Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through

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  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through



    ___ ___/ \ / \|--O--|----------PLATINUM VERSION---------|--O--|\___/ \___/


    EMAIL: [email protected]

    +------------------------+ +--------+

    || TABLE OF CONTENT || || 0001||


    || Name || Section #||


    || Table of Contents || 0001||


    || Version History || 0002||


    || Sinnoh Guide || A003||

    || Route 201 || 00A3||

    || Sandgem Town || 00B3||

    || Route 202 || 00C3||

    || Jublife City || 00D3||

    || Route 203 || 00E3

    |||| Oreburgh Gate || 00F3

    |||| Oreburgh City || 00G3

    |||| Oreburgh Mine || 00H3

    |||| Oreburgh Gym || 00I3


  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    || Oreburgh Gate-Jublife || 00J3||

    || Route 204 || 00K3||

    || Floaroma Town || 00L3||

    || Route 205 || 00M3|||| Eterna Forest || 00N3

    |||| Eterna City || 00O3

    |||| Eterna Gym || 00P3

    |||| Galactic Building || 00Q3

    |||| Route 211 (Eterna) || 0211

    |||| Route 206 || 00R3

    |||| Route 207 || 00S3

    |||| Mt. Coronet || 00T3

    |||| Route 208 || 00U3

    |||| Hearthome City || 00V3

    |||| Hearthome Gym || 0113

    |||| Route 209 || 00W3


    || Lost Tower || 00X3||

    || Solaceon Town || 00Y3||

    || Solaceon Ruins || 00SR||

    || Route 210 || 00Z3||

    || Route 215 || 0013||

    || Veilstone City || 0023||

    || Veilstone City Gym || 0033

    |||| Route 214 || 0043

    |||| Route 213 || 0053

    |||| Pastoria City || 0063



  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    || Side Quests || 0A03||

    || -Event Pokemon || 0A07||


    || Move List || M00A|||| -Move Table of Contents || M001


    -|||| Misc Guides || G001

    |||| -Mystery Gift Guide || G011


    -|||| Pokedex 001-151 || P001 ||

    || Pokedex 152-251 || P002||

    || Pokedex 397-492 || P004||


    || Copyright and Credits || LGAL||

    || Email Info || EMIL||


    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| VERSION HISTORY|--O--|



    September 10, 2008: BARE BONES VERSION------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 13, 2008: Guide up to Eterna City finished.------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 17, 2008: Well, I added everything up to Hearthome and Fatina,

    and added some barebones info on the Pokemon found on

  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    each route. I plan to at least get one gym done eachday or every other day, so look for more frequent

    updatesfrom now on.


    September 18, 2008: A very small update. I corrected the rival battleinfoafter the fight with Fatina. Was going to do it

    yesterday,but got a little tired. Anywho, next big update should be

    on the 19th.------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 21, 2008: Added move tuitor info to the two Pokedex's and addedthe

    guide up to the Veilstone Gym. Sorry for the delay,had

    some stuff to do on Friday so I had to push the

    update toMonday.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 5, 2008: Sorry for the delay again, I got caught up in Worldof

    Warcraft the last week or so (Hey, what can I say?Its

    addictive!). Anywho, here are the updates:

    * Added a small section on the Solaceon Ruins at theend

    of Solaceon Town

    * Updated the guide up to the Pastoria Gym

    * Added Pokedex info for Generation 2 Pokemon (152-251)

    * Fixed a few minor things here and there.

    After this update, I am planning on updating theguide

    at least every week or so, if not more. I do plan onhaving at least one Gym or major section added eachupdate, so the guide should start being completed a

    bitfaster now.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------December 2, 2008: Hi everyone. As you can tell, there has not been aupdate

    in nearly two months. Part of that is because my PClost

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  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    again. Now, hear on to Route 201.

    After a brief conversation with your rival, Professor Rowan will appearandtalk to you for a little bit and ask you a few questions. When he asks,choose

    the top option. After a little while, his assistant will appear with thebriefcase and allow you to choose from the three starters: Piplup,Chimchar,and Turtwig.

    Which one should you choose? Well, several factors come into play:

    *Do you know anyone else that has this game, and if so what starter didtheyget? Although you can get other starters via online trading, it would

    helpto know what the other people around you have so you can get them a bit


    *How experienced are you with previous Pokemon games? Turtwig evolveslate atlevel 18, but evolves much earlier then the others at level 32 and has

    dualgrass/ground type. Chimchar evolves earlier at level 14, but evolves

    likenormal at level 36 and has fire/fighting type. Piplup evolves the

    latest atlevel 16, and then 36 with water/steel type.

    *Have you played D/P before? If so, then you know what to expect. Since

    Platinum has a increase of Fire types, you might not need Chimchar likeyouonce did. You might want to pick a starter you never tried before.

    *Each have their own uses with gyms. Here is a example of each:

    +------------------------------------------------------------------------+| First Gym: Rock |(Turtwig and Piplup are strong, and Chimchar is

    || | weak against it until it gains fighting moves

    || | when it evolves)


    --|| Second Gym: Grass |(Chimchar is the strongest here, while Piplup

    || | is the weakest)



  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    | Third Gym: Ghost |(None are strong here, and Turtwig's Evolutions|| | cannot attack Gengar and other Pokemon with

    || | ground attacks. Also noteable is Chimchar's


    | | evolutions fighting moves are ineffective|| | against ghost types)


    --|| Fourth Gym: Fighting |(None are strong here, although Chimchar has

    || | a type advantage against the leader's Lucario)


    --|| Fifth Gym: Water |(Turtwig is the strongest here, while Chimchar

    || | is the weakest)


    --|| Sixth Gym: Steel |(Chimchar is very effective here, while Turtwig

    || | can also be useful on all besides Bronzong

    with || | ground-type attacks. Piplup can also hit

    Steelix|| | pretty hard with water attacks).


    |----------------------|-------------------------------------------------|| Seventh Gym: Ice |(Chimchar is effective here, although its

    || | evolutions are weak against the leader's

    || | Medicham. Turtwig is ineffective here).


    --|| Eighth Gym: Electric |(Turtwig's evolutions are very strong here,

    || | while Piplup is weak here)



    As you can see, Chimchar is the most effective type-wise against theGyms,while Turtwig comes in second. Piplup is not very effective in most ofthe

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    gyms. After Rowan and his assitant leaves, your rival asks you aquestion.Choose the top option to battle him.


    |Boss: Rival||----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Starter: lv 5 (Fire type Chimchar if you choose Turtwig, Water type|| Piplup if you choose Chimchar, Grass type Turtwig if you|| choose Piplup).||------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ----||Info: Like the classic games, you fight your rival right after you getyour || first Pokemon. Bad news is your are evenly leveled, so both areyou || are equal in terms of skill. Good news is your rival likes to usea || lot of non-damaging skills most of the time. So, just take it easyand|| use your damaging attack. It usually takes about 5-7 hits, but ifyour|| rival uses his non-damaging attack too much, use your own. If you|

    | do lose, you only lost about 40p and some EXP.|\----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    Once you do beat or lose to your Rival, you will be transported back homewhere your mother will give you the Running Shoes. To use them, hold Bwhilerunning. Once you are ready, head to back to Route 201.


