Plot Outline

Theme: Technologies that the corporations use to keep the wealth divide intact. Tech Concept 1: Some type of suit perhaps that gives the user huge power/durability/flight? Tech Concept 2: Powerful androids controlled by the corps. Tech Concept 3: Genetically modified creature the corp has control of through implants. Rough Plot: Main characters family is killed in an undercity raid when the corporations get intel of our protagonists father being involved in some radical anti-establishment plan. Military patrols aggressively police the streets of New Haven 5(turning a blind eye on the undercity*), all our protagonist has ever known is the grimey confines of the high-tech city. While the rich live high up in the many skyscrapers stretching among the clouds, the life our protagonist has known in the undercity is the opposite of this lifestyle. People in the undercity struggle to provide for their families working insane hours for meager wages, are surrounded by gang activities, exposed to allegedly toxic living conditions (though the corporations hide all data supporting it), and all manner of exotic drugs flow from the undercity. When his family is killed in the raid things pick up pace as our protagonist returns to find his family and home in flames. Worst of all his face is plastered all over the holoscreens as a wanted man with a huge bounty on his head. As he tries to make his way out of the city in hiding he is recognized by a bounty hunter and after a short chase is knocked out and captured. He wakes to find himself in a holding cell. Shithead ganglord intends to turn him in for the bounty but aims to question him first to see why he is so valuable to the corp, trying to get that value for himself.



Transcript of Plot Outline

Page 1: Plot Outline

Theme: Technologies that the corporations use to keep the wealth divide intact. Tech Concept 1: Some type of suit perhaps that gives the user huge power/durability/flight? Tech Concept 2: Powerful androids controlled by the corps. Tech Concept 3: Genetically modified creature the corp has control of through implants. Rough Plot: Main characters family is killed in an undercity raid when the corporations get intel of our protagonists father being involved in some radical anti-establishment plan. Military patrols aggressively police the streets of New Haven 5(turning a blind eye on the undercity*), all our protagonist has ever known is the grimey confines of the high-tech city. While the rich live high up in the many skyscrapers stretching among the clouds, the life our protagonist has known in the undercity is the opposite of this lifestyle. People in the undercity struggle to provide for their families working insane hours for meager wages, are surrounded by gang activities, exposed to allegedly toxic living conditions (though the corporations hide all data supporting it), and all manner of exotic drugs flow from the undercity. When his family is killed in the raid things pick up pace as our protagonist returns to find his family and home in flames. Worst of all his face is plastered all over the holoscreens as a wanted man with a huge bounty on his head. As he tries to make his way out of the city in hiding he is recognized by a bounty hunter and after a short chase is knocked out and captured. He wakes to find himself in a holding cell. Shithead ganglord intends to turn him in for the bounty but aims to question him first to see why he is so valuable to the corp, trying to get that value for himself.