Plus our Plexus “Pink Tasting”

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Disclaimer This workshop is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. This event is not sponsored by Plexus Worldwide. The results people get varies from person to person and Plexus does not claim to cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

Transcript of Plus our Plexus “Pink Tasting”

Plus our Plexus Pink Tasting
How to Give Your Body What it Needs to Heal and Thrive Plus our Plexus Pink Tasting Disclaimer This workshop is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. This event is not sponsored by Plexus Worldwide. The results people get varies from person to person and Plexus does not claim to cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Welcome! Lets talk about
The root causes for the most common health challenges (unwanted weight, insomnia, migraines, anxiety, exhaustion, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, etc.).....and what you can do to start healing your body from the inside out Why diets DONT work and how you can get healthy and lose weight a much easier (and more fun) way! About one alternative. You'll discover the health benefits of the Plexus line of natural supplements and how they can help you Like you, I looked healthy But I was physically and emotionally exhausted My Body Was Crying Out IBS Thyroid Hashimotos Muscle constriction
Stage 3 C breast cancer Fibromyalgia Food sensitivities (gluten, dairy, eggs, corn soy) Insomnia Anxiety but I still hit a wall Its a Serious Issue Were only 5% of the worlds population, but we take 72% of the drugs and have MORE degenerative diseases! Theres something very, very wrong with that statistic! And Were All to Blame The traditional medicine world is treating the symptoms, yet not fixing the real issue Why is alternative medicine alternative? Why is using whats in nature alternative? Its the companies that have polluted our world And its us! (YES, its us too!) Wanting a quick fix (a prescription, a magic pill) Living an unhealthy lifestyle, yet expecting to be healthy Buying into the notion that its just the way it is and accepting our labels Through Plexus, My Mess Becomes My Message
When we allow God to turn our mess into our message, He not only changes our lives, but He changes the lives of countless others as well. The Root Causes When inflammation becomes chronic rather than transitory the body turns on itself with after effects that seem to underlie a wide variety of diseases. Time Magazine. Health: The Fires Within By Christine Gorman, Alice Park and Kristina Dell Monday, Feb. 23, 2004 What Causes Chronic Inflammation?
The foods we eat Sugar Processed foods Bad fats (vegetable oil, etc.) Hormone-laden meat and dairy Gluten and casein (the protein in dairy and wheat) Artificial sweeteners Toxins: The environments we live in, the air we breathe, the water we drink (shower in, swim in), the products we use Stress Lack of sleep Toxins. Toxins in our environment are the hidden causes of weight gain and inflammation Your body might be a toxic waste dump The average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood So if a newborn baby has that many, how many might you have?? So detoxing isnt just helpful.its critical Is It A Big Deal? Chronic inflammation is a serious problem
It makes you feel lousy It stops your body from working as well as it could And it contributes to a whole host of other problems The Root Causes Blood Sugar Irregularity
Most of us experience highs and lows in our blood sugar This impacts our energy levels, concentration, ability to lose or control weight, our mood and much, much more Lows: from not eating enough, skipping meals Highs: from caffeine, being dehydrated, fatty foods, high carb foods, sports drinks When we eat, drink alcohol, eat sweets or starchy foods, such as potato, bread, pasta or rice, they are broken down in the body into a sugar, called glucose. The glucose is then carried throughout the body in the bloodstream and distributed into cells, which use it for energy. These blood glucose levels are carefully controlled by a natural hormone called insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. After we eat, our blood glucose levels rise and insulin is released to bring those blood glucose levels back to normal. However, if the blood sugar rises too rapidly, the body can release too much insulin, this in turn, causes the blood sugar to drop low again and can make us feel tired, cranky and hungry again. Is It a Big Deal? Diabetesis a condition in which blood sugar levels are too high Too much sugar circulating in the blood can damage the body in a myriad of ways, including theheartandblood vessels, peripheral nerves, kidney, liver, eyes, brainandimmune system. 1 in 10 people suffer from diabetes, but theyre estimating that by mid century, this number will be 1 in 3 Americans The Root Causes Poor Gut Health Many of you have probably suffer from (or have suffered from) some type of digestive disorder irritable bowel, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, gas But most dont know that digestive problems wreak havoc over your entire body leading to allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, rashes, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders,autism, dementia, cancer and more Allowing undigested food particles, viruses, bacteria, and waste products to leak into the bloodstream creating a physical response in the body Causes of Leaky Gut Antibiotics Overuse of Motrin, Advil, Aleve
