Political Parties & Political Action Main linking institutions: political parties, elections, media,...

Political Parties & Political Action Main linking institutions : political parties, elections, media, and interest groups. Input agents-result in output from policymaking institutions. Parties influenced policymaking through political action. The two party system - parties or the means to achieve who gets what, when, how, and why. First parties - Federalist and Democratic Republicans. US is one of the few to party systems in existing democracies third-party candidates still have influence. Aim of political party is to influence public policy. To do this parties must draw enough of the electorate into the organization.

Transcript of Political Parties & Political Action Main linking institutions: political parties, elections, media,...

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action• Main linking institutions: political parties, elections, media, and interest groups. • Input agents-result in output from policymaking institutions. • Parties influenced policymaking through political action.

• The two party system - parties or the means to achieve who gets what, when, how, and why.

• First parties - Federalist and Democratic Republicans.

• US is one of the few to party systems in existing democracies

• third-party candidates still have influence.

• Aim of political party is to influence public policy.

• To do this parties must draw enough of the electorate into the organization.

• Main linking institutions: political parties, elections, media, and interest groups. • Input agents-result in output from policymaking institutions. • Parties influenced policymaking through political action.

• The two party system - parties or the means to achieve who gets what, when, how, and why.

• First parties - Federalist and Democratic Republicans.

• US is one of the few to party systems in existing democracies

• third-party candidates still have influence.

• Aim of political party is to influence public policy.

• To do this parties must draw enough of the electorate into the organization.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action• Parties must get enough votes to elect candidates to public office.

• Common functions of political parties:

• nominate candidates who develop policy,

• running successful campaigns,

• developing a positive image,

• raising money,

• articulating the issues,

•coordinating in the governing process and the implementation of policies,

•maintaining a watchdog function when they're not in power.

• Parties must get enough votes to elect candidates to public office.

• Common functions of political parties:

• nominate candidates who develop policy,

• running successful campaigns,

• developing a positive image,

• raising money,

• articulating the issues,

•coordinating in the governing process and the implementation of policies,

•maintaining a watchdog function when they're not in power.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action•History: Pluralist approach to democracy in American government. • Parties must attract a broad consensus in order to win elections. • Coalitions contribute to the success of parties and candidates. • First parties - Federalists and Democratic Republicans. • Take shape after Jefferson resigns as Washington's Secretary of State in 1793.• Jefferson's party: Democratic Republicans,. Adams the Federalists• Jefferson loses by three votes in the electoral college. 1796• Jefferson beats Adams in 1800, winning control of Congress. •Death of Federalist Paty. • 1828 Democratic Republicans split into the Whigs, and the Democrats, led by Andrew Jackson.

• Party eras: four periods. • 1 - 1828 to 1860 Democrats dominate presidency and Congress. • 2 - 1860 to 1932, • Republican era. 3 - 1932 1968, success of the new deal, dominated by Democrats. • 4 - 1968 to 2008, era of divided government.

•History: Pluralist approach to democracy in American government. • Parties must attract a broad consensus in order to win elections. • Coalitions contribute to the success of parties and candidates. • First parties - Federalists and Democratic Republicans. • Take shape after Jefferson resigns as Washington's Secretary of State in 1793.• Jefferson's party: Democratic Republicans,. Adams the Federalists• Jefferson loses by three votes in the electoral college. 1796• Jefferson beats Adams in 1800, winning control of Congress. •Death of Federalist Paty. • 1828 Democratic Republicans split into the Whigs, and the Democrats, led by Andrew Jackson.

• Party eras: four periods. • 1 - 1828 to 1860 Democrats dominate presidency and Congress. • 2 - 1860 to 1932, • Republican era. 3 - 1932 1968, success of the new deal, dominated by Democrats. • 4 - 1968 to 2008, era of divided government.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action•Jacksonian democracy - Jackson supported by a populist following: small farmers, Westerners, the common man. • Results - universal white male suffrage, popular election of presidential electors -Twelfth Amendment, national nominating conventions, the institution of the spoils system. • The Whig party: alliance of eastern bankers, merchants, industrialists, large plantation owners. Major platform - high tariffs. • Splits occur in both parties over : states rights, slavery, national Bank. • Whig success: Harrison elected in 1840 and Zachary Taylor in 1848. • The parties only major national victories. • First Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, elected at the onset of the Civil War. • Republicans call their party the GOP: grand old party. • Early Republicans included former whigs, and anti- slavery Democrats, remnants of the Know Nothings. • Republicans supported big business, preservation the union, and the eventual abolition of slavery. •Party remains in control of the nation after the war.

