Pmc Recover

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  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover




    The Asia Pacific Federation of Project Management (APFPM) is a network of independent

    national project management associations across Asia and the Pacific region. It acts as a

    facilitator bringing together disparate associations to a single platform to help promote and

    develop Project Management both locall and regionall. It recogni!es the strength and benefit

    that can res"lt from effective collaboration.

    2.1.1 History of APFPM

    In #$$%& the Asia Pacific For"m was established and a charter signed. The meetings of the

    for"m were held in India in #$$' and in airns& A"stralia in ctober *+++. A meeting was held

    at the ,old oast& A"stralia in ctober *++* to change the str"ct"re and foc"s of the for"m into

    a federation of project management instit"tes based in the Asia-Pacific region. The APFPM was

    formed in principle and a draft charter was initiated. It was agreed the APFPM was to be

    formalised b the signing of a charter of five or more instit"tes associations in the region.

    /owever& the Federation became inactive d"e to changes in association representation in the

    region and some individ"al lead organisations not being able to gain s"fficient moment"m over 

    the ens"ing period& hence the Federation ceased to f"nction.

    The APFPM was re-established and la"nched b 0ill 1o"ng& with the a"spices and backing of 

    the A"stralian Instit"te of Project Management. A la"nch meeting was held in April *+#+ with

    fo"ndation Member Associations (Project Management Associates - India& Project Management

    2esearch ommittee - hina& Project Management Association of 3epal& /ong 4ong Instit"te

    of Project Management - /4& Project Management Association of 5apan& Ikatan Ahli

    Manajemen Proek Indonesia& and the A"stralian Instit"te of Project Management)6 hosted b

    the /ong 4ong Instit"te of Project Management.


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    Member Associations incl"ding /4IPM (/ong 4ong)& PMAI (India)& PM2 (hina)& PMA3

    (3epal)& PMA5 (5apan)& AMIP (Me7ico)& IAMPI (Indonesia)& A8APM (9nited 8tates of America)& AP:P (Per")& PMA (anada)& 8PM (8ingapore)& :P (hile)& AIPM (A"stralia)&

    MA4 (4orea) and P2MAP (Philippines). Membership of the Federation is open to

    independent national Project Management associations from co"ntries in the Asia Pacific

    region. ;ach Member Association shall be entitled to a ma7im"m of < representatives.


    The Member Associations from this vast and comple7 region have diverse ethnicit& and

    lang"ages& and incorporate both western and eastern c"lt"res. The Asia Pacific regioneffectivel represents nearl two thirds of the world=s pop"lation and well over half of global

    trade. In a similar vain to the formation of AP;& the APFPM was formed to harness the

    snergies of Project Management related Professional Associations across the region.


    The APFPM basicall operates thro"gh a virt"al network of ommittees. ommittees incl"de&

     b"t are not limited to>

    • ,overnance

    • Membership

    • Asia Pacific Alliances

    • 8tandards :evelopment

    • Achievement Awards

    • 2esearch

    • Asia Pacific :isaster 2esponse Management

    • ?ebsite :evelopment


  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover




    The constr"ction ind"stries in Malasia recentl growing ver fast with the constr"ction of new

     projects. The constr"ction ind"str generall deals with the vario"s tpes of constr"ction

    sectors like 2eal ;state @ Infrastr"ct"re. 2eal ;state 8ector is segmented in 2esidential&

    Ind"strial& orporate& and ommercial. ?hereas Infrastr"ct"re sector in 2oads& 2ailwas&

    9rban Infrastr"ct"res& Ports& Airports and Power. To manage s"ch kind of "ni"e projects

    re"ires an e7pertise with organi!ations and a thoro"gh bod of knowledge. ne of the

    management sol"tions that have been widel "se to improve efficienc of a projects is thro"gh

    the "se of Project Management ons"ltanc (PM) services.. Project Management ons"ltant

     plas m"ltifaceted part in s"ch projects and provides the services from inception to completion

    of projects. At ever stage of project life ccle& the principles of pro-activeness and creating the

    win-win sit"ation is necessar keeping in mind the c"stomer clientBs re"irements. 9se of 

    Project Management ons"ltant (PM) offers one of the effective management sol"tion to

    increase and improve the efficienc and o"tcome of a project in constr"ction.


