Pioneer express may 2014

Tel: 011 485 2018/ 011 485 4461 Fax: 086 239 0164 24th Edition 27 March 2014 FREE COPY Distributed in: Bramley Kew Lombardy East/West Lyndhurst Highlands North Norwood Orange Grove Savoy JHB CBD Sydenham 29 May 2014 26th Edition SANRAL was established in 1998, shortly after the transition to democracy. We have played an important role during the first 20 years of freedom in looking after a network which connects the country’s major cities, towns and rural areas and facilitates the effective movement of people, goods and services. DEPUTY MINISTERS SWORN IN Constitutional Court Judge Sisi Khampepe began swear- ing in deputy ministers at the presidential guesthouse in Pretoria on Monday the 26th afternoon. Deputy Ministers read their oath of office from a piece of paper promising to uphold their office with honour and dignity. Thirty-seven depu- ties were being sworn in. Among them would be for- mer police commissioner Bheki Cele, who was fired by President Jacob Zuma in 2012. Cele, wearing his sig- nature Panama hat, would be sworn in as deputy min- ister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.Earlier, Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng and his deputy Dikgang Mo- seneke swore in the newly appointed ministers. Zuma announced his Cabi- net on Sunday evening. Ministers promised to obey, respect and uphold the Con- stitution and other laws of the country. They undertook to uphold their office as ministers with honour and dignity and to “not divulge directly or in- directly any secret matter entrusted to me”. Ministers took an oath by saying “So help me God”, while some said: “I affirm”. While the oath or affirma- tion was said in English some ministers opted to end in their mother tongue. International Relations Min- ister Maite Nkoana-Masha- bane said “so help me God” in Pedi, while Rural Devel- opment and Land Minister Gugile Nkwinti said it in Xhosa. Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande said “I af- firm” in Zulu, while Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba said “so help me God”, also in Zulu. Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel end- ed with “so help me Allah”. President Jacob read out the names of the ministers be- fore they were sworn in. There were giggles from the crowd when some names they found to be funny were read out. These included new Home Affairs Minister Knowledge Malusi Gigaba, Sport Min- ister Fikile April Mbalula and Public Service and Ad- ministration Minister Ohm Collins Chabane. The biggest laugh came with Public Works Minister Thulas Waltermade Nxesi name, which was mistaken by some in the crowd as wa- ter maid because of the way Mogoeng had pronounced it. Earlier, Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in as deputy president. “In terms of the power in- vested in me... In terms of the Constitution of Repub- lic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, I hereby appoint Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa as deputy president,” Zuma said before Mogoeng swore him in. “I request the Chief Justice to swear him into office.” Ramaphosa took his oath of office ending with “so help me God” and his hand on the Bible. CAPE TOWN: Parliament


Pioneer express may 2014

Transcript of Pioneer express may 2014

Page 1: Pioneer express may 2014

Tel: 011 485 2018/ 011 485 4461 Fax: 086 239 0164

24th Edition 27 March 2014


Distributed in:

Bramley Kew Lombardy East/West Lyndhurst Highlands North Norwood Orange Grove Savoy JHB CBD Sydenham 29 May 201426th Edition

SANRAL was established in 1998, shortly after the transition to democracy.

We have played an important role during the first 20 years of freedom in

looking after a network which connects the country’s major cities, towns and

rural areas and facilitates the effective movement of people, goods and services.


Constitutional Court Judge Sisi Khampepe began swear-ing in deputy ministers at the presidential guesthouse in Pretoria on Monday the 26th afternoon.Deputy Ministers read their oath of office from a piece of paper promising to uphold their office with honour and

dignity. Thirty-seven depu-ties were being sworn in.Among them would be for-mer police commissioner Bheki Cele, who was fired by President Jacob Zuma in 2012. Cele, wearing his sig-nature Panama hat, would be sworn in as deputy min-ister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.Earlier, Chief

Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng and his deputy Dikgang Mo-seneke swore in the newly appointed ministers.Zuma announced his Cabi-net on Sunday evening.Ministers promised to obey, respect and uphold the Con-stitution and other laws of the country.They undertook to uphold

their office as ministers with honour and dignity and to “not divulge directly or in-directly any secret matter entrusted to me”.Ministers took an oath by saying “So help me God”, while some said: “I affirm”.While the oath or affirma-tion was said in English some ministers opted to end

in their mother tongue.International Relations Min-ister Maite Nkoana-Masha-bane said “so help me God” in Pedi, while Rural Devel-opment and Land Minister Gugile Nkwinti said it in Xhosa.Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande said “I af-firm” in Zulu, while Home

Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba said “so help me God”, also in Zulu.Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel end-ed with “so help me Allah”.President Jacob read out the names of the ministers be-fore they were sworn in.There were giggles from the crowd when some names they found to be funny were read out.These included new Home Affairs Minister Knowledge Malusi Gigaba, Sport Min-ister Fikile April Mbalula and Public Service and Ad-ministration Minister Ohm Collins Chabane.The biggest laugh came with Public Works Minister Thulas Waltermade Nxesi name, which was mistaken by some in the crowd as wa-ter maid because of the way Mogoeng had pronounced it.Earlier, Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in as deputy president.“In terms of the power in-vested in me... In terms of the Constitution of Repub-lic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, I hereby appoint Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa as deputy president,” Zuma said before Mogoeng swore him in.“I request the Chief Justice to swear him into office.”Ramaphosa took his oath of office ending with “so help me God” and his hand on the Bible.

CAPE TOWN: Parliament

Page 2: Pioneer express may 2014



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Dear Reader,

For our country’s transition from apartheid rule to de-mocracy, an interim constitution was negotiated between representatives of organisations involved in the liberation struggle, represented political parties and other interest groups.

After the first democratic elections on 27 April 1994, mem-bers of the National Assembly and Senate, as the elected public representatives at the time, met as a body called the Constitutional Assembly to write a new Constitution. In 1996, after two years of public consultation and much debate, the new Constitution was finally adopted.

The Constitution is a law agreed by the people’s representa-tives that sets out how the state will be constituted and run, our rights and responsibilities as citizens and the creation of particular institutions to support and safeguard our democ-racy.

Our Constitution also lays the foundation for an open society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights and is hailed worldwide as very progressive. It is the supreme law of our country and ensures government by the people under the Constitution. In other words, the Constitution is the highest law of the land and everyone must act according to its provisions and principles, even Parliament.

Because we are a constitutional state, all laws made by Parliament must pass the test of constitutionality. So Parlia-ment has to ensure at all times that the laws it makes are in keeping with the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

N’wa Hlungwani (Patricia) 29 May 2014 Pioneer Express Page 2

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.- Indira Gandhi


People with generalised anx-iety disorders are not sent for observation because they are not conditions that you can easily feign. The condition manifests either with or with-out a trigger factor (fear of heights, closed rooms, crowds and so on), and very often the individual has no control of his or her symptoms. The

condition is self-limiting.In very serious cases patients need to remain on medica-tion, but the mainstay of treatment is psychotherapy.I fail to see what the court wants to establish by placing Pistorius under observation because his psychiatrist has given a detailed explanation of his condition under oath.If all the court wants to prove

is whether or not he does have GAD, then it might be disap-pointed because he might not have an anxiety attack in a controlled and safe environ-ment, or if he is already on medication for his depres-sion and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Medication would prevent his anxiety attacks.The court can’t expect his doctors to stop his medication just to prove their point when they already have the treat-ing expert’s evidence at their disposal. To stop his medi-cation would be unethical.Proving that Pistorius has an anxiety disorder is going to help neither the defence’s nor the prosecution’s case.Already the trial is drag-ging out into another bor-ing soapie. It needs to be brought to an end.The fact that Pistorius had been diagnosed with GAD raises the question: who was responsible for approving the medical certificate ren-dering him fit to own a gun?To the best of my knowledge people with any mental con-dition are not allowed to own guns for their own safety and for those around them.

Helen Zille and the DA: the biggest election winners

Wellington Nobele writes:

The Democratic Alli-ance, the official opposition party, has reached a mile-stone in the recent national and provincial elections. The DA is the only party that has shown tremendous improvement and sustain-able growth since 1994.

Only on Friday 9 May, the party had already received over 4 million votes, a very much delight to Hel-

en Zille and party mem-bers who chanted ulula-tions. Zille thereafter sang “uyatatazela… mshini wam, mshini wam (the machine is shaking in fear),” pass-ing a mockery to Presi-dent Zuma who used the song as his signature tune ahead of the 2009 elections.

The DA’s 4 million votes is unprecedented and the party has also managed to retain its lead in the West-

ern Cape with 59.38% from the 51.46% in 2009.

