First Instruction of the Diamond Sky Dakinis of Gaia-Sophia: "You cannot become anything but more beautiful." Introducing Planetary Tantra Tantra Tour (Site Guide) Foundations: Orientation Essays With Planetary Tantra, goes Tantric, donning a new look and new language, but its primary goal is unchanged: to invite participation in a future myth. This conversion of the site signals a passage from invitation to invocation, a call to make love interactive with the supernatural magic of the living earth, Gaia. What is Planetary Tantra? Rapturous immersion through desire and imagination in the dreaming power of the earth. It is the most intimate way of bonding with the planetary animal mother, Gaia. Planetary Tantra is a single-impulse continuum: the origin, path, and goal are one. The main requirement for entering this experiment is a profound love of pleasure. Love as such does not determine the course of experience in Gaian Tantricism, but the love of pleasure reveals and engenders the many pleasures of love. This impulse is hedonic and voluptuary, extravagant in moods and desires. The body is its instrument, the setting for it is the energetic field of the living earth. The love for pleasure is a cosmic impulse so vast and consuming that it would wreak havoc if not balanced by another impulse, the love of handling power. Not the love of power, but of handling it. Tantra is a way of handling power, especially the power of attraction,



Transcript of PLANETARY TANTRA.doc


First Instruction of the Diamond Sky Dakinis of Gaia-Sophia:"You cannot become anything but more beautiful."

Introducing Planetary Tantra

Tantra Tour (Site Guide)Foundations: Orientation Essays

With Planetary Tantra, goes Tantric, donning a new look and new language, but its primary goal is unchanged: to invite participation in a future myth.

This conversion of the site signals a passage from invitation to invocation, a call to make love interactive with the supernatural magic of the living earth, Gaia.

What is Planetary Tantra? Rapturous immersion through desire and imagination in the dreaming power of the earth. It is the most intimate way of

bonding with the planetary animal mother, Gaia.

Planetary Tantra is a single-impulse continuum: the origin, path, and goal are one. The main requirement for entering this experiment is a profound love of pleasure. Love as such does not determine the course of experience in Gaian

Tantricism, but the love of pleasure reveals and engenders the many pleasures of love. This impulse is hedonic and voluptuary, extravagant in moods and

desires. The body is its instrument, the setting for it is the energetic field of the living earth.

The love for pleasure is a cosmic impulse so vast and consuming that it would wreak havoc if not balanced by another impulse, the love of handling power. Not the love of power, but of handling it. Tantra is a way of handling power, especially the power of attraction, mood, mania, inspiration, including any

emotion, positive or negative. Power in Tantric terms has nothing to do with authority, or exercising control over others, or similar forms of patriarchal

domination. Gaian Tantra is the antidote to the male control disease that infects humanity at the close of Kali Yuga. If the genuine love of pleasure guides

human morals, the sick pleasure of wielding power over others cannot prevail.

In Hindu traditions of goddess mysticism, the practice of handling power was called Shaktism, after shakti, "power, pure energy, dynamism." Shakti is

understood to be exclusively the power of the Divine Feminine, "the Goddess." So, Tantra is the practice of handling goddess power. To be precise, it is the

playful, experimental dynamic of power-sharing with the goddess whose body


is the eartth. It is not a power-trip for anyone alone, acting on selfish motives, or the wish to control, or grandiosity.

Bonding with Gaia relies on desire and imagination, faculties the earth goddess implants in human creatures as a divine birthright. Turn those faculties toward Gaia, the source, and you bond with her at the source. Desire and imagination

as you experience them right now are direct, immanent extensions of the dreaming power of the planetary mother animal, not faculties confined to you

alone. They are two-way energetic tendrils of her life-field vibrating in the human psyche and body.

The human animal is wired to Gaia, literally and spiritually.

