Pickenhams' periodical September 2011

Village Show Flowers July 2011


September's issue

Transcript of Pickenhams' periodical September 2011

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september 2011

pickenhams’period icall

Village Show Flowers July 2011

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Welcome to P ickenhams ’ Pe r iod ica lfor North and South Pickenham published monthly by and for its parishioners

Edi tor ia l to Jonathan Reed by 15

th of previous month(please confirm my receipt of time sensitive material)

emai l to : p ickenham@gmai l .comtelephone or text 07860 631 500Braemar Houghton Lane NPCopied, collated to nearly 300 households by :Sue Bloomfield 2 The Street South Pickenham Telephone : 01760 756 204with appreciation to those who volunteer to deliver the PP come rain or shineWith thanks to all those who contribute.

The Editor of Pickenhams’ Periodical & PPV Committee accept all advertisements in good faith and accept no responsibility for services and/or goods offered. Whilst every effort is made to publish correct information in the Pickenhams’ Periodical we can accept no responsibility for any misleading or erroneous information found herein. E&OE. Although very carefully moderated, articles in the Pickenhams’ Periodical do not necessarily echo the views of the Editor, PPV Committee, other contributors, advertisers, NPPC, SPPC, or any PCCs.

Adver tising can be arrangedby contacting JonathanFull page b&w £10 per monthHalf page b&w £6 per monthQuarter page b&w £3 per monthDiscount for repeat insertionsVillage web site: http://tiny.cc/pickenham

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contact ANGELA & GRAHAMtelephone: 01760 440 225 07551 996 175emai l : anportmann@aol .co .ukwww. f l ightsof love .vpweb .co .uk

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More School HowlersMathsQ: Does anyone know what a ratio is?A: Please Miss, I think he’s a sailor.Q: How would you share 20p between four people?A: I wouldn’t because it’s hardly worth it.When asked to draw two lines of symmetry, one pupildrew two lines of grave stones.A circle is a round straight line with a hole in the middle.Q: How would a mother share four potatoes amongst fivechildren, with each of them getting an equal amount?A: Mash them, Miss.

MusicA tangerine is the smallest members of the percussion family.A folk singer is someone who sings through his nose by ear.Mozart was a child orgy.Mozart lived until the end of his life.Her singing was mutiny on the high Cs.Wagner wrote music that is better than it sounds.Q: For what was Stradivarius famous?A: For discovering the upper layer of the atmosphere.Sign on the Music Room Door ‘Bach after lunch’.

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North Pickenham Parish Council

This is a brief summary of the meeting held on 2nd August 2011. T h e t r u e a g r e e d m i n u t e s w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e a f t e r t h e n e x t m e e t i n g . E - m a i l c o p i e s a r e a l s o a v a i l a b l e o n r e q u e s t t o t h e C l e r k .

• The Bus Shelter is finally decided and has reached the planning stage with builders.

• An extra meeting was scheduled for 16th August to finalise the playing field questionnaire. Please look out for this as we need the views of the young people of the village initially, and ‘grown-ups’ afterwards.

• The seat near the village sign has been repaired (Thanks to Peter Davis). The seat on Hillside will be the next to receive some TLC. The area around the village sign is to be tidied up, a border created and, hopefully, planted up with bulbs.

• The Highways Rangers have visited the village and tidied up some areas. We are reliant on parishioners reporting any areas where work is needed for their next visit.

• Our Breckland Councillor, Cllr Darby, congratulated the village for the excellent Village Show held at the end of July. The Parish Council would like to echo these sentiments.

Next Full Meeting: Tuesday 6th September 2011, 7.30pm, Blue Lion Function Room. Agenda to be displayed on the Notice Board. Mick Lee (Parish Clerk)

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What’s On At Holme Hale PavilionEvery Wednesday

Free computing in the Tony Evans Centre from 6pm

Every FridayFree computing in the

Tony Evans Centre from 10am

Munch ‘n’ Mardle in the Main Hall 12.30pm – 5pm

Thursday 1st September 9.45am

U3A Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 7th September 7.30pm

Cash Prize Bingo

Saturday 10th September 7.30pm

Cash Prize Bingo

Sunday 11th September 8am until NoonCar Boot Sale – breakfast available

To find out more contact Pat Scott on 01760 440 525

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Take hard woodcuttings from roses, plant them straight into the ground in lines. Continue to prune climbing roses when the flowers are over.Begin collecting seeds, clean them up and store in a dry cold place.Prune out old raspberry canes and tie down this year’s new canes that will provide next summer’s fruit.There is still time to sow biennials, hardy annuals and spring flowering bulbs. Begin lifting root vegetables for eating and storing.This is the traditional time to sow garlic..Plant new strawberry plants and spring cabbages.Start mowing less frequently and it is now the time to think about giving the lawn an autumn feed to build up the grass roots for the winter, scarify and aerate. Also a great time of the year to sow or lay new lawns.Reduce the watering of houseplants and start moving them into the brightest rooms in the house. Stop feeding your pot grown plants now.Force hyacinths for Christmas.

