Poetry Journal Vol. 1

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  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    Poetry Journal Vol. 1

    E S J A E

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    First published independently in 2011 by Esjae

    Copyright Stacey Hubbard 2011

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a

    retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher. Any person

    who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution

    and civil claims for damages

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, lent, re-sold,

    hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publishers prior consent in any form of binding or

    cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition

    being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    This book was downloaded free from:http://www.esjaeofficial.blogspot.com/

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    About The Poet

    Esjae is a poet with a large collection of poem under her belt, even getting her poem Homeless

    published in her local newspaper the Cambridge News! When she isnt writing she will often be

    found with headphones glued firmly to her ears, her laptop on her lap with her many social networkaccounts open so that she can get her written works to a wider audience.Her passion for poetry comes from one of her very memorable English Lesson in year 9, where she

    was meant to be watching a modern film version of Romeo and Juliet. But she just couldn't get into

    it, so she ended up writing - 'Hood Up, Head Down' her first ever poem! Ever since then her passion

    for writing and poetry has just grown and she writes whenever she get the chance.

    Follow Esjae on Twitter:http://twitter.com/esjaeofficial

    Become a fan of her work on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/theesjaeofficial

    Take a look at Esjaes poetry blog:http://esjaeofficial.blogspot.com

    Subscribe to her on Youtube:http://www.youtube.com/theofficialesjae

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1



    I WOULD LIKE to thank a lot of people who have helped me to bring this collection of my poems to a

    wider audience. Firstly, my family without them I wouldnt have the means or have of the inspiration

    for my poetry. Also my fianc Scott, without him I would have given up writing poetry a long timeago!

    Sometimes when Im writing I have wanted to pack it all up and give it many times but I

    havent due to the support I get from the followers and readers of my blog and those who follow me

    on Twitter, as well as those who support my Facebook fan page So a massive thank you to all of

    you as without you this collection wouldnt be here in front of you now!

    I would also like to thank my GCSE English teacher, Ms Bailey, as without here I wouldnt

    have started writing poetry in the first place!

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    Dreamer Part 2

    Just last night I was laying awake thinking about the dream I should have been dreaming

    The people I wish I could stop from screaming

    So many lose their lives

    Fighting to save you and I

    What about their husbands and wives

    What about the children with parents in the sky

    They say it has to get worse before it gets better

    Would you say that to a mother reading that unforgettable letter

    The world is filled with so much pain

    And yet we still moan and complain

    Our lives are so easy compared to so many others

    Like those without sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers

    Would you want someone to forget to donate?If you didn't have any food on your plate?

    If you were a soldier contemplating your fate?

    The world is a horrible place sometimes

    So many people fall on hard times

    But all I can do I pray they find a miracle so that can survive

    And live another day in their lives

    You see they're fighting for you and me

    So that we can be whatever we want to be

    They're giving their lives

    So spend a minute, think about those who didn't survive

    Cause they're doing it for us

    Not for some sort of a buzz

    They are our pride

    We shouldn't have anything to hide

    It's time we gave a thought to all the families

    And forgot about all of the controversies

    Let's support them in what they need to do

    Remember it's for me and you

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    You Might Surprise Yourself

    Race, Place

    Black, White

    Tall, Small

    Fat, Thin

    Cheating, Beating

    Dreaming, Screaming

    Hoping, Praying

    Crying, Lying, Dying

    Teenagers, prejudice

    Guns, Knives

    Louts, layabout

    Hoodys, scum

    Don't stereotype me

    Don't tell me who I should be

    I see all the problems you see

    Don't try and blame them on me

    Times have changed

    Communties rearranged

    Knives carried for pride

    Cars taken for a joy ride

    You only see the bad

    All the things that make us mad

    You want us to change

    You call us strange

    We need opportunities

    Some sense of responsibilities

    A way to repay the communities

    You've taken everything away

    Then leave us with the blame

    Teenage pregnancies

    Dangers and obscenities

    Guns and knives

    So many have lost their lives

    Lost and gone

    But never forgotten

    Don't just give them a passing glance

    Give them another chance

    A helping hand might be all they need

    Listen to their opinions you might surprise yourself, you might not disagree

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    You Don't Need To Pretend

