Pitanja Za Vizu

Pitanja za intervju sa poslodavcem 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why should I hire you? 3. What work experience have you had? 4. Do you work better as a team or on your own? 5. What is your greatest weakness? 6. What is your greatest strength? 7 . How would your professor describe you? 8 . What qualities do you have which will make you a good employee? 9. Tell me about any major obstacles you have overcome in your life? 10. Why do you want this position? 11. What’s the most important thing you will do on your first day of work? 12. Why are you the best candidate for this program? 13. Tell me about a stressful situation in a past job and how you handled it. 14. Tell me about your interests. 15. What do you hope to achieve from this program? / What do you expect from this program? 16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 17. Why did you want to be part of this program? 18. What is your greatest success? 19. What is your greatest failure? 20. What is for you a perfect summer? 21. Which cities would you like to see? 22. What will you do in the USA? 23. What do you know about that job? PITANJA ZA VIZU 1. Why are you going to the USA? / What is the purpose of your trip? /What is the objective of your visit? /Why do you want to work in the USA? 2. Where are you going to work? 3. Have you been to the US before? 4. How long will you be working in the US.?



Transcript of Pitanja Za Vizu

Pitanja za intervju sa poslodavcem

1. Tell me about yourself.2. Why should I hire you?3. What work experience have you had? 4. Do you work better as a team or on your own?5. What is your greatest weakness?6. What is your greatest strength?7. How would your professor describe you?8. What qualities do you have which will make you a good employee?9. Tell me about any major obstacles you have overcome in your life?10. Why do you want this position?11. Whats the most important thing you will do on your first day of work?12. Why are you the best candidate for this program?13. Tell me about a stressful situation in a past job and how you handled it.14. Tell me about your interests.15. What do you hope to achieve from this program? / What do you expect from this program?16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?17. Why did you want to be part of this program?18. What is your greatest success?19. What is your greatest failure?

20. What is for you a perfect summer?

21. Which cities would you like to see?

22. What will you do in the USA?

23. What do you know about that job?


1. Why are you going to the USA? / What is the purpose of your trip? /What is the objective of your visit? /Why do you want to work in the USA?

2. Where are you going to work?

3. Have you been to the US before?

4. How long will you be working in the US.?

5. Where do you work now? / What are you doing now? Which company do you work for?

8. Do you have relatives in the US? If yes, who? / Do you have any relatives or friends in the US?

9. Who is going to sponsor your visit?

10. Where will you stay in the US? / Where will you be staying?

11. What is the guarantee that you will come back? / Why would you want to come back to Serbia?

12. What if you are offered a well-paid job in the US, will you accept it?

13. Where do your parents work?

14. Do you have siblings? / Do you have any brothers or sisters, what do they do, where are they?

15. What would you do if you won a large amount of money in the US, for example, if you won a lottery?

16. Why do you think many foreign students dont return to their home countries from the US?


20. Have you been abroad before? If yes, which country? What for? / Have you ever traveled to any other country and why? / Tell me briefly about your travel history in last 10 years?

21. Can you speak any other languages?

22.Why do you choose the US to work?

23. How long does you program last? (Commencing date and finishing date)


24.What will you do after your work in the US? / What will you do after coming back? / What will you do on your return?

25.When will you be traveling?

26.Could you please show me your invitation letter from the US? How did you get this letter?

27.How much do you earn? Do you pay income tax?

28. How much will your visit cost?

30. Is your spouse/wife going to travel with you?

31. Are you married? If yes, what does your spouse do? For how long have you been married?

34. Have you been to the US (or another country) on business trip before?

35. What did you do there?

36.What is your educational qualification? / Where you are graduated from? / What is your last degree?

37.How will you travel from one place to another?

38.How do you come to know about this job opportunity?

39. Will your employer be providing you the accommodation?

40.What was the interview process in your new Company?

41. Whats the business of your company? / What are you going to do in your new company? What kind of work will you be doing?

43.How will you survive for the first month? / How will you manage your expenses before you get your first pay check?

44.Have you applied for a visa for any other country?

45. Do you know what the living cost in the United States is? Do you know what the living cost is at the place you wish to work in the US.?

46.Is it your first H2B visa or visa revalidation?

48. When did you receive you offer letter?

49. Tell me what do you know about (new company)?

50.How many employees does the U.S. Company have?

51. What is the salary you will get in the U.S.?

Q: Why do you want to go to USA?Q: For how long will you be in USA?Q: Do you have any relatives in the US?Q: Who will pay the expenses for your trip?Did you ever visit any other country?What do you do?Where will you stay in US ?

What is the purpose of your trip to the United States?

Do you have any family in the United States?

Why do you want to work in the United States?

Have you applied for a visa for any other country?

Do you know what the living cost in the United States is? Do you know what the living cost is at the place you wish to work in the U.S.?

When are you planning to travel?

How will you survive for the first month?

Have you been to any other country before? If yes, how long was your stay there?

Will you come back to Serbia?When will you return to Serbia?

Why would you want to return to Serbia?

Are you a student?

Tell me in detail about all the jobs and work experiences and profile.

What's your highest educational qualification?

Questions about sponsoring company

What is the name of the company you intend to work for in United States?

Where are you going to work in United States?

How do you know this is a real company?

When did you receive your offer letter?

Tell me what do you know about [New Company]?

How did you find out about this company?

How did you contact the [New Company]?

What are your responsibilities and for which client are you going to be working for? Please explain in detail.

Do you have any proof from your new employer regarding your responsibilities?