Place RESI 2017: Dan Mitchell & Stephen Tucker, Barton Willmore


Transcript of Place RESI 2017: Dan Mitchell & Stephen Tucker, Barton Willmore

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Housing Completed vs Housing Need

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Delivery is growing… but only gradually…

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We need a continued focus on Delivery…

• Volume Housebuilders• PRS• Greenbelt• Student / Elderly• Modular• Brownfield• Strategic sites• Partnerships

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MasterPlanning for Housing:Keeping it simple.

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What do I do?

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Settlement Expansion and New Towns

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Graphic Design


Design in Barton Willmore

Masterplanning/Urban Design

Town Planning

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1. Vision…

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2. Protect and use what’s there….

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3. Gateways, edges, and nodes…

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Image courtesy of Story Homes

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4. Don’t underestimate the importance of Streetscape (not roads) and Enclosure….

Image courtesy of CEC 21Century

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Image courtesy of Story Homes

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5. Stick to a simple palette of materials

Image courtesy of CEC 21Century

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5. Stick to a simple palette of materials

Image courtesy of Alison Brooks Architects

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6. Focus on the Urban Design

Image courtesy of Robertson Homes

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Image courtesy of CEC 21Century

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- Define Site and Access- Topography and Orientation Views- Connections: Pedestrian and Transport- Landscape and SUDS- Road Hierarchy and Block Structure- Character Areas- Density

House Types/MixFirst Detailed Pass

Evolution Final Version



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Final Version

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THINKING LONG TERM: Housing Growth is not just for


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Places change….

• Economic;• Lifestyle;• Local Politics; • Infrastructure; and• Planning.

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Where are the new economies?

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Where are the new communities?

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Housing Completions England

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Council Housing… built since 1946

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How can we deliver more homes…

Private House Builders

Housing Associations


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Masterplanning for Housing is about keeping things simple…

• Need to keep changing the culture around planning for housing.…. To create opportunities for great masterplans…

• If the public sector are ambitious on the quality of the masterplan they want to see… then they need to be similarly ambitious re: the land they allocate, the timescale and physical scale of those allocations and;

• Public sector need to keep driving these big strategic projects… that’s how we will get scale…

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