Plan Book (1) (1)


Transcript of Plan Book (1) (1)

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Background Information

Point of Departure and Positioning

Target Audience


Product Features and Benefits

Copy Platform

- Tone

- One Thing

- Advertising Objective

Creative Execution & Rationale

- Print

- Outdoor Billboard

- Broadcast Commercial Storyboard

Media Planning

- Campaign Pricing

- IMC Plan

- Budget Comparison

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Executive Summary

This plan book is part of an assignment for a Fundamentals of Advertising course

at Grand Valley State University. In this book, I will describe in fairly great detail

my idea to start a Dove His and Her advertising campaign. Included is the

company background information, point of departure, creative execution, and

media plan.

I chose to do this project on the Dove Company because I like their products and

the things that the company stands for. However, I believe that it could stand to

have a few changes.

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Background Information

The current target audience for Dove is teenage girls and women ranging from

ages 14-50. The name of their most popular campaign is “Dove for Real Beauty”.

The goal of this campaign is to build up a sense of strong self-worth within girls

and women by promoting confidence and beauty for the everyday person.

The Dove Company originated in the United

Kingdom after being founded by the Lever

brothers in 1957. They introduced “beauty bar”

in 1958. Now Dove is a personal care brand

owned by Unilever. Some of their products

include deodorants, body wash, lotion, hair

products, and facial care products.

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Point of Departure & Positioning

For our class advertising campaign project I am going to change the goal and

primary targets of the campaign. I will focus on middle aged married women and

their husbands. My main goal will be to appeal to the married couple as one entity

with the intention of adding spice, intimacy, and a sense of youthfulness back into

their marriage with a His and Her styled campaign. I will attempt to close the

gender divide, bring the focus back onto each other, and enable them to look and

feel comfortable and beautiful in their skin. When they see the advertisements or

even think about the brand, I want them to have a positive image that involves a

company trying to bring people together and focus on the great things their

partners have to offer.

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Consumer Profile – Target Audience Description

Demographic: The campaign will target men and women ages 35-50. They are in

the upper middle class and have a stable income. They are also married and have

school aged children living in the household.

Psychographic: Both the men and women are aging and have a growing concern

for healthy skin and maintaining youthful beauty. They live a busy life and are

preoccupied with raising their children, all while attempting to keep a happy

marriage even though things may be growing a bit stale romantically.

Behavioral: Expendable income. Busy with work and or managing the household.

Trying to keep a healthy, balanced diet and weight.

Geographic: They are Americans that live primarily in single family homes inside

of suburban areas. The specific DMA is Grand Rapids, MI.

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The campaign will run for the 10 weeks between December 4th - February 14th.

I chose this time period because it is full of holidays in which gifts are given such

as Christmas, New Year’s, and Valentine’s Day. The thought process behind this is

that people will be looking for nice gifts to buy for their significant others and

Dove His and Her products will be the perfect choice.

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Features and Benefits

There are 3 top features and corresponding benefits that will be showcased in this

advertisement campaign.

1. Both men and women product lines are available. - There is a product for

every individual. You can feel unique and diverse because the options are

nearly endless.

2. Dove products are number 1 dermatologist recommended - You’re taking

great care of yourself and will have smooth and healthy skin.

3. Dove Products are widely available – It is extremely convenient and useful

to time conscientious people to be able to buy the His and Her products form

nearly everywhere.

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Copy Platform


The tone or mood for the advertisements will be playful and intimate,

putting a focus on happily married couples.

One Thing

The one thing that consumers should take away from this ad campaign is

that Dove has an extremely diverse product line for both men and women.

There is something for everyone. The new “his and her” product line will

bring couples closer together.

Advertising Objective

Introduce and communicate the benefits of a new product line

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Creative Execution

Print Magazine Advertisement

I decided to use a playful and colorful

image as the focal point of the ad to

draw the audience’s attention and to

give a sense of youthfulness. Pink

represents females and blue represents

males. The slogan being in both colors

represents that the product is for both

genders and will “close the divide”

between men and women. The body

copy expresses the features and

benefits of using the new products.

Dove is good for your skin and there

are many different options so everyone

will be able to find something that they


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Outdoor Billboard Advertisement

The image is warm and romantic and shows a man and woman gazing lovingly at

one another. I used the same slogan to create uniformity and continuity throughout

the ad campaign. I put the words in the center of the billboard to bring them into

focus, both the man and woman are looking toward the center and anyone passing

the ad will probably also be drawn toward the center. I put the Dove logo at the

bottom to remind the audience about the product.

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Broadcast Advertisement – Commercial Story Board

The commercial starts out by showing a couple that doesn’t use the new Dove His

and Her product. They are clearly unhappy and very distant from one another. The

commercial then shows the same couple after they have used the His and Her

product. Now they are happy, in love, and closer than ever. I designed the

commercial this way to showcase my “one thing”. Dove His and Her closes the

divide and bring couples closer together.

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Media Planning Table 1

Magazine Campaign Pricing

Publication CPP PGS/ No. Total Circulation CPM Issue Issues Cost

People 345,900 1 3 1,037,700 3,468,098 99 Cosmopolitan 306,700 1 3 920,100 3,003,601 102 Allure 177,353 1 3 532,059 1,157,024 153

Shape 323,000 1 3 969,000 2,575,900 125

Grand Total 3,458,859

Notes. CPP = Cost Per Page (in color); All costs rounded to nearest U.S. dollar; Source: SRDS

Media Solutions.


