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  • 7/30/2019 Photo Page Kircher PDF



    Khabir Shareef believes that, although the Civil

    War divided the U.S. in the 1860s, it is the reason

    why this country is strong and unied today.

    Shareef is one of many people proud to

    teach todays generations about the war by re-

    enacting characters, lifestyles and battles at

    Conner Prairie Interactive History Park in Fishers.

    The parks annual Civil War Days on Saturday and

    Sunday will include Confederate and Union camps

    and re-enactments of a battle between the two sides.

    This is a very signicant time in our history,

    said Shareef, who will play the roles of two

    soldiers. Americans were ghting Americans,

    so families were divided -- father against son,

    brother against brother. Families have ghts, but

    when they get through that, the bond is tighter.

    Same with America. That is one of the things

    that contributes to the strength of the United States.

    We fought amongst ourselves to have individual

    freedoms, and we are going to protect that.

    Conner Prairie has had Civil War Days for more

    than a decade, and this year will commemorate the

    150th anniversary of the beginning of the war, said

    Alpha Garrett, spokeswoman for Conner Prairie.

    More than 600 U.S. re-enactors come to

    participate in the states largest re-enactment.

    Activities and exhibits will complement the battle

    re-enactment scheduled for 2 p.m. each day.

    Last year we had upward of 10,000 people over

    the two days who talked to re-enactors, watched

    the battle, explored the camps, Garrett said.

    Cavalry shows, musket shootings, and

    demonstrations of surgery and embalming

    methods used in eld hospitals will be offered.

    Women and children dressed in period

    clothing will show what life was like at home

    while the men in the family went off to war.

    Re-enactors will talk about their lifestyles and

    experiences at war and at home. People may see

    a familiar face in the crowd -- an actor portraying

    President Abraham Lincoln will talk with families.

    Shareef, 63, Westeld, will play two black men

    who were members of the U.S. Colored Troops.

    One character is Pvt. George Washington, who is a

    composite character from Indianas black regiment,

    which had eight men by that name. The other character

    is Maj. Martin Delaney, a commander during the war.

    Shareef enjoys playing these roles and

    educating people about the war. At age 40 he rst

    learned about black Civil War soldiers, and he

    wants others to learn about that history as well.

    Initially, blacks were permitted to ght, but

    after the Emancipation Proclamation, black men

    were able to participate as soldiers, he said. Their

    participation was not merely to preserve the union

    but to gain dignity. If the North won, they would be

    Te reinacting conederate troops march into battle withtheir genuine antique 1840s Springeld rifes in hand.

    Lef: Te cannon crew o the 193rdConederacy Inantry prepare to re ontothe Union; Below Top:Anne Waterbottomsbathes her child Charlie in a Civil War eratub; Below: Smitty McCutchens stares atsoldies o the Union in awe.