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1 Planning & Economic Development 2015 TAX OPERATING BUDGET 7.2

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Planning & Economic Development



Planning & Economic Development Department 2015 BudgetOVERVIEW


Management Other Total Staff/ Mgt Ratio

2014 34 561.44 595.44 16.51:1

2015 34 561.44 595.44 16.51:1

Change 0 0

Sr. DirectorParking & By-law ServicesMarty Hazell(240.54)

Director PlanningChief PlannerSteve Robichaud(71.50)

Sr. DirectorGrowth ManagementTony Sergi(50.84)

DirectorEconomic DevelopmentNeil Everson(43.94)

Director BuildingChief Building Official Ed Vander Windt(99.33)

DirectorTourism & CultureAnna Bradford(70.29)

ManagerFinance & AdminJanie Hartwell(12.0)

General ManagerJason Thorne

Administrative CoordinatorClementina D’Onfrio(2.0)

Director Strategic & Business PlanningBill Janssen (1.0)

Communications OfficerAnn Lamanes(1.0)

H.R. SpecialistDebbie Paddock(.6)

Senior Advisor

Chris Phillips (1.0)


Planning and Economic Development supports the following programs and related services:

SERVICE DELIVERY PROFILESPlanning and Economic Development 2015 Budget

Development and Growth- Land Use Planning- Development Approvals- Zoning By-law Review- Business Development- Urban Renewal- Growth Management

Tourism, Culture and Heritage- Tourism Development- Cultural Development- Heritage Resource Management

Transportation- Parking Operations

Public Safety- Animal Services- By-law Enforcement- Business Licensing- Building Inspections- School Crossing Guards- Building Permits

Corporate Services- Building Services’ Customer Service- Heritage Asset Management- Real Property Management- Planning and Economic Development

Departmental Support Services


Building Permits (2006 – 2014)

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


Redevelopment in the Downtowns

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget

Staybridge Suites - $217,000/yr 150 Main St. W. - $510,000/yr (est.)

Brown Dog Café Waterdown - $30,000/yr

46-48 King W. Dundas - $20,000/yr


Redevelopment in the Downtowns

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget

DeMontigny (James Street North)Salon AG (Concession Street)Stepping Out Dance Studio (Wellington Street)Finch Espresso Bar (Upper James Street)PureSkin Spa (Binbrook)Board Games Central (Jackson Square)Made for you By Madeline (King William Street)In Fine Feather (Ottawa Street)Staxx Chicken and Waffles (King Street East)The Store (James Street North)Panaderya (James Street North)Eh Panini (King William Street)E23 (Concession Street)Thrive Physio (Locke Street)Barton 541 (Barton Street)Ancaster Cheese Shop (Wilson Street)Brown Dog Coffee (Locke Street)


New non-residential development

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget

AZZApollonia HealthArts & Science BreweryBurloak TechnologiesDependable ITFraunhoferHamilton International Airport/CargoJetMystique MarketingNavistarPlant ProductsSucro Can Inc. TSL AerospaceWest Avenue Cider Co.Wingbury Holdings

ArcelorMittal DofascoBeverage WorldBrave New CodeCole CarriersDynamic Steel First Ontario Gala Bakery Gay Lea Foods Handling SpecialtyJanco SteelKubes Steel Parsons Precast SobotecSteeped Tea .

Superior Radiant Products Terra Greenhouses Toshiba InternationalTriple M MetalsVitaSoundWalters GroupWine Village / Venegas Importing Inc.


• 14 new subdivisions registered (1,790 units)• ~ 10,000 metres of new publicly-built

roads, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains

• ~ 30,000 metres of privately-built andmaintained water, sanitary and stormservices

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


“Culture is to the contemporary city what roads, sewers and bridges were in the 19th and early 20th centuries.”