    The Project Management ons"ltanc has a wide variet of roles to pla d"ring the

    constr"ction process. onstr"ction project gives benefits to the "stomer lient in terms of 

    satisfaction and it consists of b"siness development& profit& reso"rces "tili!ation& etc. 0eca"se of 

    this cons"ltanc plas a m"ltifaceted part in the constr"ction project& and is "s"all involved in

    the project from the projectBs inception to its completion. It is important to f"ll "nderstand

    Project Management ons"ltanc and a"thorit. :oing so ens"res that the ons"ltanc can be

    f"ll ma7imi!ed on each constr"ction project. 3ormall the job is managed b the Project

    Manager and s"pervised b the onstr"ction Manager& and allied team of design engineer&


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    constr"ction engineer or project architect. ;fficienc in Management is needed to gain a higher 

    level in competitiveness. ;ver constr"ction project is different i.e. "ni"e& ever constr"ction

     project demands the f"ll attention& professionalism and energ of its project team& ever

    constr"ction project depends "pon an e7perienced leader to make it happen. The Project

    management cons"ltantCs (PM) role to control the work process are ver important in the

    constr"ction b"siness. There are fo"r major components in managements of constr"ction

     projects which are>

    i. H$%&' rso$rs %&'&*%'t+ 8ince labor prod"ctivit and a harmonio"s working

    environment are essential elements of a s"ccessf"l project& control over h"man

    reso"rces becomes important& more so than ever in these das of shortages of both

    workers and managers.

    ii. M&'&*%'t of t, o'str$tio' -ross+ ;stablishing the best wa to implement the

    constr"ction process which wo"ld incl"de proper sched"ling and the coordination and

    control of the flow of labor& materials& and e"ipment to the job site.

    iii. Co'str$tio' E'*i'ri'*> The proper techni"e of assembling materials& components&

    e"ipment and sstems& and the selection and "tili!ation of the best constr"ction


    iv. Fi'&'i& %&'&*%'t+ onstr"ction is a b"siness and m"st be viewed as s"ch control

    over cost& cash flow and ade"ate project f"nding are essential part of an b"siness

    endeavor and constr"ction is no e7ception.



    ;ver compan (client) is not necessaril re"ired to appoint a project management cons"ltant

    for their compan. The appointment is "p to the compan whether to take the PM or not. In

    general& PM task is to assist and g"ide the compan (client) that there is a problem or want

    ongoing project r"n smoothl. There are several steps to do before to take organi!ational project

    management cons"ltanc>


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    St- 1+ :efine what want to do and plan for it.

    0efore re"est proposals or "alifications& or activel seek cons"ltancies& determine the specific

    needs and goals. 3eed to identif the short- and long-term goals of the organi!ation and how

     project& program or portfolio management cons"ltancies might assist in attaining thosecorporate goals. lient m"st provide potential firms with as m"ch detail as possible abo"t

    organi!ation and its strategies and objectives so the can develop an acc"rate proposal. If 

    appropriate& client might want to consider cond"cting an internal assessment of their 

    organi!ationBs capabilities and reso"rces in relation to their c"rrent project& program andor 

     portfolio management processes. An assessment will enable client to "nderstand wh the need

    to take on the e7ternal s"pport offered b a cons"ltanc. lient can cond"ct an internal

    assessment the cons"lting firm co"ld cond"ct the assessment as part of their engagement.

