPolk county has complied with thelaw by publishing their reports in anewspaper in Polk county. The lawplainly states that you SHALL do so.

What are you hesitating about? Onecorrepondent asks the question inthis issue and wants to know why thereportsvhave not been published.

We hope this will be sufficient no-tice to these treasurers, and ' that nounpleasant" steps will be necessary tocompel them v to publish their reports

conformity with the requirementsthe law.


Mr. Wlieeler Odel visited Mr. Sidney McGuinn, last Saturday night. '

Wedding bells are rinirin!? in thif?section.' Mr. Badere ADDlev ar.H MissLula Haynes were married last Sat--uraayevning. '

Mrs. Fred Wilson v

visit.fH MrsGeorge Price, last Sunday.

xvjssrs. u. s. uiDbs, yjill Corn andM. N Burnett are attending court"this-- week. , '

Mrs. U. S. Gibbs visited Mrs. C. R.Gibbs, Sunnday.

Mrs. W. Wilson was the miest ofMrs; B. Laughter, Sunday last.

neiio, faunny View. Glad to knowyou think our. name sounds good. '

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lemon visitedthe tatter's-parent- s, Mr. and - Mrs.E. .L3IcGuinn. last Sundav. -

rivir. U7 xr. vy usonr leit, lastMonoay,ior kock mil, wnere he will spend

tew months. -

Mr. Virgil McGuinn visited at Mr.L. bpicers, Sunday last.

Mrs. King Stepp and Bonnie Cornvisited at U. S. Gibbs. Monday after-noon. . , .

Mrs. U. Sr Gibbs visited her motherMrs. N; L. Lynch, one day last week,

Miss Lola Gibbs spent Thursdaynight with Mrs. Bonnie Corn.Miss Ethel Ruff- - spent Saturday nightwith Miss Esther Wilson. .



Mrs. Laura Searcy, of Arcadia, S.C, visited relatives in Red Mountainsection, Saturday and Sunday.

Mis Esther Wilson spent Wednes-day with Miss Arkansas Jackson,near Sunny View. i

Mrs. J. H. Laughter was made hap-py when her son, King, arrived homesafe from "over there." Mr. Laugh-ter was in the 119th infantry of the30th Division, , and participated insome of the famous fights on theHindenburg line. - '

Private Ralph Jackson visited hislister, Mrs. Zira .

Smith, of' Campobel-l- o,

S. C, last week.Misses Annnie Wilson and Mattie

Mhe Williams spent several hourswith Mrs. F. R. Obggin, last Sunday.

Sorry to note that Mr. Frank Jack-son is very ill .with the flu. - -

Mr. Claude Wilson was a caller inMaple Grove section, last Sunday,

Mr. Andy Wilson, from SandyPlains visited . relatives on the rpute,

'last week. - .Private R. R. Wilson, who is witn

ncr.unation reports thatthey would leave Germany-o- n April12th. ' ' , ,

Let's not forget our Sunday scriooiat Cooper Gap. Uur - supsnntenuem,is so faithful. : . . . V

Rev. N. L. Wright spent oaiumajnight at W. W. Gibbs'. .

Wi D. Helton maae a uusmcoo "'i-t-o

Tryon last Saturday.


ThprA will be an all-da- y rally heldby the church at Columbus,

next Sunday April 20th : Anesting program has-be-


for the occasion, which ; v--

pelled to leave out on accuuni,

"?Many interesting addresses, recitations songs, etc., will avurg -t-

he program. Atnoon ;dmnespread on tne grouiiv. rvCja most enjoyab time anfacipated

invitation to come anabrgSfilled baskets is extendedto everybody ... : t

will be" subject to the munkipatax.Ats: vards and, terminal

facilities have heretof ore been assess

ed 'as a part of tJTVmnldistributed -- on mam.nne ,",rIW":Vrfltrp..so that with a few sngiu,

1 hfiSlstaxes pmy vu fvft c6rof main .line miieagc ( y""V"irtrUnder thenextvear the value of all ja

be subject otown willof city or

municipal taxei. -"




t0 As.. Difficult Prop.rtidard or vuc m

i i jP-- r Cent of Conservative

I Hi Revaluation Is for Ben- -ent

Vludein , i 1 Governments- - A

oren Heal for Cities and iowns.Square

(By A. J. Maxwell.)," last article covered the organ-

ise evaluation of real es--zation i , act except Spe- -state The act authorizedW Zx.: to employ forthe lav wz.1 nvnwiinflK! tft QCQlct

