Plasticity of the Arabidopsis Root System - Plant Physiology · Plasticity of the Arabidopsis Root...

Plasticity of the Arabidopsis Root System under Nutrient Deciencies 1[C][W][OPEN] Benjamin D. Gruber 2 , Ricardo F.H. Giehl 2 , Swetlana Friedel, and Nicolaus von Wirén* Molecular Plant Nutrition (B.D.G., R.F.H.G., N.v.W.) and Data Inspection (S.F.), Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, 06466 Gatersleben, Germany ORCID IDs: 0000-0002-3481-7444 (B.D.G.); 0000-0003-1006-3163 (R.F.H.G.); 0000-0003-4493-3673 (S.F.); 0000-0002-4966-425X (N.v.W.). Plant roots show a particularly high variation in their morphological response to different nutrient deciencies. Although such changes often determine the nutrient efciency or stress tolerance of plants, it is surprising that a comprehensive and comparative analysis of root morphological responses to different nutrient deciencies has not yet been conducted. Since one reason for this is an inherent difculty in obtaining nutrient-decient conditions in agar culture, we rst identied conditions appropriate for producing nutrient-decient plants on agar plates. Based on a careful selection of agar specically for each nutrient being considered, we grew Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants at four levels of deciency for 12 nutrients and quantied seven root traits. In combination with measurements of biomass and elemental concentrations, we observed that the nutritional status and type of nutrient determined the extent and type of changes in root system architecture (RSA). The independent regulation of individual root traits further pointed to a differential sensitivity of root tissues to nutrient limitations. To capture the variation in RSA under different nutrient supplies, we used principal component analysis and developed a root plasticity chart representing the overall modulations in RSA under a given treatment. This systematic comparison of RSA responses to nutrient deciencies provides a comprehensive view of the overall changes in root plasticity induced by the deciency of single nutrients and provides a solid basis for the identication of nutrient-sensitive steps in the root developmental program. Plant survival and performance are highly dependent on the plants ability to efciently explore the soil in the search for water and minerals. Thus, root growth and architecture are extremely relevant for the plants ad- aptation to the growth medium, as they determine the soil volume that a plant is able to explore at a given time. Root system architecture (RSA) represents the spatial arrangement of roots of different ages and orders (Lynch, 1995; Osmont et al., 2007) and is determined by genetic factors and the integration of environmental cues (Malamy, 2005). The genetic component deter- mines the fundamental morphology and blueprint of a plants root system, whereas environmental cues shape root architecture by modifying the intrinsic genetic program. The existence of this additional level of reg- ulation allows plants to display a high level of root plasticity, which reects the shape, three-dimensional distribution, branching pattern, and age of the primary and postembryonically generated roots (Pacheco- Villalobos and Hardtke, 2012). The dynamic modula- tion of RSA is based on the intrinsic developmental nature of the different components of the root system. In fact, the primary root (PR) is established during em- bryogenesis, while the lateral roots (LRs) that originate from the PR develop postembryonically (Osmont et al., 2007; Péret et al., 2009). These highly dynamic changes in the overall RSA throughout time nally determine root plasticity and allow plants to efciently adapt to environmental constraints. Nutrient availability can exert a profound impact on RSA by altering the number, length, angle, and diameter of roots and root hairs (for review, see Forde and Lorenzo, 2001; López-Bucio et al., 2003; Malamy, 2005; Osmont et al., 2007). In fact, plants can respond to the heterogenous availability of resources by allocating roots where the most favorable conditions are found (Zhang and Forde, 1998; Linkohr et al., 2002; Remans et al., 2006; Lima et al., 2010; Giehl et al., 2012). When grown under limited phosphorus (P) availability, roots exhibit a shallower architecture that results from the inhibition of PR elongation and the concomitant in- crease in LR formation (Williamson et al., 2001; López- Bucio et al., 2002; Sanchez-Calderon et al., 2005). Such an architectural rearrangement of the root is thought to improve the plants ability to forage P from the usually P-enriched topsoil horizon (Lynch and Brown, 2001; Rubio et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2005). In contrast to low P, reduced nitrogen (N) availability stimulates PR and particularly LR elongation but not LR initiation (Linkohr et al., 2002; López-Bucio et al., 2003). However, it is noteworthy that under severe N shortage, LR formation is almost completely absent (Krouk et al., 2010), 1 This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft (grant no. WI1728/131). 2 These authors contributed equally to the article. * Address correspondence to [email protected]. The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the ndings presented in this article in accordance with the policy de- scribed in the Instructions for Authors ( is: Nicolaus von Wirén ([email protected]). [C] Some gures in this article are displayed in color online but in black and white in the print edition. [W] The online version of this article contains Web-only data. [OPEN] Articles can be viewed online without a subscription. Plant Physiology Ò , September 2013, Vol. 163, pp. 161179, Ó 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. 161 on June 24, 2018 - Published by Downloaded from Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

Transcript of Plasticity of the Arabidopsis Root System - Plant Physiology · Plasticity of the Arabidopsis Root...

Plasticity of the Arabidopsis Root Systemunder Nutrient Deficiencies1[C][W][OPEN]

Benjamin D. Gruber2, Ricardo F.H. Giehl2, Swetlana Friedel, and Nicolaus von Wirén*

Molecular Plant Nutrition (B.D.G., R.F.H.G., N.v.W.) and Data Inspection (S.F.), Leibniz Institute of PlantGenetics and Crop Plant Research, 06466 Gatersleben, Germany

ORCID IDs: 0000-0002-3481-7444 (B.D.G.); 0000-0003-1006-3163 (R.F.H.G.); 0000-0003-4493-3673 (S.F.); 0000-0002-4966-425X (N.v.W.).

Plant roots show a particularly high variation in their morphological response to different nutrient deficiencies. Although suchchanges often determine the nutrient efficiency or stress tolerance of plants, it is surprising that a comprehensive and comparativeanalysis of rootmorphological responses to different nutrient deficiencies has not yet been conducted. Since one reason for this is aninherent difficulty in obtaining nutrient-deficient conditions in agar culture, we first identified conditions appropriate forproducing nutrient-deficient plants on agar plates. Based on a careful selection of agar specifically for each nutrient beingconsidered, we grewArabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants at four levels of deficiency for 12 nutrients and quantified seven roottraits. In combinationwithmeasurements of biomass andelemental concentrations,weobserved that thenutritional status and typeof nutrient determined the extent and type of changes in root system architecture (RSA). The independent regulation of individualroot traits further pointed to a differential sensitivity of root tissues to nutrient limitations. To capture the variation in RSA underdifferent nutrient supplies, we used principal component analysis and developed a root plasticity chart representing the overallmodulations in RSA under a given treatment. This systematic comparison of RSA responses to nutrient deficiencies provides acomprehensive view of the overall changes in root plasticity induced by the deficiency of single nutrients and provides a solid basisfor the identification of nutrient-sensitive steps in the root developmental program.

Plant survival and performance are highly dependenton the plant’s ability to efficiently explore the soil in thesearch for water and minerals. Thus, root growth andarchitecture are extremely relevant for the plant’s ad-aptation to the growth medium, as they determine thesoil volume that a plant is able to explore at a given time.Root system architecture (RSA) represents the spatialarrangement of roots of different ages and orders(Lynch, 1995; Osmont et al., 2007) and is determined bygenetic factors and the integration of environmentalcues (Malamy, 2005). The genetic component deter-mines the fundamental morphology and blueprint of aplant’s root system, whereas environmental cues shaperoot architecture by modifying the intrinsic geneticprogram. The existence of this additional level of reg-ulation allows plants to display a high level of rootplasticity, which reflects the shape, three-dimensionaldistribution, branching pattern, and age of the primaryand postembryonically generated roots (Pacheco-

Villalobos and Hardtke, 2012). The dynamic modula-tion of RSA is based on the intrinsic developmentalnature of the different components of the root system. Infact, the primary root (PR) is established during em-bryogenesis, while the lateral roots (LRs) that originatefrom the PR develop postembryonically (Osmont et al.,2007; Péret et al., 2009). These highly dynamic changesin the overall RSA throughout time finally determineroot plasticity and allow plants to efficiently adapt toenvironmental constraints.

Nutrient availability can exert a profound impact onRSAbyaltering the number, length, angle, anddiameterof roots and root hairs (for review, see Forde andLorenzo, 2001; López-Bucio et al., 2003; Malamy, 2005;Osmont et al., 2007). In fact, plants can respond to theheterogenous availability of resources by allocatingroots where the most favorable conditions are found(Zhang and Forde, 1998; Linkohr et al., 2002; Remanset al., 2006; Lima et al., 2010; Giehl et al., 2012). Whengrown under limited phosphorus (P) availability, rootsexhibit a shallower architecture that results from theinhibition of PR elongation and the concomitant in-crease in LR formation (Williamson et al., 2001; López-Bucio et al., 2002; Sanchez-Calderon et al., 2005). Such anarchitectural rearrangement of the root is thought toimprove the plant’s ability to forage P from the usuallyP-enriched topsoil horizon (Lynch and Brown, 2001;Rubio et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2005). In contrast to low P,reduced nitrogen (N) availability stimulates PR andparticularly LR elongation but not LR initiation (Linkohret al., 2002; López-Bucio et al., 2003). However, it isnoteworthy that under severe N shortage, LR formationis almost completely absent (Krouk et al., 2010),

1 This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft (grant no. WI1728/13–1).

2 These authors contributed equally to the article.* Address correspondence to [email protected] author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the

findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy de-scribed in the Instructions for Authors ( is:Nicolaus von Wirén ([email protected]).

