Planning n Scheduling

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  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling





    M.S Britto Jeyakumar

    Assistant ProfessorDeartment of !i"i# en$ineerin$

    T%E I&DIA& E&'I&EERI&' OE'E


  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    +&IT , I

    1. What is plai!"

    P#annin$ aims at formu#ation of a time -ase #an of a!tion for !oorinatin$

    "arious a!ti"ities an resour!es to a!/ie"e se!ifie o-0e!ti"es. P#annin$ is t/e

    ro!ess of e"e#oin$ t/e ro0e!t #an. T/e #an out#ines /o1 t/e ro0e!t is to -e

    ire!te to a!/ie"e t/e assi$ne $oa#s. It se!ifies a reetermine an !ommittefuture !ourse of a!tion2 -ase on is!ussions an e!isions mae on t/e !urrent

    kno1#e$e an estimation of future trens.

    #. What is $%st&'$ti% plai!

    T/e !onstru!tion #annin$ ro!ess is stimu#ate t/rou$/ a stuy of ro0e!t

    o!uments. T/ese o!uments in!#ue -ut are not #imite to t/e a"ai#a-#e te!/ni!a#an !ommer!ia# stuies an in"esti$ations2 esi$ns an ra1in$s2 estimation of

    3uantities2 !onstru!tion met/o statements2 ro0e!t #annin$ ata2 !ontra!to!uments2 site !onitions2 market sur"ey2 #o!a# resour!es2 ro0e!t en"ironment

    an t/e !#ient4s or$ani5ation. T/e #annin$ ro!ess takes in to a!!ount2 t/estren$t/s an 1eakness of t/e or$ani5ations.

    3. What a&( th( %)*($ti+(s %, plai!"

    Proer esi$n of ea!/ e#ement of t/e ro0e!t

    Proer se#e!tion of e3uiment an ma!/inery in -i$ ro0e!ts2 t/e use of

    #ar$e !aa!ity #ants are foun e!onomi!a#

    Pro!urement of materia#s 1e## in a"an!e

    Proer arran$ement of reair of e3uiment an ma!/inery

    Em#oyment of traine an e6erien!e staff on t/e ro0e!t

    To ro"ie in!enti"e for $oo 1orkers

    To arran$e !onstant f#o1 of funs for t/e !om#etion of ro0e!t

    To ro"ie roer safety measures an "enti#ation2 roer arran$ement of#i$/t an 1ater.

    . What a&( th( tp(s %, p&%*($t plas"

    P#annin$ t/e entire ro0e!t from its in!etion to !om#etion re3uires a "ast

    !o"era$e2 "arie ski##s an ifferent tyes of #ans. T/e nature of #ans

    en!ountere in a tyi!a# !onstru!tion ro0e!t are ini!ate -e#o1

    Tp(s %, p&%*($t plas

    De"e#oment sta$e nature of #an

    In!etion sta$e ro0e!t feasi-i#ity #anEn$ineerin$ sta$e ro0e!t re#iminary #an

    Im#ementation sta$e ro0e!t !onstru!tion #an

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    /. D(,i( 0%& tass"

    7ork tasks reresent t/e ne!essary frame 1ork to ermit s!/eu#in$ of

    !onstru!tion a!ti"ities2 a#on$ 1it/ estimatin$ t/e resour!es re3uire -y t/e

    ini"iua# 1ork tasks an a ne!essary re!een!e or re3uire se3uen!e amon$t/e tasks. T/e terms 1ork tasks or a!ti"ities are often use inter!/an$ea-#y in

    !onstru!tion #ans to refer to se!ifi! efine items of 1ork.