•Jacksonian democracy - Jackson supported by a populist following: small farmers, Westerners, the common man. • Results - universal white male suffrage, popular election of presidential electors -Twelfth Amendment, national nominating conventions, the institution of the spoils system. • The Whig party: alliance of eastern bankers, merchants, industrialists, large plantation owners. Major platform - high tariffs. • Splits occur in both parties over : states rights, slavery, national Bank. • Whig success: Harrison elected in 1840 and Zachary Taylor in 1848. • The parties only major national victories. • First Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, elected at the onset of the Civil War. • Republicans call their party the GOP: grand old party. • Early Republicans included former whigs, and anti- slavery Democrats, remnants of the Know Nothings. • Republicans supported big business, preservation the union, and the eventual abolition of slavery. •Party remains in control of the nation after the war.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action•Democrats, hurt by support of Confederacy, could only win on the local level, but they dominate the south. •Only Democrat to achieve electoral victory in the late 1800s was Grover Cleveland in 1884 and again in 1892. • Woodrow Wilson (D) elected in 1912 &1916, other than Wilson and Cleveland Republicans maintaining control the White House. • Republicans were opposed to social welfare programs and supported laissez-faire doctrines of governance. • Third-party influence - Populist party: lead to party realignment in 1896. • Populists led by William Jennings Bryan. Result the working class became involved in political process. • Theodore Roosevelt's (R) presidency contributes to an era of political, social, and economic reform. • The reform movement ended with America's involvement in the first world war.

•Democrats, hurt by support of Confederacy, could only win on the local level, but they dominate the south. •Only Democrat to achieve electoral victory in the late 1800s was Grover Cleveland in 1884 and again in 1892. • Woodrow Wilson (D) elected in 1912 &1916, other than Wilson and Cleveland Republicans maintaining control the White House. • Republicans were opposed to social welfare programs and supported laissez-faire doctrines of governance. • Third-party influence - Populist party: lead to party realignment in 1896. • Populists led by William Jennings Bryan. Result the working class became involved in political process. • Theodore Roosevelt's (R) presidency contributes to an era of political, social, and economic reform. • The reform movement ended with America's involvement in the first world war.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action•Party realignment - party loyalty shift occurs in after 1932 : Great Depression. • Hoover's trickle-down economics theories alienated the public, • This led to a coalition in Dem. party that included city dwellers, blue-collar workers, labor union activist, the poor, Catholics, Jews, the south, and African-Americans. • Unusual alliance of Northern Liberals and Southern conservatives. • This coalition, with the exception of Eisenhower presidency, held control the White House until 1968. •Roosevelt's New Deal, Kennedy's New Frontier, Johnson's Great Society. •Led to the growth of social programs and federal government as being a mainstay of democratic platform.• Divided Government - Republicans win power in 1968 on the issues of the Vietnam War and the fight against communism. • Since then they have won six of a presidential elections.

•Party realignment - party loyalty shift occurs in after 1932 : Great Depression. • Hoover's trickle-down economics theories alienated the public, • This led to a coalition in Dem. party that included city dwellers, blue-collar workers, labor union activist, the poor, Catholics, Jews, the south, and African-Americans. • Unusual alliance of Northern Liberals and Southern conservatives. • This coalition, with the exception of Eisenhower presidency, held control the White House until 1968. •Roosevelt's New Deal, Kennedy's New Frontier, Johnson's Great Society. •Led to the growth of social programs and federal government as being a mainstay of democratic platform.• Divided Government - Republicans win power in 1968 on the issues of the Vietnam War and the fight against communism. • Since then they have won six of a presidential elections.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action• Watergate scandal andNixon's 's and's resignation 74 weakened the

GOP. • Jimmy Carter takes the White House in 1976 but in 1980 Reagan

was able to attract traditional Democrats, predominantly middle-class workers to his candidacy-Reagan Democrats.

