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Transcript of Please place all electronic equipment on the Piano - you ...Please place all electronic equipment on...

Please place all

electronic equipment

on the Piano - you can

pick it up after class

Opening Prayer

ANNOUNCEMENTS:1. Please turn in your

Sermon Summaries

2. Please keep up with your homework / Sermon Summaries

LESSON - #6:

“A Review”

1) T/F– If we could live perfectly according to the commandments of God we would have eternal life

2) T/F – God will not forgive us unless we first improve and get rid of some of the sin in our lives

3) Why is heaven something we cannot earn?

4) There are many kinds of burdens we carry around in life. What kind of heavy burden do you think Jesus is referring to when he says (Matthew 11:28): “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest?”

5) In John 14:6 Jesus says “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” What does this do to the thought that there are many different ways to God?

6.) Since eternal life is not something you can earn, how then is it possible?

7.) Some people have “head faith” in Jesus. What is meant by this?

8) Other people have what is called “heart faith” in Jesus. What is this in contrast to “head faith”?

9) Why do you think God wants you to have the assurance of eternal life?

10) How can you know for

sure you have eternal life?

11) If you died today where

would you go?

12.) Man was made in God’s

image which means________

13) Who sinned first and


14) Who sinned second and


15.) What was Satan’s

immediate goal with Eve?

16) What was Satan’s long range goal?

17.) Does he still have these goals today?

18.) T/F– Under the circumstances Adam and Eve could have successfully withstood Satan’s temptation in the Garden

19) What are some important

things Adam and Eve lost when

sin came into their lives?

20.) Sin brings three-fold death,


21.) T/F – God cannot tolerate

even one sin

22) A person says, “My God would never send people to hell for their sins!” How could your answer them?

23) T/F – The sight of a snake should remind us of the effects of sin in the Garden of Eden

24) To be saved in the Old Testament one had to:________

25) T/F – We also have to choose between the devil and God on a daily basis

26) What are some excuses we offer today for our sins?

27) Why do you suppose Jesus told us the story of the Sower and the seed?

28) There are ___ books in the Bible, _____ in Old Testament and ____ in the New Testament. The Old Testament was written by man called _______. The New Testament was written by men called _________ and ____________. The word testament means ____or __________. The Greek word for Bible literally mean ______

29) The Bible

a) is the Word of God and Man

b) contains the Word of God

c) is the Word of God

30) T/F– we must accept all the teachings of the Bible even if we cannot understand them

31) What do we mean when

we say the Bible is


32) What are the two great

messages of the Bible?

33) Define the Law:


34) Define the Gospel:


35) Check the following Scriptures with an L or G indicating if they are Law or Gospel:

____ James 4:4

____ Romans 5:1

____ Psalm 51:5

____ John 10:9

36) T/F – All men may know that there is a God from Nature and their conscience

37) It is said the first commandment is the most important of all the commandments. Why do you think that is true?

38) What are the characteristics of God?

39) Names some idols which people have today?

40) In the Gospel of John, Jesus says that Thomas believed in him because he saw Jesus. What does the Lord say about those who have never seen him?

41) List as many reasons as you can for your believing there is a God: _________________________

42) _____ is asking God to damn something or someone

43) _____ is taking an oath that what we are saying is the truth in the sight of God

44) T/F—when used for fun, astrology and fortune telling are not sin.

45) How does the hypocrite sin against God’s name? ________________________

46) The early Christians chose Sunday as their special day of worship because:

a) God commanded it

b) It was usually a sunny day

c) Christ rose from the dead on this day

47) T/F—Hatred is already murder in the sight of God

48) The best way to keep the Fifth Commandment is to:

a) Love everyone and help them in any way we can

b) Never kill

c) Never get angry

49) T/F–Smoking, Drinking and doing drugs are not sinful

50) T/F—When watching impure movies or programs on TV we are participating in that sin

51) According to Jesus in Matthew 22:39 what is the second greatest commandment?

Review the Homework

Assignment from

The Yellow Sheet