“The DA would like to thank every South African for voted for us on Wednes-day. We deeply appreciate the support they have given us, and we will work hard over the next five years to justify their faith in us.

“We increased our share of the vote in Gauteng from 22% to 32%. This

is an increase of 40 per cent,” the party said.

As of recently, the party has been making in-roads into the ANC’s traditional black voters and accord-ing to the party; approxi-mately 760 000 black vot-ers have voted the DA in the recent elections.

The biggest loser in these elections, according to Zille, is Dr Mamphele Ramphele who only secured a hard earned 2 seats in Parliament. In January this year, Zille and Mamphele reached a consensus that Mamphele will stand as the DA’s Presi-dential candidate, but only Mamphele to renege on the deal barely 5 days fol-lowing the announcement that was sealed with a kiss.

“I did my best to help her and she rejected it very publicly, and in a very hu-miliating way. It’s not my way to have any sense of schadenfreude but people have to learn hard les-

sons now and again,” Zille was quoted as saying.

However, on the day the final elections results were made public, the DA’s parlia-mentary leader, outspoken Lindiwe Mazibuko resigned from her high profile posi-tion to pursue her sabbati-cal studies at Harvard Uni-versity in the United States.

From last year, a whisper has been doing the rounds in the media that Zille wants Gauteng Premier Candi-date Mmusi Maimane to replace Lindiwe as the party’s leader in Parlia-ment. It was said that Zille-Mazibuko’s relationship was on a breaking ground.

However, on Sunday night Zille was quoted in the me-dia rubbishing off the alle-gations that Maimane will replace Mazibuko when he heads to parliament soon. Maimane has publicly said he accept the nomina-tion to go to Parliament.

DA Leader: Helen Zille


Page 3: Pioneer express may 2014

29 May 2014 Pioneer Express Page

Priest denied a chance to marry

29 April 2014 Pioneer North PAGE

GAUTENG BUDGET 2014/15Gauteng is home to just under a quarter of South Af-

rica’s population and contributes 36 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Because of its central location, it is also a gateway to other provinces and the rest of the African continent in terms of movement of people and goods. Increased economic activity through the public and private sectors create opportunities for in-dividuals to find shelter and make their livelihoods in this province. This is demonstrated by year-on year increase in the number of learners seeking education spaces in our schools. According to the 2-13 Mid-year population esti-mates released by Statistics South Africa, Gauteng popula-tion has increased slightly from 12.4million to 12.7 million.

It is for this reason that the Gauteng Provincial Govern-ment (GPG) continues to work on strategies that are aimed at yielding socio-economic benefits for all. Our response to addressing challenges such as unemployment, poverty and inequality are central to our business. There are continued and concerted efforts to accelerate service delivery by im-plementing programmes and projects that leads to improved quality of life of our communities. These include food se-curity, youth employment, Zivuseni, Bana Pele, Second-ary School Improvement Programme (SSIP) and Violence Against Women and Children (VAWAC) to name but a few.

As a way of demonstrating our continued commitment to improved social service delivery, Health, Education and Social Development account for the lion’s share of the 2014 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) budget and lays the foundation for the improvement of education outcomes, provide quality healthcare and building a hedge of protection for our vulnerable and affected communities.

Gauteng is indeed a better place to live and will con-tinue to be as we direct our energies to live in and con-tinue to be as we direct our energies to addressing chal-lenges that confront us and sustain the momentum of delivering quality services. The following sources deter-mine the quality of services delivered to Gauteng citizens:• National Treasury (R85.608bn divided into R68.673bn equitable Share and R16.935 Conditional Grants)• Gauteng Provincial Government (R4.266bn)• Direct Charges (R69.63m)

Over and above this, other sources of provincial revenue are Gambling and Taxes, Motor Vehicle Licenses, Hos-pital patient fees and other revenue streams. The condi-tional grants are mostly used for the Comprehensive HIV and AIDS grant (15%), Further Education and Train-ing (4%), Education Infrastructure Grant (4%), Nation-al Treasury Services Grant (21%), Human Settlement Development Grant (26%), National School Nutrition Programme (4%), Public Transport Operations Grant (11%) and (15%) of the budget will be spent on Other.

Comments on the budget are welcome and can be forwarded to:

Head of DepartmentGauteng Provincial TreasuryPrivate Bag X12Marshalltown2017

Born in 1968 in the then Northern Trans-vaal (now Limpopo Province),the life

of Mr David Malemolla Makhura is char-acterised by the selfless struggle for a free, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa.Between 1984 and 2004 Mr Makhura was involved in student and youth politics in the Azanian Student Movement, the Congress of South African Students, the South Af-rican National Students’ Congress and the South African Youth Congress, where he served in various leadership positions.