Planetary Tantra explores the bioelectromagnetic features of desire in the planetary field, and the reflex of human visionary power in the physical atmosphere. And it explores these dimensions of geophysical reality in

exquisite detail, with intimate involvement. This tantra is high ritual enjoyment of human pleasures grounded in the planetary organism. "The practices of the

devotees of Earth Goddess are a pleasure to perform" (Mahanirvana Tantra, 12 C. CE). Desire rather than love directs the rituals of Gaian Tantra, Planetary


Imagination is the dreaming power of Gaia but does not appear to be so until its actually aligns you to her. Alignment comes through knowing and loving her

story, the myth of her life including her self-designated identity. The Terma of Gaia Awakening is a pact for interacting with divine imagination. Planetary Tantra is the elaboration of that pact into manifold expressions of beauty,

wonder, and transmutation.


It is next to impossible to transmit Planetary Tantra by exposition and discourse. Transmission happens through direct contact via a spark of delight

leaping from one Gaian tantrika to another. This divine experiment is not progressive: it runs in jolts. Rapture and recognition are the weave, the double-stranded Eros of the planetary animal mother. But lacking the opportunity for

such contact, the privilege to stand together in that weave, that wave of incomparable bliss, I am venturing to introduce Planetary Tantra in written

words on this site.


Tantra for the Planet: Shaktism Reinvented

To present Planetary Tantra by exposition, I convert the Sophianic message of into the language of Asian Tantra. Does that mean that I have

reverted to the old-time religions of the East? Not at all. This experiment is pure innovation, a test of playful novelty. Like the mother site,,

Planetary Tantra stands on its originality. I use received materials such as teachings of the Tibetan sage Longchenpa, only if I can upscale them to

elucidate and enhance the challenge of power-sharing with the planetary animal mother. Likewise for the Hindu and Dravidian images of infernal goddesses associated with Kali and her retinue: I spin these icons toward a visionary

purpose that will soon enough morph them into new expressions of the Divine Feminine.

The treasury of Asian mysticism is vast, so what is the focal factor in Planetary Tantra that concurs with the ancient traditions? It is the "worship of power," as

Shaktism is often defined. And not just any power, but feminine power exclusively. My conversion is a long bet on the risky proposition that the

supernatural feminine power animating the earth can be coupled to human intention. Some foundations of this proposal can be found in Hindu

devotionalism and Tibetan Tantra, but mainly in the Shakta approach to life, by


intimate engagement with the powers of the Divine Feminin, but essential it is novel and unique to this moment in history, right now.

revised jll 8 August 2010 with Svatantriya Ma whose dance is freedom

Gaian Tantra

Planetary Tantra is not an attempt to revive the Pagan Mysteries, but it is a continuation of the Sophianic vision recovered and restored from Gnostic

sources on the Pan-Europan Pre-Christian Mysteries. It fuses the Pagan Gnostic revelation of the living earth with Asian mystical teachings and practices, and

extrapolates gnosis in some unusual ways.

Starting with the Tantric conversion, Sophia :: Wisdom :: Vidya, this site takes a freewheeling experimental approach to the "goddess revival". Nothing faintly resembling organized dogmatic religion is intended, of course. Consistent with

the critical spirit of, I do not endorse or promote received religious beliefs of any kind, Eastern or Wertern. But neither do I deny the need to explore and express the religious imagination of our species. My purpose is to indicate the direction in which that potent faculty of imagination might be

aimed in the last two centuries of Kali Yuga (3102 BCE - 2216 CE).

First and foremost, Planetary Tantra is a path of interactive magic with Gaia-Sophia, an intimate way to engage the supernatural powers of the

Divine Feminine in every aspect of life, love, and destiny.

With Planetary Tantra, the aim of shifts from educational to experimental. I am not longer writing theoretically, nor even mythopoetically, about our connection to Sophia, the wisdom goddess embodied in the earth.

Planetary Tantra is a path of interactivity.

Dakini Wisdom

This new material reflects the impact of a series of experiences I underwent in the summer of 2008. It is, if you will, the fruit of a personal revelation, but not restricted to me personally. It begins with me but it does not belong to me. And

who knows, it may also be flashing up elsewhere through others around the planet. I am not the sole author of Planetary Tantra though I will initially

appear to be so, simply because I am the one to announce it. But this is a group-generated, serial revelation, just now getting underway. The Maine terton (pun intended) is the discoverer of an incomparable wisdom treasure, the Terma of


Gaia Awakening. He is like a prospector who finds a rich vein of precious ore in a mountainside. Many will come and mine this ore, this lore. I am convinced

that sacred and beautiful artifacts will be made from the substance of these writings, and this arcane teaching will serve commerce in future transactions in a catastrophic world. The discovery of this particular vein of goddess wisdom presages a bonanza, an exceptionally large and rich deposit. Planetary Tantra

may become a veritable gold rush of open source spirituality.

