P.O. Box 180725

Dr. Nathanial Hearne, Founder Callie Hearne, Co-founder P.O. Box 180725 Arlington, TX 76096 www.NateHearne.com I am truly honored that you would consider partnering with Euless Loaves and Fishes. At a young age, I learned that what appears to be a disadvantage in life doesn’t have to define me. I learned that those things that could potentially send me down a destructive path didn’t have to wreck me, they could shape me into a man of stronger character. I didn’t learn that lesson on my own. God placed leaders in my life who took the time to care about me. Carrying on their legacy has become my life’s mission. Those men and women who are designated leaders in their workplaces and in schools have the same opportunities to develop strong character in those whom they are leading. I consider it an honor to bring teaching on leadership and character development to them through workshops and motivational speaking. I do that through my company, Made Up Minds. But the underprivileged and at-risk students need something more tangible. They need a committment from those of us who are in a position to help them. They need us to commit to the belief that they don’t have to end up a victim of their disadvantages. Those disadvantages can be turned into advantages. Even those who have already made poor choices can be redeemed, and their character built up and restored. That is where Euless Loaves and Fishes comes in. I have personally walked with young people through some of the most difficult situations of their lives. I’ve hugged parents who lost their children to violence. I’ve counseled life- sentenced inmates as to how they can have hope and still make a difference. I’ve seen young people cry when they hear the testimony of a former gang-member. These things matter. In the past year, I’ve been a mentor to inmates at Coffield Correctional Facility. I became involved with Coffield as a volunteer through Gateway Church. The relationships I’ve developed with those inmates, particularly those who have formed what is known as The Street Sweepers Ministry, have given us all big dreams for the future. Inmates are open to identifying proactive ways they can build into the lives of youth, especially those youth at-risk. Street Sweepers do not want to see any more lives ruined by poor choices. They want their stories heard so that other lives can be positively affected. They want to shine the light of a bright future wherever they are given a platform. And I would like to help them however possible.

Transcript of P.O. Box 180725

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Dr. Nathanial Hearne, FounderCallie Hearne, Co-founder

P.O. Box 180725Arlington, TX 76096


I am truly honored that you would consider partnering with Euless Loaves and Fishes.At a young age, I learned that what appears to be a disadvantage in life doesn’t have to

define me. I learned that those things that could potentially send me down a destructive path didn’t have to wreck me, they could shape me into a man of stronger character. I didn’t learn that lesson on my own. God placed leaders in my life who took the time to care about me. Carrying on their legacy has become my life’s mission.

Those men and women who are designated leaders in their workplaces and in schools have the same opportunities to develop strong character in those whom they are leading. I consider it an honor to bring teaching on leadership and character development to them through workshops and motivational speaking. I do that through my company, Made Up Minds.

But the underprivileged and at-risk students need something more tangible. They need a committment from those of us who are in a position to help them. They need us to commit to the belief that they don’t have to end up a victim of their disadvantages. Those disadvantages can be turned into advantages. Even those who have already made poor choices can be redeemed, and their character built up and restored. That is where Euless Loaves and Fishes comes in.

I have personally walked with young people through some of the most difficult situations of their lives. I’ve hugged parents who lost their children to violence. I’ve counseled life-sentenced inmates as to how they can have hope and still make a difference. I’ve seen young people cry when they hear the testimony of a former gang-member. These things matter.

In the past year, I’ve been a mentor to inmates at Coffield Correctional Facility. I became involved with Coffield as a volunteer through Gateway Church. The relationships I’ve developed with those inmates, particularly those who have formed what is known as The Street Sweepers Ministry, have given us all big dreams for the future. Inmates are open to identifying proactive ways they can build into the lives of youth, especially those youth at-risk. Street Sweepers do not want to see any more lives ruined by poor choices. They want their stories heard so that other lives can be positively affected. They want to shine the light of a bright future wherever they are given a platform. And I would like to help them however possible.

