Plasto food

I. Summary About Us: We are ‘Persivators’ ( Persistent Innovators ) , our team consists of two 16 years old Jubilian Girls which are Saeda Shdefat and Tala Sallam , starting with Saeda she is a great designer and video producer , she is a hard worker and a persistent girl that loves learning and has an expansive background in programming and electronics , two of her fabulous achievements are “Seeds of Future” application that she and her team came up with, and creating ‘Cell Viver’ game that took the first place in The Golden App Challenge. Saeda’s role was in the things she skilled the best in which she was Responsible for the tech side of Plasto food from planning for it, to choosing the pieces and finally building a 3D model for the final Shape of it, she also with her designing skills was able to produce our Marketing Video. Talking about Tala, she is a great researcher and explorer, a very creative person that continually comes with innovative ideas, she loves reading about entrepreneurship and also enjoys spending hours hunting opportunities over the internet, she has an amazing background in Chemistry and two of her amazing achievements are the TechGirls scholarship she got as she was chosen number one from Jordan and Founding the first website for empowering and educating girls - Fill It. Since Tala is a good researcher, she was responsible for the chemical part or process in Plasto food that requires to choose the right methods to change Starch, Vegetables, and Milk. And with her love for Business and entrepreunship she was able to produce a good Business plan that helped her making this Presentation. Our Management Teams that we will need in the near future: At first it'll only be the two of us: Saeda Shdaifat, and Tala Salllam but as the company grows we'll need more and more staff, and each one of them must fall within a specific criteria. 1. The maintenance team. They must have a very good understanding of engineering, chemistry and electronics because these three sciences are the three main pillars that ‘Plasto Food ‘relies on. 2- The contacting team. These will be the people responsible for contacting customers and giving them as much help as they can. This team must be very sensitively and carefully chosen because they will be the main interface for the company, so they must have very good linguistic abilities in the language that the customers speak, they also need to have the flexibility that enables them to communicate effectively with the customers. 3- The research team. This team will be responsible for developing the device and inventing new and innovative ways for the device to work by, this team must have exceptional knowledge in the fields of Electronics, Applied and Theoretical Chemistry, Engineering and Design. 4- The headquarters. These will be the two of us, and a team of consultants that

Transcript of Plasto food

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I. Summary

About Us:We are ‘Persivators’ ( Persistent Innovators ) , our team consists of two 16 years old Jubilian Girls which are Saeda Shdefat and Tala Sallam , starting with Saeda she is a great designer and video producer , she is a hard worker and a persistent girl that loves learning and has an expansive background in programming and electronics , two of her fabulous achievements are “Seeds of Future” application that she and her team came up with, and creating ‘Cell Viver’ game that took the first place in The Golden App Challenge. Saeda’s role was in the things she skilled the best in which she was Responsible for the tech side of Plasto food from planning for it, to choosing the pieces and finally building a 3D model for the final Shape of it, she also with her designing skills was able to produce our Marketing Video.

Talking about Tala, she is a great researcher and explorer, a very creative person that continually comes with innovative ideas, she loves reading about entrepreneurship and also enjoys spending hours hunting opportunities over the internet, she has an amazing background in Chemistry and two of her amazing achievements are the TechGirls scholarship she got as she was chosen number one from Jordan and Founding the first website for empowering and educating girls -Fill It. Since Tala is a good researcher, she was responsible for the chemical part or process in Plasto food that requires to choose the right methods to change Starch, Vegetables, and Milk. And with her love for Business and entrepreunship she was able to produce a good Business plan that helped her making this Presentation.

Our Management Teams that we will need in the near future:

At first it'll only be the two of us: Saeda Shdaifat, and Tala Salllam but as the company grows we'll need more and more staff, and each one of them must fall within a specific criteria.

1. The maintenance team. They must have a very good understanding of engineering, chemistry and electronics because these three sciences are the three main pillars that ‘Plasto Food ‘relies on.

2- The contacting team. These will be the people responsible for contacting customers and giving them as much help as they can. This team must be very sensitively and carefully chosen because they will be the main interface for the company, so they must have very good linguistic abilities in the language that the customers speak, they also need to have the flexibility that enables them to communicate effectively with the customers.