Christopher Hume

• 3 new public art projects completed, 4 initiated

• $4 million invested in 34 projects through Heritage Resource Mgmt Program

• 900+ addresses added to the heritage registry

• Tourism Strategy

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


• 13,300 complaints for property standards and yard maintenance

• 65 buildings added to vacant building registry and monitoring 263 vacant buildings

• Trash Talk investigated 1,600+ illegal dumping complaints and issued 100+ charges

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


Waterfront several steps closer to “shovel ready”

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget

Pier 7&8 Marina Management Agreement & Lease Termination with the HPA

Barton-Tiffany Urban Design Study

James St. N Mobility Hub Study

OPA for Piers 5-7 to implement Rec Master Plan

Agreement for Pipeline Re-location on Piers 7&8

Design for Pier 7 Transient Dock + shoreline renewal

Functional Design new Harbour West + RHYC Marina

Design of Sanitary Pumping Station for Pier 5-8 area


Open For Business• Released 1st annual Report Card on the 69 actions in the

Action Plan– 39 items completed– 8 ongoing (annual reporting or updating)– 13 on-target– 9 on hold

• Key actions included:– Business and licensing facilitators at SBEC to assist small business

start-ups– Customer Service training for all front line staff– Communications campaign for One Stop for Business – Annual performance metrics/tracking initiated

2014 HIGHLIGHTSPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


Deliver on Council’s economic growth mandate.– 780,000 people and 350,000 jobs by 2041.– Grow the non-residential assessment base.

We need to focus on …– Faster, more predictable approvals.– Outstanding customer service.– Creating a community where people want to live, do

business and invest.– Attract, retain and develop the best talent.

2015 INITIATIVESPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


• Getting them to the door …

– Economic Development – Global Hamilton, Economic Development Strategy, CIP update, workforce development strategy, foreign direct investment strategy, SBEC youth entrepreneur program

– Tourism and Culture – Public Art Master Plan Review, Special Event Strategy, Built Heritage Inventory, Cultural Plan, Tourism Strategy, Tourism Based Events such as Junos

– Parking and By-law Services – business licensing, property standards, “Trash Talk”, proactive rental housing enforcement, vacant building registry

2015 INITIATIVESPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


• Getting them through the door …

– Open For Business – case studies, process audit, benchmarks, staff training and development, AMANDA implementation

– Planning – Rural ZBL, Mixed Use/Commercial ZBL, OPAs to facilitate redevelopment, site plan guidelines

– Growth Management – comprehensive development engineering guidelines

– P&BLS – licensing and fee by-law reviews

2015 INITIATIVESPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


• Opening up the next door …

– Waterfront Team – Detailed Design & Construction of Pier 7 Shoreline, Transient Docks, Breakwater, Pier 8 Urban Design Study, Pier 8 Sanitary Pumping Station, Marina Dock replacement, Community Engagement Program, Investment Ready document, disposition strategy

– Planning – Site plan control guidelines, provincial plan reviews, downtown secondary plan, Elfrida Growth Node, GRIDS2

– Growth Management – Elfrida subwatershed study, AEGD, downtown servicing study, SCUBE block servicing studies, staging of development

– Economic Development – Bayfront Strategy, Barton Kenilworth strategy, business park development, business retention and expansion program

– Tourism and Culture – Tourism Strategy implementation

2015 INITIATIVESPlanning & Economic Development 2015 Budget


• Fiscal model is not sustainable– over reliance on Reserves, Capital funding, fines and gapping– no levy funding source for work unrelated to development approvals– overextended staff resources

• Increasing complexity of development applications• Staff training and development• Current Waterfront Team consists of 1.0 FTE in PED• Currency and flexibility of policy and bylaw frameworks• Imminent changes to provincial policy framework• Availability of shovel ready land and the lag time of approx. 10 yrs to

develop raw land• Workforce development, attraction and retention

2015 CHALLENGESPlanning and Economic Development 2015 Budget


2015 Preliminary

Tax Operating Budget



2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY DIVISIONPlanning and Economic Development 2015 Budget