    / \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 201|--O--|



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    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Starly |? |? |? |Normal ||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Kriketot |- |- |? |Normal ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Nidoran Male |20% |PKMN Radar||Nidoran Female |20% |PKMN Radar||Doduo |40% |Swarm ||Growlithe |8% |FireRed |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Once on the Route, your Rival will ask you to go to Lake Verity. Go Westand up

    to the lake. Once there, you will see a man with blue hair and then hewillleave (Fans of DP will know who this is right off the bat). After that,youwill hear the Legendary Mespirit and then your rival will leave. Once youaredone, head back to Route 201.

    You cannot catch anything at this point, but you might want to fight afewBidoofs before you move on. You want to be at least level 7 beforeleaving thisarea, if not higher. Once you are ready, head to the right to reach


    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| SANDGEM TOWN|--O--|



    Pokemart Items:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||Poke Ball |200 ||Potion |300 |

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    |Antidote |100 ||Paralyze Heal |200 |\-------------------------------------------/

    As soon as you enter town, Prof. Rowan's assistant will escort you to hislab,

    where you will get the Pokedex. Once he is done, head outside and hewill giveyou TM 27 (Return). Rowan's Assitant will then you will get shown aroundtown.Unfortunately, there is not much you can do at this point, although youcanbuy Pokeballs and Potions, so stock up for the road ahead. You can alsohead onthe beach to Route 219, but you can't do much besides get a Antidote. Youmaywant to check out the Pokemon Center as well and heal up.


    --+| !!! NOTE !!!|+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| The Pokedex on the save screen now shows the Pokemon seen instead|| of caught. This comes into play later on after you beat the story|| mode of the game.|+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    You will then have to go back to Twinleaf to talk to your mother. Onceyou do,you will get a Journal from your mother and a Parcel from your rival'smother.Once you got both, head back to Sandgem Town and then up to Route 202 tocontinue.


    / \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 202|--O--|



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    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Bidoof |30% |30% |30% |Normal ||Shinx |30% |30% |30% |Normal |

    |Starly |30% |40% |20% |Normal ||Kricketot |10% |- |20% |Normal ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Zigzagoon |40% |Swarm ||Sentret |22% |PKMN Radar||Growlithe |8% |FireRed |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    As soon as you enter the Route, Rowan's Assistant will show up and showyou how

    to catch Pokemon and give you 5 Pokeballs. Now is also a good time tocatchsome Pokemon. Starly and Shinx are both great additions to your team, sotryto catch them before you move on. Bidoof and Kricketot, though...Catchthemfor the Pokedex, at least.

    Also, there are some trainers on the route. Nothing too major: mostly inthe2-5 level range, so you may want to level up a little bit. You can alsogeta Potion in the grass near the entrance to Jublife City. Once you are

    ready,head on to Jublife.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| JUBLIFE CITY|--O--|




    Pokemart Items:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||Poke Ball |200 |

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    |Heal Ball |300 ||Potion |300 ||Antidote |100 ||Paralyze Heal |200 ||Heal Ball |300 ||Air Mail |50 |


    As soon as you set foot in Jublife, Rowan's Assistant will approach youandthen introduce you to a undercover cop codenamed Handsome. After a briefchat, he will give you the Battle Recorder, a new key item. Your nextstopis the Trainer's School to the left of the Pokemon Center.

    =====================||Trainer's School ||==============================================================================

    Trainers:/------------------------------------------------\|School Kid Harrison ||Money: 120p ||EV Gained: ||Rematch Trainer: No ||------------------------------------------------||Pokemon: ||Starly lv 6 (Normal/Flying) ||------------------------------------------------||Info: At the beginning of the battle, Harrison || seems to use a X Speed to increase |

    | Starly's Speed. Not only that, but it || seems to use Quick Attack all the time. || Make sure your Pokemon is at least 5 or || higher before facing him, and have a || Potion or two if things go south. ||------------------------------------------------|| ||------------------------------------------------||School Kid Christine ||Money: 120p ||EV Gained: 1 Special Attack ||Rematch Trainer: No ||------------------------------------------------|

    |Pokemon: ||Bidoof lv 6 (Normal) ||------------------------------------------------||Info: Bidoof is similar to all the others you || have faced so far, although the big trick || is Christine likes to use a potion near || the end of the battle, so make sure you || have a evenly leveled Pokemon and a || Potion. |

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    Inside, you will see your rival. Talk to him to give him the parcel andhewill give you a town map in exchange (Granted, it is sort of useless).You

    can read the blackboard for some tips, and you can battle the twotrainersto the right for EXP. Once you beat the male trainer, talk to him to getafree Potion. You can also get a X attack in the upper left corner.


    The next thing you should do if talk to the man in the street in betweenthePokemon Center and the Trainer School. He will tell you to find threeclowns

    and answer several questions for a prize. Here are the location of theclowns(They are dressed in yellow and have Jesters hats):

    - In front of the Pokemart (Directly north of the Pokemon Center)- In front of the Jublife TV station (Directly north of town)- In front of the Poketech Company (Directly Northwest of town)

    As far as I remember, I do not remember getting a wrong answer (I saidyes toall three and got the questions right. Once you answer the question, youwillget a Poketech Coupon.

    Once you get all 3 Poketech coupons, go talk to the man to the left ofthePokemon center and he will give you a Poketech. This device will allowyou todo several things on the touch screen that can be upgraded over time.However,at this point, you only have the first few Apps, so it is only good fortimeright now. Its also good to note that it has been upgraded since DP, andnowhas a back button.

    Before you leave, you may want to go to Route 218 a bit early (Route 218iswest of Jublife). Inside the gatehouse on your way there, you can pick upaold rod from the fisherman. While is pretty much only catching Magikarp,itmight be a good idea to pick a Magikarp early if you do not have a WaterPokemon (Keep in mind that Magikarp itself is pretty much useless. Itsevolution at lv 20, Grads, is a very powerful Pokemon).

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    Once you have gotten some Pokeballs and potions from the Pokemart andhaveseen everything you wanted in Jublife, head east to Route 203.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 203|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal ||Starly |? |? |? |Normal ||Kriketot |- |- |? |Normal ||Shinx |? |? |? |Normal ||Abra |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |- |- |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Goldeen |? |Fish |

    |Seaking |? |Fish ||Psyduck |? |Surf ||Golduck |? |Surf ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Seedot |8% |Ruby ||Lotad |8% |Sapphire ||Pineco |8% |Emerald ||Cubone |40% |Swarm |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    As soon as you enter the Route, you will be challenged by your Rival. Bynow,your Pokemon should be in the 6-10 lv range, so go train if they are not.

    /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Rival|

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    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Starly lv 7 (Normal/Flying)|

    |Starter: lv 9 (Fire type Chimchar if you choose Turtwig, Water type|| Piplup if you choose Chimchar, Grass type Turtwig if you|| choose Piplup).||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Your Rival is at a fairly high level this early in the game, hisStarly|| alone can cause problems if you choose Turtwig. The best way totake || down his team at this point is to have a Shinx at around lv 6-7,

    your || own Starly around the same level, and your starter at lv 8 orabove. || Shinx does not have any major electric moves at this point, but heis || one of the more powerful Pokemon at this point. Starly learns Wing|| Attack at lv 9, which can wipe out his Pokemon is only a few hits.Your|| starter should be kept in reserve and as a last option at thispoint. |\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    Once you beat him, you will be able to continue. There are 5 trainers onthis Route, so it may be a good time to level up for the upcoming Gym.Also,try to catch a Abra if you can at this point if you have someone that youcan trade with. It is also a good idea to catch Shinx at this point ifyouhave not. Once you are done on this route, continue east to the OreburghGate.