3- The research team. This team will be responsible for developing the device and inventing new and innovative ways for the device to work by, this team must have exceptional knowledge in the fields of Electronics, Applied and Theoretical Chemistry, Engineering and Design.

4- The headquarters. These will be the two of us, and a team of consultants that must have a very good ability in the fields of Business, Analysis, Law and Accounting.

Elevator Pitch: ‘Plasto Food’ is an eco-friendly device that aims to produce bio plastic instead of petroleum based plastics and to limit food wastes environmental sequences like the squandering of resources including water, energy, labor... by transforming that food wastes into the bio plastic that is sold to manufacturers that need raw plastic, which helps in a less production of greenhouse gases released from that food wastes like methane, therefore reducing pollution and the global warming.

II. Provide each step on how you would use IoT to solve this problem.

Our Market and their problem: Our Market are Restaurants, settled houses, canteens, hospitals, hotels and factories that produce too much food wastes like diary related factories or farms in which those are the top suppliers of food wastes, as only 2.5% of that waste food produces was composted in 2008 for example – the rest went to landfill or incinerators and broken down anaerobically . (1)

Their problem is that they are wasting both of their money and food by throwing it in the garbage and losing thousands per year without even taking notice of this issue, and we will be explaining this with numbers and details:

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1. Businesses: For Business It has been estimated that each ton of food waste produces can cost between €2,000 – €5,000 (2), while about 750,000 tons of organic waste is generated each year by businesses in Ireland. Of this, over 300,000 comes from commercial businesses and over 400,000 tons is generated by the industrial food producing sector. (3) And it was estimated that 43 billion pounds of food were wasted in US retail stores in 2008. (4)

2. Households: Food waste makes up over one-third (35%) of household waste (5) as In the US, an average family of four wastes 1,160 pounds of food annually, (about 25% of the food they buy), costing them $1,365 to $2,275 per year (6), as In the distribution state, food waste equals $64.6 billion (7) .Talking about Australia, Australian households throw out enough food every year to fill more than 450,000 garbage trucks. This food is worth a$5.2 billion! (8) , finally a study about Irish says that the average Irish household food waste costs them between €400 – €1,000 !(9)

3. Restaurants: Approximately four to ten percent of food purchased by restaurants is wasted before reaching the consumer. (10) And according to the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, on average, diners leave 17% of their meals uneaten and 55% of edible leftovers at the restaurant (11), which at the end goes to the garbage!

4. Farms: Food production in the US uses 10% of the total energy budget, 50% of all land and 80% of all fresh water consumed. Yet six billion pounds of fresh produce is left to rot in the fields every year. (12)

5. Hospitals: According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. hospitals generate about 170,000 tons of food waste annually. (13)

Another Problem we are helping in solving in ‘Plasto food’ is the production of bio plastic instead of the production of petroleum based plastics by factories that persists for hundreds or thousands of years that largely reduce the amount of fossil fuels left and release toxic components that harm the environment and human health, during this presentation we will be providing a summary that we made from the previous researches about the plastic.

How Big is it showing it’s impacts with full research: Food waste has serious environmental, economic impacts which are summarized as the following:

1. Environmental Impacts:

Approximately 1.3 billion tons (1/3) from food produced in the world for human consumption every year gets lost or wasted, that when broken down anaerobically in landfill causes serious environmental consequences such as squandering of resources, including water, land, energy, labor, capital, as each year three times the water that flows through Russia’s Volga river is required to produce food that is ultimately wasted. (14) And concerning land; 1.4 billion hectares of land, which is equivalent to 28 per cent of the world’s agricultural area or 200 Irelands, is used to produce food that is then lost or wasted. (15)

Also when waste food is broken down anaerobically it produce greenhouse gases like methane which is 25 times more potent than CO2, therefor causing it global warming and climate change! If we were able to stop the greenhouse gases produced by food waste in landfill it would be the same as removing one in five cars from the roads! (16)

Not to forget that food wastes produce bad smell, and parasites in the costumer's kitchen if not treated and the top three foods being thrown away uneaten in British homes are bread, potatoes and milk. Which are the materials that ‘Plasto food’ works on. Unfortunately Less than 3% of food waste was recovered and recycled [composted] in 2010. (17)

Talking about the plastic that is ‘petroleum base’ and produced by factories It persists for hundreds or thousands of years releasing toxic components that harm the environment and human health, and that's why ‘Plasto food’ aims to create bio plastic from the food wastes that is less harming to the environment, and is formed from renewable resources not like the petroleum based plastics that are formed from fossil fuels.