2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

GM, Finance & Support Services 1,384,690 1,466,360 1,393,090 8,400 0.6%

Building 960,800 992,600 1,026,700 65,900 6.9%

Economic Development 6,069,040 6,009,380 6,282,290 213,250 3.5%

Growth Management 4,410 (338,250) 622,470 618,060 n/a

Parking & By-law Services 6,326,710 6,900,590 6,924,660 597,950 9.5%

Planning 2,850,360 3,077,360 3,280,060 429,700 15.1%

Tourism & Culture 7,383,690 7,443,170 7,610,330 226,640 3.1%

NET LEVY 24,979,700 25,551,200 27,139,600 2,159,900 8.6%


2015 MAJOR COST DRIVERSPlanning and Economic Development 2015 Budget

• 6.3% ($1,584,000) of the 8.6% increase is non-discretionary:– Salary and Benefits increase is $1,169,000 which is a 1.7% increase of the

Gross Expenditure budget– Increase in property tax and credit card charges in Parking and By-law of

$56,000– Reduced planning revenues of $300k to reflect conservative estimate of

2015 revenues– Reduced capital funding in Growth Management – $210k

• Reduced staff funding from Dev Fee Stabilization Reserve – $310k• Reduced staff funding from Ec Dev Investment Reserve Fund – $90k


Development Fee Stabilization Reserve (110086)

Planning and Economic Development 2015 BudgetPERFORMANCE METRICS / SERVICE LEVELS

2009 Actuals

2010 Actuals

2011 Actuals

2012 Actuals

2013 Actuals

2014 Budget

2015 Budgetd

Opening Balance 4.3 2.2 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.9 1.2Funding of positions from Reserve ‐0.2 ‐0.2 ‐0.2 ‐0.2 ‐0.2 ‐0.1 ‐0.1Transfer Surplus/Deficit to/fr Res * ‐1.7 ‐0.4 0.2 ‐0.3 0.9 ‐0.3 0Transfer to Capital 0 0 ‐0.1 0 ‐0.1 ‐0.3 0Investment Income 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0Prior Period Adj ‐0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0Year End Balance 2.2 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.9 1.2 1.1


2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY DIVISIONPlanning and Economic Development 2015 Budget

• Dev. Fee Stabilization Reserve budgeted transfers out of reserve to pay for staff:– prior to 2014 = approx. $1 million (12.5 FTEs)– 2014 = approx. $400,000– 2015 = approx. $100,000– 2016 = $0

• Staff funded off PED reserves:– prior to 2014 = 17.5– 2014 = 17.5– 2015 = 4.0– 2016 = 1.0


2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY DIVISIONPlanning and Economic Development 2015 Budget

• Planning / Growth Management vacancies:– 2014 = 27 FTEs– 2015 = 0 FTEs– 2016 = 0 FTEs

• Active files per planner:– 2014 = approx. 32– 2015 = approx. 20

• Active files per engineer:– 2014 = 46 for site plan, zoning, condo, formal consultation

25 for major zoning, draft plans, subdivision engineering approvals– 2015 = 40 for site plan, zoning, condo, formal consultation

13 for major zoning, draft plans, subdivision engineering approvals


2015 GROSS - NET DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget

2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

EMPLOYEE REATED COSTS 51,766,200 49,856,230 53,132,710 1,366,500 2.6% MATERIAL AND SUPPLY 1,931,870 1,915,310 1,952,870 21,000 1.1% VEHICLE EXPENSES 607,930 601,100 623,370 15,440 2.5% BUILDING AND GROUND 2,154,370 2,313,630 2,143,770 (10,600) (0.5)%CONSULTING 158,660 259,950 159,630 970 0.6% CONTRACTUAL 3,762,790 4,087,540 3,684,980 (77,810) (2.1)%AGENCIES and SUPPORT PAYMENTS 803,950 895,350 1,162,130 358,180 44.6% RESERVES / RECOVERIES 4,504,210 4,734,940 3,603,930 (900,280) (20.0)%COST ALLOCATIONS 406,850 317,120 435,100 28,250 6.9% FINANCIAL 2,259,590 2,160,400 2,296,760 37,170 1.6%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 68,356,420 67,141,590 69,195,240 838,820 1.2%