    St- 2> 8elect the firm.

    nce the organi!ation has defined its needs& client need to follow a good selection process.

    onsider these proced"res>

    • Identif a selection team or s"bcommittee

    • Identif who will make the final decision

    • ;stablish a decision-making process

    • :onBt forget to incl"de a sched"le for the selection process

    • :etermine o"r desired o"tcome or deliverables

    • Identif and select the criteria for eval"ating the proposals

    • Identif potential cons"lting firms> ompile a list of interested and potential firms (9se

    the PMI 2egistered ons"ltant Program director at www.PMI.orgrcp)

    • Prepare a 2e"est for Information (2FI) to gain information before writing a 2e"est

    for Proposal (2FP)> :evelop a detailed scope of work and g"idelines for s"bmission

    with the 2FP


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    • :istrib"te the 2FI to selected cons"lting firms with a clear d"e date> 9sing the selection

    criteria eval"ate the 2FI responses.

    • :istrib"te the 2FP to the final D-E selected cons"lting firms with a clear d"e date> nce

    again "sing the selection committee and selection criteria& eval"ate the proposals.

    St- !> 3egotiate terms and contract with the cons"ltanc.

    lient alread select firm. The final step before the work of improving organi!ationBs project&

     program and portfolio management processes begins is to p"t everthing into a written contract.

    As with the selection step& the proced"re is similar to negotiating and signing a contract with

    other tpes of vendors. egal representation from both parties sho"ld be involved& as if the legaldepartments are not parties to the negotiations& their comments or recommendations after the

    fact might lead to a reopening of the negotiations.


    Predetermine selection criteria for cons"ltanc& it allows to appl a fair and consistent method

    for meas"ring proposals. Man organi!ations "se selection criteria to help them screen

    candidates. The selection criteria ens"re that "se the same& "nbiased standards to each candidate

    and lead to a more objective decision. ItBs a good idea to "se selection criteria and create a

    scoring matri7Gand then score all the responses against the matri7. That sho"ld incl"de

    m"ltiple committee members to reach an objective talling of the scores. It might wish to

    separate the technical eval"ation from the cost or price eval"ation and determine how m"ch the

    technical will co"nt and how m"ch the costprice will co"nt toward the overall total.

    onsiderations for selection criteria incl"de>


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    •  3"mber of responsesGpre-determine an acceptable response level for the project so

    that if o" do not get an ade"ate n"mber of responses& can eval"ate whether to

    contin"e or redefine need to get more proposals.

    • Tpe of cons"ltancGlook for those with e7perience that closel matches o"r needs.

    8i!e& geographic reach& tpical engagement length

    • Professional "alificationsGincl"ding>

    o 0readth and depth of e7perience

    o Familiarit with o"r ind"str or tpe of project

    o Technical competence

    o Abilit to develop practical recommendations

    o Abilit to b"ild tr"st and work effectivel with management and staff 

    o Abilit to manage an assignment and sta on sched"le and within b"dget

    o PMI credentials and "alifications for personnel leading the engagement

    • Past e7perienceGdid previo"s cons"lting engagements meet the clientsB goalsH ?ere

    the completed in an efficient mannerH

    • Proposed work planGtheir approach to meeting goals

    • Their abilit to bring innovation to partic"lar goals and needs

    • ostGframe cost in terms of gains6 the lowest bid ma not alwas be the best.

    Identifing potential firms>

    • 9tili!e the PMI 2egistered ons"ltant Program director

    • heck with organi!ations similar for recommendations or referrals

    • 8can member directories and websites for professional project management


    • Place p"blic notices in trade p"blications or on trade websites& message boards and

    social media sites

    • 8earch for s"bject matter e7perts in trade p"blications who have served as article

    so"rces or col"mnists


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    •  3etwork at ind"str conferences and conventions6 consider the "alifications of 

     presenters and panelists

    ?hat to look for in bids and proposals>

    • An "nderstanding of problem

    • An analsis of how the firm will address problem

    • An estimate of the specific work the will perform on project

    • Their approach for solving problem or meeting goals

    • :etails on e7actl what services the will provide

    • A timetable that covers the firmBs time as well as time re"ired of staff 

    • lear details on all fees& e7penses and financial agreements

    The names& e7periences and s of anone who will work on their team for the


    • 2eferences relevant to project.