Antacids Birth control pills Overgrowth of candida, fungi and yeast Excessive alcohol consumption Poor diet Refined flours, sugars, soda, preservatives, food dyes, artificial colors and flavors Is It a Big Deal? Leaky gut syndrome isalmost always associated with autoimmune disease In fact, reversing symptoms of autoimmune disease depends on healing the lining of the gastrointestinal tract Any other treatment is just symptom suppression An autoimmune disease is when our own immune system makes antibodies against its own tissues Again, common but not the way it should be!
Is it a Big Deal? There are 80+ autoimmune diseases Diseases in this category include lupus, alopecia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid disease, asthma, Crohns disease, type 1 diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, IBS Again, common but not the way it should be! Our bodies are worn out and cant keep going like this!
Bottom Line Our bodies are worn out and cant keep going like this! Things to Address Get more sleep Reduce stress
Removing inflammatory foods (eat whole, natural foods) Start replacing your household and personal care products with non-toxic products Ending soda and sugar addictions Stay away for processed and sugary foods
Things to Address Stay well hydrated Eat healthy meals throughout the day Stay away for processed and sugary foods Things to Address Avoid GMOs genetically modified foods
Avoid antibiotics Stay away from foods youre sensitive to Get on a really good probiotic But Why Do Diets and Change Everything at Once Approaches FAIL?
Diets tend to be focused on deprivation, willpower and control Theyre focused on quick weight loss, but most times not on sustainable lifestyle changes If we dont develop healthy habits, its nearly impossible to maintain PLUS, if we dont heal the root causes, its nearly impossible to experience healthy weight loss to begin with Heres a Possible Solution
Plexus is a health and wellness company that has supplements that WORK Natural, plant-derived, non-GMO supplements Referred by a Holistic Health Coach Reviewed by a Holistic Doctor Address these root causes weve been talking about With a simple system, thats not a diet, meal replacement And where youre NOT asked to change everything at once Heres a Possible Solution The Slim **Contains Chromium Developed to regulate glucose levels
Helps keep blood sugar,cholesterol, blood pressure, andlipids at healthy levels Helps increase will power over food Reduces binge eating **Contains Chromium ProBio 5 Proper probiotic and intestinalbalance which increases nutrientabsorption Yeast organism (Candida) andfungal cleanse Relief from typical Candidasymptoms (sugar cravings,anxiety, recurring irritability,lethargy, allergies, acne,dry/flaky skin, migraines, etc.) BioCleanse Oxygenates the entire body
Detoxifies and cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract and arteries Energizes both physically and mentally Neutralizes acidic conditions that may promote pathogens Enhances weight loss Supports collagen production Relieves constipation Power Team: Probio5 and BioCleanse They Get to the Root of the Issues AND Help You Develop Healthy Habits
As youre sleeping through the night In less pain Symptoms going away Feeling great Reduced appetite and cravings 3 Ways to Start Retail: Its a one-time, full price order [60-day money-back guarantee] [$139.95] Preferred customer: You get a customer discount, an additional discount after 3 months, youre on autoship [60-day money-back guarantee] [$124.95] Wholesale/Ambassador: You get the deepest discounts. With an annual fee of only $34.95, youll experience a 25% discount all year long. [You also get a website] [$109.95; $99] Plexus was the last thing you had to try
So What If Plexus was the last thing you had to try And What if You Could Get Healthy WHILE Running a Business? Get in Touch With Your Ambassador
With health questions that came up from this presentation If you want to get healthy and give these products a try What do you have to lose? 60-day money-back guarantee Or if you want to make extra money Turn $34.95 into $500 a month, a $1,000 a month, $5,000 a month, $30,000 a month No parties, no inventory, no quotas Now lets. Hear how these supplements have impacted peoples lives
Taste the delicious pink drink!