[C] Some figures in this article are displayed in color online but inblack and white in the print edition.

[W] The online version of this article contains Web-only data.[OPEN] Articles can be viewed online without a

Plant Physiology�, September 2013, Vol. 163, pp. 161–179, � 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. 161 www.plantphysiol.orgon June 24, 2018 - Published by Downloaded from

Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

suggesting that plants require a certain level of N tosustain an active foraging strategy. These examples in-dicate that the availability of different nutrients canevoke distinct effects on RSA that depend upon whichnutrient is supplied and the concentration of the sup-plied nutrient.

Unfortunately, for the majority of the nutrients, amoredetailed analysis of the architecturalmodificationsunder deficient conditions is still missing. In fact, moststudies describe the effect of nutrient deficiencies on rootgrowth and development only in terms of root bio-mass or total root length (Hermans and Verbruggen,2005; Hermans et al., 2006; Richard-Molard et al., 2008;Jung et al., 2009; Cailliatte et al., 2010). Thus, importantfeatures of the root system are not comprehensible fromthese rather basic measurements. The characterizationof RSA in more detail appears justified due to the posi-tive correlations found between single root character-istics and plant yield, especially when the supply ofwater or mineral resources was limited (Landi et al.,2002; Tuberosa et al., 2002; Manschadi et al., 2006;Kirkegaard et al., 2007; Steele et al., 2007). Although alarge number of studies have been conducted onthe root development of grasses (Hochholdinger andTuberosa, 2009; Iyer-Pascuzzi et al., 2010; Pacheco-Villalobos and Hardtke, 2012), our understanding ofthe molecular players involved in the regulation of rootgrowth and development has benefited most fromstudies of the reference plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsisthaliana) grown under controlled conditions to mini-mize variability.However, imposing consistent nutrientdeficiencies presents an experimental challenge as longas plants are grown on agar medium, which is themethod of choice to preserve the spatial arrangement ofthe root system and access a larger number of root traits.

A major drawback of agar and agarose media is theirinherent nutrient load, such that traces of nutrient con-tamination must often be made unavailable to plants,for example by adding chelating agents to lower the freeactivities of micronutrients (Bell et al., 1991; Yang et al.,1994; Rengel, 1999). Additionally, in many cases, symp-tomsofdeficiencyareonlyobserved inmutants impairedin the uptake of the nutrient in question (Tomatsu et al.,2007; Mills et al., 2008; Assunção et al., 2010). In general,gelling agents may contribute considerable amountsof nutrients (Debergh, 1983; Scholten and Pierik, 1998),hampering the occurrence of deficiency for specific nu-trients (Jain et al., 2009). Thus, it becomes crucial to selectthe most suitable gelling agent when particular nutrientdeficiencies are to be obtained. This is particularly rel-evant as strategies depending upon the use of gellingmedia are being developed to overcome the bottleneckthat often limits RSA traits from being characterized inhigh-throughput phenotyping studies (Iyer-Pascuzziet al., 2010; Clark et al., 2011).

In our approach to compare RSA under differentnutrient deficiencies in Arabidopsis plants grown onsolid medium, we first identified the most appropriateconditions for producing nutrient-deficient plants onagar plates. Once identified, these conditions allowedus

to characterize the effects of 12 deficiencies at four in-tensity levels on the RSA bymeasuring seven root traits.These measurements, in combination with biomass andelemental concentrations, allowed us to determine thenutrient-specific effects on particular parameters of theRSA and thus to describe the root plasticity of Arabi-dopsis and analyze the underlying traits under differentnutrient deficiencies.


The Choice of Gelling Agent Is Critical in ObtainingNutrient-Deficient Plants

A number of gelling agents were tested for theirsuitability as a substrate on which to obtain plants de-ficient in several nutrients. An analysis of the elementalconcentrationwithin various types of agar, agarose, andgel media revealed a large variation in the levels ofnutrients contained within the different gelling agents(Table I). Indeed, the variation in elemental concentra-tions ranged from approximately 4-fold (e.g. copper[Cu]) to 2,000-fold (e.g. potassium [K]) depending uponthe element. Washing Difco agar five times with dem-ineralized water reduced the concentration of some el-ements (boron [B] and P) by up to 4-fold, although formost elements the effect wasminimal (data not shown).There was also some variation between batches of gel-ling agents, but this variation was less than 2-fold in theagents tested (data not shown). Typically, agarosescontained fewer elements than agar or gel; however,there was no single gelling agent that could be uni-formly classified as containing the least contaminationof all elements. Additionally, Arabidopsis seedlingsgrew poorly or inconsistently on the Sigma B agar andall of the agaroses tested (data not shown). The cause ofthe poor growth was not investigated further.

Gelling agents that enabled healthy plant growthwere then specifically chosen for each nutrient based onthe elemental concentration within the agent (Table I).Generally, the gelling agent with a lower concentrationof the nutrient in question was selected. However, therewere some instances where a greater visible response ofthe shoot or roots to nutrient deficiency, and therebymost likely a greater degree of nutrient deficiency, wasachieved by using an agent that did not have the lowestconcentration (Table I). This may be because the con-centration of nutrients available to the plant is lowerthan what was measured, probably due to some of thenutrients being bound in forms that plants were unableto acquire. Indeed, calcium (Ca) was the only nutrientwhereby a gelling agent (Sigma A) was selected thatcontained substantially more nutrient than the othergelling agents. In this case, much of the Ca is probablybound within the gelling matrix, resulting in a lowerplant-available Ca concentration. In general, we ob-served a similar dependence of the root morphologyunder nutrient deficiency on the type of gelling agent tothat described by Jain et al. (2009), which was most

162 Plant Physiol. Vol. 163, 2013

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likely related to nutrient levels in the agar medium.Consequently, we decided to monitor changes in roottraits by comparing adequately supplied plants withplants grown not only in the complete absence of a nu-trient but at three levels of deficiency. The parallel de-termination of nutrient concentrations in the shootallowed nutrient supplies to be set to ensure nutrientdeficiency at the lowest supply. This approach allowedus to observe the progression in change of root traitsunder nutrient deficiency.

The Response of the RSA to the Deficiencyof Macronutrients


With decreasing P supply, P concentrations in shootsdecreased steadily from 14.0 to 1.1mg g21 (Table II) andthus gradually into severe P deficiency (optimal P con-centrations in plants range from 3 to 5 mg g21;Marschner, 2012). Additionally, K andmagnesium (Mg)concentrations in shoots decreased significantly,in particular under the most severe P deficiency(Supplemental Table S1). This is in agreement with aprevious report showing that K concentrations decreasesignificantly in shoots of P-deficient plants (Missonet al., 2005). The fresh weight of the shoot decreased by40% at moderate P deficiency (50 mM) and by 90% at se-vere P deficiency (0 mM). By contrast, the fresh weight ofthe root decreased significantly only at severe P defi-ciency (70% reduction at 0 mM; Table II). The root-to-shoot ratio thereby increased with decreasing P supply.

The deficiency of P produced a root system that wasshallower but more highly branched (Fig. 1A). Suchan effect of low P on RSA has already been reported(Williamson et al., 2001; López-Bucio et al., 2002, 2003;Pérez-Torres et al., 2008). However, our detailed RSAanalysis also revealed that low P supply not onlyinhibited PR length but also decreased the length of theLR formation zone in the PR (LR FZPR) relative to thelength of the whole PR (Fig. 1C). The decrease in the PRlengthwas accompanied by an increase in the density offirst-order lateral roots (1° LRs) atmoderate P deficiency(50 mM P), but this also decreased upon the more severedeficiency achieved at 0 mM P (Fig. 1D). It is noteworthythat, throughout this study, LR densities are reported asthe number of visible LRs divided by the length ofthe branching zone (BZ). According to Dubrovsky andForde (2012), the estimation of LR density within onlythe primary root BZ (BZPR) is a more appropriate mea-surement, especially when the proportion of the PR thatis branching is altered, as was the case under reduced Psupplies (Fig. 1C).

Similar to the PR, the average 1° LR length also de-creased with decreasing P supply (Fig. 1E) and was ac-companied by an increase in the density of second-orderlateral roots (2° LRs) that tended to increase even undersevere P deficiency (0 mM; Fig. 1F). Interestingly, theaverage 2° LR lengthwas barely affected by PdeficiencyT




























































































































































































































































Plant Physiol. Vol. 163, 2013 163

Root Plasticity under Nutrient Deficiency

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(Fig. 1G), suggesting that the elongation of these roots isless sensitive to Pdeficiency than the other two orders ofroots. The total root length decreased with increasing Pdeficiency (Fig. 1B) andwasmost correlatedwith the PRlength (Pearson’s r = 0.905, P = 2 3 10237).


