PLE OF THE MOUNTAINS I the in reach of alt OF...

DREAM OF THE WIFE CAME TRUf HER LETTER BEGGING HIM TO RE- TURN HOME AT ONCE FOUND ON DODY OF GREGG I HAD BEEN LUREDTO THE HILLS I Scene of Murder Had Been Depleted So Clearly That Woman Idcntlfle the Murderer According To He Dreams letI c Mt Viirnon Tcnn n traveling nalpi rnn who wan murdered mid his body hidden In n lemony spot In tlm hills iltbcloges tho tact tint hU who had at uirntoly forevust in adronJ tw weeks prnrlotih to his death the talc that tnvultfl hint and warned him that Ill would bo rnilwl to a remote plant tod shot to death Tho letter begged linn to return home to her Thom was tJu a postscript from hli lltllo daughter Mary bogging him U 1rcpuro to die warning him that hot mother had dreamed ho would bt killed IThu lollop from the woman retain hndU there shut und killed by it man wlir I lUspowd of the body by throwing II into the water o Tlio woman nwionwl that the tune hud been depicted to her so dourly 1that she was curtain she could Identify Ibo murderer It his death occurred no I cording to tier drmtni When MIL Gregg arrived In Clmua noogn to attend the funeral of her huts build sho was asked about Jiw ronmric nblo vision by tin otlicors will hud t < > I cowrml the letter Hue again related the circumstances of the dream de drilling eke murder ni she had scn IL Tin tuirroundltiRs wore identical I wIMi those In which tho body of Gregg hud been found Her dcwrlpilon of the mitrdmr InllUd with the dosir1 > lion ot Lon Ilfttflflil whom ofllcvni hnd jlniwl under arrest on the charge 0- 1It hf iiumlor of Gregg 11lIlIIlllnlllll xldonre liavlnc tainted to him as tiu mility war Mrs trigg al that time I lad never seen llalfleld The oflle ra 1dc Id td to put hr IP a further IMI Placing llatnoM dressed MI he wne when captured lucotwpleiKwdy ninoHR n dozen other alai Mrs Gregg was brtniKhl Into the nom and asked to pick out iho innn whom she had eeerr In kin dream Mm Grng scanned the aFicmblaic of men Wore her enraful ly end without honltatlon pointed her tinges nt llatfield and rolHltd ugalu HIP Incldsets of her dream In the prow oar ot Hotfifld who was visibly at vied by the recital Mrs Uragg says that practically all this Important InrldMiis of bar lie Lave boim disclosed to her III drcatM previous to Ihulr ooowrreneo She has come to iilaoa grant faith In nor vision t ITHREE MEN to Drag Woman Ashore After IRequired Ccmpanlon Rescued Her St 1ouls Mo Juno 1aMrs Vie IrMa Nlntitrs was probably fatnlly In jurcd flunduy when a trestle tenm hitched to a buggy In which she was riding with J T IUDMti plunged from the ferry larding nt the toot of Mnrktt street A deck bond slanumd Iho gales us the nos s of iho homes ioticlieil the Lent Ilorsan and Mrs Nltttini were > tdgi U underneath the buggy uiiil were druggtd Into the MIsslsnlppliThe man though Itnselt Injured oxtricsti blimtelf and swam tu the horn with the unroiiHclous woman Mrs Nletarn wolghs ua poems nnd It took throe uiou n drug nor from the waters Odin t q nflor Ilorson hnd savant ashore with kr Lor Robbed or 10000 GSI Paul June 15 II C Taylor n of Seattle Wash was rob- bed < of 10000 at the Union station in thlH Lily Sunday morning Mr Taylor with his wlfo nnd laughter was en route to Seattle from Europe As the putty was about to alight front a sleep Jug car air Taylor was jostled by two men one of whom readied Inside Pay Qnt Idrs coat lend secured a wallet con Ultllnti the money and tiecurltles Mr Taylor Imnudlstely shouted uu alarm lint iho urea escaped Maisacre Threatened Chicago June 1C Charges of per ¬ h jury In the Hip Lung Chlnevc murder stateL t tfrpreler that unless Hip Lung and his courtsa Chin clan would bo wiped out by meat 1 btrs of the On Leung Tong Tho Chi nose colony In Clark street Is worked up to a point of frenzy over the dts witnessest FloridaT in her starboard side 10 feet high and Jt 20 feet wide made by an American Whitehead torpedo the monitor Klor Ida Is now In one of true stone drjdocka ± at tho Norfolk navy yard o For New Colliers Washington Juno 15Ott July 1 the navy department will open bids fur coaty it ° be turned over to the government com 1t Vlete 4 t r 0 ITHE PERSISTENT TROUBADOUR TWO DIE IN 350000 FIRE ACKING HOUSE IN KANSAS CITY SUFFERS IN BLAZE Conflagration Follows an Explosion Which Is Felt Over Doth the Neighboring Cities Kansas City IoTwo laborers lost ilmlr lives two others wore seriously Injured and property loss ontlmatcd at between UWOOO ant 350000 was ansoil by two explosions followed by a lire ip the packing houno of Mnrrld oft Co at the rlvpreldo In Kansas City Kan trlday The force of the oxplo tlons which was foil all over bout Kansas rule ruined the cold storage building and the flro that folio vied do strayed the smoko house with Its con tentsAn explosion of newor gas rasulied when a water man In one of the cold storage departments lighted n match This was followed by another and much more serious oxploslou erased by tho Igniting of a quantity of ammonia and a stubborn firs soon slatted The Morris plant lu loralod near the channel of the Kaw river and being In the cantor of the flooded district Is In a swift current of water from six to eight foot deep This condition made the task of fiKhllng tho lire most illfllcult and It re lulrod five hours to place the flames tmdor con trotOor a time the entire taunt twined Uoomeil Fire apparatus was ra BIKrtod to the scene After much A flat by lint ron Photo wore SO mon In tin plant whim the oxplorions aceurrvd but all exempt four escaped Two ot tluMO were Instantly klllod and ihure badly mangled Autlgo Wilt Tho