Pirate 3D Raises Millions

Pirate3D raises $1.85m on KckstarLer.com Crowd-funding drive over, start-uP turns to manufacturing of its 3-D Printer Hoe Pei Shan such as kitchen utensils and toYs from a sPool of Plastic' Priced at US$347, the Bucca- neer is much cheaPer than com- oeting models such as the RePIi- [ii"iz from MakerBot, which costs US$z,199' The first batch of 200 Bucca- neers is slated for delivery in-De- c.mbet, but with more than 3.500 units Pre-ordered through (i.krtutt.r, the firm is alreadY looking to exPand' "Wi't. hunting for new of- fice space and will be hiring addi- tional engineers, Programmers' and marketing Personnel to De based in SingaPore and San Fran- cisco," said co-founder Brendan Goh,26. The other two co-founders are Mr Tsang You Jun, 26, and National UniversitY of SingaPore adfunct Professor Neo Kok Beng' 48. In the next month, Pirate3D will decide on a locallY basgd manufacturer, which will be uUf. t" Produce the Printer in fac- tories across Asia' The firm is also working on a collaboration with Harvard Uni- versitY's Professor Calestous Ju- ma, director of the college's -Sci- ...., Technologl, and Globalisa- tion Project, to donate 3-D Print- ers to "ielected African institu- tions" next Year' ivj peishanhoe@gmail'com It took local start-uP Pirate3D iust 10 minutes to raise its target ,jt uss too,ooo (s$ 1 29,ooo)' BY the time its 30-daY tto*q- funding camPaign on Kickstart- Li..o-"*us over-last Saturday' -it h;d attracted US$1,438,7 65 iisr.ss million) t9 nrodY;; what it claims is the worlcl's most affordable 3-D Printer' This is believed to be the first ti-. tttut a SingaPore firm has broken the million-dollar marK ;;ih. popular American crowd- funding Platform, Kickstarter' "lt ietls PrettY darn aw.e- some," said Pirate3D co-tounoer i6*;; chang, 25, who set uP the .ofilputtY with three others iust 11 months ago. - - iW.'r. ulto quite relieved that the fund-raising bit is done because we had round-the-clock tftitt for 30 daYs straight moni- toring the camPaign'''. The comPanY's chic-looking brainchild is called the Bucca- neer. It aims to bring 3-D Print- ing, which creates Plastic obiects laier bv laYer, into homes' --'Thi; wiil allow PeoPle to de- sign and "Print" everYdaY items ST PHOTO: NURIA LINC The Pirate3D team (from left)-Prof Neo' Mr Tsang' Mr Goh and Mr Chanq with their prototyp" of th9 eu.i'un""il-O-irrinter. With it, people :;:i';'d;;;;;d'iii;ZJ"'vauv items from a spobl of plastic'


Pirate 3D Raises Millions

Transcript of Pirate 3D Raises Millions

  • Pirate3D raises $1.85mon KckstarLer.comCrowd-funding driveover, start-uP turnsto manufacturingof its 3-D Printer

    Hoe Pei Shan

    such as kitchen utensils and toYs

    from a sPool of Plastic'Priced at US$347, the Bucca-

    neer is much cheaPer than com-

    oeting models such as the RePIi-[ii"iz from MakerBot, whichcosts US$z,199'

    The first batch of 200 Bucca-neers is slated for delivery in-De-

    c.mbet, but with more than

    3.500 units Pre-ordered through(i.krtutt.r, the firm is alreadYlooking to exPand'

    "Wi't. hunting for new of-fice space and will be hiring addi-

    tional engineers, Programmers'and marketing Personnel to Debased in SingaPore and San Fran-

    cisco," said co-founder Brendan

    Goh,26.The other two co-founders

    are Mr Tsang You Jun, 26, andNational UniversitY of SingaPoreadfunct Professor Neo Kok Beng'

    48.In the next month, Pirate3D

    will decide on a locallY basgdmanufacturer, which will beuUf. t" Produce the Printer in fac-tories across Asia'

    The firm is also working on a

    collaboration with Harvard Uni-versitY's Professor Calestous Ju-ma, director of the college's -Sci-...., Technologl, and Globalisa-tion Project, to donate 3-D Print-ers to "ielected African institu-tions" next Year'

    ivj peishanhoe@gmail'com

    It took local start-uP Pirate3Diust 10 minutes to raise its target,jt uss too,ooo (s$ 1 29,ooo)'

    BY the time its 30-daY tto*q-funding camPaign on Kickstart-Li..o-"*us over-last Saturday' -ith;d attracted US$1,438,7 65iisr.ss million) t9 nrodY;;what it claims is the worlcl'smost affordable 3-D Printer'

    This is believed to be the first

    ti-. tttut a SingaPore firm hasbroken the million-dollar marK;;ih. popular American crowd-funding Platform, Kickstarter'

    "lt ietls PrettY darn aw.e-some," said Pirate3D co-tounoeri6*;; chang, 25, who set uP the.ofilputtY with three others iust11 months ago.- - iW.'r. ulto quite relievedthat the fund-raising bit is done

    because we had round-the-clocktftitt for 30 daYs straight moni-toring the camPaign'''.

    The comPanY's chic-lookingbrainchild is called the Bucca-neer. It aims to bring 3-D Print-ing, which creates Plastic obiectslaier bv laYer, into homes'--'Thi;

    wiil allow PeoPle to de-sign and "Print" everYdaY items


    The Pirate3D team (from left)-Prof Neo' Mr Tsang' Mr Goh and Mr

    Chanq with their prototyp" of th9 eu.i'un""il-O-irrinter. With it, people

    :;:i';'d;;;;;d'iii;ZJ"'vauv items from a spobl of plastic'