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Leadership Academy Agenda

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The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

Henrico County Leadership Academy August 6, 2009

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• Character is more than talk

• Talent is a gift but character is a choice

• Character brings lasting success with people

• Leaders cannot rise above the limitations of their character

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2. Charisma

The First Impressions Can Seal the Deal

• Love life

• Put a “10” on everyone’s head

•Give people hope

•Share yourself

•Be a winner in all you do!

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3. Commitment It Separates Doers From Dreamers

• Commitment starts in the heart• Commitment is tested by action• Commitment opens the door to achievement

Four Types of People1. Cop-outs2. Holdouts3. Dropouts 4. All-outs

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4. CommunicationTo improve communication, do the following:

•Be clear as a bell

•Refocus your attention

•Live your message

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5. CompetenceQualities that demonstrate quality competence:

•Show up every day

•Keep improving

•Follow through with excellence

•Accomplish more than is expected

•Inspire others

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6. Courage Truths about Courage:

•Courage begins with an inward battle

•Courage is making things right, not just smoothing them over

•Courage in a leader inspires commitment from followers

•Your life expands in proportion to your courage

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7. DiscernmentDiscernment can be described as the ability to find the root cause of the matter, and it relies on intuition as well as rational thought.

•Discover the root cause to the issue

•Problem solve

•Evaluate your options

•Multiply your options


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8. FocusAccording to Martha Meade – What people say, what people do and what they say they do are entirely different things.

Why Tony Gwynn?

How do you focus your time and energy?1.Focus 70% on areas of strength

2.Focus 25% on areas of new things

3.Focus 5 % on areas of weakness

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9. GenerosityNo person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been awarded for what he gave. -- Calvin Coolidge


•Be grateful for what you have

•Put people first

•Don’t allow possessions to control you

•Regard money as a resource

•Develop the habit of giving

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10. InitiativeOf all the things a leader should fear, complacency should head the list -- John Maxwell

Qualities for leaders to make things happen

•They know what they want

•They push themselves to act

•They take more risks

•They make more mistakes

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11. ListeningA good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear – John Maxwell

60% of all management problems are a result of poor communication – Peter Drucker

Keep an open ear to your:•Followers•Customers •Competitors •Mentors

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12. PassionWhat makes it possible for people who might seem ordinary to achieve great things?


1.Is the first step to achievement2.Increases your willpower3.Changes YOU4.Makes the impossible possible

If passion is not a quality of your life, you're in trouble as a leader!

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13. Positive AttitudeIf YOU believe YOU can, YOU can

Your attitude:• Is a choice

•Determines your actions

• Is mirrored by your colleagues

•Needs to be maintained

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14. Problem SolvingFive qualities of good problem solvers:

•They anticipate problems

•They accept the truth

•They see the big picture

•They handle one thing at a time

•They don’t give up when they are down

What is PDSA?Surround yourself with problem solvers!

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15. RelationshipsPeople don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care – John Maxwell

Three main areas of establishing good relationships are:

•Understand people

•Love people

•Help people

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16. ResponsibilityGood leaders NEVER embrace the victim attitude!

Characteristics of leaders who embrace responsibility:

•They get the job done!

•They are willing to go the extra mile!

•They are driven by EXCELLENCE!

•They produce regardless of the situation!

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17. Security

Insecure leaders have several common traits:

•They don’t provide security for others

•They take more from people than they give

•They continually limit their best people

•They continually limit the organization

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18. Self-DisciplineThe first and BEST victory is to conquer self – Plato

Self-disciplined leaders:

•Develop and follow their priorities

•Create a disciplined lifestyle

•Challenge their excuses

•Remove rewards until the job is done

•Stay focused on results

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19. ServanthoodThe true leader serves people

A true servant leader:•Puts others ahead of his own agenda•Possesses the confidence to serve•Initiates service to others•Is not position-conscious•Serves out of love

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20. TeachabilityIt’s what you learn after you know it all that counts – John Wooden

To improve your teachability:

•Observe how you react to your mistakes

•Try something new

•Learn in your area of strength

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21. Vision A GREAT leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position – John Maxwell

A good leader will recognize that vision:

•Starts from within

•Draws on your history

•Meets others’ needs

•Helps you gather resources