Pitch planning


Transcript of Pitch planning

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NAME OF MAGAZINE Unplugged – this is my favourite as it is very music related. It also shows how its unplugged so its more personal and privet.

Vibe – I also like this one as I feel it sounds current and also has a music element to it as well

exposed Demand

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GENRE I have chosen pop music as my research has shown that pop music and pop artists are very popular. Also there is a large amount of magazines out there for indie and rock music but not a lot for pop and I feel that there should be one as it is a very big market as lots of people are interested in pop music.

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Monthly, as my research shows people don’t buy music magazines very often so once a month would be more realistic.

Also by only releasing one a month, the quality of them can be improved and we can spend more time adding extra things in which my research shows my target audience wants to be included.

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PRICE £3 I think this is a reasonable price as I will include freebees in it so it will be worth the money. Also as it is only once a month it can afford to cost more as people wont be buying it very often. I feel if the magazine is too expensive it will not be bought as my target audience is young so they will not have a lot of money. I think if I made it any cheap the quality

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READER PROFILE teenage/young girls around 16-20

Like, boy bands female bands Goes out to concerts Shopping and buying clothes Use social media a lot

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