October 3, 2021 GLOSSBRENNER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 713 Church Street Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 717-653-5683 PLEASE NOTE: Names on the prayer list will be taken off after two weeks unless there has been a change or a family member asks to keep their name on the list. To add or remove a name, please call the church office at 717-653-5683 or email: [email protected] LET US REMEMBER WITH PRAYERS AND CARDS: (Week of 10-3-21) GAIL BUTLER Acquaintance of EmmaJane’s sister; has bladder cancer and they think it has metastasized to or near her heart. BETHANY CRAIN Sharon Wolgemuth’s cousin; was hospitalized in South Carolina after serious car accident; now back home in PA, will be undergoing a second surgery on her leg. DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT- Dr. Lausch asked for prayers that community would show love and support for each other. LOVE EICHLER has COVID. DENNIS FACKLER Peggy Lahr’s brother; next infusion October 8 th . JODI FREY & FAMILY tragic death of husband and son. JUNE HOSTETTER returned to her apartment. LINDA HOWARD high school friend of Emma Jane’s; had a knee replacement. SANDY KISSINGER & FAMILY Sue Kopp’s cousin; Sandy’s nephew, Danny Lewis, died in a car accident on September 29. PEGGY LAHR had another fall, mostly bumps and bruises. SANDY MISLEVY Pam Miceli’s sister; told she has adenoma carcinoma (lung cancer), will have a pet scan and test to see if she is strong enough to operate. She just came home from the hospital stay after 13 days due complications from COVID and a heart scare. RACHEL friend of Barb Thompson's daughter; was diagnosed with a melanoma on the back of her eye, lives in Alaska, going to Seattle to have the surgery, has no health insurance. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to Love Eichler, Dave Eichler and all the family of Frank Eichler who passed away on Monday, September 27, 2021. HOMEBOUND PERSON OF THE WEEK: June Hostetter is the home- bound member of Glossbrenner featured this week. Take a moment to drop a note or card in the mail or make a phone call to let June know we are thinking about her. 2503 Kuhlemeier 356 Freemason Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (Phone: 717-361-5479) ONGOING Persecuted Church Afghanistan Our Homebound Members: Joyce Baker, Helen Hamilton, Dave Hart, Fay Heisey, June Hostetter, MaryAnn Miller, Betty Ober, Judy Orey, Vivian Yingst, Gerry Young Annette Bubacz, Kayleigh Bubacz, Elmer Dennis, Samantha Garrett & Baby, Dave Hart, Mike McNaughton, Karen Moore, Mindy Neideigh, Linda Reheard Elected officials; that they would let God guide their decisions.


October 3, 2021



Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552


PLEASE NOTE: Names on the prayer list will be taken off after two weeks unless there has been a change or a family member asks to keep their name on the list. To add or remove a name, please call the church office at 717-653-5683 or email: [email protected] LET US REMEMBER WITH PRAYERS AND CARDS: (Week of 10-3-21)

GAIL BUTLER – Acquaintance of EmmaJane’s sister; has bladder cancer and they think it has metastasized to or near her heart. BETHANY CRAIN – Sharon Wolgemuth’s cousin; was hospitalized in South Carolina after serious car accident; now back home in PA, will be undergoing a second surgery on her leg. DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT- Dr. Lausch asked for prayers that community would show love and support for each other. LOVE EICHLER – has COVID. DENNIS FACKLER – Peggy Lahr’s brother; next infusion October 8th. JODI FREY & FAMILY – tragic death of husband and son.

JUNE HOSTETTER – returned to her apartment.

LINDA HOWARD – high school friend of Emma Jane’s; had a knee replacement.

SANDY KISSINGER & FAMILY – Sue Kopp’s cousin; Sandy’s nephew, Danny Lewis, died in a car accident on September 29.

PEGGY LAHR – had another fall, mostly bumps and bruises.

SANDY MISLEVY – Pam Miceli’s sister; told she has adenoma carcinoma (lung cancer), will have a pet scan and test to see if she is strong enough to operate. She just came home from the hospital stay after 13 days due complications from COVID and a heart scare.

RACHEL – friend of Barb Thompson's daughter; was diagnosed with a melanoma on the back of her eye, lives in Alaska, going to Seattle to have the surgery, has no health insurance. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to Love Eichler, Dave Eichler and all the family of Frank Eichler who passed away on Monday, September 27, 2021. HOMEBOUND PERSON OF THE WEEK: June Hostetter is the home-bound member of Glossbrenner featured this week. Take a moment to drop a note or card in the mail or make a phone call to let June know we are thinking about her. 2503 Kuhlemeier 356 Freemason Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (Phone: 717-361-5479) ONGOING Persecuted Church – Afghanistan

Our Homebound Members: Joyce Baker, Helen Hamilton, Dave Hart, Fay Heisey, June Hostetter, MaryAnn Miller, Betty Ober, Judy Orey, Vivian Yingst, Gerry Young

Annette Bubacz, Kayleigh Bubacz, Elmer Dennis, Samantha Garrett & Baby, Dave Hart, Mike McNaughton, Karen Moore, Mindy Neideigh, Linda Reheard

Elected officials; that they would let God guide their decisions.