• Divided government continued on the state and national level, ideological lines further divisions.

• Blue states versus red states. • During Clinton's presidency - a Democratic majority in both houses

in first term, legislative agenda involved an ideological battle between liberals, moderates, and conservatives, voting was not always on party lines.

• Rise of the religious right within the Republican Party. • This contributed to more ideological party era. • In the early 2000s coalitions became important because the house

was so closely divided and the Democrats only had one-vote majority in the Senate.

• 2006 midterm elections Democrats win control of both houses, create problems for Bush in the House of Representatives

• Watergate scandal andNixon's 's and's resignation 74 weakened the GOP.

• Jimmy Carter takes the White House in 1976 but in 1980 Reagan was able to attract traditional Democrats, predominantly middle-class workers to his candidacy-Reagan Democrats.

• Divided government continued on the state and national level, ideological lines further divisions.

• Blue states versus red states. • During Clinton's presidency - a Democratic majority in both houses

in first term, legislative agenda involved an ideological battle between liberals, moderates, and conservatives, voting was not always on party lines.

• Rise of the religious right within the Republican Party. • This contributed to more ideological party era. • In the early 2000s coalitions became important because the house

was so closely divided and the Democrats only had one-vote majority in the Senate.

• 2006 midterm elections Democrats win control of both houses, create problems for Bush in the House of Representatives

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action• Election 2000, divided government was the theme. • Gore receives more popular vote than Bush, still loses electoral college. • Congress remains Republican but was closely divided. • 2001, Democrats gain a majority in the Senate, midterm election 2002, Republicans solidify majority, retaking controlled Senate, and increasing majority in house. • 2004 George Bush reelected by popular majority. • Republicans increase majorities in both houses. • 2006 midterm elections: Iraq war, dissatisfaction with job performance, Democrats take over Congress. • Attributed to unpopular president and war. • 2008 presidential election - Obama has the largest congressional majorities sense LBJ. • Era of divided government shifted, new era of one party dominance of the executive and legislative branches ???

• Election 2000, divided government was the theme. • Gore receives more popular vote than Bush, still loses electoral college. • Congress remains Republican but was closely divided. • 2001, Democrats gain a majority in the Senate, midterm election 2002, Republicans solidify majority, retaking controlled Senate, and increasing majority in house. • 2004 George Bush reelected by popular majority. • Republicans increase majorities in both houses. • 2006 midterm elections: Iraq war, dissatisfaction with job performance, Democrats take over Congress. • Attributed to unpopular president and war. • 2008 presidential election - Obama has the largest congressional majorities sense LBJ. • Era of divided government shifted, new era of one party dominance of the executive and legislative branches ???

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action•Third parties - minor parties, play a major role in influencing elections. • Although no chance to win, they wage local campaign and influence the other two parties. • Often ideological, single issue oriented, economically motivated, personality driven. • Include: socialist, libertarian, right to life, populists, Bull moose, United we stand, tea party. • 1840s and 50s the free soil party opposed the spread of slavery. • The know nothings opposed Irish immigration. •The populist party 1892 to 1908 put forth ideas that lead to a number of reforms: initiative, referendum,and recall. •Also push government to take a greater role in the regulation of monopolies. •Bull Moose party 1912 played spoiler in that election.•Roosevelt formed his own party and garnered 25% of the vote, 88 electoral votes. •1968-George Wallace is American independent party: opposed Integration-receive 13% of the vote and 46 electoral votes,

•Third parties - minor parties, play a major role in influencing elections. • Although no chance to win, they wage local campaign and influence the other two parties. • Often ideological, single issue oriented, economically motivated, personality driven. • Include: socialist, libertarian, right to life, populists, Bull moose, United we stand, tea party. • 1840s and 50s the free soil party opposed the spread of slavery. • The know nothings opposed Irish immigration. •The populist party 1892 to 1908 put forth ideas that lead to a number of reforms: initiative, referendum,and recall. •Also push government to take a greater role in the regulation of monopolies. •Bull Moose party 1912 played spoiler in that election.•Roosevelt formed his own party and garnered 25% of the vote, 88 electoral votes. •1968-George Wallace is American independent party: opposed Integration-receive 13% of the vote and 46 electoral votes,