The concentration of N in shoots decreased by 33%from the full supply to the 275 mM treatment and by61% from the full supply to the 110 mM treatment,yielding finally N-deficient plants with less than 3% N(Table II), which is below the usual 4.0% to 5.5% Nrequired by plants (Bergmann, 1992). Plants grown on110 mM added N had a reduced shoot and root weight

relative to the full N supply. However, as the biomassof the root decreased comparatively less than the shoot,the root-to-shoot ratio gradually increased under de-creasing N supply from 0.26 at the full supply to 0.43 at110 mM N (Table II).

N deficiency stimulated the growth of a more ex-ploratory root system with longer LRs (Fig. 2A). Al-though similar observations have also been reportedby López-Bucio et al. (2003), RSA modifications underN limitation have not yet been characterized in detail.Average 1° LR length was significantly stimulatedunder the moderate N deficiencies obtained at 550 and275 mM N (74% and 31%, respectively, relative to thefull supply) and returned to the same level as the fullsupply at 110 mM N (Fig. 2E). By contrast, PR length

Table II. Dry weight, root-to-shoot ratio, and elemental concentrations of shoots and roots of plants grown on varying concentrations of nutrients

Different letters indicate significant differences among means for each nutrient either in shoots or roots (P, 0.05; Tukey test). n.a., Not assessed, asthere was too little root material; ns, not significant.

Nutrient TreatmentFresh Weight

Root:Shoot RatioNutrient Concentration

Shoot Root Shoot Root

mM added mg plant21 mg g21

P 625 12.4 a 2.7 a 0.22 14.0 a 13.0 a100 8.8 ab 2.2 a 0.25 9.8 b 7.9 ab50 7.1 b 1.9 ab 0.27 5.5 c 7.0 b

6 mMa 0 1.3 b 0.8 b 0.61 1.1 d 2.9 b

N 11,400 10.0 ab 2.6 a 0.26 72 a 48 a550 10.7 a 3.2 a 0.30 66 b 45 a275 6.2 bc 2.3 ab 0.37 48 c 39 b

1,610 mMa 110 3.1 c 1.3 b 0.43 29 d n.a.

Ca 1,500 12.2 c (0.73 b)b 3.9 c (0.41 ns) 0.32 (0.56) 4.1 a 2.6 ns500 15.9 b (0.90 ab) 6.4 b (0.57 ns) 0.40 (0.63) 3.2 ab 2.1 ns100 18.9 a (1.10 a) 8.2 a (0.52 ns) 0.43 (0.48) 1.5 bc 1.9 ns

550 mMa 0 19.5 a (1.03 a) 7.2 ab (0.50 ns) 0.37 (0.49) 1.2 c 1.7 ns

K 10,025 13.7 a 3.6 a 0.27 97 a 75 a1,600 14.3 a 3.3 a 0.23 49 ab 44 b250 12.9 ab 2.8 a 0.21 41 b 41 b

110 mMa 0 5.2 b 1.4 b 0.27 7 c 13 b

Mg 750 13.1 a 4.1 a 0.31 3.1 a 1.2 a100 10.1 b 2.8 b 0.28 1.3 b 0.5 b50 6.3 c 2.0 c 0.33 0.9 c 0.4 bc

25 mMa 0 1.8 d 0.6 d 0.31 0.4 d 0.3 c

S 750 11.4 a 5.7 a 0.50 10.0 a 5.9 a50 11.3 a 6.3 a 0.56 8.0 b 4.4 b25 10.3 a 6.0 a 0.58 5.7 c 3.9 c

690 mMa 0 6.8 b 4.1 b 0.60 3.7 d 2.9 d

Fe 75 9.6 ns 2.4 a 0.25 0.12 a 4.0 ns10 9.4 ns 2.6 a 0.28 0.07 ab 1.4 ns5 9.1 ns 2.4 a 0.26 0.07 ab 0.4 ns

2 mMa 0 1.6 ns 0.3 b 0.19 0.01 b 0.2 ns

mg g21

Mn 50 12.8 ab 3.7 a 0.29 310 a 190 a1 13.0 a 3.5 a 0.27 24 ab 11 ab0.5 11.4 b 3.1 a 0.27 17 b 8.9 b

130 nMa 0 6.8 c 1.8 b 0.27 10 b 6.4 bB 50 12.2 ns 4.3 a 0.35 38 a 30 a

1 12.0 ns 3.8 ab 0.32 16 ab 18 b0.4 11.8 ns 3.5 ab 0.30 13 bc 17 b

0 mMa 0 10.3 ns 2.8 b 0.27 10 c 20 b

aThe baseline concentration of the nutrient contained within the agar used for the experiment. bValues in parentheses are dry weights.

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remained stable at the moderate N deficiency at whichLRs positively responded (550 and 275 mM) and de-creased under more severe N deficiency (Fig. 2C). Al-though the length of the PR decreased at the lowestN supply, the proportion of the PR occupied by the LRFZPR increased from around 30% at greater N suppliesto 39% at 110 mM N, while the density of 1° LRsremained stable (Fig. 2, C and D). The total root lengthincreased under moderate N deficiency by 48% (550 mM)and decreased under the most severe N deficiency by

42% (110 mM; Fig. 2B). This correlated most positivelywith the PR length (Pearson’s r = 0.912, P = 13 10243) andaverage LR length (Pearson’s r = 0.882, P = 4 3 10234).


The selection of an adequate gelling agent enabledus to decrease shoot Ca concentrations from 4.1 to

Figure 1. The effect of P deficiency on root morphology. A, Seedlingssubjected to differing P supplies. B, Total root length. C, PR lengthconsisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray). D, 1˚ LRdensity. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average 2˚ LRlength. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate the length ofthe LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlings werecultivated for 5 d with no P added and then grown on the P treatmentsindicated for a further 13 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n = 21–29). [Seeonline article for color version of this figure.]

Figure 2. The effect of N deficiency on root morphology. A, Seedlingssubjected to differing N supplies. B, Total root length. C, PR lengthconsisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray). D, 1˚ LRdensity. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average 2˚ LRlength. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate the length ofthe LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlings werecultivated for 4 d on 165 mM added N and then grown on the Ntreatments indicated for a further 14 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s.denotes not significant; n = 17–30). [See online article for color versionof this figure.]

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Root Plasticity under Nutrient Deficiency

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1.2 mg g21 (Table II) and thus from typical sufficiency todeficiency levels (Marschner, 2012). With increasingCa deficiency, the fresh weight of shoots and roots in-creased by 60% and 85%, respectively (Table II). How-ever, withholding Ca from the nutrient mix decreasedthe solidity of the gelling medium in a step-wise fashion(data not shown). This was the only instance among allthe experiments where changing the nutrient solutionvisibly affected the gelling medium. Through the de-creased solidity of the growth medium, it appeared thatplants became more moist. An additional determinationof the dry weight still indicated that shoot weight in-creased with Ca deficiency. The root dry weight did notchange significantly, resulting in a decrease in the root-to-shoot ratio at lower Ca supplies (Table II).

The deficiency of Ca produced a very shallow andhighly branched root system (Fig. 3A). The PR was se-verely inhibited when less than 100 mM Ca was addedandmoderately inhibited at 500mMCa supply (Fig. 3C).The length of the LR FZPR also decreased with lower Casupplies, as did the proportion of the PR consisting ofthe LRFZPR, reducing from34% in the full supply to 23%when no Ca was added (Fig. 3C). The decrease in thelength of PRs was accompanied by an increase in thedensity of 1° LRs (Fig. 3D). However, in contrast to PRs,1° LR length was not inhibited but rather marginallystimulated at 100 mM added Ca (Fig. 3E), indicating thatLRs are less sensitive to low Ca than PRs. It is note-worthy that the 2° LR density and average length wereunaffected by the Ca supply (Fig. 3, F and G). Remark-ably, despite the effects on the PR and 1° LR density, thetotal root length wasmaintained at all concentrations ofCa supplied to plants (Fig. 3B). In order to rule out thatthe RSA modifications observed under limited Ca sup-ply were not due to the altered solidity of the gellingagent, Ca-supplied plants were grown under lowerconcentrations of agar. Although low agar concentra-tions also reduced the solidity of themedium, theRSAofplantswas not negatively affected, evenwhen only 0.2%agar was used (data not shown). Thus, the RSA effectsobserved under lowCa are not primarily a consequenceof the nonspecific effects of agar solidity.


Shoot and root biomass significantly decreased byaround 60% at only the lowest concentration of Ksupplied, and the root-to-shoot ratio remained stableacross different levels of K deficiency (Table II). The Kconcentration in shoots was significantly reduced inboth the 250 and 0 mM treatments, while in roots, asignificant reduction was observed in all treatmentswhere K supply was reduced. The critical concentra-tion of K required for optimal plant growth is around20 to 50 mg g21 dry weight (Marschner, 2012). There-fore, the plants grown in 0 mM K, with a shoot Kconcentration of 7 mg g21 dry weight, suffered K de-ficiency, while those in the 250 and 1,600 mM K treat-ment suffered mild K deficiency (Table II).