    Project Management ons"ltant (PM) have different roles or scope of works and services

    depending on whom the represent& b"t the principles and f"ndamentals of project management

    as enshrined in the Project Man"al 0od of 4nowledge man"al area applicable to each of the

    three categor >

    i. PM representing the ontractor (traditional& t"rnke& design and b"ild).

    ii. PM representing the lients (p"blicgovernment) and private sectors (developers&investors& landowners).

    iii. PM representing the :esigners (architects& engineer& etc.)

    According to ((2.:!"lkarnaen Ismail *++J))& there is no specific definition of project

    cons"ltant. Most definitions describe management cons"ltants b their roles and responsibilit


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    and services that the provide "sing tools and skills the have in delivering a task assigned b

    the client or the owner of the project. Table D.#.E below shows the roles and responsibilit

    matri7 for the vario"s stakeholders of the project at different stages of constr"ction.

    T& !.1.+ 1 Ros &'3 Rs-o'siiity M&tri4

    (2- 2esponsibilit& I- Participator responsibilit)

    Co3 Dsri-tio' of Pro5t M&'&*%'t Co's$t&'y6s Ros &'3

    Rs-o'siiity M&tri4 7 I'3$stri& Pro5ts

    Ci't PMC Ar,it

    A. Pr8o'str$tio' St&*+

    A.# Anal!e lientBs project related re"irements I 2 2  

    A.* Prepare the :esign 0rief in terms of f"nction abilit& cost& time& "alit

    and safet

    2 2 2 

    A.D :evelop project control sstems I 2 I

    A.< Finali!ation of project organi!ation chart. 2 2 I

    A.E ;stablishment of project comm"nication and reporting sstem I 2 I

    A.J Preparation of works breakdown str"ct"re I 2 I

    A.% Preparation of Project Master 8ched"le with base line I 2 IA.' Preparation of :esign :rawings deliverables sched"le I 2 I

    A.$ Feedback on the Master 0"dget of the project I 2 I

    A.#+ o-ordination and follow-"p with Architect and other design cons"ltants

    for their inp"ts

    I 2 I

    A.## To identif and s"ggest cons"ltantsdesigners for speciali!ed re"irements I 2 I

    A.#* ead project meetings as necessar for review of progress I 2 I

    A.#D To set "p &track& monitor a design deliverable sched"le I 2 IA.#< hecking @ verification of designerBs s"bmissions (design basis reports&

    val"e engineering& cost benefit analsis& drawings etc)

    I 2 I

    A.#E ost control d"ring all stages of design and design development 2 2 I

    A.#J Preparation of proc"rement plan 2 2 I


  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    A.#% 2eview of technical specifications and 0ill of K"antities (0K) I 2 2  

    A.#' Monitoring the stat"tor approvals process b follow-"ps with liaison

    cons"ltants and reporting the progress

    2 2 2 

    A.#$ ond"cting Pre-bid meetings and feedback for completeness of tender 

    specifications and technical parameters.

    2 2 I

    A.*+ comparative statements @ techno-commercial eval"ation reports 2 2 I

    A.*# 8"bmitting ?eekl and Monthl progress reports I 2 I

    . Co'str$tio' St&*

    0.# F"ll time s"pervision of All constr"ction works activities for the project I 2 I

    0.* n-site design co-ordination and iss"e of drawings clarifications I 2 2  

    0.D rgani!e approval to contractors shop drawings& prod"ct data sheets&


    2 2 2 

    0.< 2efinement of works breakdown str"ct"re I 2 I

    0.E Monitoring the progress of work with the Master constr"ction sched"le I 2 I

    0.J Prior flagging of anticipated bottlenecks and analsis of its reasons I 2 I

    0.% :a to da correspondences incl"ding contract"al iss"es I 2 I

    0.' hange order management for design changes and e7tra items I 2 I

    0.$ Prepare KAK plan and Method 8tatement I 2 I

    0.#+ K"alit ass"rance and control to ens"re conformance to drawings and


    I 2 I

    0.## ;stablish ;/8 plan (;nvironment& /ealth and 8afet) I 2 I

    0.#* Iss"e ,F drawings to respective contractors and keep "pdated record


    I 2 I

    0.#D 8cr"tini!e and check working drawings received from Architects designer I 2 I