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Reaching kids when they are in their formative years helps set them up for success in life. I am a board member for the Texas Association for Truancy and Dropout Prevention and have presented at the following conferences on this subject:

1. The advanced Improvement Conference: Region 13: Austin, TX: July 19 -20, 20112. New Orleans Association For Truancy and Dropout Prevention Conference:

New Orleans, LA: July 19-20, 20133. Texas Association for Truancy and Dropout Prevention Conference: Frisco, TX:

July 19, 20124. 23rd Annual National Dropout Prevention Network Conference: Chicago, Illinois:

March 20, 20115. 22nd Annual National Dropout Prevention Network Conference:

Myrtle Beach, North Carolina: March 23, 20126. Rethinking Learning…Transforming Practice 2011 Secondary School Summit:

Austin, TX: June 6-7, 20117. Truancy Prevention Conference: Lancaster, TX: April 20, 20138. Texas Association For Truancy and Dropout Prevention Conference: Bedford, TX,

HEBISD: March, 20129. Texas Association of Secondary Principal Association Conference: Austin, TX:

June, 200910. United Way Luncheon: Euless, TX: February, 201211. Chamber of Commerce Leadership Conference: Bedford, TX: May, 201212. Black Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner: Odessa, TX: November 17, 2012

I am excited to connect my career long focus on building up youth with the opportunities for

life change in our communities, the correctional facilities, and juvenile centers in our state. I have been a witness to great things, and I hope together we can celebrate many more.


Nate Hearne

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Dr. Nathanial Hearne

Dr. Nathanial Hearne is the President and Founder of Made Up Minds and The Euless Loaves and Fishes Foundation* (ELAF). Through these organizations, Dr. Hearne provides training and programs for the purpose of building leadership skills and developing character. Corporations, schools, churches, and businesses have all benefited from Dr. Hearne’s speaking, teaching, and leadership.

ELAF specifically targets at-risk youth to help set them up for success in life. Dr. Hearne works in conjunction with parents, educators, and community leaders. He also partners with juvenile and adult correctional facilities to rebuild the character traits and hope which may have been broken by the poor choices made by youth and inmates. Dr. Hearne’s background in this field is extensive, spanning more than 35 years. He began his career in

education in the Ector County Independent School District, where he worked as a teacher, coach, and administrator for 18 years. He was an assistant coach for the Permian High School football team, which won the 1989 State and National Championship and the 1991 State Championship. Permian High School became the subject of the book Friday Night Lights and the subsequent movie and TV series by the same name.

In 1988, Dr. Hearne was named as an assistant to coach the North All-Star Football Team. Dr. Hearne was named Outstanding Principal of the Year for Region 18 for the Ector County Independent School District in 1993-94, and Assistant Principal of the Year for the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District in 2008. He then served as an assistant principal at L.D. Bell High School in Hurst, Texas for four years, and as assistant principal of the Discipline Alternative Education Program for five years. In his last five years in the district, he served as the Student Attendance Specialist and Director over the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District’s Truancy Department. In December of 2010, the Dropout Prevention Program Dr. Hearne initiated in the HEBISD was recognized by Texas School Business magazine as the “best dropout prevention program in the state.”

Dr. Hearne has pastored several small Methodist churches in Texas over the past fifteen years. He is the former Assistant Executive Director of the Greater Dallas/Ft. Worth Fellowship of Christian Athletes. At FCA, he conducted the pre-game chapel services for university football teams including University of Oklahoma, Texas Christian University, University of Tulsa, University of Idaho, University of Indiana, & Louisiana Tech.

Dr. Hearne is married to Callie, a recently retired Assistant Superintendent over the Human Resource Department for the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District. She now supports him with Made Up Minds and ELAF programs. They have five children and three grandchildren.

Dr. Hearne’s passion is to mentor and build up leadership skills and character development. He is the author of Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights, and its accompanying Leadership Training, Bible Study, and Youth Study.