Second, Planetary Tantra is the way of direct access to "the spontaneously arising dakini wisdom," as it is called in Tibetan Tantra. This wisdom is the subliminal frequency of the enlightened mind concealed within the

ordinary, non-enlightened mindstream.

A dakini is a feminine supernatural being who confers wisdom and magical powers. Considered as expressions of Gaia, dakinis might be compared to veins

of precious ore in the earth (the mining analogy again). The natural magic of Gaia is present all through the biosphere, in rocks and trees, clouds and the ocean, plants and animals, but veins of emerald, sapphire, ruby and other

precious stones are not found everywhere. They are extraordinary deposits, rare extrusions of the material power of the earth. Just so, dakinis are rare extrusions

of the living wisdom of the earth, Gaia-Sophia. Planetary Tantra is a way to interact intimately with these dakinis and receive their instruction. They are

"tutelary deities," witches who teach us the purposes of the Wisdom Goddess, among other things.

Finally, Planetary Tantra is the method of experimental mysticism uniquely based on a great mandala, the Shakti Cluster. Kali, a wrathful

form of Gaia-Sophia, animates this mandala along with Gaia in her dakini guise. Planetary Tantra is the fast-track approach to liberation for our

time, the last two centuries of Kali Yuga (3102 BCE - 2216 CE).

Like Dzogchen, Planetary Tantra is not a gradualist approach but a way of "non-attainment," sudden illumination. In this respect, it also compares to Ch'an and Zen Buddhism. Kali is the primary supernatural agency to be

recognized on this path of fast-track liberation. The Hindu goddess Kali is said to oversee the current age, Kali Yuga, and she emerges as the dominant

presence in the human psyche as the age draws to a close. She is consequently the "strange attractor" for the religious imagination of our species at the

moment when the very survival of humankind, morally and physically, is at stake.


Kali is an aspect of Gaia just now coming into view as such: that is, as an organ of the living planet. She is not the wrath of Gaia, but the repository and reflex of the wrath of everyone enraged in her behalf. Predatory behavior within our species, perpetrated by members of our own species, the sickness of society, the idiocy of cultures, the global games of deceit and manipulation, and the

venal exploitation and desecration of the earth—are matters for Kali to handle. To those who align with her, she offers a deal on power that you can't refuse, because your own deepest addiction seals the deal for you. However, due to human weakness, hypocrisy, cowardice, and moral reservations (so-called),

most human wrath cannot be enacted or expressed in an effectual way, so that it would make a difference in the world at large. Kali receives our unexpelled

wrath to turn it around and direct it back to humanity in ways that no individual can do.

Outrageous Freedom

The synergy of love and the supernatural generates power of unimaginable intensity and scope: power to play, not control, to dissolve, not dominate, to enhance and enchant, not seduce, to teach and inspire, not deceive, to direct,

not manipulate. One of the open secrets of Planetary Tantra is this: such power becomes available only to those who no longer care about having it.

Traditionally, since the inception of Mahayana Buddhism around 150 CE, the Bodhisattva Vow has expressed the primary aim of Buddhist practice: namely, to strive for the liberation of all sentient beings. But in the closing years of Kali

Yuga, this proposition becomes obsolete due to the chaotic decadence of the human condition. Under Kali and the Gaian Dakinis of the Shakti Cluster, the power required to liberate all sentient beings comes with the freedom to use it

any way you like. Any way. How ultimate freedom of desire aligns with planetary magic is the sweet short secret of this Tantra.

Planetary Tantra is a path of outrageous freedom, celebrated with outrageous love but abslutely without any obligation to love. This path has some

precedents regarding spiritual orientation and technique, but it is without precedent in actual practice. Parallels with Indian and Tibetan Tantra can help to elucidate its unique nature and show how it is custom-made for this moment

in historical time, right now. It is not a timeless method, but a tactic for near instanteous change. As such, it may also be called Kala Tantra, the Tantra of

this instant: in Sanskrit, kala, "the present moment of time."