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2. Economic Impacts:

“Food losses and waste cast a worrisome shadow over the model of growth that has governed the global economy for the past fifty years – a model that is totally unsustainable,” said Guido Barilla, Chairman of the BCFN. (18) As One third of what we buy, then waste, adds up to a serious amount of money. It is estimated that the food wasted in the US is worth $43 billion a year, in the UK: £10.2 billion, and in Australia: AU$5.2 billion a year. In NZ over $750million worth of food is wasted. (19) As the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) calculates that 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted each year (20) and the economic losses associated with food loss, excluding seafood, are estimated to reach €550bn a year. (21)

A study Shows that 70kg per person per year of food bought in UK is wasted, which when calculated for U.K as a whole equals 6.7 million tons and 82kg of food waste per person in the U.S goes to landfill causing environmental impacts (22).

Another study by the Grocery Manufacturers Association estimated that in 2011 the US food manufacturing sector generated 44.3 billion pounds of food waste, 73% of which ended up as animal feed. (23)

Opinion of our potential customers:We made a Business plan that shows that the market needs a device like that, and both the costumer and the factory would gain a good profit out of it and we’ve conducted a survey and found that 80% of the restaurants, hotels and houses would buy the device.

Experts commenting on Food waste issue:“In a world of seven billion people, set to grow to nine billion by 2050, wasting food makes no sense – economically, environmentally and ethically, aside from the cost implications, all the land, water, fertilizers and labour needed to grow that food is wasted – not to mention the generation of greenhouse gas emissions produced by food decomposing on landfill and the transport of food that is ultimately thrown away.”UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner

"The vast amount of good food which is wasted globally shames us all. It’s also a shocking waste of all the energy and water used in food production, which leads to higher prices and hurts national economies. As Scotland’s Food Minister, I am passionate about both maximizing the amount of high quality food we produce and reducing the amount of food we waste. With people going hungry around the world we each have a personal responsibility not to waste this

valuable resource."Scotland’s Environment Secretary, Richard Lochhead

Why we believe ‘Plasto Food’ should be developed? What other markets could be targeted?

We believe ‘Plasto food’ should be developed because:1. It solves a global crisis ‘wasting food’- as we have shown the horrible environmental and economic impacts of

it and supported our presentation with facts, numbers and experts opinions.

2. It supports the bio plastic formation and usage revolution instead of petroleum based plastics, which means less harming plastic is being produced.

3. It is not expensive, small in size and profitable for the costumer to buy it then sell bio-plastic to gain money.

4. It impressed our potential customers, and 80% of them said they would buy it.

5. It can be produced as a small device or a whole recycling system of collecting bins then recycling factory.

6. It is completely non static-location dependent, in other words it doesn't need to be placed in a single non-changing place forever, it can move freely enabling customers to place the device wherever they find it most suitable.

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‘Plasto Food’ can be sold to governments who wish to get rid of food wastes in a better, profitable way.

III. How is your solution connected to the Internet?

Full Process and the usage of IOT :1. process of converting food waste

to bio plastic‘Plasto food’ device converts food waste to bio plastic by using 3 different ways to extract 3 different polymers that can be used in many different industries mainly plastic manufacturing, and they are starch, milk and vegetables.

1. Starches:In the device, the process begins with cutting, smashing, and evaporating using shafts to make food wastes powder, then it's treated in distilled water, which would be pumped using pumps, passed through: cotton filter, and mesh filter, using suctions, after that it's treated with sodium hydroxide and distilled water again, then passed in another mesh filter, finally to the drying process, using heaters and fans.

2. Manufacturing of milk: The procedure would start with the device which would extract the polymer casein, it would heat the milk and reduce the pH to 4, because casein protein (the polymer we need) is insoluble in acids, and finally filter it.