PROFILE OF PREMIER DAVID MALEMOLLA MAKHURAMr Makhura served as a board member of Tertiary Education Fund of South Af-rica (TEFSA). He was also active in the trade union movement, notably as the National Education Secretary and Dep-uty General-Secretary of the National Education and Health Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU). He has also served as a member of the Congress of South Africa Trade Unions (COSATU)’s Cen-tral Executive Committee as well as in the Political Education Committee of COSATU.As one of the longest-serving Provincial Executive Council (PEC) general sec-retaries of the ANC, Mr Makhura has more than ten years of experience in the role. He has been a member of the PEC since 2001 and an ex-officio member of the National Executive Committee since 2000.

Mr Makhura has been part of several del-egations of the ANC and NEHAWU that visited sister parties and trade unions in the African continent, China, Cuba, Lat-in America and Europe for exchangeson socio-economic development and gov-ernance matters.A Board Member of the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, Mr Makhura volunteers his vast experience on governance matters and he also finds time to be a volunteer instructor at the Centre for Education in Economics and Finance (CEEF.Africa).He holds a Master of Science (MSc) de-gree in Public Policy and Management from the University of London and is presently studying towards a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Futures Stud-ies (energy futures) at the University of Stellenbosch. Mr Makhura was elected as the Premier of southern Africa’s economic power-house, Gauteng province, on 21 May 2014; becoming the sixth premier of South Africa’s most populous province.


As a young activist, Mr Makhura joined the underground structures of the then banned Af-rican National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party (SACP)in 1986 and 1987, respectively. During his university years, the young Mr Makhura fought against financial exclusion at tertiary institutions. Pressure from student organisations such as the SA Students Congress (SASCO), of which Mr Makhura was secretary-general, ensured that students gained access to funding.

Page 4: Pioneer express may 2014 29 May 2014 Pioneer Express Page 4News


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Times Live

In a statement it says a jury chose Tutu for his constant struggle for so-cial justice and his “integ-

rity, courage and excep-tional ability.” Tutu has been active in defending human rights around the world and involved in campaigns against AIDS,

tuberculosis, poverty, racism, sexism and ho-mophobia, it says.Tutu was chosen from 162 candidates and the award ceremony will be held on

June 3 at the government palace in Barcelona.The 82-year-old said on Thursday that the award honoured him and those he described as a group

of exceptionally knowl-edgeable and gifted activ-ists involved in social jus-tice across the world “on whose shoulders I have proverbially sat.”

Desmond Tutu

Page 5: Pioneer express may 2014 29 May 2014 Pioneer Express Page 5


The 3rd of May is celebrat-ed worldwide as World

Press Freedom day, as per the proclamation by the United Nations (UN) at its General Assembly in 1993, in line with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This followed the 26th session of UNESCO General Confer-ence in 1991, which adopted the Windhoek Declaration, a statement of principles call-ing for a free, independent and pluralistic media throughout the world. The Declaration affirms that a free press is essential to the existence of democracy and a fundamental human goal. In the financial year 2013/14, as South Africa, we celebrated and marked 10 years of the Me-dia Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA). This year, we are celebrating 20 years of freedom and democracy. Cou-pled with this celebration is 20 years of media freedom and

diversity in South Africa, 20 years of the licensing of Com-munity Radio in SA, 20 years of independent broadcasting regulation and 20 years of the National Association of Broad-casters (NABSA). To mark this year’s event, the MDDA hosted a celebratory dialogue with the theme “Celebrating 20 years of media freedom and media diversity” at the GCIS, Tshedimosetso House, 1035 Frances Baard Street (cor-ner Festival Street) Hatfield, Tshwane, which took place at 09h00. Reflecting on this mile-stone was Deputy Minister in the Presidency Obed Bapela, Chairperson of the Parlia-

mentary Committee on Com-munications, Skhumbuzo Eric Kholwane, former Minister in the Presidency and Editor of The Thinker Dr Essop Pahad, Commissioner of the Competi-tion Commission Thembinkosi Bonakele and representatives from the industry. The MDDA also released its research report on the Transformation of Print Media in South Africa conduct-ed by Quest Research Services. An opportunity exists for all South Africans to reflect on the key milestones achieved in the quest to achieve media freedom and celebrate the fundamental principles of media freedom enshrined in the Constitution Act of 1996, defend and protect media freedom, and pay tribute to media activists/journalists who lost their lives in the line of duty.