Collaboration with the Divine Feminine is a real, testable fantasy, not an escape fantasy. The test is pure play and innovation with minimal parameters.

Enlightenment comes from discovering your own creative-visionary potential,


owning the birthright of divine imagination—yes, but doing so as it connects to the planet, not as it stands alone. Learning how to handle enlightenment comes

with the recognition of the blissful wisdom display, the Shakti Cluster, and tracking of the lunar cycles that announces the shifting frequencies of the

Cluster over time.

Planetary Tantra is first and foremost a self-liberation option. It is not primarily oriented to saving the world, loving humanity, or abstract prerogatives of that

sort. It is not transhumanist (i.e., proposing a quasi-divine or cybernetic mutation of the human species) but it does point beyond the human condition.

The power required to liberate all sentient beings is beyond human holding capacity, and so to adopt the Bodhisattva Vow is, nowadays, futile and

misleading. The power for liberation on that scale streams from the eighteen Gaian Dakinis of the Shakti Cluster, and nowhere else. These Dakinis are

expressions of the Divine Feminine who align us as individuals to a different vow, a different intent: to make love interactive with the supernatural

dimension wherefrom those sacred powers emanate.

Personal Disclaimer

In closing, let me address the concern that John Lash has finally gone off his rocker and turned into a religious fanatic, the leader of his private cult of

"dakini magic". That he's recklessly pirating sacred Buddhist teachings for a sex-crazed power-trip, proposing weird games fed by his occult fantasies,

passing off channeled material as divine revelation, and worse. These concerns are predictable and may well be heightened in some minds by the tone and

content of what's to come.

If you have even riffled my last book, Not in His Image, you will understand that I am the last person on the planet who wants to invite a messiah projection. I am anti-guru to the marrow. I don't ask anyone to trust me or follow me as a

leader or believe a single word I write. Just consider Planetary Tantra in a dispassionate, open-minded way, if you can. And if you dare, go toward where

it takes you.


May what I now begin to teach reach toward another kind of instruction, the awakening to the genius of your own mind under the sublime gaze of

the Wisdom Goddess and her console of immanent powers, the Shakti Cluster.


Go rapturously where wisdom displays the magical powers of your non-originated knowing, at once selfbound and selfless. Let love merge you

surely and sweetly into the luminous matrix of the Supernatural.

jll: Through Kula Devi 22 November 2008 Andalucia



Delivery : 26 JANUARY 2009

First Instruction of the Wisdom Dakinis of Gaia-Sophia:"You cannot become anything but more beautiful."

Daring and Delight

A mystical and mischievous welcome to friends and strangers alike, conspirators in the Sophianic Vision and budding adepts of planetary gnosis! Every day is unique in

some way, and today (26 January 2009) is uniquely the day for the inception of Planetary Tantra. I feel immense gratitude for the privilege of releasing the sacred

instruction of the Diamond Sky Dakinis, starting with the secret name that Gaia will answer to, and the vow of consecration required to pronounce that name aloud,

which I received on October 10, 2008, 108 days ago. Almost simultaneously, came the three other components of delivery: the yantra, the mantra, and the 2nd


These instructions for the Gaian Kala Tantra Vow are simple and easy to perform. For now, I provide no more than the minimal commentary required to explain how to

put the five components into practice.

There are many ways interact with Gaia: first and foremost, simply breathe. Likewise, walk in nature, dance under the stars, garden and learn about flowers and

herbs, explore the seaside and ocean, investigate biology and geology, commune with other species. As perhaps the most intimate form of interactivity, Planetary

Tantra is shamanic, sensorial, and sexual. This practice is like anuttarra yoga, the ultimate technique of spiritual union, but surpasses any traditional method, Eastern or Western, by a unique opportunity: to merge love and the supernatural. It invites the supreme magic of co-emergence, the union of desire and emptiness, in complicity with the earth in many ways that can be tested by direct experience. This is Kala

Tantra, what works for this instant, right now.