    6. List %'t th( p&%*($t plai! t($hi2'(s"

    Sta!(s Plai! p&%$(ss T($hi2'(s4(th%5s

    P#annin$ time

    P#annin$ resour!es

    P#annin$ im#ementation

    Breakin$ o1n ro0e!t

    1ork2 e"e#oin$ timenet1ork #ans

    Fore!astin$ resour!ere3uirements2 #annin$

    mano1er re3uirements2

    #annin$ materia#

    re3uirements2 -u$etin$!osts2 esi$nin$

    or$ani5ationa# stru!ture

    Formu#atin$ monitorin$


    7ork -reak o1n2 net1ork

    ana#ysis2 $nat !/art

    Man o1er s!/eu#in$Materia# s!/eu#in$

    Resour!e a##o!ation

    ost #annin$ 8 -u$etin$

    E3uiment se#e!tion ans!/eu#in$

    Resour!e rou!ti"ity

    !ontro#2 time !ontro#2!ontri-ution !ontro#2

    -u$etary !ontro#

    . What a&( th( st(ps i+%l+(5 i plai!"

    a. efinin$ t/e s!oe of 1ork to -e erforme-. rearin$ t/e #o$i! or net1ork ia$ram to esta-#is/ a re#ations/i amon$

    a!ti"ities an inte$ratin$ t/ese ia$rams to e"e#o t/e net1ork moe#

    !. ana#y5in$ t/e ro0e!t net1ork or moe#s to etermine ro0e!t uration2 anientifyin$ !riti!a# an non9!riti!a# a!ti"ities

    . E6#orin$ trae9off -et1een time to !ost to arri"e at otima# time an

    !osts for !om#etin$ t/e ro0e!t.e. Esta-#is/in$ stanars for #annin$ an !ontro##in$ men2 materia#s2

    e3uiment2 !osts an in!ome of ea!/ 1ork a!ka$e

    f. Fore!astin$ inut resour!es2 rou!tion !osts an t/e "a#ue of t/e 1ork


  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    $. Fore!astin$ t/e ro0e!t -u$et a##o!ations for a!/ie"in$ tar$ets assi$ne to

    ea!/ or$ani5ationa# unit

    /. Desi$nin$ a !ontro# system for t/e or$ani5ationi. De"e#oin$ t/e resour!es2 time an !ost !ontro# met/oo#o$y

    7. What is th( p'&p%s( %, $%5i!"

    a. To ientify t/e ata !onne!te 1it/ ea!/ 1ork a!ka$e2 as 1ork a!ka$es

    from t/e ata-ase for mana$in$ "arious ro0e!t fun!tions.

    -. To ai in t/e or$ani5ation of ata from t/e "ery etai#e to t/e "ery -roa#e"e#s

    !. To ena-#e t/e ro!essin$2 sortin$2 an e6tra!tion of information re3uire

    at "arious #e"e#s of mana$ement an fun!tiona# units.

    . To !omuteri5e t/e ata ro!essin$ system

    8. H%0 4a $at(!%&i(s a+aila)l( i $%5i,i$ati%"

    In !onstru!tion ro0e!ts2 t/e !oes use !an -e -roa#y i"ie in to t1o

    !ate$ories i.e. ro0e!t interfa!in$ !oes or sim#y referre as ro0e!t !oes aneartment se!ia#i5e !oes.

    P&%*($t it(&,a$( $%5(s9

    T/ese are t/e !ommon !oes use for e"e#oin$ an inter eartment

    ata-ase. E6: a ro0e!t !oe for t/e founation of a -ui#in$.

    D(pa&t4(tal sp($i,i(5 $%5(s9

    T/ese !oes are e"e#oe -y t/e eartmenta# /eas for t/eir use.

    E6: to ini!ate t/e #o!ation of materia#s in site 1are /ouses

    1:. D(,i( th( tp(s %, la)(li! app&%a$h"

    a. alpha)(t $%5(s

    ). '4(&i$al $%5(s

    $. alpha'4(&i$ $%5(s

    Alpha)(t $%5(s9

    A#/a-et #etters A to ;2 sin$#e or !om-ine2 !an -e use to reresent a!oe. An a#/a-et in a sin$#e !/ara!ter sa!e !an reresent

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    !onstru!tion a!ti"ities ue to re3uirements for stru!tura# inte$rity2 re$u#ations

    an ot/er te!/ni!a# re3uirements.