MDDA Board with Deputy Minister in the Presidency Obed Bapela




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Page 6: Pioneer express may 2014 29 May 2014 Pioneer Express Page 6

the very first time to an overwhelming recep-tion.The UK and Ireland leg kicks off at Dub-lin’s Croke Park on May 23, before moving to Europe and the US throughout the rest of 2014.

the top spot in a further 30 countries world-wide.The band – Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn – have just completed the first leg of their mas-sive, sell-out Where We Are stadium tour, which saw the boys visit South America for

ries, which saw them named as the IFPI’s Global Artist of 2013 for becoming the big-gest selling act in the world.They also became the first ever band to have their first three albums debut at No. 1 in the US Billboard Chart, hitting for all the in-formation. All fans attending the concerts that are young-er than 14 years must be accompanied by a par-ent/legal guardian.Last year, One Di-rection released their record-breaking third albumMidnight Memo-

Cape Town: Wednes-day, April 1, 2015 at Cape Town StadiumAll shows are presented by 94.7 Highveld Ste-reo, KFM and M-Net. Another Big Concerts Experience.Tickets go on sale Fri-day, May 23 at 9am.Go to www.bigcon-

Times Live

The following South African tour dates are announced today:Johannesburg: Satur-day, March 28, 2015 at FNB StadiumJohannesburg: Sunday, March 29, 2015 at FNB Stadium


One Direction heading to South Africa

Times Live

But the Princess of Af-rica, who hosted a lis-tening session for her 22nd album, Amazing Man, in Rosebank, Jo-hannesburg, yesterday, said they “always want me to add flavour” to her music. This time she’s relented, collabo-rating with young rap-pers Zuluboy and Rea-son on tracks.Not much else has changed in terms of the songwriting process be-tween her debut in 1984 and this album.“What has changed is that our music doesn’t get the airplay that it deserves,” she told The Times yesterday. “But

for me nowadays it’s not just about selling music - I want to inform people and conscientise them about what’s hap-pening.”She refused to rank the new album, which is out in stores already, against her previous works, and just hoped “people will be recep-tive to it”.Chaka Chaka first hit the South African mu-sic charts as a teenager with the hit I’m in Love with a DJ. She followed it up with Umqombothi four years later, which is still a favourite among her legions of fans in Marabastad, Pretoria, Nairobi in Kenya and Nigeria’s Lagos.

South African Muso: Yvonne Chakachaka

Boy band: One DirrectionBoy band: One Dirrectoin

Page 7: Pioneer express may 2014 29 May 2014 Pioneer Express Page 7 News


disciplinary steps will be taken to remedy the obvious breakdown in the adminis-trative systems related to the orders.”In February last year, a re-port by the auditor-general showed that the city had overcharged residents for refuse removal by R258-million. The report said this was due to a breakdown in monitoring systems.The report also said about R1.2-billion owed to the city was unlikely to be recov-ered.In August last year, the city was also forced to apologise to the late president Nelson Mandela’s family for deliv-ering an incorrect arrears ul-timatum.

complex took the city to the Johannesburg High Court in June 2012 after the council failed to have the bill recti-fied. In November last year, the court ordered the city to replace the complex’s elec-tricity meter and adjust its accounts within 15 days. The city failed to adhere to the order and the agents filed for contempt of court. The city was given three months to correct its mistake but it never did.Two weeks ago, Tau and his mayoral committee were also ordered to pay a con-tempt of court fine of R50 000 after the council refused to issue the Hellenic Com-munity with a correct bill.Said Fowler : “Necessary

Times Live

City manager Trevor Fowler yesterday said disciplinary steps will be taken against employees who were sup-posed to ensure that the council responded to the order.Last week, a contempt of court order was granted against Tau, who was ac-cused of ignoring it.The order was issued to Tau as chief executive of the city.Managing agents of a Rand-burg complex, Castle Hill, disputed a municipal rates bill which showed that it owed the council over R2.6-million.The managing agents of the

leadership contest. They’re no longer fearful of Zille,” said the MPL.A senior DA staff mem-ber confirmed that some in the party had knives out for Zille, and that the party was going through a power struggle.“There is a campaign of discrediting Helen [Zille]. She’s under heavy pressure from inside the party,” said the staff member.A former DA MP said some in the party’s parliamentary caucus felt “threatened” by the hype around Mmusi Maimane, who had been tipped to succeed Mazibu-ko.“That’s why they asked her [Zille] to lead the party in parliament but she’s in a more powerful position as premier because she inter-acts much more closely with the president at cabinet lek-gotlas.”