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action•Ross Perot - 1992 presidential race, appeared in the presidential debates, struck a chord with 20% of the electorate. •Called for the reduction of the nation's deficit. • Didn't win a single electoral vote. • 1996 Perot ran again, only one 10% of the vote, United we stand party splinters.• Party Dealignment - people are gradually moving away from their parties and from party loyalty. • Shift to a more neutral ideological view of party identification • traditional Southern Democrats moved to the Republican Party because they viewed the Republicans is more conservative. • Women's rights activist, civil rights supporters, people who believe in abortion, help to make up the democratic coalition because the party is supported these issues nationally. • Political labels can be deceptive. • Several polls reflect what people believe is meant by being liberal, or conservative. •People describe liberals as-excepting change, supporting spending program increases, favoring social programs, believing in the rights of all people.

•Ross Perot - 1992 presidential race, appeared in the presidential debates, struck a chord with 20% of the electorate. •Called for the reduction of the nation's deficit. • Didn't win a single electoral vote. • 1996 Perot ran again, only one 10% of the vote, United we stand party splinters.• Party Dealignment - people are gradually moving away from their parties and from party loyalty. • Shift to a more neutral ideological view of party identification • traditional Southern Democrats moved to the Republican Party because they viewed the Republicans is more conservative. • Women's rights activist, civil rights supporters, people who believe in abortion, help to make up the democratic coalition because the party is supported these issues nationally. • Political labels can be deceptive. • Several polls reflect what people believe is meant by being liberal, or conservative. •People describe liberals as-excepting change, supporting spending program increases, favoring social programs, believing in the rights of all people.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action•The pole reflected peoples views of being conservative - resistant to change, thrifty, traditional, narrow minded. • Regarding foreign-policy: liberals favor defense cuts conservatives favor government spending on defense over social welfare programs. • Social issues liberals favor freedom of choice, Conservatives favor right to life. • Liberals are opposed to school prayer, Conservatives favor moment of silent prayer. • Liberals view government as a means to dealing with problems facing society, Conservatives favor and hands off position. • Liberals are more sympathetic to the rights of the accused Conservatives tend to favor victims rights. • Constituencies attracted to the two parties: big business to the Republicans, labor unions to the Democrats•The structure of the parties on the national level differs substantially. • Democrats - factional party: emphasizing mobilization and conciliation with party activists. •Republican Party-bureaucratic party devoted to winning elections, focus on fundraising and providing consulting services to candidates.

•The pole reflected peoples views of being conservative - resistant to change, thrifty, traditional, narrow minded. • Regarding foreign-policy: liberals favor defense cuts conservatives favor government spending on defense over social welfare programs. • Social issues liberals favor freedom of choice, Conservatives favor right to life. • Liberals are opposed to school prayer, Conservatives favor moment of silent prayer. • Liberals view government as a means to dealing with problems facing society, Conservatives favor and hands off position. • Liberals are more sympathetic to the rights of the accused Conservatives tend to favor victims rights. • Constituencies attracted to the two parties: big business to the Republicans, labor unions to the Democrats•The structure of the parties on the national level differs substantially. • Democrats - factional party: emphasizing mobilization and conciliation with party activists. •Republican Party-bureaucratic party devoted to winning elections, focus on fundraising and providing consulting services to candidates.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action• Results: Democrats have selected candidates with a liberal orientation, Republicans have fielded more moderate nominees.• Result :numeric advantage of the Democratic Party is offset by the appeal of Republican candidates. • On the state level strength varies by region. • National parties have little real control over state-level entities.

• Local party organizations have five distinct types: • 1 - the machine: recruits its members with tangible incentives, high degree of leadership control, dependent on federal patronage jobs in the past, kickbacks on contracts, payments from officeholders, funds from businessmen. • Influx of poor immigrants led to machines providing social welfare functions. Machine abuse curtailed by Hatch Act, stricter registration laws, civil-service reforms, competitive bidding laws. •As voters became more sophisticated and educated the less dependent on machines. •Machines interest in winning elections meant that they supported popular candidates, regardless of ideology.