    0.#< rgani!e Progress review meetings on weekl basis I 2 I

    0.#E ollect& review and maintain all the records of contractorsB dail progress


    I 2 I

    C. Post8Co'str$tio' St&*+


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    .# Advice abo"t probable date of 8"bstantial ompletion I 2 I

    .* Preparing @ addressing the sched"le of defects p"nch list I 2 I

    .D Provide assistance in Testing and commissioning of the facilit I 2 I

    .< ollection and integration of vario"s and M man"als& commissioning @test certificates

    I 2 I

    .E 2econciliation and ertification of Final bills of contractors& s"ppliers&

    vendors and cons"ltants

    I 2 I

    .J Preparation of project close-o"t report incl"ding learning I 2 I

    .% ollate and verif all As-b"ilt drawings I 2 I

    .' Addressing an "eries d"ring defects liabilit period I 2 I

    .$ o-ordination with the ontractors to rectif the defects d"ring the defectsliabilit period&

    I 2 I

    From the perspectives of the Malasian constr"ction ind"str to re-integrate the ver m"ch

    disintegrated constr"ction ind"str in order to avoid as far as possible conflict& lack of 

    comm"nication and waste of efforts thro"gh better co-ordination& closer cooperation and more

    effective control. In order to f"lfill the role of The Project Management ons"ltant& PM

    sho"ld therefore provide personnel with vario"s related disciplines inside the cons"ltant team in

    order to "nderstand their problems as well as to achieve project goals.

    Or*&'i9&tio' P&ttr'

    The organi!ational pattern which refers to the relationship between the Project Management

    ons"ltant and all parties involved in the project can be viewed in Fig"re D.#.E below.


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    Fig"re D.#.E(a) > ons"ltant and all parties involved in the project


  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    Fig"re D.#.E(b) > Management cons"lting s"ccess


    1. So$tio' is &i*'3

  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    abo"t how decisions can be made "ickl. :onBt hesitate to ens"re o"r sponsor knows

    o" ma& on occasion& need his or her advice or decision-making a"thorit.

    •  4eep project sponsors and stakeholders informed. Meet with them on a reg"lar basis

    and cop them on stat"s reports.

    !. E4-t&tio's of t, -ro5t &r r&isti &'3 3o 'ot ,&'*

    • ;ns"re there are no s"rprises. 0e realistic and honest. 3othing is ever gained b keeping

    things from the client.

    • ;7pectations can be managed b identifing the deliverables and b specifing what is

    not incl"ded.

    • Periodicall review e7pectations with the client.

    • :oc"menting agreements and obtaining signoffs is alwas a good idea.

    • Maintain a positive attit"de.

    . Pro5t so- is

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    integration testing.

    . Prosss for i%-%'t&tio' &r

  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    • If there can obtain a solid commitment from team members& the project sho"ld r"n more





    1. Ci't6s R$ir%'ts &'3 So- of or>s

    To anal!e the project definition in f"nctional terms to meet the performance objectives and

    to advise the clients with respect to the definition& consistenc& practicabilit and

    controllabilit of all aspects of the project.

    2. F&siiity St$3y

    To carr o"t feasibilit st"dies& appraisal and to ens"re that it is feasible f"nctionall&

    technicall and financiall.

    !. Pri%i'&ry R$ir%'ts

    To make site visits and to plan site lao"t and arrange of earl site arrangement and

    arrangements for geological investigations& site s"rve and to anal!e the soil investigation

    reports and to prepare in brief project s"mmar which incl"de L8ched"le of 

    AccommodationB for ever b"ilding.