    ;%& (

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    1. D(,i( a$ti+it i5i&($t $%st"

    T/is is t/e !ost t/at in!urre 1/i#e erformin$ an a!ti"ity2 -ut !annot -etra!e ire!t#y to its e6e!ution. In ot/er 1ors2 a## !osts ot/er t/an t/e ire!t ones fa##

    in t/is !ate$ory. T/ese reresent t/e aortione s/are of suer"ision $enera# an

    aministration !osts are !ommon#y refer to as o"er/eas.

    16 =AR> ?UESTIONS

    @. E6#ain t/e ro0e!t e"e#oment ro!ess

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    1. What is th( %)*($t %, s$h(5'li!".

    S!/eu#in$ means uttin$ t/e #an on !a#enar -asis. A ro0e!t net1ork s/o1s t/e

    se3uen!e an inters eenen!ies of a!ti"ities2 t/eir time an t/eir ear#iest an #atest

    !om#etion time2 -ut t/ese nees to -e s!/eu#e to etermine !ommen!ement an

    termination ates of ea!/ a!ti"ity. +sin$ otimum resour!es or 1orkin$ 1it/in resour!e

    !onstraints2 it is a time ta-#e of 1ork. A -asi! istin!tion e6ists -et1een resour!e oriente

    s!/eu#in$ te!/ni3ues. T/e ro0e!t is i"ie into num-er of oerations.

    #. List %'t th( a5+ata!(s %, s$h(5'li!.

    @. By stuyin$ of any 1ork an t/e many a#ternati"e met/os of e6e!ution2 1e

    !an !/oose t/e -est one.

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    (a) Se#e!t t/e EST oint of a!ti"ity #ayout on t/e $ra/2 an ra1 a #ine s#oin$

    e3ua# to its rate of e6e!ution i.e.2 @ unit er ay.

    ( -) P#ot t/e #o1est rate s#o1in$ #ine an mark its interse!tion 1it/ t/e to to

    founation /ori5onta# #ine.

    ( ! ) Startin$ from t/e oint of interse!tion2 mo"e for1ar /ori5onta##y on t/e to

    #ine an ientify #atest !om#etion oint of su-se3uent a!ti"ity as ini!ate -y t/e set


    /. What a&( th( ,a$t%&s a,,($ti! 0%& s$h(5'li!"

    a Ti4(9

    Most of t/e ro0e!ts !arry time !onstraints in t/e form of imose ates2 t/ese

    ates may in!#ue !onstraints on start an !om#etion of a!ti"ities.

    ) =ap%0(&9

    Man o1er is one of t/e main in t/e su!!essfu# e6e!ution of ro0e!ts. T/e i#e

    #a-our time is ai for an t/e strikes an -reako1n of 1ork are ket in "ie1 -y


    $ =at(&ials9

    onstru!tion materia#s are in!reasin$#y -e!omin$ s!ar!e an t/eir ro!urement is

    a time !onsumin$ ro!ess. T/e s!/eu#e ais in fore!astin$ of materia#s an t/eir time#y

    su#y etermines t/e e!onomi!s an ro$ress 1ork.

    6. D&a0 S$h(5'l( hi(&a&$h $ha&t.

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    . What is th( p'&p%s( %, '4)(&i! (+(ts"

    i. It sim#ifies t/e ientifi!ation an es!rition of a n a!ti"ity in terms of e"ent num-ers.

    ii. T/e a!ti"ities are !oe as i9 0 1/ere i an 0 are t/e e"ent num-ers as !ommen!ement

    an termination of an a!ti"ity.

    iii. It /e#s in e"e#oin$ ientifi!ation !oe for !omuter a#i!ation.

    i". It systemati5es t/e !omutations of !riti!a# at/ for ea!/ a!ti"ity as far as ossi-#e2 t/e

    num-er of t/e ro!eein$ e"ent it s/ou# -e #ess t/an t/at of t/e su!!eein$ e"ent.