The deficiency of K produced a root system that be-came shorter (Fig. 4A). The PR length decreased at evenmoderate K deficiency (1,600mM) by 23% and decreasedfurther to 40% at the lowest K treatment (0 mM; Fig. 4C).Despite the decrease in PR length, the 1° LRdensity onlytended to, but did not significantly increase, as K defi-ciencybecamemore severe (Fig. 4D). The average lengthof 1° LRs significantly decreased in only the two lowest

Figure 3. The effect of Ca deficiency on root morphology. A, Seedlingssubjected to differing Ca supplies. B, Total root length. C, PR lengthconsisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray). D, 1˚ LRdensity. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average 2˚ LRlength. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate the length ofthe LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlings werecultivated for 7 d with no Ca added and then grown on the Ca treat-ments indicated for a further 10 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s. denotesnot significant; n = 14–24). [See online article for color version of thisfigure.]

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K supplies by up to 42% (Fig. 4E). The decrease in theelongation of 1° LRswas accompanied by an increase inthe density of 2° LRs, although this effectwas significantin only the 0 mM K treatment (Fig. 4F). Total root lengthdecreased with more severe K deficiency, reaching just45% of themaximum lengthwhenKwas excluded fromthe medium (Fig. 4B). This decrease correlated mostwith the average length of 1° LRs (Pearson’s r = 0.890,

P = 8 3 10233) and the length of the PR (Pearson’s r =0.756, P = 3 3 10221).


The biomass of shoots and roots decreased with eachreduction inMg supply by up to 14% in shoots and 15%in roots when no Mg was added to the medium (TableII). A reduction in the amount of Mg supplied in thegrowth medium from 750 to 0 mM resulted in a decreasein the Mg concentration from 3.1 to 0.4 mg g21 dryweight in shoots and 1.2 to 0.3 mg g21 dry weight inroots (Table II). The level of deficiencyobtained spannedthe critical concentration range of 1.5 to 3.5 mg g21 Mgtypically required for plant growth (Hermans andVerbruggen, 2005; Marschner, 2012), indicatingthat plants supplied with less Mg experienced Mgdeficiency.

The deficiency of Mg generally inhibited plantgrowth, resulting in a contracted root and smallershoots (Fig. 5A). The length of the PR, and the averagelengths of 1° LRs and 2° LRs, significantly decreased atthe two lowest levels of Mg supply, reducing by 56%,80%, and 99%, respectively, in the 0 mM Mg treatment(Fig. 5, C, E, andG). The density of 1° LRs also decreasedat the two lowestMg treatments (Fig. 5D). However, thedensity of 2° LRs did not change significantly in any ofthe treatments (Fig. 5F). The total length of the rootsystem was significantly shorter in the 50 and 0 mM Mgtreatments (Fig. 5B). This correlated most with the av-erage 1° LR length (Pearson’s r = 0.910, P = 1 3 10240)and density (Pearson’s r = 0.890, P = 1 3 10234).


The withdrawal of sulfur (S) from the growth me-dium reduced the shoot biomass by up to 40% and theroot biomass by up to 28% in the case of the 0 mM Streatment, resulting in an increase in the root-to-shootratio (Table II). The concentration of S decreasedsteadily with each reduction in S supply, dropping inshoots fromamaximumof10mgg21 dryweight in the fullS supply to 3.7 mg g21 dry weight in the treatment inwhich S was withheld (Table II). In roots, the relativereduction in S concentration was less, decreasing from5.9 to 2.9 mg g21 dry weight. The levels of deficiencyachieved in the lowest S treatments were at or below theminimum of 1 to 5 mg g21 dry weight required for op-timal growth (Marschner, 2012), demonstrating that alevel of S deficiency was achieved that is limiting forplant growth. In addition, as the added concentrationsof Swere decreased, the concentrations ofmolybdenum(Mo), especially in shoots, increased significantly(Supplemental Table S1). Such a response has beenreported before (Alhendawi et al., 2005) andmost likelyreflects a poor selectivity of some S transporters overMo. Surprisingly, although shoots were negatively af-fected by reducing S supply, the deficiency of S hadrelatively little influence on the morphology of roots(Fig. 6A). The length of the PR increased slightly, albeit

Figure 4. The effect of K deficiency on root morphology. A, Seedlingssubjected to differing K supplies. B, Total root length. C, PR lengthconsisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray). D, 1˚ LRdensity. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average 2˚ LRlength. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate the length ofthe LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlings werecultivated for 7 d on 60 mM added K and then grown on the K treat-ments indicated for a further 12 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s. denotesnot significant; n = 25–30). [See online article for color version of thisfigure.]

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significantly only at the two lowest S supplies, by up to12% (Fig. 6C). There was a slight decrease in the densityof 1° LRs with a significant increase in the averagelength of 1° LRs (Fig. 6E). There were no significantdifferences in these two traits between the full S supplyand the two lowest treatments, nor was there any dif-ference in the density or average length of 2° LRs be-tween any of the S treatments (Fig. 6, F and G). Due to a

relatively minor effect on each of the individual com-ponents of the RSA, the total root length was barely af-fected by S deficiency.

There have been conflicting reports on the effect of Sdeficiency on RSA. It is often stated that S deficiencyincreases LR density and decreases the length of theLR FZPR such that LRs form closer to the tip of the PR(Kutz et al., 2002; López-Bucio et al., 2003). However,

Figure 6. The effect of S deficiency on root morphology. A, Seedlingssubjected to differing S supplies. B, Total root length. C, PR lengthconsisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray). D, 1˚ LRdensity. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average 2˚ LRlength. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate the length ofthe LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlings werecultivated for 6 d with no S added and then grown on the S treatmentsindicated for a further 11 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s. denotes notsignificant; n = 19–26). [See online article for color version of thisfigure.]

Figure 5. The effect of Mg deficiency on root morphology. A, Seed-lings subjected to differing Mg supplies. B, Total root length. C, PRlength consisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray).D, 1˚ LR density. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average2˚ LR length. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate thelength of the LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlingswere cultivated for 4 d on 50 mM added Mg and then grown on the Mgtreatments indicated for a further 14 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s.denotes not significant; n = 24–27, except that the bars marked withasterisks had only three 2˚ LRs). [See online article for color version ofthis figure.]

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Dan et al. (2007) found, as we did, that PR lengthslightly increased and 1° LR density decreased under Sdeficiency. Similar to the results presented here, Kutzet al. (2002) also found a reduction in the shoot weightof plants grown under S deficiency. Differences in theRSA between the study of Kutz et al. (2002) and that ofDan et al. (2007) and here may arise from the use of adifferent nutrient mixture or, in the case of Kutz et al.(2002), from the growth of plants for 6 weeks on smallagar plates that, under our conditions, usually resultsin a range of negative growth effects on plants. Ad-ditionally, the study of Kutz et al. (2002) did notquantify components of the RSA.

The Response of the RSA to the Deficiencyof Micronutrients


A decrease in the iron (Fe) supplied to plants had noeffect on the shoot and root biomass of plants at thefirst three levels of Fe supply; however, in the mostsevere treatment, the shoot and root biomass de-creased significantly by 83% and 88%, respectively(Table II). The concentration of Fe in shoots decreasedfrom 120 mg g21 dry weight in the full supply (75 mM)of Fe to 70 mg g21 dry weight in the 10 and 5 mM treat-ments and further to 10 mg g21 dry weight in the 0 mM

treatment (Table II). Because plants require between 50and 150 mg g21 dry weight of Fe for growth (Marschner,2012), the 10 and 5 mM treatments most likely reflectedmild Fe deficiency and the 0 mM treatment reflected asevere deficiency of Fe. Additionally, the concentrationsof manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) increased under Fedeficiency (Supplemental Table S1), which was mostlikely associated with the poor substrate selectivityof the Fe deficiency-induced Fe transporter IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1) (Vert et al.,2002). Amild deficiency of Fe increased root elongation;however, severe Fe deficiency caused stunting of rootsand shoots (Fig. 7A). The length of the PR increased by15% to 17% under moderate Fe deficiency (5 and 10 mM

Fe, respectively) anddrastically decreased by 56% in thesevere Fe deficiency achieved when Fe was withheldfrom the medium (Fig. 7C). The LR FZPR respondedsimilarly to moderate deficiency as the PR length butdecreased again under severe Fe deficiency to the samelength as in plants grown under full Fe supply. How-ever, in the latter case, the LR FZPR occupied a largeproportion (61%) of the length of the PR. While plantsgrown on 10 mM added Fe showed an increase in PRlength, the 1° LR density was not different from that ofplants grown on full Fe (Fig. 7D). At 5 mM Fe, the 1° LRdensity decreased by 19%, and this extended to 69% in0 mM Fe. While the average 1° LR length tended to in-crease under moderate Fe deficiency, the differencewas not significant (Fig. 7E). However, under severeFe deficiency, the length decreased by 71% relative tofull Fe supply. Despite differences in the individual

components of the RSA, the total root length did notchange when plants were exposed to moderate Fe de-ficiency but drastically reduced under conditions ofsevere Fe deficiency (Fig. 7B).


