Photo Elicitation Project

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Photo Elicitation Project

Transcript of Photo Elicitation Project


    Photo Elicitation Project (Part 2)

    Crystal Norwood

    Loyola University Chicago



    As I reflect on my first photo elicitation project I found myself changing many of my photos to

    encompass a broader understanding of oppression, social justice, and privilege. The photos that I

    included changed drastically which is partially due to my engagement and the learning

    experience inside and outside the classroom. I am now able to develop a deeper understanding

    around these issues and find pictures that connect to the issues and not just the surface for these

    issues. When I began to examine my first set of photos, I noticed that I could have delvedmuch

    deeper and incorporated self in the photos which did not come to my mind when I did this photo

    project the first time. As I began to read articles and have discussion in class I can now see how

    my own identities can be incorporated into this project. I found myself adding my own

    experience and identities into part two of the photo elicitation project.

    In my original project I did not incorporate any of my identities and I used them in my

    final project because they are more salient to me now. I am constantly thinking about my

    identity in different setting and environments. I decided to include pictures that were personal

    and ones that I had a deep connection with, which this final has become a reflection of how I

    come to understand social oppression, privilege and social justice. My lived experience

    contributes to what photographs I decided to take then it did for part one of the assignments.

    Through this class I gained an in depth understanding of the three concepts and I felt triggered at

    points because it seems as though I was reliving or revisiting these moments as I was writing the

    descriptions. The main edits that I made in part two of this project related to my everyday life

    experience, and my intersecting identities.




    This is a new picture for the final photo elicitation project. This picture with my scarf on

    my head speaks to the notion of oppression. Being that I identify as a Black women, there are

    many stereotypes attached to my identity. I am often asked many questions about my hair and if

    others can touch it. I tie my hair down because of the texture of my hair is different from other

    races. If I have a scarf on my head I would not go outside or even let people see because of their

    judgment. Where I grew up it was normal to go outside and wear your scarf on your head but I

    never did because the stereotypes that people associate it with such as Ghetto, dirty, and

    insecure. As Roy stated in the dialogue of Racism that in his undergraduate institution a

    fraternity wanted to have a ghetto style party and it became an uproar because it was about

    racism. The party was related to black women mostly and how they would dress with scarves

    scarfs and what Black women do, which was made into a mocking party. I believe that having

    such party and the racist thought of others is hurtful, disheartening and insulting. I do not think it

    is okay to degrade black women and that is what the students were doing. In Race and Racism

    by Yamato she demonstrates that my experience is connected to the category

    unaware/unintentional racism because it comes from not really knowing that your behavior is

    racist until you get called out on it.


    This picture is a new picture for religious oppression. The Ten Thousand Ripples project

    is a partnership between Chicago-based artist Indira Johnson, Changing Worlds, LUMA, and

    other cultural and educational organizations across the city and suburbs. The purpose of this

    project is to inspire discussion about peace, violence, and other contemporary issues in the

    Chicagoland area. Being that Loyola University Chicago is a Jesuit Catholic institution, it is a

    privilege for Christians and Catholics to be able to walk around campus and express their

    religion comfortably. One of the Buddhas statues is placed in front of the Centennial Forum

    Student Union and as I was walking one evening I noticed added pieces to it. As I went to go

    look at it and I noticed a post-it on the Buddha head that said We are not Buddhist We are

    Catholic. I crumbled the post-it immediately because it was hurtful. This demonstrates to

    oppression. Through class discussion and readings I think the person that wrote the post-it had

    some strong feelings about this statue being placed on campus. For me this image embodies

    oppression and shows how hateful this can be for someone that is of the Buddhist faith.


    This card is a new photo that I decided to add. This is a Benefit card that means a lot to me as

    far as access and oppression. This is a card that the government issues families that are in need

    of food, which the government puts money on the card once a month according to families

    income. This card is equivalent to the old paper food stamps. This is oppressive because it is

    forcing individuals that are less fortunate to find other means, which I appreciate that the

    government support but individuals like to make this option hurtful for those who have to result

    to this. When I go to stores to buy groceries and I am at the register to pay I try to hide the card

    because I do not want others to see me using this card because I already know what they are

    thinking because in past experiences I had some bad experience when people did see me or my

    family using it. Many associate this card with Black people; stereotypes that are related to this

    are poor, less educated, and living in the projects.

    During the classism dialogue and the activity Dr. Bridget Kelly facilitated on classism

    education really shined light on how someones economic status can be oppressive to families. I

    remember specially my group struggling to spend the money that was allotted to us because of

    the fear of running out.