I decided to run my “His and Her” advertisement campaign for Dove in People,

Cosmopolitan, Allure, and Shape magazines. I chose these magazines because their

target audiences directly align with mine. They target middle aged people who are

trying to stay healthy and keep their marriages happy. All of the magazines that I

choose are read mostly by women, with the exception of Shape magazine, which is

read by both genders. My goal is to grow a male interest in the product by

hopefully marketing to the wives, who are already interested in the brand. They

will then buy the product and use it with their husbands. I chose to run one page

each in three issues because all of the magazines are released on a monthly basis

and my ad campaign will run for just under three months.

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Table 2

Newspaper Campaign Pricing

Newspapers CPI Size CPA No. of Ads Total Circ. CPM

Holland Sentinel 16.15 30 485 30 14,550 10,350 HS Sunday 16.15 30 485 10 4,850 16,960

K-Zoo Gazette 48.84 30 1,465 30 43,950 27,033 KZG Sunday 56.17 30 1,685 10 16,851 36,607

GR Press 67.76 30 2,033 30 60,990 68,556 GRP Sunday 77.92 30 2,338 10 23,380 101,262 Muskegon Chron. 42.92 30 1,288 30 38,640 8,644

MC Sunday 49.36 30 1,481 10 14,810 24,423 Grand Total 218,021

Notes. CPI: Cost Per Inch; Size is measured in square inches; Source: SRDS Media Solutions.


I chose the newspapers the Holland Sentinel, the Kalamazoo Gazette, the

Grand Rapids Press, and the Muskegon Chronicle because they had the highest

circulation in the Grand Rapids DMA. More people receive, and hopefully read,

these newspapers than any other newspaper in the area. All of my ads will be one

quarter page, or 30 column inches. The ads will run 3 weekdays and every Sunday

for 10 weeks.

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Table 3

Broadcast Campaign Pricing

Television Show CPR Rating CPA No. Total Audience CPM Of Ads

Sunday Night Football 150 12.5 1,875 20 37,500 189,692 9.88 Big Bang Theory 150 9.8 1,470 20 29,400 148,719 9.88

60 Minutes 150 9.7 1,455 20 29,100 147,201 9.88 Scandal 150 8.7 1,305 20 26,100 132,026 9.88

Downton Abbey 150 7.9 1,185 20 23,700 119,885 9.88 Criminal Minds 150 8.0 1,200 20 24,000 121,403 9.88 The Walking Dead 150 10.1 1,515 20 20,100 153,271 9.88

Dancing With the Stars 150 7.7 1,155 20 23,100 116,850 9.88 The Office 150 4.4 660 20 13,200 66,771 9.88

Grey’s Anatomy 150 8.1 1,215 20 24,300 122,920 9.88 Grand Total 242,820

Notes. CPR = Cost Per Rating Point; CPA = Cost Per Ad; Rating refers to Nielsen Rating; All costs rounded to the nearest dollar; Sources: SRDS Media Solutions and

Broadcast Media

I decided to run my television commercial on these ten shows because they

are the most often watched and highest rated shows by my target audience of

middle aged married couples according to All of the shows air new

episodes weekly during Prime Time, from 8pm-11pm. I plan to run two ads per

show, for ten weeks. The audience size of the Grand Rapids DMA in which the

commercial will be shown is 1,517,541 people. This refers to the amount of people

in the DMA 18 years of age and older.

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Table 4

Digital Campaign Pricing

Website CPM Multiplier Frequency Audience Weeks Total

All Womens Talk 5 2.5 4 250 10 25,000 The Art of Manliness 2 1 4 250 10 10,000

Family Circle 3 1.5 4 250 10 15,000 Good Housekeeping 2 1 4 250 10 10,000

LifeBuzz 6 3 4 250 10 30,000 Your Tango 3 1.5 4 250 10 15,000 Livestrong 5 2.5 4 250 10 25,000

Natural Health 3 1.5 4 250 10 15,000 Marie Claire 2 1 4 250 10 10,000

The Cut 15 7.5 4 250 10 75,000 Grand Total 230,000

Notes. Multiplier is based on a CPM of 2; Frequency is the intensity of the advertisement; Audience is represented in thousands; Source: SRDS Media Solutions

Digital Media

I decided to run my online advertisements on these 10 websites because they

fit my target audience and advertising objective best. Because the main goal of my

advertisement is to attract consumers to buy and use Dove his and her products, I

figured that my main goal would be to find websites visited by people in

relationships. Using the search term “relationships” I was able to find these

websites and I selected the ones that I felt would be most often visited by married

men or women between the ages of 35 and 50. My goal is to reach 250,000 people

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on each website, four times each, over the span of my ten week advertisement


Table 5

Total Media Spending

Media Type Cost

Magazine 3,458,859

Newspaper 218,021 Broadcast 242,820

Digital 230,000 Grand Total 4,149,700




Media Spending





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IMC Plan

In addition to the advertising campaign portion of the promotions plan, I will also

be implementing a sales promotion. A Sales promotion is one type of marketing

aimed either at the consumer or at the distribution channel in the form of sales-

incentives. It is used to introduce new product, clear out inventories, attract traffic,

and to lift sales temporarily. The Dove His and Her products will be sold as a

bundle deal. Buy a Her product, get a His product for half price. The ultimate goal

is for the His and Her products to be bought in pairs and I feel that with this

temporary sales promotion more people will be willing to try and continue to buy

the products.

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Budget Comparison

My parent brand, Unilever, spends a total of $183,159,564 on media advertising on

Dove in the United States per year. For a ten week advertisement campaign similar

to mine, Unilever would spend approximately $35,222,993 on media costs. I got

this number by dividing their yearly spending by 52, then multiplying that number

by 10. The result is nearly nine times more than my projected budget.

With this information I now know that