Mn deficiency significantly reduced the biomass ofshoots and roots by 47% and 51%, respectively, when

Figure 7. The effect of Fe deficiency on root morphology. A, Seedlingssubjected to differing Fe supplies. B, Total root length. C, PR lengthconsisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray). D, 1˚ LRdensity. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average 2˚ LRlength. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate the length ofthe LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlings were cul-tivated for 4 d with no Fe added and then grown on the Fe treatmentsindicated for a further 12 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s. denotes notsignificant; n = 19–30, except that the bars indicated with asterisks hadonly two 2˚ LRs). [See online article for color version of this figure.]

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Mn was withheld from the medium (Table II). Whilethe concentration of Mn in shoots and roots decreasedwith each reduction in Mn supply, only the 0.5 and0 mM Mn treatments contained plants with signifi-cantly lower Mn than the full 50 mM Mn supply. Withregard to the critical concentration of Mn required forplant growth (10–20 mg g21 dry weight; Bergmann,1992; Cailliatte et al., 2010; Marschner, 2012), plantssuffered from Mn deficiency, particularly in the twolowest Mn treatments. Mn deficiency produced plantswith a contracted root system (Fig. 8A). This arosefrom a reduction in the length of the PR that was pre-sent at all treatments in which the supply of Mn wasreduced (Fig. 8C). In turn, the density of 1° LRs in-creased by 10% in the 1 and 0.5 mM treatments whiledecreasing by 9% in the 0 mM Mn treatment relative tothe full Mn supply (Fig. 8D). The average 1° LR lengthdid not respond to moderate Mn deficiency but suffereda 22% decrease in the lowest Mn treatment (Fig. 8E).While the density of 2° LRs did not significantly re-spond to Mn deficiency, the average 2° LR length de-creased by 40% in the 0 mM treatment (Fig. 8, F and G).The total root length declined significantly in the 0.5and 0 mM Mn treatments (Fig. 8B). Components of theRSA were relatively poorly correlated with total rootlength, as the best correlation was with the averagelength of 1° LRs (Pearson’s r = 0.751, P = 9 3 10218).


B deficiency is particularly difficult to achieve whenusing typical laboratory practices for producing growthmedium due to B contamination arising from borosili-cate glassware. Additionally, the use of some autoclav-able, plastic vessels (e.g. polypropylene) caused severestunting of plants (data not shown), possibly due to therelease of toxic compounds from the plastic during theautoclaving process. The use of polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) vessels (Carl Roth) and Sigma A agar were re-quired to obtain B deficiency in this study.

Root biomass decreasedby 35%whenBwaswithheldfrom the medium; however, there was no change in theshoot biomass in any of the B treatments (Table II). Theroot-to-shoot ratio, therefore, decreased with decreas-ing B supply. The concentration of B decreased in shootsby a maximum of 74% from 38 mg g21 dry weight in thefull B treatment to 10 mg g21 dry weight in the zero Btreatment (Table II), which is below the levels reportedfor B-deficient Arabidopsis plants in another study(Takano et al., 2006). The concentration also signifi-cantly decreased in roots in each of the treatments inwhich B was withdrawn; however, the reduction wasnot as great as in shoots. B deficiency produced a shal-lower root systemwith greater LR growth (Fig. 9A). Thelength of the PR significantly decreased in all B defi-ciency treatments, by up to 39% in the case of the 0 mM Btreatment (Fig. 9C). The decreasing PR length was ac-companied by an increase in the density of 1° LRs, al-though the increase reached a maximum of just 27% inthe case of the 0 mm treatment (Fig. 9D). The length of

1° LRs and 2° LRs did not respond to the deficiency of B(Fig. 9, E and G), nor did the density of 2° LRs (Fig. 9F).Total root length decreased in each of the treatmentswhere Bwas withheld; however, this weakly correlatedwith PR length (Pearson’s r = 0.662, P = 8 3 10214),suggesting that further root traits made a substantialcontribution to the reduction of the root system as awhole (Fig. 9B).

Figure 8. The effect of Mn deficiency on root morphology. A, Seed-lings subjected to differing Mn supplies. B, Total root length. C, PRlength consisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray).D, 1˚ LR density. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average2˚ LR length. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate thelength of the LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlingswere cultivated for 4 d with no Mn added and then grown on the Mntreatments indicated for a further 13 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s.denotes not significant; n = 16–28). [See online article for color versionof this figure.]

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Zn deficiencywas difficult to obtain in any of the agarmedia tested when plants were grown for 2 weeks on12-cmagar plates.However, growth on 23-cmagarplatesfor almost 4 weeks produced larger plants that showeddifferences in root growth when Zn was withheld fromthe medium (Supplemental Fig. S1). Although there wasno difference in shoot or root biomass, the concentration

of Zn decreased in shoots and roots by 81% and 94%,respectively (Supplemental Table S2). The Zn concen-tration of 22 mg g21 dry weight obtained in shoots in the0 mM Zn treatment approached the critical level of 15 to20 mg g21 dry weight of Zn required for optimal growthin plants (Bergmann, 1992;Marschner, 2012). Therefore,a mild level of Zn deficiency was achieved in this study(Supplemental Table S1). Zn deficiency produced amore highly branched root system (Supplemental Fig.S1A). Although the length of the PR was unaffectedbyZn deficiency (Supplemental Fig. S1C), the density of1° LRs increased by 21% (Supplemental Fig. S1D). Ad-ditionally, despite the absence of an effect on PR length,the lengths of both 1° LRs and 2° LRs were decreasedupon Zn deficiency by 19% and 22%, respectively(Supplemental Fig. S1, E and G). The density of 2° LRswasunaffectedbyZndeficiency (Supplemental Fig. S1F).

Remaining Micronutrients

Because plants require only extremely low amountsof nickel and Mo (Marschner, 2012), the occurrence of adeficiency of these nutrients is not common and is dif-ficult to simulate in the laboratory, especially in rela-tively young plants. Thus, in this study, no attempt wasmade to induce nickel orModeficiency in agarmedium.The withdrawal of the two remaining micronutrients,Cu and chlorine (Cl), only produced minor effects. Thewithdrawal of Cu from the growth medium did notproduce any changes in the shoot or root biomass;however, the concentration of Cu in shoots and rootstended to decrease even though thiswas not statisticallysignificant (Supplemental Table S2). Therefore, we ac-knowledge that the level of Cu deficiency obtained inthis study was indeed minor when considering that thecritical level of Cu required by plants is between 1 and5 mg g21 dry weight (Marschner, 2012). Cu deficiencydecreased the length of 1° LRs by a maximum of 29% inthe 1 nM treatment (Supplemental Fig. S2E). In addition,while the length of PRs did not respond to Cu defi-ciency, the density of 1° LRs increased by up to 11% inthe case of the 1 nM treatment (Supplemental Fig. S2,C and D). 2° LRs were unaffected by Cu deficiency(Supplemental Fig. S2, F and G).

The withdrawal of Cl from the medium did not affectshoot and root biomass. Due to the technical limitationsof inductively coupled plasma optical emission spec-troscopy, it was not possible to measure Cl concentra-tions. We acknowledge that in our agar growth systemwe were barely able to obtain evidence of Cl deficiency.There was hardly any effect of the removal of Clfrom the growth medium on plant growth, probablybecause of the marginal level of Cl deficiency obtained(Supplemental Fig. S3). The PRwas the only componentof plant growth that was affected by a reduction in Clsupply, decreasing by just 9%; similarly, the length ofthe LR FZPR decreased by 15% (Supplemental Fig. S3C).These datamay suggest that the PR is the root trait mostsensitive to a reduction in Cl supply.

Figure 9. The effect of B deficiency on root morphology. A, Seedlingssubjected to differing B supplies. B, Total root length. C, PR lengthconsisting of the BZPR (darker gray) and LR FZPR (lighter gray). D, 1˚ LRdensity. E, Average 1˚ LR length. F, 2˚ LR density. G, Average 2˚ LRlength. The numbers within the LR FZPR bar of C indicate the length ofthe LR FZPR as a percentage of the total PR length. Seedlings werecultivated for 7 d with no B added and then grown on the B treatmentsindicated for a further 12 d. Bars show means 6 SE (n.s. denotes notsignificant; n = 23–26). [See online article for color version of thisfigure.]

