
Pointers ACS 169


Pointers. ACS 169. Pointers. Pointer a data type stores a memory address points to whatever the memory location contains A pointer is a variable that can store a memory address. The type of item pointed to by a pointer variable is the target type. Examples. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Pointers

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ACS 169

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Pointers Pointer

a data type stores a memory address points to whatever the memory location


A pointer is a variable that can store a memory address. The type of item pointed to by a pointer

variable is the target type.

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Declaring Pointerstype *name;

Pointer Declarations: int * ptr; char *cptr; double *dptr;

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Pointers int * ptr;

int v = 5;ptr = & v ;

The & operator is called the address operator

either of the following assignments will store the value of 10 in the variable v:

v = 10 ; *ptr = 10 ;

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Pointers: Dereferencing cont. So far the asterisk is used in two ways:

1. int *ptr; 2. *ptr = 10 ;

the first declares the variable ptr as a pointer of type integer but it does not make it point to any memory address.

the second assigns the value 10 to the memory location pointed at by ptr. dereferencing

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Question Explain each line in the following code:

int *ptr ; int number = 42 ; ptr = &number ; *ptr = 0 ; cout << *ptr <<endl ; cout << number << endl;

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Pointer Graph Representation

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Pointers cont. Explain the following code:

int *p1 ;int *p2;

p1 = & count ; int *p2;

*p2 = *p1; p2 = p1 ;

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Quiz #2

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Dynamic Variables Dynamic Variables (DVs) are different

than normal variables in two aspects:

1. DVs are not declared (have no identifiers, …no variable names)

2. DVs are created during execution phase of a program and not during compilation, the keyword new is used for this purpose.

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Dynamic Variables cont.Example:

int * ptr; ptr = new int;

this statement creates a DV of type integer and uses ptr to point to it. There is no identifier (name) for the variable pointed at by ptr

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Dynamic Variables cont. The creation of new DVs is called

memory allocation and the allocated memory is called dynamic memory

ptr = new int;

Makes ptr point to a newly allocated integer variable from dynamic memory.

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Dynamic Variables cont.

int *ptr ; ptr = new int ;*ptr = 33;

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Dynamic Variables cont.

int *n;n = new int(17);

MyType *p;p = new MyType;orp = new MyType(32.0, 17);

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The new operator & Objects throttle *t_ptr;

t_ptr = new throttle(50) ; calls the throttle constructor with

an integer argument

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Dynamic Arrays. To declare a dynamic array use: int *ptr ; ptr = new int[10] ;

the new operator allocates a dynamic array of 10 integers and makes ptr point to its first element.

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Dynamic Arrays cont. the statement:

ptr[5] = 33;

will store the value 33 as the 6th element in the array pointed to by ptr

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Heap When new allocates a dynamic

variable or dynamic array, the memory comes from a location called the program’s heap (also called the free store).

bad_alloc exception is thrown when new attempts to allocate memory and fails.

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Question Determine what the following code will do

int array_size ; int *numbers; cout << “how many numbers do you

have?”; cin >> array_size ; numbers = new int[array_size] ;

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Answer The operator new is used to

dynamically allocate an array of size array_size that the user enters interactively.

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Question Who should initialize the

components of a dynamically allocated array whose components are of a class data type ?

Ans: the default constructor will initialize all components of the array

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Delete Operator It is an efficient practice to release

any heap memory that is no longer needed.

The delete operator is used in C++ to release memory to the heap that is no longer needed.

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Delete operation Examples:

int *ptr;ptr = new int;…delete ptr ;ptr = NULL;

int *p;p = new int[30];…delete [] p;

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Pointers as value parametersint *main_ptr;main_ptr = new int;make_it_42(main_ptr);

void make_it_42(int* my_ptr) ; { *my_ptr = 42;}

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Pointers as value parameters The following function prototype:

void make_it_42(int* my_ptr) ;

the int* indicates that the parameter is of data type integer pointer.

the parameter is a value parameter because of the absence of the & operator.

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Array Parametersvoid make_it_all_42( double * num, size_t n);….double *numbers;num = new double[10];make_it_all_42(num, 10);….void make_it_all_42(double * num, int n){ for(int i=0; i<n; i++)

num[i] = 42;}

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void make_it_all_42(double * num, int n){ for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++)

num[i] = 42;}

void make_it_all_42(double num[], int n){ for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++)

num[i] = 42;}

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Array parameters cont. A parameter that is a pointer or array

may include the const keyword. No changes to the actual parameter or the array are possible in this case

bool is_42(const int* my_ptr);double average(const double data[],

… )

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Pointers Reference Parameters

Sometimes a function needs to change a pointer parameter so that the pointer points to a new location.


void alloc_doubles(double*& ptr, int & n);

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Pointer Reference Parameters

void alloc_doubles(double*& ptr, int & n);

…double *numbers;int array_size;alloc_doubles(numbers, array_size);…void alloc_doubles(double*& ptr, int & n){

cin>> n;ptr = new double[n];


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Pointer Arithmetic The only legal arithmetic operators

on pointers are adding or subtracting an integer, or subtracting one pointer from another.

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Pointer Arithmetic In C++, pointer arithmetic is

automatically done in units of the pointer's underlying base type.

Adding 1 to a pointer to an array element gives a pointer to the next element - regardless of whether we have an array of ints, an array of doubles, or an array of any other type.

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Pointer Arithmetic

int ar[10];

ar + i is a pionter to the ith element beyond ar

 &ar[i] is equivalent to ar + i

 ar[i] is equivalent to *(ar + i)

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What is the output?int main(){

int * array;array = new int[10];

*array = 33;*(array + 3) = 14;


return 0;}