    7. D(,i( th( ,%ll%0i! t(&4s9

    1. C&iti$al path9

    T/e #on$est at/ t/rou$/ t/e net1ork is !a##e !riti!a# at/ an its #en$t/

    etermines t/e minimum urations in 1/i!/ t/e ro0e!t !an -e !om#ete.

    #. PERT P&%!&a44( E+al'ati% a5 R(+i(0 T($hi2'(9

    PERT is "ent oriente. It is ara-o#isti! moe# i.e.2 it takes into a!!ount

    un!ertainties in"o#"e in t/e estimation time of a 0o- or an a!ti"ity. It uses t/ree estimates

    of t/e a!ti"ity time2 otimisti! time an essimisti! time an2 most #ike#y time.

    3. D'44 a$ti+it9

    It is suerimose a!ti"ity2 1/i!/ oes not reresent any se!ifi! oeration or

    ro!ess. It /as 5ero uration an !onsumes no resour!es2 its urose is t1o fo#.

    (a) To ro"ie a #o$i!a# #ink to maintain t/e !orre!t.

    (-) To sim#ify t/e es!rition of !on!urrent a!ti"ities in terms of e"ent num-ers.

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    T/e ummy a!ti"ity is ra1n #ike any ot/er a!ti"ity2 -ut 1it/ otte #ines.

    8. What is th( si!i,i$a$( %, $&iti$al path"

    (a) It is t/e #on$est at/ in t/e net1ork2 /o1e"er it is ossi-#e for a net1ork to /a"e

    more t/an one !riti!a# at/. T/e sum of t/e urations of !riti!a# a!ti"ities a#on$ t/e

    !riti!a# at/ etermines t/e uration of t/e ro0e!t.

    (-). It is t/e most sensiti"e at/2 any !/an$e in uration !riti!a# a!ti"ities a#on$ t/e

    !riti!a# at/ is -oun to effe!t t/e uration of t/e entire ro0e!t.

    1:. D(,i( th( ,%ll%0i! t(&4s.

    1. EST Ea&li(st Sta&t Ti4( 9

    T/is is t/e ear#iest time an a!ti"ity !an -e starte2 assumin$ t/at a## t/e a!ti"ities

    rior to it /a"e taken #a!e as ear#y as ossi-#e.

    #. LST Lat(st Sta&t Ti4( 9

    T/is is t/e #atest time an a!ti"ity !an start !onsistent2 1it/ t/e !om#etion of t/e

    ro0e!t in t/e stiu#ate time. T/e ST of an a!ti"ity is etermine -y su-tra!tin$ t/e

    a!ti"ity uration from t/e FT of su!!eein$ e"ent.

    3. E;T Ea&li(st ;iish Ti4(9

    It is t/e ear#iest time -y 1/i!/ an a!ti"ity !an -e !om#ete assumin$ t/at a## t/e

    a!ti"ities rior to it -e$in at t/eir EST.

    . L;T Lat(st ;iish Ti4(9

    It is t/e #atest time -y 1/i!/ an a!ti"ity must -e !om#ete to ensure t/e

    !om#etion of ro0e!t 1it/in t/e stiu#ate time.

    11. What a&( th( $lassi,i$ati% %, (t0%&s"

    @. Ske#eton net1ork

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    ras/ time is t/e minimum ossi-#e time in 1/i!/ an a!ti"ity !an -e !om#ete

    usin$ aitiona# resour!es.

    . C&ash $%st9

    ras/ !ost is t/e ire!t !ost i.e.2 anti!iate in !om#etin$ an a!ti"ity 1it/in t/e

    !ras/ time.

    1/. D(,i( a$ti+it $%st sl%p(.

    A!ti"ity !ost s#oe is t/e rate of in!rease in t/e !ost of a!ti"ity er unit 1it/ a

    e!rease in time. T/e !ost s#oe ini!ates t/e aitiona# !ost in!urre er unit of time

    sa"e in reu!in$ t/e uration of an a!ti"ity.

    A!ti"ity ost s#oe

    !ras/ !ost , &orma# !ost .