In the deice: heating rods would wrap the ceiled container, to increase the milk temperature to 40 Celsius, stirring shafts will stir milk, a thermometer would be placed inside the milk, when it reaches the wanted temperature, citric acid will be pumped using cheek valves, pH meter would be placed in milk, when it reaches 4 the pumping stops also a slot opens. The solvent will contain solid (casein) and liquid (milk proteins and carbohydrates) the next step is to separate the solid from the liquid. Using volume filter solids will go on a track and liquids on another.

For casein: it would enter the evaporating chamber, this chamber depends on evaporating and diffusion, liquids inside casein will move from high concentration (chamber) to low concentration (the valves).

For liquids: they contain lactic acid and nitrogen, which are good for the soil. A study was conducted to determine if lactic acid bacteria could enhance decomposition and the release of plant nutrients and increase soil humus formation, the results were positive.L-Lactic Acid is registered as a biochemical pesticide used as a mosquito attractant (in traps).

3. Vegetables:In the device one kind of vegetables would be placed in a ceiled container in pure TFA chamber (Trifluoroacetic acid) for number of days and shacked using servo-motors (depending on the type), after that it would be filtered using centrifuging, the liquid will be thrown and the solid will go to another chamber. Solids will be dried using evaporating.

2. Using IOT:

’Plasto food’ device will contain sensors that will be connected to an application for IOT for the sake of several missions.

‘Plasto food’ will have a molecular sensor, in which the application will give a report and send it to the plastic industry and our costumer of the exact percentage of what the bio plastic is being formed from, as this will help the plastic industry to know how to deal with the plastic formed .

‘Plasto food’ will have a weight sensor for the plastic produced as when it reaches 500 gram ,the application will send a message for our factory to come and take it from the customer (house, hotel, hospital...) and then we will sell it to the plastic industry and use PayPal to send the customer’s part of the profits.

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‘Plasto food’ will have a time sensor, the application will keep both our factory and the owner of the device (our customer) notified of the time left for the formation of the new 5oo grams of plastic .

Also we will be using the app of IOT in keeping a touch with our customers, to know their feedback and to answer their questions about the usage of ‘Plasto food’ device. Finally we will provide them with a weekly advice using the app to spread awareness of wasting food issue and how to reduce it and change their bad habits.

Competitive differentiations:1. Summarizing previous researches:

The world is trying to find new ways to make plastic, because petroleum based plastics harms the environment, and not a renewable source, so biodegradable polymers appeared which are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable cellulose, casein protein found in milk, and starch based bio plastic. Casein based plastics production began to shut down in the 1960s, with most factories gone by the early 1980s. Limited production of casein buttons continues, and casein knitting needles are still made, prized for their tactile qualities - typically described as smooth, silky, and natural. (24) Also Thermoplastic starch currently represents the most widely.

Used bio plastic, constituting about 50 percent of the bio plastics market using citric acid polymerization. In July 2014 Bio plastics with a wide range of mechanical properties were directly obtained from industrially processed edible vegetable and cereal wastes. As model systems, they present bio plastics synthesized from wastes of parsley and spinach stems, rice hulls, and cocoa pod husks by digesting in trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), casting, and evaporation.(25)

2. What's new in ‘Plasto food’?

What's new in this idea is that it shifts from the theoretical to the practical part, and uses different researches that were established in laboratories to industrial part. This industrial part is available for everyone and has a wide target that can benefit from saving the environment.

 Describing road-blocks, problems:

It can be hard to get into the market with an innovative new idea immediately.

Linking the costumer that has the device with the plastic market. Making the costumer use the device properly.

IV. What resources, financial or otherwise, are needed to make your solution a success and/or feasible?

How will our company generate sales?

By selling the device to our customers, it will cost the customer 350JD and every device sold will give us an income of 105JD, as the production cost of the device is 200JD but within one year we're planning to reduce this cost to about 100JDs, this'll be done by conducting more research in order to choose cheaper and equally effective materials.

30% of the profits made by selling the plastic to plastic industries will be given to us and the 70% left will go the customer (we will come to the customer house to take it).