    / \/ \|--O--| OREBURGH GATE|--O--|



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    Top Level:/-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Zubat |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Psyduck |? |? |? |Normal ||Geodude |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||None ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||None |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    At this point, you cannot do much in this small cave. Talk to the hikerwhenyou first enter to get HM 06, Rock Smash (Although you cannot use it atthispoint until you get the first badge). Geodude and Zubat are both common,bothbeing a excellent addition to your team (Zubat's final evolution Crobatis avery good Poison/Flying type that would serve well as your main PoisonPokemon,and Geodude's final evolution Golem does well in most situations, but youwillneed to trade to get him). You can now also catch Psyduck in Platinum,

    whichis not bad earlier on if you did not get Piplup.

    There are also some low level trainers here that you can't avoid, so makesureyou use a Pokemon that needs the EXP. Head east until you reach the exittoOreburgh City.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \

    / \|--O--| OREBURGH CITY|--O--|



  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    Pokemart Items:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||Poke Ball |200 ||Potion |300 |

    |Antidote |100 ||Paralyze Heal |200 ||Heal Ball |300 ||Net Ball |1000 ||Tunnel Mail |50 |\-------------------------------------------/

    Not much you can do at this point. Your rival is blocking the way to theOreburgh Gym and tells you that the gym leader is not in right now. TheOreburgh Museum does not have much in it until you have some fossils fromTheUnderground. The second condominium near when you first entered has awoman

    that will trade you a Abra for a Machop: a good deal if you cannot findoneyourself (Although it cannot learn any level up moves until it evolves atlv16, you can teach it TMs and HMs).

    Also, the Pokemon Center will now have the downstairs center open,allowingyou to trade and battle people online. Once you are ready to continue,headdown south to the Oreburgh Mine.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| OREBURGH MINE|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Zubat |? |? |? |Normal ||Geodude |? |? |? |Normal ||Onix |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------|

  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    |None ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||None |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    One small thing you will notice is there is now coal conveyer belts inthefirst room of the mines now, but it is mostly just a cosmetic change.

    The only new Pokemon at this point is Onix, which is not quite a good oneatthis point of the game (Catch anyway for the Pokedex if you do see one,though).

    Here, you will need to go down to the basement and talk to the GymLeader,Roark. He is located at the southern part of the basement area of the

    mine,next to two breakable rocks. Once you talk to him, he will return to thegym.At this point, there is much to do inside the mine besides train againstwildPokemon. You should be at least in the 10s range for all of your Pokemon.

    Once you are done in the mine, return to Oreburgh and head to the Gym.Keep inmind that he specializes in Rock and Ground type Pokemon, so water andgrassPokemon are good at this point. Only problem is the only Grass and WaterPokemon at this point are your starters...

    ____________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| OREBURGH GYM|--O--|



    Roark has not changed one bit since his DP days, so the same strategy youusedback then will work here. You can either challenge the two trainers bygoingstraight up (They are good EXP, and you cannot fight them once you beatthegym), or you can go up the steps on your left, over the bridge, and upthe

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    steps on your right, and then head to the Gym Leader. Make sure you bringseveral Potions before you fight him, and head to the Pokemon Center ifyoufought the other trainers.


    -----\|Boss: Roark||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Geodude lv 12 (Rock/Ground)||Onix lv 12 (Rock/Ground)||Cranidos lv 14 (Rock)|

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Roark is similar to Brock and Roxanne from the previous games,|| although much harder. His signature move is Stealth Rock: a move|| similar to Spikes that damages your Pokemon when you switch out.|| Geodude is his easiest Pokemon, absorb from Turtwig and bubblefrom || Piplup work well on him. His next Pokemon is Onix, which is sortof || a tougher Geodude with a higher defense. Same strategy works well

    || with him.|

    || His final Pokemon is Cranidos: a powerful fossil Pokemon with ahigh || attack (Headbutt is brutal at this point). The best Pokemon to use|| against him is a Geodude with the move Magnitude (Rock is weakagainst || Ground, although Geodude learns it at lv 15). Its also good tonote || that if your starter isn't evolved, there is a good chance he will

    not || last long against his Cranidos (Especially Chimchar). If you arehaving|| a hard time, make sure you do not use any flying or electric typeslike|| Starly and Shinx and try to evolve your starter as soon as youcan. || Psyduck is also a really good option, since you can capture him inthe |

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    | Oreburgh Gate (Although he is somewhat rare), and learns water gunat || level 9.|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    Once you beat Roark, you will get the Coal Badge and TM76 (Stealth Rock).There isn't much else to do at this point you can head up to Route 207andcatch a Machop early (They are fairly common. Personally, though,Machop'sfinal evolution Machamp is sort of meh at this point and not all thatusefuldown the road). You can also get Ponyta early now and even Ralts(AlthoughRalts ia a bit hard to find most of the time). Once you are done inOreburgh,head back to the Oreburgh gate (You will also see your Rival near the


    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| OREBURGH GATE|--O--|




    Top Level:/-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Zubat |? |? |? |Normal ||Psyduck |? |? |? |Normal ||Geodude |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||None |

    |------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||None |\-----------------------------------------------------/


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    | !!! NOTE !!!|+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| You will need Rock Smash and a Pokemon that can use Rock Smash|

    | before you can continue in this section|+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    Note that the following is optional (Skip on ahead to the Jublife sectionafter this one if you want to continue), but I will cover it anyway. Youcan now break the rocks to the north of the Oreburgh Gate and enter thefirst half of the basement.

    Basement is pretty much the same in Platnium, although you will no longerfind

    Flash down there, and you can now catch Psyduck on the first floor. Keepgoingto Jublife.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| JUBLIFE CITY|--O--|



    As soon as you get near Jublife, Officer Handsome shows up and tells yousomething, and then runs off. Anywho, now that you have the first badge,youcan now enter the Poketech building and the GTS (Since you do not havethatmany Pokemon in your Pokedex at this point, it is sort of pointless.However,you might want to get a Cranidos if you are playing Pearl, it will helpquite a bit). You can also get a new Poketech App by talking to thePresidentof the Poketech Company on the first floor of the building to the


    Once you are ready to continue, head up directly North foe find Rowan andhis assistant being pestered by some oddly dressed people. Its also timefor your first 2-on-2 trainer battle.


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    |Boss: 2 Team Galactic Grunts||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:|

    |Glameow lv 11 (Normal)||Stunky lv 11 (Poison/Dark)||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Even though this is a easy battle, it is noteable for being one ofthe || few 2-on-2 event battles in the game. Rowan's Assitant will have alv || 13 starter that is the weaker type of your own (Turtwig if youhave || Chimchar, Chimchar if you have Piplup, and Piplup if you have

    Turtwig).|| Your partner will always choose his/her own attacks and you will|| technically have two targets at once. In Platinum, the Pokemon are|| switched up, so it is a little harder this time around. Glameowtends || to use Fake Out on the first turn, and then likes to use scratch,while|| Stunky tends to use stat lowering moves most of the time. If youhave || a Machop with a fighting move, or a Monferno with fighting moves,they |

    | both do well here.|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    Once that is over, a man will show up and give you a Fashion Case. Onceyouare done in Jublife, head on over to Route 204.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \

    / \|--O--| ROUTE 204|--O--|



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    South of 204:/-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Starly |? |? |? |Normal ||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Kriketot |- |- |? |Normal ||Shinx |? |? |? |Normal ||Budew |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |? |? |- |Normal ||Wurmple |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Psyduck |? |Surf ||Golduck |? |Surf ||Goldeen |? |Fish ||Seaking |? |Fish ||------------------------------------------|----------|

    |National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Caterpie |8% |FireRed ||Weedle |8% |LeafGreen ||Seedot |8% |Ruby ||Lotad |8% |Sapphire ||Pineco |8% |Emerald |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Another no-thrills route. Not much is different with the availablePokemonbesides being able to catch Budew (Pre-evolution to Roselia, may want to

    pickup if you do not have Turtwig). In Platinum, you can now catch Wurmple alittle earlier then normal as well.