    I watch people shut down, turn off

    I see people roll their eyes, tut, scoff

    They want me to be the same

    But I don't want to follow the crowd, I don't need someone else to blame

    Society has taught me to see a man begging in the street

    And turn my back without giving him anything to eat

    I'm meant to have a smile every single day

    I'm not allowed my own opinion, can't have my own say

    So listen up this is me breaking out, I refuse to be just another person

    I won't stand back and let this situation worsen

    I won't salute a leader I don't believe in

    I won't pray to a God if I'm only going to sinI'm not the definition of perfect

    But I'm always going to give our war heroes respect

    I'm not part of your religion

    That doesn't mean I'm going to treat you like vermin

    If I have a problem I know it's mine

    I won't pass it off on someone else and say that I resign

    Life is tough

    You might have had enough

    You don't always have to be strong

    As long as you know where you belong

    Everything will work out in the end

    Be yourself, it's your life you don't need to pretend

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    When I Look Beside Me

    When I look beside me and see you standing there

    I'm reminded of all the things you have and continue to do for me

    All because of this bond between us that makes you care

    It's invisible for all but the heart to see

    Sometimes I don't feel as though I'm giving enough

    But this love has always manages to pull us through

    Even in the darkest days when it's gotten tough

    I have been able to smile because I look beside me and see you

    You might fear that I'm going to leave

    But every day for now and forever

    I promise you we will remain togetherBecause in us I have and always will believe

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    To Words and Rhymes I'm Confined

    I'm writing what people don't want to hear but they know

    It might be scandalous, but that's how it's going to go

    I'm doing this on my own from scratch

    I'm taking on the world, one day, I'll win game, set and match

    The inspiration comes from the world around me

    So many people suffering in the world, I want to help not just 'wait and see'

    I'll pick up haters along the way

    But they won't stop me from saying the words I have got to say

    I'm learning, and every day I'll be returning

    There are thousands of problems that are concerning

    I'm not afraid to speak my mind

    Even if it is to words and rhymes I'm confined

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    The Long Goodbye

    This is where my heart lies

    Right here in this moment

    We're stuck for words,

    Neither of us know how to say our goodbye's

    Reminiscing over the gifts that were sent,

    The hours that we spent together

    Promising each other our forever

    Never going to forget what you've done for me

    Never going to forget the dreams you made me believe

    Never going to forget the world you made me see

    We're trying to say the words our hearts long to speakWe're taking separate paths because our journey together looks bleak

    This is the long goodbye

    In my head I know why

    But my heart just longs for us to lie

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    The Greatest Gift

    You have been given the greatest gift

    Be sure to treasure this life you have been given to raise

    The time will be sure to pass in a blurry haze

    But every single moment will be sure to amaze

    Each day you will be reminded of the perfection

    The parcel of joy you hold in your arms has inside

    Between the two of you is an unbreakable connection

    Something you should always be proud of and unwilling to hide

    Treasure every single day

    You have been given the greatest gift that life can give

    Not a single second are you able to reliveSo treasure every minute, hour and day as though it isn't going to stay

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    Take These Words As My Promise To You

    I want you to take these words as my promise to you

    To love and cherish you and everything single thing you do

    You have been my one true love from the very beginning

    Whenever I think of you I know that in this life I'm winning

    It doesn't matter where we are

    You'll always be my shining star

    I promise to love you,

    To let you have every piece of my heart

    I promise to support you in all you do,

    To be by your side and never let anything pull us apart

    I promise you this is forever,

    Because this isn't something that can be thrown awayI promise you that I won't be walking away ever

    Because by your side is where I want to stay

    I know that we're only young

    And that some would say our lives have only just begun

    It doesn't matter where you are or what you do

    I'll always love you and support you

    Through the laughs and tears, the ups and downs

    I won't run away, I'm always going to be around

    Take this promise and never forget

    I'm taking this journey with you and only you

    I know that the future isn't something I'll ever come to regret

    Because in my heart it's only about us two

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    One Day You'll Find Me

    Nothing feels right

    So I follow the light

    Heading up into the night

    One day we will reunite

    But until then I'll be alright

    I'll just float around

    In this new life I'm not making a sound

    Where I head to

    I can't tell you

    But one day you will find me

    Just when that is I can't guarantee

    Promise to visit me at my gravesideTell me about your day, know that in me you can confide

    And I'll be there every day to help and guide

    Because even though you can't see me I'll always be by your side

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    We Will Always Have Yesterday But Never Tomorrow

    I wait for the night time

    To see you star in the night sky

    And when it's time for sunrise

    I have to say yet another goodbye

    At least I can stand here by your grave side

    To talk about the memories we made

    And the lives that you have saved

    I can look back to yesterday

    And I can be angry that you weren't able to stay

    But I'm reminded of the future you have given all of us

    Even though you won't be returning on that army bus

    You have done so much for so manySo many that won't even know your name

    So many who will live their lives just the same

    But for me I'll be living, holding on to our,

    Private dreams and past memories

    Staring at your treasured star

    Taken from me fighting our countries enemies

    We will always have yesterday

    But we will never have tomorrow

    I'll be thankful for everyday

    Even though I'm filled with this sorrow

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    I'm Living My Truth Without Your Lies