?appraU of properties the valuein. is difficult ;0 ascertain. This

01 anticipates that in so far as, fnH nraT rn exnerts in m

h maV D- - wunu -- x -

2Ky will be. employed with; theg that all property of feach. bfclasses wm J--

such..n,r annraised m all parts of the to

Capitalization of enterprisesState.. I H !An in W 1111 AJ I1M vmtih .uhas been nanuicu ""r, r

that it furnishes m many;LS a totally inaccurate index ofthe value of the property represent

a The success of the revaluationrlan will depend upon the thoroughn-

ess accuracy and-fairne- s with whichit is done, and it will not do to ass-

ess at full value the classes of prop-erty the value of which will be withinthe knowledge of the assesor and -- totake a poor guess at. the value of inother properties as to the , value of ofwhich he will have little knowledge.

The Standard or value I.

The standard of value is 100 percent, or as expressed in the act, whatthe property would sell for at ordi-nary sale for cash. Forced sales,auction sales, and sales on: "the ext-

ortion plan," or the allurments , oftime prices are to be eliminated as amatter of course. The actdoes notanticipate that unnaturally inflatedvalues shall be used, even when supp-

orted by some conditions of sale.The rule is plain enough; the difficulty-i- s

in the application: - That elementof value is in every case a matter ofsound judgment and discretion; basedupon accurate knowledge of the property. A very small percentage of ,property has actually changed handsby recent sale, and even as to thissmall percentage s there is ! in everycase --room for investigation of Hthecharacter and ' cori3itiovns . of. the aleto ascertain if the price representsactual fair value. The judgment of awell-inform- ed men will - in ' almostevery case differ. The one thing thatwill be insisted upon is that the assessing officer in every case, as toeach piece of property, large or small,get all the available facts not takefor granted, but take the trouble toinvestigate and after , acquiring allthe knowledge that can reasonablyhe gained in a proper way, exercisean in telligent, conservative- - judgment as to actual, stable value, andthen apply 100 per cent of that'judg-men- t

as the basis of value. . To useany. other basis 95 or 99 per cent

would be like" knocking a chockfrom behind the wheel of a car stand:mg cn a steep incline it would settle right back to the old levels, witha different rule applying, -- in , eachcounty, and with inequality the gen- -

mi rule.Revaluation for Benefit of Counties

and CitiesThfe Etate. tax rate has been re-

duced this year 11 2-- 3 cents. . Theaverage tax rate in the counties: ineluding special taxes for various localpurposes was 1.08 tier cent in 1918In most of the larger cities in rtheole tne total rate is around 3 percent. So that about 10 per; cent ofthe taxes collected in tbe countiesfrom Drcmertv will hp for tht nse ofthe State, and less than , 5 per centf total taxes collected from prop-

erty in the cities is for the use ofthe State. The State is pursuing aponcy oi receding from the propertyldX ana looks now definitely tocomplete abandonment of the nrorrty tax for its revenue, except for


distributed back to the counties. Sqthat the chief purpose. of the revalua-tion act is to furnish a more accu-se, efficient and equitable means of

me local neeas oiwe counties and cities of the StateJ. hey win be the chief beneficiaries

i its success.A Square Deal for' the Cities

ine tax burden bears , especiallyJJfavy in municipalities where so

ny modern improvements haveceen provided at public expense. Itis in the cities especially that wef;far the complaint thatx high tax

are confiscating income fromFoperty, and a very great-reducti- on

Clty .tax rates is essential to thesuccessful administration of the fullI e ..Property tax system. . The re-valuation should leave the total com-bined tax rate in the highest taxedS m the State TiSte dose aroundon!Per cent., inere are three nroviirn tnat willtior, ?!? teffective under the ' revalua-larwat.wl- U

be interesting particu-w- n

t0he municipalities, and thatitend lower their rates.onaroo 1 .... .

hpf 1 &LOCK lri their banksnave.otore h&p-- j;crutA wa

vPr l of the shareholder, where-stor- vllved' Now all the shares of

whero 1? e1very bank " be taxedbanV r b,ank is Seated, against thebe ;??d .therefore a11 the stock will

located pallty where the bankReal

"'"i vi vcicy- -on Ll.mpa.mes have been distributedW wnTliager Ail such

within a munlcipaUty

Bv Our ti Fmm VLimPolk County J. J, . -

. ..

tage occupied by-h-er since February,and has rented and , moved into oneof the Wilkes; cottages, for the sum-me'- r.