    ================||Ravaged Path||==============================================================================

    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------|

    |Psyduck |? |? |? |Normal ||Geodude |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Barboach |? |Fish ||Whiscash |? |Fish ||------------------------------------------|----------|

  • 8/7/2019 Pokemon - IV - Platinum Walk Through


    |National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||None |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    The Ravaged Path is too small a place to give too much detail on

    (Althoughyou can get some more items later on once you can surf). Just make sureyou have a Pokemon that can use Rock Smash and head to the right.


    ======================||North of Route 204||======================

    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Starly |? |? |? |Normal ||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal ||Kriketot |- |- |? |Normal ||Shinx |? |? |? |Normal ||Budew |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |? |? |- |Normal ||Wurmple |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------|

    |Psyduck |? |Surf ||Golduck |? |Surf ||Goldeen |? |Fish ||Seaking |? |Fish ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Seedot |8% |Ruby ||Lotad |8% |Sapphire ||Pineco |8% |Emerald ||Sunkern |20% |Pokeradar |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Once you exit, you will be back on Route 204. Head up to the north toreachFloaroma Town.


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    / \/ \|--O--| FLOAROMA TOWN|--O--|


    ___/ \00L3/----

    Pokemart Items:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||Poke Ball |200 ||Potion |300 ||Super Potion |700 ||Antidote |100 ||Paralyze Heal |200 |

    |Awakening |250 ||Burn Heal |250 ||Ice Heal |250 ||Escape Rope |550 ||Repel |350 ||Heal Ball |300 ||Net Ball |1000 ||Bloom Mail |50 |\-------------------------------------------/

    Floaroma has received a small face lift in Platinum, but it is still afairly

    dead town for the most part. Head to the Flower Shop to get the Sprayduckfrom a woman inside (Used to water berries in soft soil).

    Heal up at the Pokemon center and head east to Route 205.

    =============||Route 205||==============================================================================

    You won't be able to get far on the Route. Team Galactic Grunts arestandingguard on the bridge to the north, meaning you cannot continue.

    Headright to the Valley Windworks instead.



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    ||Valley Windworks||==============================================================================


    |Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Shinx |? |? |? |Normal ||Pachirisu |? |? |? |Normal ||Buizel |? |? |? |Normal ||Shellos |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Finneon |? |Fish ||Lumineon |? |Fish ||Tentacool |? |Surf ||Tentacruel |? |Surf |

    |Shellos |? |Surf ||Gastrodon |? |Surf ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Mareep |20% |Pokeradar ||Electrike |40% |Swarm ||Shellder |? |Super Rod |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Although the Windworks themselves are your main target, there are a fewnew

    Pokemon worth noting. Buizel is a water type, although he is a bit...meh.Shellos, however, will be very handy later on (Its evolution is Water/Ground, same type as Quagsire and has resistance to electric attacks. Gethimif you do not have a Piplup). Parchirisu is a horrible electric Pokemon,soonly catch him for the Pokedex.

    Once you are ready, go talk to the Grunt to engage in battle.

    /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Team Galactic Grunt

    ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Glameow lv 13 (Normal)||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

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    |Info: Glameow is about 2 levels higher then she was in D/P, but you canstill|| beat her easily. Use Rock Smash or any other fighting moves youmight || have, although pretty much anything can kill it.|


    Once you defeat him in battle, he will run into the Windworks and lockthedoor. Head back to Floaroma Town at this point.==============================================================================

    =================||Floaroma Town||


    Heal up and head to the upper left corner to find that the GalacticGruntsare now gone. Enter the Floaroma Meadow.


    ===================||Floaroma Meadow||


    As soon as you enter, you will see two Galactic grunt harassing a man. Goup the steps to battle them.

    /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Team Galactic Grunt||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:

    ||Stunky lv 13 (Poison/Dark)||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Like the previous Stunky, this one is similar. It likes to use|| mostly status effecting moves, and might occasionaly poison you.|

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    | Fighting and ground type attacks work best here.|\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    After that one, you will fight a second Grunt.

    /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Team Galactic Grunt||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Zubat lv 11 (Poison/Flying)||Zubat lv 11 (Poison/Flying)|

    |-------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Both Zubats tend to use Leech Life and Astonish, so you might not|| want to use a grass type. If Shinx has any electric attacks, use|| them. Otherwise, most normal attacks will work as well.|\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    Once they are both defeated, you will get some Honey and the Works Key.Head back to the Valley Windworks.


    ====================||Valley Windworks||==============================================================================

    Now that you have the key, you can go inside. Before you fight theGalacticCommander, you will have to fight several Grunts (2 total). Before you

    fight the commander herself, make sure you heal at a Pokemon Center. Itsalsogood to note that this is the first time you meet Pluto, the Professor ofTeam Galactic in the back. Head to the backroom to start the battle.

    /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Commander Mars|

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    South:/-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method |

    |---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal ||Pachirisu |? |? |? |Normal ||Buizel |? |? |? |Normal ||Shellos |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Finneon |? |Fish ||Lumineon |? |Fish ||Tentacool |? |Surf ||Tentacruel |? |Surf ||Gastrodon |? |Surf |

    |------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Hoppip |20% |Pokeradar ||Shellder |? |Super Rod |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Same Pokemon that was at the Windworks. This is also the first route youcanput honey on a tree and then come back later to see what you got. Youwill run

    into several trainers on the route, although your main goal is to head upnorthto the Eterna Forest. If you need to rest, there is a house near theentranceof the forest itself.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ETERNA FOREST|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------|

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    |Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal ||Kriketot |? |? |? |Normal ||Budew |? |? |? |Normal ||Wurmple |? |? |? |Normal ||Silcoon |? |? |? |Normal ||Beautifly |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Cascoon |? |? |? |Normal ||Dustox |? |? |? |Normal ||Buneary |? |? |? |Normal ||Gastly |- |- |? |Normal ||Hoothoot |- |- |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||None ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Lotad |8% |Sapphire |

    |Caterpie |8% |FireRed ||Metapod |8% |FireRed ||Weedle |8% |LeafGreen ||Kakuna |8% |LeafGreen ||Pineco |8% |Emerald ||Slakoth |40% |Swarm ||Nincada |20% |Pokeradar |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Pretty much every Pokemon in the forest is new, several you want tocatch.However, as soon as you enter the forest, you will be forced to team upwith

    a trainer named Cheryl. Although you had a partner battle before, hereis some basics:

    - When you encounter a wild Pokemon, two of them will appear at once. Youcannot throw a Pokeball until one of them faints. It may be a good ideato catch Pokemon after you get to Eterna.

    - When you have a party member and exit the way you came in, they willwaitat the entrance and rejoin you the next time you enter.