plant of tho nut Veil ring and Seating Com puny was destroyed by Hro shortly iflur midnight Tho loss Is about 130000 Albuquerque N 1g The entire plant of the Continental 011 com essay with iho exnnptlon of tho of flee building burned Friday Nearly 100000 Rations ot coal oil giuolliio and naphtha wore destroyed Iou 10000 JOSEPH LEITER MARRIED Young Millionaire Weds Miss Juliette Williams In Washington Wnhlogton A woddlng of unusual Interest Will that which took place nt the house of tho brides parents W< lu 3day of Miss Jiillcttu Williams daughter of Col nod Mrs John H Williams of this city lo Joseph Iuiter Ion of the late Levi 7 1cltor of Chi ¬ cago und Washington The ceremony which was performed by Itev TathiT Iluckey assistant rec ¬ tor of Su Matthews Roman Catholic church was witnessed by about 20 persons Big Grain Elevator Burns Chicago In a spectacular fire which destroyed tho great grain elevator of the Tri Rtato Organ com ¬ pany In Hammond id Wednesday tight 250000 bushels of corn were de stroyed and property valued at 3200 000 including tho corn was burned Tho fire was caused by a hot box on a small whool on a grain bolt which was being used to hoist grain Into the ele vator Ancient Campanile Tottering Venice Tho campanile of Santo Stcfaiio church a Gothic structure of the fourteenth century which contains the tomb of the Dogo Francesco Moro Feint threatens to fall like the cam ¬ panile of St Marks which collapsed in 1902 The question of ilcmollshlne It Is under consideration Oliver H P Belmont Dies Now York Oliver II P Belmont aged CO years died at his homo In Hempxtead L t Wednesday after a ten days IllnciH with appendicitis Ills death had been anticipated for days but In the end U como suddenly Man Cub His Head Off Cleveland 0 Keturnlng from n danco lat Thursday night with his wife and four children Joseph Parolulskl committed sulcldo lt rao tlcajly decapitating hlmsolf razor niter a quarrel with his JthI JOHN VINES WRIGHT DIES He Was the Oldest Living ExMember of Congress Washington John Vines Wright who was tho oldest living oxmombot of congress tiled Friday at his home In this city Although near SO years old ho land been regularly at his desk In the general land odlco until two months ago when he had a stroko ol paralysis Ho lucid the unique dis tinction ot making more treaties with the Indians than any other man Judgo Wright was born In McXalry county Tennessee In 1828 and was educated In Ixmlsvllle Ho was lid milted to the bar In 1SB2 and war elected to congress In 8M serving In the memorable sessions preceding the civil war Ho when tho state of Tennessee secede In 1SG1 and served In the army until be was elect ed n member of lie confederate con gross While colonel of the Thir teenth Tennostieo regiment his horse was shot from under him at the bat Ho of lIelll1ont- Arler the war Col Wright served as chancellor sad judge of the miproinc court of Tennessee During Clove lands first administration ho was 1111 pointed chairman of tho northwest Indian comralifBlon In 1880 ho was a candidate for governor of Tennessee but was defeated THAW TO REMAIN IN JAIL Kept at Poughkeepsle Until Question of Change Is Decided Now York Marry K Thaw will remain in the 1oughkeopslo jail pending an application of his counsel to Justice Dowllng of tho supreme court for u change of the order com ¬ mUting him tu the State Hospital for the Insane at Msttcawan This de ¬ cision was rendered by Justice More chauser of Poughkeopsle after hearing arguments of counsel In this city Fri ¬ day on a motion to transfer the pris oner to any slates asylum other titan an asylum for Insane convicts Jus ¬ lice MoreohaitHor expressed the opin ion that It might be bettor for Thaw to be Incarcerated In sonic other asylum thou the one nt Matteawnn us It was evident that strained relations existed between tho head of the Mattcawan Institution and Thaw AGAINST IMMORAL SALOONS United States Brewers Association Adopts a Platform Milwaukee The United State HrewenT association at Its closing sos Hlon Wednesday adopted a platform of principles In which It pledges It self to tho abolition of tho Immoral saloon and to tho cause of temperance In the use of Intoxicants In the broad oat sense At tho afternoon session the convention voted to meet next year at Rochester X Y on tho first Wednesday In June Officers wore elected as follows President J Brown Hocheater N Y vicepresident C M Hobbs Bridge- port hid secretary George A Seager Rochester N Y treasurer C K Yates Hochcster X Y Theft Returned FounFol- dWashingtonSecretary Cortelyou has received In on envelope post marked Jersey City a conscience con tributlou of S000 which has been turned Into the conscience fund of the treasury In an unsigned letter the sender says that many years ago he und another man took a considerable sum of money belonging to the gov- ernment and that this 8000 makes a total of 40000 or fourfold the amount originally taken by himself that ho has returned to the treasury from time to time In several years Congressman Dunwell Dead Washington Word reached her Friday night of the death ot Charles Tappan Uuuwtll reprftsentatlveof tht Third congressional district of New York at Brooklyn Friday Mr Dun well died from Drlghts disease Big Glass Works Bankrupt Centrulln lIJTho Allison Glast works of this city employing 300 men Friday filed a petition In bankruptcy with the fedora court Tbo llabllltlet uru given as 184000 with assets ol 150000 de TEMPERANCE LESSON Sundsy3chool Letson lor June 281908 SpecUDy Prepared for This Paper 1K8SON TEXT Eplirilann iCM Memory verges IS 1- COOLDKN TLeXTne