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Hopi ear candling now availableHome visits by special arrangement

Call Yvonne on01760 724 444

Library bus will stop at:Houghton Lane 14.35 to 14.45

Blue Lion 14.50 to 15.10Whiteoaks 15.20 to 15.35

Next visit to North Pickenhamwill be on Thursday

15th Seotember 2011

2 The Bungalows10.10 to 10.20 South Lodge

10.25 to 10.40Next visit to South Pickenham

will be on Wednesday 8th & 22nd September 2011

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Down01 A severe mental disorder of isolation, disorganisation and/or delusions. 13

02 Between sunrise and sunset. 7

03 Large jungle clearing knife. 704 Simplified standard conception of something. 13

05 The act of oral hygiene. 13

09 Irritated, by pin pricks? 710 End of the railway lines. 7

Across01 Someone who enjoys inflicting pain on another. 13

06 Restrict shipment. 707 Third most spoken language. 708 Someone who foreordains by divine decree. 13

11 To organize in a new military tactical formation. 7

12 Of counting symbols. 713 Admitting to be real or true, recognising the existence. 13

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‘Discovering God Together’Autumn Programme 2011

We welcome anyone to join in our church programme. You don’t have to be a regular member of the congregation to join in and take part. If you have any questions or queries

please contact either Gil l ian (440 390) or Carolyn (755 089)


ServicesSeptember 4th Eleventh Sunday after Trinity North Pickenham 10am Discoverers Service (CW)

September 11th Twelfth Sunday after Trinity North Pickenham 10am Morning Worship (CW)

September 18th Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity North Pickenham 10am Morning Worship (CW)

September 25th Fourteenth Sunday after TrinityNorth Pickenham 4pm Harvest Festival (CW)

October 2nd Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity North Pickenham 10am Morning Worship (CW)

(CW) denotes a modern liturgical service according to ‘Common Worship’.

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telephone01760 440 22507551 996 175

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From the Parish Registers FuneralsWe express our sincere to the family and friends of Mrs Jennifer Isabel Bunning (aged 70) whose funeral took place at the Parish Church of St. Andrew’s Holme Hale on the 20th July 2011. The service was taken by the Revd Stephen Thorp.

Also to the family and friends of Mrs Ivy Lilian Florence Canham (aged 80) whose funeral took place at Mintlyn Crematorium (Kings Lynn) on the 11th August 2011. The service was taken by Mr Gordon Copsey.

Also to the family and friends of Mr Joseph Alfred (Al) Brown (aged 78) formally of Necton whose funeral took place at Ear lham Crematorium (Norwich) on the 16th August 2011. The service was taken by the Revd Stephen Thorp.

And finally to the family and friends of Mrs Verna Maud Fell whose funeral took place at the Parish Church of All Saints Necton on the 16th August 2011 followed by committal at St. Faith’s Crematorium (Norwich). The service was taken by Canon Stuar t Nairn.

May God’s special grace and peace be with you.

North Pickenham Village Show Many thanks to all who took part at the end of July. We had an excellent weekend, the judges and many visitors commented that the overall standard was very high, so well done all. We were delighted that Ken Wells, Chairman of the Parish Council, came to present the prizes and grateful to Peter Davis for running the auction with such good humour. Just over £450 was raised for St Andrew’s Church Funds. The overall Show winners for 2011 are:Prize for exhibitor with most points - Mick WrightRunner-up - Mid HoodCup for resident of North Pickenham with most points - Mick WrightCup for best exhibit in show - Trevor Vincent (garden flowers)Cup for child with most points - Alice Simpson.