    - You cannot surf or use rock climb while a trainer follows you.

    - After each battle, yours and the trainers Pokemon will be fully healed.If any are knocked out, they are revived.

    With that out of the way, its good to note that Chansey is a very weakPokemon, usually healing itself or you in battle most of the time.However,it is at lv 15, which isn't too bad. Also, its a good idea to wait until

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    later to catch Pokemon since you will have to faint one before you canthrow Pokeballs and the trainer will still attack that Pokemon. Anotherthing to note is Eterna forest is filled with trainers lined up to havedouble battles. Even if you talk to just one, it will still be a doublebattle.

    To exit Eterna Forest: from the entrance, go right, then up, and thenrightagain. Head down, then to the right, and then up, and then to the leftandup again. If you get lost, just remember to keep going forward on thepath.Eventually, you will hit two cut-table trees (Although you can't cut themyet since you do not have the badge or HM yet). If you head right fromthose trees, you will be at the exit. Cheryl will give you a Soothe Bell,and then leave your party.

    Now that she is gone, it may be a good time to catch some Pokemon.Wurmple

    and its evolutions are a bit weak, so only catch them for the Pokedex.Buneary is a decent normal type and somewhat better then Bidoof and such.You can also catch Gastly at night, which is a great Pokemon to have ifyoucan trade its evolution Haunter to get a Gengar. Once you are done in theforest, head over to the other side of Route 205.

    ================================||Route 205 (Eterna City side)||==============================================================================

    North:/-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal ||Kriketot |? |? |? |Normal ||Budew |? |? |? |Normal ||Wurmple |? |? |? |Normal ||Silcoon |? |? |? |Normal ||Beautifly |? |? |? |Normal ||Cascoon |? |? |? |Normal ||Dustox |? |? |? |Normal ||Hoothoot |? |? |? |Normal |

    |---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Psyduck |? |Surf ||Golduck |? |Surf ||Barboach |? |Fish ||Whiscash |? |Fish ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method |

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    |------------------------------------------|----------||Slowpoke |20% |Pokeradar ||Seedot |8% |Ruby |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    The Pokemon are pretty much the same, so there is no real point unless

    youwant to level up. A few fishermen on the bridge as well you can fight.Onceyou are done, head east to Eterna City.


    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \

    / \|--O--| ETERNA CITY|--O--|



    Pokemart Items:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------|

    |Poke Ball |200 ||Potion |300 ||Super Potion |700 ||Antidote |100 ||Paralyze Heal |200 ||Awakening |250 ||Burn Heal |250 ||Ice Heal |250 ||Escape Rope |550 ||Repel |350 ||Heal Ball |300 ||Net Ball |1000 ||Nest Ball |1000 |

    |Air Mail |50 |\-------------------------------------------/

    Herbal Shop:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||Heal Powder |450 |

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    |Energypowder |500 ||Energy Root |800 ||Revival Herb |2800 |\-------------------------------------------/

    First thing: head over to the Pokemon center and heal up. Second thing to

    do is head to the house next to the Pokemon center and talk to the oldguyinside to get a Explorer Kit (You have to get it before you can leavetown)You can also now head to the underground and start digging for items(Keepin mind that some things won't appear until you get the National Dex).

    When you head up north, your rival will appear and take you to thePokemonStatue in the northern part of town, where you will run into the bluehairedman again. When you try to walk back west, a lady named Cynthia will

    appear.After talking to you, she will give you HM 01 (Cut) and then walk off.Although you cannot use it yet, the badge in this town will let you useit.You can also head over to the Herb Shop and buy some cheaper medicine,although it will lower your Pokemon's friendship with you.

    Next to the Pokemart is a Condominium where you can trade a Buizel for aChatot (A flying/normal type you will not see until much later in thegame.Not all that great for battle, though). Once you are ready, head over tothe Eterna City Gym in the lower right corner. Talk to the gym leaderGardenia, and then enter.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ETERNA GYM|--O--|




    Eterna's gym is one of the few gyms to receive a bit of a overhaul. Inthecenter is a giant flower-like clock that turns every time you fight amemberof the gym. Once you beat it, it will turn to a new section of the gymwhere

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    you can hop on the dials and go over there. Once you beat all 3 trainers,thedial will lead to the Gym Leader, Gardenia.


    -----\|Boss: Gardenia||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Cherrim lv 20 (Grass)||Turtwig lv 20 (Grass)||Roserade lv 22 (Grass/Poison)|

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Gardenia's Turtwig is her first Pokemon, and pretty much the mosteasy || of the three. If you got a Piplup, then you have already fought|| Turtwig before. Fire and Flying attacks work great on him.|||| Cherrim, her second Pokemon, is a step up from the very weakCherubi || she has in DP. It tends to use Magical Leaf most of the time, but

    it || can also use Leech Seed at times. Once again, fire and flying work|| best.|||| Roserade is a bit more powerful, being a final evolution and 2levels || above the others. If you have a Kadabra or Alakazam, now would bethe || time to use them (Psychic moves are effective against poisontypes). |

    | Flying types also work well, since they are somewhat resistantagainst || grass attacks. Also, Ponyta and Monferno work wonders if you got|| Chimchar as a starter, or Ponyta at Route 207.|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

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    Once you beat her, you will get the Forest Badge and TM 86 (Grass Knot).

    Now that you are done with the Gym, you can continue on your quest. Ifyou

    have not yet gone to the northern part of Eterna City, go north now toruninto your rival, and then into Cynthia who will give you the Cut HM.There isalso a herb shop you can buy bitter medicine from. Once you have cut,teach itto a Pokemon and cut down the trees near the spikey building at the northpartof town (To cut, either press A and select yes for the Pokemon that knowscut,or go into the Pokemon menu and select it). Also note that you will needtheGym Badge from this town before you can use cut.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| GALACTIC BUILDING|--O--|



    Once inside, you will meet up with Handsome, who will be undercover as aTeamGalactic member. The base has received a bit of a overhaul, so here iswherethe different staircases lead (In order by how they go up):

    Floor 1: Middle staircase leads to a room with a galactic grunt and abattle

    stat increase item. The right one leads to floor 2.

    Floor 2: First staircase going up leads to Floor 3, while the secondleads

    to a room with a Galactic trainer and a battle stat increaseitem.

    Floor 3: First staircase leads up to Floor 4, while the second one leadsto a room with a Blue Shard and a revive.

    For those who just want to get to the top, the correct order is:2nd staircase, 1st staircase, 1st staircase.

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    Once at the top, you will see Jupiter with the bike salesman. However,you cango to the side real quick and get the Upgrade for Porygon. Once you areready,talk to Jupiter to battle her.

    /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Commander Jupiter||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Zubat lv 21 (Poison/Flying)||Skuntank lv 23 (Poison/Dark)|

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Zubat will have Wing Attack and Bite, so fighting, Psychic, Grass,and || Ghost types are generally not a good idea (Especially if you havea || Monferno or Gastly).|||| Finally, her Stuntank is a fairly high level when compared to herD/P || counterpart. It tends to use Smokescreen to lower your accuracy

    and || then uses Extremespeed to deal a lot of damage. If you are not atleast|| level 20, your Pokemon will usually get knocked out.|||| Recommended Pokemon include: Monferno with fighting moves forSkuntank,|| Luxio with electric attacks for Zubat, Geodude with ground movesfor || Stuntank.|


    After you beat her, exit the hideout and head toward the Pokemon Centerandsave. Once you head South, Cynthia will appear and give you a Togepi eggaslong as you have a space in your party for a egg. After that is done, goto

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    bike stop and talk to the owner to get a free bike.