    You think you know it all

    You think you know me

    But if I tell you the truth you would stop and stall

    If you open your eyes then maybe you would see

    That I'm not longer going to

    Play your games

    Pretend that to me you're being true

    When really you have 101 different love flames

    You maybe 'Mr Perfect'

    But really you're 'Mr Disrespect'

    You haven't got the right to say to me

    Who I should beWhen you have me confused with 'Miss Last Night'

    It's too late for you to protest, to put up a fight

    You lost that right

    When you didn't pick up last night

    I told you from the beginning

    You thought you were winning, when all you were doing was sinning

    No one will and has ever made a fool out of me

    From now I'm living my truth without your lies

    I'm walking out, and I won't be coming back, you'll see

    There won't be any more tears from these eyes

    I'm stronger now that I've woken up to see who you really are

    You just another Mr Want It All with a sports car

    I'm no longer going to be 'Miss Day Time'

    While you sneak off to see 'Miss Night Time'

    You may think you know everything

    But in reality you know nothing

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    Christmas Time

    Christmas trees

    Falling Leaves

    Holly and mistletoe

    Children playing in the snow

    Family and friends

    Making amends

    Celebrating the festive season

    Exchanging gifts with meaning and reason

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    Real True Love

    I love the way you feel, the way you touch

    The way when you're not here I miss you so much

    I never feel worthy of your love

    You're so precious, only to be described as an angel sent from above

    I'm never going to stop proving my love, until you believe

    That by your side I will always remain, never going to leave

    I will give you everything I can emotionally and physically

    You've got my love unconditionally

    I would promise you the world, the moon and stars

    But that wouldn't compare to the promise of a relationship as good as ours

    What we have between us can only be described as true love

    And I'll always think I'm undeserving of you

    And every single little thing that you do

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    On Guy Fawkes Night

    Explosions in the night sky

    With sounds of admiration we reply

    Pink, green and blue

    Everyones jostling for the best view

    Necks craning up at the sky

    Watching the rockets fly,

    The Catherine wheels spin

    And the screamers creating an unforgettable din

    Whilst the bonfire blazing bright

    On Guy Fawkes Night

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    Just The Way

    You're on one knee

    Telling me how much you love me

    Giving me forever

    Telling me you want us to always be together

    Happiness is spilling out of me

    The future is where I want to be

    Just you and me

    We've got something that can only be described as perfect

    It's just the way our hearts connect

    We're united by this bond,

    Together is how we will always belong

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    I Love It When

    I would like to tell you that I don't need you

    But you and I

    Both know I'd rather die

    Than say we are through

    We have something that only belongs to you and me

    Something I'm not afraid for the world to see

    Each and every day this love grows a little bit more

    Because it's you and the things that you do that I adore

    You see it might sound clich

    But I love it when I hear you say

    'I love you'

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    I Am Me

    I might be alone

    But I'm fully grown

    I know who I am

    Who I need to be

    I am me

    That's plain for the world to see

    I'm breaking out from these chains

    And your containment

    Proving I'm not here for your entertainment

    That I have a purpose for being on this earth

    And some self worth

    You won't control meNot anymore

    You won't tell me who to be

    Not anymore

    I am the person everyone can see

    It might be plain and boring old me

    But I'm proud of who I'm turning out to be

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    To My Father This Christmas Time

    To my Father this Christmas time

    You have provided me a life filled with memories

    Memories that I can look back and smile upon

    You guide me when you can see that I'm doing wrong

    And praise me when you can see me doing right

    But I know you'll always be proud of me,

    Not just tomorrow, today or tonight

    You always try and understand the person I'm meant to be

    But most of all I am thankful for the life you have given to me

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    This World

    Have you ever thought that the world was built for you

    But that there is something missing

    That's just how I felt before I found you

    And spend time in your arms gently kissing

    I never knew that in you

    I would find the key to unlock my heart

    Kept safe for our special start

    No one would have thought we would be together

    Ready for our future to last forever

    Now I know the world wasn't built for me

    But for the two of usWe don't need to shout it from the rooftops or to make a fuss

    Because when people look at us it's obvious for people to see

    This is a love built to last

    And we'll treasure every moment as it goes past

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    This New Year Is Just For You

    Today is the beginning of a brand new year

    Hold me close my dear

    For with me you should know you have nothing to fear

    Whatever may come our way

    Together we shall stay

    The bad days will come and go

    Helping our love to grow

    So much is happening in the world around us

    But that's not what we want to discuss

    Thinking and talking about where we want to be

    The future together is what we both see

    The first of JanuaryOnly 3 months and 5 days till our anniversary

    Two years together

    Me and you it's forever

    From this year to the next

    I'll tell you that I love you and how much I care for you

    Whether it's in person or by text

    I'll do everything I can do

    Just for you

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    To have you as my grandparents is a blessing