" JCHK -- y -; Mr. and MrsV "Julian Ravenel and

little daughter are "visiting' relativesin Savannah, Ga. x

C ;- Mrsi R.v B. Little and small son are

visiting relatives and friends "in Spar--tanbur- g.

r -

Miss Louise' Lane spent Sunday inHendersonville with her aunt Mrs.La Motte; '- ; .

Mr. Parler, of this place, is now inBaltimore recovering from anopera-tion-,

at --Johns Hopkins Hospital.Judge'jA; S.' Moore is now in

Saluda where he-resid- ed for severalyears, and i is stopping at 'the Caro-lina House. r ;. v


Mr. and Mrs. Corwith took a longdrive to Pacolet ; valley, on Sunday,and report Vegetation ' much furtheradvanced than m and about Saluda.

Mrs. E.jM. Salley and Mrs,, H. P.Locke; both had a- - fair, percentage ofchicks- - from their recent hatch; butMrs. Mark Wilson has an old henwhose recent achievement beats theincubator all to smash. She was seton 20, eggs and hatched them all, andis busy scratching for 19 at this time.

Mrs. Walter Jones' music class en-tertained their parents and friendslast week by giving a musicale, muchenjoyea by all present.- .,;ri r


Oh yes Mr. Lynn, we will second themotion to erect a monument in memory of.-- the boys-- who made " the supreme sacrifice. We suggest that itshould be erected at the court housesquare in Columbus, and the name ofthe one wha lived nearest to the courthouse to be the first on the monumentthen' the next . nearest and so on ;

date and battle field on which theygave their lives should also be added.'

Many passed on the route, Sunday,to attend the burial ; services , of theaged father Levi Bishop. .

Messrs. Clark - and Brannon andfamilies, of New Prospect; S. C,v weregMjQtfiMiss Salue and MrP JpmvCarpenter. Sunday.

Mr. Frank Edwards has a severecase of inflammatory rheumatism. ,

Rev. Mr..Noblet and wife, of Chim-ney Rock, were visitors on thei Route,

'' :'recently. 'v'r -Mr. Joe-- Carpenter is in from Ten-

nessee, visiting his boyhood nome.Hoy, hoy, what has become f the

railroad prospects for this great out-of-doo- rs;

wooded land part of : thecounty ? Will we have to wait untilthe smallest boy can . grow a long,grey beard? j :


Superior Court convened t Monday,with Judge Long presiding. Messrs.Sol Gallert, Smith and Spainhour areamong the out of town attorneys.

Mr. Joe Hall, , who has returnedfrom overseas, was in. town Monday.;

Mrs.- - C. D. Elliott had the misfor-tune to fall and fracture her collarbone, last week.

Messrs. Lucian Hicks - and DeweyOwens were visitors at Stearns HighSchool, Monday.

A play will be given at tne .fctearnsVfifrh School auditorium. Saturdaynight, April 19, at 8 p. m., by the pri-mary and grammar grades. Mrs. J.W. Jack and Mrs. T. M. jonnson,teachers." '

; A:Mrs. Elizabeth Spivey was a dinner

guest of Mu. and Mrs. J. W. --Jack,Sunday. , .

Mis Lizzie Dalton. of Mill Spnng,is visiting at the home of her uncle,Mr. F. M. Burgess. - ,

Mr. Jasper Guffey, of Stearns nignSchool is visiting his parents in Ruth.erfordton, this week. ; :


a immoTi's Missionary union was. .A. X. VUibMl W ,"r tr a

ore-anize- d at. the ,Columbus Baptist

.H T " hiV.i..,.linrrh Snnriavg aiternOOni.. . miss . 1

Axm- -A. .

nie Aridge was elected president,Mrs; Chas. Davenport vice presmcm,,and Mrs. H. H. Edwards secretary-treasure- r.


. .., - c.AT r--c Trtlvn : . femitn. - OI ,

OlATX X. Jm U VlUt - ' -

i--y o r orivwl to sDend tnesummer with her parents, Mr. andMrs. J. W." Newman. . .

N.Attorney Spears, trom uaaen,

o4- - tun-i- crnool debated m tneL AnUct with Saluda t .andLriiinii uiiii. utu"v .n iCVUU

Te-ntntA- .iiai.-- j Fndav . . evening;. , iAoril 4th: The negative woe



question W-flW-S

,"XT.H theiive by Miss AdaTallant and Miss Thelma Mills.oirAinmKiie ! There were kuuu "6- -

v.Ath sides, however the debv the affirmative.

rm - TToTira.tives at ure.j r-nrA-

n-n Johnson andvara were wn. i, ; offifMr. Ernest McMurray, n4.a arna rpnresevted by Mr,

tX and Sir. J. K. Matthews,Jr. The Stearns High School also

tho decision af Brevard InstituteWe are very proud of the. success pithe seniors of Stearns.