FEES AND GENERAL (37,336,950) (35,806,360) (37,298,580) 38,370 0.1% GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES (339,740) (511,590) (364,740) (25,000) (7.4)%RESERVES (3,026,250) (3,164,080) (1,902,780) 1,123,470 37.1% RECOVERIES FROM CAPITAL (2,673,780) (2,108,360) (2,489,540) 184,240 6.9%

TOTAL REVENUES (43,376,720) (41,590,390) (42,055,640) 1,321,080 3.0%

NET LEVY 24,979,700 25,551,200 27,139,600 2,159,900 8.6%



2015 Budget by Division


Growth Management

Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget




Management Other Total Staff to Mgt Ratio

2014 7.00 43.84 50.84 6.26:1

2015 7.00 43.84 50.84 6.26:1

Change 0.00 0.00 0.00

Growth Management 2015 Budget

Director Development Engineering

DirectorGrowth Planning


Administrative Assistant II

Manager Construction


ManagerEngineering Approvals


ManagerInfrastructure Planning


Senior Project ManagerStaging/Legislative



2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY SECTIONGrowth Management 2015 Budget

Growth Management

2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

Infastructure Planning 971,290 903,040 1,074,110 102,820 10.6%

Grading & Construction Services 178,170 178,170 160,940 (17,230) (9.7)%

Growth Management (1,145,050) (1,419,460) (612,580) 532,470 46.5%

NET LEVY 4,410 (338,250) 622,470 618,060 14015%



Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget




Management Other Total Staff to Mgt Ratio

2014 4.00 67.5 71.5 16.88:1

2015 4.00 67.5 71.5 16.88:1

Change 0.00 0.00 0.00

Planning 2015 Budget

ManagerCommunity Planning


ManagerDevelopment Planning,

Heritage & Design(40.50)

DIRECTORSteve Robichaud

Chief Planner

Administrative Assistant II (1.0)

ManagerPolicy / Information

Planning & Zoning By-Law Reform





2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

Planning & Committee of Adjmt 1,186,750 1,461,160 1,615,350 428,600 36.1%

Policy Planning, Zoning & Data 330,220 304,480 296,390 (33,830) (10.2)%

Community Planning 1,333,390 1,311,710 1,368,320 34,930 2.6%

NET LEVY 2,850,360 3,077,360 3,280,060 429,700 15.1%


Building Services

Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget




Management Other Total Staff to Mgt Ratio

2014 4.00 95.33 99.33 23.58:1

2015 4.00 95.33 99.33 23.58:1

Change 0.00 0.00 0.00

Building Services 2015 Budget

ManagerBuilding Inspections


ManagerBuilding Engineering &

Zoning (26.0)

ManagerPlan Examination


DIRECTOREd Vander Windt

Chief Building Official

Policy & Training Coordinator (1.0)

Administrative Assistant II(1.0)

Amanda Support(2.0)



2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY SECTIONBuilding Services 2015 Budget


2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

Engineering & Zoning Services (141,880) (152,920) (108,330) 33,550 23.6%

Building Inspections 528,270 538,750 538,390 10,120 1.9%

Administration - Building Serv 333,520 356,060 349,420 15,890 4.8%

Plan Examination Sec 240,890 250,710 247,220 6,330 2.6%

Enterprise Model 0 0 0 0 0.0%

NET LEVY 960,800 992,600 1,026,700 65,900 6.9%


Economic Development

Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget




Management Other Total Staff to Mgt Ratio

2014 4.00 39.94 43.94 9.99:1

2015 4.00 39.94 43.94 9.99:1

Change 0.00 0.00 0.00

Economic Development 2015 Budget

ManagerBusiness Development


ManagerUrban Renewal


ManagerReal Estate


DIRECTORNeil Everson

Administrative Assistant I (1.0)