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Who would have thought that in England in 2011, just a year before the Olympics, we would see so much chaos and havoc upon our streets as hundreds of people, some barely more than children, cause mayhem as they riot across the country - breaking shop windows; stealing flat-screen TVs and setting fire to property. The cost to British business has already been estimated as well in excess of £200m which is of course dwarfed by the human tragedy that has accompanied these events. The shock of seeing so many people ‘having a jolly’ as they cause such wanton theft and destruction has left a bad taste in the mouth of the overwhelmingly decent, law abiding majority – but now as perpetrators are being caught and brought before the courts, a lot of soul searching and reflection is going on as to why this has all happened and what motivated it. “This was not an angry crowd, this was a greedy crowd,” said Chris Simms, the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police. “If you’re old enough to commit the crime, you’re old enough to receive the punishment,” said David Cameron, the Prime minister. No doubt the situation is very complex with many social influences which may go some way to ‘explain’ why people have behaved the way that they have, but there are some things that we can all agree on – for some reason in those moments, there was a total disregard for other people’s property and welfare as the rioters went about their business. Not only were they morally lax and fundamentally dishonest – they felt it was alright to be so as they swept away all the usual constraints of law and order, which sullied our country’s reputation around the world and allowed Iran’s Foreign Ministry to call for ‘restraint’ as police tried to stop looters. If we accept that many of the thieves were ordinary people and not just gang members, the obvious question that arises is ‘what sort of society do we want to live in? Do we really want to live in a society where anything goes and the only goal in life is to get what one can out of it, whatever the cost and regardless of how

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it affects other people? Although it might be very convenient for us to have a sliding scale of what is theft and what is not, what do you do when other people use a scale that is different from yours? And at what point does poverty simply become a lame excuse for doing what I want? No society is perfect, but there are many countries around the world that would like to have what we have here in Britain – but if we are not careful we might adopt a culture that fundamentally changes who we are and what we have. Many people may feel that our traditional Christian values as expressed by Jesus in his ‘sermon on the mount’ and the Ten Commandments are ‘old hat’, but they are not, they are there for our guidance and our protection and we ignore them at our peril.

Yours as ever, Stephen Thorp

“You shall not steal.. ..You shall not covet your neighbour’s house ... or anything that belongs to him.”

Exodus 20.15–17

“Love your neighbour as yourself” Mark 12.31

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Norfolk Constabulary (all but emergencies) 0845 456 4567 S wa f f h a m Tow n C o u n c i l C l e r k 01760 722 922 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Breckland Council 01362 656 870 Age Concern Helpline 0800 00 99 66 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90Nor folk County Council (general enquir ies) 0844 80 0 8020 NCC Highways 0844 800 8009 Dereham library 01362 693 184Swaffham Community Centre 01760 722 800 (Denis Tallon Iceni Ptnrs)

Swaffham Museum (Easter-December) 721 230 722 255Gas Emergencies 0800 111 999 Anglian Water 0800 771 881Eastern Region Electricity Emergencies - EDF : 0800 783 8838Swaffham chemists open until 6pm 721 208 Monday & Tuesday 721 216 Wednesday & Friday Dereham pharmacy is open onSunday 10am-4pm 01362 692 793

The Macmillan Coffee Morning held at the ‘Blue Lion’ on Friday 19th August 2011 raised £300. Our grateful thanks to Mick and Caron for giving us the use of their function room again and their help and donations. Many thanks to everyone who took part and supported us, and gave so generously towards such a good cause, helped to organise and make the event so enjoyable and satisfactory. Many thanks to you all. Ann, Glebe House

Whist Evenings£1.50 per session including coffee or tea Held at The Blue Lion function roomContact Eileen 441 639 for more detailsMonday 5th & 19th September 2011 at 7.30 pm

All levels of experience very welcome whether you are a beginneror if you just want to sharpen up your game. Tuition available.

Scores for 25 th July 2011Fir s t wi th 183 was Har ry Re i l lySecond wi th 173 was Vio le t Be l l

Ha l f card wi th 86 was Sa l ly Har ry

Scores for 11 th July 2011Fir s t wi th 174 was Rosemary Ph i lpot

Second wi th 169 was Rip Far rowHal f card wi th 87 was Tony Ha i l s

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Quiz dates for this month are 11th & 28th September. New teams (up to 6 people) always welcomed.Despite weeks of practising baking my ginger cake, my offering failed to trouble the judges at the Village Show. My thanks go to the Coffee Morning ladies for their kind words and encouragement – I will continue.there’s always next time!! At least it always gets eaten on a Monday morning so it can’t be that bad!Talking of food, we will be hosting a Curry Evening to be held on Friday 30th September. There will be a limited choice of dishes and, as ever, booking is strongly advised as numbers will be limited and these evenings are always popular. Booking can be made over the bar or by phone but choices will need to be made in advance to help Trevor plan and prepare his offering. Mick & Caron

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No . 220 T h e HaNov e r iaNs Par t 36