Our go‐to‐market strategy:

1. Product Road-Map:

Our goals within one year: At the moment the cost of producing one device is 200JDs, and one of our major goals is to decrease this cost to about 100JDs, and this'll be done by contacting and making deals with larger enterprises, and we also will be working on conducting even more researches in order to choose materials that are cheaper but can do the same job as the existing materials that we're using.

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Our Goal within 3 years: Develop Plasto food even more as to be able to change some of the food waste to energy that can be used by the customer Deal with 5 to 7 famous online market, beside our to make sure ‘Plasto food’ is being recognized globally.

Our goals within 5 years: To reach 1080 devices and sell them worldwide.

2. Target Customers:

Our Potential Customer can include many options due to the many sources that produce food waste, but we will target the ones who scored awfully high in producing food wastes that are found in every country in order to make sure that our sales and profits will be high. They are food industries, settled families, Restaurants and Farms.

3. Our Sales Goals :

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 50






600 Series 1

Series 1

4. Our distribution Strategy:

‘Plasto food’ devices will be distributed to the customers using the website we created and using the some of the Best Online Electronics Retailers Like: ... ... … And other famous online markets such as Amazon, EBay…

Our company will need some outside advisors in order to further develop the company and protect it from any legal or other problems that it may fall into, and these advisors include:

1. Hamdi Manko laboratories, we did our laboratory experiments for ‘Plasto food’ there and we will need them to conduct more researches to improve the quality of our device and the plastic it makes, we will also need bigger and better laboratories in the future to keep up with the growth pace of the company.

2. Headquarters that will include a team of consultants that will include Accountants, Lawyers, and other employees that will constantly produce data about the company in order for us to assess the situation and fix the problems that might encounter us if any.

Our strategy for connecting with customers:We have 3 main strategies that keeps us connected with our customers before and after buying the device, which are

1. By using the website, in which it will have a ‘contact us’ section that will contain our work e-mails and the official phone number for ‘Plasto food’ as they can e-mail or call us for any further info about ‘Plasto food ‘especially if they have any questions.

2. The app for ‘Plasto food’ will also contain the official website for ‘Plasto food’ and our contact info as well.3. Using social media like (Facebook, twitter, Gmail...) for both advertising and connecting with our customers and

leading them to both the website and our app.

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Once the customer reach us his/her contact info will be saved in the company's database in order to allow us to contact him/her at any time, and after he/she buys the device the customer will be able to send us the amount that he/she wants to sell so we can send somebody to fetch the plastic so the company can distribute it to the factories that need this material. Bear in mind that the profit will be divided between the company and the customer, 30% of the profit goes to the company and the rest goes to the customer.

How will you get the word out about your product/service?

Making advertisements virtually on (Facebook, Google, etc...) and printed (magazines, Newspapers, Posters, ...) Holding multiple press conferences with multiple news agencies. Holding public demonstrations for the public in order to show them how easy the device is to use. Creating a YouTube channel in order to post tutorial videos and promotional ones for everybody to see them.

How will customers get our product:‘Plasto food’ device can be bought online from our official ‘Plasto food’ website or through the famous online markets such as Amazon, EBay, etc. and from other famous electronics retailers.

VI. How would you make this solution available worldwide?

Critical risks and assumptions: Dealing with only a few online markets, which won’t allow the spreading of ‘Plasto food’ worldwide. Not doing the right development for ‘Plasto food’ customer’s need, which will make our selling less. It may take some time to find the right people to work with us on ‘Plasto food’, which will reduce the

productivity of ‘Plasto food’.


The investor ROI = (Gains – Cost)/Cost

ROI= (45-15)/15

ROI = 0.20JD or 20%

Our ROI = (Gains – Cost)/Cost

ROI= (305-200)/200

ROI = 0.525JD or 52.5%

The Final Price for the customer = 45+305=350JD

Harvest Potential:We will harvest 105JD from every ‘Plasto food’ device sold.

Exit Strategy:Merger & Acquisition (M&A), Since we would still be considered young even after ‘Plasto food’ Company grows and after gaining more experience we can come up with other and more advanced ideas and business so we found out that selling ‘Plasto food’ for a larger company will be a win-win situation, and give us and the investor to cash out.

-The End-

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