He is a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop leader. His engaging, straightforward manner, combined with his heart for character growth, leaves his audience inspired to be better, live with purpose, and accept their calling. *ELAF is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization

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District takes four-pronged approachto reduce truancies

Truancy in Texas public schools is a real problem. Not only do school districts lose money if students are not in school, but truant students can suffer real and long-lasting effects. According to a National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) report, “truancy is a concern for communities, because students who miss school are often unable to develop interpersonal relationships or gain the knowledge and skills they will need for future employment.” The report goes on to say that chronic truants are likely to drop out of school and engage in delinquent behavior. Hurst-Euless-Beford (HEB) ISD, located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, has felt the pain of truancy. Between the 2000-2001 and 2007-2008 school years, unexcused absences rose from 39,955 to 42,773. Partners Against Chronic Truancy (PACT) is a program operated by the Dallas-area Arlington Police Department. A recent PACT report echoes NCJRS’ findings: “Truancy is one of the critical issues facing youth today. It is considered a gateway to crime and, for many juveniles, it is the first criminal offense committed.” The rise in HEB ISD’s truancy came hand-in-hand with a dramatic shift in the district’s demographics. During the 2000-2001 school year, the district’s student population 88.9 percent white. By 2009-2010, the district was officially designated minority-majority. With that shift came socio-economic changes. This year, a little more than 50 percent of HEBISD’s students are

economically disadvantaged and 39 percent are con- sidered at-risk. “Truancy problems aren’t exclusive to any ethnic group, but they can be tied to economic status,” says HEB ISD student attend-ance specialist Dr. Nathanial

Dr. Nathanial Hearne

Hearne, who oversees the district’s Truancy Department. “Over the past 10 years, there has been a 25 percent to 30 percent rise in our economically disadvantaged student population,” Hearne says. “And a student who doesn’t have resources will skip school. It doesn’t matter the race or ethnicity.” During the 2008-2009 school year, HEB ISD decided to make a concerted effort to cut down on the number of students cutting class. Under Hearne’s direction, the Truancy Department developed and implemented four strategies to tackle the problem from several angles. The results of the district’s efforts speak for them-selves: During the 2009-2010 school year, the number of unexcused absences dropped from 42,773 to 33,691. The attendance rate for grades K-12 was 97 percent and the completion rate stood at 95 percent. How they did it The first weapon in the anti-truancy arsenal was setting a daytime curfew. “We went to city officials – the mayor, the chief of police and others – and presented these [truancy] figures and asked, ‘How can you help us?’” Hearne explains. The curfew, subsequently passed by the city council, makes it an offense for minors to be out of school between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., when school is in session. The curfew immediately drew results. “During the first three weeks the curfew was in place,” Hearne says, “I had kids come back to school and tell me that it was easier for them to just be in school than to run and hide from the police.”

TEXAS SCHOOL BUSINESS - Bragging Rights - 2010-2011

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The ordinance also gives police power to issue a $500 citation to the parents of students in violation. “For the first couple of weeks, parents were angry, but then they saw we were helping and people started to thank us,” Hearne says. “Now we get a lot more positive feedback. The community knows we’re doing good, and word spreads.” HEB ISD’s second step was mandating parent meetings when students are in violation of the compulsory attendence law (CAL). A violation occurs when a student has three or more unexcused days or partial days in four consecutive weeks. Under the district’s mandate, all school principals are instructed to send a referral to the Truancy Department any time a student is in violation of the CAL. In turn, a truancy officer will contact the student’s parents and request a meeting. At these meetings, parents are informed of the law and given an opportunity to speak with a Team Focus member. Team Focus is a nonprofit advocacy group that enlists volunteer community members and professionals to provide student mentoring and individual and family counseling. Team Focus has proven to be a powerful tool, not just in combating truancy, but also in helping families in general. “Team Focus mentors will partner with the family and work with them on whatever issues they might have,” Hearne says. “If they need help finding a job, they will try to find the resources they need. If it’s food they need or transportation, they’ll hook them up.” Team Focus support is available around the clock.