not drunk with wine wherein U excss but be filled with the HplritKph lans 61- 9seIt1PTLItItERKItFNCCS ON TE t PERANCKaen 9S1 Unit 120 21 1 Ham 2TM 1 King 109 m16 Katb 110 11 1rov IOt SIM 220 11 Z935 314 ilia 611 12 K 2813 7 Dan 1321 51 6 Ho 411 Amos G6 NVh 110 Hob 21S Matt 24 48C1 Mark 1122 Luke 21 W Horn 1313 1 Cor 611 010 97- Gat 621 Kph 611 1 Theo 668 1 Tim 32 3 S Tit 224 6 J2 1 Pet 113 47 6K 1 Iet 16- TIMEPaut visited EphuulI twice the second time remaining more than two years This letter to the church he founded was written from Pl1u1I prison In Home A D 6961 or 60C- 2JUACKKphHm was a splendid city on the western const of Asia Minor south of Smyrna on the Aegean sea It was the capital of a Roman province rlcll tdnlatrou luxurious with the Immorali ¬ ties of Rome It had an amphitheater which would told 24KX persons and a macnlfleent temple to Diana one of the seven wonders of the world Comment and Suggestive Thought The specific note of this epistle U its IdJU of tho church as the body of Christ or In other words of the new humanity created In himEx posltors Ulble The first threo chap ters teach the theory of U the last three In which tho lesson lies teach the practice of It Tho argument of the first throe chapters Is that Christians are to lire hove and have their being In Christ the afro of the last three Is to show bow this union with Christ affects the dally walk and conduct The keyword of our lesson Is there- fore Walk and its analysis Is 1 Walk In love vs 1G 2 Walk In light vs C14 3 Walk In wisdom vs 1521 To walk In love means to go on errands of love Let your dally walk and conversation be In the atmos phere of love Hejolco In the pros- perity ¬ of others and seek In every way to Increase It That Is what God does and living thus Is Imitating him The temperance applications 1 No one can walk In love pf lute brother man and not be a total abstainer 2 Intemperance Is closely and In evltably associated with the three great sins which Paul names Impur ¬ ity covetousness and foul speech Houses of evil repute have always saloons connected with them The saloon Is kept up quite as much by the greed of the proprietor as by tho ap- petite ¬ of his customers The profane and indecent language of drunkards Is a matter of common observation When the wine Is In tho wit is out Paul gives many answers how we may walk as children of light 1 Seek tho fruits of the tight It V verse 9 which Is all goodness and righteous ness and truth Have high Ideals drawn from the Bible 2 Prove what Is acceptable Ilt V well pleasing unto the Iord v 10 Take an your standard of pleas ure the actions that give God pleas ¬ ure This Is the test to apply to all doubtful amusements could you take Christ into them with you 3 Do nothing that you would wish to conceal Live In tho open Ask your- self ¬ every night whether you would be willing for God to publish tho en tits history of your day 4 Let your light shine Into the dark places vs 1214 Publicity Is one of the most potent remedies for evils Take down the saloon screens and the young man will hesitate long be- fore ¬ lie will be seen there Turn the searchlight of public opinion Into tho ways of the saloon lobby at the state house Cause the railroads to publish their accounts and the Insurance com- panies ¬ and the trusts All evil loves darkness rather than light as fungus and mold luxuriate In dark cellars and disease germs multiply In dark bed rooms Let In the light 6 Remember that the light is not In you Christ shall give thee light Paul Is not quoting literally but Is translating Into the terms of Chris than experience several passages of the Old Testament such us Isa G0l Walk In Wisdom Paul has been speaking ol love and light as re gions through which the Christian should walk now he passes on to con- sider ¬ the manner In which the Chris ¬ tian should walk See then that ye walk circumspectly It V Look therefore carefully how ye walk not as unwise but as wise- Drunkenness may come from any- thing ¬ wherein Is excess from overin- dulgence In society in pleasure In music and hi the delight of listening to oratory Fullness of the Spirit calms fullness produced by excite ¬ ment suaten and exhausts The world of fnsbon either Is or affects to be proof against surprise and to have lost all keemesn of enjoyment We want the vision of a calmer anti simpler beauty to tranquillize us in the midst of artificial tastes we wont the draught of n purer spring to cool the flame of our excited life we want the fullness of the Spirit which can never IntoxlcatelP W Robertson Practical Points Alrohol is a mighty magician Tbo tired laboring man by Us aid can leave aching limbs and dull care behind and taste it it lin Only for a feverish mo ment of tho joy of bounding life The removal ot temptation will accomplish little unless higher tastes are formed Drink was not the curse in the east then which It Is with us now Hut I cannot forget that this same tolerant Snlpture with Its ample rec ognition of the genial side of human life contains some of tho most urgent warnings that can be written against the borror of intoxication h J 1855 Berea College 1908 FOR THE ASPIRING YOUNG PEO PLE OF THE MOUNTAINS Places the BEST EDUCATION in reach of alt Over 60 instructors 1175 students from 27 states Largest college library in Kentucky NO SALOONS A special teacher for each grade and for each main subject So many classes that each student can be placedwith others like himselfwhere he can make most rapid progress Which Department Will You Enter 1 THE MODEL SCHOOLS for those least advanced Same leetura Horary and general