PI - Science | AAASThe Disposal of Household Wastes," a discussion of thebest tmethods oftreatment...

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Transcript of PI - Science | AAASThe Disposal of Household Wastes," a discussion of thebest tmethods oftreatment...

Page 1: PI - Science | AAASThe Disposal of Household Wastes," a discussion of thebest tmethods oftreatment the sewage of isolated country houses, ofsuburban dwellings, of houses in villages









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Page 2: PI - Science | AAASThe Disposal of Household Wastes," a discussion of thebest tmethods oftreatment the sewage of isolated country houses, ofsuburban dwellings, of houses in villages

SCIENCE.ters what he calls " natural tnonopolies," or, in other words, thatit increases the cost of food and the rent of land. His argumentsin support of this position are strangely inconclusive, and thewhole theory is upset by the examlple of the English corn-laws.It was not free trade, but protection, that made food dear in Eng-land; and it would have become still dearer if the corn laws had*not been repealed. Professor Patten advocates protectionism, notas a temporary expedient, but as "part of a fixed national policy"(p. 8). He maintains that " our economic conditions are so dif-ferent from those of any foreign nation that an Amnerican in(lus-trial policy must be of a distinct type from that of other nations"(p. 14); and he thinks it best for us to "isolate ourselves" asmuch as possible from the nations of Europe. Such are some ofthe salient points of the vwork; but we doubt if they will havemuch influence on public opinion,

AMONG THE PUBLISRERS.A SMALL geological rmap of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Den-

mark, Finland, Iceland Greenland, and Spitzbergen, by Dr. HIansReusch, the director of the Norwegian Geological Suirvey, haslately been published in Christiania, Norway. Copies of this mnapwill be sent postpaid, on receipt of 40 cents, by N. D. C. Hodges,47 Lafayette Place, New York.-John Wiley & Sons announce as in preparation ' Elliptic

Functions," by Professor Arthur L. Baker of Stevens Institute.-George Keil, publisher, 1214 Filbert Street, Pbiladelphia, re-

quests the members of the medical profession in the States of New

307York, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa, to forward, at their ear-liest convenience, the following points: name in full, school ofgraduation and year, post-office address, anfd State. This will heused in the pages of the "Medical Register Directory and Intelli-gencer;" Dr. William B. Atkinson, editor. A copy of the bookwill be forwarded without charge to each physician whose nameappears in its pages. Thie matter in preparation for it is of suchvalue that every one who receives a copy will be sure to keep itat hand for reference. Its list of national and local medical or-ganizations and post-office addresses of physicians will be com-plete to date of issue, besides other information.

-Alessrs. E. & F. N. Spon announce as ready about June 1"The Disposal of Household Wastes," a discussion of the besttmethods of treatment of the sewage of isolated country houses,of suburban dwellings, of houses in villages and smaller towns,and of large instittutions, and of the modes of removal and dis-posal of garbage, ashes, and other solid house-refuse, by W. P.(ierhard. They also annotnce as published, ' Tropical Agricul-ture" (new edition, revised, biringing down the statistical andgeneral information to the present tirme), a treatise on the etlture,preparation, commlerce, and consumnption of the principal prod-ucts of th-e vegetable kingdoim, by P. L. Simmonds; "IBuchanan'sTables of Squares," containing the square of ev'ery foot, inch, andsixteenth of an inlcIl between one-sixteenth of an inch and fiftyfeet, by E. E. Buchanan; and " Domaestic Electricity for Ama-teurs," an interestiog book for the generil reader as well as theelectrician, translated fromn the French of E. Hospitalier, withadditions, by C. J. Whiarton.

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