M o r e P o l i t i c a l P r o b l e m sDuring the last years of George IV’s reign English political parties were changing. New people were coming forward while the old guard. especially the Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Liverpool and the other members of the Tories, tried to cling to power. Castlereaghs Place was taken by George Canning a man hated by the king because of his desire to abandon the link with Hanover, his somewhat liberal tendencies and the wish to recognise the independence of the ex Spanish colonies. But the main problem, as before, was the Catholic Emancipation Act which would abolish the law brought in by King Henry VIII excluding Roman Catholics from the judiciary, the armed forces, parliament and universities, and also imposed restrictions on land inheritance. All positions would be open to them except Lord Chancellor, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Royal Regent. The king feared that this might endanger the protestant nature of his kingdom but was forced to give in after Canning’s death and Wellington became premier. There is a cartoon of the period showing the duke kissing the Pope’s toe. There was also the matter of the royal succession. King George III and Queen Charlotte had fifteen children including nine males and, although there were numerous illegitimate children fathered by them, only one, Edward Duke of Kent, had a legitimate child - a daughter ‘Georgiana Charlotte Augusta Alexandrina Victoria’ born in 1819. If she did not survive, what then? A return to the Stewart dynasty would cause uproar. The king’s artistic tastes mellowed with the passing of the years, from the somewhat vulgar ostentation of Regency

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to more dignified buildings. The Brighton Pavilion was finally finished in 1822 and, from then on, very little used owing to a fear of assassination. Also the king’s mistress, the Marchioness Conyngham, hated the place where she felt more exposed. The cartoon artists at this time made great fun of this relationship, both were very obese and the lady, who was bigger than George, so that when she sat on his lap he disappeared! The king’s health now gave course for concern. From 1824 onwards he was frequently in pain, suffering both from gout and internal troubles. To alleviate the discomfort he took large doses of laudanum, an opiate that made him drowsy, and it was not unknown for ministers to undertake the journey from London to Winsor to consult only to find their sovereign to weary for an audience. With his face a mask of rouge and grease paint he became increasingly sensitive to the gaze of his subjects. Bob Davey MBE

Dawn’s Mobile Beauty TherapyTr e a t m e n t s i n y o u r o w n h o m e

N o n e e d t o t r a v e lP r o f e s s i o n a l & h i g h l y q u a l i f i e d t h e r a p i s t

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Princess Pamper Party (a popular option for young girls and teens alike)

And many more treatments on request

Call Dawn on


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Ken Wells Chairman 32 Latimer Way 01760 440 702

David Harper Vice Chairman 1 Brecklands Green 01760 441 168

Jill Ball Councillor 39 Latimer Way 01760 441 633

Karina Eagle Councillor Peacock CottageThe Street 01760 440 284

Kevin Hughes Councillor 5 Hill View 01760 440 940

Wil Smith Councillor BallakeiganHoughton Lane

01760 440 436

Simon Ward Councillor 3 Hill View 01760 440 611

Mick Lee Parish Clerk Blue Lion PH 01760 440 289

North Pickenham Parish Council

Carolyn Vincent St Andrew’s Church Secretary 01760 755 089

JennyBlackburne All Saint’s Church Secretary 01760 756 219

Sheila Warner Women’s Institute 01760 440 156

ReverendStephen Thorp Rector Benefice of Necton 01760 722 021

Jeni Barnacle St Andrew’s Primary Head 01760 440 392

Pickenhams’ Contacts

John Blackburne Chairman Daleacres 01760 756 219

Sue Bloomfield Councillor 2 The Street 01760 756 204

Chris & Lyn Pitt Councillors 01760 756 177

South Pickenham Parish Council

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Jacqueline D Smart MSSCh MBChA


Appointments available in your own home or at my surgery in North PickenhamPlease phone for more details on:

Telephone: 01760 441 087 Mobile: 07879 875 882 HPC Registered

Welcome to the ‘Little Sunbeams’ Pre-school (OFSTED Registration No: EY283908)

Little Sunbeams is a unique partnership with St. Andrew’s CE VC Primary School and is based with our Reception pupils within a Foundation Stage Unit. The unit offers a

creative, nurturing, child centred provision using both the indoor and outdoor learning environments, where each child is supported to reach their potential through the

expertise of our highly qualified and experienced staff. Session Opening Times:

• Monday to Friday; 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon & 12 noon to 3.00 p.m. • Lunchtime wrap-around available from 12 noon to 1.00 p.m. for children who attend morning sessions.

Funding / Costs: • Early Years Funding is available to children aged 3 and over for 15 hrs a week • A child becomes eligible for funding from the start of the term after their 3rd birthday.

For children under 3 years (and those children requiring extra sessions) the costs are as follows: • Each 3 hour session is charged at £8.40 • Lunchtime wrap-around, if required, is charged at £2.80

We aim to provide flexible child care to suit both child and parent needs including Cosmic Crew our ‘Before and After’ School Clubs from 8am till 5pm.

If you want further information about ‘Little Sunbeams’, please contact Susie on 01760 440392 or e-mail us on [email protected]

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