PLN 1:1 Advice


Transcript of PLN 1:1 Advice

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Darcy1968 Help. I am continuing my series of posts. Question: what are 10 things a 'school' can do in preparation for 1:1 laptops in classrooms? #L4L

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ictguy@Darcy1968 The big thing teachers need 4 '1 to 1' is being open 2 new ways of learning 4 students and teachers. It's all about the attitude!

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TheDramaTeacher@Darcy1968 involve students - how can the L4L aid their learning.

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melissagiddins@Darcy1968 Identify some 'early adopters' to run ahead of the pack. Start PD now in small bite-sized chunks. Create an 'ideas bank'.

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ictguy@Darcy1968 When talking '1 to1' – Will Richardson's Unlearning curve comes to mind!

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stuhasic@Darcy1968 #L4L School needs to come to consensus on all the policy issues. How do laptops fit in the current UAP and Discipline policies?

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pilgram@Darcy1968 1:1 Laptops- eSafety and responsible use no1 priority #L4L

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stuhasic@Darcy1968 #L4L School needs to arrange accom. for the netbooks pool and the on-site L4L officer. In the Job ads on 3/6/09!!

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Lilylauren@Darcy1968 a school can refuse to accept a deficit model of teacher learning & understand that in 2009 it is not on to ignore technology

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onepmb@darcy1968. #10 – Current and future in"fast"ructure- fast as in get on it now and always stay ahead of its curve

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Cramster@Darcy1968 Educate faculties about social learning sites, encourage students to embrace social learning

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piphowell@Darcy1968 #L4L set up shared Delicious account for each faculty. Share web 2 tools, learning objects and sites easily among faculty staff

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oliverquinlan@Darcy1968 Are you doing a blog post on 1:1 laptops? Be very interested to see your thoughts/findings.

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wotsa@Darcy1968 the 'school' could make opportunities for stakeholders to air their feelings, fears and ideas. Unearth some nuggets.

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TheDramaTeacher@Darcy1968 encourage reluctant staff to attend DYNAMIC presentations showing L4L in action, model positive practices, relevant to teach KLA

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Lofts1964@Darcy1968, create mentor groups in year 9. 'Guide on the Side'. They will be the champions. Just like my year 8 class showed me a few tips.

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Lofts1964@Darcy1968 ensure you survey your parents, on use at home & school. Find the 'champions' amongst your parents. They will be handy.

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pryorcommitment@Darcy1968 Only say 'No' when there's a very good reason not to say YES

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intrepidteacher@Darcy1968 Create school ethos, where teachers also use tech ubiquitously. Hard to do...

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melissagiddins@Darcy1968 have a policy for what to do when kids turn up without batteries charged, forget their laptops, etc.

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pilgram@Darcy1968 Collaboration, Cooperation, Sharing- through projector, learning platform etc. eg Pedagogy #L4L

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neilyc@Darcy1968 Obvious things like, extra powerpoints, pervasive wireless, secure lockups, smooth desks, screen-friendly lighting #L4L

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Deangroom @Darcy1968 #L4L - Word cloud of 'students must/must not' policy - spot the learning worlds ... shiesh.

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SimonBorgert@Darcy1968 teach from the back of the classroom

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john_larkin@Darcy1968 Have a supply of 'images' so that a machine can be rapidly rebirthed.

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digitalmaverick @Darcy1968 1 thing would be for them to remember when it is best NOT to use a computer :-)

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melissagiddins@Darcy1968 plan for offline and online use -be ready with plans and -activities for both - prevent offline -from meaning 'not used'.

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melissagiddins@Darcy1968 School policy for battery charging. Work out where they live – in school bags when bags are outside rooms in prac classes?

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john_larkin@Darcy1968 Develop a logical labelling system for each laptop and its specific peripherals. Count them out. Count them in.

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SimonBorgert@Darcy1968 ensure that arrangements are made to cater for students that have uncharged/unservicable laptop for all classes during the day

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