PO WER - XX LO Gdańsk - Why is our environment important?

Why is our environment important?

Transcript of PO WER - XX LO Gdańsk - Why is our environment important?

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Why is our environment important?

Page 2: PO WER - XX LO Gdańsk - Why is our environment important?

The simplest explanation about why the environment matters is that, as humans, the environment-the Earth-is our home. It is where we live, breathe, eat, raise our children, etc. Our entire life support system is dependent on the well-being of all of the species living on earth.

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Food Chain

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Food chainThe food chain is an example of this.The sun provides light and heat for plants. The plants are consumed by animals who are in turn consumed by other animals who may in turn, be consumed by humans. Or perhaps they are used for material, clothing, etc. Even insects like mosquitoes play a role and of course bees pollinate plants.

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EcosystemWithin the overall biosphere, or ecosystem, there are smaller ecosystems like the rainforests, marine ecosystems, the desert and the tundra. When any of these systems are off kilter, it impacts the entire planet. All of the environmental problems that exist have far-reaching implications for the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

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Threat of Environmental Degradation

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The deterioration of the environment, often referred to as environmental degradation, threatens the earth's  natural resources such as our clean water supply, fossil fuels for energy and food supply. Many of these resources are nonrenewable so when they run out we will be forced to find new alternatives.

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DangerUnfortunately the planet is in danger. Many species of animals and plants are nearing distinction. Our clean water supply is at risk and more and more of our beautiful, open spaces are disappearing as new buildings and factories are built.

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Earth Is Our Only Home

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Why is our environment important? It is the only home we have. Many experts believe that we can reverse some of the harm the planet has suffered. The challenge is getting enough people to take drastic enough action so that we can make a difference in our lifetime.

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Ways to Protect the Environment

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Simple Things to Do at HomeLight bulbs are an easy switch. Compact fluorescent bulbs last longer and use less energy than incandescent bulbs, so you will save money by using them.

Many municipalities already offer good recycling programs. All glass, cans and paper should be recycled, along with as much plastic as possible.

Invest in a set of canvas bags. You can use these for a lot of shopping. Most people use them for groceries, but bring them along when buying books, toys or even clothes.

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Use heavy curtains on your windows. Heavy curtains play a great dual purpose in your home when it comes to energy savings. Not only will they help keep sunlight and heat out of your home in the summer, but they also help retain heat during the winter. This way, you aren't using up as much energy to heat and cool your home.

When possible, buy bamboo kitchen tools. Spatulas, spoons, and salad tossers are generally very easy to find in bamboo. Bamboo grows quickly and bamboo fields use very little space to yield a productive crop.

Buy second-hand clothing at thrift stores. The cotton industry is another industry that uses an obscene level of pesticides, and there is a lot of energy that goes into creating even a blank t-shirt.

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Take shorter showers. Most people don't really realize how much water is used in every shower they take, and water conservation is quickly becoming one of the most important environmental issues facing humanity.

Repair your clothes when they tear. The clothing industry is simply enormous, and a lot of people will buy a new pair of jeans every time they tear a little hole in the old ones. This is a massively wasteful process, and it can be easily mitigated by simply taking some time to repair your torn clothes.

Unplug your appliances when you're not using them. Some people don't realize that their appliances pull electricity from the grid even when they're powered down. This is what's known as a "vampire draw," and it accounts for an average of 5 percent of the yearly electrical usage in American homes.

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Instead of using foil or plastic wrap to store leftovers, use reusable containers. Glass is your best option and it has the advantage of being microwaveable.

Old clothes that are unsuitable for charity shops can be cut up into rags, so that you can stop using paper towels. They won't take up much more space in the washing machine.

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Dictionary:Environment- środowisko Food chain – łańcuch pokarmowy Pollinate – zapylać Marine ecosystems - ekosystem morski Deterioration- pogorszenie; niszczenie Fossil fuels-paliwa kopalniane Compact fluorescent- świetlówki kompaktowe Municipalities – zarząd miasta Crop - plony

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