Polk County News and The Tryon Bee. (Tryon, NC) 1918-06-14...

POLE COUNTY IIEWG. TEYON, N. C. TRYON aren't there, coca-col- a answers the NOTICE. - 4 TTairinr nnni:.J 1 . "x x mu";u as auminisLrai-o- r t B- - McGuinn, deceased; I hereby TlOt IT 17 oil ; 1 1 A .1 i 1 T p G H olden spent Wednes-.AAeviU- e. r r Lindsey transacted pusiness Sapolio doing its wbrk. Scouring for US.Marine Corps recruits Western North CareUna , are engaged in the liquor traffic. The high prices W F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. piouus inueoieu to saia j-- i. ii. McGuinn to make settlement with me at once. All accounts against said estate must be presented to me .luda, yesterday. in 1. T)r.T-i- r Theatre, Saluda will vwit. j ins m y, worse oona-ag- e dan that from which Lincoln gave his lite to freo them. Join Now! vvinim montns irom this date, or they will be debarred. :WhO this Tho prlinp n-- r,,. " SIU- -1 .-L- AV every night from now on. , H W Link left Wednesday f0; ? a visit with friends in Lexington, K ',. , pavenel is visiting her aunt 'rAnn8 nlantation, near Charles- - APPLY AT ANY fera POST OFFICEI U.S. promptly, even in Tryon, on schedule time. Few saw it, because it had inis, May 25th, 1918. J. M. McGUINN, Admr. w. s. s. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that appli cation has been made to the Governor of Mr-rV- i C r ; j? ii.- - j j? NOTICE APPLICATION FOR scarcely uegun attracting attention When fl :loiid nuttiin iiTnnt- - CNOCH MOSGAfTS sons ca fk. URINES PARDON, vnciil, UUVVU dllU the sho'was over. Eclipses are the S. c. SERVICE. UNDER THIS EMBLEM ton r iTollov Airs. Tiiihftnlc " -- '"'x jaijiuitx ui me paruun 01 Andy Laughter, who was convicted at vmjr piiiiurinance mat makes us r- - alie th mixtion of the earth. It is now i'!;out 40') jc-rr- s since Gallileo aniiMjou.j th,t the r.m stands still whiliv t.Vu rart.li jut.ni-- . t.- - iu ,.T v fcvv.JAAO i y lii; iuuv- - ing. Yet we still -- .alk of the sun's rising and setting; rlthough it no mrv-P- . rf(a llint Hin 1 Notice is hereby given that appli- cation will be made to His Excellency, Thomas W. Bickett, , Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Charlie Gosnell, who was convicted, Spring Term, 1918, the. Superior Court, Polk county for retailing spiritous liquors and sentenced to four months imprisonment on the Henderson county chain gang. All persons opposing -- the granting of said .pardon are requested to for- ward their objection to the Governor without delay. This, June 4thr 1918.il- - CHARLIE GOSNELL. .ip..o k""v until llic 11UUSU Ul barn comes rushing at us, passes us r .linn lvAni,. KL. 1 1 lau term, lyii of the Superior Court of Polk county of murder in the second degree land sentenced to twenty years in the State's prison. All persons opposing the granting oi fcaid pardon are requested to for- ward their objection to the Governor without delay. This 7th day of June, 1918. M. BAUMBERGER. 4t-p- d. vijaappcciia ueiunci us wnen we n VP firl i n or in tVo fvnj-- iuary w. - Mrs spending the week-- eiurenre I & in Mary Lindsey left yesterday tltmorJ, where she will visit M,U Kutli frowne. your nursery stock from E J. jL" lyent for the old reliable Br3lSv 1 Van Lindley, Saluda, N. tf C Mr Bishop, of south Georgia, ac- - ,Anied tv his mother, arrived in rhuday, and are guests at Oak Hall. neglected to mention that Mr. FdvUrd Lindsey had arrived from- - the Kite Uunversity to spend his vaca-;io- n with home folks. Even while looking at the eclipse and a uuuu pasiseu. across tne sluriace of the sun, we said the sun went be- hind a cloud. Gallileo, bv the way, lkji suyuig .inn uie eartn. moved, was kill,-r- l lw Iho T:irnl "Hin-V- . r'w.w.o-r.rl- of that day known as the Inquisition; "I 111 ft juoii as a vjennan wouia De now, ior saying that the world has moved while Prussia has stood still. ADAM JAY WALKER. W. S. "S Mr Dwight S. Taft, son of Dr. and Mrs M. l! Taft, after a short visit tn his parents here, returned to New SERVICE Aragoe Coffee! A good stock on hand. A China Dish with each package. Price the same, 35c per pound. KING BASE BALL YIELDS nri Trmn t.ov workers have an or Apr for $'500.00 'worth of toys, but as hev can t gei poei uunug urc light work will be necessary. TOVOLLEY BALL IN CAMP t',ivt1v loft Wednesday for ..!.,. ;i! wher she will SlOP for a few davs" on her way to West Vir-o-u- u" where she will visit her brother. Popularity Of Volley t?all Among Sol diers Surprises AI1 Old Base- ball Fans. WHY PAY TRIBUTE? t - Mrs Edward Anderson whose hus-.l-- T thp Navv Reserves, has Rye Flour. Pan Cake Flour, Meal full line ;of can- ned goods at lowest prices. 