    . Co'tr&t &'3 "*& Co'si3r&tio's

    To advise the clients on the terms and conditions of contracts& to prepare the contract

    doc"ment& To prepare etter of ffer () and etter of Acceptance (A) and assist the

    client on terms and condition inside both contracts.

    . S,3$i'*


  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    To prepare vario"s levels of project sched"les for planning and implementation and to

    monitor all the activities& to provide inp"t to the project sched"le regarding constr"ction

    activities and to e7amine and anal!e the project planning.

    :. Mti'*s

    To convene meetings on a fortnightl basis or more fre"entl as the need arises& meet with

    cons"ltant& client& and contractor at least once a month& and act as hairman of s"ch Project

    Management Meeting.

    @. R-orti'*

    To prepare Meeting report and Monthl progress report.

    . M&'&*%'t of Dsi*' &'3 Ot,r Co's$t&'ts

    To coordinate the services of the :esign ons"ltants and other professional ons"ltant&

    e7amine and consider all plans prod"ced b the :esign ons"ltant& e7amine and control

    designs and plans& and liaise with the relevant a"thorities for approval.

    9. Pro$r%'t

    To prepare appropriate doc"ments for calling for tenders or proposal& assist client in calling

    for pre-"alification of tenders& s"bmit a report on tenders received and make

    recommendations& prepare and s"bmit AT:A (As Tendered :etail Abstract)& and anal!e

    and e7amine all proposed tender rate.

    10. $3*ti'* &'3 Esti%&ti'*

    To prepare b"dget and b"siness plan& and assist the client on the price negotiating.

    11. Cost Co'tro

    To control ariation of works& minimi!e wastage of materials and financial control over all

     paments& anal!e and control costing and anal!e an application made for changes of 

    work& monitor changes in scope and the preparation of re"ired b"dget variation.

    12. M&'&*%'t of Co'str$tio'


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    To ens"re timel completion of the Project and instr"ct the ontractors on an incomplete

    works and defects& monitor project progress& take reasonable meas"res to control progress&

    arrange for site inspection& monitor an defect& and arrange for repair works.

    1!. E4-3iti'*

    To coordinate the ontractor=s work in accordance with his programme and site planning

    and progress chasing in the event& to take immediate action on the constr"ction iss"es& solve

     problem on site& deal with local a"thorit on application for approval for Lertificate of 

    FitnessB and preparation of ertificate of Practical ompletion.

    1. P&y%'t Crtifi&tio'

    To arrange for Financial 8tatements showing e7pected final costs and prepare and

    recommend the certification of all final acco"nts& and assist the client on pament to the


    1. $&ity Co'tro

    To ens"re that the b"ilding plant installations and all services operate in conformit with the

    re"irements and design specifications& s"pervise and controlling of all test on site& As a

    witnesses of all test carried o"t b the contractor& to arrange for inspection& to ens"re the

    "alit of works when necessar and to prepare the report before handling over to the client.

    1:. Co%%issio'i'*

    To assist client to obtain the iss"ance of the relevant ertificate of Fitness& to provide client

    a maintenance& operating and service man"al& to assist and ens"re that client receives a f"ll

    set of as-b"ilt drawings and preparing a programme for maintenance.



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    0ased on the data provided in Table D.#.'& it is taken from the res"lts of a st"d carried o"t b

    (2.:!"lkarnaen Ismail *++J). The respondent were asked to rate the degree of satisfaction on

    the list of services provided b the PM which is incl"ded in the table provided in the

    "estionnaires. The res"lts of the s"rve for the level of satisfaction on the services provided b

    Project management ons"ltant (PM) shows that the respondent had categori!ed the services

     provided b the Project Management ons"ltant "nder two main factor which are satisfN and


    Table D.#.'> evel of satisfaction on services provided 01 PM



    Project list below in Table D.#.$ is onl part of the project in Malasia to "se project

    management cons"ltanc services. Among them are>



    Pro5t Dsri-tio' Sr=is Pro=i33

    # 4IA*-T lient> 0ina P"ri 8dn. 0hd. Project Management


  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    AI2P2T& 8;PA3,&


    9emc-bina p"ri is the t"rnke design-and-

     b"ild contractor for the airport project

    Project val"e> 2M # billion

    @ ontract

    ons"ltanc 8ervices.