    Once all that is done, its time to head south to Route 206. However, youwillneed a Pokemon that knows Rock Smash, a bike, and have already gotten theexporer kit from the old man in the house next to the Pokemon Center.

    However, before we move on, here is the optional Eterna side of Route 211you can visit before continuing.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 211 (ETERNA)|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Zubat |- |- |? |Normal ||Chigling |? |? |? |Normal ||Meditite |? |? |? |Normal ||Bronzor |? |? |? |Normal ||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Hoothoot |? |? |? |Normal ||Noctowl |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||None ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Teddiursa |8% |Emerald ||Tyrogue |12% |Normal |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Route 211 is a entirely optional route, and is also split into two parts,oneto the East of Eterna City, and one closer to Celestic Town. There aretwotrainers on the route you can face now, and a third you can fight if youhaveRock Smash. At the end of the route is a entrance to Mt. Coronet with a

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    blocked path due to a boulder that you cannot move until you getStrength.Only other thing you can do here is catch a Chingling and Meditite foryourPokedex. Once you are ready, head to Route 206.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 206/CYCLING ROAD|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Kriketune |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |- |- |? |Normal ||Geodude |? |? |? |Normal ||Machop |? |? |? |Normal ||Ponyta |? |? |? |Normal ||Gligar |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||None |

    |------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Baltoy |12% |Pokeradar ||Larvitar |40% |Swarm |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| !!! NOTE !!!|+------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -+| You need the Bike to access the Cycling Road.|+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    Note that all the Pokemon on this Route are below the Cycling Road, butyou

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    will need cut to get to them. Anywho, if you have seen 30 Pokemon foryourPokedex, Rowan's assistant will give you the very handy EXP share (Havinga Pokemon hold it gives it a percentage of shared EXP from battle, aslongas it doesn't fight itself and isn't knocked out). There are some

    trainerson route 206, although they are all fairly weak.

    Once you get to the bottom of Route 206 and exit the building, you cancutthe right tree and enter the bottom part of Cycling Road. It may be averygood idea to catch a Bronzor for later, since it will be a powerhouseonceit evolves. You can also enter the Wayward cave, although there isn'tmuchto do right now (Especially since you do not have flash). Once you aredone, head to Route 207.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 207|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Kriketot |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |- |- |- |Normal ||Machop |? |? |? |Normal ||Ponyta |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Normal ||------------------------------------------|----------|

    |National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Phanpy |40% |Swarm ||Stantler |12% |Pokeradar |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    You can head down to Oreburgh City via the mud ramp, but you will needthe

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    Bike in the higher speed gear to go back up. There are several wellhiddentrainers on the route that you can fight by going near the mud slope andheadon the right path, but it doesn't lead anywhere but to a few items.

    When you get near Mt. Coronet's entrance, Rowan's assitant will greet youandplay a little guessing game. No matter what, you will always get both theVSSeeker and the Dowsing Machine. The VS Seeker serves the same purpose itdidin FR/LG (To attract trainers that are on routes), while the DowsingMachineis a fancy name for the itemfinder Poketech APP.

    Once you are ready, head on the right path and enter Mt. Coronet. (Onceagain, make sure you have a Pokemon that can do rock smash).

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| MT. CORONET|--O--|



    Several new Pokemon to catch. Meditite is a useful Fighting/PsychicPokemonthat can help curve a few of its weaknesses, so you may want to consideritif you do not have a decent fighter. Chingling is a new Pre-evolved formofChimecho, a rare Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire. However, it is somewhatweak, so only catch it for collecting purposes. Cleffa is somewhat hardtofind, but it can also be useful. While it is hard to evolve (You need tolevel it up via friendship, and then again with a rare Moon stone), itsfinal form Clefable is a decent Stage 2 Pokemon that can learn a varietyof

    moves via TMs and HMs.

    Anywho, your first trip through Mt. Coronet will be a short run. In fact,there is only one route through the cave that you can go on. Once you getup to the stairs, you will see the mysterious blue haired man again. Oncethatis done, continue on the route through the cave. Also note that you willrun

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    into rocks you will need Rock Smash for, so if you took my advice earlieryoushould have no major problems. Once you are done in the cave, you will beonRoute 208.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 208|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Bibarel |? |? |? |Normal ||Budew |? |? |? |Normal ||Roselia |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |- |- |? |Normal ||Psyduck |? |? |? |Normal ||Ralts |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Psyduck |? |Surf |

    |Golduck |? |Surf ||Goldeen |? |Fish ||Seaking |? |Fish ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Zangoose |8% |Ruby ||Seviper |8% |Sapphire ||Smeargle |12% |Pokeradar ||Dunsparce |40% |Swarm |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Few more new Pokemon. Bibarel is the evolved form of Bidoof, which is all

    but useless in battle outside as a HM slave (Catch one if you don't planon having a full team or want a quick Pokemon to teach HMs to). Psyduckisa old favorite, although it and its evolved form Golduck are not exactlythe strongest water Pokemon available.

    Anywho, once you exit the route, you will find that you are in a mountainsection of the route with several trainers. However, many of them you

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    cannot even reach until you have the Surf and Rock Climb HMs. Once pastthemountain section, you will be in a grassy area with several trainers, ahouse, and a entrance to Hearthome City. If you are collecting berries,goto the house and talk to the old man inside to get a berry (He gives you

    one each day randomly). Once you are done on the route, head to HearthomeCity.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| HEARTHOME CITY|--O--|



    Pokemart Items:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||Poke Ball |200 ||Potion |300 ||Super Potion |700 ||Antidote |100 ||Paralyze Heal |200 ||Awakening |250 |

    |Burn Heal |250 ||Ice Heal |250 ||Escape Rope |550 ||Repel |350 ||Heal Ball |300 ||Net Ball |1000 ||Nest Ball |1000 ||Heart Mail |50 |\-------------------------------------------/

    Hearthome is a little different then it was in D/P, since you now haveaccessto Fatina the first time you are here. First thing you should do,

    however, ishead to the Pokemon Contest place at the north. Inside you will meet upwithyour mother and one of the judges, and you will get a tuxedo to wear inthecontests. Once that is over, go talk to fatina (The one with the purplehair)and she will go back to the gym.

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    You may want to get the Poffin case right now, if you really want. Headto thehouse that is to the far right of the Pokemart, and talk to the old guy.Hewill give you a Poffin Case. To make Poffins, you have to go to thePoffin

    Housethat is to the left of the Pokemart. Basically, you will needberries,and a stylus to make them (sort of a mini-game, I'll explain it later).

    One big chance is you can now get Eevee now. Go to the house next to thePokemon Center and talk to Bebe inside. Answer yes, and she will give youalevel 20 Eevee. Since Eevee got two new forms (Glaceon and and Leafeon),youmight want to consider getting those. However, the only forms you can getatthis point are Umbreon, Espeon, and Leafeon if you go back to EternaForest

    and level near the rock (Best that you already have some EXP on Eeveebeforedoing it).

    Anywho, once you are ready, head to the Hearthome Gym.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| HEARTHOME GYM|--O--|



    Hearthome's gym is the most drastically redesigned, now having nothing incommon with the previous gym in D/P. Not only are the trainers on yourlevelnow, but you do not have to solve math anymore!