Over the coming months I will show how the Shakti Cluster is a full-scale "kit" for


Gaian interactivity, providing the tools and guidelines that enable the dedicated person to become an adept, a siddha, in complicity with the lucid dream of Gaia. Generally, I do not care for the term "empowerment," but here I would venture to apply it, once and for all: in Kala Tantra, each individual can be empowered on a

twofold basis, through human love and supernatural beauty. Hence the 1st Instruction links intimately to, and complements, the 2nd, as you will readily understand.

So, this day, from the privilege of a natural-born mystic and terton, in the company of my Shakti, beneath the glorious winter sky over Long Island Sound, by the

witness of two swans gliding in diamond light at Manor Park, I release for the beauty and sanity of the human heart the Terma of Gaia Awakening. The duration of this

terma from October 2008 will be 208 years.

1 The Secret Name of Dakini 18

2 The Gaian Kala Tantra Vow

3 YANTRA: The Holding Pattern

4 MANTRA: The 16-Syllable Recitation

5 The 2nd Instruction of the Diamond Sky Dakinis

1 The Secret Name of Dakini 18

Explanation: In the Shakti Cluster, Dakini 18 is the named identity of Gaia in her lucid dream—the sole name she will answer to. The other seventeen components of the "console" represent powers and faculties to be acquired by interactivity with Gaia. Kalikas engage the Cluster by relating to the Shaktis according to their individual affinities, but all Kalikas engage the attention of Gaia by calling her unique name: Vajravilasi.

Pronounced VAHJ-rah-vee-LAH-see. Vajra means "diamond" or "lightning bolt." Vilasa means "delighting, flirtatious." Changed to Vilasi it becomes a feminine name; in Sanskrit, the names of consort dakinis end with i. The Shakta text Kamakalavilasa describes the delighting play of the Goddess as she morphs into the forms of the material world and dances rapturously through her sentient expressions, even flirting with the appearances she produces. (This imagery recalls the epithet "Whore of Wisdom," applied to Sophia in Gnostic myth. No licentiousness is implied, but the outrageous generosity of the beauty of the Divine Feminine is clearly suggested.) Vajravilasi is the Diamond Sky Dakini who assumes the form of a planet, and delights in her own beauty, inviting the myriad life-forms that arise on the planet to recognize and celebrate how beautiful they are.


Instruction: Call the name Vajravilasi aloud in a natural setting more or less removed from human intrusion. (Never pronounce this name in ordinary conversation -- just say "VV.") When calling out to Vajravilasi, let your eyes scan the landscape, taking in trees, rocks, clouds, and be mindful that you are looking directly at the presence you are naming. Let your eyes and your voice connect in a single intent: to engage the attention of Gaia. You do not call Gaia to your attention, you call Her attention to you by pronouncing her name.

How do you know when you have the attention of Vajravilasi? To know this requires a second practice, explained in component 3 of Delivery. But first:

2 The Vow:

By the light of skull-cup moon, the 11th Kala of the Lunar Skaktis,  in the Kameshvari transmission of October 2008, in day 10 of commemoration of human and mortal love, in

the heart-sundering beauty of Sundari and the improvisation and delight of Kali Ma, in the sacred play of this consort yoga, this vow was written from instruction for the nine generations of Kali Yuga by Jll, the Maine



Gaian Kala Tantra Vow

We, ______________, selfless devotees of Kali Ma, self-initiated tantrikas of Kulachara, being of the ________ generation of the nine generations of Kali Yuga, born ____, here

manifest our sacred intention.

We understand the Shakti Cluster to be the secret gathering of Dakinis, Mahavidyas, Female Buddhas, and Dangerous Protectors into the radiant womb of the single and

supreme Wisdom Dakini Vajravilasi, who is co-emergent with the natural sensorium of this planet, Earth. She is the Sole Pristine Shakti of the Bhutas of Gaia, yet unchanged

and unaffected in the six aspects of her divinity.

She, Vajravilasi, root guru of devotees of Kali Ma, wild mother of the tribes of Kulachara., we invoke by her single sacred name today as she has been invoked by many

names of yore.