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Development of a Quantitative Score for Overall Changesin RSA

The results from this work clearly indicate that nu-trient deficiencies impose highly distinct modificationson the overall RSA of Arabidopsis plants (Figs. 1–9).Root traits that were independent of each other wereused in aprincipal component analysis (PCA) to capturethemajor trends of variation in RSA traits in response tonutrient deficiencies from all experiments representedin Figures 1 to 9. Component score plots for principalcomponent PC1 versus PC2 and PC3 showed that, inparticular, the variation represented by PC1 stronglydifferentiated RSA changes under Ca deficiency fromthose under Mg or Fe deficiency, while the variation inRSAunderP andNdeficiencywasbetter resolved alongthe axis of PC2 (Fig. 10,AandB). Thefirst three principalcomponents explained 72.9% of the observed variationin RSA traits, while the six principal components ac-counted for 100% of the variation.

We then performed Pearson correlation analysis ofthe six principal components with the individual traitsto determine towhat extent each principal component isloaded by each root trait. This analysis revealed that thetwo traits 1° LRdensity and the proportionof BZPR to PRlength contributed mainly to PC1, whereas PR lengthand the average 1° LR length contributedmainly to PC2(Fig. 10C). By contrast, PC3 predominantly accountedfor variations in 2° LR density. Thus, 1° LR density andthe length of the BZPR (which represents the extentto which LR emergence events occurred in the PR;Dubrovsky and Forde, 2012) should be most discrimi-nating between the Ca and the Mg or Fe treatments.Indeed, 1° LR densities showed an opposite progres-sion, with deficiency of Ca relative toMg or Fe (Figs. 3D,5D, and 7D). By contrast, PC2 better discriminated RSAvariations under Ca deficiency from those under N de-ficiency (Fig. 10A), which were mainly attributed tomeasures of PR and 1° LR length (Fig. 10C) and inagreementwith the diverging progression of these traitswith increasing deficiency levels (Figs. 2, C and E, and 3,C and E). Taken together, the transformation of singleRSA values into complex principal component valuesallowed nutrient treatments to be differentiated on thebasis of their overall variation inRSA in amore balancedmanner thanby thedirect comparison of individual roottraits.

To visualize the plasticity in RSA under a progressingnutrient deficiency, we integrated the variation repre-sented by the six individual principal component scoresinto one multilevel pie chart. A detailed description ofthe calculation of these pie charts is given in “Materialsand Methods.” Briefly, single portions of the pie chartrepresent the percentage of the experimental variationexplained by each of the principal components. Themean component score of each treatment is graphed onthe axis of the pie chart, with the zero point representingthe component score of the average of the controltreatments (i.e. treatments supplemented with the one-half-strength Murashige and Skoog [1/2 MS] medium

Figure 10. PCA of the modifications in RSA in response to nutrientdeficiencies. PCA was based on PR length, average 1˚ LR length, 1˚ LRdensity, average 2˚ LR length, 2˚ LR density, and the ratio between BZPR

and PR length under the supply of different concentrations of P, N, Ca,K, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, and B. A, PC1 versus PC2. B, PC2 versus PC3.C, Correlation coefficients (r2) obtained for correlations between thevariation within individual root traits and the variation within eachprincipal component.

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concentration of the nutrient in question) from all ex-periments. The farther a treatment falls from the zeropoint, the greater the difference between this treatmentand the average of the control treatments within eachprincipal component. Since the sign (+/2) of principalcomponent scores is arbitrary, positive as well as neg-ative variations indicate the extent of variation betweena treatment and its control (Fig. 11A). Hence, the areaenclosed by each treatment across all principal compo-nents corresponds to the total RSAplasticitywithin eachof the treatments relative to the control treatments. Itwas then possible to obtain a single value that integratesthe combinatorial information of all RSA changes in aquantitative weighed manner to indicate the total de-gree of RSA plasticity (Fig. 11). As the deviation of RSAwithin all treatment series was considered in an equiv-alent fashion, the extent of root plasticity was ranked inthe following order: Ca.P.K.Fe.Mn.Mg.N.B . S, from those with the largest total plasticity ob-served across all treatments to the deficiencies display-ing the least plasticity (Fig. 11, B–J). While it is true thatthe absolute degree of plasticity is somewhat dependentupon the concentration of the nutrients selected, ourgraphical representation still allowed the independentconsideration of the modulation of RSA traits underintermediate or severe deficiency levels.


Changes in Root Plasticity under Nutritional Constraints

The degree of plasticity in response to nutrientavailability reveals not only the extent to which un-derlying developmental processes that control rootgrowth can be altered but also the degree to whichenvironmental factors can be sensed and translatedinto morphological changes. To quantitatively estimateand graphically depict the extent of root plasticitychanges in one view, we have developed a novel vi-sualization tool in the form of a plasticity chart. On theone hand, this tool produces a value that indicates theoverall change in plasticity observed in response toeach treatment. Such a value represents a combinationof both the responsiveness of multivariate root traitsand the degree to which each stimulus is sensed andtranslated into RSA changes, giving a final readout ofroot plasticity. On the other hand, the plasticity graphalso reveals the individual levels of development thatare affected in challenging environments, in our casenutrient deficiency, by indicating which developmen-tal processes are most likely to be responding to eachtreatment. For example, differences in PR length (rep-resented predominantly within PC2 in our plasticitygraphs) will mainly refer to differences in PR cellelongation or differentiation of the PR meristem. Bycontrast, differences in PC1 correlate most withdifferences in the density of 1° LRs, a trait most likelycontrolled by the developmental processes of LR ini-tiation and emergence.

Recently, an innovative and rapid approach has beenpresented to measure RSA by placing user-defined rootlandmarks on a two-dimensional grid over a scannedroot image (Ristova et al., 2013). Although this so-called“RootScape” method waived the separate detection ofindividual root traits for the sake of high throughput,PCA transformation of root data allowed variations inthe spatial configuration of roots to be assigned to spe-cific influential traits. Validating this approach by theanalysis of Arabidopsis mutants defective in hormonesignaling suggested aparticularly large influence of roottraits related to PR length on root plasticity, with auxinstrongly modifying root size (Ristova et al., 2013). Here,we have followed a similar approach in data transfor-mation, also yielding PCA plots that allowed the effectsof nutrient treatments on integrated root traits to bedifferentiated along PCA components (Fig. 10, A and B)and a deduction of their most influential root traits (Fig.10C). As our approach utilizes an exact measurement ofthe independent root traits, it is highly suited to the in-depth characterization of the RSA and the unique de-velopmental changes that evoke the different rootresponses observed. Indeed, the use of plasticity chartsprovides a unique opportunity to calculate the totaldegree of plasticity in response to the deficiency of nu-trients. However, such graphs can be more widely ap-plied, particularlywhen complex traits are characterizedby several individual measures taken from large num-bers of plants in screening or phenotyping approaches. Itis possible to represent the variation for many traits in arelatively small number of data points within the plas-ticity graph. Plasticity charts can condense the number ofdata points, particularly in studies involving modernroot phenotyping techniques such as those of Ingramet al. (2012), Clark et al. (2011), or Iyer-Pascuzzi et al.(2010) that measured between 16 and 27 root traits in anumber of genotypes.

The Effect of Nutrient Availability on Root Length

Ourdetailed characterization of RSAmodifications inArabidopsis under the limited supply of various nutri-ents indicated that root elongation was distinctivelyaffected by nutrient supplies. PR length was signifi-cantly decreased when plants were grown under low P,Ca, K,Mn, and B (Figs. 1C, 3C, 4C, 8C, and 9C), whereasit was slightly stimulated under intermediate suppliesof N and Fe (Figs. 2C and 7C). In the case of S, we ob-served that even though S concentrations in roots andshoots and the shoot weight were markedly decreasedas S supply was decreased (Table II), PR lengthremained largely unaffected (Fig. 6C). In addition to PRlength, LR length was also affected by nutrient defi-ciencies. Whereas 1° LR length was significantly de-creased under P, K, and Mg deficiency, for example(Figs. 1E, 4E, and 5E), 2° LR lengthwas strongly reducedby Mg deficiency (Fig. 5G) and slightly by P deficiency(Fig. 1G). These observations clearly indicate that theavailability of different nutrients can distinctively affect

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the elongation of the PR and LRs and even distinctivelywithin different orders of LRs. Another intriguing ob-servation from thisworkwas the fact that the elongationof PRs and 1° LRs can be uncoupled. This observationwas especially obvious in Ca-deficient plants, whichhad their PRs strongly inhibited, whereas the averagelength of 1° LRs remained relatively unaffected (Fig. 3, Cand E). These observations add new evidence to the yet

poorly characterized relationship between the mecha-nisms that coordinate not only the growth and devel-opment of rootsofdifferentordersbutalso theirdifferentialinteraction with the environment.