    So now you have me here confessing,

    That sometimes the things that I say may not be clean

    And other times it may simply be mean

    But I know right from wrong

    And that I'm proud of the family to which I belong

    Without you my parents wouldn't be able to offer me guidance and protection

    From you they learnt to show their parental affection

    So now I'm thanking you

    Fall the things you have done and continue to do

    Because without you,

    I wouldn't be half the person I am today

    So now all that is left to say -Is a big thank you

    and that I'll never forget anything that you have done or continue to do

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    Dear Santa

    I'm writing a letter this Christmas time

    I can't say that I don't have a single regret

    Can't say there was a reason or rhyme

    But there is this one thing I can't forget

    Dear Santa, please, please

    Get your elves together and use your expertise

    To bring me the only thing that's on my list

    The one I once kissed

    The one I'm starting to miss

    I see the old photos and I start to reminisce

    Over all the old times we spent together

    We said we would be foreverBut you moved on

    So I had to find somewhere else to belong

    Now I'm listening to our song

    And I know it heart that's my home

    To any other I would only be on loan

    Santa take me back to the one I really need

    And I'll be happier than I have ever been before, guaranteed

    I'm asking for my one wish

    To bring me the one I really miss

    Santa, do this for me,


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    Christmas Morning

    Santa's sleigh bell warning

    It's Christmas morning

    Children smiling from ear to ear

    Parents crying happy tears

    Turkey piping hot

    Christmas pud hitting the spot

    Unwrapping presents

    Everyone loving the contents

    Spending time together

    Watching the snowy weather

    This is the best time of the year

    As all the family is here

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    All I Want To Do

    A message out of the blue

    Reminded me of you

    The times we used to spend together

    Running around in all types of weather

    Then we grew up

    We had separate paths to follow, different journeys to pursue

    But now I'm back in contact with you

    Reminiscing about the old times is all I want to do

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    What The World Is Turning To Be

    So many things are happening in the world around us

    Addicts searching around to find a fix to get a buzz

    Millionaires trying to find something to spend on

    Politicians see the problems but scrub their minds to get gone

    What about the single mother stranded on the street

    Who thought about the homeless man on the street with nothing to eat

    You chose to forget, just like me

    Because you just didnt want to see

    What the world is turning to be

    All too wrapped up in our own lives

    To worry about those struggling to survive

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    Together Well Stay

    Star in the night sky

    Your sitting so high

    On the throne you should have had all along

    You shouldn't have left, it feels so wrong

    But we all know that you couldn't change a thing

    So now we'll be thinking of you all year long

    Winter, summer, autumn and spring

    We will be reunited one day

    And together we will stay

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    Im Just Sleeping

    Plunging deep into my skin

    Im fighting a battle that I want to but cant win

    My eyes flicker and give you hope

    Just as my body is shutting down, it cant cope

    The machines are beeping

    You keep telling yourself that Im just sleeping

    My killer is running free

    But on their conscience its me

    In their mind Im all that they can see

    Just kiss my good night just one more time

    Lets forget this night and terrible crime

    Let me give up this fightI promise to light up the night

    Be the brightest star in the sky

    Just let me go, let me sleep, let me die

    I promise to talk to you everyday

    Even if my words you cannot hear

    I promise one day well be together again

    I just dont know when

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    Be Proud Of Who You Are

    I want to reach out and help you

    But I feel useless like there is nothing I can do

    I can see the pain in your eyes

    I can see through your lies

    Saying that youll be alright

    This isnt a battle you have to fight

    You dont have to do this alone

    Ill be there for you, just ask, pick up the phone

    Whatever your problem, big or small

    Ill help you to pick yourself up and walk tall

    I know that you can do

    Anything you put your mind toAnd so does everyone else too

    Have a little self belief and be proud of who you are

    It doesnt matter that youre not rich and that you dont drive a fancy car

    Youre you, the one who means so much too so many

    To those who dont care if you dont have a single penny

  • 8/3/2019 Poetry Journal Vol. 1


    A Fathers Promise

    Babies crying all around

    Off to sleep they go

    No one daring to make a sound

    Nappies, clothes and toys

    Gifts for all the new girls and boys

    Helium balloons and teddy bears

    Presents from a proud father to show he cares

    About his child so small

    Whispering in its ear

    If only your grandparents where here

    Theyd shed a tear

    But theyre looking down on you now

    And trust me, I know they are so so proudNot only today but of who you will be

    Whether youre like your mother or me

    None of us can wait to see

    You have my nose and eyes

    And your mothers beautiful smile

    But we have the greatest gift that we could ever receive

    And I promise you, Ill never leave.