advantages as for more advanced students Arithmetic and the common branches taught in the right way Drawing Staging Bible Handwork Lessons in Farm and Household Management eta Free tat books TRADE COURSES for any who have finished fifth grade fractions anA compound numbers Brickwork Farm Management Printing Woodwork Nursing Dressmaking Household Management Learn and Earn ACADEMY REGULAR COURSE 2 years for those who hAve largely finished common branches The most practical and interesting studies U> fit a young person for an honorable and useful lift CHOICE OF STUDIES Is offered In this cmnso that a young mos may secure a diploma In Agriculture and a young lady in Home Science ACADEMY COMMERCIAL 1 year or 2 years to fit for business Erea a part of this course as tall and winter terms is very profitable Small extra fees t ACADEMY PREPARATORY 3 3 and 4 year courses with Latin Gr man Algebra History Science etc fitting for ooUsse COLLEGIATE 4 years Literary Scientific and Classical courses whk use of laboratories scientific apparatus and all modern methods n highest educoUOWlIstandards NORMAL 3 and 4year courses fit for the profession of teaching Tint year parallel to 8th grade Model Schools enables one to got a firstels certificate Following years winter and spring terms give the information culture and training necessary for a true teacher and cover branches neces sary for State certificate MUSIC Singing free Reed Organ Voice Culture Piano Theory Band may be taken as an extra in connection with any course Small extra tees Expenses Regulations Opening DaysI Berea College Is not a moneymaking Institution All the mosey rec- eived from students Is paid out for their benefit and the School expend on an average upon each student about fifty dollars a year more than he pa- In This great deficit Is made up by the gifts of Christian and patriotic people who are supporting BoTca In order that it may train young men and WOSDOJ for lives of usefulness OUR SCHOOL IS LIKE A FAMILY with careful regulations to protect the character and reputation of the young people Our atudents come Cross the best families and aro earnest to do well and Improve For any who may be sick the College provides doctor and nurse without extra charge All except those with parents in Berea live in College buildings D- ust In work of boarding hall farm and shops receiving valuable trail lug and getting pay according to the value of their labor Except In wla ter It Is expected that all will have a chance to earn as much as 35 cents a week Some who need to earn more may by wrlUng to the Secretary before coming secure extra employment so as to earn from CO cents to one dollar a weekI PERSONAL EXPENSES for clothing laundry postage books etc vary with different people Berea favors plain clothing Our climate is the best but as students must attend classes regardless of the weather warm wraps and underclothing umbrellas and overshoes are necessary The Coopera ¬ tlve Store furnishes books toilet articles work uniforms umbrellas a4 other necessary articles at cost LIVING EXPENSES are really below cost The College asks no reare for the tine buildings In which students Ilvq charging only enough room rent to pay for cleaning repairs fuel lights and washing of bedding and towels For tablo board without coffee or extras 135 a week la- the fall and 3160 In winter For room furnished fuel lights wash tag ot bedding 40 cents a week In fall and spring 60 cents in SCHOOL FEES are two First a Dollar Deposit as winterI return of room key library books eta This la paid but once when the student departs Second an Incidental Fee to help on expenses for care ot school budd ings hospital library etc Students pay nothing for tuition or services or teachers all our Instruction Is a free gift The Incidental Fee for moat otudents Is 1300 a term 400 In lower Model Schools 600 la co nee with Latin anti 700 In Collegiate courses PAYMENT MUST BE IN ADVANCE Incidental fee and room rent by tho term board by tho half term Installments are M follows SPRING 10 weeks 2250tn one payment 92200 Installment plan first day 1676 Including 100 deposit mlddleot term 675 SPRING4 weeks term for those who must lean for farm work 9401 SPRING7 weeks term for those wiio must leave for tlachers exami ¬ nations 1645 FALL 190814 weeks 2950In one payment 2900 Installment plan first day 2105 including 100 deposit mlddl or term 945 I REFUNDING Students who leave by permission before the end of term receive back for money advanced as follows On board in full except that no allowance is made for any fraction ot a week On room or on any special expenses no allowance for any ones plred fraction ot a month and in any case a forfeiture of fifty cents On Incidental fee a certificate allowing the student to apply ta amount advanced for term bUll when be returns provided It is within fourt t terms but making no allowance for any fraction ot a mouth IT PAYS TO TAYl1en you have made your Journey aad are wWo t started In school U pays to stay as long as possible r f The first day of Spring term U March 28 IMS I The first dayof Fall term is September 16 ISOII For Information or friendly advice write to WILL C GAMBLEBEREA r That Premium Knife takes the ejcs of the men and boys who see itne mountain people lik > a good thing when they see it and to get a 75 cent knife with twe blades of razor steel and a dollar paper that is worth more to the uioxm tain people than any other dollar paper in the world The Knife And The Citizen for One Dollar JTiat briugsLo lubjcriptioni all the time Jf you uafehot got It Of OUfiJlt 10 hUTK t f r Hd