    &orma# time , ras/ time

    PART @ B


    1. E

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    3.1: 3:

    ./ 1

    .7 #1

    /.6 1:

    6. :

    .7 ::

    .8 :

    7.8 1#

    8.11 1/

    1:.11 1/

    /. A s4all p&%*($t $%sists %, si< a$ti+iti(s 0ith ,%ll%0i! i,%&4ati%s.

    A$ti+it N%&4al 5'&ati%s C&ash 5'&ati% $&ash $%st

    5as 5as Rs.5a

    1-# :8 :6 #:

    1-3 :7 :/ #/

    1- 1/ 1: 3:

    #- :/ :3 1:

    3- 1: :6 1/

    -/ :# :1 :

    D&a0 th( (t0%& a5 %)tai %&4al a5 4ii4'4 p&%*($t 5'&ati%.

    PART @ C


    1. W&it( )&i(,l a)%'t th( p&%*($t $ash ,l%0s. N%+ #::

    #. What a&( th( +a&i%'s $%sts i+%l+(5 i a $%st&'$ti% p&%*($t. N%+ #::

    3. ;%& th( 5ata !i+( )(l%0 %, a $%st&'$ti% p&%*($t s$h(5'l(5 5(t(&4i( th(

    $&iti$al path a5 all ,l%ats. N%+ #::

    A$ti+it P&(5($(ss%& D'&ati%

    A - 6

    B A

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    C A 1

    D - 1

    E B /

    ; CD 7

    G CD 7

    H D 3I H /

    ; 3

    > E

    L ; 1#

    = GI 6

    N GI #

    O LN

    . D(t(&4i( th( $&iti$al path a5 (sti4at( th( 4ii4'4 p&%*($t 5'&ati% ,%& th(

    p&%*($t 5ata !i+( )(l%0. N%+ #::

    A$ti+it t% t4 tp

    A 3 /

    B # 3 /

    C 6 7 1:D / 7

    E 6 8 1

    ; 1: 1# 1

    G # #

    H / 7

    I 6 7

    /. Dis$'sss th( 5i,,(&($( )(t0(( CP= a5 PERT. =a #::

    6. B&i(,l 5is$'ss th( th&(( ti4( (sti4at( i PERT (t0%& aalsis. =a #::



    PART @ A


  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    1. D(,i( th( t(&4 a$$%'ti!

    T/e ro!ess of ientifyin$2 measurin$ an !ommuni!atin$ e!onomi! information

    to ermit informe 0u$ment an e!isions -y t/e use of information.

    #. W&it( th( %)*($ti+(s %, a$$%'ti!.

    @. To kee systemati! re!ors

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    (i) Detai#e !osts of materia#s2 #a-our an o"er/eas re"ea#s a!tua# an otentia#

    sour!es of !ost sa"in$ an !ost reu!tion.

    (ii) Profit #annin$ an !ontro# -e!omes easier

    (iii) Market resear!/ an "a#ue ana#ysis to$et/er 1it/ !ost reu!tion ro$rammer

    #ea to e!onomy.

    (i") It /e#s in !reatin$ a !ometiti"e sirit -et1een or$ani5ationa# units.

    . D(,i( $%st $%t&%l.

    ontro# of oerationa# in"o#"es monitorin$ a!ti"ate of t/e or$ani5ation an

    reortin$ e"iation of a!tua# resu#ts from t/ose -u$ete. ost !ontro# are sou$/t to -e

    ket 1it/in #imits -y -u$ets an stanar

    7. D(,i( ,ia$ial a$$%'ti!.

    T/e art of re!oin$2 !#assifi!ation an summari5in$ in a si$nifi!ant manner an in

    terms of money2 transa!tions an e"ents 1/i!/ are at #east in art of finan!ia# !/ara!ter

    an interretin$ t/e resu#ts.

    8. C%4pa&( ,ia$ial a$$%'ti! a5 $%st a$$%'ti!.

    ,ia$ial a$$%'ti! C%st A$$%'ti!