As we gather for worship on this World Communion Sunday,

let us join our brothers and sisters around the world who are also receiving the sacrament. Let us show our oneness in Christ by welcoming one another with love and joy.

”*” in the bulletin indicates that you should rise if you are able.

GREETINGS, JOYS & CONCERNS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Rorabaugh Welcome to Our Internet Viewers Pastor Brian CHILDREN GATHER FOR THEIR CHURCH PRELUDE “Our Great Savior” arr. D. Hustad INTROIT “If We Truly Believe” * CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Almighty God: from the ends of the earth, you have gathered us around Christ’s holy table. People: We come to feast together. Leader: Have mercy on your church, troubled from without and divided from within, in persecution and at ease, in poverty and in wealth. People: Renew us and make us of one heart, one body, and united in one love. Amen * INVOCATION * HYMN “In Christ There Is No East or West”.……………..No. 548 OPENING PRAYER (Unison): O God, we join with our sisters and brothers around the world in remembering Christ’s sacrifice for us. For the opportunity to eat and drink together and for the life we have received, we give you thanks and praise. In the abundance of your many gifts, grant us grace to fill one another’s lives with love. Redeem restore and remold us until we are made new. Transform our daily bread into the bread of life, and the cup that we drink into the cup of salvation. Amen. ANTHEM “Let Us Give Thanks” Albrecht/Althouse

PASTORAL PRAYER - LORD’S PRAYER (unison) PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” arr. D. Wood Refer to text in hymnal - No. 138 * DOXOLOGY…….………………………………………….….…..……..No. 95 * PRAYER OF DEDICATION OLD TESTAMENT Exodus 12:6-14 NEW TESTAMENT Luke 22:7-20, 27-30 MESSAGE “Celebrate!” * HYMN “There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood”……….No. 622 (Verses 1-3) CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION * HYMN “Sing with All the Saints in Glory”……………….No. 702 * BENEDICTION POSTLUDE “Postludium II” R. Boud


CHURCH WORSHIP SERVANTS ACOLYTES: Faith McClellan, Desireé Whitcraft CHILDREN & ADULT CHOIR DIRECTOR- Martin Hinkley CHILDREN & YOUTH DIRECTOR: Jessica Rockey GREETERS: Aaron & Kathy Binkley LITURGIST: Mark Rorabaugh MONEY COUNTERS: Mindi Marks, Jackie Roberts, Dave Whitcraft NURSERY: Stacey Ardini, Kathy Binkley ORGANIST: Loine Bert OUTSIDE GREETERS: Joe Davis, Don Musser PASTOR: Brian Albert SOUND, LIGHT & MEDIA: Barbara Albert, Dave Eichler, Mark Myers, Andy Ober, Chad Ober, Ken Ober USHERS: (HEAD USHER: Wayne Kauffman) Flo Arndt, Marcia Brooks, Mike Doughton, Doug Hackley, Debbie Nissley Martin, Melinda Myers, Debbie Nissley, Emi Nissley, Vaughn Nissley, Lisa Ober

GLOSSBRENNER MISSION STATEMENT GROW PRAISE SERVE Grow in Our Christian Faith Praise God through Worship Serve Others to Glorify God


PICTURE DIRECTORY Thank you to everyone who came to have their picture taken for our new directory. There is still time to submit a photo (we need them by October 10). If you don’t have a photo, we can take a picture of you/your family with the church camera. Also, if you would like a directory, but are not having a photo in it, you can purchase one for $10.00. See Barbara Albert or Jackie Roberts. If anyone has photos of activities at Gloss-brenner, please see Barbara or Jackie.

WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY Today we join Christians worldwide as we all gather at the table of Christ and celebrate his gift of life that he has entrusted to us. A Love offering will be collected during the regular offering. The money will be used at the discretion of the pastor, to ease the burden of a member of our church community who is in need of our love. (Love offering envelopes have been placed in the holders on the back of the pews.)

CHILDREN’S SERVICE I am excited to announce that every 1st and last Sunday of the month the children will be dismissed to the Fellowship Hall shortly after the start of the service for their very own Kid’s Worship Hour! The best part about this is the kids will be taking turns leading different parts of the service! We will be worshipping with music videos from groups like “Hillsong” and “Bethel kids”, take up our own offering, pray, devotional, and more time for the children to be engaged in my children’s message. Please invite your friends’ and families’ children to our new exciting, engaging Children’s Service!!!

