Planning, Design and Access Statement -...

Planning, Design and Access Statement Proposed Restaurant for Kentucky Fried Chicken Denton Rock, Alphagate Drive, Denton

Transcript of Planning, Design and Access Statement -...

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Planning, Design and Access Statement

Proposed Restaurant for

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Denton Rock, Alphagate Drive, Denton

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1. Introduction 3 2. Site and Surroundings 4 3. Proposal 5 4. Planning Policy 6 5. Design Considerations 7 6. Access Considerations 10

7. Appraisal 10 8. Conclusion 15

Appendix 1 – Daily Telegraph Article Appendix 2 - Appeal Decision

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This statement is prepared in support of a full application for

planning permission for the construction of a new restaurant for Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) on land at Denton Rock, Alphagate Drive, Denton. It describes the background to the proposal, outlines the nature of the KFC operation, describes the application site and its context, analyses the planning policy considerations and identifies the various factors which support the grant of permission.

1.2 It should be read in conjunction with the submitted plans and

illustrative material together with the Transport Statement prepared by Cameron Rose Associatess.

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2. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 2.1 The application is currently vacant and comprises a cleared,

stoned site other than a small single storey workshop building at the eastern end adjoining the entrance. There is also an advertisement tower located in the north western corner adjoining the motorway roundabout.

2.2 It occupies a prominent location adjoining the junction of Manchester Road/M67 and the M60 Denton interchange. The site is accessed off the end of Alphagate Drive, off Manchester Road South (A57).

2.3 Immediately to south of the site is a Premier Inn hotel, with ‘The

Stable Gate’ public house and a car showroom beyond. There are also two two-storey office developments in the vicinity to the south east on the opposite side of Alphagate Drive. The surrounding area can therefore reasonably be described as being of mixed commercial character.

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3.1 The application seeks full planning permission for the construction of a drive-through restaurant, to be operated by Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), together with customer car parking, access facilities and associated landscaping.

3.2 The proposed restaurant is 30m long x 10m wide and has an

area of 278 square metres (2992 sq ft) plus cold stores and is sited parallel to Manchester Road. The accommodation includes entrance, servery, dining area with 100 seats, kitchen, store and ancillary toilets, back up etc. A drive-through facility is also to be provided with a separate driveway around the building. A proposed compound is also located on the eastern elevation and has dimensions of 2.5m x 5.5m. It is to be constructed of brickwork and will accommodate external condenser plant and equipment, oil storage tank and refuse bins together with service access.

3.3 Vehicular access is to be taken from Alphagate Drive at the

eastern end of the site. A total of 33 parking spaces are to be provided including two disabled spaces and the drive-thru facility provides sufficient space for customers to wait, place orders and collect meals without interfering with the flow of traffic to and from the site. New signage will be the subject of a separate application. The proposed operating hours of the restaurant are between 7.30am – 11pm Sundays – Thursdays and 7.30am – 12 midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

3.4 The building is single storey and includes a ‘blade feature’ on

the front/drive-thru side corner. It is to be finished with composite panels coloured ‘merlin grey’ with red feature panels and brickwork to the kitchen area.

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4.1 National Guidance

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 4.1.1 This policy framework, published in March 2012, sets out the

Government’s overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system and how these are to be applied. It must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and is a material consideration in planning decisions. It states that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and identifies three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. Previous Planning Policy Statements have been replaced.

4.1.2 At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of

sustainable development and 12 core planning principles are identified which should underpin both plan-making and decision-taking including that planning should be genuinely plan-led. It states that the Government is committed to securing economic growth in order to create jobs and prosperity, building on the country’s inherent strengths and to meeting the twin challenges of global competition and of a low carbon future. Planning policies should be positive and promote competitive town centres and should require applications for main town centre uses to be located in town centres, then in edge of centre locations and only if suitable sites are not available should out of centre sites be considered.

4.2 Regional Spatial Strategy 4.2.1 The North West Plan, the review RSS for the North West of

England was published in September 2008 and forms part of the development plan. It maintains a focus for development in accessible locations with the reuse of previously developed land within settlements and seeks to ensure a high quality in design and construction and to provide for a range of local services and facilities within existing centres.