“[The volunteers] make themselves accessible to the family at all times –even on weekends,” Hearne says. “They will try to find the resources to eliminate any kind of excuse for a kid not to be in school. As long as that family needs mentoring, they’re there.” The third tool in HEB ISD’s anti-truancy toolkit is the Adults Relating to Kids (ARK) program, which was created to provide family counseling for students who are having serious truancy issues. Facilitated by the district’s professional counselors, ARK is based on the concept of unconditional love between students and their parents. ARK counseling sessions are held one night a week for five weeks, and at least one parent is required to accompany his or her child to all five sessions. Over the course of the program, participating families are introduced to a myriad of resources and social services that can provide ongoing, long-term intervention. Reactive to proactive The disctrict added a preventative measure to round out its anti-truancy campaign: an annual Girls and Boys Dropout Prevention Expo. HEB ISD enlists the help of community resources to put on these expos. Guest speakers and exhibitors have included judges from the Tarrant County Court System and area municipal courts; professors from local universities; child psychologists; school superintendents from neighboring districts; professional athletes from the National Football League; nutritionists; police officers –even convicted felons who have done their time and have a message for younger generations.

TEXAS SCHOOL BUSINESS - Bragging Rights - 2010-2011

Student attendance specialist Dr. Nathanial Hearne (second from left) meets with Discipline Alternative Education Program staff about student truancy. Pictured left to right with Hearne are teachers Josephine Kline and Lunnessa Wade and Principal Thomas Iles.

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These presenters meet with at-risk girls in the fall and boys in the spring to address topics such as self-esteem, goal setting, decision making, and respect for self and authority figures. Parents are invited to the expo as well. During the event, they can speak with several agencies and experts, including mental health and mental retardation authorities, Cook’s Children’s Health Care System, Team Focus, EXCEL Treatment Program, Santa Fe Counseling for individual and family counseling, and Job Corps. Hearne says with the right resources and speakers, an expo can be a very effective way to reach students and change their behavior. “In our first expo, we had 60 girls, ages 12 to 18. One speaker was a woman who was incarcerated for drug offenses. She was so engaging that she had 60 teenage girls absolutely hanging on her every word,” Hearne recalls. “[The students] weren’t talking; they weren’t texting – they were glued to the speaker, and they had tears running down their cheeks.” The expo isn’t just about talking to teens. It’s about taking action too. “For parents who don’t have Medicaid or CHIP [Children’s Healthcare Insurance Program],Cook Children’s will help the parents fill out all the re-quires

required paperwork, and they’ll stay with them until it’s complete,” Hearne says. The EXCEL Treatment Program, Hearne says, is an in-patient substance abuse program in Fort Worth. The group sends representatives to the expos to discuss addiction issues. With parental permission, they’ll even provide transportation to the treatment facility for students who decide they need immediate help. Committed to the cause Hearne says HEB ISD is fully committed to keeping students off the streets and in the classroom. It’s not only beneficial to the district, but to the community at large. “Long range,” Hearne says, “if you’re not getting an education, it’s going to be twice as hard for you to get a job. If you graduate, you can get a job and become a productive citizen. “If you’re hanging out in the streets... there’s nothing to do but crime,” he continues. “And statistics show that 75 percent of prisoners – hard-core criminals – are dropouts.” Gene Buinger, superintendent of HEB ISD, echoes Hearne’s sentiments.

TEXAS SCHOOL BUSINESS - Bragging Rights - 2010-2011

Ryan Boyd, Dallas Cowboys executive for Public Schools Outreach, and Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD student attendance specialist Nathanial Hearne (standing, left to right) treat a group of elementary students who have demonstrated perfect attendance to a day at Cowboys Stadium. The students are from Donna Park Elementary, Spring Garden Elementary, and Midway Park Elementary.

