Planning and Organizing The Team Building in Sydney? Learn from These US Airmen


Transcript of Planning and Organizing The Team Building in Sydney? Learn from These US Airmen

Page 1: Planning and Organizing The Team Building in Sydney? Learn from These US Airmen
Page 2: Planning and Organizing The Team Building in Sydney? Learn from These US Airmen

Planning a Team Building in Sydney? Learn from

These US Airmen

Page 3: Planning and Organizing The Team Building in Sydney? Learn from These US Airmen

Conducting team building in Sydney is one of the best ways to

instil a sense of teamwork, cooperation, and camaraderie amongst the members of your

staff.By giving those people who don’t normally interact with each

other the opportunity to work 

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Page 5: Planning and Organizing The Team Building in Sydney? Learn from These US Airmen

together, you’re providing them with the chance to get to know each

other better.

What’s more, organising team building activities can also help

bring out the hidden strengths and talents of your team members.

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It allows you to discover their personalities and what they are good at, which is a knowledge that you can capitalise on to

improve the productivity and efficiency of your company or


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But what sort of team building activities you should cook up for

your team members?

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When it comes to creating team building activities for your staff, the sky is the limit. With a bit of

creativity and ingenuity, you’ll be able to organise an event your

team members will like and learn from.

Just take the example of US.

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airmen stationed at the Travis Air Force Base in California. To further

strengthen their bonds, these grown-up men got down on their knees and played like little kids.

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As part of their Wingman Day activities, some of the members of

the 60th Air Mobility Wing played a life-size version of Hungry Hungry


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According to the wing’s public affairs office, the activity was

designed to “provide training and hands-on participation exercises for airmen and frontline supervisors to

enhance their ability to recognise and effectively intervene with other

airmen in distress.”

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Throughout the years, the members of the 60th Air Mobility

Wing have been known for organising quirky team building activities to promote teamwork

and cooperation.

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Page 14: Planning and Organizing The Team Building in Sydney? Learn from These US Airmen

As a matter of fact, the airmen have conducted 5K runs in the past. But unlike the typical 5K runs, all of the

participants were tied together during the race. Kind of like

a Sydney Amazing Race but with a unique twist.

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According to Master Sgt Scott Moore, the activities emphasise the

importance of looking after your team mates, especially in their

profession where their lives can be at risk more often than not.

He said they have been using team-related fitness events to promote teamwork while having fun at the

same time.

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If trained soldiers have no qualms about crawling on the floor and playing like children to improve

their sense of teamwork, the members of your staff would

probably have no problem getting down with such fun activities.

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Not only will it give them some much-needed time off from their

usual office routine, it can also teach them something new about


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When organising team building events for your employees, always ensure that they are meaningful and educational. Second, there must be a fun

factor in there, otherwise, your team members would think

these activities are only a waste of their time.

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And finally, they should be safe. No matter which activity you

choose for your team building in Australia, always

prioritise the safety and security of your team members

to avoid accidents that could lead to lawsuits and

compensation claims.

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