600 cakes U. S. Mail Soap, as long as it lasts, 5c per cale. heard from him recently that he is out of sight of, land -- bunting pirate What are the favorite games with the soldiers in training camps in th southeastern division? The immediate To Stocli Insurance Companies, submarines. Captain and Mrs. Frank C. Sibley, response would naturally be baseball Soft Drinks of All Kinds, v However, this is not correct, according When you can protect yourself from loss by fire in feip nM rplinhlft tata Mutual of North Carolina, at 25 per to the latest statistical report com cent. less; than vstock companies will write you for. piled by R. C. Cubbon, Army Y., M. C A. physical director for the southeast era division, aided by the the 126 phys Phone T. W. Ballew Tryon N. C. ical directors in the camps. Their fig 125 Dan on or write Geo. A. Gash, Agt. Tryon, N. C. aires of the number of games played and the number of men participating of Camp YVadsworcn, were me guis of Mr and Mrs. W. F. Little, Sun- day Mrs. Sibley and daughter will spend a part of the summer in Tryon. We are in receipt of a post card from Mrs. Vita C. Kirchner, from Treinbleau Hall, on Lake Champlain, Porf Kent, N. Y., where jshe will spend the summer. She says We just arrived today, quite tjred, but appreciative of the beauties." On their way North Mrs. Wilcox ard Miss Lois stayed a few days in ,:;sivngton, and East Orange, New j., t Mrs Wilcox expects to- - visit her son, Herbert, in New Haven, and rejoin Miss Lois at Woodstock, .a seacoast town. All residents of Tryon are hereby t;fiprl that, a wacron will call on show that volley ball is the most pop ular of all sports. There was a time when baseball was the most popular sport in the camps, ooaoooocooaooceeocoooooooooooocoooooooebooQcoocoo o o AND DANS REAL ESTATE, 3 L and in the month of March it was three times as popular as any other L0UZIA1E COffEE REDUCED game, but in the following month the newly introduced game of volley ball was taken by the soldiers with the City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Finished and uni furnished house for rent. Property taken care of and rent eolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out lorkmg for a place. Our auto is at your service free. JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, IN. C. greatest of enthusiasm and the report of the physical directors in the camps of the southeastern department show that, commencing with the month of April, Tolley ball has easily held first place as the most popular sport with the soldiers. This- - is very easily understood when it is explained that volley ball can be Tuesday, next, to haul , away all tin cans- - and trash. Comply with the citv ordinances, and have your cans and trash placed in, boxes and ready for the wagon when it calls. Let's make Tryon the city clean and beaut- iful this summer. . " M.--G. BLAKE, Town Mgr. After placing the forms of our last issue on the Dress, the machine broke down before we had run off a single paper, and the broken part had to be taken to Spartanburg for repair. In consequence the NEWS was not printed until Saturday. It seems as if we were having more than our share of misfortunes, but we live in hopes that ther will be a turn some ' time. , 1 Mrs. Frank Wilcox, of Union, S. C, formerly of Tryon, has organised a troime nf a dozen crirls known as (played " in a very small space about We Are Prepared the size of " a tennis court. The sol diers with little practice can. become quite expert in the game. Another fea ture is that all of the players- - on both sides are playing the entire time, (no bench warming) and the games do not last nearly so long as baseball, in fact not much longer than the average " , None better on the market at the prices P'or a short time we will sell you a t i' 3 Pound Bucket for 90 cents 1 Pound Can for 30 Cents,; Regular priee 35c per pound. 0 v ' We are also making a special price on sill kinds of groceries. Watch our ad for other items as we expect to offer you some special inducements for your trade. p. H. PACE & SON, SAA' "HONEST GOODS AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICE" baseball inninc. The only equipment Camnhirp who crive a little needed for this game is one ball and play that has been very favorably re ceived both in Union and Spartan one net. Plaveround baseball is another game that is making a great hit with the burg. It will be performed at the Auditorium soon. Mr. Arthur Car- ver siners also. Mr. Carver's voice soldiers nd now ranks fourth in pop niaritv. This game also can be play for sweetness and charm was former ed In a small space, the distances ibe- - tween bases being only thirty ieet. Tn this came a large, soft ball is