4.3 Development Plan 4.3.1 The relevant development plan is the Tameside Unitary

Development Plan Review, which was adopted on 17 November 2004. On the Proposals Map the application site is shown to lie entirely within an Established Employment Area. The relevant policies include the following:

E3 Established Employment Areas – this policy states that within “established employment areas” the Council will permit development for employment purposes (Classes B1, B2 and B8) both on vacant sites and through the redevelopment of sites already in use. In addition built leisure uses will also be appropriate but those expected to attract a large number of visitors will be subject to a sequential test in which town centres are the favoured location. S8 Built Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Development – this policy states that leisure proposals which are expected to attract large numbers of visitors will be permitted within the Borough’s town centres. Such proposals not within town centres will be required to demonstrate that a need exists and that a sequential approach has been applied. Proposals for all other facilities will

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be permitted provided any scheme will not lead to an unacceptable loss of amenity or lead to traffic problems.

4.4 Emerging Development Plan 4.4.1 Tameside Council has commenced preparation of its Local

Development Framework and is currently undertaking consultation on the Core Strategy Issues and Options.


5.1 The NPPF includes specific guidance in respect of requiring

good design which is a key aspect of sustainable development and should contribute positively to making places better for people. Key objectives should include:

Ensuring that development is sustainable, durable and

adaptable; Optimising the potential of the site to accommodate

development, create and sustain an appropriate mix of uses and support local facilities and transport networks;

Responding to the local context and reinforcing local distinctiveness;

Creating safe and accessible environments; Addressing the needs of all in society; and Achieving visually attractive developments through good

architecture and appropriate landscaping. 5.2 The good practice document ‘By Design’ (DETR/CABE) is

required to be taken into account by local planning authorities with the aim of achieving high quality and inclusive design. It focuses on the design of buildings and spaces, landscapes and transport movement systems and highlights the following elements:

Character Local distinctiveness Continuity and enclosure Quality of the public realm.

5.3 Planning should promote:

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Public spaces and routes that are attractive, safe and

available to all members of society including disable and elderly people;

Ease of movement by integrating land use and transport; Legibility through recognised routes, intersections and

landmarks; Adaptability in order to respond to changing social,

economic and technical conditions; Diversity through variety and choice.

5.4 Context 5.4.1 As described above, the site is located adjoining the

M60/M67/A57 interchange in a prominent gateway location adjoining the Manchester Road frontage. The site lies within the urban area and the surrounding area is predominantly commercial in character and includes a hotel and pub/restaurant

5.4.2 The proposal involves the re-use of previously developed land

following the previous demolition of the former properties and is close to a similar existing recreation and leisure uses such that it is well related in context. It involves an acceptable use for the site identified in the Council’s adopted UDP.


5.5 Use 5.5.1 The site is presently vacant and includes a vacant workshop

building to be demolished and the proposal involves a drive-thru restaurant, which is appropriate in land use terms both within the established employment area and along the A57 transport corridor. It will relate well to other uses both on Alphagtae Drive and on Oldham Street in the vicinity of the site.

5.5.1 The building is presently vacant but was formerly occupied for

retail purposes and the proposal, involves a restaurant use, which is not significantly different in land use terms. It will relate well to other restaurants along Great Portwood Street in the vicinity of the site.

5.6 Amount 5.6.1 The proposed development involves the construction of a

building providing 278 square metres of floorspace with dimensions of 30 metres x 10 metres. It will provide a fully air conditioned and attractive dining area with seating facilities to accommodate up to 100 customers.


5.7 Layout 5.7.1 The proposed site layout seeks to accommodate the restaurant

with drive-thru facility and customer car parking and to make a positive contribution to the area. The building is located close to the Manchester Road/ M67 frontage as possible to achieve a presence. The access is to be formed from Alphagate Drive to maximise accessibility due to the existing road layout and the car parking area is served directly off the access road. The main customer entrance to the building is on the south facing elevation with the drive-thru facility taken around the north side of the building to provide appropriate waiting capacity. Separate service parking space is provided.

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5.8 Scale 5.8.1 The building is of single storey form and will occupy only

approximately 12.5% of the site. It is 30m x 10m and is 6.6 metres high and 10 metres at the highest point to the top of the ‘blade feature’.