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“Too many students develop chronic patterns of absenteeism early on,” he says, “and unless a district has a program to address those and intervene in a very forthright manner, then it’s going to get worse over time.” “By the time [these students] are in high school, they’ve dug a hole so deep that they’re not going to graduate with their class,” Buinger continues. “They’re not going to do well on [state testing]. so it’s natural that they’d consider dropping out.”

terns carry over into college and eventually into the job market, where their employers expect them to be at work,” the superintendent says. Hearne says that parents sometimes protest that they can’t get their kids to school on time because of their jobs or other commitments. To this, he responds: “I understand that, but what’s most important? This is your child and your child’s education, so whatever you have to do to get your child to school, you just have to do it.” Buinger says HEB ISD’s successful anti-truancy program can be replicated, but not for free. It’s an effort that costs money, manpower, and time. “You’re going to have to put resources behind the program,” he says. “Some people may wonder if this is a good expenditure, and we believe that it is.” Hearne invites other districts to mirror HEB ISD’s initiatives. “We’re willing to work with any other district that wants to try to emulate this,” he says. “But you have to remember that it’s a community thing; you need buy-in to make it work. That’s what we’re trying to do here, and it’s working.”

TEXAS SCHOOL BUSINESS - Bragging Rights - 2010-2011

JEFF CARMACK is a freelance writer in Austin.

‘Students are learning patterns, and these patterns carry over into college and eventually into the job market, where their employers expect them to be at work.’

- Superintendent Gene Buinger

Regular attendance also helps establish good habits for life. “Students are learning patterns, and these pat-terns

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Kind Words

Dr. Hearne has received much positive feedback from students, parents, corporations, churches, and those who have heard him speak and teach over the years. We share these testimonials and excerpts from letters Dr. Hearne has received with you to help you determine if Dr. Hearne would be the right fit for your leadership, speaking, or program needs.

I purchased Nate’s book yesterday and read it in one one sitting. IT SHOULD BE REQUIRED READING for anyone who works with young people. It is so inspiring and I am truly Blessed to have worked with and to call this godly, caring man a friend. We need more Nate Hearnes in our lives.

I finished [your book] today and it was a very good and heartfelt book. You offer so many things to not only myself, but other athletes. As a kid looking up to you I can honestly say that you embodied what I wanted to be as a man first, and secondly, a black man.

At all times you carried yourself with dignity respect and grace and it showed by the way you interacted and communicated with us.

I'm not trying to be biased when I say that without your assistance, guidance, and active involvement with us I feel that the discipline and will power to grow from boys to men would have been absent or fleeting at best.

I know that I was personally responsible for many of the grey hairs on your head. And would like to personally thank you and let you know that they were not in vain.

With your help and guidance I found my discipline and focused my goal. I also learned self-control, responsibility, and, most of all, pride.

- Malcolm Hamilton

Coach Hearne delivered a magnificent message to our key leaders today. He really focused on how they can leave their legacy with our members and with our clients and make a difference. After hearing Coach Hearne, I think our leaders will be more self-aware that they can make a difference to those they lead every day.

- Kandi Gongora

Dr. Nate Hearne has a special gift for finding the entry point into student athletes' hearts. Once there, he shares his experience, his wisdom, and his unwavering faith. Dr. Hearne meets you where you are and makes you see where you can go. Then he offers his hand to help take you there.

- Coach Sherri Coale, Oklahoma University, Head Coach, Women's Basketball

Page 9: P.O. Box 180725

Thank you again, Nate… Even at my age, you have inspired me… Your book is a blessing, and I dare say, I won't just read it once.

Dr. Hearne is able to address a number of social issues from a unique perspective. That of a coach before, during and after segregation. Because of his experiences, he is able to share insight into some very sensitive issues.

- Coach Kevin Sumlin, Head Football Coach at Texas A & M

I just wanted to personally let you know how honored I was to have you kickoff our meeting today. A real-world example of "iron sharpening iron."

We have had many speakers over the years from professional athletes, CEOs to celebrities. None of them... let me say it again... NONE moved our team in such a powerful way. I am still getting feedback from our leaders and all have a common theme... BEST speaker that we have ever had.

Your calling at 62 is to speak and share your message. There is no doubt about that. I know that 27 years from now that someone will look upon your guidance today as a defining moment in their life.

- Tony Carimi

I hope I have been a positive figure for my students athletes and one day hear how they are doing in life. Winning is great, but you helped me realize that leading young men and women by actions and faith throughout our lives is most important.

Thank you for the leadership you provided to me growing up. You helped me to achieve so many goals with that determination you instilled in me.