    +sers It ro"ie information to users

    e6terna# to t/e firm

    It ro"ies information to users interna#

    to t/e firm



    Finan!ia# a!!ountin$ oes not ro"ie

    for ae3uate !ontro# a"er materia#

    1a$es an o"er/ea !osts.

    ost A!!ountin$ in"o#"e an takes !are

    of !ontro# o"er a## e#ements of !ost


    of !osts

    In finan!ia# a!!ountin$ no istin!tion

    is mae -et1een ire!t an inire!t!ost2 fi6e !ost an "aria-#e !osts an

    !ontro##a-#e !osts

    In !ost A!!ountin$2 !osts are

    istin$uis/e a!!orin$ to t/eirientifi!ation 1it/ !ost units ( Dire!t an

    inire!t) a!!ountin$ to t/eir "aria-i#ity

    (fi6e an "aria-#e) a!!ountin$ toresonsi-i#ity ( !ontro##a-#e an

    un!ontro##a-#e ) !osts


    of reorts

    Finan!ia# a!!ounts are $enera##yu-#is/e annua##y

    ost a!!ounts su#y 3uarter#y2 mont/#yor e"en ai#y !ost reorts

    1:. D(,i( th( ,%ll%0i! t(&4s

    i C%st

    ii ;i

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    i+ S' $%st

    + C%t&%ll(5 $%st

    i C%st9 It is t/e -enefits $i"en u to a!3uire $oos or ser"i!es

    ii ;i

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    (i) Measurements of a!tua# ro$ress s/ou# -e store in a!tua# ata-ase

    an t/en ro!esse for uatin$ t/e ro0e!t s!/eu#e.

    (ii) It is use to rearin$ 0o- status reorts

    iii To fin out t/e future re"enues2 future !osts an te!/ni!a# ro-#ems.

    1/. D(,i( $%st &ati%

    T/e !ost in!urre to ata !an a#so -e use to estimate t/e 1ork ro$ress

    ost ratio ost in!urreH tota# estimate !ost.

    16. What is th( p'&p%s( %, s$h(5'l( $%t&%l"

    (i) Pro0e!t mana$ers must $i"e !onsiera-#e attention to monitorin$


    (ii) It in"o#"es for 1ork !om#etion2 so !ontra!tua# a$reements 1i## for!e

    attention to s!/eu#e.

    (iii) De#ays in !onstru!tion reresent aitiona# !osts ue to #ate fa!i#ity

    o!!uan!y or ot/er fa!tors.

    1. D(,i( )ala$( sh((t.

    A -a#an!e s/eet es!ri-es t/e resour!es t/at are uner a !omany4s on a

    se!ifie ate an ini!ate 1/ere t/ese resour!es /a"e !ome from.

    17. What a&( th( 5i,,(&($( $%4p%'5s %, a )ala$( sh((t"

    It !onsists of t/ree ma0or se!tions

    (i) Ass(ts 9Va#ua-#e ri$/ts o1ne -y t/e !omany

    (ii) Lia)iliti(s9T/e funs /a"e -een ro"ie -y outsie #eners an ot/er

    !reitors in e6!/an$e for t/e !omany4s romise to make ayments or to

    ro"ie ser"i!e in t/e future.

    (iii) Th( %0(&s (2'it9 T/e funs /a"e -een ro"ie -y t/e !omany4s

    o1ner or on t/eir -e/a#f.

    18. W&it( sh%&t %t( % s$h(5'l( $%t&%l.

    Pro0e!t mana$ers must a#so !onsiera-#e attention to monitorin$


  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    It in"o#"es a ea #ine for 1ork !om#etion so !ontra!tua# a$reements

    1i## for!e attention to s!/eu#e

    osts are !omare to -u$ete !osts2 a!tua# a!ti"ity urations may -e

    !omare to e6e!te urations.

    On!e estimates of 1ork !om#ete an time e6ene on arti!u#ar

    a!ti"ities is a"ai#a-#e estimate !an -e estimate.

    PART- B


    @. E6#ain t/e finan!ia# a!!ountin$ systems an !ost a!!ountin$ system.