The distinct effects of nutrients on PR elongationlikely originate from diverse factors. One main factor isrelated to the different physiological effects that nu-trients may have in plants. For instance, the inhibition

Figure 11. The plasticity of the RSA tonutrient deficiencies. A PCA was un-dertaken on independent root traits,and the mean component scores foreach of the treatments in all six prin-cipal components are represented.A, The eigenvalues for each principalcomponent are indicated within eachportion of the pie, as is the maximumobservable component score for eachprincipal component (represented bythe dashed line). The pie chart is di-vided such that the radial magnitude ofeach portion is proportional to the ex-perimental variation explained in thatprincipal component (i.e. the eigen-value). The mean component score foreach treatment is graphed along theaxis of the chart, with positive scoresshaded yellow, negative scores shadedblue, and the zero point representingthe mean component score of the 1/2MS control treatments from all experi-ments. B to J, Plasticity charts areshown for Ca (B), P (C), K (D), Fe (E),Mn (F), Mg (G), N (H), B (I), and S (J).The area enclosed by each treatmentrepresents the total RSA change relativeto the mean of the controls and isexpressed as a value adjacent to thelegend in each panel in arbitrary units(a.u.2).

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of PR elongation under low P has been associated withreduced cell elongation and the loss of cell divisionactivity in the PR apical meristem (Sanchez-Calderonet al., 2005; Ticconi et al., 2009). Current studies havesuggested that this effect is, at least in part, associatedwith increased Fe accumulation in root meristemswhen plants are grown under low P (Hirsch et al.,2006; Ward et al., 2008; Zheng et al., 2009). In agree-ment with a possible Fe-induced repression of the PRunder low P, it has been shown that PR elongation canbe restored by lowering the Fe concentrations in theP-deficient medium (Ward et al., 2008; Ticconi et al.,2009). Despite being essential for plant growth anddevelopment, an overload of Fe can produce highlyreactive hydroxyl radicals that have toxic effects incells (Graf et al., 1984). As a consequence, excessive Feaccumulation may impair cell division in the rootapical meristem, although this assumption has not yetbeen experimentally demonstrated. In addition, theinverse relationship between root Fe and PR elonga-tion may also help to explain why PR length wassignificantly increased when intermediate Fe concen-trations were supplied to plants (Fig. 7C). However, itis noteworthy that under advanced Fe limitation, rootgrowth is repressed altogether, due to an insufficientcoverage of the Fe demand of the plant.Another factor relates to the fact that some nutrients

may directly limit the function of a particular devel-opmental process. In the case of Ca, we observed aremarkable decrease in PR length when low Ca con-centrations were supplied to plants (Fig. 3C). Ca isimportant for cell elongation. In root hairs and pollentubes, intracellular Ca2+ gradients increase steeply towardthe apex (Pierson et al., 1996; Wymer et al., 1997). Thistip-focused gradient of Ca2+ aids in the deposition ofcell wall components in the cell apex, giving rise to thepolarity of cell extension. Thus, the supply of insuffi-cient amounts of Ca to plants may have resulted inimpaired cell elongation and, hence, in reduced PRelongation. Interestingly, early studies using 45Ca in-dicated that Ca is not translocated to root tips(Marschner and Richter, 1974), a defect that is likelyassociated with the limited mobility of Ca in thephloem (Jeschke and Pate, 1991). Thus, root meristemsare highly sensitive to Ca deficiency. In the same studyof Marschner and Richter (1974), it was observed that45Ca could still be translocated into younger LRs ofmaize (Zea mays) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) as longas they still acted as sinks for nutrients. This observa-tion may help to explain the seemingly opposing effectthat low Ca availability had on the length of PRs and1° LRs (Fig. 3, C and E). However, it still remains to beinvestigated if the LRs actually act as a stronger sinkthan the PR in Arabidopsis grown on Ca deficiency.Similarly to Ca, the inhibition of PR elongation underlow B (Fig. 9C) also relates to decreased cell elongation(Takano et al., 2006), since most B in plants is associ-ated with cell wall pectins (Hu et al., 1996) and Bstarvation results in cell wall malformations (Brownet al., 2002).

The Effect of Nutrient Availability on LR Formation

In Arabidopsis and most other dicotyledonousplants, the PR can branch repeatedly to produce LRs,which in turn can also undergo higher order branching.In developmental terms, LRs differ from PRs becausethey originate postembryonically from parental roots(Osmont et al., 2007; Péret et al., 2009). The total numberof LRs that is produced depends not only on genetic butalso on environmental factors. Importantly, the post-embryonic behavior of LRs is an essential component ofthe root system’s plasticity, since it allows plants to reactto fluctuations in external factors, such as nutrientavailability. This fact was also reinforced in our study,where a multivariate analysis revealed that 1° LR den-sity (a proxy for the developmental processes of LR in-itiation and emergence) correlated most with thevariation in PC1 and, therefore, made a particularlystrong contribution to the total plastic response of rootsto different nutrient deficiencies (Fig. 10).

The deficiencies of P, Ca, Mn, and B evoked an in-crease in 1° LR density (Figs. 1D, 3D, 8D, and 9D),whereas the limitation of Mg and Fe resulted in de-creased 1° LR density (Figs. 5D and 7D), although insome cases these responses were only transient. Othernutrients, such as N and K, did not affect 1° LR density(Figs. 2D and 4D). Although the increased 1° LR densitywas usually associated with short PRs, our results in-dicate that an inhibition of PR elongation does not al-ways result in an induction of LR formation. Indeed,whereas PR elongation was repressed by K deficiency,1° LR density remained largely unchanged under theseconditions (Fig. 4, C and D), and under Mg deficiency,1° LR density even decreasedwith PR repression (Fig. 5,C and D). It is noteworthy that we estimated LR densityby dividing the number of emerged LRs by the length ofthe branching zone (a region that extends from the shootbase to the most root-ward emerged LR), as recentlyproposed by Dubrovsky and Forde (2012). This methodallows a more accurate description of the effects thattreatments have on the emergence of LRs. It has beenreported previously that the induction of root branchingunder low P supply occurs before any change in PRelongation is detected (Pérez-Torres et al., 2008). Thus,these results strongly indicate that the processes un-derlying the induction of root branching can also beuncoupled from the elongation of the parental root.

It is unlikely that nutrients directly control rootbranching. Instead, it is more plausible that nutrientsignals are integrated into developmental programs inorder to induce changes in RSA. The formation of LRs isa complex and highly coordinated process that dependson the interplay of hormones, where auxin acts as acentral component (Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009; Péretet al., 2009). In fact, nutrient supplies can strongly affectphytohormone gradients, as demonstrated by Fe trig-gering AUXIN INFLUX CARRIER1 (AUX1)-mediatedauxin accumulation in LR tips and subsequent LRelongation (Giehl et al., 2012). Indeed, the deficiency ofmany nutrients has been reported to affect the levels of

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one or more hormones in plants (for review, see Rubioet al., 2009). However, for most nutrients, it is not yetknown the extent to which and at which developmentalsteps these hormonal changes impact on RSA. As alsoshown in this work (Fig. 1D), P deficiency induces theproduction of LRs (Williamson et al., 2001; López-Bucioet al., 2002, 2003; Sanchez-Calderon et al., 2005). Thisinduction has been shown to be associated with a Pdeficiency-induced expression of the auxin receptorTRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE1 (TIR1) in peri-cycle cells that results in increased sensitivity of roots toauxin (Pérez-Torres et al., 2008). As a consequence, theinitiation and emergence of LRs is significantly en-hanced in P-deficient roots. Together with such exam-ples, our work reinforces that nutrients induce distinctRSA modifications that may either be coupled oruncoupled, demonstrating further how root plasticity isgenerated. The challenge now is to identify how thenutrient signals are sensed and integrated into devel-opmental decisions that ultimately shape the RSAaccording to the nutrients’ availability.

A Detailed Protocol for Obtaining Nutrient-DeficientSolid Medium

We present here a comprehensive characterization ofRSA modifications induced by the limitation of differ-ent nutrients. Until now, a detailed examination of theeffects of nutrient deficiencies on RSA has been frag-mented or totally absent. In fact, only P, N, and, veryrecently,Kdeficiency-inducedmodificationsofRSAweremoreexhaustivelyassessed inArabidopsis (Linkohr et al.,2002; Sanchez-Calderon et al., 2005; Kellermeier et al.,2013). In other cases, although the effects of nutrient de-ficiencies on root development have been reported (forreview, see López-Bucio et al., 2003; Nibau et al., 2008),these effects were either restricted to root hair formation(e.g. Fe; Schmidt andSchikora, 2001) or extrapolated fromstudies thatdidnotdirectlyassessRSAmodifications (e.g.S; Kutz et al., 2002). One apparent reason for the poorcharacterization of RSA under nutrient deficiencies re-lates to difficulties in obtaining consistent deficiency formost nutrients in solid medium. Thus, a study in whichRSAisassessedunder conditions that are comparable andthat produce consistent deficiency is timely and impor-tant in order to advance our understanding of how en-vironmental cues shape RSA. In this regard, our studyshould pave the way for characterizing the RSA modifi-cations in response to nutrients.