ALL STAR CLASS HAS MOVED! The All Star Sunday school class has moved back to their original classroom! It’s Room #1 across the hall from the Nursery and Men’s Restroom. (The Spiritual Java class had switched rooms with the All Stars, but are no longer meeting and the All Stars needed a bigger room!)

FROM JESS ROCKEY Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me!” Jesus knew and knows how important a relationship with him is even for a child to have. I’m sure Jesus met with the children on their level to engage with them and make a connection and not speak how he did when he was in the synagogues. I am passionate about this happening at Glossbrenner, so from now on the first and last Sundays of the month the children will be dismissed at the start of the service to have their very own “Just for Kids” worship service down in the Fellowship Hall. We will have worship time where they can sing and dance to music that is more on their level. We will also take up our own offering, pray, have a children’s message, devotional, Bible verses, etc. The best part is all the children, if they are willing, will get to take turns being the worship leader, devotion and verse reader, leading the prayers, taking up offering, etc., and have more time to be more interactive with my kid’s message. We can raise up future church leaders if we can help instill the confidence in them while they are young that the Lord gave us all special gifts to help the body of the Church function. I want the children to know Jesus is not just for adults, he loves them and he wants to meet them where they are at. You would not expect a kindergartener to sit listen and understand in a twelfth graders class, so why have we always had the mindset of children need to do that at church? We might not all agree on that, which is perfectly fine, but I think we can all agree on how important a relationship with Jesus is. I’m looking forward to watching the excitement grow in the children’s hearts about coming to church but most importantly watch them grow into Jesus. Thanks for your continued support and prayers for our children and youth, the future of not just our church but our world!!!

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Saturday, October 16, at 7:00 p.m.

Featured movie is Fly Away Home an inspiring family drama about the human spirit’s ability to tame and conquer nature. Invite a friend to share in the fellowship. Feel free to bring along a comfortable lawn chair or a blanket and pillow for the kids. Snacks will be available.


The 2021 Country Fair & Market will be held on Friday, November 5th and Saturday, November 6th. EmmaJane Davis will be in the Narthex during the month of October to sign up helpers. Save those slightly used items for the yard sale.

CRAFTING SESSIONS: Crafting sessions in October at the home of Marcia Brooks are Tuesday morning, October 12 and 26, at 9:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Just come when you can and leave when you must. Everyone’s help is needed and appreciated to make our 2021 Country Fair & Market a success.

HELP WANTED! With some more children attending Sunday school and some getting older we are pleased to announce that we will be starting a 4th -6th grade class! This will also prepare us to already have a set class when the growth happens. Patty Jo has been the main facilitator of that class before but my prayer is more will step up to prevent burn out from any one person always running the show. Please contact Jess Rockey with any questions.

MOUNT JOY COMMUNITY FOOD BANK FOOD BANK SUNDAY is next Sunday, October 10. Bring your non-perishable food donations to the church and place them in the cart in the narthex. FOOD BANK NEEDS: 15 oz. Canned Potatoes (sliced or whole), 15 oz. Green Beans, 15 oz. Canned Chili with Beans, 16 oz. or 28 oz. Cans of Baked Beans, 1 or 2 lb. Packs of Rice, Roman Noodles, Pancake Syrup, Catsup and Mustard, Vegetable Soup, Jello and Pudding, Jelly – small or large jars, Spam, Male & Female Shaving Cream, Body Wash, Personal Wipes, Tissues, Dish Washing Soap. NO Chickpeas or Canned Cranberry Sauce, or Cereal at this time. ALL Pasta purchases should be in plastic bags, NO cardboard boxes. PLEASE BE SURE NO ITEMS HAVE EXPIRED DATES. Grocery Gift Cards and Monetary donations are welcomed. Send/make payable to: Mount Joy Helping Services, PO Box 562, Mount Joy, PA 17552 (or make checks payable to Glossbrenner UMC and place in the offering plate). Visit our website at:


OCTOBER TRUSTEE: If you notice something that should be taken care of by the trustees in October, please contact Russ Miceli at 717-928-4453. Thank you, Bob Waters, for your faithful service in September!

MOWING/WEEDING: Mowing and some weeding still needs to be done. Melinda Myers has been the main “weeder” for a number of years and is ready to step down from coordinating the task. We need a committed person to take over coordinating the weeding. Contact Mark Myers if you have any questions.

ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD The Administrative Board will meet Thursday, October 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the All Star classroom (across from the nursery). Board members are encouraged to attend. This is an open meeting and non-board members are welcome. You may voice an opinion, concern or suggestion; however, only board members may vote.

CHURCH FALL CLEANING Fall church cleaning will be done throughout the month of October. If you would like to help with the fall cleaning, you may come anytime when it is convenient for you. If you have any questions or to let me know what was cleaned (if I am not here), please call my cell phone – 717-413-5787. A list of rooms to be cleaned is posted on the cleaning closet door (next to the women’s restroom in the Sunday school hallway). Also, a list of what needs to be done in each room is posted on the closet door. Cleaning supplies are available in the closet, however, if you can bring a bucket and a few rags it would be appreciated. Your help is greatly appreciated! Many thanks! Jackie Roberts

THE UPPER ROOM for September and October 2021 is available in the narthex. Cost is $1.15 per copy.

WORSHIP LEADER NEEDED! The SPRC is working on a job description for this position. Basically, this person would select music and lead the Praise Team. Please see an SPRC member for more details!

RECURRING ANNOUNCEMENTS CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUP: A reminder…and for our guests…the Children’s Playgroup is for children Pre-school up to 5th grade. They are dismissed after the Children’s Message. (Not today!) FROG (Fully Rely On God) CAFÉ: From 8:15 a.m. to just before church starts, come and fellowship with new and “old” friends. Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate along with a sweet that has been provided. If you would like to bring a treat, let Pam or Russ Miceli know. Hope to see you there! PRAYER IN THE CHAPEL: Please join Pastor Brian to pray for the worship service at 9:15 a.m. PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests, please fill out the “Prayer Request” sheets placed in the registration pad folders and place it in the “Prayer Request” box on the table in the narthex. Extra sheets are available beside the box. REGISTRATION: All who are present please take a moment to sign and pass the attendance registration pad (located at the end of the pew closest to the center aisle). WORSHIP OPTIONS: Worship Services are Livestreamed. Go to our church website; click on “Worship Services”; click “Livestream”. The service is also recorded for later viewing. (See Website). OFFERING: If you wish to present your tithes and offerings online, go to our website and follow the prompts. Or you can write a check or give cash; bring to the office or mail it (713 Church St., Mount Joy, PA 17552). SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children 3 years old to 5th grade meet in Room #2. The youth meet in the Youth Room. The All Stars are meeting in Room #1 (across from the Nursery) and the Koinonia class meets in the Parlor. GREETING CARD MINISTRY: If you know of someone who is in the hospital, recently lost a loved one, or would appreciate receiving a card from us, please call Betty Robinson at 717-366-4549. GROCERY GIFT CARDS for Giant and Weis are available to purchase in the FROG Café Sunday mornings before and after the worship service. ALTAR FLOWERS FOR 2021: There are plenty of open dates to place flowers on the altar for 2021. Check out the calendar and fill out a “Reservations for Altar Flowers” form (more info is on this form) and place it in the “completed forms” envelope or call 717-653-5683. HERSHEY PARK VOLUNTEER SHIFTS: Hershey Park Attractions and Food & Beverage shifts are available for volunteers. Contact Betty Robinson for information: 717-366-4549 or [email protected].

CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK (10-3-21 to 10-10-21)

Today: 8:15 am FROG Café – Fellowship Time 9:15 am Prayer in Chapel 9:30 am Worship Service-Live, Livestreamed & Recorded 10:45 am Sunday school Monday: 6:30 pm 2030 Group Tuesday: 6:30 pm Youth Group Wednesday: 6:15 pm Bible Study 7:30 pm Bell Choir practice 8:15 pm Adult Choir practice Thursday: 6:30 pm Praise Team practice Saturday: 1:00 pm Needle Felting Next Sunday: 9:30 am Worship Service – Praise Team-Food Bank Sunday

Pastor Brian Albert Cell Phone: 717-673-7657 - Email: [email protected]

Jessica Rockey, Children & Youth Director

Cell Phone: 717-517-4967 - Email: [email protected]

Church Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday – 10 AM to 2 PM Church Office – 717-653-5683 - EMAIL: [email protected]

(Jackie’s Cell Phone: 717-413-5787) WEB SITE:


Please call Betty Robinson at: 717-366-4549

Greeting Card Ministry: Betty Robinson – 717-366-4549

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Kathy Binkley – 717-653-2791

Attendance September 26, 2021 In-person Worship: 93 Livestream views: 19 YouTube views: 43 Sunday school: 31 Amount received for September 26, 2021-----------------------------$9,241.85 Total amount received as of September 26, 2021---------------$232,881.00

The memorial service for Frank Eichler will be held in the Sanctuary on Saturday, October 16 at 11:00 a.m.