She who is Aniruddha, Prunikos, Outraqeous,the Aeon Sophia of the illumined Gnostics,

Prithivi of the timeless Vedas, Spandarmat of the Persian Sages,

Spider Woman, Changing Woman of the noble Red Races,Sthevara who bestowed the enlightenment of Shakyamuni with the earth-touching mudra,


Asteroth of the World Tree, Ishtar of the Stars in the limbs of the World Tree, 

Arianrhod and Ariadne, weavers of the earthbound samsara,Rhea who flows in all that is,

Bhudevi, moist luminous bhaga of the primordial race of Sidhe, Faery, Earthbound Dakini,

Kore and Demeter, ever-changing polarities of the Great Mother,Gaia, green watery planet thriving with life,

gracious Dakini who delights to dance in diamond light

— She, She alone, She supremely, is the grounding matrix of the Shri Yantrika Dakinis, the empty luminosity of co-emergent wisdom and

bliss, the fountainhead of every moment of sensation, the continuum of animation of all sentient life and the animated mirror of insentient

life, the source and expression and indwelling immanent divinity of this sacred, earth-consecrated Tantra, this embodied Truth. To Her we

direct our vow.

By Sukrasiddhi, Mistress of Tantric Bliss, in the presence of the Kalika Nirmanakayas of the nine generations of

the Black Time of Innocence, in the melting heart of ingenuous beauty,

in the galaxies dissolving in the eyes of all the earth's abandoned children ,

in the drift of our parallel world, Andromeda, where lost innocence dwells and invites our return until the end of the Great Kalpa,

in the reflection and embrace of that beauty innate to every sentient being,

every samsaric phantom, every glance gone astray in the abandonment of addiction to the pain

of not being seen, in the crystalline effusion of the Dakini Elixirs,

tongue on knife, instantaneous transmutation of all pain, loss, confusion, denial,

withholding, fear, shame, antipathy, and all the consequences in this mindless concatenation of fractured

intensities, in that releasement we take refuge in She alone who is safety for all

sentient beings, and graciously provides their liberation.

To Her we pronounce our vow.


Instruction: The Kala Tantra Vow, or formula for Guyhasamaya ("Secret Gathering") Consecration, ought to be observed by two or more people in a sacred act of sharing and

co-witnessing. Tantra is a buddy-system. (See also below, component 5.) Be sure to locate yourself in the nine generations of Kali Yuga—1945 - 1974 first generation, 1975 - 2004 second generation, etc. Fill in the blanks as appropriate: everyone writes the terms

of their own vow. Be mindful that you are making this vow to the planet!!! You make the vow so that you will be able to sustain and actualize the first-hand interaction with Gaia that occurs when, in Her interval of time, She lets you know that She is aware that have engaged Her attention. This is how it works. You do not have to believe me or anyone.

Do and and see for yourself!

Example Vow: "We, So and So, vow to observe compassion for ourselves and hold fast our intention to be present to life without fiction, ever mindful that you, Vajravilasi, delight in dancing in the Diamond Light, witnessed in our bodies provided by Gaia's

Body and never separate from Her for a single breath: so that our presence in your dream may be living proof of co-creation and co-healing, rapture and magic, and proof as well

that the luminous beauty of your manifestation is self-evident and accessible to all sentient beings, including ducks."

3 Shri Yantra: The Holding Pattern

Instruction: When you have called the attention of Vajravilasi to you, you will not instantly become aware that you have Her attention, but in an interval that cannot be

determined, you will have it. In order to be present for the precise moment when Gaia engages your attention, you use a holding pattern, the most sacred of all magical designs,

Shri Yantra.


Shri Yantra is like the "test pattern" shown in the early years of television, to establish that your tv set was receiving a signal from the broadcast station, even though there was

no content yet to broadcast.

Print out this yantra and keep it in a place where you see it each day and where you can stop at moments and gaze at it: the corner of the bathroom mirror, for instance. When you

take a moment to gaze at the yantra, do so with a soft, relaxed expression, as if gazing into the eyes of a beloved person. Focus gently on the bindu, the centerpoint of the

yantras that unifies the four ascending and five descending triangles. As you gaze, be mindful that the yantra is holding your mental activity at the level of attention that Gaia

can access, at the moment She responds. Her time is not yours, yet it is simultaneous with yours. By using the holding pattern, you will align your timing to Hers.