We have carefully selected the most appropriate gel-ling agents to obtain nutrient deficiency in Arabidopsisplants grown on semisolid medium. Agar selectionproved to be critical for successfully imposing consis-tent nutrient deficiency, as mineral analyses revealedthat some agars exhibited remarkable differences innutrient concentrations (Table I). Our study should helpresearchers who need to characterize phenotypicalmodifications in response to nutrient deficiencies ingenetically diverse plants, for examplewhen comparing

mutants with wild-type plants or when assessing nat-ural genetic variability. In this regard, this work pro-vides a valuable reference on which researchers canorient themselves when studying the effect of nutrientdeficiencies. In addition, since the characterization ofRSAwas accompaniedby themineral analyses of shootsand roots from different deficiency levels, this studyprovides an additional guide to the critical concentra-tions required to induce phenotypical alterations inArabidopsis.

In conclusion, based on a careful selection of agarmedia, this study represents, to our knowledge, the firstsystematic comparison of RSA responses to multiplenutrient deficiencies. With regard to the almost com-plete coverage of nutrient treatments, our study pro-vides a comprehensive view of the overall changes inroot plasticity induced by the deficiency of single nu-trients. Newly developed root plasticity charts help tovisualize the influence of each nutrient on the type andextent of changes in root traits and whether individualroot traits respond in a coupled or uncoupled fashion.These examples provide a solid basis for the identifica-tion of nutrient-responsive processes in the root devel-opmental program and for plant factors determiningthe differential sensitivity of root tissues to nutritionalconstraints.


Plant Growth Conditions

Seeds of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ecotype Columbia-0 were surfacesterilized in 70% (v/v) ethanol and 0.05% (v/v) Triton X-100. Seedlings werefirst germinated on agar plates containing 0.5% (w/v) Suc and 1% (w/v) agarbefore seedlings of similar sizes were transferred to treatments containingidentical Suc and agar concentrations. The following agar and agarose wereused: Applichem (Agarose low EEO, A2114; Applichem), Difco (Difco agar,214541; Becton Dickinson), Duchefa A (Microagar,M1002; Duchefa Biochemie),Duchefa B (Phytoagar, P1003; Duchefa Biochemie), Roth (Agar-agar, 2266.2;Carl Roth), Serva (Agarose, 11380; Serva), Sigma A (Phytagel, P8169; Sigma-Aldrich), Sigma B (Agar, A7921; Sigma-Aldrich), Sigma C (Fluka agar, 05040;Sigma-Aldrich), and Sigma D (Agarose, A9539; Sigma-Aldrich). The stock so-lutions for the B experimentwere stored in polypropyleneflasks, and the growthmedia were prepared in plastic labware and autoclaved in PTFE flasks (CarlRoth). The nutrient composition of the modified 1/2 MS medium (Murashigeand Skoog, 1962) and the germination and treatment periods are indicated inSupplemental Table S3. Five plantswere grown on each of the six replicate 12-312-cm (or 23- 3 23-cm for Zn) vertically oriented plastic plates sealed withLeukopor tape (Smith & Nephew), or in the case of Mg and S experiments,ParafilmM (Pechiney Plastic Packaging) in a randomized block design within agrowth cabinet (Percival Scientific) with 22°C day and 19°C night temperaturesand a 10-h light period with a light intensity of 120 mmol photons m22 s21.

Analysis of RSA

At the end of the treatment period, plates within each block were scannedtogether using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner (Seiko Epson) in color at600 dots per inch resolution and lit from the front. Plants in which growth wasinhibitedduetodamageduringtransferwereexcludedfromanalyses, takingcarenot to bias the sample population in the process. Shoots were removed andweighed, and the roots were separated such that roots were clearly distin-guishable from one another on the agar, then again scanned in grayscale at300 dots per inch resolution and lit from the back. Roots were removed from theagar, and the roots and shoots were dried at 65°C. The contrast of the imagewasadjusted, andmarkswere removed from the image usingAdobe PhotoshopCS4

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or 5.0 versionLE (AdobeSystems), thereby allowing for abetter quantification ofroots. A total of seven RSA traits were measured using WinRhizo Pro version2007d or version 2009c (Regent Instruments) for each plant: PR length, 1° LRnumber, 1° LR length, 2° LR number, 2° LR length, BZPR length, and BZ1°LR

length. The remaining root traits were calculated from these measured traits.Total root length was calculated for each plant by summing the PR, 1° LR, and2° LR lengths. The average 1° LR (or 2° LR) lengthwas calculated by dividing the1° LR (or 2° LR) length by the number of 1° LRs (or 2° LRs). The density of 1° LRs(or 2° LRs) was calculated by dividing the number of 1° LRs (or 2° LRs) by thelength of the BZPR (or BZ1°LR). The shoot and root freshweightwas recorded, andthe root-to-shoot ratio was calculated from these weights.

Tests of statistical significance were undertaken using a one-way ANOVA(P, 0.05) with pairwise comparisons made using a Tukey test. An ANOVA onranks was undertaken for data not normally distributed or not having equalvariance followed by a pairwise comparisonmade using a Tukey test or Dunn’smethod. Data in bars or rows that were determined not to be significantly dif-ferent are denoted by shared lowercase letters in the figures and tables. Corre-lationsweredeterminedusing thePearsonproductmoment correlation. Statisticaltests were undertaken using SigmaPlot version 11.0 (Systat Software).

Elemental Analysis

The dried shoots and roots were weighed into PTFE digestion tubes anddigested in HNO3 under pressure using a microwave digester (Ultraclave 4;MLS). Elemental analysis was undertaken using inductively coupled plasmaoptical emission spectroscopy (iCAP 6500 dual OES spectrometer; ThermoFischer Scientific). Samples (200–300 mg) of the different gelling agents used inthis study were dried at 65°C, digested, and measured as for the plant sam-ples. For the N analysis, the plants were freeze dried and ground using a ballmill before 1 mg of material was taken for analysis. The N concentrations weredetermined using an elemental analyzer (Euro-EA; HEKAtech).

Calculation and Visualization of RSA Plasticity

RSA plasticity was calculated on independent root traits from all treatmentsexcept Cl, Cu, and Zn. The Zn experiment was excluded because the age ofplants was vastly different from the other experiments, and the Cl and Cu ex-periments were excluded because the extent of the deficiency phenotypeobtained in these experiments was relatively small. The global mean and SD ofthe 1/2 MS control treatments from across all experiments was calculated foreach root trait. Data were then normalized using a SD normalization procedure(Kantardzic, 2002) relative to the 1/2 MS control treatment within each experi-ment and scaled to the global mean of the 1/2 MS controls from across all ex-periments. The new normalized values (x) were calculated using the followingalgorithm:

~x ¼ x2m1=2MS control treatment

s1=2MS control treatment=sall controls þ mall controls

where m1/2MS control treatment and s1/2MS control treatment are the observed mean andSD of the 1/2 MS control treatment in any given experiment and mall controls andsall controls are the global mean and SD calculated from the 1/2 MS controltreatments from across all experiments.

The normalized root traits were subjected to correlation analysis and PCAusing the R package ADE-4 (Thioulouse et al., 1997). A PCA canonical graphof the six components of the PCA was prepared, showing how the sum ofsquared correlations is maximized for the root traits of the data set.

The variation explained within the PCA was expressed as a multilevel piechart divided into n portions (where n is the number of principal components)with the relative radial size of each portion representing the eigenvalue of eachrespective principal component. The average component scores of the controltreatments from all experiments were set as the center point of the pie chart, anda blank center was included to allow better resolution of values approachingzero.

Themean component score of each treatmentwas thenplotted as thedistancealong the axis, with positive component scores shaded yellow and negativecomponent scores shaded blue. The mean component scores were plotted on asquare root scale to allow the area enclosed by the score in the chart to accuratelyrepresent the magnitude of the component score. The total RSA response wasdetermined by calculating the area enclosed by the mean component scores ofeach treatment across all principal components, resulting in a response valueof arbitrary units squared. The greater this value, the greater is the difference

between the RSA of the treatment and the RSA of the mean of the controls. Thisallows the total change in all measured root traits to be represented in a singleresponse value. In the legend of Figure 11, the outer dashed line represents thelargest response of the RSA observed for each of the principal components andindicates the largest response obtainable in our experimental system for all of theroot traits. Thenutrientswere then rankedbasedon the total RSA response valueobserved across all treatments as an indication of the nutrient deficiency thatinduces the greatest level of RSA plasticity.

Supplemental Data

The following materials are available in the online version of this article.

Supplemental Figure S1. The effect of Zn deficiency on root morphology.

Supplemental Figure S2. The effect of Cu deficiency on root morphology.

Supplemental Figure S3. The effect of Cl deficiency on root morphology.

Supplemental Table S1. The weight, shoot-to-root ratio, and elementalconcentration of shoots and roots of plants grown on varying concen-trations of nutrients.

Supplemental Table S2. The weight, shoot-to-root ratio, and elementalconcentration of shoots and roots of plants grown on Zn, Cu, and Cldeficiency.

Supplemental Table S3. Description of experimental treatments.


We thank Elis Fraust and Lisa Unrath for assistance in the growth andharvest of plants, Susanne Reiner for the elemental analysis, and BarbaraKettig for the N measurements.

Received March 22, 2013; accepted July 6, 2013; published July 12, 2013.


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Plant Physiol. Vol. 163, 2013 179

Root Plasticity under Nutrient Deficiency

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