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Credit Card Authorization Formfor monthly automated donations to Euless Loaves and Fishes Foundation

Thank you so much for your donation to the Euless Loaves and Fishes Foundation. Your support enables us to provide multiple positive interventions for those who are at-risk in our society. We provide programs to school-aged children with the goals of reducing truancy, developing character, and setting them up for success in life. We work with youth who are in juvenile facilities, and provide mentorship to prisoners in Coffield Correctional Facility. We educate parents who need extra equipping and support to overcome challenges. Your donation helps keep all of these community-building efforts going!

Name: Credit card number: Expires: Cardholder’s name: Cardholder’s zip code: Security code: Amount to be billed: $ Please bill on the: (circle) 1st of the month 15th of the month I authorize Euless Loaves and Fishes to automatically bill the card listed above as specified. Cardholder signature: Date: Your address: (optional) Your e-mail: (optional)

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Former Permian High School football coach coming back to Odessa to give behind the scenes look at the famous Friday Night Lights May 5, 2014 - Touch Publishing, an international book publisher, announces the release of a new book by one of the original coaches who was a part of the real story depicted in the New York Times Bestselling book, Friday Night Lights, that was set in Odessa, Texas. On Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 7:00 pm, Dr. Hearne will return to Odessa to speak at Odessa College (where he attended) to bring a message of encouragement and hope to the people in the town he loves. Dr. Nathanial Hearne was the first black football coach hired at Permian High School. As an educator, a coach, and administrator at the school, he was privy to a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs that those kids faced. He has combined his experiences during that time with his own life’s journey to create a book that is not only interesting for those who love the original Friday Night Lights story, but is also a leadership training guide for anyone who wants to grow in their leadership skills. His book, Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights, takes a reader through stories of struggle and victory and walks them through to the lesson to be learned on the other side. The impact that Dr. Hearne had on the kids he led over the years is something that has continued. Dr. Hearne encourages each reader to consider his or her own legacy journey. He will share this message in his talk in May 22. Former coaching colleagues, former players, friends, and family will be on hand to celebrate this message of love, and to greet and talk with anyone who comes. Dr. Hearne and a couple of guest speakers will talk from 7:00 - 8:00 pm, then be available for book signing and meet and greet afterward. Dr. Hearne’s book is available in hard and softcover. It can be ordered through online retailers and bookstores. (Barnes and Noble, LifeWay Christian Stores, Amazon.com). More information on Dr. Hearne and his book can be found at www.DrNateHearne.com. Touch Publishing (touchpublishingservices.com) is a company owned by David and Kimberly Soesbee. Touch Publishing’s focus is to help authors who have a great story to share get their message in the hands of readers. Touch Publishing is based in Arlington, Texas. For more information and to schedule an interview with Dr. Hearne:Touch Publishing ServicesAttn: Kimberly SoesbeeTel: 817-617-2012 / 817-914-6803P.O. Box 180303Arlington, Texas [email protected] ###

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Resources from Dr. Hearne

Dr. Nathanial Hearne


Untold Stories fromBehind the Lights



In Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights, Dr. Hearne shares his stories from what happened behind the lights during his time at Permian High School. But this is much more than a book about sports stories, this book Dr. Hearne teaches the life-changing lessons behind the stories that will inspire all who read to consider the legacy they are leaving behind in their work, in their friendships, and in their families. This book comes in hardcover or soft cover. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-9911511-1-0 Softcover ISBN: 978-0-9911511-0-3



Untold Stories fromBehind the Lights

Untold Stories fromBehind the Lights



For Churches, Bible Study Groups, and Individual Study

Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights Book

Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights Bible Study Guide

How you lead and what legacy is left when you’re gone will be determined by the intentionality of your actions. In this 7-session Bible Study, Dr. Nathanial Hearne uses biblical principles, combined with his own experience as a coach, teacher, administrator, and pastor, to guide you toward stronger character development and leadership qualities. For individuals or group studies. This book accompanies the Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights book. Softcover ISBN: 978-0-9911511-2-7