5.9 Appearance 5.9.1 KFC have used broadly standard designs for some years based

on an American model. Recently a new design specifically for the UK has been developed, some of the features of which are proposed to be accommodated at Huddersfield Road.

5.9.2 The proposed development sets out to:

Provide a more contemporary “sharper” image;

Utilise more modern materials offering better performance against sustainable development objectives;

Move away from the need for large strident advertisements by incorporating the advertising into the fabric of the building.

5.9.3 The external materials of construction include insulated smooth

faced metal panels of a ‘merlin grey’ colour with red feature panels and glazing panels to the entrance and return elevations. The service yard at the northern end of the building is to be constructed of facing brickwork.

5.9.4 The roofline is finished with metal cladding and includes a raised

‘feature blade’ positioned at the southern end. This will provide

some identity to the building, given its position, and will include corporate signage.

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5.10 Landscaping 5.10.3 The proposal incorporates new landscaping proposals to

enhance the appearance of the site.

6. ACCESS CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 The site is in a very sustainable location within easy walking

distance of existing leisure, retail and recreation uses within the locality. It is accessible by cycling, walking and by public transport, Denton station being nearby and Manchester Road being on a high frequency bus route with dedicated bus lanes.

6.2 Vehicular access to the site is to be taken from Alphagate Drive

which will provide access to the customer car park and to the drive-thru lane around the building. 30 parking spaces are proposed including 2 disabled spaces. Provision is also made for 5 cycle stands (10 spaces).

6.2 A Transport Statement prepared by Cameron Rose Associates

has been submitted with the application. This demonstrates that the proposals are unlikely to generate any material additional traffic on the local highway network and that the Alphagate Drive/Manchester Road junction operates within capacity and queuing traffic will not affect the operation of the proposed access.


7.1 Land Use Policy 7.1.1 The site is located within the urban area and an area which is

predominantly commercial in character including several existing recreation and leisure uses. It is within an Established Employment Area and in terms of land use considerations the proposed development of a drive-thru restaurant is appropriate and consistent with the provisions of policy E3 of the adopted development plan.

7.1.2 The policy serves a dual purpose to identify areas where

employment development would be acceptable and to set criteria by which proposals for non-employment uses will be determined. In particular, built leisure uses are normally considered to be appropriate, whilst those expected to attract large numbers of visitors will be subject to a sequential test in which town centres are the favoured location.

7.1.3 The NPPF confirms that leisure, entertainment facilities the more

intensive sport and recreation uses (including restaurants) are one category of defined main town centre uses where a sequential assessment is required for developments which are not within an existing centre or in accordance with an up-to-date Local Plan. Although UDP Policy E3 does not define ‘built leisure uses’ it is reasonable to adopt this range of leisure/recreation uses, which are also referred to in Policy S8 as appropriate within the terms of the policy. Moreover, the proposal involves the development of a family orientated ‘drive thru’ restaurant’, which cannot be readily accommodated within the defined town centre of Denton. There are also several other similar uses in the vicinity of the site including hotel, public house/restaurant and health and fitness centre and it is reasonable to conclude that the

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proposal accords with the provisions of Policy E3 such that a sequential assessment need not be applied.

7.1.4 Moreover, alternative sites within the defined town centre that

have been suggested are not suitable or available. Existing traditional shops along Manchester Road/Stockport Road/Hyde Road are predominantly small terraced units which are not suitable to accommodate the proposal. With regard to other particular sites, in respect of the Crown Point North Retail Park, the landlord will not permit the development of any drive-thru facilities and there is a further restriction associated with the existing McDonald’s restaurant. The existing in-line units are not suitable and there is insufficient space within the customer car park. A similar restriction is being imposed by the landlord in respect of the proposed Crown Point East Retail Park on the former Oldhan Batteries site at Edward Street requiring only in-line units since it is considered that drive-thru facilities take up developable area and are not therefore viable. The site at Inman Street/Saxon Street is not of sufficient size to met KFC’s requirements and although a consent has been granted for a drive-thru restaurant, this is now being developed as in-line units and is no longer available.