usea ly well known in Tryon. It has since been trained by Mr. David Bispham and an Italian master. Carry out Mr Hoover's request for ONE MEATLESS AND ONE WHEATLESS DAY each week, and call attention to such Articles FOR WHEATLESS DAYS: Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Rolled Oats, Yam Nuts, Yellow Meal, White Meal, Puffed Rice and Corn Starch. FOR MEATLESS DAYS: Fish Flakes, Shredded Codfish, Herring Roe, Shad, Crab Meat, Salmon. Tuna Fish, Kippered Herring. . and the pitcher is required to use the underhand throw. All the skill of the tm ppnt pa IT) A of baseball is required Trvon visitors as a rule are -- .at for playground ball and the playing tractive, pleasant and some charming. Now and then there are knockers. Two wVin fnimH it ton wintrv in Ashe- - has all the tnriiis ana ense iuumcuw that is to be had in the national past ville this snrinc. found it too sum mery in Tryon, especially -- the hot vppk. TVipv cairl tlipv wouldn't stand As an entertainer boxing is Tery much in the limelight in the camps if. and then would sit on the piazza ta nvo baseball has an immense mi- - in wnolpn wmns Thpv said thev aiiu a. - lowing of devotees. Providing games would go on to Augusta, Ga., to get of entertainment is or no smau impm t- - n in thP p.amDs as it is shown in the MORE VALUE cool. Some one had told tnem it was delightful th prp Whatever its other m V 2r physical director's report that 905,375 merits no one certainly ever heard of A oo o cnmmpr rpsort. spectators were in aupnuam; 918 Tames in which 662,056 soldiers " . - X participated in x. m. u. a. gamca. C J Another recent visitor, much troubl- ed by the submarine news began talking of going to Omaha, as Tryon John Orr & Co Phone No. 14 Tryon, IN. C v "am r. A.: secretaries have carried was too near the sea coast to De saie " Mre Stye fc?r work to the troops in transport, ' . The Music at the Fark is a very an announcement just receavea fmm the National War Council of the good ieature. w. s. s. Y. M. C. A., and are now promoting a systematic recreational, educational, A young milk cow. Has been milk ing two wppVs. Annlv Bocial and religious program wr u G. H. HOLMES. idiAr boys en route by sea u re Snap France. With the sanction of the War TRYON WALKABOUTS AND TALKABOUTS. Department each transport now ca- ries one or two such secretaries, whose function it is to do all that Is possible S3 tn make the voyage both comioriauir ed that wVi on Viia rrnns npprl rain the For Your and enjoyable for th fighting men w v, l A lliu VI Vlf most he has only to get out his hose abroad. ' , . . ina wet them clown. There'll De a "Games are provided, musical nu snower within 24 hours. movie entertainments staged, maga zines and books are supplied ana writ- ing ' paper Is issued free to the men, A knitting circle recently discussed the question whether a woman was happier living a single life, or mar- ried to a husband that lives a double DfatPmp.nt continues. a icy"" . r.nsnnrt worker recently arrived one. shows that in his equipment there were . o 1 fep Mm Between tVi T.nnipr lT,i"rrarv Wo- - nueh articles a a AW1UXXX& vb- - hooks, motion-pictur- e equipment yiftL.vi. riPVPt testajnents, wrlt 'n s Exchange, and the Mountain Industries. Trvon. thev sav. is get- - - mi' ; V? - WitlUs - i It'" ?!. Than Elsewhere Ln.?, "KST'nSSita checkers, giuyco, dominoes. xxv- .- Having bought the garage recently owned and operated by C. W. Ballenger, this is to notify the public that I will continue to do business at the same place and respectfully solicit a continuance of your patronage. As yo . now, we have one of the.;. best, mechanics in the st te, and prices are reasonable. We also sell Goodyear tires and tubes and the very best of oils, greases ;and auto dressing. P. G. MORRIS GARAGE. ua.li, xv, , . onnnra ma.- - Victrola ana recoiu auu 'ouuv - .V,lnt ' 'v. . me niter noon tea narxt. as yet it hasn't got to be what down in New -- 'Hgland they call it a sewing circle, 'ith the sewig left out. Besides it's a knittine- - circle nnw-a-dav- s. anvway. W XX xxx v.. appointment or tranpori .AU.tl!i. th link of Y. M. C. tanes ,.l -- v. uiu sewin circle was wucxt. fnllro j x 1.n,x nrrtt work, wnicn ut,xu .V" A' .7 ? nmn nnntlnrifiR through th cruris m rK - n the together 'thev sairl. to talk about training P, - cimoa transports . orts THE BALLENGER CO. each others' clothes and strip the characters of . those who were absent. But thy don't do that in Trvon knit- - France au ui w j - fnihfti. Transport to tne hwi mt mnA Jet, haven't got the tea habit very IY111V. 1TT1 xl x X- - X11. .1a, remain on Jmur r -- "vu. vviifnmey wani.w uu&wuk taeir clothes and run dpwn . those that