• Results: Democrats have selected candidates with a liberal orientation, Republicans have fielded more moderate nominees.• Result :numeric advantage of the Democratic Party is offset by the appeal of Republican candidates. • On the state level strength varies by region. • National parties have little real control over state-level entities.

• Local party organizations have five distinct types: • 1 - the machine: recruits its members with tangible incentives, high degree of leadership control, dependent on federal patronage jobs in the past, kickbacks on contracts, payments from officeholders, funds from businessmen. • Influx of poor immigrants led to machines providing social welfare functions. Machine abuse curtailed by Hatch Act, stricter registration laws, civil-service reforms, competitive bidding laws. •As voters became more sophisticated and educated the less dependent on machines. •Machines interest in winning elections meant that they supported popular candidates, regardless of ideology.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action• 2 - ideological parties: value principles above all else. • Typically third parties. Socialist, Populist, Libertarian. • Parties are marked by intense internal conflict over issues, leaves little room for bargaining.

• 3 - Solidary Groups - people who find politics fun. Their advantage they are neither corrupt nor inflexible.

• 4 - sponsored parties: created without patronage or ideology include the UAW's role in Detroit Democratic Party

• 5 - personal followings: personality of the candidate is more important than other party organizations. • These parties deprive average voters of any kind of reasonable basis for judging the candidates. • National parties have begun to assimilate characteristics of the other.

• 2 - ideological parties: value principles above all else. • Typically third parties. Socialist, Populist, Libertarian. • Parties are marked by intense internal conflict over issues, leaves little room for bargaining.

• 3 - Solidary Groups - people who find politics fun. Their advantage they are neither corrupt nor inflexible.

• 4 - sponsored parties: created without patronage or ideology include the UAW's role in Detroit Democratic Party

• 5 - personal followings: personality of the candidate is more important than other party organizations. • These parties deprive average voters of any kind of reasonable basis for judging the candidates. • National parties have begun to assimilate characteristics of the other.

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action• Democratic Party has been embracing aspects of the Republican Party structure, adopting direct mailing techniques, the use of super-delegates to ensure the most electable candidate.

• Democrats have moved more towards the center, Republicans have become more isolated on the ideological extreme.

• Two primary factors for the existence of two major parties.

• One - elections are based on plurality, winner take all system. • Perception that a vote for a minor party will be a wasted vote.

• Two - Americans have not faced long-standing controversies over the organization of the economy, the role of the church, or the prerogatives of a monarchy.

•Three - state laws make it is seemingly difficult for third parties to get on the ballot

• Democratic Party has been embracing aspects of the Republican Party structure, adopting direct mailing techniques, the use of super-delegates to ensure the most electable candidate.

• Democrats have moved more towards the center, Republicans have become more isolated on the ideological extreme.

• Two primary factors for the existence of two major parties.

• One - elections are based on plurality, winner take all system. • Perception that a vote for a minor party will be a wasted vote.

• Two - Americans have not faced long-standing controversies over the organization of the economy, the role of the church, or the prerogatives of a monarchy.

•Three - state laws make it is seemingly difficult for third parties to get on the ballot

Political Parties & Political ActionPolitical Parties & Political Action Democratic Party has been embracing aspects of the Republican Party structure, adopting direct mailing techniques, the use of super-delegates to ensure the most electable candidate.

• Democrats have moved more towards the center, Republicans have become more isolated on the ideological extreme.

• Two primary factors for the existence of two major parties.

• One - elections are based on plurality, winner take all system. • Perception that a vote for a minor party will be a wasted vote.

• Two - Americans have not faced long-standing controversies over the organization of the economy, the role of the church, or the prerogatives of a monarchy.

•Three - state laws make it is seemingly difficult for third parties to get on the ballot

Democratic Party has been embracing aspects of the Republican Party structure, adopting direct mailing techniques, the use of super-delegates to ensure the most electable candidate.

• Democrats have moved more towards the center, Republicans have become more isolated on the ideological extreme.

• Two primary factors for the existence of two major parties.

• One - elections are based on plurality, winner take all system. • Perception that a vote for a minor party will be a wasted vote.

• Two - Americans have not faced long-standing controversies over the organization of the economy, the role of the church, or the prerogatives of a monarchy.

•Three - state laws make it is seemingly difficult for third parties to get on the ballot