7.1.5 KFC’s requirement for a modern, new style restaurant in a

‘flagship’ location in principle cities, including Manchester requires the identification of a high profile, landmark site and Denton Rock is ideally placed to fulfil this requirement. In sequential terms, the ‘pass-by’ car-borne nature of the trade of drive-thru restaurants must also be recognised together with the localised catchment of non car-borne trade. It is proposed that the site will encompass the latest designs both internally and externally providing a much more attractive catering proposition for both families and business customers to enhance and reposition the brands image in the Quick Service Restaurant market.

7.1.6 The site has the benefit of a planning permission granted in 2006

for two office units and has been actively marketed for the last 4-5 years without any serious interest other than by a budget hotel operator, who has since decided to develop a site in Glossop. Other than the signage tower it remains vacant, whilst two recent adjacent new office developments on Alphagate Drive also remain largely unlet.

7.2 Employment

7.2.1 Whilst the proposed restaurant use is considered to be appropriate in policy terms in this location, it should also be noted that the development will not involve any loss of any existing employment at the site and will in itself generate significant employment opportunities both during construction and in staffing the proposed restaurant.

7.2.2 The proposal includes both restaurant dining and take-away with

drive-thru facility and will generate employment for 40-50 staff, both part time and full time, the majority of which will be available for local people. Existing opening hours are 10.30am – 11pm daily and until 12 midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition, the company are introducing a breakfast menu which will then commence opening at 7.30am. As indicated, significant staff numbers are required to fulfil these operating hours and this level of employment is significant and consistent with the aims of Policy E3 and will be greater than many alternative B1, B2 and B8 uses.

7.2.3 KFC’s policy is to:

Employ the best qualified personnel in all positions;

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Provide equal advancement opportunities to all employees with regard to career progression, promotion and training;

Administer these activities in a manner which does not discriminate against any person because of race, colour, creed, age, sex or disability.

The Company encourage at every opportunity and at all levels, job applications from the local community to apply for existing KFC stores and new KFC stores. The Company will utilise all local methods of attraction to recruit employees and has a National Account Manager with the Job Centres and uses Local Store Marketing to promote opportunities within the Company. Store managers are encouraged to build strong relationships with their local Job Centre to promote the opportunities available at KFC at Team Member level and above. The Company also use popular Internet Job Boards, Jobsite, Reed and Total Jobs along with national and local recruitment agencies.

7.2.4 Extensive staff training programmes are provided. 50% of

supervisors and managers are promoted from within the company. Every employee of KFC has to attend a Central Induction on Day 1 of their employment with the Company. Team Member training consists of three sections:

Service: completed by all Team Members who have direct contact with KFC customers;

Middle: completed by all Team Members who work in this area, training on equipment such as fryers and other small cooking equipment;

Cook: completed by all Team members who prepare and cook Original Recipe Chicken and in-store prepared products.

7.2.5 Team members can be fully trained in all 3 areas and this is a requirement to progress to Team Leader (Supervisor). 64% of KFC’s Restaurant Managers are internal promotes and with the right enthusiasm people can rise from Team Member to Team Leader in just two months. Nine of KFC’s 32 Area Coaches started out as a Team member with a further eight starting out as a Restaurant Manager or Assistant.

7.2.6 KFC pride themselves on helping their employees develop and

grow their skills. As such, the Company has recently launched an Advanced Apprenticeship scheme, a City and Guilds-accredited pilot, which combines the existing training that KFC offers with learning in Maths and English up to GCSE level and now have over 200 employees benefitting from the process leading to recognised NVQs.

7.2.7 A recent press article acknowledging the company’s training and

development programmes and opportunities for career development is included at Appendix 1. This highlights the availability of apprenticeship schemes and the contribution to establishing meaningful careers for young people in particular those with limited academic qualifications.

7.2.8 We also draw attention to a recent appeal decision in respect of

a proposed McDonald’s restaurant at Tamworth where the Inspector gave considerable weight to the value of the employment opportunities to be created in an established employment area, particularly in the current economic circumstances and the basic aim of the policy to facilitate diverse employment opportunity. A copy of the Inspector’s decision letter of 4 May 2011 is attached at Appendix 2 (APP/Z3445/A/10/2140221).