Transcript of Polk County News and The Tryon Bee. (Tryon, NC) 1918-06-14...

Page 1: Polk County News and The Tryon Bee. (Tryon, NC) 1918-06-14 ...newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn94058240/1918-06-14/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · Sapolio doing its wbrk. Scouring Western North


TRYON aren't there, coca-col- a answers the NOTICE.- 4TTairinr nnni:.J 1 . "x xmu";u as auminisLrai-o-rt B- - McGuinn, deceased; I hereby

TlOt IT 17 oil ; 1 1 A .1 i 1 T

p G H olden spent Wednes-.AAeviU- e.

r r Lindsey transacted pusiness

Sapolio doing its wbrk. Scouringfor US.Marine Corps recruitsWestern North CareUna ,are engaged

in the liquor traffic. The high prices


Tryon, N. C.

piouus inueoieu to saia j--i.

ii. McGuinn to make settlement withme at once. All accounts againstsaid estate must be presented to me

.luda, yesterday.in

1.T)r.T-i- r Theatre, Saluda will vwit. j ins m y, worse oona-ag- e

dan that from which Lincolngave his lite to freo them. Join Now!vvinim montns irom this date, orthey will be debarred. :WhO

thisTho prlinp n-- r,,. " SIU--1 .-L-


every night from now on.

, H W Link left Wednesday


a visit with friends in Lexington,

K',. , pavenel is visiting her aunt'rAnn8 nlantation, near Charles--


promptly, even in Tryon, on scheduletime. Few saw it, because it had

inis, May 25th, 1918.J. M. McGUINN, Admr.

w. s. s.NOTICE.

Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Governorof Mr-rV- i C r ; j? ii.- - j j?