    C. 7rite -rief#y a-out ro0e!t !as/ f#o1s (&o"HDe!>)

    . 7/at are t/e "arious !osts in"o#"e in a !onstru!tion ro0e!t. (&o"HDe!>)



    PART @ A

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling



    1. D(,i( t%tal 2'alit $%t&%l.

    ua#ity !ontro# in !onstru!tion in"o#"es insurin$ !om#ian!e 1it/ minimum

    stanars of materia# an 1orkmans/i in orer to insure t/e erforman!e of t/e fa!i#ity

    a!!orin$ to t/e esi$n.

    For t/e urose of insurin$ !om#ian!e ranom sam#es an statisti!a# met/os

    are !ommon#y use as t/e -asis for a!!etin$ or re0e!tin$ 1ork !om#ete an -at!/es of


    1. D(,i( A$$(pta$( ?'alit L(+(lA?L

    A is efine as t/e ma6imum er!ent efe!ti"es t/at for t/e urose of

    sam#es inse!tion !an -e !onsiere satisfa!tory as a ro$ress a"era$e.

    #. D(,i( 2'alit $i&$l(.

    ua#ity !ir!#e is a sma## $rou of eo#e oin$ simi#ar 1ork 1/o meet re$u#ar#y

    ientify2 ana#y5e an so#"e ro-#ems re#ate to t/eir 1ork#a!e.

    3. D(,i( att&i)'t(.

    7/en t/e ata o-taine for ana#ysis is on#y a num-er of arti!#es !onformin$ an

    t/e num-er fai#in$ to !onform to any se!ifi! re3uirement2 t/e 3ua#ity is sai to -e an


    . D(,i( +a&ia)l(

    Varia-#e is t/e 3ua#ity !/ara!teristi! a!tua##y measure usin$ a measurin$

    instrument an e6resse as a num-er on some !ontinuous s!a#e of measurement. A

    sin$#e measurement 3ua#ity !/ara!teristi! su!/ as imension2 1ei$/t an "o#ume is !a##e

    a "aria-#e.

    6. What a&( th( tp(s %, statisti$al sa4pli!"

    @. Sam#in$ -y attri-utes

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    #. Sa4pli! ) +a&ia)l(s

    Instea of usin$ efe!ti"e an non efe!ti"e !#assifi!ations for an item2 a

    3uantitati"e 3ua#ity measure or t/e "a#ue of a measure "aria-#e is use as a 3ua#ity

    ini!ator. T/is testin$ ro!eure is referre to as sam#in$ -y "aria-#es

    . What a&( th( sta5a&5 4(as'&(s i sa,(t $%st&'$ti%"

    a. Re3uirin$ /ar /ats on site

    -. Re3uirin$ eye rote!tion on site

    !. Re3uirin$ /earin$ rote!tion near e3uiment

    . Insurin$ safety s/oes for 1orkers

    e. Pro"iin$ First9Ai su#ies an traine ersonne# on site.

    7. What a&( th( +a&i%'s t(4p%&a& sa,(!'a&5s i $%st&'$ti%"

    It in"o#"es maintainin$ temorary /ysi!a# safe$uars su!/ as

    @. Barri!aes

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    To imro"e 3ua#ity !ontro# is often forma#i5e in 3ua#ity !ir!#e

    A## materia#s s/ou# -e !ertifie an inse!te re$u#ar#y

    11. What a&( th( 4at(&ial sp($i,i$ati%s a+aila)l( i $%st&'$ti%"

    'enera# se!ifi!ations of 1ork 3ua#ity are a"ai#a-#e fie#s an are issue inu-#i!ations of or$ani5ations su!/ as

    @. T/e Ameri!an So!iety for Testin$ an Materia#s ( ASTM)

  • 7/30/2019 Planning n Scheduling


    @. E6#ain tota# 3ua#ity !ontro# in !onstru!tion


    ) an (&o"HDe!>)

    C. E6#ain t/e a#i!a-i#ity of ifferent tyes of !ontro# !/arts in statisti!a# 3ua#ity

    !ontro# (&o"HDe!>)