Mazibuko’s career in the party, including setting aside her reservations when it be-came clear that Mazibuko wanted to stand against Athol Trollip for the posi-tion of DA parliamentary leader.But Mazibuko built a “Ber-lin Wall” around herself after she was elected, Zille said.“Major decisions were made without any discussion, re-sulting in serious mistakes, for which I then stepped forward and took responsi-bility. This is also common cause and evidenced by the record,” said Zille.A DA member of the West-ern Cape legislature said some members of the party were “fed up” with Zille and were looking at life beyond her leadership.“They’re working behind the scenes; some of them will regroup ahead of the next

Times Live“It is unfortunate that some members of this leadership body are furnishing the me-dia with selective leaks in order to advance their own succession agendas, both in the parliamentary caucus and in the party,” said Zille.This follows reports at the weekend that Zille had at-tacked the DA’s outgoing parliamentary leader, Lindi-we Mazibuko.At a meeting of the DA’s federal executive to discuss Mazibuko’s decision to leave the party and study at Har-vard University, in the US, Zille said she had answered all questions “dispassionate-ly and accurately”.But some of her responses were leaked and it was claimed that she had told the DA’s top structure that she had “made” and many times “saved” Mazibuko.Zille retorted that she had worked hard to promote

Zille hits back at snipers

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Executive Mayor of the City of Joburg: Mpho “Parks” Tau

Pictured: DA leader Helen Zille

Page 8: Pioneer express may 2014

23 April 2014



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Pioneer Express


INJURY BOOST FOR STORMERScakibau (calf muscle) all returned to full team train-ing on Monday and will be considered for the Cheetahs game- Flank Sikhumbuzo Notshe (knee) and fly half Gary van Aswegen (groin) also re-joined team training- Centre and squad captain Jean de Villiers (AC Joint) will rejoin training on Tues-day and also be considered for selection against the Cheetahs- No 8 Duane Vermeulen (bumps and bruises), lock Ruan Botha (small knock to the knee) and prop Brok Harris (small AC Joint sprain) will be managed this week but will all be avail-able for selection- Prop Frans Malherbe (con-cussion) is still showing slight symptoms after taking a knock to his head against the Highlanders. He is high-ly unlikely to play this weekThe following squad players remain sidelined with inju-ries at present: Prop Steven Kitshoff (knee & foot), hookers Scarra Ntubeni (broken foot) and Tiaan Liebenberg(neck), locks Eben Etzebeth (foot), Jurie van Vuuren (shoulder), De Kock Steenkamp (groin), Rynhardt Elstadt (shoulder), Gerbrandt Grobler (shoul-der) and Manuel Carizza (wrist), scrumhalves Louis Schreuder (fractured thumb) and Godlen Masimla (wrist) and fullbacks Gio Aplon (elbow) and Ryno Eksteen (knee)

Sports 24The Stormers, fresh off their 24-8 win over the Force at the weekend, were further boosted on Monday with some good news on the in-jury front, the team’s official website reports.The Capetonians will host the Cheetahs at Newlands this coming Saturday and the likes of Oli Kebble, Schalk Burger, Jean de Villiers,Demetri Catrakilis and Sailosi Tagicakibau will be considered for selection.No 8 Duane Vermeulen, who captained the team against the Force, is being managed this week and sat out train-ing on Monday, along with lock Ruan Botha and prop Brok Harris.Neither Vermuelen, nor Botha and Harris are in doubt for the Cheetahs clash on Saturday though (17:05 kick-off).In some bad news, how-ever, prop Steven Kitshoff has also undergone a foot operation (after his initial MCL knee injury - suffered against the Highlanders) and he will be out of action for at least 16 weeks.Kitshoff’s foot injury is similar to that of Eben Etze-beth’s. Etzebeth, of course, is yet to play a game this year.The full Stormers injury re-port on Monday:- Prop Oli Kebble (concus-sion), flank Schalk Burger (back/coccyx region), fly half Demetri Catrakilis(broken nose) and wing Sailosi Tagi-

Stormers: heavy training session