    Social Justice


    This photo of the Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (SDMA) was a photo that

    I used in my first photo project but I decided to move the photo from oppresion to Social Justice.

    When I first looked at the office I was looking through a different lens. I see the SDMA office as

    a support system for the LGBTQI community so I placeed it under social justice. I also see this

    office as a space on campus where student of various backrounds can gather and build

    community. Throughout this semester I seen this office promoted social justice and diversity

    through various angles such as programs, training and retreats. Social Justice is a both a process

    and a goals. According to Adams, Bell and Griffin (1997) define social justice as both a process

    and a goal. "The goal of social justice education is full and equal participation of all groups in a

    society that is mutually shaped to meet their needs. Social justice includes a vision of society that

    is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure. This office

    also provided outlets for students to feel comfortable, as well as work with student in their

    coming out process and how others can be allies for them. They cover what identity means and

    what it means to be an ally for various communities. This center revolves around shinig the light

    on peoples diversebackgrounds and celebrating issues and things in a open environement.


    This is currently a new photo that I took to represent social justice. This is a picture of my close

    friends who are strong advocates for social justice. This picture exemplifies two happy men,

    who are dating and consider themselves free being that they openly gay with family and friends.

    According to Berube (2003) in the How gay stays White and what kind of white it stays article

    states the way that I am gay will always be shaped by the way that I am white (2003, p.277).

    They both are explained how their identity of being black and white has also intersected with

    their identity of being gay. They both explained that it is hard to separate their identities when

    both are salient. One of the men stated that when they came out to their parents, his mother said

    I already knew Jesus told me, I was just waiting on you, and I will always love you and support

    you (A. Greenwald, Personal Communication, November 11th). I hope as a society we can

    move past this oppression and be inclusive of all identities.


    I feel that this picture represents social justice on many metaphoric levels. Loyola

    University Chicago has repeatedly stated that it advocates for social justice in the Chicagoland

    area, nationally, and globally. The wall that Loyolas name and crest is mounted on is dirty,

    which I feel represents the reality of its social justice mission. The reason being is that it even

    though Loyolas mission is social justice, at times its not going to be perfect. In reality, many of

    the events that Loyola advocates for may simply put a band-aid on the issues rather than actually

    changing the systems in place. In addition, Loyolas presence has caused gentrification of the

    Rogers Park community, for the positive or negative. I believe that the construction in the

    background furthers this point. The construction could be used as a metaphor for the work that

    Loyola cannot stop doing if it wishes to continue fighting for Social Justice. The work is long

    and tiring but you must continue at it because the result will be to the benefit of all.




    My passport is a photo that I added that was not in my first photo elicitation project. I decided to

    change the picture of Loyola sign, which I understand that education is a privilege and I believe

    that it is something that I often think about because how I got where I am today. I decided to

    change because I wanted delve deeper and think of something that I often do not think about

    which is my passport. This photo has to say a lot such as access and affordability. I took it for

    granted and is something I dont think about because I do not travel often. I would also venture

    to say its a privilege because it is not something you have to do but something most people do

    for leisure like myself. Not everyone can travel or use a passport for identity for various reasons

    and I have the opportunity to travel outside the states and explore other places without being

    questioned because a passport holds a lot of power.


    This is also a new picture I taken during the Chicago Thanksgiving holiday parade.

    Through speaking with people that were attending, I was trying to get an idea of what kind of

    parade this was and how it compared to the Macys parade in New York. This year Chicago

    decided to go with the theme of Disney. As I was watching the parade it was festive and

    beautiful, but I do not think it was inclusive of all holidays during this season. Not once did they

    have a menorah or a dreidel just to name a few traditional items used through different holidays,

    but I did see a Christmas tree and Santa Claus. I instantly noticed that and one of my colleagues

    decided not to go because of these reasons and she is not a Christian. In Confronting the

    Complexities of Christian Privilege Through Interfaith Dialogue by Larson and Shady expressed

    how Christians have many options and not just on the basis of doctrine but in regards to musical

    style, times of services, and even day to day living. This parade is a prime example of the

    options that Christians have (Larson & Shady, 2012, p.2).


    This is a new picture that I added to privilege, which is my health care card. Today in

    society one of the biggest issues that we bring up is that of healthcare and who has access to it.

    To a certain extent everyone can go see a doctor, but others can not afford to pay for that visit,

    pay for the prescriptions drugs or even pay for accessibility to a hospital or a medical facility.

    For example, in order to receive healthcare I depend on my foster care agency to provide for me;

    before I relocated to the agency I did not have healthcare because my parents could not afford.