NOTICE APPLICATION FORscarcely uegun attracting attentionWhen fl :loiid nuttiin iiTnnt- -

CNOCH MOSGAfTSsons ca fk. URINESPARDON,vnciil, UUVVU dllUthe sho'was over. Eclipses are theS. c. SERVICE. UNDER THIS EMBLEMton r iTollov Airs. Tiiihftnlc

" -- '"'x jaijiuitx ui me paruun 01Andy Laughter, who was convicted at

vmjr piiiiurinance mat makes usr- - alie th mixtion of the earth. It isnow i'!;out 40') jc-rr- s since GallileoaniiMjou.j th,t the r.m stands stillwhiliv t.Vu rart.li jut.ni-- . t.- - iu ,.Tv fcvv.JAAO i y lii; iuuv- -ing. Yet we still --.alk of the sun'srising and setting; rlthough it nomrv-P- . rf(a llint Hin 1

Notice is hereby given that appli-cation will be made to His Excellency,Thomas W. Bickett, , Governor ofNorth Carolina for the pardon ofCharlie Gosnell, who was convicted,Spring Term, 1918, the. SuperiorCourt, Polk county for retailingspiritous liquors and sentenced tofour months imprisonment on theHenderson county chain gang.

All persons opposing -- the grantingof said .pardon are requested to for-ward their objection to the Governorwithout delay.

This, June 4thr 1918.il- -


.ip..o k""v until llic 11UUSU Ulbarn comes rushing at us, passes us

r .linn lvAni,. KL. 1 1

lau term, lyii of the SuperiorCourt of Polk county of murder in thesecond degree land sentenced totwenty years in the State's prison.

All persons opposing the grantingoi fcaid pardon are requested to for-ward their objection to the Governorwithout delay.

This 7th day of June, 1918.M. BAUMBERGER.

4t-p- d.

vijaappcciia ueiunci us wnen wen VP firl i n or in tVo fvnj--

iuary w. -Mrs spending the week--eiurenreI

& in

Mary Lindsey left yesterdaytltmorJ, where she will visit

M,U Kutli frowne.

your nursery stock from E J.jL" lyent for the old reliable

Br3lSv 1 Van Lindley, Saluda, N.tf


Mr Bishop, of south Georgia, ac--,Anied tv his mother, arrived inrhuday, and are guests at

Oak Hall.neglected to mention that Mr.

FdvUrd Lindsey had arrived from- - theKite Uunversity to spend his vaca-;io- n

with home folks.

Even while looking at the eclipse anda uuuu pasiseu. across tne sluriaceof the sun, we said the sun went be-hind a cloud. Gallileo, bv the way,lkji suyuig .inn uie eartn. moved, waskill,-r- l lw Iho T:irnl "Hin-V- . r'w.w.o-r.rl-

of that day known as the Inquisition;"I 111 ftjuoii as a vjennan wouia De now, ior

saying that the world has movedwhile Prussia has stood still.


Mr Dwight S. Taft, son of Dr. andMrs M. l! Taft, after a short visittn his parents here, returned to New

SERVICEAragoe Coffee!A good stock on hand. A China Dish with each

package. Price the same, 35c per pound.

KING BASE BALL YIELDSnri Trmn t.ov workers have an orApr for $'500.00 'worth of toys, but ashev can t gei poei uunug urc

light work will be necessary. TOVOLLEY BALL IN CAMPt',ivt1v loft Wednesday for

..!.,. ;i! wher she will SlOP for afew davs" on her way to West Vir-o-u- u"

where she will visit her brother.Popularity Of Volley t?all Among Sol

diers Surprises AI1 Old Base-

ball Fans. WHY PAY TRIBUTE?t -

Mrs Edward Anderson whose hus-.l-- T

thp Navv Reserves, has Rye Flour. Pan Cake Flour, Meal full line ;of can-ned goods at lowest prices. 600 cakes U. S.Mail Soap, as long as it lasts, 5c per cale.

heard from him recently that he isout of sight of, land -- bunting pirate What are the favorite games with

the soldiers in training camps in thsoutheastern division? The immediate

To Stocli Insurance Companies,submarines.

Captain and Mrs. Frank C. Sibley,response would naturally be baseball Soft Drinks of All Kinds, v

However, this is not correct, according When you can protect yourself from loss by fire infeip nM rplinhlft tata Mutual of North Carolina, at 25 perto the latest statistical report com

cent. less; than vstock companies will write you for.piled by R. C. Cubbon, Army Y., M. CA. physical director for the southeastera division, aided by the the 126 phys Phone T. W. Ballew Tryon

N. C.ical directors in the camps. Their fig125

Dan on or writeGeo. A. Gash, Agt.