    Anywho, the the new rooms now go like this: The rooms are now dark andhave

    trainers wandering around with flashlights. Get caught, and you have tobattlethem. When you get to the back of the room, there are several doors withsymbols on them.

    Somewhere in the room is a tile with the symbol of the correct door to gothrough. Going through any other door takes you back to the beginning ofthe

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    gym. Also, going back through a door you just came in will take you backtothe beginning as well. Every time you exit and re-enter, the symbol tothecorrect door changes, as well as the location of the symbol.

    In the second room, it is a bit different. The symbol will only show upif youshine your light on the tile, and that goes the same for the red tilesnearthe door. Once you go through the right door, you will be in the sameroom asFatina. Talk to her to begin the battle.

    /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Fatina||------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -----||Pokemon||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Pokemon:||Duskull lv 24 (Ghost)||Haunter lv 24 (Ghost/Poison)||Mismagius lv 26 (Ghost)|

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Info: Fatina is a little bit different then her DP counterpart, and insome || respects a bit harder. Duskull is her first Pokemon, and it tendsto || start out with Will-O-Wisp to lower your attack, and then usesmoves || such as Future Sight. Ghost attacks (Lick), and Dark attacks (Biteand || Sucker Punch) work well.||

    || Haunter tends to use Shadow Claw Hypnosis and Confuse Ray to annoyyou,|| and Sucker Punch. If you have a dark, ghost, or psychic attack,use it.|| Try to knock him out quickly if you can.|||

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    | Finally, there is Mismagius. She is the most powerful, since sheis at || level 26, and her attacks include Magical Leaf (Pretty uselessmost of || the time), Psybeam (Devistating if you have a gastly, fighting, or|

    | Poison type), Shadow Ball (Kills any ghosts and psychics you have,and || deals decent damage to everyone else), and Confuse Ray.|||| For this battle, its recommended that you use ghost and darkattacks on|| all three, and psychic attacks on Haunter. However, its good tonote || that her Pokemon tend to have moves that can kill ghost types, soa || Pokemon that knows bite will be good. Monferno tends to do bad

    against || Mismagius since she knows Psybeam, so be careful.|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    Once you beat her, you will get TM 65 (Shadow Claw), and be able to useDefogoutside of battle. The gates to your right will then open and lead you toateliporter to the beginning of the gym.



    Once you have seen everything you want to see in Hearthome, head to theSoutheastern gate (Make sure you heal at a Pokemon center first). Youwillthen fight your rival for the third time.

    /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|Boss: Rival||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

    |Pokemon:||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Team 1 (If you choose Turtwig)||Staravia lv 25 (Normal/Flying)|

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    |Buizel lv 23 (Water)||Roselia lv 23 (Grass/Poison)||Monferno lv 27 (Fire/Fighting)|

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||Team 2 (If you choose Chimchar)||Staravia lv 25 (Normal/Flying)||Roselia lv 23 (Grass/Poison)||Ponyta lv 23 (Fire)||Prinplup lv 27 (Water)||------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -----||Team 3 (If you choose Piplup)||Staravia lv 25 (Normal/Flying)||Buizel lv 23 (Water)||Ponyta lv 23 (Fire)||Grotile lv 27 (Grass)||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

    |Info: Your rival has received a rather significant level increase due tothe || Hearthome Gym being moved to the 3rd gym position, although thisbattle|| is really no harder then it was in DP (If you are prepared, thatis). || Your levels are recommended to be around 23-25, although lower isfine || (Lowest should be lv 20).|||| Starvavia is the major change for this battle, a upgrade from the

    || Starly he had in D/P. Its still pretty weak, so electric and rock|| attacks take care of it pretty easily.|

    || Buizel is also another common Pokemon. Once again, a decent levelLuxio|

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    | should have no issue taking it down, if not a grass Pokemon.|||| Roselia is a piece of cake after you fought Gardenia. Fire, groundand |

    | Psychic take care of it (Ice does too, but there is no ice Pokemonat || this point).|||| Ponyta is as weak as it has always been. Water and Ground takecare of || it easily.|||| Monferno is going to be a headache if you do not have any flying

    or || water types. If you have a Gyrados (it should have at least DragonRage|| at this point), you should have no problems.|||| Prinplup is pretty much a stronger Buizel. Nothing too special.Luxio || should take care of him easily, if not a grass Pokemon.|||

    | Grotile is also a stronger Roselia, so same tactics against it.However|| you do not have any fire Pokemon at this point, so flyers workbest. |||| Recommended Pokemon for this battle include: a Luxio that is atleast || lv 17 or higher. A Gyrados that is at least lv 20 (Obviously) agrass || Pokemon such as Budew/Roselia or Grotile, a flying Pokemon such as|| Staravia, and any starter you might have. You might want to bring

    some || potions along just in case.|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    Once you beat your rival, you will be able to continue to Route 209.

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    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 209




    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Bidoof |? |? |? |Normal ||Bibarel |? |? |? |Normal ||Staravia |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Roselia |? |? |? |Normal ||Zubat |? |? |? |Normal ||Chansey |? |? |? |Normal ||Ralts |? |? |? |Normal ||Duskull |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Psyduck |? |Surf ||Golduck |? |Surf ||Goldeen |? |Fishing ||Seaking |? |Fishing ||------------------------------------------|----------|

    |National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Vulpix |? |LeafGreen ||Kirlia |? |Pokeradar ||Snubbull |? |Swarm |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Compared to D/P, Route 209 is a bit of a boring route. You can now catchDuskull, a ghost Pokemon similar to Gengar in some reguards (Especiallynowthat is has a 3rd evolution). Wild Chansey also appear on this route, soyou

    may want to consider it if you want a good wall later on.

    Like always, there are a bunch of trainers on the route with rarePokemon,so you might want to fight them so you can trade for them later on theGTS.Lost Tower is now a optional place, but you still might want to go thereanyway for some EXP.

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    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| LOST TOWER




    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Zubat |? |? |? |Normal ||Golbat |? |? |? |Normal ||Gastly |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Duskull |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||None ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||None |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Lost Tower has been both upgraded and downgraded since its fist apperancein

    D/P. The third floor and beyond are now covered with fog, meaning yourandyour opponent's accuracy will be cut in half. You can find the Defog HMat theSolaceon Ruins and teach it to a bird Pokemon to make things easier.

    Compared to what is was in D/P, there isn't much here. You now haveanotherchance to catch Gastly and Duskull, but that is about it. Unlike D/P, theHM for strength DOES NOT appear here, which was moved to Iron Island farlater in the game. So, there is pretty much nothing at the top.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| SOLACEON TOWN|--O--|


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    Pokemart Items:/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price |

    |--------------|----------------------------||Poke Ball |200 ||Potion |300 ||Super Potion |700 ||Antidote |100 ||Paralyze Heal |200 ||Awakening |250 ||Burn Heal |250 ||Ice Heal |250 ||Escape Rope |550 ||Repel |350 ||Dusk Ball |1000 ||Net Ball |1000 |

    |Nest Ball |1000 ||Air Mail |50 |\-------------------------------------------/

    For such a small town, you will be here quite a bit once you beat theEliteFour. Why? Well, the Day Care is here! If you want, you can leave aPokemonthere right now and pick it up later. While you won't get any EV's fromit,you can put two compatible Pokemon in the center and trade them on theGTS

    (even better if you have a female starter). You can also get a breedingAPPfrom the guy in the Pokemon Day Care when you talk to him, which tracksthelevel of any Pokemon in the daycare and if they have a egg.