4 The 16-Syllable Mantra

Additional to the visual device for holding attention to the level Gaia can access, use the mantra of Sodashi, one of the Mahavidyas:


To hear a traditional version of this mantra, click here. The difference in the mantra for Gaian Kala Tantra is the addition of a 16th syllable: SHRIM. This mantra is the special attributeand edowment of the Mahavidya Sodashi, also called Sundari, "the beautiful

one,"and Tripurasundari, "the beautiful one of the three realms (of form, formlessness, and desire)." This Mahavidya uniquely mediates the collective power of the entire Shakti Cluster toward human apprehension, not just of the conscious mind, but also of cellular intelligence, DNA resonance. Her name means "sixteen," 4 X 4, the base of the genetic

code (4 X 4 X 4) and other organic modules in nature and the human psyche.

Instruction: Pronounce this mantra in a low whisper as many times as you like—you might start at nine and work up to 108—to reduce or eliminate mental static that

interferes with reception to Gaia's attention. The mantra has the same effect as the yantra. These are the two supreme objects of worship in Indian Shri Vidya mysticism, which is

in some respects a prefiguration of Planetary Tantra. Mantra and yantra are complementary as visual and audial tools for attunement to Gaia. They are among the very few traditional or received artifacts of experimental mysticism incorporated into

Kala Tantra.

5 The 2nd Instruction of the Diamond Sky Dakinis:

Love is a siddhi, the force of discoveryco-arising with the illusion of separation.

A siddhi is a supernatural gift, a specific ability for magic or occult power, such as telepathy or telekinesis. Normally, we assume that love between human beings must be a


purely human affair, but in Kala Tantra we recognize that it is a cosmic force of transhuman dimensions.

Invoking Gaia by her Dakini name and declaring the Kala Tantra Vow, bring together a supreme act of love and a commitment to supernatural magic. The Dakinis teach that "love and the supernatural operate on the same frequencies." Their second Instruction contains a principle to be elucidated in the immediate future on this site: namely, that love is a force of discovery that brings people together (who then come to love each

other), and by this same force, Gaia brings us into intimate rapport with Herself and the Shakti Cluster.

The triangulation of any two who love each other with the shared intention of their mutual love for Gaia inspires the Dakini Vajravilasi to return that love in an

exponential rush of magic and beauty.

Instruction: Pronounce the Vow with someone who may be a permanent partner, or not, or even with someone you have met recently. Even if you do not know that person for a

long time, or deeply, be mindful that the Vow generates through love, and loves generates through the desire to love. So the mere desire to know someone, another human being, and take them as co-witness in the Vow, is an act of liberation based on immediate

recognition of the Other.

This is why it is advised that two or more take the Vow together. Having done so, the rite of consecration to Vajravilasi becomes a transcendent bond, but never an obligation. Tantra is a buddy-system. You will always have the co-witness to recall with you the

sacred moment of your consecration, together. Should you wish to live out the Vow with the co-witness, that is another choice, and a continuing commitment. But it is not


No one takes the Vow alone, as no single being or thing lives alone. At any moment, the simple recognition of another person is enough to dispel the illusion of separation. As William Blake said (roughly), no act is more sublime than to set another before you: to behold the Other. Taken together with a witness, the Vow frees those who take it from

the sense of being alone before the awesome mystery of the earth, the Other who is Mother. Be aware, also, that the supernatural magic you are invoking comes into your life

from a root chakra, the body of the goddess Gaia, the planet on which you live, that supports your every move and gives you breath. Ultimately, your connection to this

planet dissolves all pictures and projections of what might be or what has been, and frees you from the fictions of the mind into the realm of supernatural truth, No Mind.

Dorje Namkhai Khandro Nying Thig

Seminal Heart of the Diamond Sky Dakinis

May the Wisdom Dakinis arrange youMay Gaia herself bestow you

to your unborn presence in her dream,


lucidly awake, in the merge of loveand the supernatural, delighting and pure,

samsara and enlightenment have the same look

May nothing endure but what love discoversand may whatever you love truly set you free

May this terma liberate youto be thus as you seem, just so

for there is no illusion in your truthseeming or not, enlightened or not,

And that is such.And that is such. And that is such.

Here opens the Terma of Gaia Awakening