Tryon, N. C.aires of the number of games playedand the number of men participating

of Camp YVadsworcn, were me guisof Mr and Mrs. W. F. Little, Sun-

day Mrs. Sibley and daughter willspend a part of the summer in Tryon.

We are in receipt of a post cardfrom Mrs. Vita C. Kirchner, fromTreinbleau Hall, on Lake Champlain,Porf Kent, N. Y., where jshe willspend the summer. She says Wejust arrived today, quite tjred, butappreciative of the beauties."

On their way North Mrs. Wilcoxard Miss Lois stayed a few days in,:;sivngton, and East Orange, Newj., t Mrs Wilcox expects to-- visither son, Herbert, in New Haven, andrejoin Miss Lois at Woodstock, .aseacoast town.

All residents of Tryon are herebyt;fiprl that, a wacron will call on

show that volley ball is the most popular of all sports.

There was a time when baseball wasthe most popular sport in the camps, ooaoooocooaooceeocoooooooooooocoooooooebooQcoocooo o


Land in the month of March it wasthree times as popular as any other L0UZIA1E COffEE REDUCEDgame, but in the following month thenewly introduced game of volley ballwas taken by the soldiers with the

City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Finished and unifurnished house for rent. Property taken care of and renteolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out lorkmg

for a place. Our auto is at your service free.

JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, IN. C.greatest of enthusiasm and the reportof the physical directors in the campsof the southeastern department showthat, commencing with the month ofApril, Tolley ball has easily held firstplace as the most popular sport withthe soldiers.

This- - is very easily understood whenit is explained that volley ball can be

Tuesday, next, to haul , away all tincans- - and trash. Comply with thecitv ordinances, and have your cansand trash placed in, boxes and readyfor the wagon when it calls. Let'smake Tryon the city clean and beaut-

iful this summer. . "

M.--G. BLAKE, Town Mgr.

After placing the forms of our lastissue on the Dress, the machine brokedown before we had run off a singlepaper, and the broken part had to betaken to Spartanburg for repair. Inconsequence the NEWS was notprinted until Saturday. It seems asif we were having more than ourshare of misfortunes, but we live inhopes that ther will be a turn some

' time. , 1

Mrs. Frank Wilcox, of Union, S. C,formerly of Tryon, has organised atroime nf a dozen crirls known as

(played " in a very small space about We Are Preparedthe size of " a tennis court. The sol

diers with little practice can. becomequite expert in the game. Another feature is that all of the players- - on bothsides are playing the entire time, (nobench warming) and the games do notlast nearly so long as baseball, in factnot much longer than the average


, None better on the market at the prices P'or ashort time we will sell you a



3 Pound Bucket for 90 cents

1 Pound Can for 30 Cents,;

Regular priee 35c per pound. 0v '

We are also making a special price on sill kindsof groceries. Watch our ad for other items as weexpect to offer you some special inducements foryour trade. p.



baseball inninc. The only equipmentCamnhirp who crive a little needed for this game is one ball andplay that has been very favorably received both in Union and Spartan

one net.Plaveround baseball is another game

that is making a great hit with theburg. It will be performed at theAuditorium soon. Mr. Arthur Car-ver siners also. Mr. Carver's voice

soldiers nd now ranks fourth in popniaritv. This game also can be play

for sweetness and charm was former ed In a small space, the distances ibe- -

tween bases being only thirty ieet.Tn this came a large, soft ball is usea

ly well known in Tryon. It has sincebeen trained by Mr. David Bisphamand an Italian master.

Carry out Mr Hoover's request for ONE MEATLESS ANDONE WHEATLESS DAY each week, and call attention to suchArticles

FOR WHEATLESS DAYS: Corn Flakes, Post Toasties,

Rolled Oats, Yam Nuts, Yellow Meal, White Meal, Puffed Rice

and Corn Starch.FOR MEATLESS DAYS: Fish Flakes, Shredded Codfish,

Herring Roe, Shad, Crab Meat, Salmon. Tuna Fish, KipperedHerring. .

and the pitcher is required to use theunderhand throw. All the skill of thetm ppnt pa IT) A of baseball is requiredTrvon visitors as a rule are --.atfor playground ball and the playingtractive, pleasant and some charming.