SBEC & H.T.C.(4.0)

Supervisor C&G(8.0)


2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY SECTIONEconomic Development 2015 Budget

Economic Development

2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

HIT Operations 117,050 115,660 117,100 50 0.0%

SBEC 143,580 153,320 216,730 73,150 50.9%

Business Development 2,857,180 2,804,540 2,932,840 75,660 2.6%

Real Estate 678,000 671,020 689,180 11,180 1.6%

Urban Renewal 2,273,230 2,264,830 2,326,430 53,200 2.3%

NET LEVY 6,069,040 6,009,380 6,282,290 213,250 3.5%


Parking & By-law Services

Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget




Management Other Total Staff to Mgt Ratio

2014 9.00 231.54 240.54 25.7:1

2015 9.00 231.54 240.54 25.7:1

Change 0.00 0.00 0.00

Parking & By-law Services 2015 Budget

DIRECTOR Licensing


ManagerParking Enforcement &

School Safety(101.57)


Administrative Assist II(1.0)

ManagerAnimal Services


Administrative Assistant II(1.0)

ManagerMunicipal Law Enforcement


Coordinator Operational Support (1.0)

ManagerLicensing Operations


ManagerParking Ops &

Maintenance (27.00)

DIRECTOR Municipal Law Enforcement


Administrative Assist II(1.0)

Manager Licensing Administration



2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY SECTIONParking & By-law Services 2015 Budget

Parking & By-law Services

2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

Sr. Director 386,030 379,160 398,030 12,000 3.1%

Municipal Law Enforcement 6,794,620 7,053,230 7,008,080 213,460 3.1%

Licensing 564,980 799,560 699,300 134,320 23.8%

Hamilton Municipal Parking System (1,418,920) (1,331,360) (1,180,760) 238,170 16.8%

NET LEVY 6,326,710 6,900,590 6,924,660 597,950 9.5%


Tourism & Culture

Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget




Management Other Total Staff to Mgt Ratio

2014 5.00 65.29 70.29 13.1:1

2015 5.00 65.29 70.29 13.1:1

Change 0.00 0.00 0.00

Tourism & Culture 2015 Budget

ManagerArts, Events and Grants(8.0)

ManagerCultural Planning and Marketing(9.0)

Manager Heritage Resource Management(42.79)

Manager Tourism and Creative Industries(8.5)

DIRECTORAnna M. Bradford

Administrative Assistant II(1.0)


2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY SECTIONTourism & Culture 2015 Budget

Tourism & Culture

2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

Directors Office 472,360 476,970 496,250 23,890 5.1%

Tourism and Cultural Operations 6,911,330 6,966,200 7,114,080 202,750 2.9%

NET LEVY 7,383,690 7,443,170 7,610,330 226,640 3.1%


GM, Finance & Support Services

Planning and Economic Development 2015 Budget


GM, Finance & Support Services 2015 Budget


Management Other Total Staff/Mgt Ratio

2013 3.0 16.0 19.0 5.33:1

2014 3.0 16.0 19.0 5.33:1

Change 0.0 0.0 0.0


ManagerFinance and Administration

Janie Hartwell (12.0)

Administrative Co-ordinatorClem D’Onofrio


Communications OfficerAnn Lamanes


Senior Advisor(Waterfront Office)

Chris Phillips(1.0)

Director, Strategic and Business PlanningBill Janssen (1.0)

H.R. SpecialistDebbie Paddock




2015 NET OPERATING BUDGET BY SECTIONGM, Finance & Support Services 2015 Budget

GM, Finance & Support Services

2014 2014 2015 2015 Preliminary vs.Restated Projected Preliminary 2014 RestatedBudget Actual Budget $ %

GM Office 642,100 613,970 650,650 8,550 1.3%

Finance & Support Services 742,590 852,390 742,440 (150) 0.0%

NET LEVY 1,384,690 1,466,360 1,393,090 8,400 0.6%