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7.3 Car Parking 7.3.1 The proposal includes the provision of 33 car parking spaces

including disabled parking spaces and the operation of the car park associated with the proposed restaurant use is addressed in the Transport Statement prepared by Cameron Rose associates. This concludes that the proposal will not impact on the local highway network, is well located to encourage travel by sustainable modes of transport and accords with both local and national policies.

7.3.2 The proposed closure of an existing access to the site and the

formation of a new access to serve the site will ensure safe and convenient access and egress for customers and the layout has been designed to avoid queuing vehicles for the drive-thru to be contained within the site to avoid any conflict with passing traffic on the adjoining highways. Separate parking space is also provided for service vehicles.

7.4 Amenity/Pollution 7.4.1 The restaurant will include a full environmental control system for

food processing and cooking and this a standard provision on all KFC restaurants. Details of the kitchen extraction system and ‘PurifiedAir’ odour neutraliser together with noise rating are included with the application. Moreover, the proposed restaurant is located in a commercial area, with no directly neighbouring residential properties. There is therefore no conflict with the requirements of UDP policy EP1.3 in this regard.

7.5 Crime Prevention

7.5.1 Safes – the safe specification is a ‘Fireking’ safe or similar fixed to the floor in a lockable office with 4 inch grade 5 anchor bolts. The safe has a man safe where the change float is kept and a locked inner safe where the bulk deposits (takings) are dropped into. The inner safe cannot be accessed by anyone on site and only open with a G4S (cash in transit company) guard in attendance with his key presented alongside a manager key and code. No staff can access the inner safe where the takings are dropped into at the end of each shift. The safe is time locked so that both the inner and outer safe cannot be accessed during store closure times.

7.5.2 Alarms – a full alarm system will be installed to be remotely

monitored by Kings Security Ltd. The system to be installed is to the latest European standards EN50131. It is also PD6662 grade 2. The monitoring is via dual path signalling to a NSI Alarm Receiving Centre, utilising both ADSL, GPRS data paths and mobile technology to guard against physical damage to phone lines.

7.5.3 Cash Minimisation Boxes – these are fitted under all tills, also

known as cash drop boxes. Any excess notes taken by cashiers above their set float amount will be placed in the cash drop box. This acts as a deterrent to would be till snatches or robberies.

7.5.4 Panic Alarms – these are located under the till area and also in

the office where the till is located. All staff are trained on the use of these buttons.

7.5.5 CCTV – A full digital colour CCTV system is to be installed, with

approximately 16 cameras, an office monitor and a shop floor monitor in order that customers can see recording, which acts as

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a deterrent. The cameras are located to cover entry and exit points with the front door camera placed to assist police with facial recognition. Cameras also cover the drive-thru lane to capture the vehicles coming through. The rest of the cameras are placed in the store to cover the till areas, customer dining area, stock area and kitchen areas. There is a dedicated office camera which covers the safe and cash counting area which cannot be viewed at store level. The store can view images on site (except office camera) and at head office a full-time employee acts as a police liaison officer to download any images which the police may require to assist their enquiries.

7.5.6 Windows – in customer areas these are not frosted or built as a

half wall on the advice of local crime prevention officers to give an open view to passing officers and the general public as a deterrent to bag theft and drug dealing.

7.5.7 Training – all staff at all levels receive training on cash handling

and physical security including store opening/closing procedures to keep them as safe as possible.

7.5.8 Secured by Design – all restaurants are designed on this basis

and the proposals have taken account of the principles of “Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design” as required by UDP Policy DCD1.6. The crime prevention measures are appropriate, realistic and cost effective and take account of the needs of customers, suppliers and staff.

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8.1 The proposal involves the construction of a new KFC drive-

thru restaurant on a currently vacant, brownfield site within a commercial area in a highly accessible location within the urban area. The proposal will provide a quality development of good, innovative design in a prominent gateway location and generate significant employment opportunities. It is consistent with national and local policies and will not cause any loss of amenity to nearby residents or lead to traffic problems.

8.2 We conclude that there are no planning considerations

adverse to the grant of planning permission.

Higham & Co June 2012