    * T;8


    M9TIA2A 2I3I&


    lient> Tesco 8tores (M) 8dn 0hd

    Main contractor for this project in T/0 0I3A

    MA59 8:3. 0/:.

    Project al"e> 2M D< Million

    Project Management

    @ ontract

    ons"ltanc 8ervices.

    D P9T;2I /A2092  

    I3I 02I:,;&

     398A5A1A& 5/2 

    I;3T> T/0 8TA2,AT; 8:3. 0/:.

    P25;T A9;> 2M #J Million

    Project Management

    @ ontract

    ons"ltanc 8ervices.

    < P98AT


     3;,;2I 8A0A/&

    4TA 4I3A0A9&


    lient> 0ina P"ri 8dn. 0hd.

    0ina P"ri Is The Main ontractor For The DD-

    8tore ffice Tower.

    Project al"e> 2M 4lia ons"ltanc 8ervices 8:3.


    The ,overnment of Malasia is

    implementing the ;lectrified :o"ble Track 

    2ail Project so as to "pgrade the railwa

    infrastr"ct"re incl"ding signaling and

    omm"nications between 8eremban and

    ,emas& with the intention of increasing the

    Project Management

    @ ontract

    ons"ltanc 8ervices.


  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    speed& fre"enc& capacit and efficienc of 

    the train services. I23 International

    imited is the main contractor and 4IA8

    is the Project Management ons"ltant.

    Project al"e> 2M D. 8ena etrik (M) 8:3. 0/:.

    9pgrading of ab"an Airport& ab"an&

    Malasia. 9pgrading of 4ota 4inabal"

    International Airport& 8abah& Malasia. 8ena

    etrik (M) 8dn. 0hd. is the specialist

    contractor for the Aerona"tical ,ro"nd.

    ighting (A,) 8stem for 4"ching airport&

    ab"an airport and 4ota 4inabal" airport


    Project Management

    @ ontract

    ons"ltanc 8ervices.

    ' MA0 2P2AT;

    FFI;& 8;PA3,

    lient> Target 2eso"rces 8:3. 0/:.

    Proposed :esign& onstr"ction @

    :evelopment of orporate ffice @ Ancillar

    ?orks for Malasia Airport /oldings 0hd at

    ot %$& 4IA& M"kim ab"& :aerah 8epang&

    8elangor :ar"l ;hsan. Target 2eso"rces 8dn.

    0hd. is the main contractor for the MA0

    orporate ffice.

    Project al"e> 2M

  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    0A3:A2 TA8I4 

    8;ATA3& 49AA


    #+ 44 TIM;8 8K9A2;

    P/A8; *& 4TA

    4I3A0A9& 8A0A/

    lient> 0ina P"ri onstr"ction 8:3. 0/:.

    0ina P"ri onstr"ction 8dn 0hd is the Main

    ontractor for 8hopping omple7 "m

    ffice 0"ilding project.

    Project al"e> 2M

  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


  • 8/18/2019 Pmc Recover


    :eclaration& 8. 8. (*++$). Student’s declaration. 9MP Instit"tional 2epositor. 2etrieved from


    :!"lkarnaen Ismail (*++J)& 8ervices Provided b Project Management ons"ltant in Malasian

    onstr"ction Ind"str& M8c Thesis& Fac"lt of ivil ;ngineering& 9niversiti Teknologi


    Instit"te& P. M. (*+#+). ?/;3 8/9: 19 98; A3 2,A3IRATI3A P25;T

    MA3A,;M;3T 389TA31 H 2etrieved from http>www.pmi.orgb"siness-


     3ik"mbh& A. 2. (*+#www.linkedin.comgro"ps