Transcript of PLE OF THE MOUNTAINS I the in reach of alt OF...








Scene of Murder Had Been DepletedSo Clearly That Woman Idcntlflethe Murderer According To HeDreamsletIc Mt Viirnon Tcnn n traveling nalpi

rnn who wan murdered mid his bodyhidden In n lemony spot In tlm hillsiltbcloges tho tact tint hU who had atuirntoly forevust in adronJ twweeks prnrlotih to his death the talcthat tnvultfl hint and warned him thatIll would bo rnilwl to a remote planttod shot to death Tho letter beggedlinn to return home to her

Thom was tJu a postscript from hlilltllo daughter Mary bogging him U1rcpuro to die warning him that hotmother had dreamed ho would btkilled

IThu lollop from the woman retainhndUthere shut und killed by it man wlirI

lUspowd of the body by throwing IIinto the water

o Tlio woman nwionwl that the tunehud been depicted to her so dourly1that she was curtain she could IdentifyIbo murderer It his death occurred no

I cording to tier drmtniWhen MIL Gregg arrived In Clmua

noogn to attend the funeral of her hutsbuild sho was asked about Jiw ronmricnblo vision by tin otlicors will hud t <>

I cowrml the letter Hue again relatedthe circumstances of the dream dedrilling eke murder ni she had scn IL

Tin tuirroundltiRs wore identicalI wIMi those In which tho body of Gregg

hud been found Her dcwrlpilon ofthe mitrdmr InllUd with the dosir1 >

lion ot Lon Ilfttflflil whom ofllcvni hndjlniwl under arrest on the charge 0-

1It hf iiumlor of Gregg 11lIlIIlllnlllllxldonre liavlnc tainted to him as tiumility war Mrs trigg al that time

I lad never seen llalfleld The oflle ra1dc Id td to put hr IP a further IMIPlacing llatnoM dressed MI he wne

when captured lucotwpleiKwdy ninoHRn dozen other alai Mrs Gregg wasbrtniKhl Into the nom and asked topick out iho innn whom she had eeerrIn kin dream Mm Grng scanned theaFicmblaic of men Wore her enrafully end without honltatlon pointed hertinges nt llatfield and rolHltd ugaluHIP Incldsets of her dream In the prow

oar ot Hotfifld who was visibly atvied by the recital

Mrs Uragg says that practically allthis Important InrldMiis of bar lieLave boim disclosed to her III drcatMprevious to Ihulr ooowrreneo She hascome to iilaoa grant faith In nor vision



to Drag Woman Ashore AfterIRequired Ccmpanlon Rescued Her

St 1ouls Mo Juno 1aMrs VieIrMa Nlntitrs was probably fatnlly Injurcd flunduy when a trestle tenmhitched to a buggy In which she wasriding with J T IUDMti plunged fromthe ferry larding nt the toot of Mnrkttstreet A deck bond slanumd Iho galesus the nos s of iho homes ioticlieil theLent Ilorsan and Mrs Nltttini were> tdgi U underneath the buggy uiiilwere druggtd Into the MIsslsnlppliTheman though Itnselt Injured oxtricstiblimtelf and swam tu the horn withthe unroiiHclous woman Mrs Nletarnwolghs ua poems nnd It took throeuiou n drug nor from the waters Odin

t q nflor Ilorson hnd savant ashore withkr Lor

Robbed or 10000

GSI Paul June 15 II C Taylor nof Seattle Wash was rob-

bed< of 10000 at the Union station inthlH Lily Sunday morning Mr Taylorwith his wlfo nnd laughter was enroute to Seattle from Europe As theputty was about to alight front a sleepJug car air Taylor was jostled by twomen one of whom readied Inside Pay

Qnt Idrs coat lend secured a wallet conUltllnti the money and tiecurltles MrTaylor Imnudlstely shouted uu alarmlint iho urea escaped

Maisacre ThreatenedChicago June 1C Charges of per ¬

h jury In the Hip Lung Chlnevc murderstateLt tfrpreler that unless Hip Lung and hiscourtsaChin clan would bo wiped out by meat1 btrs of the On Leung Tong Tho Chi

nose colony In Clark street Is workedup to a point of frenzy over the dts

witnessestFloridaTin her starboard side 10 feet high andJt 20 feet wide made by an American

Whitehead torpedo the monitor KlorIda Is now In one of true stone drjdocka

± at tho Norfolk navy yardo

For New ColliersWashington Juno 15Ott July 1 the

navy department will open bids furcoatyit

°be turned over to the government com

1t Vlete4 t

r 0





Conflagration Follows an ExplosionWhich Is Felt Over Doth the

Neighboring Cities

Kansas City IoTwo laborers lostilmlr lives two others wore seriouslyInjured and property loss ontlmatcd atbetween UWOOO ant 350000 wasansoil by two explosions followed by

a lire ip the packing houno of Mnrrldoft Co at the rlvpreldo In Kansas CityKan trlday The force of the oxplotlons which was foil all over boutKansas rule ruined the cold storagebuilding and the flro that folio vied dostrayed the smoko house with Its con

tentsAn explosion of newor gas rasuliedwhen a water man In one of the coldstorage departments lighted n matchThis was followed by another andmuch more serious oxploslou erasedby tho Igniting of a quantity ofammonia and a stubborn firs soonslatted