    In reality healthcare is costly and it is a privilege to be able to obtain it, I do not take it for

    granted because at point I did not have it. I can now go to the doctor or dentist without thinking

    anything of it. I now have the option of not having relied on obtaining medicine from a friend, I

    can go to a doctor. Access to healthcare and medicine is a privilege in every sense because there

    are tons of people all over the country that cannot afford and cannot enjoy the same benefits

    because the means to afford it.




    Thinking about oppression now, I believe that I have been challenged from many angles.

    In taking pictures I wanted to address oppression pertaining to my identities. To me,

    oppression is the act of using power to empower and/or privilege group at the expense of

    disempowering, marginalizing, silencing, and subordinating another. Oppression is deeply

    overwhelming in our society and we can tend to overlook it or not recognize and name the

    reality. Through the readings, especially Teaching and Reading for Diversity and Social Justice,

    it has brought to my attention that oppression can take on many forms, which some are more

    subtle than others. Over the semester, I really paid attention to the identities I hold and how they

    intersect. I also focused more each day when I am emerged in different experiences which

    identities are more salient at the moment. Exploring identities being a woman has not been in

    my forefront as much but I came to the understanding that it can be an oppressed identity and

    how it is.

    The picture with that connects to religion really had an impact on me. Even though I am

    not of that particular faith and I was really hurt by the post -it that was posted on the Buddha

    head. I just believe that oppression is all around us and is something that we must acknowledge

    to create change. I also believe that someone has to be the change and start putting an end to

    oppression. I am unsure of how many people actually saw the post it but I made an effort to take

    it off and throw it away. What concerns me with this image is that the purpose for the Buddha is

    for peace, which I am unsure if some people understand.

    Over the semester, I have explored my identity as woman and, specifically, as a Black

    woman, which is the reason why I chose the picture with me wearing the scarf on my head.


    During the Racism dialogue, which is the one I facilitated, I was triggered by the topic and the

    comments that were stated. I believe this topic puts me in such a place because not only because

    oppression and discrimination is embedded in our society but many people are unaware of then

    perpetuating it. In the dialogue Rachel explained that there was a point in her life that she did

    not know she was being racist because that is what she was taught by her parents, which many

    others also agreed with her. In the readings by Adams, Bell, and Griffin (2007), it is stated that

    Oppression is so deeply rooted in our lives that it can be easily overlooked. It is an infusion of

    systematic discrimination, personal bias, and social prejudice that encapsulate almost every part

    of our lives. I believe this is true and I have experience and witnessed where such racism and

    oppression has been overlooked.

    Social Justice

    Through class discussion and class readings as well as being immersed in Social Justice

    at Loyola it helped me to define and make meaning of this concept. Social justice to me is

    standing against the grain when most are opposed. I believe it is about being brave enough to

    stand up and become a part of a cause so you can make a difference in the world. I believe that

    everyone should become involved in social justice because there are so many injustices in the

    world let alone in our society, which is something that was brought to light in many dialogues,

    readings, and presenters throughout this semester. It is also about the act of courage and bravery

    to bring an issue that they, as well as others, to bring awareness and change.

    When I did this project the first time I used photos such as Loyola ramp near the Student

    Union, Mundelein as ministry tries to make Loyola a home for all faiths, and the gender neutral

    bathroom which I believe all are great photos but there is more to be said about social justice and

    I think I had the ability to dig deeper after given the opportunity to engage in dialogue and in


    conversation with peers. I think the second time around I was able to embrace the idea of social

    justice and the many components of it. After revisiting this project, I decided to use three

    photographs that pertained to identity and self-expression. I changed them drastically because I

    believed these were the areas I was lacking understanding and I wanted to challenge my gained


    In Kamaro Abubakar and Andrew Millers dialogue on Social Justice and Diversity we

    spoke about the fear that comes up and the discomfort when talking about these topics under this

    umbrella term, which I shared that it is important that we lean into discomfort and it is okay to

    feel not at ease or triggered. Sometimes there needs to be one person to stand up for a ripple to

    take place. Its important to name these injustices and start to make change. I believe that

    humans should be able to live life in peace, free to believe what they want, dress they way they

    want and so forth, as long as it is not at another person expense.

    I changed my social justice photos through the project because with my first photo

    elicitation project I believe that I was touching in surface level social justice and I believe these

    new photos really helped me to dig deeper and represent my understanding of being an ally,

    being inclusive, as well as different aspects of social justice. Social justice involves identifying

    the oppress and then taking collective action to affect change (Higbee & Barajas, 2007, p.17). I

    think this quote emphasizes my belief in social justice and what it means to me and how I have

    interpreted it through this semester.