    There are a few other things you can do while you are here. The home nextto the Pokemon Center is a News Press that is looking for someone to showthem a certain Pokemon per day. Note that the Pokemon is random andusuallyfrom the Sinnoh Dex, so it can be a Pokemon you might have never metbefore. If you show the person the right Pokemon, he will give you 3 ofany

    of the common balls out there (Can be anything from Pokeballs to Ultraballs, including balls such as Luxury Balls).

    You can also get a sticker case from the lady to the right of town.Simplygo up to the edge of town, and go right. Go past the first hedges, and goto the second ones you seen and jump down. Jump down the next set ofhedgesto reach a house with a boy and lady inside. The lady will give you a

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    sticker case, and the boy will give you a sticker for each Unown youcatch(More on that later).

    You can also enter the Solaceon Ruins (Head to the right of town, andthen

    head to the very last set of hedges. Jump down three times until you arenear a tree). In the ruins is the optional HM 05 (Defog), and the rarePokemonspecies known as the unown. Once that is out of the way, heal at thePokemoncenter and head up to Route 210.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| SOLACEON RUINS




    The ruins have now received a rather small upgrade since its firstapperancein D/P, but it is still a major stop. The ruins still contain Unown, butyoucan now find the Water, Thunder, and Fire Stones in the ruins so you canevolve Eevee.

    The Fire Stone can be found by going down the stairs to the left of theentrance and pressing A on the rock. The water stone can be got by goingdown the upper right stairs at the beginning of the ruins, then down thelower left stairs, and then down the lower left stairs again and pressingtheA button on the rock.

    The Thunderstone can be gotten by doing the same steps as the WaterStone, butinstead going to the upper right stairs and going down, then going downtheupper left stairs, and then going down the lower right stairs and

    pressing theA button at the rock.

    Finally, to get TM 06, go down this path from the beginning:

    - First Room: Upper Right Stairs- Second Room: Lower Left Stairs- Third Room: Upper Right Stairs- Fourth Room: Upper Left Stairs

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    - Fifth Room: Upper Left Stairs- Sixth Room: Lower Left Stairs

    In this room, you will find TM 06 Defog, Odd Incense, a Nugget, and theMindPlate. Also, before you leave, make sure you at least run into a Unown so

    itis recorded in your Pokedex. You will need it later to get the NationalDex,so make sure you do that.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 210-SOUTH|--O--|



    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Hoothoot |- |- |? |Normal ||Noctowl |- |- |? |Normal ||Scyther |? |? |? |Normal ||Roselia |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Geodude |? |? |? |Normal ||Ponyta |? |? |? |Normal ||Chansey |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Barboach |? |Fish ||Whiscash |? |Fish ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Zangoose |? |Ruby ||Seviper |? |Sapphire |

    |Lotad |? |Sapphire ||Lombre |? |Sapphire ||Pineco |? |Emerald ||Miltank |? |Pokeradar ||Tauros |? |Pokeradar |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Scyther now appears here and on Route 215, so you may want to consider

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    catching one. Not only is it a strong Pokemon, but getting one with theTechnician ability allows its earlier movies to be extremely powerful.Notonly that, but Scisor is a pretty good Pokemon all around.

    While you do not need the bike per se, it is a faster solution to get up

    the mud slopes then going around in the grass. Once you get to the top,youwill find the route blocked by a flock of Psyduck that you cannot move atthis point. Next to it is a Cafe that has some trainers in it and sellsMooMoo milk for 500 P. Once you are done here, go right and enter route 215.

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| ROUTE 215




    /-----------------------------------------------------\|Pokemon |Morning |Day |Night |Method ||---------------|---------|-------|--------|----------||Staravia |? |? |? |Normal ||Abra |? |? |? |Normal ||Marill |? |? |? |Normal |

    |Lickitung |? |? |? |Normal ||Scyther |? |? |? |Normal ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||Fish/Surfing |Encounter Rate |Method ||---------------|--------------------------|----------||None ||------------------------------------------|----------||National Dex |Encounter Rate |Method ||------------------------------------------|----------||Drowzee |? |Swarm |\-----------------------------------------------------/

    Few new Pokemon on this route. Lickitung is one of the many new PokemoninD/P that has received a new evolution, although it is not quite as goodas Porygon or its evolutions. Marill also appears here, which is good ifyou get one with the Huge Power ability. Abra and Scyther also appearhererather commonly.

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    Route 215 can be a bit confusing. Not only is there a bunch of trainersonthe route, but it is always raining (which does the same effect as usingthe rain dance move). Not only is fire weak on this route, but Thunder isnow 100% effective and water attacks are much more powerful.

    Anywho, the route is fairly confusing at first, but here is what youshoulddo to get to the end: go up the first set of steps and over the bridge,andgo down. Head down and to the right and head up the steps to the nextbridge. Head over the bridge and go down. From there, the route is fairlystraightforward. However, near the end is two very strong trainers, somakesure your EXP is up before fighting them (That, or fight them one at atimeby talking to them). Once you are done, head to Veilstone.

    +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| !!! NOTE !!!|+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| The two trainers near the end of the route are good EXP.|| Fight them if you are weak, since a gym is coming up soon.|+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    ___________________________________________________________________________/ \/ \|--O--| VEILSTONE CITY|--O--|



    Veilstone Department Store First Floor(Normal Trainer Items)/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||Potion |300 ||Super Potion |700 ||Hyper Potion |1200 |

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    |Max Potion |2500 ||Poke Ball |200 ||Great Ball |600 ||Ultra Ball |1200 ||Revive |1500 ||Antidote |100 |

    |Paralyze Heal |200 ||Burn Heal |250 ||Ice Heal |250 ||Awakening |250 ||Full Heal |600 ||Escape Rope |550 ||Clefairy Doll |1000 ||Repel |350 ||Super Repel |500 ||Max Repel |700 ||Flame Mail |50 ||Space Mail |50 ||Bubble Mail |50 |

    |Grass Mail |50 |\-------------------------------------------/

    Veilstone Department Store Second Floor(EV and Temporary Stat items)/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------|----------------------------||HP UP |9800 ||Carbos |9800 ||Zinc |9800 ||Calcium |9800 |

    |Iron |9800 ||Protein |9800 ||X Attack |500 ||X Defend |550 ||X Speed |350 ||X Special |350 ||X Sp. Def. |350 ||X Accuracy |950 ||Guard Spec |700 ||Dire Hit |650 |\-------------------------------------------/

    Veilstone Department Store Third Floor(TMs)/-------------------------------------------\|Item Name |Price ||--------------------|----------------------||TM 14 (Blizzard) |5500 ||TM 15 (Hyper Beam) |7500 ||TM 16 (Light Screen)|2000 ||TM 17 (Protect) |2000 |

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    |TM 20 (Safeguard) |2000 ||TM 22 (Solar Beam) |3000 ||TM 25 (Thunder) |5500 ||TM 33 (Reflect) |2000 ||TM 38 (Fire Blast) |5500 ||TM 52 (Focus Blast) |5500 |

    |TM 54 (False Swipe) |2000 ||TM 70 (Flash) |1000 ||TM 83 (Natural Gift)|2000 |\-------------------------------------------/

    Veilstone Department Store Fourth Floor(Base Accesories)/----------------------------------