The Morris plant lu loralod near thechannel of the Kaw river and beingIn the cantor of the flooded district IsIn a swift current of water from sixto eight foot deep This conditionmade the task of fiKhllng tho liremost illfllcult and It re lulrod fivehours to place the flames tmdor controtOor a time the entire taunttwined Uoomeil Fire apparatus wasra BIKrtod to the scene After much

A flat by lint ron Photo wore SO

mon In tin plant whim the oxplorionsaceurrvd but all exempt four escapedTwo ot tluMO were Instantly klllod andihure badly mangled

Autlgo Wilt Tho plant of thonut Veil ring and Seating Com

puny was destroyed by Hro shortlyiflur midnight Tho loss Is about130000

Albuquerque N 1g The entireplant of the Continental 011 comessay with iho exnnptlon of tho offlee building burned Friday Nearly100000 Rations ot coal oil giuolliioand naphtha wore destroyed Iou



Young Millionaire Weds Miss JulietteWilliams In Washington

Wnhlogton A woddlng of unusualInterest Will that which took place ntthe house of tho brides parentsW< lu 3day of Miss Jiillcttu Williamsdaughter of Col nod Mrs John H

Williams of this city lo Joseph IuiterIon of the late Levi 7 1cltor of Chi ¬

cago und WashingtonThe ceremony which was performed

by Itev TathiT Iluckey assistant rec ¬

tor of Su Matthews Roman Catholicchurch was witnessed by about 20persons

Big Grain Elevator BurnsChicago In a spectacular fire

which destroyed tho great grainelevator of the Tri Rtato Organ com ¬

pany In Hammond id Wednesdaytight 250000 bushels of corn were destroyed and property valued at 3200000 including tho corn was burnedTho fire was caused by a hot box on asmall whool on a grain bolt which wasbeing used to hoist grain Into the elevator

Ancient Campanile TotteringVenice Tho campanile of Santo

Stcfaiio church a Gothic structure ofthe fourteenth century which containsthe tomb of the Dogo Francesco Moro

Feint threatens to fall like the cam ¬

panile of St Marks which collapsedin 1902 The question of ilcmollshlneIt Is under consideration

Oliver H P Belmont DiesNow York Oliver II P Belmont

aged CO years died at his homo InHempxtead L t Wednesday after aten days IllnciH with appendicitisIlls death had been anticipated fordays but In the end U como suddenly

Man Cub His Head OffCleveland 0 Keturnlng from

n danco lat Thursday night withhis wife and four children JosephParolulskl committed sulcldo lt raotlcajly decapitating hlmsolfrazor niter a quarrel with his JthI


He Was the Oldest Living ExMemberof Congress

Washington John Vines Wrightwho was tho oldest living oxmombotof congress tiled Friday at his homeIn this city Although near SO yearsold ho land been regularly at his deskIn the general land odlco until twomonths ago when he had a stroko olparalysis Ho lucid the unique distinction ot making more treaties withthe Indians than any other man

Judgo Wright was born In McXalrycounty Tennessee In 1828 and waseducated In Ixmlsvllle Ho was lidmilted to the bar In 1SB2 and warelected to congress In 8M serving Inthe memorable sessions preceding thecivil war Ho when tho stateof Tennessee secede In 1SG1 andserved In the army until be was elected n member of lie confederate congross While colonel of the Thirteenth Tennostieo regiment his horsewas shot from under him at the batHo of lIelll1ont-

Arler the war Col Wright served aschancellor sad judge of the miproinccourt of Tennessee During Clovelands first administration ho was 1111

pointed chairman of tho northwestIndian comralifBlon In 1880 ho was acandidate for governor of Tennesseebut was defeated


Kept at Poughkeepsle Until Questionof Change Is Decided

Now York Marry K Thaw willremain in the 1oughkeopslo jailpending an application of his counselto Justice Dowllng of tho supremecourt for u change of the order com ¬

mUting him tu the State Hospital forthe Insane at Msttcawan This de¬

cision was rendered by Justice Morechauser of Poughkeopsle after hearingarguments of counsel In this city Fri ¬

day on a motion to transfer the prisoner to any slates asylum other titanan asylum for Insane convicts Jus ¬

lice MoreohaitHor expressed the opinion that It might be bettor for Thaw tobe Incarcerated In sonic other asylumthou the one nt Matteawnn us It wasevident that strained relations existedbetween tho head of the MattcawanInstitution and Thaw


United States Brewers AssociationAdopts a Platform

Milwaukee The United StateHrewenT association at Its closing sosHlon Wednesday adopted a platformof principles In which It pledges Itself to tho abolition of tho Immoralsaloon and to tho cause of temperanceIn the use of Intoxicants In the broadoat sense At tho afternoon sessionthe convention voted to meet nextyear at Rochester X Y on tho firstWednesday In June

Officers wore elected as followsPresident J Brown Hocheater N Yvicepresident C M Hobbs Bridge-port hid secretary George A SeagerRochester N Y treasurer C KYates Hochcster X Y

Theft Returned FounFol-dWashingtonSecretary Cortelyou

has received In on envelope postmarked Jersey City a conscience contributlou of S000 which has beenturned Into the conscience fund of thetreasury In an unsigned letter thesender says that many years ago heund another man took a considerablesum of money belonging to the gov-ernment and that this 8000 makes a

total of 40000 or fourfold theamount originally taken by himselfthat ho has returned to the treasuryfrom time to time In several years

