Poetry Terms

Poetry Terms You Need to Know

Transcript of Poetry Terms

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Poetry Terms You Need to Know

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A simile is a comparison between two unlike things using the words like or as.

Example: The car was as slow as a snail.

Example: The fish’s scales sparkled in the sunlight like rare jewels.

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Predictable Poor as a church mouse.

strong as an ox, cute as a button, smart as a fox.

thin as a toothpick, white as a ghost,

fit as a fiddle, dumb as a post. bald as an eagle,

neat as a pin, proud as a peacock,

ugly as sin. When people are talking you know what they'll say as soon as they start to

use a cliché. © 2000 Bruce Lansky

Find the similes in this poem by Bruce Lansky!

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A metaphor is a direct comparison between two unlike things. It does not use the words like or as.

Example: Maria’s new puppy is an eating machine.

Example: The pen is a mighty sword.

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Alliteration is when the same sound is repeated at the beginning of several words of a line of poetry or a sentence.

Example: Bobby blew ten big bubbles.

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Onomatopoeia is when words are used that sound like the noises they describe.

Examples: Ding dong! Pow! Buzz! Bang!

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An idiom is a common expression that makes no sense unless you know its figurative meaning. Example: That test was a piece of cake. Example: She got a taste of her own medicine. Example: That shirt cost me an arm and a leg.

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Personification gives animals or objects human qualities.

Example: That chocolate cake on the counter called out to Jose, begging him to take a bite.

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A couplet is a poem with two rhyming lines. Both have the same rhythm.


Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are.

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Limericks have five lines, and they are usually funny or silly. The rhyme scheme is AABBA. Example: There was a young lady whose chinresembled the point of a pin;so she had it made sharp,and purchased a harp,and played several tunes with her chin.

-Edward Lear

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A hyperbole is an exaggerated statement.

Example: I’m so hungry that I could eat a bear.

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Concrete Poem

Concrete poems are shape poems spaced to form pictures of what the poem is about.

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Autobiographical PoemAn autobiographical poem is a poem that the author

writes about himself.

Line 1: Your first name

Line 2: Four adjectives that describe you

Line 3: Son/daughter of ...., Brother/sister of ....

Line 4: Lover of (three people or ideas or a combination)

Line 5: Who feels (three sensations or emotions

Line 6: Who find happiness in (three things)

Line 7: Who needs (three things)

Line 8: Who gives (three things)

Line 9: Who fears (three things)

Line 10: Who would like to see (three things)

Line 11: Who enjoys (three things)

Line 12: Who likes to wear (three things)

Line 13: Add something you want to say

Line 14: Your last name only

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A haiku is a short poem invented in Japan. It often describes nature with very simple observations about the world around us. A haiku consists of three unrhymed lines of 5-7-5 syllables.

So many breezes

Wander through my summer room:

But never enough

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Rhyme is a technique that creates rhythm using words with the same end sound.

Example: cat, hat, bat, rat, sat, mat, gnat

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Diamonte Poem

Poem written about two opposite things in a diamond shape. Line 1—one noun (subject #1)

Line 2—two adjectives(describing subject #1)

Line 3—three participles (ending in –ing, telling about subject #1)

Line 4—four nouns (first two related to subject #1, second two related to subject #2)

Line 5—three participles (about subject #2)

Line 6—two adjectives (describing subject #2)

Line 7—one noun (subject #2)

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Example of Diamonte Poem


clever, cuddly

crouching, pouncing, purring

meow, feline, canine, bark

running, sniffing, yelping

lovable, smart


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Acrostic Poem

An acrostic poem uses each letter of a word to begin each line.

Elizabeth Jane Smith

Loves animals

Is a great student

Zoos are a favorite place to visit

Always tries to have a smile

Believes in being a good friend

Eats pizza and fries

Thinks that I want to be a doctor

Has a great family

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The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, or ideas.

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Sensory details

Sensory details appeal to the readers’ five senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

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“Dreams” by Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.