Now and then there are knockers.Two wVin fnimH it ton wintrv in Ashe-- has all the tnriiis ana ense iuumcuw

that is to be had in the national pastville this snrinc. found it too summery in Tryon, especially -- the hotvppk. TVipv cairl tlipv wouldn't stand As an entertainer boxing is Tery

much in the limelight in the campsif. and then would sit on the piazza ta nvo baseball has an immense mi- -

in wnolpn wmns Thpv said thev aiiu a. -

lowing of devotees. Providing gameswould go on to Augusta, Ga., to get

of entertainment is or no smau impm t--

n in thP p.amDs as it is shown in the MORE VALUEcool. Some one had told tnem it wasdelightful th prp Whatever its other m V 2rphysical director's report that 905,375merits no one certainly ever heard of

A oo o cnmmpr rpsort. spectators were in aupnuam;918 Tames in which 662,056 soldiers" . - X

participated in x. m. u. a. gamca.C J

Another recent visitor, much troubl-ed by the submarine news begantalking of going to Omaha, as Tryon

John Orr & CoPhone No. 14

Tryon, IN. Cv "am r. A.: secretaries have carriedwas too near the sea coast to De saie

"Mre Styefc?r work to the troops in transport,

' .The Music at the Fark is a veryan announcement just receavea

fmm the National War Council of thegood ieature.w. s. s.

Y. M. C. A., and are now promoting a

systematic recreational, educational,A young milk cow. Has been milking two wppVs. Annlv Bocial and religious program wr u

G. H. HOLMES. idiAr boys en route by sea u re SnapFrance. With the sanction of the War


Department each transport now ca-

ries one or two such secretaries, whose

function it is to do all that Is possible S3tn make the voyage both comioriauired that wVi on Viia rrnns npprl rain the For Yourand enjoyable for th fighting menw v, l A lliu VI Vlfmost he has only to get out his hose

abroad. ' ,. .ina wet them clown. There'll De a"Games are provided, musical nusnower within 24 hours.

movie entertainments staged, maga

zines and books are supplied ana writ-


paper Is issued free to the men,A knitting circle recently discussed

the question whether a woman washappier living a single life, or mar-ried to a husband that lives a double

DfatPmp.nt continues. a icy"". r.nsnnrt worker recently arrived

one.shows that in his equipment there were

. o1 fep Mm

Between tVi T.nnipr lT,i"rrarv Wo- -nueh articles a a AW1UXXX& vb--

hooks, motion-pictur- e equipmentyiftL.vi. riPVPt testajnents, wrlt'n s Exchange, and the Mountain

Industries. Trvon. thev sav. is get- -

- mi'; V ?

- WitlUs- i It'"


Than Elsewhere

Ln.?, "KST'nSSita checkers,giuyco,

dominoes.xxv- .-

Having bought the garage recently owned andoperated by C. W. Ballenger, this is to notify thepublic that I will continue to do business at the sameplace and respectfully solicit a continuance of yourpatronage. As yo . now, we have one of the.;. best,mechanics in the st te, and prices are reasonable. We

also sell Goodyear tires and tubes and the very bestof oils, greases ;and auto dressing.


ua.li, xv, , . onnnra ma.- -Victrola ana recoiu auu 'ouuv -.V,lnt ' 'v. .

me niter noon tea narxt. as yetit hasn't got to be what down in New-- 'Hgland they call it a sewing circle,'ith the sewig left out. Besides it's

a knittine- - circle nnw-a-dav- s. anvway.W XX xxx v..

appointment or tranpori.AU.tl!i. th link of Y. M. C.tanes ,.l-- v. uiu sewin circle was wucxt.

fnllro j x 1.n,x nrrtt work, wnicn ut,xu .V"A' .7 ? nmn nnntlnrifiR through thcruris m rK - n thetogether 'thev sairl. to talk about training P, - cimoatransports . orts THE BALLENGER CO.each others' clothes and strip the

characters of . those who were absent.But thy don't do that in Trvon knit- - France au ui w j -

fnihfti. Transportto tne hwi mt mnA

Jet, haven't got the tea habit veryIY111V. 1TT1 xl x X- - X11. .1a, remain on Jmur

r-- "vu. vviifnmey wani.w uu&wuktaeir clothes and run dpwn . those that