Congressman Dunwell DeadWashington Word reached her

Friday night of the death ot CharlesTappan Uuuwtll reprftsentatlveof thtThird congressional district of NewYork at Brooklyn Friday Mr Dunwell died from Drlghts disease

Big Glass Works BankruptCentrulln lIJTho Allison Glast

works of this city employing 300 menFriday filed a petition In bankruptcywith the fedora court Tbo llabllltleturu given as 184000 with assets ol




Sundsy3chool Letson lor June 281908

SpecUDy Prepared for This Paper

1K8SON TEXT Eplirilann iCMMemory verges IS 1-

COOLDKN TLeXTne not drunk withwine wherein U excss but be filled withthe HplritKph lans 61-

9seIt1PTLItItERKItFNCCS ON TE tPERANCKaen 9S1 Unit 120 21 1

Ham 2TM 1 King 109 m16 Katb 11011 1rov IOt SIM 220 11 Z935 314ilia 611 12 K 2813 7 Dan 1321 516 Ho 411 Amos G6 NVh 110 Hob21S Matt 24 48C1 Mark 1122 Luke 21

W Horn 1313 1 Cor 611 010 97-Gat 621 Kph 611 1 Theo 668 1 Tim32 3 S Tit 224 6 J2 1 Pet 113 476K 1 Iet 16-

TIMEPaut visited EphuulI twice thesecond time remaining more than twoyears This letter to the church hefounded was written from Pl1u1I prisonIn Home A D 6961 or 60C-

2JUACKKphHm was a splendid cityon the western const of Asia Minor southof Smyrna on the Aegean sea It wasthe capital of a Roman province rlclltdnlatrou luxurious with the Immorali ¬

ties of Rome It had an amphitheaterwhich would told 24KX persons and amacnlfleent temple to Diana one of theseven wonders of the world

Comment and Suggestive ThoughtThe specific note of this epistle

U its IdJU of tho church as the body

of Christ or In other words of thenew humanity created In himExposltors Ulble The first threo chapters teach the theory of U the lastthree In which tho lesson lies teachthe practice of It Tho argument ofthe first throe chapters Is that Christiansare to lire hove and have their beingIn Christ the afro of the last threeIs to show bow this union with Christaffects the dally walk and conduct

The keyword of our lesson Is there-fore Walk and its analysis Is

1 Walk In love vs 1G2 Walk In light vs C143 Walk In wisdom vs 1521To walk In love means to go on

errands of love Let your dally walkand conversation be In the atmosphere of love Hejolco In the pros-


of others and seek In every wayto Increase It That Is what Goddoes and living thus Is Imitating him

The temperance applications 1 Noone can walk In love pf lute brotherman and not be a total abstainer

2 Intemperance Is closely and Inevltably associated with the threegreat sins which Paul names Impur ¬

ity covetousness and foul speechHouses of evil repute have alwayssaloons connected with them Thesaloon Is kept up quite as much by thegreed of the proprietor as by tho ap-


of his customers The profaneand indecent language of drunkards Isa matter of common observationWhen the wine Is In tho wit is outPaul gives many answers how we

may walk as children of light 1 Seektho fruits of the tight It V verse 9which Is all goodness and righteousness and truth Have high Idealsdrawn from the Bible

2 Prove what Is acceptable IltV well pleasing unto the Iord v10 Take an your standard of pleasure the actions that give God pleas ¬

ure This Is the test to apply to alldoubtful amusements could you

take Christ into them with you3 Do nothing that you would wish to

conceal Live In tho open Ask your-


every night whether you wouldbe willing for God to publish tho entits history of your day

4 Let your light shine Into the darkplaces vs 1214 Publicity Is oneof the most potent remedies for evilsTake down the saloon screens andthe young man will hesitate long be-


lie will be seen there Turn thesearchlight of public opinion Into thoways of the saloon lobby at the statehouse Cause the railroads to publishtheir accounts and the Insurance com-panies


and the trusts All evil lovesdarkness rather than light as fungusand mold luxuriate In dark cellars anddisease germs multiply In dark bedrooms Let In the light

6 Remember that the light is notIn you Christ shall give thee lightPaul Is not quoting literally but Istranslating Into the terms of Christhan experience several passages ofthe Old Testament such us Isa G0l

Walk In Wisdom Paul has beenspeaking ol love and light as regions through which the Christianshould walk now he passes on to con-


the manner In which the Chris ¬

tian should walk See then that yewalk circumspectly It V Looktherefore carefully how ye walk not asunwise but as wise-

Drunkenness may come from any-


wherein Is excess from overin-dulgence In society in pleasure Inmusic and hi the delight of listeningto oratory Fullness of the Spiritcalms fullness produced by excite ¬

ment suaten and exhausts The worldof fnsbon either Is or affects to beproof against surprise and to have lostall keemesn of enjoyment We wantthe vision of a calmer anti simplerbeauty to tranquillize us in themidst of artificial tastes we wont thedraught of n purer spring to cool theflame of our excited life we want thefullness of the Spirit which can neverIntoxlcatelP W Robertson

Practical PointsAlrohol is a mighty magician Tbo

tired laboring man by Us aid can leaveaching limbs and dull care behind andtaste it it lin Only for a feverish moment of tho joy of bounding life Theremoval ot temptation will accomplishlittle unless higher tastes are formed