    Privilege is a special advantage of a particular group of people. McIntosh (1989) article

    White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack really helped me to identify my privilege as

    well as other peoples privilege. My first project had photographs of the basic concepts that relate


    to privilege. I often do not realize the privileges that I have and focus on what others have. This

    course increased my understanding that I do hold privileges and what those mean ,and how will

    that impact the my work in Student Affairs. I used the photographs of my passport because a

    passport holds so much power and privilege, which I never explored as much. A passport to be

    serves as multiple purposes and allows for many opportunities that many people will never have.

    During class we spoke about how Christian privilege is an overarching privilege of

    advantages bestowed on Christian. Being a Christian myself I have never looked at my religion

    as a privilege and I believe that is due to my privilege. The Thanksgiving parade in downtown

    Chicago this year theme was Disney and showcased many vendors and businesses. Throughout

    this parade I have seen much Christian privilege such as Santa Claus, Christmas trees, and

    ornaments, but in the parade I have not seen anything pertaining to other holidays during this

    season. It is really sad that we disregard other holiday and forget or do not recognize holidays

    even in a big holiday parade, where a lot of people gather and watch every year.

    In my picture pertaining to healthcare I believe that Allan Johnson (2006) alludes to this

    picture because privilege exist when one group has something of value that is denies to others

    simply. This also connects that privilege is not always something that is earned, or given to

    someone it comes in different forms. What I have learned is that recognizing your privilege

    whether it was given to you or your earned it is the same as engaging in social justice practices.

    I also understand now that privilege is deeply rooted in society and groups as much as it is in

    individual peoples personality. It is important that we know our privilege because they have an

    impact on us and on others and it makes us who we are. Allan Johnson stated Denying that

    privilege exists is a serious barrier to change. (Johnson, 2006, p.21) As an inspiring Student


    Affairs Practitioner I am hoping to explore how I can use my privilege and power to advocate for

    others as well as be an agent for change.


    This photo project has given me the opportunity to reflect on many concepts of social

    justice, oppression and privilege. Through this semester I have learned about many identities

    and how they intersect with other identities. I also learned a lot about myself and how I can

    advocate for social justices but keeping in mind my own identity. I recognized that if I want to

    be an agent for change I must recognize the dichotomy of privilege and oppression that exist in

    society, because it is deeply embedded in the society we live in today. I learned that I must focus

    on my own privilege to effectively promote social justice. Issues of social justice, oppression

    and privilege are a part of our society and in Student Affairs and Higher Education work. It is

    important to be aware of these issues that exist and move to creating a more socially just

    environment for ourselves, our students and our communities

    Through engaging in dialogue and analyzing the class readings I was able to define these

    three key areas of oppression, social justice, and privilege. I was able to incorporate these three

    key concepts in my role as a future Student Affairs practitioner. Through this course I now

    understand how can I ensure that all students are being treated equal and how can we educate

    students so that they understand their role in creating a more just society. This project helped me

    to recognize diversity and the complexity of social justice issues. This course allowed me to I

    expand my understanding of the concepts and develop skills though the dialogue to assist

    students and myself. Overall I was able to continue to develop and challenge myself to

    thoughtfully consider others experiences as well as consider social justice and these issues that


    they face in their lives. Formulating and understanding my own personal experience to create

    change was definitely included through this semester and through this assignment.



    Adams, M. J., Bell L. A., & Griffin P. (2007). Teaching for diversity and social justice


    ed.). New York: Routledge.

    Berube, A. (2003). How gay stays White and what kind of white it stays. In M. S. Kimmel, & A.

    L. Ferber (Eds.). Privilege: A reader (pp. 253-283). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

    Higbee, J.L. & Barajas, H.L. (2007). Building effective places for multicultural learning. About

    Campus, 12(3) 16-22.

    Johnson, A. G. (2006). Privilege, power, and difference (2nd

    ed.). Boston: McGraw

    Larson, M.H. & Shady, S. (2012). Confronting the complexities of Christian privilege

    through interfaith dialogue. Journal of College & Character, 13(2), 1-8.

    McIntosh, P. M. (1989, July-August). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Peace

    and Freedom, 10-12.

    Yamato, G. (2004). Something about the subject makes it hard to name. In M. L. Anderson, & P.

    H. Collins (Eds.), Race, class, and gender: An anthology (5th

    ed.; pp. 99-108). Belmont,

    CA: Thomson Wadsworth.