Narrow Escape.One morning theiyoungest: pupils

mAM KHfrori to sit upon a' rsovablehpnrh tn recite : soon thert was a com

motion in the midst: of which; Edtth

wvd ner hand excitedly ana saw:Teacher, Johnnie tipped the seal; andI almost fell off ,the class rv" t

Dmimngs;can-w?suppuea;wui.rn?- .

lets and lavatories can be Put in thel.DUllOingS.t 1

. WhPn tliis ia rinnp suitabledrainage can be supplied, to carry offth VwrtfWfe find that the building isinadequately furnished as there is noseating capacity m any oi tne juryrooms or desks in any of the offices.We .would , recommend that properseating capacity" be provided for notonly the jury rooms but the courtroom throughout; that the soutnriyend of the court room be. raisd on aplatform on : either side .of of themain aisle so that the seating in thevai, nf n- - .nr. irio tho II lt-- l rV 1 Idl 1 III lL LC1.11 LJK 111 V T ' WHVi I

rlprkr that th clerk's deskJo. . .... IvoicoH nr at lonct hwi Cons WThlPh 1

platform should extend to the east I

chair and iurv box for twelve seats.nnd twt. tViP iurv - spats should be

y.vl,t ninnrl. HAinm thio .t TYiafOv,.. cV.nii hA r I

Tallinn. KotwAPT. ho. witness....,. rhair and IX .ivvn vwm I

the, str.s lpadino- - tn ,thp. iudtrp benchv ,w. o i

nn. hnth cidps sind a rniliTio" in front of Iwuvu ,v. 0 - i

.lie tiei r uc. 1

The hardware for the several doors1

o,inni;ri wTiptp npppssarv! shades nro- 1

vided for the windows, especially inthe court room, and many lights ot boay is inviw.a u, -

glass throughout the building fur--. Rev. G. G.. Oneai will fill his regu-nis"hp- d

- .Wp dn , not recommend lar anointment a Greens L,reext Jas- -

ki.-ir.- .. nri ih nniidincr hut ; shadps in- -1iIUVUJ v- r- .-- ; w -- Q' 'inA ' , ; .

. vH VXIU ivnci xiwx r x wvi-vAi- A ...- -

that the hall-wa- y be built s from v the pleasantly surprised, ; Sunday after-fro-nt

door back ,to the sheriff's office noon, when a party of .. old "enffwith a door into the sherifTs . office- - called on them from their oldahd into the Board of Educaion room,the rooms on either side, of this hall-- ?

way to be used as rquired m the future. r

The vault rooms in the recorder soffice and in the clerks office shouldbe made into fire-pro- of rooms - byblocking up the two large - windowsthat now open "into these rooms andstrenrthenine the walls so that theywill be absolutely fire-- ., rocf and safefor papers and booics. incre resome galvanized guter j neeaea to uereDlaced on the main roof of thebuilding. . v -

We . are intormod . that tne uoun cynomTnissioners --ire raaxinc: arrange- -mnts to have the building painted in- -

side, but if this is not done we tnmKit should be done as early, as possioie.

. We made a visit to tne jau anafind that the prisoners are kept on, thethird floor of the building the firstandsecond floors being occupiea Dy , .vnefamily of the jailer; that the roof ofthe building is in very bad condition itbeintr a shingle roof. .1 he ceilingsand some of the partitions down , One Polk county soldier who hasthrough the building , are made of just returned home, a member of thewood and we consider very dangerous famous 30th" division,' says --the boyswith - the shingle roof in case of fire, did something over there that did notThere should be some new steps lead- - meet . with the pleasure1 of Generaling out of the front porch as some- - Pershing, and he sent them word thatbody is liable to be injured n going they were: "Not worth a . dam;up and down these steps. We recom-- wouldn't even make good trenchmend that a metal roof be put on the diggers.' But after they severed Mr.building in place of the shingle roof, Hindenberg'sf little line General Per-an-d

that a more sufficient number at. shjng relented and sent them wordcots or hammocks be provided for the that he , took it all back, and; thatprisoners, and that the jailer be re-- they were about the proper soldiers,quired to keep the place, m a more The Polk county says he never didsanitary condatioii than we. found .it learn what raised 'General Pershing'swhen we made our visit there. There ire- - but that all the same "the -- havn

t .. .f -lfi.- i.-!ni-.Tini inare many ugnts wj. gi.oa -o- -&