Drink was not the curse in theeast then which It Is with us nowHut I cannot forget that this sametolerant Snlpture with Its ample recognition of the genial side of humanlife contains some of tho most urgentwarnings that can be written againstthe borror of intoxication



1855 Berea College 1908


Places the BEST EDUCATION in reach of alt

Over 60 instructors 1175 students from 27 states

Largest college library in Kentucky NO SALOONS

A special teacher for each grade and for each main subjectSo many classes that each student can be placedwith others likehimselfwhere he can make most rapid progress

Which Department Will You Enter 1

THE MODEL SCHOOLS for those least advanced Same leeturaHorary and general advantages as for more advanced students Arithmeticand the common branches taught in the right way Drawing Staging BibleHandwork Lessons in Farm and Household Management eta Free tatbooks

TRADE COURSES for any who have finished fifth grade fractions anAcompound numbers Brickwork Farm Management Printing WoodworkNursing Dressmaking Household Management Learn and Earn

ACADEMY REGULAR COURSE 2 years for those who hAve largelyfinished common branches The most practical and interesting studies U>

fit a young person for an honorable and useful liftCHOICE OF STUDIES Is offered In this cmnso that a young mos

may secure a diploma In Agriculture and a young lady in Home ScienceACADEMY COMMERCIAL 1 year or 2 years to fit for business Erea

a part of this course as tall and winter terms is very profitable Smallextra fees t

ACADEMY PREPARATORY 3 3 and 4 year courses with Latin Grman Algebra History Science etc fitting for ooUsse

COLLEGIATE 4 years Literary Scientific and Classical courses whkuse of laboratories scientific apparatus and all modern methods nhighest educoUOWlIstandards

NORMAL 3 and 4year courses fit for the profession of teaching Tintyear parallel to 8th grade Model Schools enables one to got a firstelscertificate Following years winter and spring terms give the informationculture and training necessary for a true teacher and cover branches necessary for State certificate

MUSIC Singing free Reed Organ Voice Culture Piano TheoryBand may be taken as an extra in connection with any course Small extratees

Expenses Regulations Opening DaysIBerea College Is not a moneymaking Institution All the mosey rec-

eived from students Is paid out for their benefit and the School expendon an average upon each student about fifty dollars a year more than he pa-

In This great deficit Is made up by the gifts of Christian and patriotic peoplewho are supporting BoTca In order that it may train young men and WOSDOJ

for lives of usefulnessOUR SCHOOL IS LIKE A FAMILY with careful regulations to protect

the character and reputation of the young people Our atudents come Crossthe best families and aro earnest to do well and Improve For any who maybe sick the College provides doctor and nurse without extra charge

All except those with parents in Berea live in College buildings D-

ust In work of boarding hall farm and shops receiving valuable traillug and getting pay according to the value of their labor Except In wlater It Is expected that all will have a chance to earn as much as 35 centsa week Some who need to earn more may by wrlUng to the Secretarybefore coming secure extra employment so as to earn from CO cents toone dollar aweekIPERSONAL EXPENSES for clothing laundry postage books etc varywith different people Berea favors plain clothing Our climate is the bestbut as students must attend classes regardless of the weather warm wrapsand underclothing umbrellas and overshoes are necessary The Coopera¬

tlve Store furnishes books toilet articles work uniforms umbrellas a4other necessary articles at cost

LIVING EXPENSES are really below cost The College asks no rearefor the tine buildings In which students Ilvq charging only enough roomrent to pay for cleaning repairs fuel lights and washing of beddingand towels For tablo board without coffee or extras 135 a week la-

the fall and 3160 In winter For room furnished fuel lights washtag ot bedding 40 cents a week In fall and spring 60 cents in

SCHOOL FEES are two First a Dollar Deposit as winterIreturn of room key library books eta This la paid but oncewhen the student departs

Second an Incidental Fee to help on expenses for care ot school buddings hospital library etc Students pay nothing for tuition or services orteachers all our Instruction Is a free gift The Incidental Fee for moatotudents Is 1300 a term 400 In lower Model Schools 600 la conee withLatin anti 700 In Collegiate courses

PAYMENT MUST BE IN ADVANCE Incidental fee and room rent bytho term board by tho half term Installments are M follows

SPRING 10 weeks 2250tn one payment 92200Installment plan first day 1676 Including 100 deposit mlddleot

term 675

SPRING4 weeks term for those who must lean for farm work 9401

SPRING7 weeks term for those wiio must leave for tlachers exami ¬

nations 1645

FALL 190814 weeks 2950In one payment 2900Installment plan first day 2105 including 100 deposit mlddl or

term 945 I

REFUNDING Students who leave by permission before the end ofterm receive back for money advanced as follows

On board in full except that no allowance is made for any fraction ota week

On room or on any special expenses no allowance for any onesplred fraction ot a month and in any case a forfeiture of fifty cents

On Incidental fee a certificate allowing the student to apply taamount advanced for term bUll when be returns provided It is within fourt t

terms but making no allowance for any fraction ot a mouth

IT PAYS TO TAYl1en you have made your Journey aad are wWo tstarted In school U pays to stay as long as possible r

fThe first day of Spring term U March 28 IMS I

The first dayof Fall term is September 16 ISOIIFor Information or friendly advice write to



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